#I just really really like a regressing ming fan
fistfuloflightning · 5 months
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In all honesty, they hadn’t been enemies at the beginning, not until Shen Qingqiu had pitted them against each other. Then they became rivals. But it’s an old, old trope and Ming Fan is tired of fighting. Each go-round is the same thing, each life a painfully familiar path, no matter what changes. Sometimes he lives, sometimes he doesn’t—sometimes at Luo Binghe’s hands, sometimes not.
Those times are the worst, because Ming Fan can never forget those large, horrified eyes watching him die.
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midnighmoonligh · 9 months
Turning Red request: Ming or Jin comforting baby regressor! Mei
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I'm really not a huge fan of writing turning red, but I do have this oneshot I wrote for someone a bit ago! Hope it still makes you happy <33.
Turning red
mei (little) ming & Jin (parents) cgs
⚠Content Warnings⚠
Getting hurt, bit of blood mentions, scraping knees.
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The sun was shining brightly in the sky above. It was exciting. After several days of storming, it was finally a good time to go outside. With it being the weekend, Mei slepted in until noon. It was nice. When she finally woke up, fighting the urge to go back to sleep, she felt little. She had into recently discovered Age Regression. On top of that it had only been a few days since her parents knew. They were so accepting, excited even. Getting the chance to spend time with her younger self once more is exciting for the parents. They generally love and would support her through everything.
She jumped out of bed and giggled as she put her bunny slippers on. It was a nice warm day, but the flooring still felt cold. Spring always brought those ups and downs of cold and warm days. Mei grabbed her favorite dog stuffie before rushing off to her parents room to see if they were awake. Much to her excitement, they had been. As soon as Mei reached the bedroom door, she heard the call for lunch.
" Mei! Lunch! " her mom called from the kitchen.
The little beamed and began to make her wya to the kitchen. Her parents noticed instantly that their daughter is in little space, mostly because she walked in and dramatically placed the stuffie onto the table like she normally did when she ate meals while little. As soon as the plate was placed down, Mei began to carefully eat. She happily kicked her feet back and forth while she did so.
" So, is there anything you'd like to do? " her mom asked as she sat down to eat.
Mei looked up from her plate before a small pout crossed her features. She rubbed at her chin like an old man, only to giggle from her actions. It made her parents smile.
" Park! Pease, " she asked before eating more of her food. The pair smiled softly towards their daughter.
" The park it is, " her dad happily agreed.
" You have to get dressed first though, and definitely need a bath when we get back, " her mother warned her.
Lunch went by in a blur, at least for Mei. She was so excited she practically was bouncing in her seat. She left her dog stuffie in the kitchen when she had finished eating, then rushed straight to her room to get dressed. She struggled a little bit, but managed to do it after a few minutes. She just wore a cute red panda t-shirt with some loose shorts and tennis shoes. It was what was comfortable for her. While Mei wasn't comfortable enough to regress in public, she was still in between that age that people didn't really question it if she was playing in a park.
Once dressed the little bounced her way I to the kitchen to see her parents cleaning up breakfast. She couldn't wait to go to the park, but she knew she had to be good and patient. The second her parents had finished, Mei bolted to the front door. She bounced up and down, then happily took her dads hand when he arrived at the door. In Jin's hand was her stuffed dog, which he often ended up carrying for her. As much as she loves the plush, she often abandoned it all over the place when she got excited.
Soon enough Mei's mom joined them and they left the home. Ming carried a bag with her, that had all sorts of things Mei may need. She was a little over prepared, but it was like that sometimes. The small group walked to the park, since it wasn't too far there wasn't a point in driving. Mei ran ahead, but kept within the line of sight of her parents. She knew better than to run off without them. She giggled and often waved to people passing by. She even got to per a real dog.
When arriving at the park she ran off to go play. Her parents settled down on a bench and simply talked back and forth while watching her. Mei was happy and having a lot of fun. All until she decided she was big enough to do the monkey bars. She stood on the edge and carefully grabbed the first bar. The little managed to grab onto the third bar before her hands really began to hurt. As she reached out to the fourth, her hands slid and she fell. This hurt more than she could put into words. So, the sweet girl cried and tried her best to get up so she could go to her parents. She took a few steps before her feet slid across the gravel. Her knees hit the ground first as she fell. The pain became ten times worse when it did.
Jin and Ming had been talking when they heard the littles sobbing and cute hiccups. Ming was the first one up, rushing towards her baby girl in an insant. Her husband on the other hand slowly trailed behind in a calm manor. Soon this calm emotion didn't last long when he saw Mei's knees. They were all scraped up and blooded while her hands were red with irritation. He frowned and kneeled down, offering the plush to the little who gladly clung to it.
" It hurts! " Mei hiccuped towards her parents.
" I know sweetheart, but let me see okay? " Ming asked of her. Despite the pain, she nodded and moved so her mom could see her scraped up knees. She hugged her plush close to her face, hiding her face into it while her dad gave her gentle back rubs.
" I'm going to make them all better, okay little panda? " Ming asked of her daughter with a soft smile. She only got a small nod, much to her dismay.
Despite that, she got to work gently cleaning the wounds while Jin distracted Mei. They looked at the clouds above, guessing the shapes they were. This made Mei stop crying.
" I think that ones ice cream, " Jin told her with a content smile on his face.
" No! It's not silly daddy, " Mei giggled with a smile forming on her lips. She leaned against him and pouted as she tried to think what it looks like. " I tink it's plane, " she told him with a proud smile.
" You know what, I think you're right, " Jin chuckled.
" All done! " Ming announcement out of the blue.
The pair looked at her, then looked at Mei's knees. The little nodded but held her arms out to her mom. Within a second the older women scooped her up and hugged her close.
" Maybe we should head back home. We could watch a movie and have snacks, " Ming suggested. Mei and Jin nodded in agreement. So with their new plans settled, the family made their way home to spend the rest of the day together under a blanket fort.
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abraxos-the-phantom · 3 years
Scum Disciple Deleted
-scenes. Here you go @vodkassassin. Unformatted and mostly unedited save for some awkward phrasing I fixed as I skimmed through it. I have a habit of merely taking out scenes rather than straight deleting them when I don't think they work out so if you see it on the fic shhh I probably just found a better place for it, but for the most part I think these are unused
TLJ + MF; Flashback/Illusion
[Log: File:Save_??-???.?.????.log]
“You know, for a man so keen on maintaining the preference of a dignified cultivator, you are fairly quick to disband such things as you see fit,” Tianlang-jun mused.
Ming Fan threw a dirty look to the former Overlord of the Demonic Realm over his bowl of beef stir fry lily bulbs. It was a specialty in this region, boasting a sweet lily bulb due to the length of time the farmers around the area spent cultivating the plant. In other words, it was delicious and a welcome change to the guilt trip galore that was eating Lou Binghe’s cooking.
Oh to eat that delicious snow congee without feeling the compulsion to throw it all back up-
Well, no use dwelling on such things.
“Most of anything could be considered vulgar when in close proximity to you,” Ming Fan quipped, taking a generous helping of the stir-fry between his chopsticks. “If you had as much sensibility as you had sensuality, I guarantee that people would be more fond of you. Unfortunately, it is too late for me.”
“Hoh? Is that so?” Tianlang-jun’s lips curled in a smirk in spite of the fact that Ming Fan had no interest looking his way, regardless of the other demon happened to do. Some odd five or so years have taught Ming Fan that there were times when the best move for dealing with the other was simply ignoring him.
Ming Fan maintained his bland tone as he briefly paused to speak, “Yes.”
Tianlang-jun shook his head, “Honestly. Are all disciples of Cang Qiong like you, or are you just the special one.”
Said disciple only gave Tianlang-jun a significant dirty look, “You’d have to actually behave yourself to get to know another disciple of Cang Qiong.”
“Eh,” the Heavenly Demon leaned back against his chair with his hands crossed behind his head. “Too boring.”
Ming Fan made a noncommitting sound as he finally ate the last of his order, letting out a satisfied sigh as he leaned back in his seat.
“Ming Fan, a question if you are so gracious enough to grant me such a thing.”
Ming Fan only raised a brow, “You may ask, whether I answer is not on the table.”
“Why?” Tianlang-jun paused as he attempted to think about his question. “Why do you maintain this relationship of ours? It’s not as if you’re on any obligation to maintain basic relations for a political reason, and you hardly ask me anything so you aren’t after my wisdom. With Lou Binghe going in and out Cang Qiong Sect, it’s not as if I can threaten your Sect any more than I could try and fight with my son.”
Ming Fan crossed his arms, humming for a moment tilting his head just enough to convey thoughtfulness he turned to look the demon lord in the eye, “If you were to be confronted with a former enemy of a war without meaning, what would you do?”
Tianlang-jun hummed, “I wouldn’t care.”
“Exactly,” Ming Fan pointed out. “Now what would you do if you discovered you were on the wrong side of that war?”
“…I still wouldn’t care.”
“Would you?” Ming Fan hummed, “Well, that’s your choice.”
“So is that all? You pity me?”
“Not quite,” Ming Fan shrugged, idly arranging the finish plate on the table. “More like my recompense of sorts.”
Tianlang-jun’s expression was unreadable as he stared, quietly adding, “You realize that I’ve killed hundreds of cultivators like you. Your age, younger- older. It didn’t matter, they were obstacles in my path and I removed them.”
“Of that I do not doubt, but these days- the line between righteous and mad is thin,” Ming Fan snorted. “I stand at the meager in-between myself. But what else can I do? I am but a mere mortal, attempting to right his wrongs.”
Ming Fan took a final sip at his tea, “Sometimes, that is all one can do without going well and truly mad.”
Tianlang-jun chuckled, “I suppose that’s true.”
The hours seemed endless after that, a moment in time felt like hundreds upon billions as the two simply- existed.
“So,” Tianlang-jun said after an eternity’s moment. “What are you doing here Little Cultivator?”
Ming Fan blinked, “Is this not one amongst our many meetings?”
The world seem to blur around him like ink amongst a pool of water. Fading into implied images as the sky and trees distorted. The sounds of the earth quieted to a hushed whisper. Ming Fan’s eyes casted around in confusion as the lively village dulled into a dead silence.
“It isn’t,” Tianlang-jun leaned back, smirking. “You’ve spent so long with me that I am now here with you- in limbo. I’m flattered Fan-er.”
Ming Fan narrowed his eyes, scowling, before looking away, “Definitely. Tianlang-jun never called me that to my face.”
Ming Fan twisted away from the…demon for some time to think.
TLJ + MF - Actual Flashback
“You look like you went a round and three more with a golem,” Tianlang-jun tsked at him.
“Are you going to lecture me about coming out while I look like I lost against said golem or are you going to sit your ass down and have some tea like we agreed?” Ming Fan snapped, wincing as he sat.
Tianlang-jun whistled wolfishly. “Why, I never took that War God to be the kinky type.”
“Don’t be so obscene,” Ming Fan rolled his eyes. “He landed me flat on my ass almost a dozen times. Of course sitting down would be a pain.”
“You know there’s this flower that-“
“But I hurt just looking at you,” Tianlang-jun whined like a particularly annoying brat. “One tiny little adventure to look for a flower that heals bruises instantly, it’s a Lotus of a blue hue, I hear those people from the far West have been using it for some time.”
“And then Liu Qingge will have me spar against him, again, and this hellish circle will repeat itself. I am only saved by the fact that my cultivation is not as advanced as one of a Peak Lords, otherwise I would be healed by the end of the week and my pain begins anew,” Ming Fan shook his head. “I appreciate your concern, I really do, but no.”
“Aww, well since you’re being so polite about it…” Tianlang-jun sighed and sipped from the tea. “Mn- this is good. Where did you get it?”
“Shang-shishu taught me how to prepare lemon tea before the fruits go out of season, apparently there is a sweetened-cold version of this as well, but he has yet to refine the technicalities of the ingredients. I worry for him, he always seems so busy.”
“He looks like a rodent who accidentally ate a pepper, though I suppose in this case it would be a block of ice what with Mobei-jun being his lover and all.”
“I did wonder how that happened, and worried a brief time. An Ding Peak’s disciples had said that their master would occasionally come home bruised and barely able to walk, they were rearing to go to war with the Northern Demons far before everything else happened.” Ming Fan sighed, “Well, it isn’t any of my business. I’m sure they’re dealing with the situation in their own way.”
“True that, those An Ding Peak children…physically they are weak, but it is always the weaker ones that surprise you the most. Especially when angry,” Tianlang-jun smiled as he mused. “Afterall, hornets don’t seem like much at first glance. That Mobei-jun has his work cut out for him, ah, speaking of. What of those two? Surely the boy is tip-toeing these days.”
“He tends to keep to the bamboo house, and we tend to stay far away from the bamboo house, especially at night.” Ming Fan raised his hand to drink. “That is all I will say of the matter.”
Ming Fan sighed, rubbing a hand against his eyes, “I am getting far too old for this.”
“Oh please, you’re not even a century old.”
“Hm, and yet somehow I am still significantly more mature than you. Have you reached the regression stage of life Tianlang-jun? I must say, I’m rather peeved that it’s a mental deterioration rather than a physical one for you demons.”
“Hoh?” Tianlang-jun leaned forward, smirking. “Wish to test how youthful I can be Little Cultivator?”
Ming Fan raised a hand idly pointing at the silks of Tianlang-jun’s clothes, startling the heavenly demon as he wondered just what the other had found on his clothes.
Then Ming Fan flicked up, hitting the former Demon Lord up the lip and under the nose, causing Tianlang-jun to recoil, sputtering from the unjust attack. The audacity.
“I’m sure you’d at least warm the bed,” He deadpanned, sipping at his tea without a care as Tianlang-jun sputtered indignantly.
NMJ/MF - Original Re-meeting for ch 52; added here for my convenience (cus i don't wanna make another post)
“Gather everyone who can fight!” One voice called. “Sect Leader Nie is being surrounded by a pack of hell hounds! They need help.”
Ming Fan was out and running before anyone could even blink- with only Liu Qingge and Tianlang-jun holding enough time to react by following him.
“Shit-“ Mingjue cursed, swinging around Bàxià to hurl one attacking hound over to the side. “Meng Yao- you alright?!”
“Could use-” Meng Yao grimaced as he had to back off to avoid the snapping jaws of another hound. “Some help.”
“Reinforcements should be on the way!” Mei Lin cursed venomously under her breath. “Just where the hell did all these damned dogs come from?!”
“We’re being overrun!” Lang Fengyi yelped as he narrowly avoided claws.
“Fuck-“ Mingjue gathered his energy, willing it to fill him once more. “Get ready to run! I should be able to distract them long enough to-“
“Don’t worry about that.”
The disciples of Nie turned to find a man arrogantly walking through the field, the hounds yipping in fear and running from him, as well as another man clad in white and silver who eyed the hounds back.
Tianlang-jun stood before the disciples of Qinghe Nie with a bright smile, “Relax now, everything will be fine.”
Liu Qingge huffed, drawing his sword, “Says you. We have to make sure he’s not overworking himself remember?”
There was a distant rumbling- an ominous presence that washed over them to the point where all the hounds began to shudder and shake in fear as they too yipped around fearfully.
Descend with great speed. Swift and merciless. Run my enemies. Leave none left alive. May death greet you well.
Formation formed.
Ming Fan dropped his sword with militaristic precision, tilting all the swords generated by his power towards the ground in varying angles.
Heavenly Wrath Formation.
Tianlang-jun looked up in the surprise, “Don’t tell me that’s-“
“It is,” Liu Qingge scowled.
“Who-“ Nie Mingjue began- before all hell broke loose.
Liu Qingge’s expression was thunderous as he swept past rows of demonic hounds, tilting on hand and waiting-
Another man dropped from the sky not a second later, catching Liu Qingge’s robes and righting him before swinging his legs on the man’s waist to get around and jab another hound in the back- Tianlang-jun was swift to join the fray, allowing the shorter cultivator to move around him to get at all the lucky hounds who managed to move away from Ming Fan’s deadly aim fast enough.
While Tianlang-jun added to the deadly partnership with his own flare, it was the pair of Ming Fan and Liu Qingge that showed the obvious years of partnership between them- for the two had years of spars and night hunts to guide their blades where they need be.
Heads flew, limbs joining them as the immortals of Cang Qiong Sect and Tianlang-jun of the Heavenly Demon Line slaughtered the feared and the rowdy- leaving those of Qinghe Nie in awe.
“..Wei…” Meng Yao said, knees beginning to grow weak. “Wei Fan?!”
The man abruptly froze, glancing towards their direction before seeming to move on instinct- the War God sensing the sudden change and using his arm to propel him outward, allowing the man to fly across the air and land his sword true through the skull of the hell hound that was just about to take a chunk from Nie Mingjue’s side.
Ming Fan, not upset as he was, barked at them venomously, “Just what do you think you’re doing?! Fucking move! You’re in a battle field! Fight damn you! Are you not of Qinghe Nie?!”
“Teacher Wei!” Mei Lin cried- openly actually, crying.
“Oh for the love of-“ Ming Fan cursed. “I’ll take your crying and yelling and cursing later, lift your sabres and fight!”
Ming Fan turned, grunting as he launched his sword in the Heavenly Demon’s direction and skewering the hound. “What?!”
“Lower your blood pressure!”
Ming Fan felt his blood pressure rise out of sheer spite. “Fuck you!”
“A-Fan,” Liu Qingge growled. “You just performed one of the most powerful formations while silent. Calm down.”
“I can’t!” Ming Fan caught himself with a scowl. “But I’m not upset!”
“For the love of-“ Liu Qingge turned to Tianlang-jun. “Can you handle the rest?”
“Yeah I got it,” Tianlang-jun batted away a hound with his bare fist. “Just take care of our pissed off little horse first.”
Liu Qingge wasted no time, grabbing the now fuming Ming Fan, his nose beginning to trickle with a line of blood and generally causing the already shocked disciples of Qinghe Nie to panic.
“Hey,” Liu Qingge’s voice was soft as it was firm. “Calm down. Calm. That’s not a request.”
“I’m trying,” Ming Fan hissed. “You try doing this in the middle of battle.”
“Alright back up plan,” Liu Qingge turned to the still shocked Nie Mingjue. “You. Make yourself useful. He needs a distraction.”
Liu Qingge shoved Ming Fan into Nie Mingjue, the taller man abruptly catching the man by the waist to steady him before something else caused him to loose balance.
Forgot one: Deleted Extra feat. Yang Yixuan + MF; written with it's og formatting since notes preserved my italics somehow
Cold wind swept past the ravine.
Shaking trees and rustling branches provided the background noise for the twittering creatures who lived in the back mountains. Within this quiet land was a surrounding of high elevation mountains spanning all around the mountain side.
There, Ming Fan sat quietly. Watching the creatures bellow- there were no humans for miles save for those few people within the Ancient Sect, and they were hardly just human anymore.
“So, you’ve finally decided to get off your ass.”
Ming Fan stiffened.
Yang Yixuan’s arms were cross across his breast, idly looking down from the view of Qing JIng Peak.
The landscape had changed much since Ming Fan had last come here, it was greener. With the trees far taller than when Ming Fan had last seen them, the older trees cut down by the ravages of war and time- but new ones taking their place. The silence too, was new. With no disciples Cang Qiong Mountain was a far quieter place than it had been during the height of its Sect Years. Some ascended, some peacefully settling into their next life, and some sticking around. Going to and fro the place carrying out errands and enacting a firm hand where the average Cultivator could not handle. The war had put a damper on such things, what with their stance of neutrality, bu it was no less somewhat of a sobering surprise that those of Cang Qiong Mountain had seen what was happening and judged it would be better to remain quiet.
He knew why of course, it was more practical in the long run for a mythical Sect, they were not here to force the future into their own hands- merely to counter the monsters of the yester years. Still. He wondered.
“You’re thinking so loud I could practically here it,” the former head disciple of Bai Zhan peak, the former Peak Lord himself, continued with a raised brow. “You’re normally quick to empty your mind and dump it onto others.”
Ming Fan scoffed softly, “Normal is a poor basis to use to pass judgement at the moment, even a Bai Zhan Peak buffoon like you should realize such.”
Ming Fan pursed his lip, anger simmering.
“I’m sorry, that was uncalled for.” He said softly, allowing his fist to slack from their death-like grip.
“You just lost your brohter,” Yang Yixuan said bluntly. “You were a raving asshole when Liu-shifu dragged you here. Pretty much spat at Luo Binghe’s feet and insulted just about everyone.”
Ming Fan restrained the urge to flinch at every word.
“I’d be more than a little troubled if you didn’t act like that after losing your brother.” Yang Yixuan continued with a shake of his head. “It’s good to know that our illustrous Ming Fan is still a human.”
“Have I not proven that time and time again?”
“Dunno,” Ming Fan turned his head, the Bai Zhan Peak’s former sole disciple’s voice turning uncharacteristically soft. “You were doing a pretty good impression of acting like an immortal before.”
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