#I just want to lay on a nice beach with a fruity umbrella drink and decompress
milkierose · 6 years
Nicotine Lips
☆❀Sequel to this little fic right here❀☆
Villain!All Might / Male Reader
Word Count: 2,387
Summary: Reader is a Male Bartender who wants a bit of spice in his life, All Might is ready to deliver
Saturday 11:00 a.m.
You opened your eyes, taking a few seconds to remember you inhabited a human vessel and then less than a second to feel pain surge from various areas on your body. Slowly rising from your bed, you looked down to your wrists and see them bruised. The back of your head and shoulders began to throb, fucking hell. You headed to the bathroom to see if there were any other marks, where the hell did you get all these from? You don’t remember having to break up a bar fight so why are you… Looking into the mirror you noticed a nasty bite mark on the crook of your neck and shoulder. Realization settled in as you recall who it was that gave you all these contusions. 
That smile, that damned smile, it was burned on the inside of your eyelids. Yet you liked what happened last night… er, this morning. At the cost of your head, wrists, sleep, your suit--wait. Your suit, your nice black cashmere suit with the red accents! You slapped a palm against your head, ow bad idea, fuck you let the cum dry up in the vest and pants for at least seven hours and there’s no way you could take that to the cleaners without getting weird looks. That was your favorite outfit too, damn it, god fucking damn it.
A hot shower and sad goodbye to your clothes later, you were sitting in your living room eating some brunch with the TV playing the news in the background. “Another sad day for our hero society, a young aspiring hero ended up passing away in the hospital earlier this morning after an encounter with a powerful villain…” The anchorwoman explains that the hero was attacked just up the street from where you worked between the hours of 12 and two in the morning. Hm... you do recall hearing a ruckus when you stepped out on your break… “A bystander managed to get a recording on their phone, the following may be disturbing so viewer discretion is advised.” A blurry video began to play, it was obvious that the owner of the phone was terrified as the image was shaky. At first it did not seem like much and the bystander was just recording the night sky. Then out of nowhere two figures came crashing down directly onto a passing car, stopping it in its tracks and making the cameraman jump. The scene was too foggy to tell but the larger silhouette was seen picking up a limp body by the head. A boisterous laughter boomed from the scary figure, then stopped suddenly as the shadow slowly turned to the cameraman. Orange-circles glinted to the person recording, the video paused in the middle of a quick motion, leaving the viewers to assume the worst became of the poor soul recording. You were always one to be apathetic towards the victims shown on the news, however this time you felt your stomach twist into knots. Here you were, thinking on the whole situation as if it was just any regular thug wanting a quickie with a stranger on the street. It had never occurred to you that he probably only pulled you in because he was on a murder high. Sexual fantasy, more like a next-morning-nightmare! You gagged, a hand swiftly covering your mouth to try and keep the bit of food you’ve consumed down in your stomach. Hopefully, no one saw him with you in the alleyway, so no one could track anything back to you and bring up any unwanted attention from the police. Originally you were going to dump the stained suit out into a dumpster but it had remains of both of your DNA, you should probably burn it at this point to leave no evidence. The nicely prepared brunch was now being dumped into the kitchen garbage, unfortunately, you had lost your appetite.
Days pass on by and soon enough the one-night fling with All Might had faded away to the back of your mind. Your coworkers and some regulars did ask if you were mugged since you looked battered up, so you just went along with the excuse that you were. Telling them you were too tough for the mugger to actually take anything and you managed to only get a few bumps and scratches from the fight. “Heh, even a quirkless son of a bitch like you can put up a fight, huh?”
That’s right, you were quirkless, you were always surrounded with people who had special abilities and could kill you instantly. However, it had the opposite effect on you than normal quirkless individuals. Your parents had enrolled you in fighting classes ever since you were very young so that you had some sort of self-defense in this quirky world and you made it a goal for yourself to never be discouraged by the fact you had no special ability. Still, to be considered the inferior phase of human evolution took its toll on your young developing brain. You recall your younger self researching the common quirks from where you were born to try and figure out if there were any late-bloomer quirks that could come along. Nothing ever emerged…
The bar was full on this rainy night, people coming in and being taken out, tonight was karaoke night which was very popular among the crowd. A gaggle of ladies in their mid-20’s were on stage singing a song from a popular popstar about a man who was so intoxicating he should have came with a warning. They were off-key, but that’s what you expect from a drunken bachelorette party, it wasn’t bad enough to cringe at but not amazing enough to cheer on. “Excuse me?” You turned to whomever it was trying to get your attention. “Yes ma’am, what’ll it be?” “A piña colada please” “Coming right up” Something fruity for a change, a perfect drink to get into a more tropical and carefree mood. A few moments and blending later you handed her the drink she ordered with a cute colorful loopy straw and tiny umbrella. The only thing really killing the fun atmosphere was the television on the other side of the bar replaying the news from this morning. The audio was kept on silent and displayed the subtitles of what the anchor couple were discussing.  More news about the fallen hero’s funeral being rained out, so it had to be delayed. The storm was getting bad and beginning to flood the streets closer to the beach. The weather woman advised citizens avoid driving to the shores and to be cautious when walking their children to school. The chitter chatter and singing were abruptly interrupted when the doors of the bar swung with a gust of wind rushing in. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed as a tall spooky figure appeared out of the night in the doorway. The people of in the bar were silent, even you were startled, but the scare began to mellow out when it turned out to just be a simple skeleton like man standing at the door. Conversations resumed and everyone’s attention was back to what they were originally doing. The man walked his way into the building, taking off his coat and handing it over to one of the attendees to let it hang dry. Other than for his midbody; his head, shoulders, and the pants up to his knees were soaking wet. He seemed, familiar, but you see dozens of new faces a night, you couldn’t possibly place where you’ve seen that face before. The blond stranger took a seat at the bar, shivering slightly from the warm air now reaching his cold body. You sauntered on over with a more generous smile this time, karaoke nights always put you in a good mood and it’s a good thing too since you couldn’t go out back for a smoke break. “What can I get for you, sir?” “Just… water for now.” His mind must’ve preoccupied with buzzing thoughts, probably not ready for an actual drink yet. You pour him a glass of water, no ice, he seemed cold enough. Water was free so there was no thought on putting on any tab of his. A few moments passed as you attended to other patrons, keeping an eye on the shivering individual. “You allergic to dairy?” You had asked the man who turned his attention to his phone. “What?” “Dairy or chocolate bad for you?” “...No?” He raised a brow at you, suspicious on the question you asked him. Why were you concerned on that, he thought. His curiosity was answered as you slid over a mug of hot chocolate his way, the smell filling your surroundings. He looked down at the beverage and then up to you. “It’s on the house, besides, you look like you could use something to warm you up on the inside.” You reached down and tossed up a can of whipped cream, catching it in the other hand without breaking eye contact with him. “Whipped cream?” The man blinked, then raised a brown with a slight smirk forming on his face. “Was I supposed to be impressed?” “Yes!” At least you’re honest. He huffed, “Sure, just a bit on top.” Your smile beamed a bit more, now you took the can and twirled it around in your hands, tossing it above your head like some sort of juggling act. You could never do this with the heavy containers of whipped cream, so if you want to be flashy you always keep the store bought cans around as well. With a final flip, you squeezed out a perfect little swirl of whipped cream onto the hot chocolate. Reaching over to the spices on your counter and sprinkling some cocoa powder on top. “One hot chocolate, on the house.” You didn’t add any rum to it since this guy doesn’t seem like the alcohol-drinking kind. “Really laying it on thick.” “Hey man, gotta try and enjoy the job somehow,” you shrugged. “Bartending not what you expected?” He asked, picking up the mug and keeping it in his hands to warm them up. “It’s not that, just been doing it for a long while now, gotta keep it spicy and interesting.” You pulled off your drying rag from your shoulder to clean some spots off of the freshly washed cups your coworker brought over. “Always get interesting characters coming in every night I’m here. To be honest, it’s never dull here, just every now and then ya need something exciting to happen.” The memory of All Might from last week returned to your mind for a split second. “Who likes a boring barman anyways?” The other made a sound of acknowledgement since his mouth was busy sipping up the hot beverage. He set it back down and licked the whipped cream off from the top of his lip. Out of habit, you handed him another napkin, you’re used to drunk people spilling drinks all over themselves so napkins go all around. His attention seemed fixated on your neck, a long finger pointed out towards you. “Something happen?” Your hand moved up to touch your neck where a dull pain arose when you did. “Ah, this was just from a fight from a mugger, nothing serious.” “Looks like a love bite to me.” His remark made your body tense up. “Love bite? Like from a partner or something? No, the guy just had a… dog quirk and bit me to try and get me to submit my wallet to him.” The lie, the liiie, it was all obviously a liiiieee. The man seemed amused by your reaction. You felt your cheeks get hot and scratched at the stubble on your jaw to try and play it off. “I should go check on other orders, call me over if you need anything else.” “Will do” With that, you returned to your bartending duties and left the scrawny person to himself.
The work shift had come to an end but the rain continued to storm through the night. This time, you decided to take a taxi back to your place so not to catch a cold. What a shame, you were hoping to at least get one smoke break but the rain just wasn’t letting you, there was no smoking room in the building either. You didn’t like smoking in your place because the stench would sink into your walls and furniture. You paid the taxi driver and walked out of the cab, jogging up to your door and unlocking it. “Shit, shit, shit” You made it in just fine but the rain was so cold. You kicked off your shoes and them off to the side, removing your coat and hanging it up. Slipping on the soft cotton slippers, you jogged over to your room to change into some clean dry clothes. You love autumn and the nice cool weather it brings but sometimes the rain can be too much to bear. Thunder roared across the land as you picked up your wet, dirty clothes and took them into the laundry room. Returning to the front where you left your shoes to properly clean them before they fully dried. As you paced to the living room to have a seat on the couch, a gust of cold wind hit you and you noticed one of your windows were open. “Oh fuck!” You ran over and quickly closed it, did you leave it open all night? You looked around to see how much water damaged was caused but… there was hardly any. Surely that wouldn’t be the case if the window was left open all night during a storm, and you didn’t open it when you arrived home, so then, wh- Footsteps of heavy wet boots behind you caused your heart to drop...Someone broke into your house when you weren’t looking and now, now you’re going to have to fight them to get them out. The night was going amazingly and now you have to deal with some burglar trying to steal from your home. Slowly you turned around, your eyes widened in horror and the color drained from your face as you saw who it was that entered your abode.
“Hey there Barkeeper, remember me?”
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shelleyrobbinsus · 6 years
Gym tips when traveling abroad
Of course, your vacation to a foreign country may consist of laying by the pool, ordering fruity drinks with umbrellas that you start consuming at a strange volume by 10 am, and strategizing your day around how you can be first in line at the shrimp cocktail station at your hotel’s all-you-can-eat buffet. But sometimes – just every once and a while – you may want to actually exercise while on vacation.
I’m just half joking, of course, as many of you are true workout soldiers and keep your fitness regimen going – or even pick it up – when you’re traveling and vacationing far from home. I’ve actually lived overseas as an expat since 2011, often residing in places where others come from the U.S. for vacation, and I’m actually really impressed by the level of dedication, discipline, and even athleticism of my U.S. compatriots (and especially Canadians!).
Even though you’re in paradise and it would be easy to slag off for a week, you’re waking up early to run on the beach, doing yoga, surfing, and even dancing all night long!
Ok, so sometimes for us big boys with bad knees and backs, lifting weights or hitting an indoor gym is a better option (or during the rainy season). In fact, there are a wide variety of gyms you’ll find abroad as you travel, but almost none of them look and feel (and smell) exactly like your gym back home. So, I thought I’d give you some general tips and information.
Ups and downs There are usually two kinds of gyms: little local places, which are cheap but dirty, have old equipment and probably don’t even have aircon in the tropics, and the fancy or upscale gyms, which are nicer but expensive even by our western standards. If you know me by now, then you already know that I’m always hanging out at the grimy local spots!
Hotel The best way to hit the gym is to click the “Gym” filter when you’re searching for hotels and stay at a place that offers a nice and serviceable workout area included in the price.
Bring your own towel Don’t expect the gym to have nice, clean towels for you to use. I always grab a smaller and even big bath towel from my hotel and bring them in a backpack to stay dry.
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Salad, salad, salad at Wooden Box in Pattaya, Thailand!
A post shared by AllWorld.com (@allworldonline) on Aug 15, 2018 at 4:22pm PDT
Hand sanitizer It also can be unfathomably filthy at some local style rough gyms, where they literally never wash anything. Load up on hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes before, during, and after use. Never use shared gym boxing gloves, and don’t touch your eyes or mouth with your nasty gym hands!
Don’t expect etiquette Don’t take it personally if someone sits on a bench that you were using, picks up your weight, or generally violates U.S. gym etiquette – they probably didn’t even know they were doing something wrong in your eyes, and may even be doing so just for the chance to say hi to you!
Facebook pages good for info Gyms abroad have horrible (or nonexistent ) web pages, but they always have pretty decent Facebook pages, so that’s a great place to search, get a map, or find other info.
Lots of water They usually have water or Gatorade for sale, but some of them may not. Bring your own water bottle just in case, and you can usually fill it up in their cooler if need be, but NEVER drink the tap water.
Toilet paper I also carry around wet wipes with me because many gyms or public restrooms abroad in poor countries don’t have toilet paper! I know, nasty!
Golds Gym $20 They do have some modern U.S.-style gym franchises around, such as Golds. However, they also charge exorbitant fees like $20 just for day use.
Don’t trust the machines I was using an incline weight bench at a decent hotel gym the other day and the pin popped out mid-set, sending the bench crashing down to a level position. Luckily, I held onto the dumbells but they did a number on my shoulders and neck. Don’t assume that equipment will be safe – always be extra cautious.
Kilos, not lbs Remember that in just about all of the world outside of the U.S., they use the metric system. So, expect to see weights and machines listing kilograms, not pounds. If you’re not good at the conversion, just double the weight and add on 1/5th more, since the conversion is 2.2 lbs to every kilo.
Bring your own music You may get some amazing and fun, upbeat music playing at your gym abroad (like in the Philippines) or it may be annoying techno beats (Thailand), or other strange choices. Bring your own music!
Take photos with the staff or others Have fun at your new gym by taking a few photos, showing interest in the place, and talking to some of the regulars. I’ve met so many lifelong friends just by chatting at the gym in foreign countries! You can even ask to take a photo with them – a fun travel souvenir – and post it on the gym’s Facebook page along with a great review. You’ll definitely be welcomed back warmly the second day you go there or when you come back to visit again!
The post Gym tips when traveling abroad appeared first on AllWorld.com.
Via https://www.allworld.com/gym-tips-when-traveling-abroad/
source http://allworldus.weebly.com/blog/gym-tips-when-traveling-abroad
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allworldus · 6 years
Gym tips when traveling abroad
Of course, your vacation to a foreign country may consist of laying by the pool, ordering fruity drinks with umbrellas that you start consuming at a strange volume by 10 am, and strategizing your day around how you can be first in line at the shrimp cocktail station at your hotel’s all-you-can-eat buffet. But sometimes – just every once and a while – you may want to actually exercise while on vacation.
I’m just half joking, of course, as many of you are true workout soldiers and keep your fitness regimen going – or even pick it up – when you’re traveling and vacationing far from home. I’ve actually lived overseas as an expat since 2011, often residing in places where others come from the U.S. for vacation, and I’m actually really impressed by the level of dedication, discipline, and even athleticism of my U.S. compatriots (and especially Canadians!).
Even though you’re in paradise and it would be easy to slag off for a week, you’re waking up early to run on the beach, doing yoga, surfing, and even dancing all night long!
Ok, so sometimes for us big boys with bad knees and backs, lifting weights or hitting an indoor gym is a better option (or during the rainy season). In fact, there are a wide variety of gyms you’ll find abroad as you travel, but almost none of them look and feel (and smell) exactly like your gym back home. So, I thought I’d give you some general tips and information.
Ups and downs There are usually two kinds of gyms: little local places, which are cheap but dirty, have old equipment and probably don’t even have aircon in the tropics, and the fancy or upscale gyms, which are nicer but expensive even by our western standards. If you know me by now, then you already know that I’m always hanging out at the grimy local spots!
Hotel The best way to hit the gym is to click the “Gym” filter when you’re searching for hotels and stay at a place that offers a nice and serviceable workout area included in the price.
Bring your own towel Don’t expect the gym to have nice, clean towels for you to use. I always grab a smaller and even big bath towel from my hotel and bring them in a backpack to stay dry.
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Salad, salad, salad at Wooden Box in Pattaya, Thailand!
A post shared by AllWorld.com (@allworldonline) on Aug 15, 2018 at 4:22pm PDT
Hand sanitizer It also can be unfathomably filthy at some local style rough gyms, where they literally never wash anything. Load up on hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes before, during, and after use. Never use shared gym boxing gloves, and don’t touch your eyes or mouth with your nasty gym hands!
Don’t expect etiquette Don’t take it personally if someone sits on a bench that you were using, picks up your weight, or generally violates U.S. gym etiquette – they probably didn’t even know they were doing something wrong in your eyes, and may even be doing so just for the chance to say hi to you!
Facebook pages good for info Gyms abroad have horrible (or nonexistent ) web pages, but they always have pretty decent Facebook pages, so that’s a great place to search, get a map, or find other info.
Lots of water They usually have water or Gatorade for sale, but some of them may not. Bring your own water bottle just in case, and you can usually fill it up in their cooler if need be, but NEVER drink the tap water.
Toilet paper I also carry around wet wipes with me because many gyms or public restrooms abroad in poor countries don’t have toilet paper! I know, nasty!
Golds Gym $20 They do have some modern U.S.-style gym franchises around, such as Golds. However, they also charge exorbitant fees like $20 just for day use.
Don’t trust the machines I was using an incline weight bench at a decent hotel gym the other day and the pin popped out mid-set, sending the bench crashing down to a level position. Luckily, I held onto the dumbells but they did a number on my shoulders and neck. Don’t assume that equipment will be safe – always be extra cautious.
Kilos, not lbs Remember that in just about all of the world outside of the U.S., they use the metric system. So, expect to see weights and machines listing kilograms, not pounds. If you’re not good at the conversion, just double the weight and add on 1/5th more, since the conversion is 2.2 lbs to every kilo.
Bring your own music You may get some amazing and fun, upbeat music playing at your gym abroad (like in the Philippines) or it may be annoying techno beats (Thailand), or other strange choices. Bring your own music!
Take photos with the staff or others Have fun at your new gym by taking a few photos, showing interest in the place, and talking to some of the regulars. I’ve met so many lifelong friends just by chatting at the gym in foreign countries! You can even ask to take a photo with them – a fun travel souvenir – and post it on the gym’s Facebook page along with a great review. You’ll definitely be welcomed back warmly the second day you go there or when you come back to visit again!
The post Gym tips when traveling abroad appeared first on AllWorld.com.
source https://www.allworld.com/gym-tips-when-traveling-abroad/
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