#I just think it would be neat! If depths lore had any kind of consistency!
toushindai · 2 months
You know what they should’ve done if they were really committed to this idea that abandoned mine locations reflect major surface settlement locations. They should’ve put abandoned mines at some of the locations destroyed by the Calamity. Tabantha Abandoned Mine. Shadow Abandoned Mine. I was gonna say Deya Abandoned Mine but the Deya Village Ruins are too wet for that. But my point stands. I just think that would be eerie.
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crystalelemental · 11 months
“books-are-my-life-stuff: Your stance is very similar to mine. I think the problem is because she just flat out refuses to explain. She barely explains any of her motives, she only just said to do this and not, jumps straight into the action without elaborating much. And that's very consistent in Masters too. Conversations with her are deliberately left vague, people find her hard to understand. So, I can see why she can be frustrating to some people.”
I don’t necessarily mind vague, but I feel like certain aspects just aren’t clear in a way that hinders understanding rather than builds something to engage in.  Like the Aster thing.  With all this talk of multiverse stuff, my gut reaction was wondering if this was an AU thing too, because we’re not really handed any other form of explanation.  But if it’s just an old Pokemon she had that died, was its death related to some kind of mistake similar to what happened in the past?  And if yes, is that why she’s so on about it?  I dunno.
“Though, yeah, as what you said, maybe it's because Hoenn's lore is very much a mess in the remake. They tried to implement Rayquaza's significance in the plot of Emerald without creating a third game, but as a result Hoenn's lore felt...disorganized, and felt very underexplored too (especially regarding Draconic people beyond what Zinnia had explained). I'm on the same boat with you for preferring the old one more, and I wish Zinnia didn't just appear in postgame.”
I think it’s just the attempt to over-complicate.  Rayquaza was already a big deal.  Groudon and Kyogre were already kinda assholes.  We did not need to go so in depth with how there are multiple universes and the Primals happened from meteor strikes that are recurring, and mega Rayquaza got its significant namesake from AZ who is in this a lot, and whatever the fuck project Azoth is.  Like it’s trying to connect things, but in a way where I have lost the thread.  Zinnia’s appearance, I think, is supposed to be the final pieces to answer the puzzle.  But the puzzle still doesn’t feel complete, and worse feels overly complicated.
“But yeah, she's a great character, just trapped in a very messy lore. Once she could stand as her own character, she's pretty great. Which is why I like Zinnia's Legendary Event, because it resolved her internal conflicts she still had, managed to move on to the better future, and can stand as her own character without being too dependent on Hoenn's lore.”
Entirely fair, because yeah, I think there’s a lot of neat stuff going on with Zinnia.  It would be nice to get a bit more of her throughout the game, but it’s also hard to say where she should’ve appeared or what she should be doing.
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