#I just really love writing supersis okay
pixierobinwrites · 8 years
SuperSis!Reader x Dick Grayson: Excited
So this wasn’t actually requested for me, but for @batlog, and I just got excited and did it myself since Batlog isn’t taking requests. It’s probably just part one of many random things cause I AM REALLY ENJOYING WRITING SUPERSIS- I want all the things with her. XD
Can you do an Imagine where you're Superman's daughter and you and Dick are together? Please :)
It had been three weeks since you'd started dating Dick- since he'd asked you out for tea, of all things, after a particularly rough mission. He'd been all bright smiles, and charming words, and not at all like the goofy 13 year old you'd met back when you'd all come together to form the Young Justice team. And you'd had a low key crush on him since way back then, so of course, despite being exhausted and bit a dusty, you'd agreed.
Three weeks later, and things were... excellent, actually. He was a good boyfriend, if a bit preoccupied sometimes. That was okay, you were busy too.
It helped that you'd known each other so long, and that you got along with his family. The Batfamily, as everyone was calling them, was pretty fun, and despite all odds, basically entwined with your own.  As it had been since you were fairly young. You'd babysat Damian, (and that was a handful), Tim and Kon were practically glued together, Kara got along amazingly well with Babs and Steph, and you fit in just perfectly. It was nice to feel so deeply immersed in a family, even a pulled together one like Dick's.
But three weeks in, and there was one thing that hadn't happened yet.
You spent a fair amount of time in Gotham with his family, and of course he knew your brother Jon, and he'd known Kon as long as you had. He got along with Kara, he knew your dad. It wasn't like he wasn't almost as involved in your family as you were his.
But, he'd never really interacted with your family when they were all together. He'd met most of them, but separately.
This weekend was a family get together. It was a big deal. Everyone was coming to the farm back in Smallville, and you'd convinced Dick to leave behind the mask and join you. The first big meeting where everyone would get together and you could 'officially' introduce Dick as your boyfriend.
"They all know that, you know." He'd grinned at you when you brought it up, arms around your shoulders, his lips brushing your cheek, "I mean, who is left to tell?"
You'd grinned, tilting your head, and turning in his arms to face him, "Yes, but you haven't met my grandma, or been with us as just.. us."
"Dick, how many times have I hung out with you and  your brothers?" You asked, fingers sliding through his hair, "How many times have I spent the night at the Manor with you? Or have I woken up in your apartment to find Jason and Damian sprawled on your couch playing video games and fighting over the controllers?"
You tapped his nose and drew away, "I love your family, I like knowing them, but you only work with mine."
"I've seen Conner in the morning, I think that's enough." He snickered, thinking back to when Conner still lived at the base, and everyone saw him every day, there, and waiting. "And I've met everyone outside of work, [Y/N]."
"Yes, but not together." You responded, moving around him to leave the computer behind and head towards the kitchen, "Besides, you love my dad, I thought you'd be thrilled to see him in his element."
You grinned as Dick paused to think that one over. It wasn't really as big of a deal as you were making it out to be. If Dick didn't make it you'd be disappointed, but you'd get over it too. He did know them, love them, maybe a bit less than you loved his brothers, but it was something. Using your dad, though, and the reminder of how Dick had positively swooned over the idea that you were superman's daughter back when you first met, was a bit of a... well, a dick move. To be blunt.
"Yeah, okay,  I'll go."
You didn't need to look to know he was grinning like a fool. Instead, you waved a hand, and continued on your way, "Awesome, you should bring Tim with you, Kon will love it."
You'd thought that would be pretty easy. But when you met Dick at mount justice the day of, dressed in civvies, you saw the same fanboy you'd met way back when. He looked good, damned good, like always, in jeans and a t-shirt, and jacket thrown over it. The sunglasses were still a bit much given how dim the cave was, but you didn't mention it- it would be pretty damned bright in Kansas, so that was fine. It was the way he fidgeted, shifted his weight with excess energy, that made you roll your eyes.
"Dick, calm down." You grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "It's just a picnic, you look like you're gonna explode. "
"He's been like that all morning." Tim said, taking a sip of mug of coffee, and staring down at his phone.
"I'm not like anything. I'm calm, totally whelmed. " Dick responded, still grinning as he slung his arm around your shoulder, "This'll be great. I can't wait to see where Superma- Your dad, I mean, where your dad grew up."
Rolling your eyes, you gave him a light, barely there shove, "Whatever, Birdboy."  
The Zeta Tube dropped you all off just beyond the farm. Far enough to not startle the animals, but close enough that it was in walking distance.  Tim was near silent, still staring at his phone as you walked, but Dick was exuberant. His eyes scanning the landscape, and looking for signs of everyone. You, yourself, could already hear everyone.
You could hear Grandma M and your mom laughing, and Jon trying to coax Wolf into a game a fetch. More importantly, you could hear Kon and your dad  talking about Dick.
"He's good for her, right?" Your dad said, sounding a bit unsure.
"He's a good guy." Kon responded, and you tried to listen a little more closely to know where they were.
"Yeah, but like... Bruce is so..." Your dad paused, "Not good with people, and women..."
"Dick's not like that."
"He dates a lot."
"Yeah, he dates a lot."
You rolled your  eyes, winding your arm around your boyfriend's waist as you led him and his brother up the long drive. "Okay, so dad might be planning to give you the 'shotgun' talk, or his version of it."
It shouldn't end too badly. At least, nothing like the one Batman had given you the first time Dick had brought you to visit the manor as his girlfriend and not just a girl who is a friend- Jason stop making that face at us!!
"What?" Dick's voice broke on the word, and you tried not to laugh at the look of shock on his face.
"He gave it to Kara's first girlfriend too, I think." You vaguely remembered the fight that had ensued. "Anyway, it's no big deal, just remember, my dad's like a big marshmallow wrapped in red and blue. He's like a puppy or something."
"That can bench press buses and punch through walls." Tim added, very unhelpfully.
Dick's face went pale, and you shot a glare at Tim, "Okay, but you know you're getting it too, you know."
"What?" Tim's head jerked up and he looked at you in panic.
Grinning, a bit evilly, you leaned a little towards the smaller Robin, "You are dating Kon. You know, Dad's gotten , like, super close with him lately. Kon's one of us too. And if you hurt him, there's really not much that anyone could do to save you."
"We're just friends." Tim told you, before picking up his pace and walking a bit faster, his coffee sloshing from his cup as he went.
As he went, you snickered, and turned your gaze back to Dick, who had an almost pleased look on his face. Arching a brow, you reached up and prodded at his cheek, "Okay, so I know you like teasing your brothers, but my doing it doesn't usually bring that look to your face. "
"Superman's going to be giving me the shotgun talk." He responded, a bit breathily. You could hear the hint of excitement in his voice, and rolled your eyes. "My hero is gonna tell me not to hurt his daughter- Not, not that I ever would! I mean, why would I want to? You're amazing, but this is like huge, ya know?"
"You're excited my dad is going to threaten your life? " You were confused.  This had to be the weirdest reaction you'd seen a boy ever have to this type of thing. Of course, most of your actual experience with this kind of thing, really, was that time J'onn had stared down Kon over M'gann, but that was ages ago, and frankly you'd thought it would just end with Kon trying to punch J'onn.  
"Well, excited isn't the right word." Dick began, grinning like a loon, "I mean-"
"You're totally excited to have my dad threaten your life!"  You broke into laughter, pulling away from him, and picking up your pace a bit, "Oh my god, Kara was right."
"What did Kara say?" Dick asked, trying to keep up.
You just kept moving, just fast enough to keep out of his reach, laughing and staying out of his reach as you finally moved up to where everyone else was. Your dad and Kon were outside now, and  you could see Tim settled at the picnic table between your grandmother and Kara. You spotted your dad eyeing Dick, but there was soft smile on his face as you let your boyfriend catch you. Dick lifted you up and spun you around, and your laughter drew everyone's attention, not that it slowed Dick down for even a moment.
It was a nice start to a family get together.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
DC Character Insert Guide!
So, I got my second Covid shot yesterday and while I didn’t feel much of the effects then, I’m feeling them today, and I don’t want to write any fics because it’s too much effort and everything in my body hurts.
Instead, I decided to compile a list of all the character inserts I do, just so everyone can have a bit of a better background to them. Let’s start with the Batfamily, then we’ll move to the Superfamily, then Flashfamily, and finally the Lanternfamily.
So, within the Batfamily inserts there are four insert characters: Batmom (Bruce’s wife and mother of the Batfamily), Bat-Aunt (Bruce’s sister), Batsis (Bruce’s daughter, and Batbrother (Bruce’s son).
1. Batmom (Bruce’s wife and mother of the Batfamily) is a model by day and support at night. She stopped being a vigilante after Dick and Bruce’s falling out, preferring to stay at home and focus on raising Jason whilst caring for the family. She was born in Blüdhaven but grew up in Gotham City, eventually getting a job at WE where she quickly worked her way to the position of Bruce’s secretary where she became a valued member of his personal circle.
2. Bat-Aunt (Bruce’s sister) is a billionaire, playgirl, philanthropist by day and depending on which pairing I’m using, she’s either a vigilante by night or support for the Batfamily (non-vigilante). She’s Bruce’s younger sister and no one’s really sure if they’re related by blood but apparently one night, the two siblings sat down to test DNA, received the answers, and never spoke of them again. They’ve been together since they were in diapers—they’re siblings through and through. She is close with Ghost-Maker and Barry Allen.
3. Batsis (Bruce’s daughter) is a writer by day and a spy-network running vigilante by night. She is the oldest sibling of the Batsiblings and takes it upon herself to keep everyone in check when they need it. Because she’s older than most of the sidekicks every major superhero has, she’s not friends like Dick is with his group, so she tends to help out with the JL more. She was born and raised in Gotham City, showing up at Bruce’s doorstep at six years old. She is close with Wally West and Kyle Rayner.
4. Batbrother (Bruce’s son) is a black ops squad leader, designation SPECTRES, who runs missions all over the world that take out terrorist organizations, human trafficking rings, etc. He is the eldest sibling of the Batsiblings, and is typically compared to being a second Bruce, but a much laxer Bruce. He was born in Gotham, but his mother passed during birth, and he was raised in the mountains of Virginia by his maternal grandfather until he was thirteen. During the time, he was taught how to live off the land—which is important because it helps him during the Super Soldier Program. He traveled to Gotham City to Wayne Manor and told Bruce he was his son. After DNA testing, it was proven true. When he’s not on a mission, he’s usually at Wayne Manor bugging the crap out of his family. He is a sexual assault survivor during his time in the military and he advocates for other survivors and also runs personal missions (without his team) to bring justice to those who didn’t receive any. He is close with Kyle Rayner and his younger brother Jason Todd.
Within the Superfamily there are two reader inserts and those are Super-Aunt (Clark’s sister) and Supersis (Clark’s daughter).
1. Super-Aunt (Clark’s sister) is the world’s Superwoman. She lives in Gotham City working for Bruce, so she is technically apart of the Batfamily. She was not raised by the Kents with Clark, as their pods hit one another in the atmosphere and shot off to different locations, hers in Jacksonville, Florida. She and Clark met during a Daily Planet trip to Wayne Enterprises. She is close with Bruce Wayne and Ted Kord—and Booster Gold because you can’t have Blue Beetle without Booster Gold.
2. Supersis (Clark’s daughter) is the world’s Superwoman. She is not Lois Lane’s daughter but considers the woman her mother. She fights with the Young Justice team and when she’s not fighting with them, she’s either at her family home or at Gotham University taking classes. She is close with Tim Drake, Bart Allen, and Jason Todd.
In the Flashfamily there are two reader inserts, and they are Flash-Aunt (Barry’s sister) and Flash-daughter (Barry’s daughter).
1. Flash-Aunt (Barry’s sister) is a Flash like Barry and serves in the Central City Police Department with her brother, but while Barry is a forensic scientist, she is a detective, working their cases so that the two siblings are always on them together—they’re currently gunning for the most solved cases award. She is not the child of Nora Allen, but instead of Henry Allen during the time that he and Nora were getting divorced. When she was born, the mother gave her to Darryl Frye and she and Barry were raised together. She is close with Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne.
2. Flash-Daughter (Barry’s daughter) was recently introduced with the fic “If We Were Fast Enough”. She is the daughter of Barry Allen in a world where the old Justice League has retired, and their successors have taken up the mantles. Unfortunately, global devastation occurred which was a result of nuclear warfare between countries. During the all-out war on the ruined landscape, she watched every JL member fall along with every Flash. She witnessed the deaths and took their speed (she did not kill them, but merely took their speed to keep it out of the hands of the enemy), making her faster than every speedster. Within the final moments of her world, she harnessed Barry Allen’s speed before he died, making her the fastest speedster alive, even faster than Wally West (just by an inch), and escaped the imploding of her world by traveling to another timeline. After a year, she broke down and told Barry the truth, but he accepted her as his daughter regardless. She works in CCPD as a forensic scientist and is the Lightning Flash when she isn’t working. She is older than most of the sidekicks, around her late twenties, but is close with Jason Todd and Kyle Rayner.
Last but not least, there are two inserts in the Lanternfamily, and they are Lanternsis (Hal’s sister) and Lantern-Daughter (Hal’s daughter).
1. Lanternsis (Hal’s sister) is the daughter of Jessica Jordan but not Martin Jordan. She was born a few years after Martin died, her father isn’t known, and was raised in the family. Because Hal was so determined to join the Air Force and fly, he wasn’t around much as she was growing up, but seeing that no one in the family wanted to talk to Hal, especially her mother and oldest brother, she took it upon herself to have a relationship with him, calling him whenever she could, seeing him when she could. They became very close when she expressed that she herself wanted to join the Navy and become a pilot. Hal taught her everything he knew about flying and she excelled in the Naval flight programs, even at the expense of her relationship with Jessica. When her mother died, she chose an honorable discharge from the military and started working at Ferris Aircraft with Hal. Sometime during Hal’s breakdown as Green Lantern and the destruction of Coast City, the Blue Lantern Power Ring found her, and she became the Blue Lantern of Earth for her undying hope that she and the ones she loved most would be okay. She is close with Barry Allen and the Four Corpsmen.
2. Lantern-Daughter (Hal’s daughter) was introduced with the fic “When The Music’s Not Forgotten”. She is Hal’s daughter, mother is unknown, and currently lives with him in Coast City. She works at a Wayne Enterprises branch in Coast where she met with Jason Todd and started training unbeknownst to her father. During a fight when the truth was revealed, she and Hal had a falling out where she returned home and was met by Sinestro who invited her to join the Sinestro Corps. She agreed and became a Yellow Lantern. All is not lost though; she eventually becomes another Lantern type. She is close with Jason Todd, Wally West, and the Four Corpsmen.
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