#I killed off the son of my Top Tier favorite character today and cried
unorthodoxdeity · 1 year
SebaCiel for the ask game!
Yaaaay my blorbos!!!
1. what made you ship it?
I started shipping it when I was like 12 and really into black butler, stopped thinking about it for years then all of a sudden I started shipping it again. I don't really know if I have a reason, Sebastian is one of my favs and I wanted to ship him so naturally he went with Ciel. I also started shipping him with will, grell, claude, and everyone else under the sun but ciel has always been #1 because there's a lot of content for those two. Shipping gives me the happi chemicals so I do it a lot.
2. what are your favorite things about the ship?
I like when one character can scoop another character up. I also like butlers. They have a lot of drama between them with the whole uncaring demon about to eat human thing so it's fun. I normally disregard canon because canon makes me sad and that's not what I'm in this business for so I think they can have a lot of fun slice of life moments. Ciel tries to become competent and Sebastian laughs. Ciel following Sebastian around the manor. Good Food.
3. what is an unpopular opinion you have about the ship?
I've always seen people that get upset when they're made to have a happy relationship and I've never gotten it. Like yeah black butler is a tragedy but someone enjoying fluffier content in fanfiction doesn't erase that. I've never been the kind of person that ships because it made sense or because of any interesting dynamic or anything of Substance. Like yeah sure they have a very interesting dynamic and tons of substance which is perfect for people who are into that, that was never part of the allure for me though.
Any time I like a character enough to ship them they are not in canon. In my canon pain is not real. If they feel discomfort it is temporary. I am disconnected from the discomfort and therefore they are too. Unhappiness as it stands in any sort of canon or in real life literally does not exist in my world. That may sound really boring to someone who actually enjoys plot but for me I think it's a weird coping mechanism. They don't fight, they're joint at the hip, Ciel is always being carried and noone gets sad until I am BORED and need to FEEL SOMETHING.
That being said I don't even think of them in canon when I think of them. I don't even think of them in any sort of au. They're literally in a curated world with all the other characters I like at the time and they're in my little brain tv show I've been curating since I was like 10 that I use to make me giggle sometimes.
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