#I just love Fankiddos and I’m having fun
scythemichaelfaraday · 10 months
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Sitara Phoenix Dwicky
The oldest of the wee ones (not counting Cal and Chance). Biologically Dwight and Johnny's. They were not planned nor expected at all.
Quick aside: My version of Johnny's creator (an evil System-running, wastelock-experiment-making au version of Edgar Vargas) created Johnny from dead Meekrob DNA and my hc for Meekrob is that they are genderless/sexless beings that can carry offspring and generate the organs to do so. Johnny has that ability too originally for very unsavory purposes.
They were conceived right before Johnny was taken away by Vargas back to the System to be tortured into submission. Miraculously, they (and Johnny) survived. Johnny delivered them (and the rest of his biological children) via Caesarean section.
Johnny had them right before being hospitalized for PTSD amongst other things, so their and Johnny's early relationship was a little strained due to the accompanying trauma. It was only when Johnny started healing that they formed a healthy and happy parent/child relationship.
Sadly, due to the torture and stress that Johnny underwent while Sitara was in utero, they did not inherit any powers from either parent that later children will end up having.
They share Johnny's creativity and affinity with the stars and space in general. They are stubborn much like both parents, but especially Johnny. Dwight passed on his social awkwardness (which honestly both parents have), love for animals, and persuasiveness manipulation. They hold fast to their beliefs and values and do end up being the debate team type of kid.
Their hobbies include drawing, building with legos, and playing with the various pets around the Dwicky household, including but not limited to: two guinea pigs and their extensive family, a supernatural sable, a robot bunny, a robot cat, chickens, horses, and a singing plant. They end up becoming an interstellar veterinarian.
They also are rather gender variant at a young age. They like wearing gnc clothing. They ask to start being referred to as they/them as early as six years old.
They have Johnny’s facial structure with Dwight’s nose and a pretty equal mix of their skin tones leaning more towards Johnny’s complexion. They have Johnny’s hair color. They have brown eyes mainly because it’s a dominant gene and more common than Johnny’s black eyes.
Finally, their middle name is in honor of Johnny’s niece (and a dear friend) Addie Denivar’s title of “Phoenix.”
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Bellatrix Usagi Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. She is biologically Johnny and Leera’s daughter. Leera was kind of feeling left out and missed being pregnant when Dwight and Johnny found out they were having twins. Despite being conceived at a later date as the twins, Bellatrix was delivered the same day as them and thus they are considered triplets.
She is the most mischievous of the kids with her first word literally being ‘fuck’ said with such joy and passion. When they start growing up, Bellatrix will be the “leader” of her siblings and get them into heaps of trouble.
She takes on Johnny’s gothic style, literally dyeing her hair black later as a teenager to “match her soul.” She loves black as much as she loves pink. Loves Sailor Moon as much as she loves Kill la Kill (much to Johnny’s dismay). Loves tea parties as much as she loves mosh pits. One thing remains constant and that is she’s the life of the party.
Even as a young girl, she is known for biting other kids who pick on her or her siblings (and she inherited momma’s sharp teeth), her eccentric and constantly changing personality (which later ends up being parent’s inherited borderline), and her ability to charm.
She later develops the power of pyrokinesis with a strange twist, instead of being a source of warmth, it is cold like ice and has a strange effect of burning, but in the same way that frostbite and liquid nitrogen does. She refers to it as coldfire.
She has the facial structure and skin type and tone of Leera with big ol eyes like Johnny and a surprising appearance of a recessive gene of blue eyes. She gets her nose from Johnny. Her hair is a literal blended mix of Leera and Johnny’s. Her ear shape is pointed like Leera’s. Her teeth are pointy and sharp like Leera’s.
Her middle name should be quite obvious- but just in case, yes, it is based off of Sailor Moon’s name. Her parents watched a lot of it while pregnant okay! Also her twin bangs remind her parents of a bunny’s!
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Lyra Eileen Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. She is biologically Johnny and Dwight’s. She, like her sibling Sitara and twin, Artemis, was a surprise as well. But not quite as much as a surprise since Johnny is now aware that he can conceive.
Lyra is a “weird” kid through and through, from a very young age she has had various imaginary friends that she speaks to (that gives Johnny a heart attack every time), never talked much with other kids, and is in her head most of the time.
She prefers to spend her time in the vents in the ceiling of the Dwicky space station, listening to classical music and talking with her friends and reading.
She loves all things supernatural and is not afraid of conventionally spooky things. One of her first toys was a radio with the ability to pick up changes in the environment including EM field , temperature, etc. that turns these changes into words to “communicate with ghosts.” Sadly, she loses the ability to use it.
However, this leads to her power showing up: clairvoyance. It starts with her animatedly talking with people who aren’t there, like full-fledged conversations and continues into her trying to convince her parents to help the lost souls or at least to communicate their feelings. And ultimately comes to a head when she talks to Dwight’s dead spouses (long before Leera and Johnny): Mooshy and Spoopty despite never meeting them before or hearing about them.
She has a button nose that is different than Dwight or Johnny’s probably coming somewhere from Johnny’s mixed Filipino - Spanish Indigenous (Mexico) side. She is a little on the lighter side but has a darker complexion than Artemis and Dwight. She has Johnny’s pupil shape and black eye color. She has a mix of Dwight and Johnny’s hair colors. Her ears are rounded like Dwight’s.
Her middle name is Dwight’s mother’s name.
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Artemis Edgar Miles Dwicky
One of the three Dwicky triplets. He is biologically Dwight and Johnny’s, and as mentioned before, he was a surprise.
Artemis is the entertainer of the family. While Bellatrix likes to be the life of the party and is quite dramatic, Artemis takes that on and makes it a performance. Where Bella and Lyra are two different sides of the chaotic spectrum, Artemis is right in the middle. He knows how to have a good time, but he also knows when to stop.
He has loved making his parents laugh since he was a little boy and puts on concerts in the lounge where they all sit together. He starts taking guitar lessons at the age of eight and has started his own band by thirteen.
While he loves to party, he has a very limited capacity to his social battery and it drains very quickly. When he’s not performing, he’s cozying up on his bed and watching tv or playing video games. He’s a sweet boy at heart who just really likes to make people happy.
His power manifests as the ability to cast spells using specific rhythms on his guitar and sometimes vocally in a siren-like manner. He can cause a riot with his music alone and also put a crowd at ease with a single chorus. He isn’t aware of this power until his angry, angsty teenager lyrics started a full-on brawl in the restaurant he was playing at.
His complexion is Dwight’s. His face shape is more angular and heart shaped than either Dwight or Johnny and likely came from Dwight’s mother. Another thing he inherited from Dwight’s mother is his bright red hair, being that she is of Irish decent. His eyes are gray, taking on an almost mix of Dwight’s clear blue and Johnny’s black. His ears are squared like Johnny’s. He has Johnny’s nose.
His middle names take a little more explaining. While Vargas was an asshole abusive creator, there is another alternate dimension Edgar that enters the picture and becomes Dwight’s friend over the course of the three years that Johnny was captured. He helps Dwight through his grief and gets him to do the next right thing and be there for his wife and kid after (seemingly) losing Johnny. He is now a family friend and frequently comes over for game nights and chess matches with Dwight. Thus, Artemis’ first middle name.
… The other middle name is Miles as in Miles Prower as in Tails from the Sonic franchise. Another form of media that the Dwicky household got into around the kids’ development.
Also, as a quick little side note: Johnny goes by Renny (as in parent). Dwight goes by Dad, Father, Daddy, and Papa. Leera goes by Mom, Momma, and Mommy. They also use Spanish and Tagalog (the languages of two major parts of Johnny’s human DNA) terms of endearment.
Tagging a friend: @messinwitheddie
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