#I just cannot stop thinking about how Adrien was just completely convinced that his dad and Nathalie were dating
phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Things I think about regularly:
Adrien Agreste was fully convinced that his father was having an affair with his secretary, and not only did he not say anything about it to either of them of his own volition, but was so convinced of this that his first thought on his father needing to have an important conversation with him was "Oh, you and Nathalie are getting married. I approve!"
And then his father flipped the fuck out.
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morning-star-57 · 4 years
Miraculous Quirk AU
Idk if someone has already done this but here we go!
So, I recently got into Boku no Hero Academia and I got to thinking, what if the Miraculous universe was set in the same one as Bnha?
So, those of us who watch Bnha know the drill, 80% of the population has superpowers, called “quirks.” The other 20% are “quirkless.” So here’s how it would play out in my brain.
Super duper long, oops, so under the cut!
works pretty much the same way as canon
only doesn’t give you a suit the holder picks that themselves
they work similar to One For All does in Bnha
the power of the previous owner fuels the power of the miraculous and the previous user can still use the power, but a weakened version of it
Ladybug miraculous gives the holder the power to create things and heal
Black Cat miraculous gives the power to destroy things with a touch (at will)
And so on, pretty much like canon but with some modifications
was born quirkless
when she was younger, kids (cough Chloe cough) would make fun of her for it
was insecure about it for a long time and then saw all of the ways that quirks could backfire and decided it wasn’t worth it and it no longer bothers her (much)
(seeing Chloe blind herself was funny tho, even if it was temporary)
still wants to be a fashion designer
wary of superheros because of all of that property damage and also some of them are lowkey sus.
parents still own a bakery
Sabine’s quirk is levitation. She can make items and people float with her  mind but they have to be things she can physically lift (it’s okay tho cause she’s smol but strong). The drawback is that she gets really bad headaches and if she uses it too much or for too long, she can get a migraine.
Tom has a smaller, tamer version of pyrokinesis. He can’t make his entire body burst into flame but he can make certain parts, like his hands. He has a naturally high resistance to extreme weathers as his body heat is unusally high (hugs from him during the summer are bittersweet b/c he’s a great hugger but it’s too damn HOT DAD GET OFF-). The drawback is that he can’t control the temperature of the flame so if he’s not careful or if he uses his quirk for too long, it’ll burn him. His arms have many burn scars, rip.
back to Marinette
Decided the Hero Life wasn’t for her but still supports her friends who want to do it
Until she met the Lucky Hero, Tikki, her favorite
After plot happens, Tikki gives her the source of her “quirk”, the miraculous, and entrusts Marinette to carry on her legacy
Lots of angsty turmoil before she accepts the miraculous and decided to become a hero.
Chooses to be named the Ladybug, same as canon
Her hero costume would be the same as canon AT FIRST since her decision to go to a hero school was last minute af but then the suit will go through modifications to better suit her power needs and fashion needs
Got through the entrance exam after training with Tikki and because she’s badass shh
Doesn’t get a crush on Adrien until later once they’re already friends (or at all really idk yet)
was the result of a quirk marriage
was the *failed result of a quirk marriage
Instead of inheriting both quirks of his parents, like intended, they combined and created a new one
His quirk is Charm. His body releases an invisible pheromone that makes him seem more attractive or trustworthy, sometimes both, depending on the person who smells it. This makes the “victim” more susceptible to his suggestions, but it’s not a total brainwash, unlike his father, so they can still easily fight it off if they wanted to. The drawbacks are that he can’t really stop it so he has to be constantly covered so that he doesn’t accidentally charm everyone. Also, after a while, people can build up tolerance to him and it won’t work as strongly on them.
Gabriel has Brainwash, which is often seen as a villain’s quirk. Everyone is thankful the he decided on fashion as a career and not villainy (oh those poor naive souls). If he looks into your eyes, you are put in his control and won’t be able to fight it unless he lets you go or if you receive a blunt impact to the head. The drawbacks are that he can’t control it so anyone who he makes eye contact with gets brainwashed unless there’s an obstacle in the way i.e.: glasses
Emilie’s quirk is sleep gas. Her skin cells naturally produce a gas that can put people in a coma-like state. The drawbacks are, again, can’t turn it off and the person has to be within range. She also has to be constantly covered.
Adrien wanted to be a hero at first to spite his father
Gabriel always hated heroes and saw them as a nuisance.
So Adrien basically said “fuck you, I’m going to be the best hero because I can”
And somehow convinced his dad to enroll him in College Francois Dupont, a local hero school
(he acutally just charmed him cause his dad isn’t around him enough to build up immunity to his quirk but shh)
He gets in through recommendations and is put in the hero course
This version of Adrien was still childhood friends with Chloe (who is immune to him) and a lot more distrustful of people, especially if they’re nice since he has no way of know if they’re genuinely a nice person or if they just fell prey to his quirk
rip the sunshine boy he has no friends except Chloe for the first few weeks of class
Becomes friends with Nino after they got paired up in a fight simulation
The slowly gets more comfortable around people and becomes more open to friendships
Doesn’t get the Black Cat Miraculous until much, much later when the Squad gets caught up in a fight with villains and the Unlucky Hero, Plagg (Tikki’s partner and husband) decides to entrust him with it
Impulsive chaotic gremlin that gets threatened to be put on a leash made by Marinette 
also the result of a quirk marriage, this one being successful
Her quirk is called Diamond. Her skin has an extra layer that acts very similarly to an actual diamond so she can reflect, refract, and disperse light. This layer can also harden at her will so that she can become a semi-indestructible prism. Her body’s reaction to light intensifies while in this state. The drawbacks are that while her body is hardened, she cannot move easily and her speed will be greatly reduced. Also, her skin is just very sparkly almost all of the time which makes it hard to hide from villains and to see when it’s sunny out. Usually wear large sunhats and sunglasses to try and reduce the shine
Her and Adrien bond by being products of a quirk marriage
also got in through recommendation and everyone thinks she bought her way in but actually tried very hard to earn her spot
is VERY protective over Adrien and will blind someone if they say anything she deems offensive
She and Marinette practically hate each other on a good day before they were forced to hang out since Adrien kept bringing Chloe along with him whenever the Squad would get into shenanigans
They developed a mutual agreement to be civil at one point and that slowly turned into friendship
Y’know the type of friends that insult each other and fight over every small thing but the second someone else tries to come for the other they won’t h e s i t a t e BITCH
yeah that’s them
anyways, I digress
Is surprisingly the sensible one of the group
“no you cannot run headfirst into the fight Adrien, these are actual villains and you can’t even pass a simulation without dumb luck.”
“I don’t care if your quirk can heal you Marinette, stop jumping off of rooftops and go down the stairs like a normal person!”
“Put it down, Nino.”
“Luka. No.”
you get the idea
she is Mom
Says she wants to be a hero because hero’s are cool and she’s cool so it just makes sense for her to be a hero
(actually though because she wanted to make her mother proud of her but you didn’t hear it from me)
Is lowkey really powerful and if she tried to use the full extent of her powers, she’d be a beast
but don’t tell her that, she’s already got a big head
is working towards becoming an underground hero
His quirk is sound amplification. He amplifies preexisting sound waves to what ever frequency is needed. Depending on the frequency, he can break through almost any object. The drawback is that sound waves can damage his hearing and can become temporarily deaf if he uses it too long or if he creates a frequency that’s too high for his body to handle. Has a chance of becoming permanently deaf if he overuses his quirk too many times
His suit comes with modifications to help with that so he should be fine he hopes
His guitar doubles as a weapon since he usually amplifies whatever chord he plays
Already has his provisional hero licence
is still really chill
is one of the first to figure out Marinette’s secret but is a good boi so he doesn’t tell
you’d think that being the oldest of the group he’d be the sensible one but nope
is accidentally the one that encourages shenanigans 
Luka, innocently: Hey, did you know that the teachers don’t lock up the sim rooms?
Chloe: *Death glare*
Luka: *nervous confusion*
the one who encouraged Juleka to go for the hero course 
Adrien’s best friend, just like canon
started out as general studies since he wasn’t sure if he was good enough to be a hero but a teacher saw his potential and was transferred into the hero course
His quirk is time reduction. He can slow time or even stop it completely if he concentrates very hard, allowing him to get one place to the next in literally no time at all. He used to think it was super speed because this but found out what it really was when he tried to save a cat from being run over and stopped time. He can also stop  only certain objects in time but that takes up more energy. The drawback is that if he overuses his quirk he starts to speed up his own time in order to compensate for the time he’s losing so he becomes very tired and after “3 hours” of his own time passed he will pass out from exhaustion. Also, he can only manipulate the time within his quirk’s range which can go up to about the size of an american football field (160 feet/49) meters.
is super insecure of his quirk because he thinks it’s not as cool as everyone else’s
they make sure to let him know that that’s bs and he’s very cool
feeds off of Adiren’s chaotic energy during simulations
has been put in timeout by Chloe when this happens
will stop time to bask in the moment 
gets emotional during this
there have been many times where the Squad is chilling and suddenly everyone just sees Nino sobbing 
group hugs ensue
Adrien, probably: “Chloe get your shiny ass in the cuddle pile or so help me-!”
 I’ll make a part two since this is already so long, but that’s it for now! What do y’all think?
Part 2 is now up!
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sweetmeatdale · 4 years
Trying this one more time and hopefully this will be visible if you search the tags. But long story short I’m trying to figure out how to post a fic(or a link to one) and have it be possible to search for it on tumblr.
Edit: ok so depending on whether you see this on mobile or on desk top this is gonna be a difficult thing to read so sorry about that but if anyone has any information that’ll help I’d appreciate it
Re-edit it disappeares from being searchable whenever I try to add the link so the whole thing should be readable below and maybe I’ll get it edited in as a link soon, the “read more” is still behaving weird too
A Secret Admirer
It’s not like she hadn’t considered approaching Adrien as Ladybug, she certainly felt more confident and then on top of that she could keep her confessions of her crush on him anonymous, or at least as anonymous as ‘Ladybug’ was but that’s where the problem lied. If she did go visiting him as Ladybug to tell him how she feels then that always left the risk of making him a target for Hawkmoth, she risked making Chat jealous, and she risked his dad’s whole overprotective security house getting turned in a cage for him if he disapproved of the risks she’d be putting him in… basically she’d gone over the idea enough times to catastrophize every scenario in her mind and unlike her civilian approach Alya couldn’t directly encourage her past a lot of them. As much as she tried to convince herself it was safe to just go over and get a confession out of her system she felt Ladybug’s status made it all too dangerous, that was however not a problem that was linked to a new identity she’d acquired. Multimouse was perfect, only Chat knew her identity and she was a relatively unknown hero so it wouldn’t attract much interest, and if she was worried about a noticeable blush she could just be too tiny for him to see. So that was her new plan, she could just pop on over and tell him how she felt and then maybe with that first step out of the way she could work towards telling him without a mask to hide behind and she could finally make some actual progress with him for once.
Tikki argued that it was basically the same thing as visiting as Ladybug and that she was misusing the miraculous but Mullo didn’t seem against the idea of a short time out just to get her to finally be able to talk to Adrien for a few minutes. So she decided to run with the impulse before her doubts could take over and headed out into the evening.
Adrien wasn’t planning to patrol tonight, he’d let Plagg wander off and do his own thing while he checked the ladyblog between doing his homework, that was until he heard something going on by his window. He turned to look but couldn’t see Plagg, instead there looked to be four things about the size of his kwami moving around the frame of his window. He moved closer to find a group of Multimouse trying to swing his unlocked window open. He used the remote for the tall windows to crack open the one they were pulling at slightly only for one of them to gasp that they’d been noticed.
“Mu-Mouse person? Who are you? What are you guys doing here?” He asked, remembering he wasn’t supposed to who Multimouse was.
One stood straight up in the windowsill while the others climbed down and announced, “I am the superhero akumas fear, Multimouse!” Striking a little pose while doing so and jumping to the floor with the rest of herselves.
“Ok, Multimouse, what are you doing here? Is there an akuma?”
“Oh! Right!” She said almost gasping for air out of panic realizing she hadn’t planned this far ahead, but Adrien assumed she was just winded from traveling at that size. “I’m training with Ladybug at the moment… I just needed to stop here and-“
“-And catch your breath?” He ventured a guess when she paused for a moment too long.
“Well, that too” one of them blurted out, “but we had something else for why we stopped here specifically”. Three seemed to huddle around the main one and whisper into her ear before pushing her forward from the group, “Adrien Agreste,” she began to announce before looking back to the others for support. “I am using this brief chance as a superhero to do something I cannot do as my regular self.” Noticing that this piqued his interest in what she had to say she took a deep breath and continued, “I came here specifically, tonight, because I needed to tell you finally that…” one of the Multimouse nudged her “Oh! Sorry I’m rambling, what I need to tell you is that I- um , is that I really like you” she forced out, “and I know that you won’t be able to know who this confession is from or if it’s nothing more than a fan confession but I promise you this love is genuine and real and I just tried so many times in person and couldn’t get past the fear of rejection.” She noticed a growing look of shock before she continued, “I just had to finally get the words out, even if they were anonymous. I hope you’ll understand and I hope that one day I won’t need this mask to help me say it. So- um yeah, I’m gonna head out before Ladybug notices us missing, umm, bye?” She gave a small wave before hoisting herselves back up to the windowsill.
Before the last one could jump back outside Adrien snapped back to reality enough to call out to her, “Multimouse, wait” he watched to make sure she turned her head at least, “if you get the chance again you can probably stop to catch your breath and chat some more later, jumping around the city at that size probably takes a lot out of you.” She smiled at that and wordlessly nodded before jumping back outside. And now Adrien was back alone.
“Plagg, I think Marinette might like me.”
“Finally pieced that one together huh?” He replied appearing out of wherever he’d hidden from her.
As much as Adrien wanted to come up with a comeback for that remark he had a much bigger problem on his mind, because Marinette thought that her confession was anonymous and if he didn’t want her to know he was Chat Noir then he had to figure out how to hide from her that she’d dropped this bombshell on him. He had no idea how to face her at school now knowing what he did. He needed to clear his head. “Plagg, Claws Out!” He shouted as he took off into the night.
As soon as she thought she was out of sight of the mansion she detransformed and transformed into Ladybug to get herself home, she hadn’t considered it before she headed out but navigating the world at that size was certainly a lot more taxing than her usual way of swinging about the city. She decided to find a chimney to lean against and rest before going all the way back, or at least she would’ve rested had a certain Cat not managed to find the exact spot she’d decided to sit down.
“I thought you weren’t going to be out tonight?” She asked.
“I didn’t plan to but, I thought I saw Multimouse” he said, not completely lying but trying to come up with something she’d believe.
“You did? Where!?”
“Oh, you know just a few off that way,” he gestured vaguely towards his house, “but I Lost them so I thought I’d find you to see what was up.”
“Oh? Well not too much, just trying to train her a bit, you know just in case.”
“Where is she now?”
“Um, Marinette is on her way home, why?”
“Just wondering? How’d her training go? Looks like she took a lot out of you.”
“Yeah? Well guess you could say she’s all over the place, but I suppose that makes sense with that power. She’s handling it pretty well though.”
“So does this mean we’re going to be seeing more of her now?”
“We’ll see Kitty, Just don’t run off to gossip with her just yet, I don’t need another Weredad situation.”
“Fine, but could I get some warning for next time? I thought there was an emergency.”
“Alright, I get that but it was sorta spur of the moment so no guarantee that it’ll happen any time soon.”
“She’s a pretty great person so don’t go keeping her all to yourself, Bug,” he said with a wink, “unless you’re afraid of losing me to her?”
“As if,” she giggled, “go home already you big flirt, I’m sure you’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
“Alright, just let me know what’s up later” he replied, turning to the way he’d come and jumping off shouting, “Good Night M’lady.”
“Good Night!” She shouted back finally standing up to head home.
By the next morning she was glad to finally get that weight off her chest, she resolved to see how far this freedom could take her, she even thought about bringing him some pastries for lunch. That was until she got downstairs to grab som and he was standing there in the storefront chatting it up with her parents.
“Oh, here she is now!” Her mother said as she came through to the front of the bakery, “ Adrien was just asking about you.”
“He- he was!” She sputtered out, wondering to herself if she had accidentally said something that gave her away last night.
Now more acutely aware of Marinette’s panic Adrien spoke up, “Well I just asked if you knew when she’d be down, I was just here to get some pastries.” Hearing a small sigh of relief from Marinette he continued, “Is there anything you’d recommend?”
“Oh! Ok, well… I have some of those passionfruit you said you liked before that I made last night!... or unless you wanted something else? There’s some mint cookies that’re new? And a peanut butter cake?”
“Well all of that sounds amazing, but I probably shouldn’t go overboard, are the cookies the smallest of those?” He asked turning back towards Sabine at the counter.
“I’ll ring that up for you and then you two can head out to school together.”
He paid for his pastries and tried not to stare as they left to cross the street to the school, he had to see her as soon as possible which is why he took his time deciding but his mind was still in a blur looking for what signs he might’ve missed that she liked him. There was so much he was wondering about, like when she said she’d tried before but stopped herself and he couldn’t figure out when she might’ve done that or what he would’ve done to make her afraid.
As they got to the doors of the school together he saw Alya give her a look of some kind, was that a sign? Did she know? Was that about something else?
He was probably a little to preoccupied in his thoughts because he was caught completely off guard by Marinette asking him if something was wrong.
“Does it look that way?” He hesitantly replied.
“Well maybe, you don’t seem upset but something looks like it’s bothering you. Did something happen? Were the cookies bad?”
“No it’s nothing like that,” he paused, wondering how could he say this to her without giving it away, “I sorta got an anonymous message from... an admirer? I guess would be the way to put it.” He definitely noticed her perk up at that. He darted his head away so she wouldn’t see him react.
“D-do you want to… find them?” She asked cautiously, Multimouse was already an identity she’d sacrificed once and she could certainly do it again but telling him outright probably wouldn’t leave the best impression. She knew he knew that responsibility from the Snake miraculous...
He broke her line of thought by speaking back up, “I don’t think they want me to know yet. I still want to, that curiosity is probably natural, I just don’t want her to think I’m disrespecting why she kept it a secret.”
Marinette thought about it for a second, she had wanted to get out the confession so that it’d be easier to talk to him so now was probably the time to take that advantage and go for it, “Well she probably wants you to know eventually, so why not keep an eye out for a girl who’s got her eyes on you,” he turned back to face her at that, “She’s probably closer than you think.”
She wanted to reassure him but looking into that smile trying to help him find her he realized just how much of a hold this little mouse had on him.
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lokelios · 5 years
Feluka: Song Of My Heart
so uh I got encouraged to post a thing  I’m not much of a writer, but I love to create concepts- just... Writing them out fanfic-wise is difficult to me. this was kinda taken from an RP a friend of mine were doing- but I have now fallen into a Feluka Hole that I cannot escape from now Anyway! this is a sweet lil concept on how Felix and Luka got together- based off of what happened in the RP!   (It’s long so I put in a Read More)
(Context! Felix is living with Adrien and Gabriel, from at the time unknown, circumstances, Felix has met Luka and was instantly intrigued by him- and over time the two had bonded. Felix has developed a really, really deep crush on Luka.) It's a stormy day, in the afternoon. Felix finally gets a call from his dad. And he finally knows the truth about why his father sent him to live with Adrien and Gabriel. Because he was not able to bring such success to him like Adrien has with Gabriel, Felix's father decided he will no longer raise a failure and he is no longer welcome in his home.  Felix is devastated by this, and is even more convinced that he is riddled with bad luck- since he's had such life throughout his life. He throws his phone- hitting a vase. Both the vase and the phone shatter. Adrien comes to him, asking him what happened and if he's alright, Felix tells him what happened.  And when Adrien asks why, Felix tells him why.  Without much word, Felix storms out of the Agreste Manor, Adrien decides.. Maybe it's best if Felix had space. He left too quickly anyway. But he still worries. Without an umbrella, Felix wanders aimlessly in the town, practically losing his location eventually, He resorts to just standing in the rain. He's drenched. And then, the harsh rain stops on him. He looks up to see an umbrella, and next to him he sees the face of His Luka. But even though he sees the face of the one he yearns for, it doesn't do enough to completely cheer him up. Luka takes him to a sheltered seat in a nearby park, hoping they can sit there until the rain lets up. They talk for a bit. Luka tells Felix he was only taking a walk until he saw him, finding it lucky that he ran into Felix. Felix doesn't think so, and reminds him that he's only bad luck. But Luka disagrees, and tells him that he's never found any of their interactions to be bad luck Then Felix tells him he got disowned by his father. but after a pause, he lets up and tells Luka that running into him wasn't so bad either. Luka isn't entirely sure what to say, so he just wraps an arm around him. Which leads to Felix telling him he was warm, the chill of the rain finally setting in. So Luka takes another step. 
He removes his hooded jacket and wraps it over Felix's shoulders, telling him that he needs it more than he does right now. 
Felix is shocked, but actually thankful for the sentiment. He pulls the jacket further around him as he stares at Luka, and his feelings finally rise even more in his chest. 
Luka is perfect to him. Luka makes him feel vulnerable, and like a child again. It's settling in that Luka was always kind to him, even when he never had to be. and Felix is feeling like the more he talks to him, he feels that he needs him more and more So he tells Luka that he's the best thing about Paris since he's been there. Luka smiles at him, and tells him that he has a beautiful song inside of him, and each time they meet, he finds a new portion to the song revealing itself to him. And he tells him he wants to keep playing his song. Felix is shocked, and more is settling in. If there really is a song inside of him, then he thinks... Luka must be the beat to his song. The one thing that makes a song what it is, the foundation of a song. So he tells Luka that he only wants to hear Luka play it. And no one else. And he realizes, right there, that he is truly in love with Luka. and Luka tells him that he will play it as long as Felix wants him to, moving to brush some stray hairs from Felix's face.  Felix grabs onto his hand, and speaks before he thinks. He tells Luka to promise him that he will. Promise him that no one else will get to hear it from him. Promise him that this is only for him, Promise him that he'll only play his song from now on. That he'll be his. and Luka promises with a smile as he brings his free hand to his cheek. For he knows what Felix really means. Felix is elated, though he appears more shocked, and his grip on Luka's hand tightens. He's quiet for a bit... And then he finally says "...My Luka."  Something he's yearned to truly say. And Luka keeps his smile on him, and tells Felix that he is the song of his heart. Felix confesses to him that he's felt that he belonged to Luka ever since they first locked eyes. He feels like he may have actually died and he's truly in a heaven. Luka tells him he felt drawn to him for a while. Felix tells him he's never felt this way for anyone, he knows little to nothing about romantic relationships... So he tells Luka he'll let him set the pace from there. Luka gently holds his chin, and asks his permission to kiss him and Felix says yes. The rain keeps going, but the rain, compliments the beautiful melody that they make together.
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