#I know Roger probably got Buggy as a baby like Shanks but idc. Buggy Backstory Upon Ye
charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Roger and Rayleigh were walking down the street, sharing idle chatter as they made their way back to the Oro Jackson with a freshly reset log pose in hand. Then there was a high-pitched yell.
"DAD!!!" A kid yelled, and Roger looked around for a second before something hit him in the stomach and stayed there. He looked down and saw a head of curly blue hair. He looked up and saw six armored guards running toward them.
Then the kid looked up with the most mischievous little smile and a very swollen button nose and then dashed around and past him. One of the guards said something about getting the kid, another just said they had his father. Roger could already feel the smile growing.
He looked up and the guards all stopped, weapons poised and at the ready. Rayleigh took a step back, fully aware his captain had been getting antsy waiting for the log pose the past month.
One of the guards began droning. "You're under arrest for your son's theft, assault and battery, breaking and entering, sixteen counts of assault on a marine guard, twenty-one counts of assault on a noble guard, and--" Roger decked him, his armor making him sound like a pile of knocked-over pots when he fell. Two guards swung at him, he dodged both, and they swung into each other instead. Then he took the helmet off one of the downed soldiers (it was a very cool looking helmet), put it on his head with his straw hat on his back and then took on the last three at once. The fight was over in less than a minute.
He smiled at Rayleigh, Rayleigh just took the helmet off his head and told him it made him look like a thumb with a feather on it. Roger pouted.
Then he saw the blue hair again, trying to run by the other direction, and snagged him by the back of the shirt. "LEMME GO!" The kid screamed, already swinging but barely grazing Roger's shirt. He was small, a little thin all-around, and his shirt was worn but covered in bright colours in all states of sun-bleached. His was hissing and spitting like a feral cat, digging his nails into Roger's wrist.
"You called me 'Dad'." Roger mentioned, and the kid had the nerve to stop moving entirely and glare up at him as if he were the one being scruffed.
The kid crossed his arms. "Yeah. They fell for it, too - dumbasses. Whaddya want? I won't give you a cent." He said harshly, making his voice deeper and more growly very clearly on purpose. When he remained off the ground with Roger just staring at him curiously, he tried threatening. "You try hittin' me and I'll scream 'Pedo' till' my lungs run out, asshole."
Roger burst out laughing. "HA! I suppose I wouldn't mind another son. I'm sure you'll get along with Shanks great." He said before putting the kid under his arm and marching back to the ship.
The kid was yelling about how calling him 'Dad' wasn't a request, Rayleigh just sighed and followed. "You seem sure of yourself."
Roger smiled. "Of course! He's a child of the sea, I can tell." The kid froze, Roger didn't acknowledge it. For the whole walk back, the kid was strangely quiet.
Then Rayleigh and Roger were safely on deck, a few people there to greet them, including Shanks. Roger set the completely silent child on the deck, and then the kid shot away from him like a bullet. Right towards Shanks, grabbing the dagger on Shanks' hip and pulling him in front of him with the knife under his chin. Rayleigh tensed, but Roger trusted him to not attack.
"Why am I here?! Where are you trying to take me?! How did you know I'm a selkie?!" The child asked, hand visibly shaking as he held the dagger, but more than enough conviction in his eyes. Shanks was pale, looking between Roger and Rayleigh for help.
Roger took a knee where he was, a comfortable 3 meters of space between him and the child. "A selkie, eh? I must admit, I've only known a few." He hummed. "And as for why - well, you seem quite the interesting stranger, but I'll guess you're an even more interesting friend."
"How about this," Rayleigh interrupted coolly. "We'll let you see new islands with protection from marines and traffickers, in exchange you be a cabin boy."
Roger smiled at his clever first mate. "And then be my son--"
"Just. Cabin boy, for now." Rayleigh reiterated. "I saw the way some of those civilians looked at you. You're a known criminal there, aren't you? Wouldn't be long before someone found out you were a selkie."
The kid looked at the town, then at Rayleigh, then at Roger. He lowered the knife and Shanks gasped. "Fine. But I'm keeping this - if any of you try anything I'll kill you while you sleep." He threatened, putting the knife in his belt loop and shoving Shanks.
Shanks ran at Roger, already sobbing, and Roger picked him up the same as he did when Shanks was two.
The kid stared ruefully at Shanks for a moment. "I'm Buggy. If that's the other cabin boy you can leave him."
Shanks choked a little 'Nooooo' into Roger's coat. Roger just laughed. "I think I'll be keeping this one too, nice try, little Bugger."
Buggy nodded before walking quickly away - likely to explore the ship and leave it a few berrie lighter.
Roger chuckled, patting Shanks back while Rayleigh gave him the most exhausted look.
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