#I know people see puppets and immediately associate them with Clown now!
dreammeiser · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering when you started this project and what made you want to pursue puppets?
Hiya!! Make sure you're cozy and comfie while reading this Dream Meiser Lore, okay? So funny thing-- This story started with Earl! I made him back in high school, but liked him so much I gave him a story after graduating! Back then, it was just about him and his silly little friends questing in his Dream Realm! Back then there were Nightmare lads that were also Jesters, I can show you... Really... REALLY embarrassing concept art, and I'm gonna hate that it's on here for the public to see, but people are now interested, so:
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Yes, you can already tell the story was black and white Good vs. Evil, hahaha! Good grief! But yes, Dreamalong's origins were in my cringe era! Even my style has changed drastically from then-- back then I had a friend group that valued realistic proportions and I had an interest in High Fantasy, but after graduating from college, I favored more streamlined styles for TV animation instead. As time passed I would juggle this project amongst the many, many others I had whenever I got burnt out from one, and characters like Fiona, Bertie, and Teddy got added in as their stories fizzled out. That's all I can recall right now, but if I can dig up more art, I will show! As for what made me want to pursue puppets! My career actually started with them-- digital puppets, that is, but I got my start at Jim Henson's working as an intern on Sid the Science Kid... I think I joined in the summer after graduating from high school, but I'm not 100% sure as it was a long time ago. But I've been working with Digital Puppets ever since-- On Sid, I got to paint some of the framed pictures in the backgrounds, Gabriella's house in particular! I also modeled random things in Maya for them, like pumpkins for their Halloween special :o) But I've made a career out of designing characters and then rigging them for digital puppetry after graduating from college, too! All of that time exploring different styles paid off as it made me versatile! My dad has also just always been a huge fan of The Muppets and Jim Henson's, so I've always loved them as well. Sadly though, I never really had the confidence to actively pursue Earl's (now Archie's) story until now. Even as recently as college, when I would mention my Jim Henson Days, people would act... odd? Mean, even? Some rolled their eyes, or their eyes would glaze over like I just said the most dumbest thing, haha. So it wasn't something I talked about much unless you were a close friend. It took a lot to get to the point I'm at now where I can share it, and I want to credit Clown for that, honestly. What a trendsetter, he made puppets cool to like again! When I first saw Welcome Home, I got really emotional, not gonna lie. His work brought me back to Jim Henson's, just being there, walking around the studio, admiring the fellas that are just casually sitting around the office (That Skeksis that was right next to the employee kitchen forever, hahaha!). Shows, internships and gigs end, but the fond memories and friendships I made there stayed with me! Clown's work took me to happier times, and gave me the courage to pursue my projects again, and for that, I give him what I can to help his project because I love it and believe in it, too!
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
Candy 29-36
Things are finally happening with Alltie, ok cool
holy fuck Jane the words coming out of your mouth is a real nasty shock
but again I witnessed your descent this entire time so I can’t say I’m really that surprised
Gamzee here asking if she might sound a bit xenophobic is actually pretty cunning coming from him, and not the stupid comment it sounds like, he’s riling her up like he’s got her wrapped around his codpiece, which, he kinda does tbh
he’s actually doing a very good job of fanning the flames and honestly probably doing exactly what Dirk would have doing had he been in his position, minus boinking her of course
Oh she finally gets rid of him though, far too little too late though
Love how the last thing on Gamzee’s mind is just more selfish junk though
though if he’s not immediately killed by her security detail he’s just gonna go on his own murderous rampage again, that what he do after all
oof, oh boy here comes the genocide though
let’s see how Vriska isn’t coping with earth C tho yeah?
Oh wow John just nonchalantly putting brackets over Vriska like that lol
“JOHN: i got everything i wanted. everyone got what they—
JOHN: what i thought they wanted.”
BINGO! That’s what’s wrong, that’s what been wrong this whole time
John’s been unintentionally influencing the people around him to do what he thinks they want to do, not what they actually want to do, so they’ve all been slowly warped over time by John’s perceptions of them, and the more John’s react to their changes, the more changes happen to them and their personalities
like some kind of butterfly effect
Jane starts out neutral but says something ignorant about trolls, innocently even, john gets the thought “wow, that was kind of xenophobic, i wonder if she wants to dislike trolls?” and upon thinking that, instead of being an innocent ignorance that could have been cleared up, now it’s actually true because John thinks its true
and then just, that, over and over again, each time the warp and the contrast increasing until we get this basically, everyone just a horrendously skewed version of themselves with traits that John honed in and accepted about them from assumptions about them
so, yeah in a way, this is all kind of John’s fault just not the way he imagined
“JOHN: whatever i did, or didn’t do, just... destroyed reality’s ability to, like, substantiate itself, or whatever.
JOHN: like there’s a bug in the operating system of whatever force in this world that regulates cause and effect.”
Yeah that bug is probably called that house cursor thing, in a story, a bug in the system is called a plot hole, referring to it as a bug when referencing software probably makes sense since in the sburb game sense it probably IS just a cursor that “dropped” out of someone’s game window when it shouldn’t have, like a glitch
oh godammnit can someone just kill the clown? Vriska can you just kill Gamzee please
why all the weirdly specific wrestling moves though, I can’t even follow cuz I don’t even know what’s happening or what all these terms mean
no thanks, I’m retconning that from my brain if you please
oh wait, Candy is unhinged from truth pillar right
so varying levels of essentialness and relevance is Candy? hmm less so and less so over time
the way Rose is talking though, it makes it seem like the canon story of Homestuck just isn’t a happy one
and well, from her perspective it isn’t, Meat is technically so far the canon one to her
but remember This Rose could never see past the Candy or the Meat, she was blinded to everything else except it, even now she’s blind to anything outside of her current story, she can’t even tell things are fake anymore, John is unfortunately not so lucky
so a third route where things can be both satisfying and true is still possible, maybe not from here, not from now, but out there somewhere its still possible
So it’s not like we all have to give up on Homestuck quite yet
wow I really should have actually read these epilogues sooner, it’s really not as horrible as everyone was making it out to be, because it’s making it abundantly clear that it’s not a binary choice between Meat or Candy
it’s just that any other possible route simply doesn’t exist yet, and may not exist until something changes in canon itself (hint, probably pesterquest mc)
in it’s current state, all Homestuck has is Meat or Candy
but that doesn’t mean the story of Homestuck as it is now can’t change or be retconned further
I’m still ignoring all references to the clown from here on out
“candy-coated shithole of an approximation of what a paradise planet might look like to certain individuals.”
yeah that’s a good way to describe Earth C lol
“JAKE: Do you think ive ruined my whole entire life and all of my relationships and especially the most important relationship in ones life, the divine and unbreakable bond between a man and his son?
JOHN: haha.
JOHN: um.“
wow lol I think John is actually getting whiplash from the amount of “oh god why are all of my friends living out all of my emotional problems I never got closure for like some sort of sick puppet show”
“ John wonders if everything being out of his control would make him feel better. Even if he weren’t presently stuck sucking on this bitter cosmic red pill, he can’t imagine being particularly happy with this worldstate. Maybe it just would’ve made it all the more soul-crushing. “
It’s weird because like, the answer, yet again, to the question “Should I have control total control over everything or I should not have any control over anything” is always going to be “no, wrong question, both are wrong, the real answer is you should have some control to effects things, and not just YOU, everyone should have control over their own destinies”
we need to get the cursor juju, blend it into a milkshake and have everyone take part in a big old toast to it and then have them all come together and rewrite homestuck together
Get Ultimate John, Jade, Dave and Rose to all sit down and make a roadmap for their own story and have that be Homestuck 2.0 and live in that forever
and like, everyone get’s to decide what happens in their own stories and where’d theyd like to be except Lord English, he unquestioningly evil and can’t be convincingly “undone” I think because all of his shittyness has to come back to some person, and i think that’s likely to be Caliborn or Gamzee at the end of the day
heh, Caliborn and Gamzee = Calamzee, almost sounds like a corrupted word for Calamity
Anyway, yeah all it took at the end for John to finally dip into the illusion is a big old blast of HopeChange from Jake English
and so obviously I’m going to address the use of the word Change here in this context
it’s capitalized, and obviously used in Reference to Jake’s overall Classpect
which seems to be implying a connection to Witch as a Change Class
but Hope in it’s nature is already a natural catalyst of a Changing force itself, it was once the power to make fake things real in Homestuck proper, and of course one off hand word in connection to Witch is simply not enough to overthrow a larger pile of evidence in a different direction which is that Knight and Page are the obvious class pairing (looking at you “more magical Witch” Sylph, now you got a real competition! lol)
Now taken that with everything we know about “real” and “fake” when it comes to the epilogues
and that the idea of Canon has been associated with that white glow of satisfaction overall
Jake English is probably once again more key to what would be a satisfying canon story than anything else, same with the cursor Juju
maybe the Juju then doesn’t need to be key either, maybe the key is just everyone spreading their own powers over eachother and using that as the medium to write the story again
I’m getting really hung up on the idea of the characters themselves deciding to fix the problems in their existence by going back into canon and writing out their own personally satisfying arc conclusions overtop of their origin stories and having genuine conversation about things when their stories overlap with eachother and taking the time to respect and help manifest eachother’s wishes as well as their own, like a grand cosmic god version of just living life and being friends would have done in the first place, no canon adjusting powers needed
Anyway, Almost done with Candy now, just got a few more pages to go
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therapybg · 5 years
Pencil Neck Goes Down. They all do.
Pencil Neck Goes Down. They all do.
Getting this one down for a few reasons. The first is that Schiff is the personification of a lying wooden puppet. The second is to show how these creatures are like rats in a corner. In my last post, I addressed the idea that the reaper is here, scared most of you witless. That's fine too. You fear is as useful as your selfishness is. Neither will protect you from what is coming. You will never see any of this in the main stream media, yet Paul Serran did a 70 point thread on this one tiny piece of a much larger puzzle. It is obvious now to all that Schiff is not a "public representative"in any standard definition of those words. Remember this swamp creature represents Burbank, California and the demonrats. At all three levels they are in deep dodooh. We (Q readers) have had much of the information below for the last two years. Schiff was never considered their go to guy. He is a total slimy loser, but "when needs, must"they''ll use him. A secondary issue is that so much stuff is tied to the Ukraine, so they were panicked into it.  Pelosi's son, Kerry's son, Biden's son, Crowdstrike, Soros, Ukraine itself and all that is tied to it. They're all in on Ukraine. How dare Trump investigate that.
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Look at in 3D chess terms. Schiff is a piece to be used. While they cobble together another assassination attempt in the background, Schiff's position and supporting pieces like Pelosi, Schumer plus the lapdog media means he can be burned as a stopgap.  They're using him as a fire door. Aside: When you see a chess board, view positions of power: military (knight), church (bishop), breeding (queen), knowledge, property (castle), executive (king) and pawns (obvious, but not quite ... a pawn can become a Cain),  the board itself (rules), then the players move those pieces around. We're interested in the players, but the game is where the focus is kept, we don't see the hidden hands. Worth your while looking into many of the allegations below. It will give some idea as to why this grease-ball has been so insistent, duplicitous, and frankly ridiculous, in "impeachment" thus far.  Note also that they've taken almost the entire demonrat party down with them on this magical mystery tour.
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Paul Serran‏ @paul_serran Here is the Twitter Thread -  https://twitter.com/paul_serran/status/1195830961033895936 Here is the full thread - https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1195830961033895936.html Below are the bullet points ... QAnon thread: Pencil Neck Goes Down. Paul Serran‏ @paul_serran Nov 16 (1) Listen to this POTUS mention: "Liddle' Pencil Neck Adam Schiff". Apart from being the usual trolling he does so well, there's a deeper, darker meaning for that nickname. (2) The Trump campaign immediately launched the very successful Pencil Neck T-shirt. (3) Although classified by POTUS as a "non-long-ball-hitter", the California Congressman Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is now the D's tip of the spear. (4) Schiff is the man chosen to weaponize the control D's have over the House in a desperate, last-ditch attempt to unseat POTUS before the day of reckoning is upon them. (5) In December 2017, Q made one of the most direct and unambiguous statements: Adam Schiff is a traitor to America. This has two aspects: he is a leaker, involved in other breaches of National Security, and he is EVIL, involved in the darkest practices. (6) Back in February 2018, POTUS is making no secret of his low opinion of lying, leaking Schiff. (7) Disturbing Q drop 669: Valerie Jarret and Schiff were recorded and listened to by two witnesses in a long call. Q mentions the Article 3, Section 3 of the US Constitution. (8) It deals with TREASON. And it states the need for the testimony of TWO witnesses. (9) So Pencil Neck has the shadow of a Treason Trial in his future? That would explain his otherwise unbelievable, unexplainable behavior. (10) UP IS DOWN, LEFT IS RIGHT. (11) With the arrest of Allison Mack in the NXIVM cult scandal, Q drop 1203 lets us know that she was singing like a bird. Politics, Hollywood, The Standard Hotel, Mexican Border, the Port of Long Beach. (12) To begin with, now we understand much better the role of the Mexican border in the MASSIVE Human Trafficking going on, and the vital importance of the wall. (13) The Chinese ownership of a terminal in the Port of Long Beach was another issue mentioned back there by Q, and now solved by POTUS. This was another 'pipeline' of Human Trafficking that's shut. (14) And then there is The Standard Hotel, a chain of 'boutique hotels' that cater to a very specific group of people. They do not make much of an effort to disguise which. (15) All those mentions in Q drops put AS in a VERY bad light. While none of that has been proved in court, just follow the story, and a disturbing pattern can be seen emerging. (16) There's so many disturbing aspects in this Facebook post that I don't even know where to begin. Haiti! (17) The Standard Hotel of WeHo is located in Schiff's district. And Q has insisted to connect him to this shady place. (18) In The Standard, the cool people are partying in the rooftop pool, and if someone *falls and dies* - Hey, that's just how they roll! "Because there's no criminal investigation involved it has been deemed a suicide." Cover-up much? (19) In this case, many people in the Q scene see a "Breaking-Bad" scenario of dissolving bodies. Be as it may, a Federal Agent offer a completely bogus explanation, involving the leftover chemicals from the "previous pool-cleaning system". (21) Q drop 1203 mentions the Helicopter crash that killed two employees of The Standard Hotel as a 187 to tie loose ends. (22) Also tied to AS in his district, Q drop 1208 mentions the Airplane crash that killed a WeHo starlet. (23) This Tweet by Jack Posobiec puts stuff into perspective. Who represents all these predators? Liddle' Pencil Neck Adam Schiff. (24) Schiff is intent in harassing POTUS non-stop. He even tried to obtain compromising material from Russian pranksters. (25) Yes, you read it right. Russian pranksters pretended to negotiate naked pictures of POTUS with Schiff. He is not a long ball hitter. (26) Schiff was part of the SCIF meeting where supposedly Rod Rosenstein was asked to wear a wire near POTUS. (27) AS is always parroting the narrative talking points of his masters, like "Red Line". He is hell-bent is keeping POTUS from releasing classified material that proves his crimes and those of his masters and colleagues. (28) On February, Q is fact-checking lying Schiff that still insists in denying the dangers of the southern bother. We know why. (29) Q floated to Anons the departure of DNI Dan Coats, and his status as a sleeper enemy. Well, when AS defends him, that pretty much proves the point! (30) Schiff is repeatedly said, by both Q and POTUS' tweets, to be lying and leaking. (31) (32) After 2 years of Russia Hoax, POTUS is fed up and wants to tend to the running of the country. (33) The new AG Bill Barr swiftly acts to end the sad charade by the Special Council. (34) And the Mueller probe ended with a sad display of the SC in Congress, where he let us know he had not even written his own report. No collusion, no cover-up. Game over? (35) Meanwhile things were about to become very dangerous for Schiff, thanks to the criminal proclivities of his long-time associate and D donor, Ed Buck. (36) Buck was FINALLY arrested, after several young black male gay prostitutes were drugged, abused and even died in his home. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-09-28/gemmel-moore-died-25-months-ago-why-did-it-take-so-long-to-charge-ed-buck-with-a-crime … (37) Look at Ed Buck, jonesing on meth in a suicide smock, awaiting bail, looking like a fiend. He is not a man. He is all the D society, their view of the world, their structure of power, in jail. This is their deepest fear. (38) "You better fix this, Schiff!" (39) So, IN come the fake whistleblowers, a.k.a. CIA plants in the administration. They invent a fake outrage about a normal call between POTUS and the Ukrainian president. (40) Schiff now has to go ALL IN. But, as we know, he is NOT a long ball hitter. (41) Not only do White Hats know about the fake whistleblower plants, but even Q has told us as much. (42) These deep-state attacks try to capitalize on the good image associated with whistleblowers, but it's patent that as real sources they are worth nothing. (43) AS is so confused that immediately after demanding that the WB testify, he went on and made sure that this never happens. (44) In another lowest point in his dark career, Pencil Neck lies in national TV and fabricates lies as he reads what he said would be a transcription of the call between POTUS and the Ukrainian president. (45) Schiff said it was "a parody". We know there is no ridiculous and debasing position he will not subject himself to. And he is losing at every step. He has no condition to be in Congress anymore. (46) I refuse to remember the names of the not-witnesses, people with opinions and third-hand intel. POTUS makes the case for not watching this circus. "They are using Television lawyers. Schiff can't even do his own questions." (47) Q drop 3590 reminds us that this Ukrainian investigation stems from a letter from Senator Grassley from July of 2017. It also reinforces: they knew of the spy insertion.https://www.grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/constituents/2017-07-20%20CEG%20to%20DOJ%20%28Ukraine%20DNC%20FARA%29.pdf … (48) "What do these people have in common? Pelosi's son Kerry's son Romney's son Biden's son Hint: Geo location: Ukraine Hint: Energy Coincidence?" (49) When calls, D's always answer. (50) Here we have a March 2019 drop explaining in detail the massive infiltration of the government by the clowns. (51) When he is finally forced to take his sham impeachment proceedings to the light of a public proceeding, AS wants to forbid talk of Biden, of course, and even the mention of the name of the spy plant, even though HIS OFFICE has published it. (52) "I heard it through the grapevine…" D's star witnesses have not witnessed a thing. But Shifty presses on. (53) Things are actually so dire, that AS is starting to hedge the seemingly inevitable defeat of his fool's errand of a probe. (54) On his HIGH POWERED rallies, POTUS continues to make trolling references to Pencil Neck. But there is a serious and dark reality behind this. (56) And you know what POTUS thinks about that? Here is the Twitter Thread -  https://twitter.com/paul_serran/status/1195830961033895936 Here is the full thread - https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1195830961033895936.html
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