#I just shared this with Sam and he told me to go listen to Hadestown so rip me
Persephone in Autumn
late Sept / Josh Ritter "Getting Ready to Get Down"
early Oct / Parker Millsap "Hades Pleads"
late Oct / Cults "Abducted"
early Nov / Saint Motel "Cold Cold Man"
late Nov / Sia "Hostage"
early Dec / Julian Moon "Pomegranate Seeds"
Winter Solstice: Dua Lipa "Be the One"
early Jan / Lucius "Turn It Around"
late Jan / Neko Case "Hold On, Hold On"
early Feb / Aimee Mann "This Is How It Goes"
late Feb/early Mar Alela Diane "White As Diamonds"
Spring Equinox: Tori Amos "Mother" Persephone in Spring
early April /Josh Ritter "To the Dogs or Whoever"
late April / Tom Petty "Mary Jane's Last Dance"
early May / Thomas Dolby "I Love You Goodbye"
late May / Freakwater, "Good for Nothing"
early June / Amanda Palmer, "Want It Back"
late June / Nanci Griffith, "Late Night Grande Hotel"
Summer Solstice: R.E.M. "Half a World Away"
early July / Bob Dylan "Simple Twist of Fate"
late July / Cowboy Junkies "To Live Is to Fly"
early August / Great Lake Swimmers "Palmistry"
late August / Shelby Lynne, Allison Moorer, "Not Dark Yet"
Fall Equinox: Tall Heights "Back to Autumn"
it's about cycles. It's about love, it's about loss, it's about endless leavetakings and homecomings. It's about addiction and abuse. It's about manic/depressive swings and seasonal affective disorder and also the joy of leaves changing color and crocuses blooming in the frost. It's about Her. Persephone in Autumn: "Songs for an Earth-daughter, abducted, not entirely unwillingly: but increasingly irritable in captivity" Persephone in Spring: "Songs for an Earth-daughter, irrepressible and freed, but already homesick"
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myburntwritings · 11 months
Last night I had a dream that I was at The Burnt City. This is not a new occurrence, trust me. What was new was that I actually ended up seeing some of the show... though, not as I'd ever seen it before. Usually, I end up that I'm late for some reason, or that the show is going on somewhere else, or I'm in the set but no performers are. It's a tangled web, my brain.
It started as one of those dreams where I was trying to get ready and nothing was going right. I was in a hostel-type space, sharing a room with at least a dozen people. Next door, the performers were all getting ready, and Lily, who was to be our Persephone that show, was unexpectedly sick. But instead of switching her out for another Persephone, they started the show early with a scene out in Woolwich, with Persephone attempting to die in order to return to the Underworld.
Unlike every time she had done this before, this time Persephone was revived, taking a deep breath and opening her eyes. Then, Mallory and Kat, playing new characters Evelyn and Iris, both jumped in front of the ambulance to take Persephone's place in the trip to Hades.
I was stood with Sam Booth's Hades, watching from afar. He told me that this was a catastrophe, and that he could not let these women reach Troy. They would break his realm and return the shades to the world, where they would destroy it with their renewed war.
I followed Hades inside, where we went through a labyrinth of rooms and corridors beneath Troy, trying to prepare for the women's arrival and put them off. I was the only person following Hades, like an entire show 1:1, as there was no way for anyone else to find us.
We found multiple new characters, all dressed in nothing more than the finale grey pants, working in a rustbelt/steampunk manner, making me think of the musical Hadestown. We arrived at the banks of the rivers, which was actually a great circular metal door from an intricate series of pipes large enough to row a small boat down each one.
Evelyn tumbled out of the door, dripping wet. She stood and faced off with Hades.
"Travelling by Lethe has its problems, but it can be useful. Cocytus, however... Perfect for our needs."
She took out a vial of water from her clothes and threw it over Hades. He blinked and stared, confused, blank.
Evelyn chose chaos. She threw Lethe water at Hades. He can't remember.
My mind is exploding.
I convinced Hades of who he was, and what was happening. Thankfully it wasn't enough Lethe water to completely wipe his memory for long, and we set off again. This time, looking for Iris, who has not shown up.
We return to the main set of Troy, where all characters are now in the finale pants. The black-masked staff are all dressed like they work in the steampunk version of Troy, trying to wrangle audience into signing their lives away, and trying to order the characters back onto their loops.
The characters are so far off their loops, it is just as Evelyn wanted - complete and utter chaos. I see Kronos and Polydorus playing dice, gambling with Polymestor's life.
Clytemnestra is in the Peep windows with Agamemnon looking on.
Hades takes me back to his office. He needs to know what happened to his wife. I keep trying to convince him to save his realm first, but he won't listen to me.
Once a wife guy, always a wife guy.
I'm considering leaving him to find Iris myself, but then I wake up.
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
700 Friend Behind the Scene Special!
Hello there! So a little bit of back story, everything I write is written in a google doc because it automatically saves everything and I can think clearer when I’m typing in a document. Sometimes when I’m writing, I’ll get tired or get stuck or write something I don’t like. So I’ll make a note to myself of what I was writing so I can come back to it later, or write out the basic idea of what I want to happen so I can visualize it in words better, or hit enter a few times and re-write somethings. So in celebration of me hitting 700 friends I have gathered a few of those things so that I can share with you a little bit of my thought process, but also so you might have a laugh or may see where some of your favorite stories almost went. I don’t know if any of you will actually like this or actually care, but I thought that it was something cool lol. So here you go! I hope you enjoy!!!
Notes to Self/Prompts to Myself
A Dedicated and Domesticated Pig: *Note to future self so I know what I was going for. He’s making breakfast with your child on your hip. I’m thinking a daughter named something with Phil’s name maybe or maybe just a T name. Then you two are leaving for a festival in L’Manberg where Philza interacts with your daughter. And the night ends with you three cuddled up together and you’re reminiscing on how he asked you out and then it all comes full circle somehow using the words dedicated because we’re that kind of simp*
Gift of Friendship: Techno- “I made friendship bracelets”. “I don’t wear jewelry” “oh okay. I can take it back. You don’t have to wear it I’ll take it back-“ “no I will wear this until the day I die
Notes in general: There are a lot of *Insert title here* or *Insert really cool and creative title here*
There is also a lot of *Insert really nice summary here that sums everything up but is also clever*
Actually Pretty Funny: I knew I wanted to use “Tommy leave me alone” “Tommy told me you were in here crying” “That little snitch” but I didn’t know where so I made a note to use it. 
What Could Have Been or Almost Was
This has a few pieces of writing but is mostly about what I almost titled the pieces you know and love. 
Stolen Goods: I was about to retort but the sound of the nether portal activating cut my words off.
“We’re back!” I heard my younger brother call out. Techno and I walked together toward the portal to greet our brothers, but they weren’t alone. “Hey guys! Oh hey Dream,” I greeted the three, setting my chest down next to the wood I brought in earlier. “Hey Y/N/N? Get what we asked for?” Tommy asked, walking toward me. I simply stared at him and then looked at the pile of wood beside me. “No” I deadpanned. 
I then turned to my chest and quickly put my axe away. “Then what’s that?” Tommy questioned in confusion. I rolled my eyes, closed my chest and turned to him. “What you asked for dummy” “But you just said no?” “I was being sarcastic!” I exclaimed, moving toward him and slightly pushing him. “Well I didn’t know that!” Tommy exclaimed, pushing me back. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop pushing each other.” Wilbur demanded, “Just say thank you and move on Tommy.” Tommy huffed but said, “Thank you Y/N.” “You’re welcome Tommy.” 
“So is this how you four interact all the time?” Dream questioned, moving closer to the two of us. I let out a laugh and turned to the masked man, “Yeah. Pretty much. Sometimes we get along, but sometimes they get on my nerves.” I informed the man, while playfully glaring at 
A Hairy Situation: I had a lot of trouble coming up with a cool title for “a Hairy Situation” . It almost was like “Braided Together” or something like that but I was like, it’s about hair. It’s a situation. It’s a Hairy Situation.
Either Lean on Me or 3am conversation I don’t remember: Tommy did something. He did something bad” Tubbo admitted. I nodded to show the young man I was listening to, “Okay,” I prompted. “Tommy was messing around and he accidentally set George’s house on fire.” My eyes widened at Tubbo’s words. “His new house?” I asked in disbelief. Tubbo nodded, staring into his cup. “Dream is pissed.” He continued. “He gave me an ultimatum. He said that either we go to war or…” Tubbo’s words died on his tongue. “Or what?” I asked, attempting to gently prompt the boy. “What’s the other option Tubbo?” “Or exile Tommy.” His words hit me like a ton of bricks.
Missing You: This fic was almost titled “Radio silence” and was almost irl and was about the day that he got that prank pulled on him where everyone in his Discord was muted and not talking to him. And I almost wrote it so you’re in that call and you are participating in the prank and he just guilt trips you so hard that you unmute and are like “I’m so sorry!” 
Better Than a Dedicated Chicken was almost titled “A Funtime Festival”. But then I was like, ‘I hate that. Since it’s a sequel I want to keep a theme… Maybe something about dedication.’ and thus this was born. 
Faking Happy- I almost left it on the sad ending where Sam flies away using his trident and you collapse and sob by yourself in the rain. And then I added more to it because I was sad. 
Protect You was almost titled “Looking out for you” but I thought that might be too clunky and so I shorten it and stuff.
Wither or Not almost ended without the whole ‘techno goes to your house to comfort you’ scene at the end and almost ended in angst, but I was too sad to do that because I knew the next Techno piece I was writing was going to end in angst. 
Not Your Fault almost was going to be a different story completely than what it became. I thought a lot about how to do it but the ways I wanted to write it and the way the anon who requested it probably wanted it but I couldn’t make the prompts fit well in the way I wanted to write it. I thought about having you be on a bridge drinking alone because you had to exile your brothers and Schlatt approaches you there and you’re like “leave me alone. I hate you” and he’s like “no you don’t” and it’s a bit angsty, but then I couldn’t figure out how to fit “I had to see you again in that”. And then I thought about having him exile you and come and see you with a “I had to see you again” but then he would know where pogtopia is and we can’t have that. So then I thought maybe you’d visit him before he gets killed but then I couldn’t figure out how to fit the prompts that way either. So I finally settled on what it became. 
Chat’s a Snitch was almost titled “My New Boyfriend’s a Songwriter” and instead of being in established relationship, him seeing you sing his song would be how you two meet and he would fall in love with you and write you a song, but then that wouldn’t have really been what the request was and I didn’t want to deviate that much from the request and I think I was feeling a bit lazy that day so I wrote what it is. 
Defending Family was another one I had a hard time coming up with a cool and clever title for. At one point I considered titling it “i will physically fight you”
Crossed Lines was almost called “Hold tight” because I had this idea that maybe when Dream kidnapped you he put you somewhere high and at once point you dangle over the edge, about to fall and so they scream ‘hold tight’ and yeah. I decided not to though because I wasn’t sure how I would go about putting the reader there and getting them down. But once I wrote it due to the amount of times I said “that’s crossing a line” I decided to title it crossed lines. I think this piece is actually one of my least favorites because I’m not sure if I liked how it turned out but idk man. 
Totem Troubles was almost called “To Hell and Back” because in the request they wanted me to include hints of the story of Orpheus and Euridice but when I was unable to do that, I had to come up with a new title and I really had a hard time with that. 
The Next Step was almost called “Come Live with Me” because I loved the musical ‘Hadestown’. At first I wanted that particular imagine to have more Techno/reader scenes, but then I had a hard time figuring out how to bring up the things and then it felt too short. Then I was like “What if he just talks to Phil about it” and boom it was written. I’m still a huge musical nerd so I titled it “The Next Step” because in a Beetlejuice song two of the main characters are thinking of making a huge step in their relationship and that line is repeated over and over so I stole it…. :). Also for this one I had to literally just take a step back and write out a full ass summary because I was having really really bad writer’s block because I had no idea what I was doing. Unfortunately I don’t have that, I wish I did because it was really funny because it was a summary of the story but it was like “And so Philza’s like bro. Dude. Just tell them” and then Techno’s like “No dad. Stay out of my business” and Philza’s like “Bro. Look around at your house. You love them” 
Warming Up didn’t become the title of that piece until the very end. When I read requests I always give them a ‘working title’ that may or may no become the real title when they’re finished and ready to be posted. This one however had a title that was just a joke for myself. It was titled “The Weasel” because Y/N was weaseling her way into Techno’s home and then later his heart. 
Calling Philza Dad Drabble: When you greet him though, you always greet him with a hug usually calling out from the door way, “Dad! I’m home!” Very cheesy like. And he comes around the corner and you two hug. And then after you hug, you are like “I missed you!!!” to Phil. And Phil touches his heart and is like, “That’s so nice to hear. 
So you usually come over everyday. Everyday when you come over, you always shout out, “Dad! I’m home!” And he rushes out but there are days you don’t and so the next time you d
There was a time though that you had to go out of town for like a week and so you didn’t come over at all and both Techno and Philza found themselves missing you. So the day comes where you get home and you come barreling in the door. You can see Philza in the kitchen cooking something and he quickly turns to the door in shock. You simply grin at him and shout, “DAD! I’M HOME!!!” And he immediately rushed out of the kitchen and pulls you into a great big, warm hug which you instantly returned. “I missed you so so so much!” You announced as you squeeze him tightly. 
Warming up working description: Y/N is dying in the snow and Philza’s like “We gotta save them!” and Techno’s like “Why is that our problem?” but helps anyway and then falls in love with Y/N…. Ya know, cliches and shit
I hope you enjoyed reading this monstrosity! Would this be something you guys are interested in seeing? Like a behind the scenes version of my writing. Like I save things like this when I write them and when I have a good chuck I post them? Up to you guys, let me know!
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transmascgarak · 5 years
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I've just been tagged by @kalgalen to share some of the albums I've been listening to recently! Tagging only a couple of you for this one, if you'd like to; @pastelpink-aya @librariandragon @auditorycheesecakes @thelighttasteslikelasagna @bathosbardess
I'm not usually one to listen to albums tbqh, but I've tried my best to word around it :')
Top L-R:
Six the Musical, Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss: I firmly blame this animatic of Anne Boleyn's song that got me into this musical (finally!)
Spies are Forever, The Tin Can Brothers: I've been a fan for a while, but then this video essay about the queer subtext I'd managed to miss made me :o! And I've not been able to stop listening to this since
Hadestown, the Live Recording: I was torn about which one to include in this list, because the Official Broadway Cast Recording has a few additional songs and edits to the originals that I keep going back to (Eva Noblezada's part in 'Wait for Me (Reprise)' anyone? 👀) But there's an energy to the Live Recording that's just... Missing from the OBCR, and personally I prefer the Orpheus in this one because goddamn does he have the sweetest tenor voice I have ever heard
Middle L-R:
How Do You Sleep?, Sam Smith: Yes, I cheated by using the single album cover for this aite but it is such a bop! Not to mention this is clearly a major step for them to feel comfortable with their own music again, and I empathize so deeply with the first couple of lines in the opening verse, wow
HOMECOMING: THE LIVE ALBUM, Beyoncé: Again, these songs just carry such an energy to them that I just vibe with. Also this version of 'Run the World (Girls)' is apparently my Berserker song because I legitimately walked back home from town in about ten minutes when it usually takes me twenty (which I am baffled by to this day, seriously)
Funk Ninja, Scary Pockets: If you'd have told me like, six months ago that there's a rival in my heart against Scott Bradley's Postmodern Jukebox for retro covers of popular songs, I'd have been skeptical. Naturally it would be a band headlined Jack Conte of Pomplamoose fame who would win me over though! I've chosen this album over the others because of the few songs I've cherry-picked from their entire discography, I am the most fond of these songs on this album. (Though mostly 'Sweet Child of Mine' featuring a neat lil jam backed by Mario José's stellar vocals!!)
Bottom L-R: (The Home Stretch)
Rasputin, The Ayoub Sisters: Again, yes I'm cheating with the single cover but this just taps into a specific place in the Venn Diagram of my interests where the two halves are labelled 'Cello Cover' and 'Rasputin by Boney M'. Also it works as a great walking song.
Djesse (vol. 2), Jacob Collier: I am constantly astounded by Collier and his ability to arrange music because I am an absolute sucker for ridiculous harmonies. Honestly I should have used vol. 1 because I have more of his work saved from that album, but vol. 2 has 'Here Comes the Sun' feat. dodie that flips a Beatle song into a Samba(?) midway through and ooft the layering of the vocals at the end is 👌🏼👀
Della Citta, Babatunde Akinboboye: And finally something completely out of the left field that... Well it would an understatement to say it took me by surprise. In his own words, "Hip Hop and Opera have always sounded related to me. I figured [I'd] finally start singing it that way." It undeniably works, but 'Cortigiani (Rigoletto)' is arguably the most coherent in how the two genres blend and every time I listen to it I'm just stunned. Would not be surprised if it's at the top of my list for 'Most Listened To' in 2019 though haha
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