#I know someone who will addore this.
minkmousesworld · 3 years
SFHDFGHA that is exactly the kind of vibe i exude in my life thank u /j
don't thank me, it's ok!! everyone needs rest and all :0 plus idk if we have the same time zones so no shame in not being up when i am or anything!
i didnt want to do this...but u give me no choice......no YOU are adorable >:)
NO trust me i am a doctor ok it definitely balances out. i have proof: it's me. i survive perfectly fine case closed thank u /j
she's on a whole different level of soft thigh resting....no competition...but yeah!! where Tanjirou might be beat by others in softness, though, he more than makes up for in the care department....super sweet man who lets u rest with no complaints cuz u must be tired if ur so keen on resting on him <3 MAN thats the dream
ok i will resist caffeine if u make sure to treat yourself to something nice today <3
bbbeautiful;;; very precious very pretty;;;
SFHDFGHA that is exactly the kind of vibe i exude in my life thank u /j
look, if you say it in a threatening voice, it'll work, so at least you'll look cool!ᕙ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : )ᕗ /j I think.
on the other hand, you have such sunny vibes, I don't even know;;; /s
Zenitsu kinnie sorry not sorry
don't thank me, it's ok!! everyone needs rest and all :0 plus idk if we have the same time zones so no shame in not being up when i am or anything!
you're so sweet? this is terrible I want to pinch your cheek ugh... sweet very sweet
i didnt want to do this...but u give me no choice......no YOU are adorable >:)
I was ready for this fight!(┛✧Д✧))┛彡┻━┻
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everyone knows it's you, stop denying the obvious, honey </3 look in the mirror and you'll see who's the most charming ( ˵ ° ^ ° ˵ )
NO trust me i am a doctor ok it definitely balances out. i have proof: it's me. i survive perfectly fine case closed thank u /j
you almost convinced me, charmer, but "j" after "survive perfectly" gave you away.
very sus I have to call a wholesome car /j
she's on a whole different level of soft thigh resting....no competition...but yeah!! where Tanjirou might be beat by others in softness, though, he more than makes up for in the care department....super sweet man who lets u rest with no complaints cuz u must be tired if ur so keen on resting on him <3 MAN thats the dream
Mitsuri's thighs look like the best place to gain strength. I'm sure she'll try to move as little as possible, but she's so excited to have you around that she can't help but shiver a little. she smiles so self-consciously when she sees you looking at her. hums a soft tune that "makes you dream good dreams♡"; very wife material.
look, he's so understanding, I'm sure he'll understand wanting to just rest on his thighs... husband material </3 Tanjirou strokes your hair while you lie on his thighs. bonus points if he calls you "poor little thing who doesn't have enough rest!" and purrs that he likes to see you rest, as you deserve the best rest.
look, I'm a sleepy person. if I can rest comfortably on someone's thighs, then this person is a spouse material </33 /hj
ok i will resist caffeine if u make sure to treat yourself to something nice today <3
I have a night off right now, so I plan to take care of myself with a good night's sleep shsgtsgs </3 but thank you for your concern, sunshine♡
don't forget about the caffeins(° ~ ° ~)
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sradepotter · 5 years
I can't sleep so I thought, "hey! Why I don't watch Anne with an E for the millionth time?"
So I logged in on my Netflix account and notticed something weird. AWAE was in SPANISH and in the middle of episode 1x04. I know that I didn't left it there and you will find me dead before watching Anne in any other language.
I know my sisters, whom I addore and are the only ones I've givven my Netflix passward, are both dead asleep, so someone else definitely has my information, someone I don't know and who is using not only my account, but also my usser (who does that?!)
To that person, whoever they might be, THANK YOU FOR WATCHING ANNE WITH AN E AND WELCOME TO THE CAUSE!!! Please, feel free to use my account anytime you want.
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coffin-child · 5 years
Things I forgot to post:
I truly thought that some moments had escaped my grasp completely.
Intimate fragments without care or obligation.
The kind where you share little corners of your soul and entrust another human-being to hold them dear for just a short while, with all the sincerity they can truly muster, and you in return, do the same.
My little whore heart used to call it being eclectic.
Looking back now, it wasn’t the sex I craved, but the little pockets of intimacy.
Sharing a tidbit of time with another soul, that would be here and gone within the confines of an evening.
It was about releasing a part of myself to someone who momentarily gave enough of a damn to listen.
It was about even reciprocation.
Its was about collecting these little slivers of fascination and putting them away for a rainy day.
Some of my favorite ones were shared with a tall gangly artist with a tick that made him take pause within a busy sentence.
He drew comics, I met him at some party and cannot recollect how I came to be at his house late at night watching ALF till three in the morning. We would fumble around in the dark on his inflatable mattress to awaken with it sunken in. The lighting from the floor of his room took me to other places, far far away and much more magical. He made the only coffee I would ever drink black, to this day. I would slip it slow, as to savor the understanding of the meaning of adulthood with each wave upon my pallet. A simple breakfast was made as I sat across the counter from his tall figure bumbling around the kitchen, a soft smile erupting from my sleep paralyzed face every time he would hiccup on a word just cause it his mouth couldn't keep up with his heart. He was one of my favorites.
I like moments like these because they steal away into the night just as gently as they came.
You get to adore another human, without falling helplessly inlove. Because love is what makes you want to die.
You bleed yourself dry as you lay every inch of your soul out in hopes that whom you love would want to start up cartography as a hoby, just in a mirrored addoration.
But alas, you hope in vain.
I made my way to some olf forgotten rundown neighborhood in the cover of night. I met him a few years back when I was bartending. Always thought he was cute, but in that Peter Pan kinda way, fun but never to fuck seriously.
He invited me over for dinner and business plans. We took hits of korean beer from colorful little glasses as we shot the shit of how life had been trucken along for the both of us. I perused his anphibian collection and danced aound his livingroom to new music that just just spoke to the souls of my shoes. I checked my makeup and my intensions in the upstairs bathroom which was donned in mermaids, most certainly by the artistic eye of his girfriend, taking note of my judgment in what one would crudely call taste. There was an intricate shuffle of hustle and bustle in the kitchen as he buzzed about preparing a meal the best that he knew how. We spoke of the shittiest times in a twangy country accent as he made the oven mit tell me jokes in the inbetween interludes. I genuinly laughed. He pulled me in and kissed me quick, but with intent, just before the peppers ahd to be washed, and just as quickly he left me in the still of the moment to do so. The main course was served on the kitchen table before dinner ever left the oven. We sat down and eat, so naturally, as if it had been done a hundred times before. Somehow, some way we made it into the livingroom for seconds. It was nice. The comfortablilty of everything . I was stripped naked and didnt think twice about it as I laughed at him shaking a full moon about without a hint of shame.
There was not a care to be had, and I had laughed with a sincerity that I thought had been lost.
These moments are meant to be brief. They bring relief. They remind you that certain parts still work.
That the mundane drudgery of life has reprieve.
Oven mitts that tell me jokes and dissecting synth machines are the things I collect in the palm of my tired hands, for that rainy day I know for certain is bound to come.
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Hiii, can I request something where Billy has a Mexican girlfriend and he thinks is really funny when she gets mad bc she star to yell at him in spanish but he addores her? something fluffy? 🥺 I'm really sentimental bc the boy I liked told me he would never be with me because of where I am from and it was such a disappointment to me to find out he's that kind of person
I'm totally down to write this kind of thing but I'll be honest, I don't know Spanish and I'd be using Google translate to help me and I know its not that accurate. I'd be worried about like offending people and stuff 😅 But like if that's okay with you then I'll definitely write it.
But also I wanna say fuck you to the boy you like. Like a real giant FUCK YOU. Like I hope he wakes up and stubs his big toe for the rest of his pathetic life. I hope every time he leaves the house, he shits himself in public. I hope his dick stops working and he never gets to enjoy himself.
Fuck him. He doesn't deserve your time, attention or feelings. And I know it doesn't mean much that some random girl on the Internet is saying this, but you deserve way better than a piece of shit like him. You absolutely do not want to be in a relationship with an asshole like that.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that and I'm here to tell you that you're wonderful and deserve someone who will treat you like gold. You're worth way more than that trash and I hope you know that.
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the-boons · 6 years
InkTUMber day 2: Best food pair up
Oh yeah, that’s the good stuff...another burger down the hatch, Dero looked out to the branch of burgers he’d made. Certainly, he made too much...but then again….it IS his favorite food to make. Maybe he could deal with a little more. His hand reaching out, he grabbed one of the few triple patty burgers, at least a pound and a half kept slabbed between the bread, and cheese on each and every single of the gaps with the meats...or was it 2 slices of cheese for this one? ...Or maybe 3? He honestly didn’t remember. Making so much food like a wraith certainly was trying! Though, he couldn’t say no to that! Graspign the burger firmly in his hands, he began to chew down on it, letting out a happy sound. So much deliciousness, and he had it all to himself...even if every bite really did make him feel just a bit fuller, he couldn’t say no to a deliciuos meal!.... ….. “Oof...so much deli-uuuurrrrp-cious food, and I’m so full…” He responded, sitting back, one hand lazily rubbing his engorged tum. It seems he was struggling to sit on up, but it was obvious why. He had nearly destroyed all of the food on the plate! This caused him to groan, and look to the remainder of this big ol dinner of his. A single, lone chicken sandwich...he preferred burgers, but….he was open tasted. His belly let out a satisfied gurgle, but he himself…He grasped the next chicken sandwich, and began to finish off his binge as he would be expecting: With a big ol nap….when he woke up, he could make a delicious dessert, right?
Day 2 gain: +5 pounds
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