#I just think that ​Robin paralleling Steve and coming through her window-
madlyn5ever · 3 months
The duffer brothers will never realize my vision for a Nancy s5 intro where she’s talking to someone as she’s helping them through her window and we don’t know who it is for a moment and then. it’s ROBIN,
and And the camera pans as she walks her backwards up against the wall and they start kissing and then someone calls her from downstairs and she either replies or doesn’t, but Nancy pulls back for a moment at the noise in slight annoyance and then focuses back to Robin but as she’s kissing her they call for her again (Karen?) and she groans and yells “I’ll be right there” or something and Robin makes a sly remark to mess with her.
I’ve been thinking about this since season 4 came out.
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acipphic · 1 month
stranger things habits of cycles and mini arcs that make me think byler is endgame
This is kind of my first stranger things theory/study so I don't know if somebody already took note of what I'm about to say on here or not so I'm sorry if I'm just reiterating common knowledge, I'm new on tumblr! I just hope to put information that we already have and understand in a different way that puts the show into perspective. If someone already noted this, I hope you enjoy reading what I think anyway :) I’m just having fun studying these characters
What is my definition of a cycle? A repeating theme/s in a character that often shows their flaw or something to take note of, and then allows you to take into perspective what the overall show is trying to tell you about this character. This further allows the audience to understand where their story is going, and how the character is thinking or feeling. Each full cycle shows the same repeating flaw and the character’s reaction to it, which gives us a window into their next move or arc, and what they are going to do about this cycle. Cycles feel like parallels but are more consistent within the characters. Cycles are similar to character arcs but not quite character arcs because I find that these pieces of character information repeat each other over and over rather than advancing or developing by much (like Steve and his troubles with the ladies), until they finally resolve. So, more like mini, bite-sized character arcs that make you think about what the character is thinking. It does not follow the traditional exoskeleton of a character arc. This definition is not official by any means and is just me putting a name to mini-arcs throughout the season that I find repeat themselves, thus a cycle. 
Just a warning that this can get kind of rambly lol you have to stay with me here!!! I promise it mostly makes sense. I am just mega autistic and I have so much to write.
Before I go into my theories, I need to lay some groundwork information down.
We know that;
Will, El, and Henry Creel have all been abused
Will, El, and Henry Creel parallel and mirror each other
Thanks to Tumblr user snacksizedgates, we also know about Will and El’s cyclical mirroring and foiling of each other
Mike and Nancy share similar perspectives on relationships
Mike Wheeler’s arc for two seasons has been about being unable to say “I love you”
Mike Wheeler’s arc is unfinished (we know this because of the end of e09 of s04)
The painting scene is probably one of the most important pieces of information to understanding Will’s character
Part 1) Proving that Stranger Things is Cyclical
The characters that I mentioned above are not the only characters that experience cycles. To prove that what I’m talking about in regards to Byler is tangible, I first have to prove that cycles are prevalent at all. 
Steve, Robin, Joyce, Hopper, and Jonathan are all seen going through specific cycles in their arcs. Nancy as well, but I did not mention her because she comes into play later on. The story itself also follows certain cycles without the characters (such as the start of the upside down and the continuing of it into the 80’s), but it follows more of the traditional arc-exoskeleton that I mentioned before. 
Joyce’s cycle includes a level of distrust in romantic relationships because of a cycle of traumatic experiences. Her flaw is distrust. Joyce is a single mother, and her past relationship with Lonnie was not only traumatizing for her, but for her children too. We know that Joyce was abused, along with her children, which is the start of not only her cycle, but Will and Jonathan’s. Joyce then is put with another man in Season 2, Bob. Bob appears to be a good role model and a kind man, but Joyce is put into another traumatic situation when Bob is promptly killed off by a demogorgon in front of her. This created another lasting impact on her, which bleeds into Season 3 where she gets a traumatic flashback of Bob dying. Then, in Season 3, she has to watch Hopper “die”. However, in Season 4, because Hopper actually ends up alive, I think that he is what puts a stop to Joyce’s cycle. Joyce has an expectation that the relationships she goes into will fail, which is probably also why she was hesitant to go on a date with Hopper. Now that she knows that Hopper won’t essentially fail her like the rest of the people she’s been in relationships with, she can heal. This is her closure. 
Steve’s cycle includes troubles in romance and finding true connections. He is shown inside his cycle and attempting to break out of it, either by going on dates or even confessing to Robin. The issue is, the women he goes after are either uninteresting or not for him, because he is stuck in a past relationship (Nancy). He has an ideal in his head about who the girl he dates should be like, and he cannot break out of it because he is stuck in his own expectations. Season 4 highlighted this flaw of his, and I believe Season 5 leads into him accepting that what happened will stay (his breakup with Nancy), or, disfavorably, a Stancy endgame.
Robin’s cycle, similar to Steve’s, includes troubles in romance. However, this cycle is more nuanced because Robin is a lesbian, and this struggle is highlighted by her in the show. Her flaw is the inability to be her true self. Robin recognizes how Steve and her are similar within their struggles, but she is put at a higher disadvantage. Robin cannot be herself, and this is arguably not a personal struggle, but a struggle with societal expectations. Queer characters in the show grapple with an amalgamation of character vs. society and character vs. self, which makes me appreciate the nuance of these characters.I do believe that Robin’s break will be during Season 5, when she hopefully gets together with Vickie, especially because at the end of Season 4, Robin appears more comfortable with being herself around Vickie. She’s already accepted her queerness, and that’s half the battle. Does this remind you of someone?
Hopper’s cycle is more familial based, because of his dead daughter. Hopper’s old family completely abandoned him, his wife left him. This creates an expectation in him that everybody he gets close to will fail him too. However, his closure comes faster than most characters after El and Joyce come into his life. They are the missing pieces in his equation, therefore when he is with them, he feels whole again and the cycle is broken. I believe that he felt truly whole again in Season 2 and 3 after he was able to step up as a father, and then again in Season 4 when Joyce rescued him. 
Jonathan’s cycle is also about distrust and fear, and I believe that Joyce’s fears bled into him which in turn caused this cycle. His flaw and cycle is also very similar to Will, because of the shared experiences with their father, but his perception of it is much more parentified and hardened than Will’s. I believe his closure will come in Season 5, and I think that Nancy plays a key role in it.
Part 2) The Arcs and Cycles of Eleven, One, and Will
We know that El, One, and Will are similar, not only because of snacksizedgate’s brilliant superman theory, but because of common character descriptors and wardrobe choices in the show. One is described as a sensitive boy from his biological father, and Will is described as a sensitive boy from his biological mother. One wears a very similar plaid button up shirt to what Will is wearing, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. El and Will are treated similarly by Mike because they have similar character profiles. They are both shy, they are both quiet. El and One have shared trauma and power profiles, One sees something special in Eleven because he notes that Eleven is a lot like him. These are not coincidences, therefore all three of them parallel each other.
Eleven is shown to be put through situations that are very similar one after another. When she is young, she is under a cycle of abuse by the hands of her father figure. When she meets Hopper, her freedom is again limited. Then, she is put into a relationship with Mike who feels the need to moderate her powers. I am not saying that Hopper or Mike are bad people, they can have good intentions, but their limits that they place on Eleven prove to have impacted her character growth. This is inherent when we see Max and El’s shopping mall date in Season 3, and we see the most growth she’s had in a long time, and again in Season 4, when she has to be away from Mike to relearn her own strength, and cut off a part of the abuse cycle that has been impacting her (Papa). When she is away from the catalyst of control in her life, whichever it is at the time, she is shown to grow and learn the most than from when she is with them. We have to remember that this connection is completely intentional from a writer’s perspective, because they all parallel one after another. You are supposed to wonder if El’s relationships are benefiting her or stunting her, and you are supposed to tie those strings together to come to that conclusion. This is how media literacy works. Additionally, I find identifying a true flaw on El much more difficult because of her lack of personhood. She doesn't know who she is because she was not taught to understand who she is until Season 3. 
One is shown to be the start of this cycle of abusive father figures, and I believe that the relationship between Eleven and One is similar to that of generational abuse. We are told this repeatedly throughout Season 4 when El and One communicate (and the fact that they are literally numbered helps with my point. One is 1 and Eleven is double 1, which I also believe foreshadows their battle and the victor. This is not a coincidence.) and we are reminded of what Eleven went through with One when she reunites with Dr. Brenner to focus on herself. We are told directly how they view Dr. Brenner. Eleven and One view him as a father figure, calling him Papa, which solidifies the similarities they have with Will and parental abuse. I believe that because Dr. Brenner was the cause and One was the continuation, Will and El will step up to break this cycle in Season 5. This is why I believe these things are worth mentioning in the first place. These cycles of abuse play key roles in the progression of the storyline, and are meant to be thought about.
Will is also shown to be put through very similar situations. He had a terribly abusive father who put limits on who he was as a person, and stunted his growth, just like El. However, Will’s case is different because he is gay. Will feels as if he cannot be himself, and El feels like that too, but it is not the focal point of her cycle. Will’s cycle is one of shame and self realization that stems from his abuse cycle’s starting point, his father. He is raised to believe that being himself is bad, therefore he internalizes those feelings, which I believe could be his main flaw. Interestingly, all of Will’s major growth points come from Mike, such as in the rain fight in S03/E03. This may seem like a strange thing to highlight as a growth point, but I truly believe that the argument Will had with Mike proves that he has the ability and the strength to be more combative, unlike when he was younger. This is again shown to me in Season 4, where Will is struggling to stand up for himself and his sister in school, but when he is with Mike, he is comfortable enough to be more combative, and his ability to be himself skyrockets, because now we know that Mike makes him feel better for being different. A lot of Will’s growth points also develop Mike’s character, which is why when they are together, they are better together. This was said by Mike in Season 4, that when they are a team they are better. This is the antichrist of Mike and El, it starkly contrasts where they grow. El grows when she can find herself. Mike grows when he is with Will. Another one of Will’s growth points is the ability to be himself, and when he is with Mike, he is completely and wholly himself, compared to the scenes that show him alone and Mike-less in California. This contrast is completely intentional and is supposed to make the viewer think about Mike and Will’s relationship. Because Will’s cycle is focusing on how to be himself, and Will is himself the most when he is around Mike, we can assume that the way to break Will’s cycle of flaw is for him to be with Mike. The fact that Will, El, and One have such close ties with not only the upside down, but with cycles of abuse, lead me to believe that these cycles are worth drawing theories out of and thinking about. They are there for a reason, and therefore they have consequences on the story. 
Part 3) Mike and The Wheeler Family
I think that before I completely draw my conclusion and connect all of this, we have to focus on Mike as a character and we have to think about how he grew up. 
Mike’s parents are in a loveless marriage. We can tell that something is wrong in Season 1, when we first meet Mike’s apathetic father, but the deterioration grows even more prevalent throughout the seasons. In Season 3, this is fully solidified when we see Karen Wheeler feel tempted to cheat on her husband. The only reason why she doesn’t is not because she realizes that she loves Ted, but because she doesn’t want to put her children in a difficult situation of divorce. Children pick up on these things at a young age, and I do believe that Nancy is aware of her father and mother’s situation, but that does not stop the influences that they have on Mike and her. 
Nancy and Stancy as a whole reflected her parent’s loveless marriage in Season 2. Nancy, like Mike, was unable to say I love you. It wasn’t because she was afraid that Steve “wouldn’t need her”, it was because she didn’t love Steve but felt like she had to, similarly to her parents. She mirrored their loveless marriage because that is what she thought was correct. I believe that Nancy’s arc had toned down in Season 3 because of Jonathan, and I honestly don’t know what they’re doing with it now, but I truly believe that she will never love Steve Harrington (fingers crossed cause my bone to pick with Stancy could be a whole other post). Because Stancy parallels Mileven so heavily, and the Wheelers show time and time again how similar their reactions are to highly emotional situations (I can even argue that Nancy was quite repressed, but that’s for another time), it is fair to say that Mike Wheeler’s attempt to be ‘normal’ (thanks Finn Wolfhard) ties into his attempt to mirror his parents within his relationship with Eleven.
Mike was raised to believe that love is what his parent’s relationship looks like, which caused him to reflect that view onto El. The start of Mike’s cycle is at the root of what his family is, loveless. Mike’s major flaw is repression of who he is, which is very similar to Will, but Mike has not accepted this part of himself. We can see Mike repress himself emotionally throughout the seasons, such as resorting to anger and feeling personally attacked when he is called out on poor behavior (rink-o-mania, you don’t say I love you, the rain fight). Anger is a secondary emotion to a separate feeling, and because he cannot feel his emotions properly, anger is what he expresses out of the repression. Why was Mike so angry when Will was hurt by his lack of contact? Why was Mike so defensive when El said that he doesn’t say I love you? Why was Mike so mad at Will for saying that he doesn’t spend time with him anymore in Season 3? These are things that we have to ask when we are attempting to understand Mike’s character, because all of these instances are ones where emotion and tension is high, so his truer self is revealed. Now, let’s dig deeper into those former questions. Why didn’t Mike keep contact with Will, his best friend? Why is Mike so unable to meet his girlfriend’s emotional needs, when she is directly stating what she needs? Why is Mike ignoring his childhood best friend and acting like an asshole because of it? Because he is repressed. Mike has been unable to say I love you since Season 3, and opts to saying it when he’s scared for El’s safety. Mike has always only been able to say I love you when he is pushed to say it (high tension situations, his best friend encouraging him to). If all of these situations are where he is not rational, not himself, where someone is in danger and he feels the need to save them, how can we trust to believe that this is how he truly feels? The love that he states he has for El is not stated or clear when she is safe, it is stated when Mike believes that El is in danger. It is stated as a last resort, and therefore it is not clear on if he actually feels that way romantically or if he feels like he has to, because he is repressed. Mike’s cycle has been prevalent throughout all seasons, but the newest addition to it (not being able to say things his loved ones need) started in Season 3. I think that because it has gone for two seasons, it will resolve in Season 5, and to discuss the full picture, I now present my overall idea.
We have established that cycles are commonplace in Stranger Things, and that characters have bite-sized arcs in every season that will attach to an overall story because they are all linked as of now. But how does this relate to Byler? Well, I believe that to stop Will’s cycle of abuse and shame, and to stop Mike’s cycle of repression, Byler has to happen as the logical outcome of both of those things. We see throughout the seasons that Mike and Will see the most growth within each other, which is just a fact when you look at it from a full-picture perspective. Will is able to tell Mike how he feels, Mike is able to tell Will how he feels. The repression-shame cycle is removed from the equation when they are together. We also know that Mike and Will have ‘shared looks’ that are specifically added into the story to create a feeling in the viewer. These shared looks are completely purposeful in their characters, because it proves that they don’t have to say anything to understand how each other feels. It removes the expectation of having to explain themselves, after feeling like they’ve had to their entire lives. Their cycles not only complement each other, with themes of shame, but they complete each other. Their bite-sized arcs are cohesively paired together every season because of how ‘on the same page’ they are. An example is in Season 3, where we see a lot of Byler’s conflict. Will doesn’t understand why Mike doesn’t want to spend time with him, Will has basically accepted himself, and Mike is afraid of himself which is why he chooses to push Will aside. Mike in Season 3 did not accept himself, and repressed who he was, whilst Will was finally figuring out who he is. These arcs are inherently complementary to each other, because it shows growth and an olive branch on one side and hesitance for the same reasons on the other. And again in Season 4, we see Mike finally being himself with Will again, slowly opening himself up, which is complementary to Will’s arc, which was telling Mike how he’s been feeling. Though I am showing two examples, one with conflict and one where they are on the same page, they are still both complementary to each other because El’s arc is indifferent to Will and Mike’s. El’s arc is not opposing or complementing Will or Mike’s, it is simply redirecting her character. Therefore, if her arc and what she needs to do is indifferent to other character’s, those characters are not involved in her arc or her needs. 
I’m very excited to see where this show leads and it is the longest interest I’ve ever had in my life. Remember that this is all in good fun. Sorry if this is kind of bad lol I am a little scrambled cause I wrote this in one day and I got excited. I didn't even scrape the surface of the crazy amount of parallels in this show !!! I'm excited to write more about what I think.
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steddieficrecs · 1 year
Best of Steddie
previous / next
waiting for that feeling by manycoloureddays
Eddie sticks his head out the window, tongue hanging out like a dog. Steve’s hand leaves the wheel to yank him back into the car, and Eddie just cackles, howling at the moon in the pale evening sky, before letting himself be rescued. Not from certain death this time, just the high chance of bug swallowing. 
“You’re a maniac,” Steve says, and it should be disgusting, the fondness dripping from his voice. But seven years is a long time, and Steve’s sappiness has yet to make him sick. In fact, he thinks he might have been infected by it. Turned into a big old sap himself. 
 [It's 1993. Eddie and Steve go back to Hawkins for Erica's graduation and make some plans for their own future]
Future Fic | Established Relationship
don't go on the patio (beware of the pool) by alchemystique
“Hey, what is it called if I like people without boobies?” And that is – well that’s just not fair, is it? Because Robin had spent years fighting herself about it before she was willing to even entertain the idea that she was super not into boys, and even now she panics if some one so much as hints about a predilection that might not be super straight, and Steve is just looking at her with earnest eyes like one cuddle with a dude while some shirtless actor on the TV beat some commies up is all it took for him to come to terms with his sexuality and how is that fair?
“Do you want to tell me something?”
“Yeah, but answer the question first.���
Robin gets a front row seat to the Steve and Eddie experience and works through a few hang ups of her own in the process
Robin POV | Getting Together
i wave goodbye to the end of beginning (goodbye) by steveharringtoned
Eddie Munson has been going steady with Steve Harrington for a little while now. He’s learned to expect the occasional disturbance.
In which he observes:
5 times Steve helps the kids, +1 time they help him.
Established Relationship | 5+1 Things
there's blood in my ears (and a fool in the mirror) by fastcardotmp3
“Max! You need a ride home today?”
It might be endearing, the way Steve looks sidelong at Eddie in that overprotective way that seems to sit steady on his shoulders, if it wasn’t also vaguely offensive, but Max heaves out a breath as she places her headphones back on her ears and clicks Bowie back to play.
“Fucking two of you now, can’t escape it,” she mutters under her breath, turns on her heel, and trudges away from them both.
Steve makes a face where he stands at his car.
Eddie waggles his fingers at him with a sly smile until he rolls his eyes, slips back into the front seat, and drives away.
A parallel look at the time leading up to Spring Break of ‘86 and everything that happens after Eddie Munson watches his own dying body be dragged through a gate, leaving the rest of him trapped in the Upside Down. Alone. Or mostly.
Post-S3 | Slow Burn
i've been having a horrible time pulling myself together by deadratz
The last thing Eddie thinks as he draws his final breath is that Henderson is gonna need a shit ton of therapy.
But then, Eddie wakes up, gasping for air, and miraculously, he's being rescued.
Now he has to figure out how to live.
Fix-It | Getting Together
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dinitride-art · 1 year
Lighting and Mike and Will and El - Full Analysis (pt.59)
There’s not a lot I can really say about the stuff we’re being shown at the end of episode nine. At least, I can’t say for sure that it connects to something and has a through line to it’s meaning. Most of this is going to be foreshadowing. And that’s not giving us much to work with. Despite this, I will be continuing to make wild claims about what all this might mean for season five, and the end of the show. 
And, as always, what it means for Mike and Will. 
S4:E9 - END SHOT (End of Season Four)
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Ash is falling, shadows are over left eyes, the forest is dark. 
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Hopper and Mike are looking back into the darkness behind them. The overturned red wheelbarrow is in our sights. El is the next focus after Will.
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And Mike’s nearly surrounded by the dark. 
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The left side of El’s face is being overtaken. Just like Mike’s was in the monologue.
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And then we see Holly. “It’s snowing!” Holly is usually associated with Christmas, both the plant and Mike’s little sister. In season one there was an entire episode named after her; Holly Jolly. And we followed her as she was lead by blinking Christmas lights towards danger. Christmas isn’t a great sign.
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After Holly, we see Karen. These next few shots are what I’ve been calling the groupings in my head. They’re not like Will, who was a major singular focus. But they are important, and who they’re with is important as well. 
So, Karen and Holly. Looking through a window. Curtains open.
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Erica and Lucas, in darkness. Looking through a window. Reflected on it. Curtains open.
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Vicky, Steve and Robin. Looking through a window. 
First set of groupings are the people looking through windows. There’s three of these. And maybe they’ll be the ones on the right side up? Trying to find the rest? The windows are important somehow. And while that might not be exactly what’s happening, it’s significant that there are three specific groupings looking at the outside through windows. 
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Next we have Dustin. And possibly Wayne Munson. But our main focus here is on Dustin. And he’s part of the groupings that see the destruction happening directly from where they’re standing outside.
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We come back around to where we started with Will and the others. 
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Hopper and Joyce.
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Mike and Will.
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El. Then Jonathan and Nancy. It is a bit more choppy than the end shot, and maybe that’s telling us that while these pairs (and El) are important, we’re going to see: Hopper, Joyce and Mike, El and Will, and Nancy and Jonathan. At some point. Or it’s stressing the significance of their characters similarities. Hopper’s set aside. But Joyce and Mike were paralleled in season one, and Will and El were paralleled then too. Nancy and Jonathan have always been a pair, and have had similarities, but a little different than Will and El, and Joyce and Mike. 
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They’re all on the hill (Running up that hill) that Mike would’ve picked El’s flowers from. There are trees all around them, and the theme of green in the background that’s been consistent for most of the end of this episode (after the time skip) is staying that way till the very end. We see Nancy and Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce, and Mike, Will and El in the middle. El, even at this point, is set apart from Mike and Will. 
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She’s behind them, not beside them. 
Mike’s shirt pocket, as it has been consistantly, is pointing to Will. There are red flowers between them.
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A few times. It’s not all the time, but enough that it could be intentional. At the very least there aren’t any red flowers between Mike and El. 
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Even when there is space between them, it’s empty. 
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Then El moves past them. Leaving Mike and Will as a pair. The wildflowers dying seems to be referencing Mike and El’s relationship, while also signifying the danger they’re all in. 
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This shot puts El in front of Mike and Will. Like she’s protecting them. With what happened during the monologue, and the cabin scene, she might think that Vecna’s targeting them. It’s not just Will she’s in front of. Mike’s in danger too. She’s moving away from Mike- their relationship isn’t in the question anymore- but she’s also making sure that she’s in front of them. 
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Mike and Will’s conflict this season has been internal and in their relationships. But more than that, their conflicts have been- at their core- about their feelings for each other. “You’re mad that I didn’t talk to you?” “Hawkins. It’s not the same without you.” “Because what if they don’t like the truth?” “after all of this is over... what if she doesn’t need me anymore?” “Sometimes when you’re different, you feel like a mistake.” “Mike. You’re the heart.” 
Mike doesn’t tell El he loves her- because he doesn’t. Friends don’t lie. Will doesn’t say that the painting is from him- because he can’t. What if Mike doesn’t like the truth? Mike and Will being gay in the 80s isn’t a simple character trait. It affects every single one of their relationships, it adds to any amount of stress or trauma they may experience, it changes the way they view the world around them and how they react to it- because they are not safe in this world. They are not safe with their friends. They are not safe with their families. And that affects every aspect of their characterization. One of the major themes of Stranger Things is forced conformity. Another one is abuse. Another one is love. Mike and Will being gay in the 80s doesn’t just affect their characters. It changes the meaning of the entire story. 
El isn’t just protecting them from Henry. She’s protecting them from everyone. She’s protecting them from Troy. She’s protecting them from the Demogorgon. She’s protecting them from the Mind Flayer. Mike and Will aren’t safe in Hawkins. And they never have been. Because they’re in a small town in the 80s. And Will’s father was abusive. And Troy targeted them both. And Mike’s dad makes comments all the time. 
This shot/scene is setting up what’s going to happen further in the story and doubling down on what’s already happened. El’s moving away from Mike, Will and Mike are sticking together, there are two pairs on either side of them that are telling us that Will and Mike are a future romantic possibility. Alright, enough speculation and interpretation. Last part is just going to be the end shot. 
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
Jancy :]
Okay, bear with me here lol
I was never super cool with Jonathan taking those pics of her about to get it on with Steve without consent, even when it was clear we were supposed to root for him as the underdog love interest. However, I know people make mistakes and I can deal with some moral greyness in fiction.
I still love Jonathan especially for what an excellent brother he is to Will and for his sick taste in music
I loooooved the passion of Jancy's first kiss. That was amazing!!! Cinema!! And all the lead-up to it- them dancing around their feelings for each other, the matching scars, the "only one bed" tension, them getting Murray'd, all of it! Very good chemistry, which is understandable since Natalia and Charlie are a couple IRL
In S3, I started to like their dynamic a little less. I loved the hasty morning scene of climbing out the window and the lipstick on the cheek, but their interactions fell flat for me during most of the season. They both occasionally talked in a way that sounded condescending and just generally fraught. They didn't understand each other's struggles (misogyny and classism/poverty, respectively) and I don't feel it got adequately resolved by season's end.
Then of course S4 has Jancy living apart, and both giving rather concerning commentary on the state of the relationship
They both go overboard to describe to a friend all the reasons they love each other and that's why they can't spend spring break together and have some hanky-panky as Argyle calls it, but both friends seem a bit suspicious of the truth/motivations (and rightly so, I think).
I do think they genuinely admire those qualities they listed about the other, but it seems to me (and Fred and Argyle) that they were just making lame excuses why they couldn't see each other.
Then in E2 Jonathan discloses to Argyle that he was initially hoping Nancy would've surprised him by coming to California, but then he was relieved that she hadn't.
Then he drops the bomb about college and how he's lying to her and is anticipating a slow-motion breakup with her because he can't be honest about not wanting to, and I quote, "chase s dream that isn't his".
He then goes on to say that they will grow to become like their parents and resent each other. Argyle calls this Jonathan's "nightmare cycle".
Sound familiar? When Steve was talking about his six nugget dream, Nancy said it sounded like a nightmare.
That's why I think both Jancy and Stancy are at a disconnect. They have different dreams! Their lives are taking them in different directions!
Now, I know people will say it doesn't have to be that way, that if Jonathan is just honest with Nancy, then he will go to NYU and she will go to Emerson and they'll just happily do long distance or get back together at a later time.
But I didn't like the way Jonathan was still holding out on Nancy at the end of S4. That means they are still basically in the midst of a slow-motion breakup. Yes they are on apocalypse time, but when will he think is the right time to talk about it? Didn't seem like he had changed his M.O. from what he told Argyle in E2.
And the way Nancy was talking to Robin in the woods was indeed a Byler parallel, with her complaining that she could never get through to him on the phone and wondered if he had met another girl, understandably frustrated at the situation.
When Jonathan asked if they were okay, the answer seemed insincere to me. like they were just trying to ignore the problems and it was most convenient to just say yes.
Nancy even told Jonathan she was glad he hadn't been in Hawkins, just like he had been relieved she hadn't come to Lenora back in E2!
Now the next part when she tells Jonathan that Steve has grown up a lot, I don't think it was meant to mean that she was seeing Steve in a romantic light again, even though Jonathan probably took it to mean that.
I have my own idea of what she meant, but I will save my thoughts on that because that will get into another ship that people here seem to dislike LOL Let's just say that she feels he has grown a lot since he called Jonathan a queer back in S1.
Conclusion: if Jancy mend their relationship and decide to go long distance or get back together after college, I hope they grow to be really honest with each other and mature a lot as a couple. They have had some really sweet moments.
But in the words of Fred, I am still rooting for my alt (Ronance ;3)
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stardancerluv · 2 years
Blossoming of a Shy Violet
Part Twenty - Four
Summary: Things need to be done.
Notes/Warning: Angst, worry…allusions sexier moments….Eddie and Steve bickering Dustin reining them in.
-Please note & remember…this is parallel to the season. It is also my version of how things play out at Skull Rock, at Max’s trailer and what leads up to Lover’s Lake. Some dialogue is directly taken or influenced by it. Flashback in italics.
Thank you so much for reading! Feedback, ❤️s and re-blogs are always welcome!
Eddie easily climbed up and sat in the middle of his trusty picnic table, he he patted the space closest to him. “Come here, sweetheart.”
With a sigh, you finally stopped pacing and did as he suggested. As wrapped his arms around you, he saw you close your eyes as you nestled in. Knowing, roughly where Dustin and the others were coming from you and him, had some time before the two of you would have to head to the parking lot to meet up with them.
There was so much he wanted to say, but right now, he knew that sometimes silence was needed. So with arms crossed in front of you, he let you play with the rings on his fingers.
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder. You made a soft sound, he gave you a gentle squeeze.
You glanced at him over your shoulder. “I wish we could go back to when you were climbing into my window.”
He chuckled. “Me too, sweetheart me too.”
The sounds of rustling leaves drew closer, a few twigs snapped like a whip reaching them. You flinched looking up at him.
Both of you scrambled. “What are we going to do?”
“They are too close.” He braced himself. “Get behind me.”
You did as he said, reaching back he wrapped an arm the best he could around you.
His heart began to pick up speed. He found himself taking a stance despite it feeling like his legs were to turning to jelly.
“Bada bing bada boom, I knew they’d be here.”
Steve was clad in a bright yellow sweater, as he came out from behind the trees. “In your face, Dustin. In your stupid cocky little face.” He glanced behind him. Before flashing the two of you a bright smile. “I told him, you’d probably meet here and then go over to the parking lot.”
Eddie shrugged. He wondered how Steve knew about his place. “Good thinking, Harrington.”
He nodded. Just the sounds of Dustin’s sometimes squeaky voice came through the branches. “Can’t admit you’re wrong, you butthead.”
Eddie smiled as he watched the ever cautious Dustin, watching his steps as he stepped out of the thick growth of the forest. He was like only a pace, maybe two short of being on Steve’s heels.
Eddie, strode easily over. Once, Dustin cleared the undergrowth, he smiled. “I concur you Dustin Henderson are totally a butthead.” Eddie said with a smile ignoring his crack lip.
He could see the relief washing over his friend’s face, “We were so worried that Jason and his friends were going to find you.” Dustin squeaked out before he tightly hugged him.
“I was worried about that too.” Eddie admitted.
You came over to where Eddie was. Dustin smiled, that shiny smile. “I’m glad you are ok too.” He hugged you too.
Eddie was happy to watch the small moment.
“That Jason and his goons are scary, they almost had me.”
He nodded. “Bunch of bullies.”
The girls came out of the words shortly after.
Robin squinted at him, when she grew close. “Hey are you ok?” She pointed at him.
He nodded. “Yeah, that’s when Jason managed to land one.
“Ahh, you will have to clean it up.”
“I will when I get the chance.” Her awkward caring was kind endearing, he mused.
“Not sure we should stay here. But not sure where we should go.” Steve, remarked making a face as he came over and put a hand on his hip.
“My mom is at work.” Max mentioned quietly.
Eddie’s fingers drummed nervously on your hip as you sat on his lap in the backseat. So you didn’t bounce around completely, you wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Harrington, thank you again for allowing us the use of your family’s place.”
You caught Steve’s eyes in the rearview. “Yes, Steve thank you.” You smiled.
“Looked like you two didn’t destroy it, so yeah no worries.”
“Steve!” Dustin snapped.
“Alright, alright I’m sorry. Didn’t really think you two would.” He sighed.
“No harm. I understand.” Eddie made a face but then a smirk curled the good side of his mouth. “Just one question.”
Steve tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, while waiting for the light to change. “Shoot, what?”
“Is that really the bedding you and your family buy?”
“I guess?” He shrugged. “I never really thought about it. Mom picks it out why?”
Eddie shrugged. “Just a little scratchy.”
You flushed, meeting his eyes. His smirk turned into that devil may care smile that always causes your heart to flutter. Right now, a little more then usual since you remembered why Eddie was saying that.
Eddie’s fingertips gently ran up and down your arm, while remained cuddle up to his chest. “I am surprised I didn’t chaff myself.”
You made a face as you glanced up at him. “What do you mean?”
“When I was enjoying you little minx, I couldn’t resist rubbing up against that comforter. That fabric is rough.
A pang of concern went through you. You lifted the blanket and looked down at him. Then looked back at him. “Yup. You’re ok.”
He chuckled. “Not completely little minx.”
“Oh! Do you want a kiss?”
“It could help.”
But you look…oh…oh Eddie!” You squealed and pushed at him. He only chuckled harder and pulled you close.
You smacked his chest. He feigned innocence, as he squeezed your hip.
“Eddie!” Dustin snapped.
His squeaky voice brought you back to the car from last night.
“Just a comment. No reflection on Steve.” Eddie replied.
Everyone’s nervous tension was getting the better of them, they were all talking at once. Talking over each other, honestly lot of nothing was being tossed back and forth. It made you desperately want to crawl into a hole.
Nervously, you glanced down at your hands, they were still filthy. Slid off the armrest beside Eddie and knelt beside Max. She soon showed you, where you could wash them.
You could still feel the slimy things hands brushed up against while hiding in the bushes. It made your stomach churn.
“Are you ok sweetheart?” You flinched, and then sighed.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, laying your forehead against him, pausing in washing your hands.
Eddie’s fingers running through your hair. pulled a sigh from you. You gave him a weak smile as he rubbed your back. “Nothing to be sorry about.” He whispered.
Going back into the now cramped living room, Eddie plopped onto the only easy chair. Signs of age, were very apparent but its armrest that you decided to perch on, was actually quite comfortable.
Sitting there, trying not get too annoyed from everyone talking over each other and not really accomplishing anything, you couldn’t help but notice that Max’s trailer pretty much had the same layout as Eddie’s. It actually looked a touch smaller but you couldn't be sure.
“Hey guys, everybody shut up.” Eddie’s exasperated voice filled the room. Silence fell over everyone, as they turned to look at him.
“Everything was fine last night.” He sighed and looking at you before the others. “We have no idea how they found us.”
“I don’t know man.” Steve shook his head, he looked that the two of you. “I’m just glad you two got away from Jason.”
“Narrowly.” You chimed in, noticing that Eddie was chewing on his lip.
“Eddie, have you noticed anything we should know?” Nancy asked.
He shrugged. “It’s probably nothing but,” Slipping his arm from being around, he quickly unfastened his watch and tossed it to Nancy. “To be honest, it wasn’t till later today did I even realize, it had stopped working. It randomly stopped working.”
Nancy, you watched as concern cast a shadow over her face. “Nine, twenty-seven.”
“Same time our flashlights went kablooey.” Robin added, you glanced her way.
“Which means what, exactly?” Steve asked, he looked more confused then anything as he leaned against one of the walls in the small room.
“That…” She tossed back Eddie’s watch back to him.
Nancy pressed her lips together her brow furrowed. For some reason, seeing her worried, made your own worry sliver into the pit of your stomach.
Once his watch was back on his wrist, you relaxed a little once his arm was once again wrapped around you.
“That surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick.”
“So that brings us one step closer.” Robin chimes in smiling.
Eddie, glanced at Harrington and the girls. “Give me moment, ok?” He rose his eyebrows.
“Of course.” The girls nodded
With a hand stuffed in his pocket, he walked back to Harrington’s BMW. You were sitting in the back seat, the door creaked as he opened it. You were tapping your foot with your arms crossed in front of you. Worse of all, it didn’t escape him that you had not glanced his way.
“Sweetheart…” He kicked at dirt.
Even in the darkness, he could see the fierceness that filled your eyes. “Don’t you sweetheart me right now.” You looked away.
Sighing, he climbed into the back seat and shifted close to you, placing an arm behind you.
“Y/N, now you listen to me.”
You looked at him then, your eyes were huge. He instantly regretted how harsh his voice was. Now he was the one who looked into the inky darkness of Harrington’s car.
“Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound that harsh.” Moving his arm, he wrapped it around your shoulders. With desperation clawing at him, he needed to feel you close. He rested his forehead on your shoulder.
A few beats, a few breathes passed between the two of you “I’m as scared as you are.” He finally spoke and pulling back he glanced your way and saw you nodding. “I don’t know,” He pressed his lips together. “But if I can somehow can help, I have to try.”
He saw tears fill your eyes. “But what about me?” You were against him then and wrapped his arms around you.
“I am doing this for all of us.” Moving just so, he tilted your chin up to meet your eyes. “Nothing will stop me from coming back to you.”
@eddieswifu @twentysomethingwereyote @gabriella-gvf @apocalypticwafflekitten @blackberries45 @buckymydarlingangel @readers-posts @grunge-grrrl @ofherscarlettwitchways @making-the-most-0f-it @chaos-incorp @dandycandy75 @poltergeistsblog @alyssinwunderland-blog-blog @helpimspiraling @thegirlwhohides @sebastianstvn @notbeforelong
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pftones3482 · 2 years
Little Things About Season 4 That I Love Too Much To Convey (in no particular order):
The scene between Max and Dustin in his bedroom after she sees that Chrissy has been murdered - they really haven't had a ton of platonic scenes together in the show, and I love their friendship
Robin so casually talking to Steve about her love life and him being just so GOOD about it
The way Nancy looked at the Scoops Troop gang (+Max) when they got out of the car while she was talking to the cops
Every Will and El interaction in that first episode
The realization in Mike's eyes when he figured out why the pen didn't work
All of them swearing on Dustin's mom while Steve had a broken bottle to the throat
The entire Kate Bush scene - the lighting, the music, the emotion, the way Lucas, Dustin, and Steve were circled around Max at the end (I missed the four of them sm)
The pained look Lucas gave when he walked into Hopper's cabin
The way the parents all looked to each other at the town hall meeting for the love of god someone TELL THEM what's going on
Steve Harrington ripping a demon in half with his bare hands and then spitting blood - excuse me, bisexual coming through
Murray full on destroying everyone with his karate skills
The new chief of police??? Finally realizing why Hopper was so fucked up all the time bc what the fuck is going on in this town
The entire scene where Steve is underwater idk man I can't explain it
The whole scene with the teenagers in the Upside Down in Nancy's house communicating through the Lite Brite with Dustin, Max, Lucas, and Erica - it was so gorgeous???????
Erica Sinclair
Mike and Will apologizing to each other
The scene where Jonathan is stoned out of his mind and Murray is trying his damnedest to hold it together cause he knows exactly what tf is going on
Robin being baffled by the tiny ballerina
Also Robins feminist tirade that was also golden
Nancy and Robin being friends overall like yes please
The fond little smile Steve gives when he hears how much Dustin talks about him
Nancy and El's shared memory sequence that was so fucking cool
Max reading her letter to Billy's grave
The quiet rivalry between Dustin and Mr. Wheeler is still funny bc Mrs. Wheeler KNOWS it's there and she just bites her lip and let's it continue cause she thinks it's hilarious
Hoppers face when he tastes peanut butter for the first time
The Byers and Mike just appearing in Suzie's window and she's like 🙄🙄🙄 "are u hecking kidding me"
The relief on El's face when she sees Sam on the highway
Going back but during the flashback sequence with Max, her one scene with Mike being in there just felt so wholesome and good
The teenagers riding the bikes in the upside down paralleled with the kids riding bikes in the real world
Steve grabbing every single object in his vicinity to use as a weapon
Lucas: "Wow Steve's gotten really hairy" Max, popping up out of nowhere and stealing the binoculars: "Let me see" *deafening silence while she stares*
The scene at the table with all the prisoners while Hopper is telling them what they're about to be fighting
Mom Steve Mom Steve Mom Steve
There's more, but these are off the top of my head my favorite things
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strangerchoices · 5 years
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
Turning your attention to your professor you say,
“I’m sorry, can we pick this up another time? Maybe next Monday?”
You couldn’t tell exactly but it seemed like he was disappointed. You felt a bit bad but if you weren’t going to focus on studying then you might as well go hang out with Steve. Grabbing your things, you start to walk out of Dr. Alexei’s office.
“Goodbye Professor. See you on Wednesday!”
“Ah yes, goodbye.” He replied
You walked down the halls of your school with Steve doing a little happy dance in the process.
“What are you doing?” He asks with a goofy smile
“It’s my happy dance.”
“I know that. You’ve done that same happy dance since 3rd grade. What are you doing it for?” He jokingly questions
“Well I’ve been doing really well in class lately and my professor said that he knows I’m going to be able to answer the questions on the midterm!” 
“That’s awesome! How about we go celebrate?” Steve suggests
You and Steve arrive at the car. Stopping to look at him you ask,
“And what do you have in mind?”
“Cheap Pete’s Pizza Parlor. It’s been our place since we were allowed to start going out without our parents.”
Getting in the car you place your stuff in the back seat. You watch as Steve slides across the hood as he always does. Ever since he learned to drive that had been his favorite move. Actually, ever since he was tall enough to do it, it was his favorite move. You remembered how he used to say ‘Cool Steve coming through’ as he’d slide across the hood of his dad’s car in his garage. He had gotten pretty good at it with all the practice over the years but it still made you smile remembering the times where he’d fall off or have to slide himself across because he didn’t have the momentum. Once he gets in the car you turn to him.
“I don’t know about Cheap Pete’s Steve. You want to drown yourself in soda again?” You tease
“How dare you bring that up! It was one time! I had just gotten a tooth pulled and the laughing gas made me think I was drowning when I was just drinking it.” He complains trying to hide a smile
Pushing him you playfully say,
“C’mon let’s go already.” 
With that Steve pulls out of the parking lot. Driving down the road the top is up but the windows are down. Sticking your head out the window you let the wind blow through your hair. Every now and then Steve takes a glance over at you. He watches as the sun shines on your head, how your hair blows in the wind, and the smile on your faces as you two drive along. He can’t watch for too long because he’d be dead if he crashed the car but he can’t help but look over ever so often. You being happy was his favorite sight to see. Pulling into the parking lot of the pizza parlor Steve parks the car in your special spot. The one with the pothole that no one wants. With the car finally stopped you start to open your dorr but Steve tells you,
“Oh no you don’t, if we’re celebrating you then you’re gonna be treated like a queen. Close that door so I can open it.”
Rolling your eyes, you close the door to the car. Steve saunters from his side to your door and opens it for you with a bow.
“This way your majesty.” He jokes
Always the comedian. Before you step out though you see a massive puddle in the pothole. You decide to be a comic as well and exclaim,
“Oh my! I could never get out the car in this condition! The puddle right there is too deep! My entire shoe would be permanently damaged!”
“I have an idea.”
Before you could ask what it was Steve grabs you from out of the seat and throws you over his shoulder. Closing the door with his foot he carries you from the parking lot in the back towards the front of the store. The whole way you laugh and lightly hit his back telling him,
“Put me down!”
“No, I don’t think I will.”
He opens the door with one hand, still using the other to keep you perched upon his shoulder and walks to the cashier. Since you facing the other way, you couldn’t even begin to imagine the look that the cashier had on his face. All he could see was steve’s face and your backside. You tell Steve,
“Put me down!”
But he ignores you and instead orders his food.
“Uh yeah. I’ll take uh- hmm. I have some garlic knots and a slice of Million Cheese Sicilian.”
“Will that be all?” the cashier asks in a monotone voice
Steve turns around so now you, still on his shoulder could order. You give the cashier a sympathetic look that he doesn’t seem to care about.
“Can I get a coke and a slice of Cheese-plosion crust pizza.”
The cashier punches in all the orders before stating,
“Your total will be $6.71″
Finally, Steve puts you down and you make your way over to the booth in the corner. He pays the total and waits for the food to be ready before heading over to you. As he slides you your food and drink to you, you can’t help but say,
“That was so embarrassing! My butt was in his face!”
Steve rolls his eyes and just laughs at you.
“This is not funny Steve Harrington.”
“You’re cute when you’re mad,” he states taking a bite from his pizza
Any tiny bit of anger you may have melted away. Steve, your Steve, just called you cute. Sure, he had before, but for some reason this time it felt more sincere. Like he actually meant it this time. You felt butterflies form in your stomach. This was a normal occurrence though. You got butterflies ever since you first started liking Steve as more than just your best friend. You remember the first time it happened. It was the end of 7th grade and Steve was hosting an end of the year pool party. Tommy H. was trying to kiss you but you didn’t want him to, so Steve pushed him in the pool with all of his clothes on. He came out soaking wet and was so embarrassed he called his mom crying and went home. After that moment you got butterflies around the boy who was supposed to just be your best friend. You started to eat your pizza slice when you noticed Steve staring off at the wall behind you.
He snapped out of his trance
“Yeah?” he asked
“You okay?”
“I was just thinking.”
Going back to eating your pizza he slipped into a trance again. He must’ve been thinking again, but God knows about what. Unbeknownst to you though, it was you he was thinking about. Steve thought you were cute. He thought about how he said you were cute. He started to panic thinking that it might’ve been the wrong thing to say you were cute. You didn’t reply anything when he said it so maybe it was okay. But what if it wasn’t? What if him saying you’re cute is what pushes you away. He couldn’t deal with that. You’ve been his best friend forever. He wouldn’t be who he is without you. No, it’s fine. You’re still here. You didn’t just up and leave. It’s okay. Hopefully.
“Hey Steve, when do you have to be back at work?” You asked him
Steve looks down at his watch before his eyes shoot wide.
“Oh shit, I was supposed to be back 3 minutes ago!”
Grabbing your hand he pulls you out of Cheap Pete’s and drags you behind him to the car. You both scramble to get in and he peels out of the parking lot. Speeding down the street he zooms into a parallel parking spot near the video shop. Pulling some coins out of his pocket, he throws them your way and quickly says,
“Put those in the meter for me.”
He then bolts into the shop while you place the coins in the meter. Robin is at the desk when he gets inside and comments,
“You’re late Harrington. I hope you have a good excuse.”
As she finishes her statement, you walk through the door. She looks between you and Steve.
“I see you have a decent excuse. I’ll let you off with a warning this time.” She says winking at him “Also I already punched you back in so don’t worry about it.”
Steve breathes a sigh of relief and starts to catch his breath. Before he heads off to start working you mention to him,
“You’re cute when you're flustered.”
You then head off towards the boxes of new arrivals that need to be shelved. Steve, on the other hand, was frozen in place. His heart skipped and beat and his stomach started to do flips. You called him cute. You had before but this time it felt different. It sounded like you meant it. He couldn’t move, all he could do was watch you walk away.
“Hey, lover boy. Snap out of it.” Robin said still at the front desk
Steve shot her a look and went towards his task. But he couldn’t get over it. You called him cute.
Minutes turned into hours and it was almost time for closing. You and Steve were almost finished with restocking the last-minute returns when you heard the bell of the shop ring. You couldn’t see who came in but you had an idea of who it was when Robin called out,
“Hey! Mom, Dad, your child is here.”
Steve put the box down and made his way to the front of the store with you trailing behind.
“Dustin!” Steve called out excitedly
The two of them did their secret nerdy handshake before Dustin turned his attention to you and said,
“Hi Y/N!”
You went over to him and ruffled his hair a bit before replying,
“Hey, kiddo. What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to rent a movie.”
“Well we’re closing soon, so go grab it,” Robin told him
Dustin runs off towards the section where comedy and fantasy mix before quickly coming back. In his hand, he returned with Ghostbusters. Robin helped him to check out while Steve turned the open sign to closed. Once Dustin got his movie he turned to you and Steve and asked,
“Can we watch it together? I already told my mom I’d be at a friends house.”
You look at him. His eyes wide with excitement. How could you say no to that face?
“Of course!” you answer
The three of you had finally gotten to Steve’s house after finishing up at the video store. While you were in the kitchen making popcorn, Steve was helping Dustin set up the VHS tape.
“So are you two together yet?” Dustin asks 
“No,” Steve replies fiddling with the VHS player
“But you have a huge crush on her,” Dustin says a smidge too loud
“Keep your voice down Henderson.” Steve scolds looking to see that you aren’t there 
“Sorry, It’s just I have a girlfriend and you don’t. So I’m trying to help you out.” 
“Well you’re not helping,” Steve replies
Just then you walk in with the popcorn and ask,
“He’s not helping with what?”
Both of them turn to you. They’re like deer in the headlights until Dustin pipes up saying,
“The VHS player. I wasn’t helping to set it up.”
“But it’s all good now! We’re ready to go!” Steve chimes in
Dustin takes a seat on the floor while you and Steve sit on the love seat couch. You notice as Steve places his arm around your shoulders. You don’t know if it was intentional or not but either way, the act made you smile. As time goes on you one by one start to fall asleep. Dustin first, then Steve and lastly you. The movie is close to its end but you can’t keep your eyes open. Getting comfy you start to lean on Steve. You can hear the rhythmic sound of his heart as your eyes start to close and the last thing you remember is thinking that this feels right.
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