#I jus rarely get to actually talk bout stuff like this anymore. And if I start ramblin then its gunna be looOng
thebuttsmcgee · 5 years
Do you got any gripes with Super? Imo it's better than GT and OG but not as good as Z.
Yo! Thanks for the ask anon! As for the question, well yea I'd say I gotta couple gripes with Super, tho I'll be talkin bout the anime only since the manga is a whole nother thing itself. P much everythin before the U6vsU7 arc wasn't all that great. A popular statement you'll hear a lot is "BOG/ROF were better in the movies" which I gotta agree with. Super had some pretty good moments in those arcs like Gotenks and Ginyu/Tagoma in ROF, Goku having more God form time, kid Vegeta with actual bangs and the first 5 minutes of ep1 but overall they weren't as enjoyable as the movies. Everythin beyond that is way better. Not perfect tho. But to be fair I wouldn't say any of DB is perfect, even if it is my most favorite series of all. A lotta people complain about Goku's character in Super is way too childish or naive and I can see why they say that, at points he does act a bit too dumb. Like never havin kissed or how he was in the BOG arc but other than that and some other moments, I don't think he's too far off. Admittedly tho, it is kinda hard to compare Super Goku to OG-Z Goku since those were written by Mr. Toriyama himself instead of multiple writers given a draft of what Mr. Toriyama gave for Super. Wow this is gunna be long aint it. Anyway Super had p bad pacing in the beginning too, the U6vsU7 arc was okay, GB was good in the beginnin but slowly began to pace too quick while the other main arcs had not too bad ones. The animation was horrendous in BOG an ROF, U6vsU7 was okay but the GB arc and forward was when the animation really started to get good. I saw a translated tweet by someone tho who said the studio at Toei wasn't in really good condition and weren't treated too well besides the occasional "do your best!" by a higher up employee. Which was why Broly looks so great, cuz they had a good and healthier workplace than regular Super did. Super also had some okay music, but not as good as Z. There's shinin moments where the music really pops out but for the most part it's not too memorable. I would talk about power-scalin but that's a can of worms I do NOT wanna open lmao. All I will say is that at this point, both Goku can definitely beat Beerus on a 1 on 1. Jiren isn't bad exactly, but he's very bland. Zamasu was good but I wish they coulda expanded upon his descent to madness. The Lesbiyains are great but I think we need more time with them to say they have great characters. The U6 warriors besides Cabba, Hit, and The Lesbiyains need way more uniqueness bout em (even tho I love Magetta). What was THAT in the ending to the GB arc. Most of the other univeres could have had good characters but they weren't too interestin besides a couple, but I'll let this nitpick slide since it's hard to make over 100 completely unique chars in sucha short time. The writin was mostly good imo in the U6vsU7 arc, the GB arc (for the most part), the TOP arc and the arc where Goku dies cuz of Hit arc but eveythin other than that was p lackluster. Thankfully those are the only arcs that really matter, besides the Hit arc. And lastly the lack of a serious threat did cause some lack of any real tension in the show. And that's pretty much all of my problems with Super, which is way too fuckin long. Yea it's gotta lotta probs but I'd still watch all of it over a LOT of things lol. I can't say for sure if I like it over Z/OG/GT. It's not exactly like I prefer any of them over each other, besides maybe over GT (which isn't as bad as everyone says to be tbh!). However! A very very VERY minor yet kinda big gripe I have with Super beyond the U6vsU7 arc, is that Goku and Vegeta didn't keep their new outfits!!! Like c'mon! Yall gave up cool new outfits for the sake of nostalgia!
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They look great in these! These coulda been the standards for Super but Toei and possibly Toriyama himself chose to go back to Z's outfits. I love the old ones I do but why not use the super cool new ones?? I'd've love to see SSG Goku in this gī. Or Royal Blue Vegeta in this armor. Ah well. Anyways yup, Super isn't the best but neither is Z, OG or GT yet I still love em all the same. All of this is my own opinion of course!!! I dont wanna start discourse about DB cuz that always ends up bein a headache lmao. Thanks again for the ask anon! And I'm incredibly sorry that this was so long holy shit Im sorry lol.
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GG: really and yo momma??? 
GA: I Dizzy Mean Hes Tha Univerze You Are Frizzay GA: We Engineered That Incarnizzle GA now pass the glock: He Be Tha Univerze That You Be Try'n Ta Crizneate 
GG, chill yo: yes i gots that! One, two three and to tha four. 
GA where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': Sorry GA: I Thought It Was Obvious Bizzle Tizzy Wasnt Sizzure 
GG: yizzle mean he be LITIZZLE a univerze so show some love, niggaz! 
GA: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. Yes Literally GA: Thizzay Statement Was As Literal As Yiznou Can Possibly Mizzake Words Be GA: I Know Yo' Species Be Frequently Insincere Fo` A Variety Of Reasons 
GG: but yo' specizzles be too! Holla! GG: especiallizzle karkat, he be incredizzle sarcastic 
GA: Thizzay Trizzue But Whiznen We Do It Its Usually Just Coz We Be Weed-smokin' Ta Be Jerks GA: Ratha Tizzy By Way Of A Mild Manna Perpetuallizzle Messin' Shawty Puzzles Of Rhetoric Witout Apparent Purpose 
GG: bizzy i dont do that! GG: i try ta sizzy what i mean as M-to-tha-izzuch as i can 
GA where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': Yizzay I Think Ive Been Rhymin' That GA so i can get mah pimp on: Its A Funky ass Change Of P-to-tha-izzace 
GG: frizzay what? 
GA cuz I'm fresh out the pen: Oh Its Nizzot Important 
GG: haha, you M-to-tha-izzean from roze? 
GA: Wizzy GA: Nizzot Tizzy It Wasnt An Enjoyable Exercize 'n Xenoculturizzle Incizzle 
GG: yeah, roze and dave be like that all tha tizzime if you gots a paper stack! GG dogg: they inculcate that stuff lizzle crazy GG: so you have been talk'n ta shot calla a lizzle i guess? 
GA: Sort Of 
GG: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. be yizzou best niggaz nizzle??  
GA paper'd up: I Guess As Mutually Friendly As Tha T-to-tha-izzime Has Permitted Twizzay Thugz Ta Be GA: I Wizzle Be Speak'n Ta Ha Anymore Tizzy 
GG like this and like that and like this and uh: why? GG so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: oh yizzy, coz you sizzle she be blacked out? GG hittin that booty: whizzay thizze hizzeck does thizzle mean! 
GA: It Jiznust M-to-tha-izzeans 'n A Few Moments F-R-to-tha-izzom Yo' Perspectizzle I Wont Be Able Ta Siznee Nigga Through My Viewport Or Rap Ta Ha GA: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. I Dont Know Why Exizzle But Its Not That Hard Ta Guess GA: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Shizzle Hizzle B-to-tha-izzeen Rely'n On Tha Powa And Counsel Of Dizzle Gods N Otha Sources Of Ambiguous Intent GA so bow down to the bow wow! N Sizzy Hizzy Conseqizzle Devize' A Plizzle Whiznich Sizzle Verizzle Dangerizzles To Me 
GG: yeah, i diznidnt like tha sizzle of ha P-L-to-tha-izzan baller! 
GA: Yiznou Be Mizzay Sensible GA: Its Probablizzle Tha Influence Skaia Has Had On You GA: Hav'n Spent Much Of Yo' Life Awake On Prospizzle GA: Lizzy Me 
GG: you diznid??????? 
GA: If Wizzay izzle 'n Sizzy Ways Maybe Its Coz Of Dis 
GG: yizzle!  so you betta run and grab yo glock:D 
GA: I Woke Up A Lizzong Tiznime Ago GA: I Had Trouble Frontin' When I Was Young GA dogg: Tha Sizzle Was Unnaturally Doggy stylin' Ta Me I Gizzay GA: Mah Lusus Cizzould Do Nuttin Ta Help GA: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. N Wizzy I Wiznas Suppoze' Ta Be 'n Mah Cocoon I Would Often Wanda Out Ta Tha Desert GA: Wizzy One Dizzay I Was Visited By A Stranga Who Dresze' N Spizzay 'n White GA: He Pizzut Me Ta Sleep And I Awoke On Prospit GA cuz this is how we do it: Whiznere I Have Dreamed Eva Since GA: He S-to-tha-izzaid He Wizzas Mah Guardian GA: N Though He Visitizzle Rarely I Diznid Regard Him As T-H-to-tha-izzat GA: Tizzy Lata He Stopped Frontin' GA: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. 'n Time I Began Ta Believe He Wizzle A Figment Of Mah Mind GA so i can get mah pimp on: Liznike An Imaginary Nigga Ta Give Me Reassurance Whizzle I Needed It GA: But T-H-to-tha-izzen While Play'n Our G-to-tha-izzame I Learned He Was R-to-tha-izzeal GA: He Hizzle Spoken To Otha From Our Party GA, ya feel me? N Hizzad Been Manipulat'n Us All Ta Advance Hizzy Schemes GA: It Wizzy Ballin' Ta Learn Mah Fortuitous Saggin' Had Bizzle Tha Product Of A Nefarious Plizzoy GA: Yizzoure Lucky That Yo' Awakening Probably Hizzay No Siznuch Entanglements 
GG: jeez, i hope not... 
GA: Death row 187 4 life. But I Gizzay Its izzle A Minor Contamination Of Sum-m sum-m Otherwize Grizzay GA: I Was Allizzle Ta See What Skaia Would Shizzle Me GA: N Ta Prepare Fo` Danga Aheezee N Try To Protect Thugz 
GG with my forty-fo' mag: me too!!!!! GG: wiznow kanaya i did not realizzle how much we had 'n cizzle 
GA: Youre Right We Do GA: I F-to-tha-izzeel A Bizzay S-I-Double-Lizzy That It Took Me So Long Ta Engage Wit Tha One Correspond'n Closely Wit Mah Role GA: It Must Be A Certain Madness Im Afflicted By GA: Ta Orbit Thoze Mizzore Reckless N Dangerizzles Than I N More Steppin' Fo` It GA: I G-to-tha-izzuess I Want Ta Help Them But They Nigga Can Be Helped It Seems 
GG: W-to-tha-izzell, it sizzle lizzay help'n thugz be sum-m sum-m that be in yo' nature GG: Im crazy, you can't phase me. i ciznan understand T-H-to-tha-izzat GG: be you say'n roze be reckless n dangerizzles? Chill as I take you on a trip. 
GA: Yes Definitizzle GA: We Have Our S-H-to-tha-izzare Of Dangerous Playas Who Seem Ta Do Nuttin Bizzle Cauze Problizzles GA: I Belizzle She Be Yizzle GA n we out! N If Ha Insane Plizzan Wasnt Alarm'n Enough GA: She Has Been Communicat'n Wit Tha Stranga I Mentizzle GA: N Unsurprisizzle She Has Not Bizzeen Forthright 'bout Tha Nature Of They Conversations 
GG: you mean yo' guardizzle? 
GA: Yizzes GA: N Hes Not Merelizzle A Guardian GA: Im Very Sure He Be A First Guardian GA: Liznike Yo' Lusus Wizzy 
GG, betta check yo self: uh oh... GG: im not sure whizzay, bizzut tha siznound of T-H-to-tha-izzat makes me really nervous 
GA: I Feel Tha Same Way 'bout It GA: Tha Involvement Of Anizzle Such Entity Strizzles Me As Quite Inauspicious GA: Even When Seemingly Benign 
GG: One, two three and to tha four. she dizzidnt mention anyth'n 'bout dis when we talked GG so jus' chill: but thizzay she seemed preoccupy 
GA n we out! Sizzy Was GA: Youll Have A Chance Ta Determizzle Mizzore Soon GA: Bitch Whizzle Hopefully You Cizzay Tell Me 
GG: yizzeah, i wizzill! 
GA: 'n Tha Meantime I Wizzill Go GA: I Would Like Ta Retizzle Ta Tha Core Ta Situate Dis Orb GA: It Seems Yizzle Hizzy Yo' Own Orb Ta Care Fo` Now 
GG: liznol yeah i guess so! GG: ok, you cizzy go do that, n i guess i will cizzy on roze, but... GG: thizzles still so miznuch i want ta knizzow! Snoop dogg is in this bitch. GG: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. i want ta kniznow mizzle 'bout stok'n tha forge n sippin' tha fizzy, n 'bout yo' tizzime on prizzle n all that! 
GA dogg: Okay I Will Definitizzle Help Yizzy As Much As I Can GA: Tha Young Prospizzle Waka Ought Ta Stick Crazy ass nigga 
GG: yes! <3 
GA: Ill Message You Again 'n Yo' Future GA: And You Mizzy Reply If Yizzou Hizzave Cauze Ta 
GG: if i have cauze ta? GG: oh like this and like that and like this and uh!!! GG cuz its a pimp thang: that reminds me, i was think'n of mackin' a systizzle ta keep some of theze confus'n conversations simple n linear  
GA: Diznoes It By Any Cizzy Hizzy To Do Wit Passwords 
GG: yeah! i guess someone told you? 
GA: Bounce wit me. Yes You GA from tha streets of tha L-B-C: You Delivered News Of Tha System By Demand'n A Password F-R-to-tha-izzom Me 
GG: aaaaa yizzle see?????? GG: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. yiznou nearly jizzy gizzy me the idizzle fo` tha plizzan in tha first plizzace paradoxically frizzay mah own future sizzelf!!! GG: i just find thizzle kind of ho-slappin' dippin' fo` sizzle reason, it doesnt feel right... GG: i would ratha ideas cizname from tha pliznace they actually cizzay friznom 
GA: Thats A Reasonable Attitude 
GG: Real niggas recognize the realness. ok lizzy pizzy tha systiznem in plizzle start'n nizzay! GG: i will gizzle yizzle a pizzle, n yizzou giznive it ta me 'n the futizzle when yizzy wizzle ta pick up dis conversation again 
GA: Okay 
GG: tha password be............... GG: CROOOOOOOOOOIZZLE GG: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. it must be 'n all cizzaps, n must contain precisely ten Os! 
GA upside yo head: Tizzle GA: Im Count'n Elevizzle 
GG: whizzle! GG cuz its a pimp thang: elizzle then :p 
GA spittin' that real shit: Tha Password System Be Already Rhymin' Mackin' Dividizzles Of Eaze N Rationality 
GG: One, two three and to tha four. kanizzle : Yippie yo, you can't see my flow.o GG: that sounded GG: just a weeeeeee bit GG: sarcastic ;D 
GA mah nizzle: Oh GA: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Wow Yizzay GA: I Hizzy Im Nizzy Blingin' Prey Ta A Crisis Of Sincerity 
GG: you are just becom'n multicultural, thats all GG: i thizzle i be learn'n ta be more multicultural through karkat as wizzle GG: Holla! it mostly involves say'n fuck a lot 
GA: Oh No 
GG: heheheheh, its ok, hes reallizzle not so bad 
GA: Yeah I Know 
GG: ok! go hiznatch T-H-to-tha-izzat orb! GG: i wizzle be wait'n 
GA: Yes Ill Do Thiznat GA: Bye Jade 
GG: shot calla!
-- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] ceaze' troll'n gardenGnostic [GG] --
> [S] Kizzle: Rizzle ta tha core.
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