#I hope yall like me doing these lyric quote things with the song link cause its basically the songs I have on loop when drawing the thing
skooblesleepymaw · 2 years
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All the bad dreams you hide, show me yours I'll show you mine
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ikesenhell · 6 years
LiveWrite! Lightning Prompts
Hey yall! We had an absolutely hilarious time last night. It was great hanging out with you guys. There was wine, a bunch of me getting timed as I vaulted my couch (I’m still salty about that 44 seconds), games, and me laughing incoherently at a stupid meme. 
We also did a round of prompts! I took suggestions from the lovely audience and wrote mini-fics to it. They’re too short to have their own entries, so here they are!
Prompt: Masamune sees a modern kitchen. There is a blender. Shenanigans ensue.
>TUMBLR USERNAME: @darkmindsthinktwistedthoughts
“Kitten?” Masamune circled the kitchen as if it were going to attack, eye narrowed in thought at the appliances in neat rows. “What is… all of this?”
“Oh. Um…” Honestly, the idea of explaining a toaster to a warlord was not something that had crossed her mind at the time. “Yeah, so, a couple of these are appliances? We use them for different things. Like, this is a stove…”
She went to open it, but his attention was already elsewhere. Experimentally he fiddled with the tab of the toaster, watching the basket inside drop and rise at his touch. “What’s this one?”
“You put bread in it to toast it.”
“Huh.” On to the next thing. It figured that he would breeze through each of them. “And what’s this one?”
“Uh, maybe don’t touch that one, it’s a--”
Too late. He punched the button and the blender whirred to life, rattling along the counter.
And Masamune’s first instinct was to punch it. It skittered off the end of the countertop and unplugged itself, crashing to the floor.
“That’s a blender,” she managed, hoping desperately it still worked.
“What does it do?”
“Now? Maybe nothing. But it’s supposed to break down things like fruits so you can drink them, things like that.”
“Oh.” He grimaced. “Sorry, Kitten.”
Prompt: Explaining germ theory to Ieyasu while trying not to sound crazy.
>TUMBLR USERNAME: @velociraptor-detective
He stared at her like she had three heads, which… alright, fair.
“It’s what?” He repeated, the pestle and mortar poised in his hands.
“So in the future, we kind of figured out that diseases are caused by like, bacteria? Which is like, teeny tiny organisms.”
Ieyasu’s other eyebrow raised to meet the first. “And where do these ‘organisms’ live?”
“Everywhere?” Never again would she take Google for granted. “Like, some of them are in the air, and they’re in the dirt and stuff, it’s why when you get a wound super dirty it gets infected, and why if you’re treating several people with the same thing and you go to someone who isn’t sick, they can get sick with the same thing--by the way, if you aren’t washing your hands between patients already, you really should do that--”
“I’m clean,” he snipped, clearly confused.
“No, no, not like that, I didn’t mean it like that--”
He frowned and set down the mortar, clapping his hands together. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll go and wash them now.”
She paused and thought about that. Apparently that was as good as it might get. “...yeah. I’d appreciate that.”
Prompt: Nobunaga reacting to dance music.
>TUMBLR USERNAME: @ikemensegokufangirl
“What are these things you keep quoting, Sasuke?”
Sasuke shoved his glasses up his nose and appraised the warlord draped over the couch. Out of all the things he’d never anticipated in going back to the past, he certainly hadn’t expected to bring The Nobunaga Oda™ back with them. Part of him was a little sad that they hadn’t convinced Ieyasu to join.
“The memes?” He asked. “Or the song lyrics?”
From the kitchen, she peered around the corner and shot him a look. Don’t play Mr. Brightside, it whispered. He won’t get it.
“I believe it’s the song lyrics, not the memes.” Nobunaga stretched languidly. “What kind of music does your time have?”
Well. There were two ways this could go. One, he could answer the inquiry legitimately and play a sampling of music for Nobunaga, taking him through Mowtown and Hip Hop and K-Pop and Rock and Roll. No doubt it would be fun to see someone from the fifteen hundreds hear how far music had come.
But then there was the funny way, and Sasuke wanted a little bit of that first.
“Certainly.” He flipped on the TV and cast his laptop screen onto it. A YouTube video sat poised for the click. “Here’s a good one.”
“Sasuke,” she warned.
Too late. He clicked the link and the familiar pop synth sound of Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley filled the apartment.
“You can’t pull one on me, I was trained by Kenshin!” Sasuke was already sprinting to the front door, Nobunaga watching with bemusement as his former Chatelaine chased the ninja out onto the street.
Prompt: Mitsuhide tries his hand at breakdancing.
>TUMBLR USERNAME: @darkmindsthinktwistedthoughts
She really, really, really shouldn’t have left Mitsuhide alone with Sasuke.
It was one thing when it was Shingen or Yukimura. He’d taught the two of them to fist bump, but at least they had a measure of restraint. Mitsuhide had no such limitations. What made it worse was that he knew he wasn’t making any of the references correctly--no doubt he could see it on her face--and he just doubled down and did it anyway.
“Good morning, Chatelaine,” he’d told her one day, slipping down the halls past her. “Your eyebrows are on fleek.”
She’d had to sit with her face in her hands for the better part of an hour before she got over that one.
But no. Then Sasuke had to go and up the ante.
“Chatelaine,” Mitsuhide paused in the hallway to the tenshu, grinning at her. “I’ve a question for you. Would you mind terribly if you spotted me? Sasuke taught me a traditional dance of your people.”
Oh god. She mentally braced herself. What had Sasuke done now? Taught him how to Dougie? The Electric Slide? Twerking? Granted, she didn’t think Sasuke could twerk, but the ominous thought that he’d still tried to make Akechi Mitsuhide do it anyway passed cold in her veins. “Alright?”
She really hadn’t prepped herself for The Worm.
He didn’t even do it right; his knee caught in the edge of his kimono and he collapsed into the wood paneled floor, laughing unmercifully at the insanity of it all. She had to sit down and stifle her giggles into her hand, peppering the laughter with “Oh my god”.
“Mitsuhide?” Hideyoshi appeared in the hall, frowning at both of them splayed out on the floor. “What are you two up to?”
Mitsuhide just rocked his head back and grinned up at the other man. “We were running and collided.”
“What have I told you about running in the halls--”
She escaped the lecture barely, since she had a message for Nobunaga. Even once she climbed the Tenshu stairs, she could hear Mitsuhide’s breathless laughter behind her.
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