#I know poppy is from Demacia ok
hareandhideguild · 11 months
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besties of bandle city
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garam-yordle · 2 years
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This is my yordle tier list (based on their designs, not performances in game).
Here are my reasons (This is just my opinions. So it’s fine if you don’t agree with me).
A tier - perfect design; no need of any change
Gnar - Gnar is so cute! His tail makes him standing out and shows that Gnar is an ancient yordle. Mega Gnar looks great, too.   
Kled - His design perfectly matches his concept; a cantankerous yordle. I think his Don Quixote like design is just perfect. Skaarl is also well designed.
Vex - Her design shows her concept perfectly. I can see that she’s gloomy right away. And her shadow makes her expressive and more interesting.
B tier - good design; might need small changes
Lulu - Her design does show that she’s a playful mage. However, her face is kind of scary. She looks like she has put on makeup too much.
Poppy - Her design is good. She definitely looks strong and tough. But I am not sure her design shows that she’s related to Demacia. 
Rumble - His mech design definitely shows that he built it from junks. But I still think his mech design is overly complex. I don’t like leg parts of his mech.
Tristana - She looks like an optimistic gunner. But her design is a bit plain. I think she or her cannon needs some design improvements.  
Ziggs - I was going to put him on A tier. His design clearly shows that he’s crazy about bombs. However, his teeth don’t look like Yordle’s teeth at all (and his teeth are creepy).
C tier - so-so design; need big changes
Fizz - His design is good and interesting, but I cannot stop thinking that he doesn’t look like a yordle. Perhaps he should be another species instead.
Heimerdinger – His design is ok overall, but all I can see from him is his hair style. Good thing is that he wears goggles to make him look like an inventor.
Kennen - I can see he’s a ninja. But his fashion style is so boring. He looks like a yordle wearing purple pajamas. His outfit is so outdated.
Teemo - He should be on F tier. He’s just a shirtless yordle. But he’s the most iconic champion. And it’s interesting that he keeps smiling.
Veigar - He’s an evil(?) yordle. I can see that. But his design is not interesting. He’s just a black mage. Something needs to be done to make him unique.
F tier - bad design; need reworks
Corki - What kind of design is this? He is a yordle, but he doesn’t look like one! He looks like an old man instead. His plane looks trashy, too.
? tier - unable to be judged
Amumu - We don’t know he’s a yordle or not. But if he’s a yordle, I would put him on F tier, since he doesn’t look like a yordle and looks boring.
You can reply your opinions if you want! I would like to have a nice conversation about yordles.
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vsa-pieldepapel · 5 years
Also a r/p kid? if that ok
Larvae spawn ask meme
send me a ship and I’ll tell you their:
Name: Dent De Léon. The name is the French name of the Dandelion flower, and translates to Lion’s Tooth. I have a headcanon that Demacia speaks a language strikingly similar to French— Poppy was the one to name Dent De Léon. However, many times for practicality, friends and her parents will call her just Léon. 
Rumble tends to use silly mechanic nicknames for her. Poppy tends to address her as (ma) chérie (’dear’ / ‘my darling), or (ma) fille (’daughter’/’my girl’)
Gender: XX chromosome
General Appearance: here we go again
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Personality: Léon is quite a polarised personality. On one hand she will swear like a god damn sailor when working on a machine and messing up, and she drops f-bombs as casually as greetings once old enough (with the added bonus that she knows crass Demacian words)… The other hand will be gently embracing Lilith when she’s not feeling wellLéon is really smart and constantly craves knowledge, much like Lilith, but in wildly different areas of interest. She and Lilith tend to just exchange random trivia for fun. She also loves physical activity: Climbing through random shit, playing at being a scout and jumping from bench to bench in a park, jumping rope, play-fighting, swimming in the lake… Has incredible motricity and domain over her body, be it to make intrincate engravings when smithing with mom, or carrying heavy stuff with dad.
Though Léon could theoretically make an incredibly competent warrior in Demacian lines, nerd overpowers jock and she enjoys engineering, numbers, and the adrenaline of shit being about to blow up in her face more than brawling. It’s a really tough choice though.
She’s a total overachiever and aims to excel at anything and will persist until she is satisfied with the level she has reached. 
Really good teller of jokes. Great at making Striker piss himself from laughter
Special Talents: Great motricity/control of her body, super resourceful, can make anything from mere scraps; very strong and toned, really good at mathematical/logical intelligence and at learning from observation and experience. Great discipline when she sets her mind upon a goal. She’s gonna make one hell of an engineer and Daddio and uncle Ziggs (when he decides to show up) are hella blown at the extent of her skill with both electrical and mechanical engineering. 
Who they like better: Dad. Mom’s a rather absent figure (because Demacia) through a chunk of her formative childhood, and that leaves a mark, unfortunately. Though she and Poppy will make up for lost time eventually (when Léon is like 10) Rumble’s snappy personality, disregard for whether she is ladylike or not, and high tolerance for 10 ‘fuck’s in a row make her feel more relaxed around him.
Who they take after more: Rumble, as well: Probably because she was mostly around him during the observe-and-copy stage. Poppy’s absolute refusal to ever give up on achieving something really shines on her, though. If she had spent more time with Poppy in early childhood she would be a pretty even blend.
Personal Head canon: Léon goes to the same military high school her parents went to, even though neither really pursued a military career/a military career serving Bandle. When she does the entrance tests she excels greatly at both the brains and the brawn and is actually allowed to choose if she wants to study as a nerd or a jock (she picks nerd). Léon was born when Striker was only six months old—Five months after Léon was born, Trinity arrived, and Lilith was born when Striker was only a year and a half. As such they all grew up like four siblings and have very few memories, if any, before the existence of the others
Léon also has a friendship bracelet made by Lilith
Léon knows how to talk basic Demacian thanks to Poppy 
Face Claim: I said no.��
@league-0f-weirdos cause you wanted to see blue bab too
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"How was your relationship, with Papa Blomgrum?"
“...Well. Where to begin.” Poppy had to sit down, taking a moment or two to breath before talking again. “It was...  odd.”
“I love him. I think I loved him back then, too, I just didn’t know it. He is my father after all, and the only person that accepted me when I was young. Not many people like really tall, strong, stupid kids... Gods did I make life hard for him. I never obeyed him, I was loud, obnoxious, always talking, never wanted to sit down and listen to him... and he was harsh to me. Not like he grabbed me by my hair and hit me, not THAT sort of harsh! But he forced me to sit down. He forced me to listen. He forced me to learn stuff so I wouldn’t go out there punching anyone in front of me if they so much looked me in a way I didn’t like. Wich I did. Often.”
“He teached me what school would have never taught me. Hell, I’d be a bum without him, begging for change in Bandle! But he taught me to control my rage. To not hit people because they called me half-human or because they called Papa a cat fu... screwer. Oh I bust SO many noses back in my day.. kids are cruel things that need a long time to learn their mistakes. And yet Papa kept his head up, smiling, nodding and ignoring anything they called me or him. He had such a cool head it was impossible to think he worked at the forge all day!”“He taught me to do as he did.. ignore things. Smile and nod. It wasn’t lying, since you were always listening to what they said, but it worked just as well.. and pissed people off. It took me hundreds of years to notice that all they wanted was to get me angry so I would punch something. Kinda funny how people want to piss you off to admire you. Weird stuff.”“And when I was old enough to start working at the forge... oh Gods. He was so loving. He started homeschooling me after the teachers said I was good for nothing and just sat on my corner doing nothing but staring at the window and drawing what I saw him forging. He teached me school things until... uhm.. until the sun went down, and then he taught me how to work at the forge. Basic smithing stuff. Where certain metals melt, how to fold weak metal to make it stronger, how hard to hit stuff with your hammer, how to keep things as clean as possible... and then I went to sleep. No time for me to play or draw or sing or do anything... but he was so nice!”“He caressed my hair when I did good things and taught me, step by step, how to do things when I got them wrong. He would give me lolipops when I finished forging something and hug me when I started crying because the metal was too soft, or I wasted steel when I shouldn’t. And it.. pissed me off for no reason?! I was angry at him because of it. All my life before that I had my teachers and friends yelling and taunting me, screaming at me for doing things wrong, laughing at my mistakes, calling me a freak.. and suddenly all I had was someone loving and caring. It made me feel weird. It felt wrong. I hated how things were but.. they felt so normal before. This felt wrong.”“So... one day.. I figured it out. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe he was the bad guy and everyone else had a point? Maybe I was a freak and he was teaching me how to keep being one so I’d never change. And that’s when it hit me... when did I ever see someone in Bandle wearing armor or weapons? The scouts made their own blowguns and darts, and their equipment was just leather and rags.. Papa didn’t make those things. He wanted to make me stay inside doing useless things so I wouldn’t bother anyone, like the freak I am! And that day.. I can still remember it. I told him I was going to take a walk.. and walk I did. Into a treacherous world I didn’t even know existed. I ran away because I tought the only nice person to me was trying to keep me away from everyone else.”“Of course.. I learned too late that I was mistaken. I could never, never have wished for a better father. He was so caring. He loved me so, so damn much.. even after I took Mommy from him. Even if I made him ashamed. Even when I yelled and kicked and bit him, he was there to hug me and calm me down, to say it was ok. He was so patient and loving I.. I didn’t deserve him..” At this point Poppy’s face is drenched in tears. “I was such an ungrateful child! How can you hate someone who loves you so much?! Who only wanted the best for you?! Why did I want the ones that hated me back!? I feel... so, so damn stupid these days.. I want to go back and tell him I’m sorry but.. that’s not how it works, is it? No. I did what I did.”“It was odd... I hated him for loving me. And he never gave me up. His Magnum Opus was named after me, he planted Violets and Poppys in his backyard to remind him of the two ladies that left his life way too soon.. even in his deathbed, when I wasn’t there for him, they say he was thinking of me. Asking for me to come and hug him one last time... wich.. I didn’t... I couldn’t. I was in Demacia, fighting stupid bandits. I hated him with a burning passion. He loved me with all his heart. And now I love him. More than anything. Orlon, Veigar, The Hero... Papa would make such a great Hero..” “I’m sorry.. I’ve been rambling for too long, haven’t I? Ugh. I sound like a grandmother telling her children stories.” She chuckled and swallowed her tears, wiping away the mess her face was. Her eyes were red, she had a runny nose, her lips were quivering. “Sorry. I hope you had your answer somewhere in there...”
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