#I just see cranboo and black out
metfell · 9 months
Met do you think that they make tea for each other. Do you think ranboo spent ages learning what type of tea was Tubbo’s favorite and how he takes it and practicing how to make it just right. Do you think they learned latte art so that when they want to be mischievous they can draw a dick or something on Tubbo’s cup
Do you think when Ranboo died Tubbo stopped drinking tea.
youre a sick fuck for bringing up cranboos death to me firstly SECONDLY i think ranboo has a full three pages in his memory book dedicated to things about tubbo so that they dont forget. tubbo likes way too much milk and way too much sugar in his tea. he likes his coffee black but his tea is hardly even tea anymore. ranboo cant exactly drink tea or coffee considering its just water with extra steps so theirs has to be loaded up with milk and honey and anything to reduce the water percentage. i think they would be the type to just steep tea in milk itself to prevent the burning. i think ranboo and tubbo have a huge collection of stupidass mugs with silly sayings on them and so often tubbo will be found in his room with 6 empty mugs sitting next to him. hes passed out and ranboo sighs and takes them to the kitchen and brings tubbo a new one with tea instead. and so often tubbo will see the back door cracked open and a cold cup of tea and just leave it there for when they get back from wherever they are.
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possuminnit · 2 years
What’re your hybrid headcanons? :o
Scott my friend I have So many... Ramble time ^_^
ctommy's is Obvious.. opossum!! If you want specifics then Virginia opossum:3
cdream is a rattlesnake. <- heavily affected by tommy HC... Possums are immune snake venom + can Eat them and cdream Is like oh boy I don't have power over him this sucks and boom exile. SHORT EXPLAINATIOM... I have longer posts about it ^_^.. actually idk if I Ever mentioned this in posts But part of my HC for him is that he slips in a Tiny bit of his poison either in food or drinks to people, helps fuck them up so dream can be like Hayyy U should be Really self destructive Btw! (See; pogtopia)
dxd is a king cobra.See Above
CTINA.. Betta fish. Why? Because they're pretty and it makes sense to me... She's just a fishie girl with her plant gf....
cwilbur is a bat-eared fox... His hybrid process is Weird because in my head he fits so many animals. Fruit bat, foxes, cats OBV. but I hate going with the obvious choice so I said hmm ok bat-eared fox!!! Also like look at them. That's cwilbur alright... ALSO works well with ctommy. With possums camping out in other animals dens and bat-eared foxes making really elaborate dens and stuff.. :3
cPhil is a vulture! Specifically a black vulture. Because of his whole angel of death thing, I thought him being a vulture would be cool. Also I wanted him to eat cwilbur when he died because cannibalism and the whole thing with when a loved one dies you eat them to have them with you forever (something like that, probably a little off ..) also just look at them they're cool
ctechno... Pallas cat... Please look at them. Like that's him. He is a big grumpy looking cat that stands on his tail when his paws get cold. HES A SWEETHEART
cquackity SORTA I'm iffy on. I like him as a tiger bc cool but gods him as a roadrunner makes my head spin. The whole thing with them also being predator to rattlesnakes and the whole prison arc... Like Hello. It makes sense to me ....
cslimecicle. DUMBO OCTOPUS. WHY? look them up. I'm realizing a lot of these are "look at them" but.. trust me. I'm right I prommy. He's still slimey though Btw!!!
ckarl is a bunny because it's cute and his lore reminds me of the bunny thing where they start turning their head and cannot stop it til they die. Normal thought process I have
ctubbo black widow because the ideas behind it make me CRAZY. also cranboo dead He's a Widow. C'mon. Btw he's trans so he has the red marking and his looks slightly like a nuke symbol<3 he makes rings out of STRING CAN U HEAR ME..
speed round of some I don't have explanations for but are a thing!!! cfoolish - armadillo lizard. cgeorge - jellyfish. cponk - red panda. Apparently I had a hc where channah is a butterfly so boom yeah that too
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vadergf · 2 years
i had fun with this corny shounen anime love conquers all ending lmao i can see criticisms from a story perspective on like memory loss endings cause sometimes it makes past actions hollow but personally i think that depends on how s2 moves forwards bc people are already assuming everyone will just not remember anything and i have a feeling that some people remembering will actually be a source of conflict (ckarl, cfoolish, whatever relation dreamxd had with cdream and cgeorge) in the future, like imagine the drama of ctommy and cdream becoming close and then remembering what cdream did and handling that, etc
i feel like it also helps in fixing irl issues with ccs who just don’t wanna bother with more lore (tubbo is not gonna be willing or comfortable wrapping up his lore with ranboo probably, for example, and if it impacts his story thats a shame but that’s a risk this type of stories have when there isn’t a single person telling it). people just have no empathy or regard these ccs as people so they feel soo entitled as if they could carry the story they wanted in the medium and estructure the smp has, like no you aren’t getting an accurate portrayal of abuse in a story told through minecraft roleplay with 20+ writers all who just made shit up as they went along, if you are a single writer you don’t have to deal with the inconvenience of one of your characters simply being unavailable to appear in the story bc they have other shit to do lmao. sorry for wall text, i get this behaviour from kids but grown people throwing a fit after yesterday are so embarrasing like come on, by all means express your grievances and move on, don’t attempt to make a kid feel like he’s a horrible person for playing the oldest cliche of the hero and the villain becoming friends through the power of understanding and compassion
I loved the ending so much like yeah actually love and understanding are the answers to everything sorry you're fucking miserable ig !!!! Also what you said abt ppl who might want to stop doing lore or retcon certain bits like it's very true and this is giving them the perfect out (cranboo is leaving crab rave)
also I've never been a fan of the good portrayal of abuse in exile so this is harmful blah blah thing like get off your high horse ffs. media isn't black and white and if you want a good moral ending why don't you fucking read a children's bed time story book and fuck off from places where you need nuance
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
How powerful is tommy in your au? Can he only effect his environment in small ways or can he just create a hurricane or volcanic eruption whenever he wants?
I think that the best way to put it is that Tommy limits himself. In theory, he could completely destroy every manmade structure on the server just by shaking around a little to cause an earthquake. In theory, he could turn the L'manburg crater into a lagoon by filling it with run-off from the ocean. In theory, yeah, he could churn the sea into a hurricane or build a giant volcano. But I don't see him ever doing something like that Willingly because all his loved ones live here and he'd never try to hurt them.
Now, depending on how cDream's escape from the prison works, then perhaps a rather nasty storm is Tommy's way of showing his grief/rage/sadness/terror at the man who abused him and takes glee in hurting his family being out. cRanboo isn't gonna die in this au(because fuck ghostboo, all my homies hate ghostboo & everything it stands for) but I imagine cEmeraldduo and cNiki still play a part in him getting out.
I can see a scene of cTubbo going to confront cTechno about it. While he screams and demands to know Why. Why are you helping that monster? the sky swirls in a black void above their heads as harsh winds claw at the cabin and hailstones the size of fists crash against the windows.
so yeah TLDR: he can but he won't unless you make him very very pissed off and Angy
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especdreamy · 2 years
"Color Palette Calculator"
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ALRIGHT so basically I wanted to try out making more "limited" color palettes but I was very tired of having to try find approximate colors to what my original references looked like, so I started wondering if there was an "easier" way (for me at least)
This "calculator" method allows you to get the equivalent of a regular color you have to a more limited palette based on the primary CMYK + white primary colors you choose!
Disclaimer 1: You need a program that can give you CMYK values from a color you pick.
Disclaimer 2: This method MAY be VERY limited and it's not a replacement to like - ACTUALLY knowing color theory, I'm just very lazy and I want to help other people who don't want to burn their brain with palettes like me.
Anyways I'll be using this template I uploaded to drive. But if you want to make your own you just need a white layer, and a folder which will contain 4 layers: one for Cyan, other for Magenta, other for Yellow, and one for "Key" (Black). Make them in that order and make sure the colors are INSIDE the folder and the white OUTSIDE of it and set the CMY layers to "Multiply"
Under a readmore cuz it's gonna get long LOL
the idea is that you change all of the colors on these channels to fit the kind of palette you want - warm, cold, pastel, low saturation, etc.
I have made a more in depth explanation on how this works
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To begin with, the color wheel on the file looks kind of like this. It is divided in 4 channels (CMYK) whenever you edit one of the channels it'll change all of the colors that are influenced by it. This first wheel is MOSTLY for previewing purposes, just to make sure that your palette is looking the way you like.
There's some limitations to it though: I advice to AVOID full saturation and too dark tones for the CMY channels, try make sure that the combination of all three of them doesn't make Pure Black
For this example, I want to have a light and warm palette, so I lower the saturation for the Cyan channel and also move it around to a warmer hue, I also adjust the brightness and saturation of the Magenta and Yellow channels.
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Here's how all of these colors would look like on top of each other- as you can see its a very dark brown.
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THEN. You get your "Key" color - AKA black, and your white. What are the darkest and lightest tones you want your palette to get? For this one I decided to choose a very light yellow and and a very dark purple. You can totally skip this step if you want your palette to be able to reach pure black and white.
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THEN. you pass on all your CMYK and White colors onto the other folder (swatches) which looks a bit like this:
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Now onto the fun part! take your character that you want to transform to this palette! Here I drew a cranboo with his base colors!
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Pick a color! any of them, for this instance I picked the red of his tie,
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You may notice that the CMYK sliders give you percentages that go from 0 to 100. Go back to the swatches and match the opacities of your layers with the percentages!
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Pick that color, transfer it to your character! Here he is with all his colors changed with that same procedure!
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Due to how CMYK channels display and pick colors, you could technically do this with ANY color!
But also due to how CMYK sliders and the multiply effect work you can't even make the original colors even if you kept the CMYK channels the same and I'm not willing to figure out how to "work around" that so I'll just conform to this lol (this is the reason why you have to make sure the combination of all three colors you choose doesn't give you black btw)
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genderqueeradrien · 2 years
IS THIS a good time to ask u for ur cranboo hcs? because i would love 2 talk headcanons with you, or heaar yours if you are willing 2 share them :D
YES iam always willing to talk about cranboo hcs cranboo makes me normal
okokok cranboo no pronouns OR cranboo ey/they/he pronouns. or both !! but theyre definitely nonbinary in some way
CRANBOO OCD i cannot stress this enough. THIS ENDERMAN HAS OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER. i know ocd when i see it and HES GOT IT. dermatophagia too i KNOW this guy has it
theyre a system. i have no proof for this it;s just because im a system and i said so
ey's gay & demiromantic. ey never had a crush b4 ey met ctubbo and after becoming friends with him ey were like. what the fuck is this. is this that gay love thing ive heard so much about
GOTH CRANBOO he's goth. also they mostly wear like. jewel tone colours like dark reds nd greens especially. AND PURPLES. and black of course <3
tghey and tubbo go out for dinner every friday night and they are in gay love and theyre happy and nothing bad has happened to them ever
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pixiecaps · 2 years
okay im sorry but are you joking about the second figure in the lore pic, do you mean what i think is a zombie far out in sea on the left or am i blind
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oh nah not joking i genuinely see ghostboo but again it is literally just a few pixels on an image so i could be wrong. its literally just cus the pixels r black and white. and since this is limbo im assuming this has to do with cranboo revival so i think its a valid assumption cus ya the merging of ghostboo back into cranboo
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elytrafemme · 2 years
As a sequel to the monsterhood ask,
Cranboo has this problem where he is looking for answers as to who he is but they are also running from who they are? If their monsterhood was fully realized I think they would change every time they slept. It is unavoidable. ranboo will sleep, or he will black out and wake up with blood in his teeth. They are tall and thin(to varying degrees). The right side of his body is white with a red eye, the left is black with a green one when looking in the mirror. They are wearing formal clothing, most often business suits. There is a blank book and sharpened pencil somewhere on their body.
These are the only things that stay the same.
Tubbo’s wounds never fully heal. Papercuts will scar over in shades of pink and his firework scars are stained red like the dye has seeped into his skin. He makes the sky grey wherever he goes but he hasn’t left his home in over a year. Tommy writes him but he is too afraid to open them, just sends over little toys and trinkets that work without being wound up or filled with redstone. They don’t function for anyone who isn’t him or tommy
YES ABSOLUTELY i think if we are taking that full monstrous route to it like, the transformations would definitely happen unconsciously where it's very out of his control. he would be led down a path where the best action may be trying to just adapt, but instead he initially takes the approach of trying to control what can't be controlled, and then try to understand what can't be understood. fear of what could happen keeps him gagged; i think it would definitely be different to canotical enderwalk state, where it's not even a state of memories, it's just a state where all of this tempest like energy inside him gets unleashed.
i'm especially attached to the bit you said there of him making the sky grey wherever he goes, but also staying in his home. i think if we took that point you explained really well about his stagnancy, we can see it here: even when he stays still, the world doesn't go to shit, but the world slowly loses color. he's trying to work with the cards he's been dealt in this monstrous existence of resignation.
i wonder how they come to terms with this existence. certainly it's not agony forever, but for them would their peace be letting the beast get more massive, or letting the beast die out? or is it just coexistence? it's hard to compare monsterhood to anything aside from these abstract concepts: certainly, if you have an injury, you learn to live with it until it heals, if it ever heals at all, then otherwise you learn to live and coexist with it. what is it like when monsterhood is this possessive manifestation of everything in your life entirely?
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