#I hope you all enjoyed this little project! qvq
tamorii · 1 year
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Did I walk into your trap, or did you walk into mine..?
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standreamy · 8 months
Hi Standreamy! I am a HUGE fan of all of your art! I recently stumbled upon "Fertile Ashes" I was just wondering do you have any plans of posting parts of the fanfiction at all? I truly enjoyed the small pieces of it that you posted. I hope this doesn't make you feel pressured to finish it, but if there are even any tiny little bits that you could post, I would love that!
Hi! no pressure at all! I am not the one writing the fic, it's my friend and she is still projecting it all so for now I think it might take a while sadly!
I definitely will post more of that AU in the future because I care about it a lot and I have a bunch of doodles that I've already made traditionally, they just need to be digitalized! But in this very moment I'm not much in the mood to draw Miraculous and with being very busy I have to dedicate my free time to commissions and projects I'm more invested it...
Though, as said I definitely will pick it up again! Thank you for appreciating my AU QvQ
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whitespacecomic · 5 years
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Hello all! ovo/ If you're a reader of my comic, or just a supporter of it and my art in general, I ask you to please continue reading. I need your help.
So, White Space. I've been doing this comic for over 9 years now. I know, that's a long time, haha. Back in 2010, I was in my second year of university and had this literal dream for a story. I concepted it and the more I did so, the more I loved it. And loved working on it. At that point I had read webcomics for several years and recently started reading manga. So I decided to start a webcomic! Uploads were sporadic, maybe one a month. Understandable, since I was still studying and putting together a portfolio for a 'real' job. I studied animation and film, by the way! And you would think jobs for something like that would be plentiful! ...not where I live. The industry is small in my country and your best way to get a job is via word-of-mouth. But there is still work! Let me continue... To be very honest with you, my finished projects weren't...A+ material. I passed, got my degree, but I wasn't getting work, no matter how much I applied. I was very lucky and thankful that a friend put a good word in for me at a Forex trading company as a video editor (for a few months). I was a bit down in the dumps, feeling not good enough for the places I wanted to work or things I wished I could do. I turned toward the thing that really made me happy: White Space. After all, there was a sense of accomplishment whenever I posted a page, and achievement whenever I got a comment or fave or like. It really loved it and I wished that THIS could be my job. Fast forward a few months and my contract for the video editing ends. Back to looking for a job...until my husband got a really great offer for work. I'm married by the way! After I finished my studies,(literally two days later) I got married to my high-school sweetheart. He moved into my little flat (where I had been staying while I was studying) and for 2 years that was our home. If you were wondering why I didn't just emigrate somewhere with better work opportunities, he would be the reason. Not that I blame him at all! I treasure him with my entire being and I was sure we could make things work. Anyway... My husband got a really great promotion but it came with a condition: we had to move back to my hometown. Now, I was studying and working in the big city; where work in my field would be easier to get. Our hometown was 600km away from anything CLOSE to resembling animation or film work. I didn't want to go...but an opportunity presented itself: I could try to make the comic my full-time job! My husband would be getting a decent salary to support us both. Why not, right? So we moved, I dedicated myself to the comic and opened a Patreon. For the past few years that's what I have been doing. Comics, illustration and commissions. There have been some wonderful support! Not enough for a decent paycheck but I was so happy to just be doing what I really enjoyed (and felt good at for once). Of course there have been uphill climbs; I was diagnosed with epilepsy and bipolar disorder and had to take a while to fix my mental health. My husband fell into some debt but he kept above water. I tried to work for some horrible people for more income, got rid of the toxicity. We lost homes, moved homes, lost family, lost friends, lost and found pets. But that is life! As far as I was concerned, I was living my dream; trying to make my comic my job. Then... Recently, I found out some very disturbing things about my husband's workplace and bosses. He was being treated like...well...like shit. Being forced to make decisions he didn't want to, getting yelled at for things that weren't his fault, even being attacked on a personal level. On top of it all, he was sinking in dept. Remember that promotion? Yeah, it came with a few more conditions and baggage. Baggage like an entire company's debt. I couldn't believe it. And it hurt more because well...my husband's bosses were my parents. That's right. The reason he didn't tell me these things was because he didn't want to make my family the villains and he believed he could handle it. But finally he just couldn't anymore. We're selling our house now and will be moving to a financially better home end of May(we estimate. Could be later or sooner, we're not sure). But we've decided we've had enough. We want to get out of this place. Away from the people that are trying to push all their mistakes onto us. The people that keep promising things will change but never do. Finally we get to why I need your help... I need an income. As simple as that, haha. >v<'' I never liked asking for money and I still don't. I was hoping the Patreon and the comic's popularity would kick up over the next year and if it didn't, THEN I would ask for help. But I'm desperate now. If you are a reader of the comic, please consider pledging! The tiers are $2, $5 or $10 a month and you get a bunch of rewards for each! Early access pages, behind the scenes previews, WIPs, requests, commissions and more! If the rewards aren't to your liking, there is a chatroom in the White Space Discord Server where we can discuss and compromise ;D (we are very nice people, come and join us!) If you are unable to pledge, please share! Share the comic and Patreon page on social media. Even if you can't afford monetary support, sharing the comics with others will be huge help! (It doesn't have to be this post.) I don't expect to get $300 right away, but if we can get this train rolling, I can see the comic having a future. Even just more readers and views can be helpful. With that, I can apply to webcomic sites like Hiveworks, who like to see numbers ;D If however I don't get some support, monetary or otherwise...I'll have to stop the comic. I'll need to get a new portfolio together and/or look for work(whether it's in my field of study or not), which means less time for this thing I really love to do. I really, really don't want to stop. This is such a passion for me and brings me so much joy. And I have so many exciting plots waiting and characters I know you'll all love! If you've gotten this far, thank you for reading!! I apologize for my life story. I don't mean to guilt anyone into feeling sorry for me. I just feel comfortable if you know what the situation is and why I'm asking for your help. TL;DR Our life and money situation has changed and I need support! Please pledge to the White Space Patreon and/or share the comic and Patreon on social media! Join the Discord Server if you wanna discuss pledges and talk to me ^v^ I'll have to stop this comic and look for other work if there isn't a rise in numbers or pledges. I love this comic and telling this story. Please help QvQ THANK YOU! <3 LINKS!: deviantArt Group |  LINE Webtoon | ComicFury | Tumblr | Facebook | Twitter  | Discord Server |  Patreon |
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