#Ikesen Nobunaga
chevlvrs · 5 months
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Unfortunately i will always love the poster boys
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misak85 · 2 months
What I pictured through Hideyoshi's route
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(It's my old post from Instagram but I wanted to post it here too)
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I saw this meme going around and just HAD TO
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Ikevamp version
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Ikesen version
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writingwhimsey · 12 days
From Shingen's route but not featuring Shingen.
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I love how MC and Nobu mirror each other here.
Nobu, "I have called you in here to enjoy your body because I can't sleep and sex is far more entertaining than anything else."
MC, "No...I'm putting you to bed like a child, tucking you in and telling you a bedtime story because no means no."
Sometimes I really love the nonromantic relationships MC develops with the guys as much as the ones she has with the love interest of the route (and yes I know Nobu is the love rival in Shingen's route but it's never romantic for her).
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ikeromantic · 6 months
Ikesen Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 1
This was an ask from @otomedad that I just had to write. I did some reading up on the history of tattooing in Japan and there was so much that I found super interesting. So! Here goes, starting with Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Masamune! Approx. 1500 words.
“What’s this, fireball?”
You feel Nobunaga’s breath tickle your shoulder blade, his lips so close they almost brush your skin. For a moment, you don’t know what he means. It’s hard to think when parts of you are being ‘claimed’, afterall. But you smile as the memory comes back to you. Sitting on a stool, arms braced on the counter in front of you, with the buzz of the tattoo gun in your ear. “You like my koi?”
His fingers brush the inked design, tracing the outline of the leaping fish. “It is very well done.” He does not sound pleased, though he’s trying to hide it.
“You don’t.” A slight pout draws your lips out and down. 
Nobunaga stills behind you, so motionless that you don’t even feel him breathing. Just as you are about to break the silence, he wraps his arms around you, pulling your back against his chest. “It is part of you, so it is beautiful.” His chin rests on your shoulder, just above the tattoo in question. “Why did you receive this mark?”
There is an unexpected tension in his voice, and you laugh to ease it before explaining. “I got it after I graduated from design. It represents my struggles, and my determination.” You turn your head to kiss his cheek. 
He regards you with a serious expression, tense despite your affection. 
“Do you really hate it?” You can’t help how vulnerable you feel as you meet his carnelian gaze.
“I told you. It is beautiful, as you are. But . . .” He pauses, a slight grimace crossing his expression. “I do not like that someone marked you. Someone else claimed this -” He leans back to spread his hand over the koi. “Every part of you is mine.”
“Are you jealous of my tattoo artist?” You grin, unable to hold back. “You know I picked the design and the colors and everything, right? He was just some guy with a good flash book . . .”
Nobunaga’s frown does not ease, though you know that he’s aware this is ridiculous. 
You snuggle back against him. “Alright, alright. I understand. If you could do tattoos, I’d get one from you, ok?”
Something mischievous flickers in his gaze and a slight smile turns up the corners of his mouth. “Yes. This is acceptable.”
You aren’t sure what he’s accepting. Nobunaga can’t do tattoos, right? Right? Whatever questions you have disappear as his lips find that sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
You roll up your sleeves to start working on the kitchen’s herb garden. The day is warm and sunny, promising a hot afternoon. It’s a good thing you’re starting early. 
About an hour into the weeding, Hideyoshi stops by with a tray of cool water and a wide straw hat. He kneels beside you. “You know it’s bad for your skin to be exposed to sunlight for so long. Even in the morning, you can’t -” He stops midword, his mouth hanging open.
“Hm?” You look up, dusting your hands off. Before you can ask anything else, Hideyoshi grabs your elbow.
“What is this?” 
You realize he’s pointing at the serpent tattoo on your forearm. The snake curls over itself in a complex circle, with the head pointing at your wrist and the tale toward your elbow. “Oh! Erm,” you give an embarrassed laugh. “That.”
“I knew you couldn’t be trusted.” Hideyoshi holds your arm up, inspecting it. “A thief. I should have guessed. What prefecture is this? Where are you really from?” The questions come lightning fast, his usual gentle lecturing tone replaced with a hard, brittleness that does not suit him at all.
“A thief? Are you serious right now?” You try to yank your arm back, going from bewildered to angry. 
Hideyoshi pulls you up to standing. “If you won’t answer my questions, maybe you’ll answer Mitsuhide’s.” He glares at you. “I can’t believe I - I called you my sister!” 
You take a breath, trying to hold in the tears suddenly threatening at the corners of your eyes. Sister. Why was this man so infuriating? First putting you in the sis-zone, and now accusing you. As if you hadn’t shared so many sweet moments. Almost-kisses. Holding hands. “Why are you freaking out about my tattoo?”
“It marks you as a criminal.” He sighs, looking away. “If you’ll come clean with me, maybe we can -”
“Come clean? Hideyoshi, I told you I’m not from here. In my ah, my village, people get tattoos because they like the way they look.” You wiggle your arm in his grasp. “This one means the cycle of life. Birth and death. Look at it!”
Hideyoshi slowly turns back to examine the mark on your arm. “It is . . . very finely done for a - a punishment.” He purses his lips. “And I do not know of a prefecture that uses a snake . . .”
You nod emphatically. “Exactly. And you know me. Hideyoshi?” Your tone brings his gaze to your face. 
He studies you for a moment. Then his grip loosens on your arm, the pad of his thumb stroking your inked flesh. “I may have, um, jumped to conclusions. My apologies.” A breath, then, “Sis.”
“Thanks.” You take your arm back, feelings still hurt. 
For a long moment, neither of you says anything. Then he drapes an arm over your shoulder, pulling you to his side. “Let me apologize properly, after work tonight. Stop by after your bath and I’ll rub some oil on your arms and legs.” Hideyoshi’s cheeks hold a faint heat. “A brother should care for his sister when she’s working so hard.”
You know he knows there’s nothing brotherly in the touches you share, but you nod in acquiescence. Then you pull away. “The garden won’t weed itself,” you say.
He grins. “I suppose not.” Hideyoshi’s hand takes yours before you can take a step. “It’s nice. Your tattoo. Once I really looked at it.”
“Thanks,” you smile back, feeling a little better. “I’m looking forward to my massage tonight.” You give him a cheeky wink. 
You splash to the river’s surface, sputtering from the water in your mouth and nose. Masamune laughs beside you, his strong arm holding you up above the roiling surface of the water as the current pushes you both downstream.
“Maybe next time we should look for a bridge,” you shout to be heard over the river.
“Nah. Where’s the fun in that?” Masamune’s blue eye gleams with unfettered joy as he pulls you toward the opposite shore. 
Once you hit the bank and crawl out, you flop back onto the grassy hillside. “Fun? Not drowning is fun. And now I’m soaked.” You glance over to see Masamune already stripping down, laying his clothes out to dry. 
He grins when he sees your expression. “What’s the matter, kitten? Tiger got your tongue?”
“Pffft.” You sit up, ignoring the way your face heats. You shrug out of your kimono, very aware of how thin your linen underclothes are. Especially now that they are wet and clinging to your skin. 
Masamune’s appreciative look does not help. He grins unapologetically. “I should come out this way more often. Great view.”
You throw a clump of grass at him and jump up to run. He chases you, laughing, and catches you pretty quickly. 
His laughter stops with a sharp inhale. “Are you hurt?”
You realize that he’s noticed the ink on your side, a tiger in the midst of peonies. The red, pink, and orange probably look like a wound beneath the opaque cloth. “No, nothing like that.” You carefully tug the linen up to show him your tattoo. 
“Wow.” His eye is wide as he takes in the art piece. “Gorgeous.” His calloused finger brushes the skin on your side, sending a shiver across your belly and up your ribcage. “It’s like a painting.”
“Thanks.” You feel more than a little self conscious, but also gratified by his reaction. “It’s supposed to be, like, fragility and strength? Together?” You find yourself a little tongue tied, too focused on his warm hand touching you. 
Masamune finally looks up, catching your gaze. “It fits you, kitten. Strong and fragile.” His expression is more serious than you’re used to. A deeper emotion moves in the depths of his blue eye. 
The urge to kiss him is strong, but you resist. You tug the cloth back down and step away, heart beating frantically. Masamune likes to flirt, you think, that’s all. You wrack your brain for a witty comment and come up empty. 
He smiles, drops his hands. “Our clothes should dry out soon, and then we can continue on.”
“The temple better be awesome. You’ve talked it up too much to take anything less than.” Your destination is safer ground, you think, jumping right into the new topic.
Masamune laughs. “There’s not another like it anywhere.” Something about the way he says it makes you wonder if he means the temple you’re traveling to or something else. 
“Worth the trip then?”
He catches a bit of your damp hair and twirls it around a finger. “I’d say this trip is already worth it.”
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mythicamagic · 2 months
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Nobunaga they could never make me hate you
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shatcey · 6 months
Ieyasu's dramatic ending
Another wonderful scene from Ieyasu's route. This time from the dramatic ending.
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There is more...
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I would love to see that scene))))))
Poor Ieyasu… So many men have fell for Mai's charm, and he needs to shoo them away somehow…
🔝 Start page 🔝
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sh0jun · 1 month
Ikemen Sengoku Modern AU
Boys as various university professors or teachers--
I'm not elaborating it much for now
Maybe there would be updates idk--
Oda forces
→ Nobunaga Oda (Academic Head/Economics teacher)
He's gonna have a separate drawer in his office FILLED with candies
That drawer has a lock on it all the time (he doesn't want Hideyoshi to find out about it)
→ Hideyoshi Toyotomi (history teacher)
Really looks up to the department head
Very patient with all the students and will help each and every single one of them :)
You'd see him in the halls A LOT
so be careful. If you get caught breaking the rules you WILL be lectured by him
He keeps a check on every teacher's health too- also he would tell you to take it easy if he sees that you're not well
Also pretty good at giving motivational speech
→ Mitsuhide Akechi (computer science)
Okay hear me out. This man will be GOOD with computers and technology.
The event stories prove it
He's the teacher you'll go to every time there's something wrong with your iPad
And he WILL tease you endlessly
→ Mitsunari Ishida (Maths teacher)
For obvious reasons.
Our clumsy but very smart angel.
He'll be very kind. And calmly teach you if you're having trouble with a math problem no matter how many times you come to him
But no matter what you do, you won't be able to get his attention if he's reading
The janitor has caught him several times in the library reading books in a secluded corner when it's late in the night
Librarians sometimes have to kick him out
→ Masamune Date (food tech)
I think it's self explanatory (I don't have anything to say about him I'm sorry-)
You'd always. ALWAYS. catch him at the farmers market.
→ Ieyasu Tokugawa (Biology/ chemistry teacher)
He knows his stuff when it comes to plant and medicine
He'd be very cranky if you come to his with a question but he will answer it in full detail
He does NOT like the math teacher
The math teacher and the physics teacher seem to constantly fawn over him which he does not enjoy.
→ Keiji Maeda (Drama/music teacher)
Pretty self explanatory this one.
He and the literature teacher are good friends :3
Best friends in fact.
He's the cheery teacher. Very enthusiastic.
→ Ranmaru Mori (teacher assistant)
The principal's assistant to be more specific
Running around doing errands for Nobunaga. Looks very cute and is very helpful
The students love him
Kasugayama forces
→ Kenshin Uesugi (specialist PE teacher/sports department head)
Martial arts. Fencing. Horse riding. Swimming. Sword fighting. You name it
This guys knows EVERYTHING
he trains students in these sports for competitions.
The group sports activities go to the other gym teacher
Very cold. And seems very rude and icy. But will teach you if you ask for his help
Also do NOT expect him to go easy on you
It's your first time learning judo? Will TOO bad. You will be thoroughly beaten up by this guy
→Shingen Takeda (DT/department head)
The hot teacher who's at the carpentry workshop
Many students attend the workshop JUST to see him
Very nice. Flirt to everything that breathes
Loves sweets just like the academics Department head.
But doesn't like Nobunaga at all
→Yukimura Sanada (PE teacher)
The worst PE teacher you'll ever have 💀
Doesn't know how to talk to students or teachers which result in him getting some pretty snarky comments
Is in charge of preparing sports teams for sports competitions
Does not like Kenshin's guys but has to put up with them
He's best friends with the physics teacher and they sometimes show experiments together (yuki is the lab rat of course)
→Sasuke Sarutoki (Physics teacher)
That fun physics teacher that shows experiments in the class
Uses memes in his lectures
All his lectures are extremely fun
The students are often confused as to how does he always has a straight face
The PE teacher is his guinea pig at times
The sports department head has some beef with him for some reason
→ Yoshimoto Imagawa (Arts teacher)
The guy LOVES art and appreciates it to his fullest
This job was MEANT for him
Will appreciate your art and also give you pointers if you ask for it
Very charming
Students fawn over him
Has a very soothing voice along with a pretty face
→ Kanetsugu Naoe (Literature teacher)
Teaches English along with Japanese
Very strict
He's pretty and has little fangs but the students are afraid of him
A very good teacher
But also does some very strict marking in tests
Do not try to fight with him cause he will point out all the grammatic errors
Lone forces
→ Kicho (linguistics teacher)
Teaches other foreign languages
Like French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, German, arabic, Russian. You name it.
This guy is a genius
He and the computer tech teacher are cousins
Seems very tired always (cough blackholes cough)
→ Motonari Mouri (portugese teacher)
No comment on him.
Those who know him well will probably get it.
Will teach you every single curse word there is >:D
→ Kennyo (History teacher/ religious studies)
He does not like how modern studies are taking over
No phones allowed in his class
Very calm but also hella intimidating
Uhhh- does not put up well with the Computer tech teacher's antiques
Usually eats alone outside with cats.
Animals love him <3
→ Mai Mitsuzaki (Textiles teacher)
Das right. Mah girl gets her own category
The most fashionable teacher on campus
Everyone loves her
Shingen, Masa and she are the DT trio
Will teach you all there is to know about clothes and fashion
Designs the best clothes
She should be a designer.
Tags: cause idk who wants to be tagged--
@ikesenanigans (we came up with these together<3)
@rubia8 @bakersgrief @nightvers @ginshoujo @y2ashlee
Anyways Enjoy :D
This is my first hc that i wrote--
Leave in the comments whatever else you want to add? Idk how this works bro- ( -̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷄◞ω◟-̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥᷅ )
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corpiote · 2 months
Ikesen Final Rankings 2024
I'm genuinely surprised by the top ranks :0
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who's the masa fan that out-whaled a mitsuhide stan?
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oda-princess · 3 months
So I finally got to making these edits today.
Is this how it's supposed to look? Idk :v
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13/01 plssss, I love scenes where Nobunaga is less serious. When mamaHideyoshi isn't around, he can be so funny >◇<
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natimiles · 7 months
Out of Context Ikesen | Mitsuhide's Route
Tags: spoilers; Eternal Route cg; suggestive themes; out of order, but eternal shots are mostly at the end of the post; risk of falling in love with Mitsuhide and his MC
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silkkorchid · 2 months
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whatever-fanfics · 9 months
Has anybody ever thought about when MC and their respective suitor started getting intimate, and MC's brain goes straight to "wait-do you have a condom?" and they're just like "....wut???" Like you went from 21st century to the 16th or 19th century, so you have to stop them and explain to them the uses of condoms and what it's for. Like:
MC: Wait!
Nobunaga: ?
MC: *automatically* did you bring a condom?
Nobunaga: ?????
MC: Wait!
Leonardo: ?
MC: *automatically* Do you have a condom?
Leonardo: .....a wut?
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oigimi · 5 months
him: i’m coming over you better not be hideyoshi being goofy!
my stupid ass:
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rkmaru · 11 months
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Friendly Banter
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