#I kept shouting everytime something woild happen
olibenyippees · 10 months
ok ok yay one piece live action is silly but on a Not silly note I’ve never seen myself in actual serious fun media before in my life. The way he jumps the stairs and disregards significant things to others and is just completely focused on his goal and suddenly shouts yay every once and a while and sits and climbs on things he’s not supposed to and the way he just wants everyone to get along and and and you know?????? It’s crazy to me that he’s not treated as comedic relief but a genuine real character. The way he acts are both his flaw and his asset. He does things that are “embarrassing” to others but his lack of notice “social norms” is how he gets what he wants for himself and his friends no matter what. He has priorities and they make sense for him and the show treats that as real and that’s so so crazy to me. ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE EARLY SCENE WHERE HES LIKE I can’t stay still :D I’m too excited :D LIKE ME TOO!!!! THAT WAS ME LIKE A DAY AGO!!! RIGHT BEFORE ONE PIECE LIVE ACTION RELEASE!!!!! I SAID THAT!!! The way luffy was written in the live action will haunt me forever
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