#I hope this makes sense !! I'm a very anecdotal person 💀
ftmtftm · 3 months
hi there, youve mentioned having done activist work in the past and i was wondering if you had any tips for like... "breaking in" so to say?? i really want to Do Good irl but i have no idea how and where to start, where to find other people Doing Good
Getting involved with/paying attention to local government / local politics, as well as finding ways you can intentionally disrupt the settings you're currently in.
At the very least that's how I got involved in the beginning. Like, just using myself as an example - my activism began by organizing my high school's Day of Silence and helping to lead talk backs about queer identity through our GSA (retitled to Gender and Sexuality Alliance, rather than Gay Straight Alliance). It got more disruptive when I helped organize a silent sit down during the Pledge of Allegiance in the wake of Mike Brown's murder - that almost got us all detention/suspended before my dad threatened to sue the school for violating our First Amendment right to not pledge to the flag.
That all led to me talking at local government meetings in protest of a city ordinance that would have allowed businesses to ban trans people from their restrooms when I was a senior - which in turn exposed me to my wider community activist scene where I was then able to get involved with things like our local memorials for Pulse and the creation of spaces for queer youth in our community.
(This is a total sidebar but that then spiraled several years forward into my grandma helping lead discussions on accepting queer family members at her own church and this 75 year old woman going to protest the high school in support of a teacher who was told to take the trans flag in her room down and I'm still so immensely proud of that.)
That's all to say: It builds on itself. You've gotta start by involving yourself in self advocacy, disruption in your own spaces in the ways you're able to, and involving yourself in your community - and then? Others see that, in both negative and overwhelmingly positive ways. Like, to be completely clear: I've gotten a lot of shit from people around me on top of all of the good but it was and still is so worth it.
I do think it can be really dependent on your community and environment, but people do find each other. If you just start doing good in whatever ways are currently within your control, people who do the same will start becoming more and more visible to you and you'll be more welcomed into those spaces and resources in time.
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loverboyromanroy · 2 years
ok hi hope you don't mind a commentary but the ask you got made me think! i feel like roman and gerri’s storyline is a genuine addition to the main story, given how much she has been impacting his personal growth for the past two seasons. the show might be at a point where they could end their plotline but i honestly don’t think that’s going to happen! there’s a lot of room for development right now, their situation is pretty delicious and imo the writers are fools if they won’t focus even a little bit on roman and gerri’s changed dynamic. gerri’s not a family member but she offers that little outsider’s view to the whole mess despite being fully tangled in it herself too. gerri is also arguably a very popular character, not to mention the fact they already have approximately 1.5 female characters so it’d also be very dumb of them to not continue with the plot.
oh no please jump in! i totally agree with your points...and also thank you for reminding me of a point i meant to include in my last answer – gerri isn't family...but isn't she? she's shiv's godmother and she's arguably logan's most trusted ally (in rewatching season 1, the pilot is meant to make you give that title to frank but then they spend the rest of season 1 showing logan's reliance on gerri specifically – she's at his right-hand position during vote of no confidence, she's his spy and then surrogate at shiv's wedding, he literally likes and values her more than the other c-suite folks). i think that alone is enough to legitimize her as folded into the family when it comes to our central story...add in her very complicated relationship with roman in s2 & s3 and we do really have a lot of ground left to cover going forward 👀
also adding in a couple of relevant replies from that last ask:
@wonderpommey said: I think the only thing I heard was Kieran saying Jessee thought it could be interesting to have to have Roman be bi. They obviously followed the actors connection and embraced Roman and Gerri but pretty sure they want to go back to their original idea. that being said they’ve attached themselves to Roman and Gerri in a big way so doubt they can fully let it go. at least I hope not!
yes! that jumped out to me from the official succession podcast (on my main pre-sideblog 💀) and even at the time i found the way they decided that they couldn't have that be part of roman's whole thing like...a little dismissive? i was actually really glad they seemed to have circled back to it in season three (the trainer jerk off sessions anecdote coming back, the homoerotic bathroom scenes) and i hope they continue to peel back the layers of that part of his characterization in season four, especially given the way logan (and shiv and everyone) was hammering home his psychosexual problems in the last two episodes of season three.
@pinkmaned said: I read in an interview with Kieran that Tabitha’s job was basically corporate mentorship, but the scenes explaining that were cut. that gives me the feeling that they had planned for some of the beats of the Gerri arc to happen with Tabs, but with the chemistry between J. and Kieran I think they ended up giving it to Gerri.
oooh thank you for this tidbit! that makes a lot of sense for where season 1 ends with tabitha (his WILD marriage proposal after only knowing her for a week lol) and i could see in hindsight how they made that hand off in 2x03 (by having gerri step in and literally say "don't get your business advice from tabitha when i'm right here")...i did love tabs and thought she was a good and fun partner for roman, but god i can't imagine that season 2 storyline playing out with anyone other than gerri/j
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