#I know he looks back on his time there very fondly ☹️☹️
ikram1909 · 5 months
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"mi Richard" why is he so cute with his friends 😭😭😭😭
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jaimeslay · 7 months
can i request lee!ricky and ler!hanbin
i love catnyangz sm☹️
Hi! Thank you so much for your request! (I love them so much holds lee!ricky close to my heart) I hope you enjoy! Tickly Notes ___________________________________________________________
It was another day in the dorm, an oddly quiet one. Too quiet for Hanbin’s liking. I mean, he wasn’t complaining about the peace, but normally Ricky and Gyuvin would be at each other's heads, or Gyuvin would be harassing Yujin. It was only him, Gyuvin and Ricky at the dorms as Hao, Jiwoong and Taerae were out, while Gunwook and Yujin were at school. Just as Hanbin melted onto the couch and was getting used to the silence, Ricky came up to him with a smile on his face. “Hi hyung, what are you doing?” “Relaxing, why?” “Oh no reason,” Ricky then decided to flop directly on top of Hanbin. “ACk- Ricky I swear” Hanbin groaned in pain as the younger man landed, then he allowed him to get comfy. “Comfy now?” “Very.” They remained in silence until Ricky randomly patted him on the back. “Hm? What was that for?” “No reason hyung, I’m going to go bother Gyu now, bye.” Ricky got off him and went off on his own way, leaving behind a mildly confused Hanbin. The day continued on, silence only being broken by an occasional yell from Gyuvin or Ricky. Hanbin had moved to the kitchen to get a drink when Gyu came up behind him, tasering his ribs. “aHAY- WHat? Gyu?” Hanbin yelped loudly and jumped, spinning around to face the other. “What was that for?” “Oh? No reason, bye hyung!” Hanbin rolled his eyes fondly as the younger ran off, washing up his wares and starting to prepare dinner. After a bit, the door opened and Taerae walked in, coming to see what he was cooking in the kitchen. “That smells amazing hyung.” “Thanks tAE-'' Hanbin squealed and fell back into Taerae, cackling and squirming as he pinched at his ribs.  “WhAhahAT’D IHi DOHO-” Taerae grinned and paused, helping Hanbin stand up straight, “You did nothing hyung, there’s a note on your back that says ‘tickle my ribs’.” “What?” “Look here.” Taerae took off the sticky note and handed it to Hanbin, giggling as the man’s face turned into one of shock. “Oh I know who I have to deal with after Tae, thank you.” “No problem hyung!” After dinner was finished, Hanbin sought out Ricky, he must’ve put the note on his back when he patted it. He knocked on Ricky’s door and went in, taking a seat on his bed next to him. “Yea hyung? What is it?” “Do you know anything about this?” Hanbin showed Ricky the note and saw he began to laugh. “What’s so funny Quanrui?” “nOhothing nothing.” “I can always give you something to laugh at.” Hanbin grinned as he tackled Ricky, pinning his arms above his head. Ricky yelped and began to squirm, smiling nervously. “Wait hyung- we can talk about tHIS-” Ricky squealed as Hanbin dropped his hand, scribbling his underarms. “Talk about what? I don’t think you can talk with how giggly you are~” Ricky’s giggles soon turned into cackles as Hanbin switched to drilling into the centre of his underarms. “NOHOHO- hYUHUHUNG IHIM SOHOHORRY-” “Are you really tickle prince? Does it tickle too much for someone to handle? How cute~” Ricky went red at the older’s coos, thrashing as Hanbin began an onslaught of raspberries on his neck.  “IHIM REHEALLY SOHOHORRY- IHI PROHOMIHIHISE-”
“Sorry for what hm? What are you apologizing for Quanrui?”
“Good,” Hanbin smiled fondly and got off the younger, rubbing his back as he curled up giggling. “Lovelicky got wreeecked~ How funny is that~” Gyuvin grinned, standing at the door and holding a camera.
“HEY- DELETE THAT-” Ricky got up and lunged at the other boy and they both ran off, leaving Hanbin on Ricky’s bed. Hanbin laughed, hearing a scream erupt from somewhere in the dorm, just grateful he wasn’t the target this time.
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luveline · 2 years
hello, Jade! I was wondering if you can write something fluffy like washing Peter’s hair after patrol and massaging his scalp? hehe I’ve always wanted to do that & take care of him overall just wanna make him relax after a very long day :) and then he’s so obsessed with it & in love with the reader more☹️
thank you! I love you and your beautiful writing. have an amazing day🤍
honestly your requests was better than my fill I’m sorry! it’s so cute tysm <3333 ily
"Peter," you say, so softly he almost misses it through the closed door.
"What?" he calls curiously. 
"Can I come in?" 
"Sure." Again, curious. It's not like you've never seen him naked, but you're a shy girl. He doesn't pay it any mind. 
You wedge the door open and hold it with your hip, hesitating in the doorway. 
He smiles, hoping to ease whatever it is you're worrying about. "Come in," he prompts, stretching a wet arm out of the bath and dripping water over the floor. 
You walk into reach of his hand and he brushes his damp fingers over your naked knee. 
"What's up?" he asks. 
He's lying back. His modesty is mostly covered by the cloudy water, a mix of bath salts and some sweet smelling oil you'd insisted was good for his aching back. You are obviously refusing to look in that direction and have set your gaze on his face. 
He sits up and crosses his arms across the lip of the tub, looking at you with a terrible smugness. "C'mon, it’s not like you haven't seen it all before. You wanna get in?"
"No," you say, and he's relieved to hear a breathy laugh at the end of it. 
"Please?" he asks. 
You simper. "Maybe another time, Pete." 
He sighs in pained rejection and flexes his biceps, hoping to sway you. You look distracted, as he'd hoped, blinking at the shining stretch of his chest in a way that makes him want to cover you in a thousand kisses. 
"If you won't be seduced, what is it that you want?" he asks teasingly.
"I read this article," you begin, and he knows from the lilt of your voice that you're about to chat his ear off. He smiles fondly. "About like, connection in relationships and how to be close to each other and not that I don't think we're close-" 
"We're very close." 
"R-right," you stammer, shifting your weight, "But just that you're always so nice to me and doing nice things for me and I love you and I want you to feel loved and the article says that I can do that by… washing your hair." 
He stares at you with wide eyes. "I know you love me." 
"Please. Please? Can I?" 
"Sure, baby, whatever you like," he says immediately, though he can't remember the last time someone washed his hair. He assumes it'll be nice. "Does this mean you're getting in?" 
You grin indulgently and he moves his arms to let you perch on the lip in his place. "No. I don't think the salts and all your patrol sweat will be good for…" 
"Your delicate ecosystem?" Peter suggests. You cringe and push his shoulder down. 
Peter laughs and dips under the water, emerging with his hair fully wet. "My shy girl," he shakes his head, water spraying over your thigh. "What am I gonna do with you?"
"You could leave me alone," you say, taking the shampoo bottle into your hands and squeezing a small dollop into your palm. 
You rub your hands together until they're bubbly and smooth it over the top of his head before working it into his scalp, the hair behind his ears, the back of his head. He's surprised by your gentle touch, how sweet the brush of your fingertips is over his skin. 
You scrub lightly, small circles into every inch of his scalp. You wipe an escaping line of white lather from his forehead before it can go in his eyes and smile at him, lopsided. 
He smiles back, your hands move, and he's only mildly embarrassed by how quickly his eyes slip shut. He feels a lightness bloom from your fingers and travel down his neck, into his shoulders and his back, relaxing more from your ministrations in five minutes than the fifteen he'd spent submerged in the boiling tub. 
"Lean back?" you murmur. 
He does as you ask, melted by your extreme care in washing the soap out. You comb his hair from his face with your fingers and he gets distracted. 
It feels nice. It's more than nice. He understands now what your article had meant, how taking care of you feels just as nice as being taken care of by you. 
"Sweetheart," you say, giggling, and he feels so alarmingly emotional it makes him shudder. "Are you falling asleep?" 
"No, 'course not. Just don't want soap in my eyes," he protests, sitting back up too quickly to be casual. 
You cradle his face in both hands, a shyness lingering in your half-closed eyes. "Conditioner?" 
“I might need another shampoo, first. You know. All the grime and dirt of crime fighting builds up.”
He pulls your face down and kisses you, pushing his smile into yours. 
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