#I hope you'll find other things you enjoy here in the interim
bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hey,I've been really down lately. This might be a bit of oversharing, but my mom has done some things that I think people would call emotionally and mentally manipulative/abusive. I just feel like I've been at my limit lately. I also don't have any friends or family I can turn to. When you're having a hard time, is there anything you do that relieves some of the pain? I'm going to see someone professionally for mental health support, so really I'm just trying to find a way to cope in the interim
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I'm so so so sorry I'm late, love.
I know it's sad when your own family is the one that's causing you the pain. But I kinda feel you. It's not like I don't have anyone. But I don't really like going to anyone. I'm afraid that they would judge - the things I did, I said, I thought.
So honestly, for me, when you can't fight, flee. I'm sorry if anyone feels like it's escaping the problem. But in life there are some problems that cannot be solved at all / in the near future and you have to endure it.
And yes, life is never easy and everyone is going through their own shits, battling their own monsters. That's why we need to escape at times.
Here's a few things I do. I listen to music while i go for a jog / walk. Just plug in those pods/ ear piece and go. 1 hour of fresh air / a little sweat and some good music makes me feel better. I don't think about problems, but I think about other nice things. Maybe like my writings, some nice plots yknow.
Or I lay in bed and I read. Reading teleports me into another world and realm so it's like I'm now no longer in my world for a moment. It helps my mind at least stay away from thoughts that make me sad.
These are the 2 things i enjoy doing. Everyone has their own little indulgence hobby. Maybe knitting, cycling, dancing, walking around, window shopping.
If you want someone to talk to, go online like whatever you're doing now. and talk. let it all out anonymously.
I hope that anyone that comes across this could share their thoughts in the comments. maybe you could find someone in the same situation and you'll just feel like you're not alone.
heads up my lovely bby, I hope you're feeling a little better <3
I haven't been feeling too good myself, but seeing you telling me about your problems, I feel that, everyone is going though something in life, and that I shouldn't be too affected by mine. ⊂(´• ω •`⊂)
Sending hugs and thank you so much for coming to me. Your trust means so much to me. ♥
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tabbyclaw · 2 years
Bringing back an old akuma seems like the ideal plan, but it brings with it more than Mayura bargained for.
I liked my ‘Beloathed’ prompt fill enough to clean it up and chuck it up on AO3. Same basic story, but far more polished.
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we-are-knight · 3 years
I just found a local HEMA group and I and a few friends are going to try our hand! Do you have any tips for excited but completely green novices on the way to their first sword lesson?
Hi there,
Firstly, congrats on finding a group, I hope you will enjoy the sport!
Second, tips I would give to my own new students:
- Wear something appropriate. Don't turn up in jeans or boots. It will make things harder for you and possibly end with ruined clothes. A t-shirt, sport pants, and trainers/sneakers would be ideal.
- Have some water or something else to hydrate with. It really is hydrate of die-drate.
- Listen to what the instructor says, and don't feel shy about asking questions if you don't get something, but resist the urge to ask "what about if I do this?" too much; this can eat into the overall lesson time.
- Ask as many questions as you need to understand something, and if it's not going to take up the other classmates lesson time, ask your instructor as much as you want to know.
- Footwork is tedious as heck. Devote as much time as you can to learning it. You can do it at home very easily, and it's good practise. It will also put you miles ahead in the long term.
- Don't go in with preconceived ideas about what fencing is like, you will probably find them broken very quickly, be it about "life and death duels", "battlefield techniques", even how swordfighting itself works. You'll probably enjoy it more if you go in without expectations, because then you can enjoy it more for what it is.
- Don't worry about getting good at this fast, there is no fast way to become an expert.
- What matters most of that you enjoy this, above all else. Your reasons for fencing may be entirely different to everyone else in the club. That's perfectly valid. So long as you enjoy things, and get something out of it, that is what matters most. Make some friends at the club to help you with any goals you set yourself.
Overall, focus on that last point. Do this for the fun of doing it, take care of yourself. Ask questions, but try not to ask so many it takes up your (and others) time spent training. If you need advice, ask your instructor. :)
If you have specific questions in the interim, feel free to ask here, but be aware my advice may differ from that of your instructor, and you should err on the side of their advice as it will better suit your training under them.
That's it!
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