#He loves burgers a ton
golden--doodler · 3 months
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@devilh0rnsinc is doing a lovely thing called "Fanart Friday" on their channel, where anyone can draw any character with devil horns, and they'll promote it! I knew I just had to participate this week, especially because I wasn't able to last week, unfortunately.
But I knew this week I wanted to draw Bob and Linda, because you guys already know me and my obsession with them. They really have no business being as adorable and wholesome as they are. I wanted Linda to be affectionately giving her man a lil' cheek kiss, because I thought that would be so cute 🙈
The "Oh my God" and "Ow, my face!" mugs were actually ideas I got from @drawthethingdoppelganger, because she was an absolute genius and thought them having those mugs would be a great idea.
[ID]: Digital fanart of Bob and Linda from Bob's Burgers. They are both seen with devil horns and tails, and Bob is standing in a regular, almost front-facing view, whilst Linda can be seen from a side-view. She's leaning forward and giving Bob a kiss on the cheek whilst grinning. Bob's hands are near his waist as he's holding a mug that says "Oh my god". Linda's arm wraps around Bob's neck and she holds a similar mug behind Bob that says "Ow, my face!" Bob is wearing his usual white shirt with gray pants, and Linda is wearing her usual red shirt with dark blue pants. They are also standing in a background of a beautiful blue sky with many clouds.
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Random highly specific dick grayson fanfics I’ve been craving
An exhausted 18/19 yr old Dick finding Jason trying to steal the wheels off of Nightbird (his car) and instead of reprimanding him he just launches into a really proud rant about his car and how much work he put into her and god kid you got a good eye for parts. I just replaced the tires with ones where the rubber self heals. And none of that commercial crap either, actual self healing rubber that could get a bullet shot through it and still close up a second later. Oh and did you notice the seats? Just polished the leather on em! Go on sit, sit! Comfy, huh? You wanna get a bite to eat? Cool. I think bat burger’s hero-meal comes with a bat-mobile toy. Not as cool as my lovely lady of course, but close enough. Jason is absolutely baffled. This is Nightwing? The one all those new gangs that moved from bludhaven decided facing was worse than fighting for territory in the narrows? Fleeing unsuccessfully might be add considering Nightwing’s presence in gotham. He was so…nice? In that weird slightly off putting way that most of the real good people he knows have.
Dick and Damian both longing for the days where it was just them: Batman and Robin. The best. Dick having a whole moment where he curls around nearly completed adoption papers and sobs because Damian was his. For a year Damian was his to protect, his to guide, his to love. But now they aren’t even in the same city and barely go on patrols together let alone have movie nights cuddled up on the couch (it’s only reasonable Richard. Penguins huddle to conserve body heat). And Damian in the manor staring blankly at his drawing of gotham that Bruce hung up in his office. He didn’t make it for him. He made it for Richard. But what was he supposed to do when Father saw a piece dedicated to “dad” while Damian was flipping through his sketchbook? Tell him it was actually for his oldest son instead of him? Tell him that sometimes Damian wishes bruce never came back so that Richard didn’t have step back from them?
Dick who cooks tons of different cultural dishes within the same meal (like rice and curry served at the same time as sushi and fried plantains) and when questioned about it he’s just like ???? That’s what my mom used to do??? We lived in so many different places it felt weird limiting our food to one culture per meal.
Dick being like Garfield Logan’s big brother long before Jason comes into the mix. Gar frequently turning into a baby elephant just because it makes dick coo over him more than any form. Even a kitten!
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Luck Runs Out |Part 4|
Pairing: Mabel x Reader
Summary: When your luck runs out you unknowingly drag Mabel back into the life, she's so desperate to escape.
Warnings: Mention of drugs, mention of death
Word Count: 2.7k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Epilogue
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Mabel was leaning back in her chair, eating fries from a local burger place she got takeout from for you and her. She shook her head as she continued to argue with you. It was a few days after you woke up and though you weren’t super active you were more awake than you had been. Mabel had only known you less than a week, but it felt like longer, the two of you didn’t have a ton in common but that didn’t matter, she continued to listen as you told her about Odysseus. She also found she loved trying to poke holes in the story, but you always found a way to defend Odysseus.
“But he cheats on his wife!” Mabel said again, as you finally ended your ramble, throwing a fry at you in the processes. “How is that a great love story?”
“Because it wasn’t by choice!” You defended, making Mabel roll her eyes for the thousandth time. “Circe is a witch, she manipulated him, he knew it was the only way to get out of there alive or without being turned into a pig like members of his crew.”
“Calypso didn’t trick him,” she was quick to point out. She hadn’t read the odyssey yet, but you had basically given her a full run down, so she was confident in arguing with you.
“He was trapped on an island with her for over a year! She might not have used magic, but she definitely took advantage of him!”
“Twenty years. Twenty year and despite all her suitors Penelope never once strayed.”
“Neither did Odysseus! Not in his heart! He loved her the entire time, his whole journey was just to get back to her. He could have stayed with Circe, he could have stayed with Calypso, but he didn’t because the most important thing was getting back to his wife.”
Mabel sighed, shaking her head as she took a sip of her drink. “If you’d just read it, you’d see for yourself,” you said before shoving your own fries in your mouth.
“I still don’t get it,” Mabel said, throwing her hands in the air.
You let out a dramatic sigh as you let your head flop back onto the pillows. “What’s not to get? He loves his wife!”
“Not that,” she chuckled. “I mean you.”  You lifted your head from the pillows scrunching your eyebrows. “The odyssey is your favorite story, Odysseus is your hero, but you wear a trident necklace.” You tilt your head still clearly not getting it. “Poseidon is the villain! He literally tries to kill your boy the entire story!”
You break out into a laugh, wincing as your entire body shook but the pain didn’t stop your laughter. “Okay fair,” you got out between laughs. “But I mean the ocean is his domain, I feel like if anyone can protect me it’s him.”
“I don’t know, he kind of seems like an asshole.”
“All the gods are assholes,” you smiled. “It’s kind of their thing. But look if I was a pilot, I’d be wearing a little lightning bolt.”
Mabel scoffed, lightly chuckling at that. “You totally have multiple editions of the odyssey,” Mabel narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you?” You opened your mouth as if to defend yourself but quickly shut it. “Of course you do!” She threw her head back as she laughed. “Alright go on!” She waved her hand at you. “Tell me about them.”
“Well, I have a nice hardcover that’s both The Iliad and The Odyssey,” you jumped right into it with a smile. “Then I have a paperback that’s just of the odyssey, it never left my bunk on the boat.”
Mabel chuckled. “Are you serious? You even had a copy while on the boat?”
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged like it was obvious. “I needed something to do during down time or before bed.”
Mabel rolled her eyes at your reasoning before she grabbed the trash from the food, taking it to the kitchen to throw away before she got back to doing her homework. She had skipped class the first few days you were at her place because she didn’t know you well enough. After getting to know you a bit more Mabel decided that even if you were a drug smuggler you weren’t like any of the ones she knew, you were actually kind. When she came home from class the first day she left you alone, you were still there, sound asleep in her dark apartment, she was probably throwing your sleep schedule off with her boarded up windows, but you didn’t complain.
“Holy shit,” she heard you whisper as she started to organize her school stuff. When Mabel looked up, she saw your eyes were on the TV.
She had turned on the TV when she got back with food but had quickly muted it when the two of you started talking. She got up from her seat, quickly unmuting the TV. On the screen was the news, video played showing debris from a boat. Mabel didn’t know what was so significant about it, she glanced back at you to see your eyes hadn’t left the screen. They lived in a fishing town, it wasn’t common but boating accidents happened, hell when she first met Charlie, he had just gotten back from having to be rescued after his first time on the boat. Charlie and the boys had gotten lucky they had all made it to the life raft.
The news anchor appeared taking over most of the screen, the video of the debris still played in the top right corner of the screen.
“Authorities got alerted of an emergency situation last night,” the news anchor said. “Reports of an explosion on the Scylla came in. There is still no word on what caused the explosion or if there were any survivors.” The video took over the screen again while the news anchor’s voice continued to narrate what happened. “A life raft was recovered, however it seems it to have damaged in the accident and doesn’t appear as if anyone made it on to it.”
“There were seven crew members believed to be on the ship,” the anchor appeared on screen again. “No bodies have been recovered but it appears as though there was no survivors.” A picture of seven faces of the crew appeared on the screen.
Mabel’s eyes widened when she recognized the second to last person, it was you. She looked back at you seeing you stare at your own picture with wide eyes. The boat that had sent the distress signal, the one that had gone down, the one where the entire crew was killed, was your boat.
“Authorities are calling this a recovery mission not a search and rescue,” the anchor continued. “An investigation will be underway to determine what exactly happened to claim these seven lives.”
Mabel quickly turned off the TV when the anchor started to go over more of what happened. She had a good idea, the boat you were on went down and your entire crew was dead. For some reason, the authorities suspected you were also on the boat, and you were thought to be dead as well.
“Are you okay?” Mabel asked softly as she turned back towards you. Your eyes continued to stare at the now dark screen.
You shook your head. You were blinking rapidly as you tossed the blankets off your lap and moved to get up from the bed. “Wow,” Mabel said, holding her hands out to stop you. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I-I-I have to go,” you mumbled, groaning as you flung your legs off the side of the bed. “I have to get out of here.”
“What? No!” Mabel rested a hand on your shoulder, pushing you back down onto the bed as gently as she could.
“I can’t be here!” Mabel jumped; she had never heard you yell before. In the few days she spent with you, you had always been kind, guarded, but kind. “I can’t be here,” you said again softer, like usual.
Mabel stared into your eyes. Her gaze darted around your face, taking everything in. She saw your eyes shifting around the room while she tried to keep them on her. It was like you were searching again, waiting for someone to pop out from behind the couch or swing through the windows and get you. There was a slight tremble to your entire body, if Mabel wasn’t standing right next to you, if her hand wasn’t still brushing against you to keep you in place, she never would have noticed. This wasn’t a tremble from the pain or from the cold like when you were first brought to her apartment, this one was much different.
“I have to leave,” you said again. “You can’t be around me right now.”
“What are you going to do?” ‘Mabel decided to ask. “You were shot, your crew is dead, you dropped a pallet of drugs in the ocean. Where else do you have to go?”
You opened your mouth to say something, but no words came out. Mabel knew she was right, according to authorities you were dead, lost at sea, like the rest of your crew. She didn’t know what had happened, but she knew you couldn’t just go waltzing out of her apartment. Your face was all over the news, this was a small fishing town, everyone would know your face by now. You wouldn’t be able to walk through town without someone spotting you and that would lead to questioning from police, if you were lucky. Word would get around to whoever you worked for rather quickly, Mabel didn’t know your boss, but she knew how quickly word spread through a gang especially when it involved a missing shipment.
“They did this,” you whispered. Mabel furrowed her brow. “The people I work for.” You looked back at the blank TV screen. “My captain shot me; they left me there at the ocean's mercy.” Mabel had stared at you; you had such a fascinating way of talking about the ocean. It was clear you respected the ocean and how it could go from calm to ruthless in a matter of seconds.
“The people I work for,” you continued, turning to face Mabel again. “They aren’t good people. My crew went back without a shipment and now they’re all dead.”
“You can’t know that,” Mabel tried to reason, tried to make it seem not so dire, as if there was hope. Mabel knew that was all bullshit though, she had dealt with dealers her entire life, she knew how they got when drugs went missing or when payment was short. She couldn’t imagine what your boss would do with an entire shipment missing.
“Of course I do.” You let out a humorless laugh. “We’re expendable.” You shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “They lost their drugs so now they’re cleaning house, can’t have an incompetent crew working for them.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Mabel raised her arms. She understood how violent drug gangs could be. The one you seemed to be working for was even worse than all the guys she knew.
“I don’t know.” You ran a hand through your hair in frustration, gripping it tightly. “I don’t know. Maybe if I tell them what happened, if I return the drugs I do have, and tell them where the shipment is, they’ll let me go?”
Mabel stared at you; you said it like a question. It was clear you didn’t believe it though. If you walked into wherever your boss was working out of, you wouldn’t be walking out. You were already presumed dead. All your boss would have to do is kill you then take your body out and drop it in the ocean, it would be as if nothing happened, no one would ever know.
“Well, you can’t leave here until we have a plan,” Mabel stated, crossing her arms so you would know there was no arguing with her.
“If they find out you’re helping me they will kill you,” you said.
You looked up at her guiltily, as if everything that happened was your fault and you were the biggest inconvenience of her entire life. It wasn’t untrue, it wasn’t your fault you got shot, it was Charlie’s fault for bringing you here in the first place. If someone were to ask Mabel a few days ago how she felt about you she would have said you were an inconvenience, she had to keep you hidden and take care of you because of your injury, it was all truly inconvenient. However, Mabel enjoyed your company, she liked it as you quietly sat there while she did her schoolwork, even though you hadn’t gone to college either you still helped her out with what you could when she was struggling, you always asked her about her day. She also liked listening to you talk, she was about to go out and buy The Odyssey so she could continue to discuss it with you. You got so excited when talking about something you loved so much, it was cute.
“I don’t want you to put yourself in danger, not for me,” you continued, talking as if you weren’t worth helping, as if you weren’t someone worth being saved. “They blew up an entire boat, with their main crew for bringing in their drugs on it. They won’t have an issue with getting rid of you and your friends.”
Mabel sucked in a breath; she knew that was true. If your boss learned you were alive and someone had helped you, even if they were a total stranger, they’d find them and kill them. Charlie and his crew were in this deeper than they could imagine, they found you, they found you with drugs, and said drugs were still on their boat. Your boss would kill all of them just to get the drugs back, it wouldn’t matter that it’s only three packs, they wouldn’t take the chance of letting witnesses survive. The fact that Mabel helped you and just knew what happened also put a target on her back, you were all screwed if the gang you worked for got wind of any of this.
“I think that ship has sailed,” Mabel mumbled. She watched as you closed your eyes, letting out a long sigh. She didn’t mean to make you feel more guilty, but she needed to express why you couldn’t leave. That leaving wouldn’t change the fact that they’re all in danger.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. “Your friends should have just left me in the ocean.”
Mabel frowned; you truly thought you were better off dead. “I’m not,” she admitted softly. She smiled when you looked up at her surprised. “The boys chose to help you and I chose to let you stay here during your recovery. So, we will figure this out, together.” Mabel crossed her arms, staring down at you so you knew she was serious and there was no changing her mind.
“Besides,” she grumbled, pretending to be annoyed by what she was about to admit. “I’ve enjoyed talking to you. You aren’t the like regular drug smugglers I know.”
“I’m not a drug smuggler,” you replied instantly.
Mabel smiled, making you smile as well. She now believed it, you might have done some drug smuggling and that technically did mean you were a drug smuggler but that wasn’t all you were, you were so much more than that.
“Since you’re already sitting up,” Mabel said with a slight smirk, already knowing how you’d react. “Let’s change your bandage and clean your wound.”
“Ugh,” you dragged out in an overly dramatic groan.
Mabel moved to the spot right next to you, and slowly began peeling back the bandage on your shoulder. She ignored the way her knee brushed against your leg. She flicked her eyes to your face, seeing you already staring at her, she pretended she didn’t know where your eyes went when they flicked down for a second. She pretended her eyes didn’t also flick down to your lips, she focused on the bandage, silently hoping she wasn’t blushing as she tried to continue to ignore your unwavering gaze. You were cute, you were fun, but you were trouble.
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Just a Spark - Eddie Munson x Reader
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A Collaboration with my beloved kindred spirit @munson-blurbs🤍
Summary: Eddie takes his sons to watch fireworks at Lover's Lake for the Fourth of July. But when he notices you there with some friends, including some male friends, he can't help but be jealous.
Note: Thank you to my dearest @joejoequinnquinn for loving jealous!eddie as much as I do and for coming up with this lovely idea! I still find it funny that it's a Fourth of July fic and you do not live in the US, lol. I hope you all enjoy and happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans 💙
Warnings: older!eddie, dad!eddie, babysitter!reader, eddie being jealous hehe
Words: 3.9k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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It wasn’t often that Hawkins held activities that appealed to the whole town. The haunted houses around Halloween only appealed to the teenagers, the winter wonderlands at Christmas only mattered to young children, and the Thanksgiving Parade was something that everyone swears they got dragged along to against their will. Fourth of July in Hawkins was the one day a year that could be counted on to bring people of all ages out to Lover’s Lake for sunshine in the afternoon and fireworks at night. 
Kids would splash and swim together in the shallow area of the lake while their parents watched from picnic blankets spread out not too far away. Teens and college students would come with their friends, the college kids drinking beer out in the open while the teenagers had to hide sips behind a tree or behind a friend’s back. 
It was a tradition in the Munson household to grill up some hamburgers and bring them down to eat at the lake while they watched the fireworks. This particular year things seem to be off-track, though. Brittany had left the house early in the afternoon to run a few errands and pick up some charcoal for the grill so that Eddie could cook the hamburgers. After being gone far too long for just saying she was heading to a few stores, the phone rings and Brittany gives Eddie some sob story about how she ran into her sister who’s having a crisis and she needs to stay with her for a while. Eddie just sighed as he hung up, thinking to himself that at least Brittany wasn’t dumb enough to say it had something to do with work when banks are closed because it’s a national holiday. The only problem—because going out with his boys without his wife was certainly not a problem—he ran into now was that he didn’t have time to run out and get charcoal and make the burgers before they were going to leave for the lake. 
Improvising, Eddie swings through a Burger King drive-through on the way, making sure the three of them would still keep their tradition intact as much as possible. The boys don’t seem to mind the differences between this year and last, maybe just glad to have a chance to hang out with their dad while they did something as cool as watch fireworks. 
Eddie pulls his truck into the already-crowded parking lot and grabs the bag of fast food. As he and the boys get out, people walk by carrying coolers, picnic baskets, and a few types of inner tubes to use in the water. There are tons of people there—which Eddie expected. He takes Luke’s hand into his own and instructs Ryan to grab onto Luke’s other so they don’t lose anyone. 
“Eddie!” A familiar voice calls out and has Eddie whipping around to spot its owner. He quickly sees the Sinclairs; Lucas is waving with his left hand to get Eddie’s attention, with Tiffany on his right hip. 
Eddie nudges the boys. “Look who’s here!” Their eyes widen when they notice Uncle Lucas—who Eddie swears is his younger son’s namesake and certainly isn’t Luke Skywalker—along with Aunt Max and their baby. They practically pull Eddie across the lot to them. 
Clapping Lucas’s hand and pulling him in for a modified bro-hug so he doesn’t crash into Tiffany, Eddie offers his long-time friend a grin. “How have you guys been?” he asks as he gives Max a hug. 
“Good. Tired.” Max says with a laugh. “Tiffany slept through the night for about three days before she started teething.”
“Aww, poor thing,” Eddie coos, chuckling when Tiffany proves her mother’s point by grabbing Eddie’s finger and gnawing on it. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t last as long as it seems,” he reassures the new parents. 
“We’re just headed out,” Lucas explains, kissing his daughter’s cheek. “It’s this little lady’s bedtime, and we’ve gotta get home before the fireworks start.”
“We have no idea how she’ll react to them, and we’re not about to conduct that experiment in public,” Max chimes in, making Eddie laugh again. “But we’ll see you at Ryan’s birthday party next week!”
The Munsons and Sinclairs part with goodbyes and more hugs before Eddie and the boys head towards the lake. 
“I wanna sit near the water!” Luke insists, and Eddie winces at his high-pitched whine. 
“Think we might get a better view of the fireworks if we sit up a little higher.” It’s the truth; plus, he won’t have to worry about Luke flinging himself into the cesspool that Hawkins calls a lake. 
They find a shady spot right under a tree, and Eddie lays out three beach towels so they won’t have to sit in the dirt. He passes out the parchment-wrapped burgers and little bags of fries and sits back with a sigh. This is what he’d always wanted—family traditions with his boys. If only…
“Has anyone seen my sunscreen?”
Eddie freezes mid-bite, only remembering that he has a burger in his hand when his arm starts to ache from being in one position too long. He chews and swallows as though nothing happened, but his mind is racing. 
It can’t be, he thinks. He’s almost certain that this is all in his imagination—God knows he can’t get you out of his head—until he hears someone say your name. 
Just one look, Eddie convinces himself. A quick peek so I can see that it’s not actually her; just someone who sounds like her and has the same name…
His stomach flip-flops when he glances over and sees you in a low-cut red tank top and cutoff denim shorts. Oh, shit, it’s her. And she looks really, really good. He takes a deep breath, trying to gather his scrambled thoughts. He wishes he had a six-pack; a cold beer can always calm his jangled nerves. Okay, I can’t let the boys see. Once that happens, she’ll come over here and—
Eddie’s anxious thought is disrupted by the sight of one of the three guys you’re with applying sunscreen to the back of your neck. He’s got long, light brown hair—though not as long or luscious as his own, Eddie notes wryly. 
Long Hair spends far too much time massaging the lotion into your skin. Calm down, Buffalo Bill. She doesn’t need that much sun protection. 
The only other girl there plucks the lotion bottle from Long Hair’s hands, much to Eddie’s relief, and Eddie turns his attention back to his boys. “You guys ready for the fireworks?” He tries to keep the enthusiasm in his voice. “Sun’s setting, so they’ll be starting soon.”
Ryan nods, chewing on a fry. “I wonder what colors they’ll have,” he muses. 
“Well, I wonder what would happen if I sat on a firework!” Luke pipes up with a mouthful of burger. “Like, would I fly into the sky? Or would it blow up in my butt?”
Eddie laughs loudly. “My money’s on the second one, little man.”
Your laughter floats over to Eddie on the breeze blowing off of the lake. He mentally berates himself, thinking of how he should be enjoying this family tradition with his boys and not be wondering if any of those guys you’re with are your boyfriend or if you’re sleeping with any of them or if…
“Daddy, what’s wrong?”
“Hmm?” Eddie looks up at Ryan’s worried face and frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Your lip,” Ryan says, pointing at the bottom half of his father’s face. “You were chewing on it, and it started bleeding.”
“Silly me,” Eddie says with a forced chuckle. He grabs one of the napkins from the Burger King bag and dabs at his lower lip. Luke has shifted to watch a game of volleyball happening on a court that someone set up and it gives Eddie the opportunity to scoot closer between his boys, so his back is to you and your friends. Maybe now he’ll be able to focus. 
It works for a while. The three of them finish their burgers and Luke is immediately complaining that he’s still hungry. Eddie tells the five-year-old he has to wait and tries to play a game with them to distract his youngest son from his rumbling tummy before the fireworks start. 
“Simon says put your hands on your head. Simon says give your brother a high five,” Eddie instructs as the boys eagerly await the next command. “Simon says stand up. Sit back down. Ah! I didn’t say ‘Simon says!’”
“I win!” Ryan cheers as Luke sprawls out on his beach towel with a groan. The familiar twinkling tune of an ice cream truck approaching has him bolting up, though. 
“Ice cream?” Luke stands up and balances on his tippy toes to get a better view at the parking lot. When his suspicions are confirmed, he hops up and down. “Ice cream! Daddy, can we get some? Pleeeeease?”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie says as if it’s a hardship for him to indulge his boys when in reality he’d already planned on getting ice cream for them at some point tonight. “Get me some too, okay?”
“Cookies and cream?” Ryan asks, citing his dad’s favorite flavor.
“Atta boy,” Eddie says, handing him a ten-dollar bill. Luke starts to walk away and towards the truck, but Eddie stops him with an, “ah-ah-ah. It’s crowded here. I don’t want you to lose each other so hold your brother’s hand.” When Luke opens his mouth to respond, a frown creasing his forehead and his nose wrinkling up, Eddie halts the whining before it even happens. “Hold your brother’s hand.”
“Fine,” Luke huffs and offers his hand to Ryan in the most limp, unenthusiastic manner possible. 
The two walk off and Eddie adjusts his position so he can keep an eye on his sons as they snake their way through the crowd and over to the ice cream truck that already has a line of a few kids in front of it. But from this new angle, Eddie can also see you out of the corner of his eye. A breath rushes out of him as if he’d been holding it since his eyes were last on you. Seeing you makes Eddie calmer and more tense at the same time. As always, your presence brings him comfort and happiness. But you’re with a bunch of guys your own age and the jealousy monster is rearing its ugly head like nobody’s business. Eddie looks down at his lap and his eye catches on his wedding ring, glinting in the fading sun.
“You’re a fucking hypocrite, Munson,” Eddie mumbles to himself. 
Unable to not look in your direction—I swear to God she’s got something magnetic about her, he thinks—Eddie sees you gazing out over the lake. You raise your hand above your eyes to shield them from the bright, falling sun and look around the whole area where people have settled in to have fun. Eddie’s just about to look away, not wanting to risk being caught staring at you if you spot him, when he sees one of your guy friends walking over to you. It’s not Long Hair from before. This guy is shorter and as muscly as the other guy was scrawny. Eddie can hear him calling your name, but you must be too caught up in your thoughts to hear him. Muscles reaches out and touches your arm to get your attention. As if seeing him just touching you isn’t bad enough, Eddie watches as you turn around to face Muscles, but the guy still doesn’t take his hand off of you. The tanned, muscular hand is slowly moving down your arm and a knot grows in Eddie’s stomach. If this asshole takes your hand, Eddie feels like he might throw up the burger he’s barely started digesting. 
Luckily, you move to walk back towards your group of friends before Muscles’s hand could reach yours. Eddie feels twenty pounds lighter. He turns back to look towards the parking lot and sees his sons approaching, Ryan holding an ice cream in each hand, and Luke holding one and holding onto the back of Ryan’s red t-shirt with the other hand. By the way his youngest son is rolling his eyes as they approach, Eddie realizes it was Ryan’s idea that Luke holds on to him. 
Ryan hands Eddie his scoop of cookies and cream, plopping back down to enjoy the mint chip cone he’d bought for himself. 
“DAD! OH MY GOD, DAD!!” Luke shouts, and Eddie nearly drops his cone. 
“What? What’s wrong?”
Luke points down towards the left. “Look at that doggy! He’s so cute!” Sure enough, a middle-aged couple is walking a golden retriever along the lake. Both boys sit up a bit straighter and watch as the owners toss a tennis ball into the water and the dog eagerly paddles after it. 
As Eddie’s heart rate steadies to a normal pace—seriously, he’s going to have to talk with Luke about using his “emergency voice” when it is not an emergency—he finds his gaze drifting back to you. He’s just in time to see Long Hair take the baseball cap from his own head and put it on top of yours. Eddie silently wills you to take it off, chuck it into the lake, set it on fire…but he’s utterly disappointed when you adjust it to your head and wear it proudly. 
Would she wear something of mine if I gave it to her? He silently wonders. He’s so engrossed in whatever flirtatious games you’re playing that he barely hears his older son trying to get his attention. 
“Daddy, your ice cream is leaking over the cone. Daddy! It’s getting runny and gonna drip! Daddy?”
“And whaddya keep looking that way for? The lake is that way!” Luke chimes in, face covered in cotton candy ice cream. 
“Y-Yeah, sorry, guys,” Eddie mumbles, but he keeps his gaze locked on you. A blonde guy wearing a puka shell necklace like he’s on Hawaii Five-0 points to a beach volleyball net that’s just been vacated, and you and your friends follow him. 
It’s two versus two; Muscles is serving as a referee for this game. You and Puka Shell are on a team, and Long Hair and the only other girl in your group stand on the other side of the net. You serve, the girl returns it, Puka Shell lobbies it to you, and you spike it back, surprising yourself. 
Eddie clenches his fist until he feels the ice cream cone begin to break when your teammate wraps his arms around you in a hug. Jesus H. Christ, whatever happened to high-fives? But he knows that he’d envy any little touch these guys got from you. 
He tries to distract himself, asking Ryan if he’s excited for his birthday, but he’s only half-listening. 
“What do you want for a gift?” he asks, raising his eyebrows when his sons look at him curiously. “What?”
“I just said I wanted a new Lego set,” Ryan says. He’s not annoyed, just confused. “Are you feeling okay, Daddy?”
“Maybe he has scurvy,” Luke suggests, “like the pirates in that movie we watched.”
“‘M fine,” Eddie reassures them. It takes a second for him to register what Luke’s suggested. “Did you just say I had scurvy?”
There’s no time for Luke to elaborate—not that Eddie necessarily wants him to—before your joyous squeal filters through the air. It seems as though you and Puka Shell won the game, because he’s twirling you around triumphantly. 
Does she want him picking her up? Touching her? Eddie’s inner monologue runs wild. Okay, she’s laughing and smiling, so that’s good. She’s fine with it; yeah, so that’s fine. Everything’s fine. We’re all fine here. She’s with her friends, I’m a married man here with my kids, and that’s all there is to it. 
The whistle and boom of the first firework lighting the sky is a welcome distraction. Ryan lets out a gasp as he stares in awe of the red shooting through the dark sky. Luke scoots backwards and plops himself in Eddie’s lap. He leans against Eddie’s chest and lays his head back on his shoulder as he becomes engrossed in the spectacle. It’s been a while since Luke’s sat in his lap like this, so it brings a smile to Eddie’s face. 
Mixtures of red, white, and blue fireworks crackle through the air, occasionally making shapes other than the usual spherical pattern that shimmies down. Eddie looks over at Ryan, who has a bright grin on his face. The red firework currently popping off leaves a scarlet shadow behind on his older son’s face. Beyond Ryan, Eddie glimpses a view of you watching the fireworks. You’re still with your friends, but you’re sitting a little bit in front of them with your legs crossed and your elbows resting on your knees. There’s a peaceful joy on your face and it makes Eddie’s heart give a few thumps harder than usual. Your friends behind you are talking but you couldn’t seem to care less about what they’re saying. You’re solely focused on the show in the sky. Eddie looks back at his kids and sees them just as mesmerized by the bursting colors. Luke snuggles back against his chest and Eddie is filled with warmth. He wraps his arms loosely around Luke and rests his head against his son’s smaller one as he looks up and joins in watching the celebration. 
By the time the fireworks are done, Eddie’s pretty sure his hearing is damaged. Didn’t I used to play in a metal band? Jesus, I’m getting old. Luke springs up from his dad’s lap and Ryan stands up and stretches his arms out over his head, releasing a long yawn. 
“How was that?” Eddie asks as he collects the beach towels they had been sitting on.
“So cool!” Luke says, jumping as if to emphasize his point. 
“I like the ones that make the fizzy noises as they go out,” Ryan says as he picks up the empty Burger King bag and balls it up in his hands. 
“My favorite are the ones that go pheeeeew,” Luke attempts to mimic the whistle, “then BANG!”
“What about you, Daddy?” Ryan asks. 
“Hmm,” Eddie hums as he considers the question. “The ones that were shaped like circles. They looked pretty cool. Okay, now come on and take my hands, guys. It’s gonna be like a stampede getting out of here.” Eddie tucks the towels under one arm and offers a hand to each son. 
They only make it about five steps before Luke is groaning. “It’s going to take forever to—hey! Look!”
Both Eddie and Ryan turn their heads to look in the direction that Luke is pointing. Eddie’s heart stalls in his chest. Luke’s grinning from ear to ear as he notices you walking with your friends. Ryan gives a gasp of delight when his eyes land on you as well. 
“I’m gonna go say hi!” Luke exclaims, and he’s already halfway to you before Eddie can even open his mouth. 
“Luke, I—ugh, shit.” Eddie mumbles the last part under his breath as he leads Ryan by the hand over to you and your friends. Luke is already in your arms by the time they get there. 
“And then the red one went higher than all the others! And I think it had the loudest boom, too,” Luke is saying. You look up and the brightest smile lights up your face as you see Eddie and Ryan standing there. 
“Hey, strangers,” you greet and Ryan dives in for a hug. You chuckle and wrap your arms around him too. 
Long Hair is standing to the side, slightly closer to Eddie than he is to you, and the rest of your friends are behind you. He gives a small chuckle at the intensity of the hugs the kids give you before turning to Eddie and saying, “You want a hug, too?”
You jab Long Hair in the ribs with your elbow, but that only makes him chuckle more and wrap an arm around you to pull you back against him. This time, Eddie notices, you don’t have the same enthusiastic grin that you had earlier in the evening. It takes everything in his power not to pry you from his arms. 
“I’ll see you guys on Monday, yeah?” you ask the Munson men, desperate to fill the silence. 
“Usual time and place,” Eddie says. The words would usually be accompanied by a wink or a smirk, but something about being around these college guys is grating on his nerves and it’s the closest he’s felt to being intimidated since he was a senior in high school—the first time. 
“Bye!” both boys call and wave at you before walking away with their dad. You wave in return, but it looks pitiful compared to their enthusiastic ones. 
As soon as they’re out of earshot, you pull out of your friend's arm and spin around to face him. “Peter, do you ever shut up?”
“Calm down,” Peter says, exhaling a sound that’s a mixture of a laugh and a scoff. “This guy’s old enough to be your dad.”
Tony smirks and rests a muscled arm on Paul’s shoulder. “Maybe she’s into the whole ‘daddy’ thing.”
The eye roll you give them is involuntary. “You guys are assholes!” 
Turning on your flip flop heel, you spin in the other direction and jog a bit until you catch up with Eddie and the boys. 
“Hey! Where are you going?” Paul asks.
A soft, gentle hand lands on Eddie’s shoulder and he looks back to see you offering him an apologetic smile. 
“I’m sorry if my friends were weird…and I’m sorry if I’m making this weirder.”
Eddie’s entire demeanor changes; despite having to watch you flirt with those douchebags—and then being mocked by them—he can’t help but soften towards you. “Nah, Sweetheart, you’re good. Be safe tonight, okay?” Be safe? Seriously, Munson? What are you, her grandpa?
You don’t seem to notice the way he bites his tongue, trying to quell the surge of embarrassment. “I always am,” you say reassuringly. “See you Monday?”
Eddie nods as you turn around to head back to your friends, utterly oblivious to the way your natural beauty outshines the brightest firework tonight. You’re everything he could ever want, but you’re young and gorgeous with a million better prospects than an old married man. 
He takes one last look at you before he brings the boys to the car. The passenger seat is empty, and he wears a sad smile when he thinks about you sitting there, excitedly chatting with him and the kids about the evening. Eddie would rest his hand on your thigh while he drives back home, and once Ryan and Luke are sound asleep, you and Eddie could make some fireworks of your own. 
Shaking his head, Eddie pulls out from the parking spot and braces himself for the holiday traffic. He grumbles some swear words under his breath, flicking on the radio to the first station that doesn’t have commercials. 
“…say I’m not so tough, just because I’m in love with an uptown girl.”
He leans back in his seat and taps out the rhythm on the steering wheel. Funny, he’s never really been a Billy Joel fan, but something about this song reminds him of—
“Dad! Luke’s looking at me!”
“He looked at me first!”
“Both of you close your eyes,” Eddie orders. He can’t see whether or not they listened, but the squabbling stopped, so he’ll consider it a victory. 
“Uptown girl, she’s my uptown girl…”
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879 notes · View notes
frickingnerd · 5 months
things denki does, that make you fall in love with him even more
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pairing: denki kaminari x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, comfort, mention of reader & denki wearing a dress
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denki wears matching outfits with you! you just have to ask him and he's immediately on board with it! you have a great taste in fashion and he fully trusts you to pick the best looking clothes for the two of you!
denki isn't afraid to do more feminine things! if you're sick but you really need to buy a dress for an upcoming event, denki is going to go shopping for you instead and even tries on the dresses you like, to show you how they would look when being worn!
denki lets you play with his hair! whether you're just ruffling through his hair or if you're braiding it, he lets you do whatever you want, if it makes you happy!
denki gives you the silliest nicknames! he'll mix together a ton of conventional and unconventional nicknames and ends up calling you things like his sweet little honeycomb or his bubbly sunshine angel
denki brings you take out when he's out with the boys! whenever he's out with bakugou, kirishima and sero, he'll make sure to grab something to eat for you! no matter how late at night it is, he'll always come home with a burger, a bag of fries or some chicken nuggets!
denki sends you "do you still love me? 👉🏻👈🏻🥺" messages! no matter how long you've been dating him, he's still asking you for reassurance, to make sure you're still in love with him and that you didn't suddenly decide to find him annoying–
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283 notes · View notes
rhoorl · 4 months
Turbulence | Part 4
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Pairing: Frankie x reader (will turn into an OFC)
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 Link
Word Count: 7k (sorry!)
Summary: The conclusion of this little arc. These two enjoy the rest of their weekend.
Warnings: MDNI. Alternating POVs. Some angst and some fluff. Nervous Frankie. Allusion to a previous bad relationship (infidelity). Swearing. Unprotected P in V. Oral (f receiving - duh, it’s Frankie).
A/N: Apologies for the delay! This ended up being a lot longer than I intended. I thought about breaking this up into two parts but I think it’s just better as one. This is my first time writing Frankie smut so I’m a bit nervous (although it's not the main focus of this chapter). 
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 “Ok and if we can get one more with the whole bridal party!” 
Bless the photographer and her assistant because wrangling this group is akin to herding cats.
“Your boy here yet?” Ash muttered through their smile as we all posed for a series of shots.
“Yup, just got a text,” I said, trying to conceal my smirk as Ash slapped me on the ass. 
“Hell freaking yeaaaah!”
Once we finished with the photos, I walked up to Carol and hugged her. She told me to have fun and gave me a knowing look, confusion etched on Dave’s face. Truth be told, her reassurance made me feel better about slipping out.
I spotted Mom and Aunt Lydia already at the bar, so I told Ash to cover for me should they ask where I went. 
“Have fun!” Ash winked as I grabbed my things and made my way out of the venue, trying to keep a steady pace when all I wanted to do was sprint out of there so I could see him.
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Frankie didn’t quite know what he should do. Get out of the truck, walk up to the aquarium, and wait? Stay put in his truck? Seeing a couple of men dressed in suits smoking outside, he suddenly remembered how casually he was dressed and felt a bit self-conscious. It didn’t feel right to just sit in his truck scrolling on his phone waiting for her; it made him feel like he was just there with one thing in mind…although that was on his mind.
He took a deep breath and decided to get out of the truck, figuring he’d stand in front of it and lean onto the hood as he waited. It only took a few moments before he saw her walking out of the building with a bag in tow. His breath caught in his throat seeing her in person again.
“Hey,” she raised her hand for a small wave as she scurried across the parking lot toward him.
“Hey,” his hands twitched at his sides as he pushed himself off the truck. It only took a few steps to close the distance between them. When he reached out she slotted perfectly into his arms, just like she did at the airport. He breathed in her scent, feeling her arms tighten around his neck.
He pulled back, appreciating her beauty while trying to be respectful. He couldn’t help as his gaze quickly flitted down her body before finding her eyes which he loved so much. She twirled the ends of his curls between her fingers as he softly chuckled, “You…look beautiful. Way better than the picture.” She feigned offense and giggled as Frankie tried to recover. “Shit, I mean, the picture was nice…it was great…fuck…” he shook his head. “Can I start over?”
“I know what you meant Frankie, I’m just giving you a hard time,” her nose crinkled as her arms trailed down his shoulders, rubbing his biceps. 
“Ha oh,” he blushed.
“So…BB-8 huh?” She pulled at the hem of his T-shirt.
“Yeah,” he rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Another one of Pope’s ideas….so, you ready to head out? You sure you’re ok to leave, I don’t want some bridezilla coming after me.”
“No, Frankie, it’s all good. So…I believe we were between pizza and burgers right?”
“Yup…your choice.”
“Hmm,” he couldn’t help but notice how cute her nose looked scrunched up in thought. “I think pizza.”
“Perfect, I was kinda hoping you’d say that,” he winked. “You need to change or anything,” he motioned to her bag.
“Oh, nah…I paid a shit ton for this dress, I’m keeping it on as long as I can.”
Frankie coughed as his throat went dry. He knew she meant that innocently but his mind wandered and he could feel his face getting red. 
“You ok, Frankie?”
“Um...y-yeah…all good. Here get in,” he walked around to the passenger side, opening the door for her.
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I couldn’t get over how cute he looked…and hot…I can’t forget that part. Hugging him felt like I was being embraced by the coziest blanket and it took everything in me to let go. 
By all accounts, Frankie was still a stranger to me and here I was getting into his truck and going who knows where. I’ve spent far too many hours listening to true crime podcasts to know all of the red flags dotting this situation. But with Frankie, I felt…safe. I really can’t describe it other than it’s just a feeling. 
He said he had a place in mind but it was a bit of a drive. Honestly, he could have told me we were driving the few hours to Miami and I would have been fine with it. He was so easy to talk to and I loved watching him drive. My eyes tried to not linger on his hand gripping the steering wheel as I took note of how thick his fingers were. 
He filled me in on his day which included a cast of characters that sounded like they were plucked out of a TV show. I loved hearing him laugh and the way his eyes crinkled as he talked about his friends was adorable. We were so engrossed in conversation that I hadn’t realized we were on the causeway until we were about halfway across the water.
“Are we going to Clearwater?” I looked over at him, a little sly smirk coming across his face.
“Yeah…shit, I didn’t even ask if it was ok to go this far. Sorry, I-”
“Frankie,” I reached over and put my hand on his arm, “it’s ok. I just hadn’t been paying attention to where we were,” I chuckled, my hand running down his forearm to rest on top of his hand on the center console. I quickly patted it, wincing internally at my awkwardness, and returned my hand to my lap.
We sat in comfortable silence as I stared out the window taking in the views. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Frankie bite his lip as he moved his right hand to hover over my leg. He hesitated for a moment and then rested his hand just above my knee. It felt like an electric current went through my body – not only was he touching me but his hand was close to my…
“Is this ok?” He turned his head giving me the most adorable puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “This is ok, Frankie,” I put my hand on top of his, rubbing circles with my thumb. He started to visibly relax and it made me feel warm.
We spent the rest of the way chatting about random things, his hand firmly planted on my leg. I could tell he was starting to feel more comfortable when his hand traveled up and down my thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb. I wished I didn't have all of the fabric on because I yearned to feel his rough calloused hands on my skin. 
There was this intriguing duality to him. On the one hand, I knew these hands could exact some level of violence. I’d be kidding myself if I didn’t realize that he’s probably severely hurt people before. But at the same time, there was a softness to his touch, like he wouldn’t hurt a fly. I felt a slight shiver as his fingers skimmed across the satin of my dress. As strong and capable as his hands were at piloting an aircraft I imagined they were equally capable of pulling countless pleasures too. The thought made me squirm a bit as I tried to steady my breath.
“You ok?” He turned his head to look at me.
“Y-yeah, I’m good,” I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Ok good, we’re almost there.”
Next thing I knew, we pulled up to some hole-in-the-wall pizza joint that he swore up and down was the best pizza on the West Coast of Florida. I caught some funny looks thanks to my floor-length gown from the guy behind the counter who I learned was the owner. He and Frankie knew each other so we jumped the line of to-go orders waiting to be made.
In no time at all Frankie scooped up a bag full of styrofoam containers along with a pizza box. We stopped off at a convenience store to grab a six-pack of beer…again my overly formal attire drew some heads from the casual locals and swimsuit-clad tourists. 
Once we had everything, Frankie reassured me we were close to our ultimate destination but I was in no rush. When he finally backed into our parking spot, he looked over and stopped me as I started to unbuckle my seatbelt. “Can you stay here for a sec…please?”
I cocked my head to the side, curious what he was up to. “Sure…”
“Ok cool…don’t go eating the garlic knots yet,” he quipped. “And ah…close your eyes. I’ll be quick I promise.”
I smirked as I closed my eyes, straining to hear what he was up to. He opened the back door, some rustling as he found something before closing the door. The truck rocked a bit. Eventually, I heard the crunch of gravel underneath his boots as he opened my door.
“Ok, you can open your eyes.” 
My eyes fluttered open as he reached for the food I was guarding in my lap. He offered his hand to help me get out of the truck.
“What do you have up your sleeve?” I raised my eyebrows. 
He led me around the truck and I felt the butterflies start to flutter around in my stomach. There was a maroon and white plaid blanket laid across the bed of his truck. It was a bit tattered and looked like it had seen better days. At the back, there were two matching pillows. 
“It’s not fancy, but I figured we could eat and watch the waves. The sunset is the best here.” He stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, rocking a bit from side to side as he looked down at his feet.
My breath hitched as I took it all in. This was such a sweet gesture and I was honestly impressed by the thought.
“Is this ok? Sorry, if I had more time I would have…”
“This is perfect.”
He looked up at me with the sweetest smile and offered his hand for me to climb in.
“You looking for an excuse to check out my ass Frankie?” I smirked, noticing his blush as I hopped up, shuffling in and putting one of the pillows behind me as I rested against the back of the truck.
Frankie followed, crawling up to sit next to me. He grabbed a couple of bottles from the six-pack, twisting off the tops and handing one of them to me, “Cheers!”
“Sorry, it’s not cold..”
“Frankie, stop apologizing. This is…perfect. I just wanted to see you again, it didn’t matter what we were doing, so this is icing on the cake.
I could see the tension leaving his body as he made quick work of laying out all of the food. It was quite the spread and definitely too much for just the two of us. We chatted and grazed and things never felt awkward, even during those quiet moments. It also wasn’t lost on me that Frankie had drifted closer and closer to me. His outstretched leg now pressed up against mine, I could feel the heat radiating between us and all I wanted to do was curl up next to him.
As the sun set, I felt a wave of melancholy wash over me. It suddenly hit me how finite time was this weekend. The sun chasing the horizon was a visual of the hourglass in my mind counting down the hours I had left in this dream.
“Hey, you alright?” Frankie reached for my hand as he turned to face me.
I nodded, managing a weak smile. 
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Frankie felt like he was being pulled in two directions. On the one hand, he wanted to spend more time with her and see where this night was headed. But at the same time, he wanted time to stand still because the more hours they spent together the closer they were to her inevitable departure. 
It felt like a cruel joke. The moment he starts to feel…something…anything…and it’s a situation with logistics. Distance hadn’t worked well for him in the past seeing as how his ex’s cheating started while he was away on a mission. 
For so long he blamed distance for the demise of their relationship. In hindsight, he knew there were more issues than just the time apart, but it still was a reason. If he had a job that didn’t force him to be gone for months at a time on covert, highly classified missions maybe things would have been different. If he had picked a line of work that didn’t give him nightmares and so much anxiety that he had to resort to increasingly dangerous ways to silence the voices maybe things would have been different. If he wasn’t so fucked up every time he was home he would have seen the warning signs long before…
Frankie had been so caught up in his own spiral that he hadn’t noticed her energy shift. She too looked deep in distant thoughts of her own.
“Hey, you alright?” He turned, reaching for her hand to ground himself in her touch.
She nodded and he could tell she was putting on a brave face. He wished he knew the right thing to say but he was so conflicted. This was too good to be true right? It was clearly destined for failure because things this good didn’t happen to him. He’d done too many bad things in his life to be rewarded with someone like her.
But as he searched her eyes, he felt a sense of comfort. He couldn’t explain it. So much of this whole situation seemed ripe for heartbreak but he couldn’t stop the freefall he was in. There was a sliver of hope that this … that she…may have been worth it all. 
His eyes trailed down to her lips and his palms twitched because he so desperately wanted to kiss her. To hold her close to him for fear she’d disappear. His mind quickly cycled through thoughts of what kinds of sounds he’d be able to pull from her, how she’d taste, or how her body would look writhing underneath him.
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Our gazes stayed locked on each other for what felt like an eternity. We were both nervous to make a move. But as Frankie’s mouth curled up into a small half smile I saw the cutest dimple form and leaned forward without thinking too much about it. Our lips met and the kiss was soft and a bit tentative, like we were both seeking permission from one another. He pulled back, looking down and swallowing hard before his eyes rose to meet mine.
“Was that ok?”
“Yeah Frankie,” I whispered.
“Ok, good,” he cupped my face as he smiled into another kiss. 
It didn’t take long before his tongue licked along my bottom lip, prompting me to open my mouth for him. I could still feel him holding back a bit, so I wanted to show him it was ok. I lightly nipped his lower lip before taking it between my teeth for more of a tug. As he let out a low growl, my hands rested behind his neck, twirling the chocolate curls that peeked out from beneath his cap. I forgot where I was and swung my leg over to straddle him as his hands came to my hips. His grip tightened as I let out a small moan, slightly rocking into his lap. In the distance, some whoops and whistles broke us out of our little bubble. 
“Looks like we have company,” Frankie smirked, motioning behind me with his chin while adjusting his hat.
I slowly turned, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks as I remembered we were in public. A group of teenagers waved back at us snickering and whistling. I immediately turned around, burying my face into Frankie’s neck as he laughed. “I’m not gonna lie, I kinda forgot where we were for a sec.” 
I could feel the laugh in Frankie’s chest as I stayed nuzzled against him, the stubble of his beard running along my hairline as he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.
“How about we um….get out of here?” I couldn’t even say it without laughing. “I’m sorry that sounded so cheesy!”
“It’s ok…if you weren’t going to say it I was,” he winked. “C’mon,” he tapped my hip, “let’s get you back.”
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The closer Frankie got to her hotel, the more his anxiety spiked. He didn’t want to assume anything, but he desperately wanted the night to keep going. Kissing her felt like a fog clearing and she was the sun shining through it. 
He kept his hand on her thigh the whole ride back, again grounding himself in the fact that she was real. As he pulled into the hotel, she reached for his hand. “D’you wanna drop it off with valet?” 
“Um, yeah sure….ah…” Frankie blushed at his next thought before he shook his head and decided to just go for it. “How long am I staying?”
“As long as you want,” she leaned over and kissed the bare patch in his beard, sending an electric pulse down his body.
A valet came up on either side of the truck, opening the doors. 
“Hi sir, ah checking in?” The young man asked as he took Frankie’s keys. 
“Ah no, put it on room 1802,” she called from the other side of the truck as the valet wrote it down on a slip and handed it to Frankie. 
“Oh one sec,” Frankie opened the back door, pulled out a backpack, and slung it over his shoulder. “Ok.”
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I narrowed my eyes as Frankie rummaged through the back seat of his truck and pulled out a backpack. It made me wonder - is this something that he does a lot? 
He seemed to sense my confusion as he came around the truck and took my hand to lead me through the lobby. “I ah, I stay at my friends’ house a lot, so I started keeping a backpack with a change of clothes,” he laughed. 
“So you were tired of doing the walk of shame from your friends’ house huh?” I quipped as we made it over to the elevators.
“Ha ha. Very funny,” he grinned, that little dimple making another appearance.
We got in the elevator with a few others. Frankie held me in front of him, one hand on my hip as he quickly shot a text off. 
“Texting Pope, you know…in case something happens he knows where I am,” he laughed as I feigned offense. “It’s not every day I go to a beautiful woman’s hotel room,” he whispered in my ear, his warm breath making goosebumps form on my skin. 
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Frankie felt like he was on the longest elevator ride of his life. As he held her in his arms, he couldn’t help but discreetly press himself closer to her. When they finally reached the 18th floor, she led him by the hand to her suite, dropping it briefly as she fished out her room key.
“Presidential Suite huh,” he raised his eyebrows, looking impressed.
“I decided to treat myself,” she said as she led him into the living room. She dropped his hand and walked over to the large windows. “I didn’t realize I would have such a pretty view.”
“Neither did I,” he was right behind her, his breath ghosting down her neck, trailing soft, open-mouth kisses to her shoulder. His hands lightly caressed the straps of her dress.
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I instantly wanted his hands and mouth everywhere at the same time. I leaned my head back against his shoulder as he kissed just below my ear. He pressed himself closer to me and I could feel him already getting hard which instantly made me tingle with anticipation. I shifted a bit to press my thighs together as he ran his nose to the back of my neck, trailing kisses down to the zipper of my dress.
“I’m glad you’re still in this,” he said against my skin, his hands wrapping around my middle. 
“Why?” I whispered.
“Because I wanted to be the one to take it off. I’ve been thinking about what’s underneath all day.” 
I felt his length twitch as he said that, making me shiver. I turned my head to look back at him as he lifted his gaze, his eyes dark. “Well, go on,” I smirked. 
“Yes ma’am.” He started to undo the zipper, kissing down my neck as more of my skin was unveiled until I was standing there in my underwear.
I turned in his arms, pulling off his hat, dropping it to the floor as our lips found each other again. His arms drew me in, pressing me flush against him.
“You're so beautiful,” he managed to say between kisses, continuing to whisper more sweet things as I walked us back to the bedroom.
Before I knew it, I felt the back of my thighs meet the mattress. I sat on the bed to undo his belt and work on getting his jeans off. My mouth watered as my eyes followed the trail of hair from his navel down to his tented boxers. As I went to hook my fingers into the waistband, he cupped my chin and tilted my face up. 
“We can get to that, there’s something I want to do first,” his tongue swiped along his lower lip as he sank to his knees in front of me. “Is this ok?”
I nodded, “Y-yeah.” It had been a long time since I’d been intimate with anyone so I was feeling equal parts excited and nervous. 
He gave me the warmest smile as he brought his hands to rest on my thigh. He leaned up and kissed me, pushing me backward as his mouth blazed a trail down my body, making a couple of pit stops along the way. He stilled as he hovered over my belly button. 
His stubble tickled and I couldn’t help the giggles, clasping a hand over my mouth. The giggles were quickly silenced with a gasp as I felt his fingers curl underneath my underwear. I lifted my hips to help him work them off. The nerves suddenly kicked into high gear as I was left exposed.
Frankie sucked in a breath as I strained to look down between my thighs. What I saw was a man taking me in like I was the finest piece of art he’d ever seen. His eyes scanned all over as he brought his hands to my thighs, pushing my legs wider. 
“F-Frankie…if…if you don’t touch me I think I’m going to explode,” I giggled, gripping the sheets in anticipation. 
“Well, we wouldn’t want that,” he tutted with a pout which quickly turned into a smile. “Relax, mi cielo, I’m going to make you feel good.”
And holy shit he wasn’t lying. His tongue licked up my folds before finding its home on my clit with soft and steady undulations. I shuddered, tightening my grip on the sheets as his broad shoulders pushed my legs even further apart. I clenched my eyes shut, back arching as he picked up the pace. 
He murmured his praise as he continued to work me over. I lifted onto my elbows, catching him looking up at me through his eyelashes as he continued his feast. My eyes rolled back as he changed the pattern his tongue used to trace around me. I reached down to his hair, grabbing a fistful of hair and tightening my grip to bring him so close I worried for a split second that I may suffocate him. But that worry quickly dissipated as I heard him moan into me, his grip on my thigh no doubt leaving a bruise as his other arm laid across my stomach.
I bucked up into him, riding this wave of pleasure. I’d been with partners who enjoyed going down on me in the past, but I’d never experienced someone devouring me with this much enthusiasm and reverence. The hand on my stomach start to trail upwards, cupping my breast through the fabric of my bra. I wanted, no I needed, to feel his hand on my skin so I quickly reached back to unclasp the garmet and flung it off the bed. 
He brought both hands to palm my breasts, his thumbs brushing across my pebbled nipples. I snuck another look down and the image of my legs draped around his broad shoulders, his messy curls bobbing up and down was nearly enough to send me over the edge. I whimpered as he pulled off briefly to catch his breath, looking at me with a smirk as he grabbed the back of my thighs and brought me closer to him.
A few more flicks of his tongue as he groaned into me was all I needed as I tumbled head first into a sea of pleasure. He stayed with me as I worked myself down from one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever had. As I laid panting, legs splayed out and my body feeling boneless, he nuzzled against my thigh and kissed it.
“Fuck…” I sighed, ruffling his curls and twirling the strands that had fallen on his forehead.
“Yeah…” He chuckled, crawling up to lay down facing me. 
He looked beautiful, his hair all messy and his beard glistening from me, from what he just did. I also snuck a glance down, wanting to see what was waiting for me on the other side of the thin fabric. He cupped my cheek, kissing me tenderly and I could taste myself on his tongue. I deepened the kiss and moved to straddle him. 
“Can I take these off,” I looked down to the only thing separating us.
“Please, I need to feel you.” I bit my lip and reached down to pull his boxers down and off. 
Seeing him lying there, his cock hard and the beads of precum dripping off, threw me into an alternate dimension as everything ran by in a delicious blur. The stretch I felt as I lowered myself on him was intoxicating. 
He let me ride him for a bit before flipping me over, hitching one of my legs up, and hitting a spot so deep I didn’t even know it existed. He grunts, my moans, and the squelching sounds of our joined bodies were absolutely sinful. 
“You feel so good, baby,” he panted. “I’m not going to last much longer.”
“Good….neither…am…I…fuck,” I felt myself coming for a second time – something I haven’t achieved in longer than I care to remember. 
As I arched my back, Frankie’s rhythm sputtered as he came, falling forward to cage my head between his arms. He brought his forehead to mine, pressing a quick kiss to my nose as he rested his head next to mine, still panting. 
We stayed like that for a while. I traced my fingernails up and down his back, lightly scratching him, which he seemed to enjoy as he nuzzled his nose into my neck. He felt like the perfect weighted blanket. 
With a deep breath, he pulled out as I whined, feeling the emptiness. He laid down on his back next to me, pulling me in so I could curl into him. The early morning wake-up call coupled with the excitement and exertion made my eyes feel really heavy.
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I was pulled out of my slumber thanks to a ray of sunlight coming through the curtains I forgot to close last night. Behind me, I heard the sheets rustle as Frankie turned, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling my back flush against his chest. 
“Morning, mi cielo,” he kissed my shoulder. I giggled as his stubble tickled me. 
“Why sky?” I turned in his arms to face him, pushing some wayward curls off his forehead. 
“I don’t know…I guess…we got to know each other up in the sky. And it’s my favorite place, so it seems fitting,” his eyes softened and it made me feel giddy. “Sorry, that’s probably really cheesy.”
“No, it’s really sweet Frankie. I’ve never been called that before…I like it.”
We made out for a little bit and one thing led to another and he was back between my legs. I don’t even know which round we’re on as I lay panting and trying to catch my breath. 
My stomach betrayed me and grumbled; food was the furthest thing from my mind at this point. Frankie heard and laughed as he sat up, his sweaty curls clinging to the back of his neck as he got out of bed and grabbed his boxers and jeans.
“Where are you going?”
“Downstairs to get you something,” he winked. “How do you take your coffee?”
I crawl over to the side of the bed, sitting up on my knees and reaching for him. “We can just order room service.”
“I was planning on it for later,” he smirked, kissing me before he turned to head out to the living room to grab his backpack, grabbing a shirt from it. “Coffee?” he called over to me as he put it on.
“I take it black.”
“Makes sense…you’re already so sweet.” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Ok, I’ll be back.”
Once he left I searched around for something to wear. I spotted his BBB-8 shirt crumpled up in a ball on a chair and decided to put it on, loving how it hung on my frame. I laid back in bed, smiling to myself as I remembered parts of last night and this morning. My phone buzzed and I assumed it was Frankie asking a question about what I wanted, but instead, it was Ash.
Ash: Ok, but he’s hot AF in person. You must have had a LOT of fun last night based on how his hair looks 😉
What the fuck is happening?
Ash: Relaxxx. I’m down here taking a call. Almost didn’t recognize him without the hat.
Ash: Holy shit. He’s getting you breakfast? 
Ash: Aww it’s so cute. 
Ash: You must have worked up quite the appetite based on the amount of shit he’s getting.
Please don’t say anything to him.
Ash: I’m not. I’m being stealthy 
Ash: Ok lover boy is headed back up. 
Ash and I texted a bit more so I could get caught up on the wedding. Everything seemed to go to plan and Carol was beaming in the photos. It was so sweet to see the way Dave looked at her, his gaze reminding me of a certain pair of chocolate brown eyes that were now seared into my memory. 
Almost on cue, a knock at the door brought me back to the present. I rushed over to open it for Frankie. Ash wasn’t kidding, he brought the whole bakery upstairs with him along with a couple of large coffees. He inhaled sharply as he saw me – I’d forgotten I was wearing his shirt. 
“Damn, that looks really good on you,” he kissed my cheek as he walked in.
As we ate and sipped on our coffee we talked about plans for the day, deciding that we wanted to stay holed up in the room. Our conversation eventually came to a natural lull as I lay on Frankie’s chest, his hand trailing up and down my arm. It wasn't awkward or anything, it was time for both of us to just think. My mind drifted from being giddy and excited that I’d get to spend the whole day, and hopefully another night, with Frankie, to feeling deflated by the fact that in less than 24 hours I’d be boarding a plane back home.
“What are you thinking about?” He broke the silence, nudging me with his knee. I shook my head, nervous about sounding too needy. “C’mon, you can tell me.”
“It’s just…what happens next?” I winced, unable to look at him.
He paused for a moment before taking my hand, “What do you mean?”
“I mean this…us…I…no pressure or anything, but I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you Frankie. And I know I’ll be far away and I totally get it if you just wanted this to be a weekend thing and I-”
“Hey. I’ve enjoyed spending time with you too…I haven’t had this much fun in a really long time and you’re easy to talk to,” his soft smile instantly warmed my heart. “Here I was wracking my brain trying to figure out a way to not have you run but the truth is, I don’t want this to end here. I want to keep getting to know you and like no pressure or anything, but if you decide you want to come back down here to visit or have me come up there, I’d do it. Whatever you want.”
I paused for a moment, shocked by his candor but relieved that it seemed like we were on the same page. Taking a deep breath, I turned to him. “I’d like that.”
“So don’t think of it as a goodbye. We can figure it out. Have you ever done a long-distance thing before?”
I shook my head. “If I’m being honest, I haven’t really ever been in a…uh…” I didn’t want to label ourselves as in a relationship but that’s how I saw it.
“You haven’t?”
“No…it always seemed like no one was ever really wanting that, like they’d lose interest after a date or two. Eventually, I ended up getting busy with work and stopped caring.”
“Well, I’m very…uh…interested,” he chuckled. 
“Good me too,” I leaned over and kissed him.
We spent the rest of the day lazily in bed watching movies, making out, having a little extra fun, and even taking a little nap too. Frankie stayed true to his promise and we did order room service later, followed up by a shower. I was so thankful I sprung for this suite for that shower alone. 
It was so nice to have just a chill day, but it made me a bit sad that I wouldn’t be able to spend next Sunday doing the same thing. As the hours stretched into the evening and the sun started to set I reluctantly started packing. Frankie sat at the foot of my bed watching me flit around the suite.
“How are you getting to the airport tomorrow?” He asked as I zippered up the carry-on.
“Ah actually…I was hoping maybe you could take me?”
His face lit up. “I’d love to. We should probably get to sleep, you have an early flight.” 
Sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to savor every last moment I had with him and not squander it away by being asleep. Sex with Frankie was everything I ever wanted and unlike anything I’d ever had. He was caring and tender but passionate and decisive. I didn’t want to say it out loud to him but he officially ruined all other men for me; he was now the standard. 
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The alarm startled Frankie from his unusually deep sleep, annoyed that the morning came so quickly. But then again, that’s what happens when your night stretches into the early hours. Even though they’d both established that this morning wasn’t going to be a goodbye, he still felt uneasy. 
Right now they were in a little bubble and riding high off of the oxytocin and basking in the afterglow. What lay ahead was going to be difficult – finding ways to stay connected with each other, working the other person into their life from afar. He already knew what Pope was going to say, no doubt telling his friend to be cautious and guard his heart. 
But as she turned around and faced him, cupping his face and stroking the bare patch on his beard, he just knew. He’d never felt so sure about anything in his life. She made him want to try. To open his heart back up again. To unlock a part of himself he thought was gone forever. 
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I had to rush a bit to get out the door, thanks to Frankie who was very eager to show me how much he was going to miss me – not that I was complaining.
He held my hand the entire drive to the airport, trying to quell my flight anxiety along the way. The weather was beautiful so he assured me that it should be a smoother ride than our trip down.
As we approached arrivals, I felt a pit in my stomach. Truth be told, I was scared. Scared that this may be it. Scared that he may change his mind, and that this would be too difficult given his past experiences. He'd clued me in on some of the issues with his past relationship but I just know there's more there to uncover.
Sure, we talked about staying in touch, but what if my definition of “staying in touch” was different from his and I ended up scaring him off? I already knew I would be overthinking it all. But even amidst all of that uncertainty, there was a little voice telling me it was going to be ok.
His grip on my hand tightened as he pulled up to the curb to park.
“This sucks.” He dragged his other hand down his face before turning to face me. “Is it weird if I'm already trying to figure out when I could come up?” The relief I felt hearing him say that must have been more visible on my face than I thought because he chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss me. “I take it that it's ok?”
“Yes Frankie, more than ok.”
The whistles from the guards directing traffic pulled us back to reality. Frankie hopped out, jogging around the truck to help me with my bag before gently setting it on the ground.
I crashed into him, wrapping my arms around his mid back and pressing my face into his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head as we stayed like this, neither of us wanting to be the first one to pull away. 
“Hey boss, imma need you to move this,” a man behind me grunted to Frankie.
“Yeah, I'll be a second.” Reluctantly, he pulled away from me but still kept me in his arms. “I'm not saying goodbye ok? Because you're going to text me when you get through security and you're going to send me a picture of that spicy Bloody Mary Mac is going to make you,” he chuckled. “And you'll tell me when you get on the plane and I'll tell you how Benny's training goes.”
“And then I'll tell you when I land,” I reached my hands to rest behind his neck, playing with his hair. “And you'll fill me in on whatever else you boys have planned for today,” I winked.
“So it's not a goodbye.”
“Nope, not at all,” I smiled into a kiss he quickly deepened. People around us be damned, I couldn't help the moan that escaped as he pulled me closer to him.
Another whistle from the cop and we laughed, holding each other for one last second before pulling apart. Frankie handed me my bag, cupping my chin.
“I'll talk to you soon mi cielo. You're going to have a safe flight.”
“I'll miss you,” was all I could squeak out as I bit my lower lip. I'd been feeling the tears quelling up since we checked out of the hotel and I was nervous they’d finally spill over.
“I'll miss you more,” he kissed me again. “Now, you have to go otherwise my truck is gonna get towed,” he chuckled.
I kissed him one last time before I grabbed my things and walked towards the sliding automatic doors. Turning around I caught one last glimpse of Franke, scratching the back of his neck with one hand and giving a small wave with the other. 
I'd never been more thankful for TSA Pre-Check. The lines were long and my goodbyes with Frankie stretched longer than I thought. Once I got through security, I quickly bought my water and magazine and walked over to the bar to see Mac.
“You're late! Musta been a good weekend missy,’ he winked. 
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, “that obvious huh?’
“For a second there I thought you might miss your flight. But here I made you something, on me,” he winked, handing me a white Styrofoam cup. 
I took a sip and chuckled. “Is this even legal?”
“Well, don't take it on the plane with you. Figured you could sip on it while you're waiting to board. I can't have you walk by my bar and not get your Bloody Mary.”
“Thanks, Mac. Sorry I can't chat much this time.”
“Oh, I think we'll be having plenty of chats. You have a safe flight missy, I'll see you soon.”
I thanked Mac and said my goodbyes as I walked over to my gate, arriving just as boarding started. With one last big sip, I threw the drink in the trash and boarded my flight. I headed straight for the wing, remembering how Frankie said it was the smoothest ride.
My mind raced through the whirlwind of a weekend I had, smiling at the memories made and those I hoped were to come. I fired off texts to Ash and my mom to let them know I was alive and on the plane. Ash quickly responded and I knew I'd spend the whole drive from the airport to the office filling them in on the weekend.
Then I went to my thread with Frankie. Scrolling through it to see how our chain started, remembering that I saved my number in his phone as Wifey. The photo of him in bed reminded me of the soreness between my legs and I could practically feel his curls as I balled my fist.
“Ma'am, we're going to need you to turn off your phone,” the flight attendant leaned over with a sweet, but firm tone.
I sighed and quickly typed up a message.
On the plane. Found a seat over the wings. I'll let you know when I land. ❤️
I kept my phone out of sight, waiting until the last possible second before I put it away. Frankie was probably still driving so I wasn't expecting a response. With a sigh I unlocked my phone and as I went to swipe the airplane mode on I got a text.
Frankie ✈️: Good girl. Have a safe flight, I miss you. 
And with that, I switched my phone off and stared outside the window with the biggest smile on my face.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! While this is the end of this arc, this isn’t the end for these two. They’ll get wrapped into Delta Landscaping  (my Triple Frontier AU). For those reading that series, you would have seen a mention in the last couple of episodes.
Tagging a few who may be interested based on comments/reblogs from the previous parts. I can remove you if you want: @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain  / @lwfics / @missladym1981 / @alltheseperfectimperfections / @anavatazes / @inept-the-magnificent / @weho2kcmo / @casa-boiardi / @undercoverpena / @survivingandenduring / @secretelephanttattoo / @sin-djarin / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @trulybetty / @mellymbee / @jessiejessworldsblog / @anoverwhelmingdin / @southernbe / @inthedarkestnight / @iloveenya / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @itspdameronthings / @all-the-things-2020 / @avastrasposts / @linzels-blog / @maried01 / @la-vie-est-une-fleur29 / @titabel
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 months
He's A Pretty One: Part 3 (Final)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary: You’re visiting your cousin in Hawkins for the summer and you meet his very pretty and very rebellious friend and bandmate.
Warning: smut - oral (male receiving)
Part 1 Part 2
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You watch in amusement as Eddie stuffs his face with burger and fries. You're sipping on your milkshake, occasionally stealing a fry or two from Eddie's plate to dip into your drink.
Eddie looks up, suddenly aware of your eyes on him. He sits up, quickly wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Sorry," he mumbles, still chewing his food.
You chuckle, "It's fine, Eddie. You're a growing boy. You need your food."
"Pretty sure I'm older than you, sweetheart," he says with a pointed look.
You shrug, "By a year."
"Still older," he takes a fry and tosses it at you, "Respect your elders."
You smirk and tilt your head to the side, "What if I don't? You'll spank me?"
Your gaze and comment makes Eddie squirm in his seat and you love it. You laugh with a shake of your head, "You're not used to that, are you?"
"To what?" he asks trying to look oblivious.
"People flirting back at you."
He licks his lips and looks down at his plate, "No, not really. I'm, uh, not well liked in this town." He murmurs, moving some fries around his plate.
You scoff, "Which is such bullshit. You're pretty and funny and a helluva guitar player."
Eddie blushes, "Yeah, well, most people in this town aren't like you."
You prop your elbows on the table, resting your chin against the palm of your hand, "And what am I like?"
"Bold. Hot. You don't give a shit about what others think."
You snort, "Living life caring what people think of you just hinders you from reaching your full potential."
"Yes! Exactly! Exactly!" Eddie looks at you with bright eyes like you hung up the moon, "God, where have you been all my life?" You chuckle and swipe another one of his fries.
You two chat for another hour before you two grow tired of diner's ambiance. Eddie pays for his meal and your milkshake, then you're both walking out of the diner. His hands are in pockets and watches as you head to the passenger door of his van, pausing to look at yourself in the sideview mirror and reapplying lipstick.
After smacking your lips together to make sure the color was evenly distributed, you look up to see Eddie watching you. You smirk and lean against his van, "You comin' or not, Pretty Boy?"
A grin makes its way onto his face as he fishes out his keys and unlocks the passenger's side. He opens it for you, holding his hand out like a gentleman. He rushes to the driver's side after you're settled.
"Alright, Van Halen, what's the next stop?"
"To the stars," he says with confidence as he starts up the van and Metallica continues to play.
You nod your head to the music, occasionally singing a lyric here and there as your view becomes a windy road and a shit ton of trees.
You pout at Eddie, "If you're taking me far away to kill me, I'm going to be so disappointed, Eddie."
He snorts, "Please. You'd definitely be the last girl standing in a horror film."
You shake your head, "Nah. I'd be the surprise kill. Throughout the entire film, I'd give off the vibe that I'll be the final girl until the slasher makes a sudden appearance and stabs me in the head or something."
Eddie looks at you with a cocked brow and you shrug, "This isn't the first time I've had this conversation with someone."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "God, you're perfect." You're thankful that it's dark so Eddie can't see you smiling to yourself as your cheeks heat up.
In total, the drive takes about twenty minutes. Your stop is at a cliff that overlooks a lake and forest. You step out and look up. Your jaw immediately drops.
"Holy shit. This is fucking amazing." The stars are twinkling in perfect view above you.
You turn to Eddie, his gaze already on you, "I've never seen anything like this."
"I like to come up here a lot."
"You bring other girls here too?"
He shakes his head, "Nope. You're the first girl I've ever brought here."
He shrugs, "I told you, people don't really like me in this town. Girls especially. They all think I'm a freak just because I don't conform to their preppy bullshit."
"I'd definitely have a crush on you if I went to your school."
"Like I said before, you're different than the people here." he gazes into your eyes softly and you feel a fluttering sensation inside you.
You clear your throat and turn away, "So, are we just gonna stand here or you got some blankets or something we can lay on?"
"Oh yeah! Hold on!" he rushes into the van, pulling out two blankets and laying one onto the grassy part of the cliff, while he wraps the other around you.
You both sit side by side taking in the view. You two sit in a comfortable silence for what feels like forever until you speak up, "So how come you come up here so often?"
"Just to think. To get away from it all," he gestures back towards the town, "It's a nice place to sit and think. People won't bother me here, won't give me shit just 'cause I listen to metal music and play D and D."
You shake your head disapprovingly, "I'm sorry these asshats don't see how awesome and cool you are."
He shrugs, "It's whatever. I'll be outta here soon enough. I'll have enough money to record my demo, I'll get signed, and I'll be off in California and eventually touring the world."
"And you already have your first groupie right here," you say with a proud grin and he cackles, "I fucking knew you liked our shit!"
You laughed with him, "I never said I didn't!"
Both of your laughter dies down and you two are staring at each other. With the moon light shining right down on you two, you could see as Eddie's eyes glance at your lips. You were done playing games. You pull him by the lapel of his vest and press your lips to his.
You could tell he was taken by surprise at first, but he immediately started kissing you back. His hands cup your face, holding you in place as he kisses you back. You're sitting in a weird position so you pull away so you straddle his legs.
"Is this okay?"
He looks at you with a lust filled haze, "Fuck yeah, it's okay. C'mere," he grabs you by the thighs and pulls you even closer to where you're now settled on his crotch. You can feel the hardening bulge under you.
You smirk, "All riled up from that?"
"Sweetheart, I've been trying not to pop a boner around you since I first saw you."
You cackle, "What a romantic thing to say, Eddie." he grins at you and pulls you in for another kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck while his hands rest on your hips. He squeezes when you give an experimental grind onto his clothed dick.
He pulls away with a gasp as you grind down on him away, "Keep doing that, I'm gonna cum in my pants."
"Okay," you push him onto his back and you crawl down his legs so you're face is near his crotch.
He gulps, "What're you doing?"
"You don't wanna cum in your pants. So cum in my mouth instead."
You can't help but laugh when you watch Eddie's eyes widen and jaw drop, "You serious?" he asks with a gulp.
"I can beg if you want," you draw circles over his denim clad bulge, "Please, Pretty Boy, can I suck your cock?"
"Fuck. Yeah. O-Okay," he's fumbling with the button of his jeans and you laugh, pushing his hands away, "Let me," you say. He watches you as you undo his jeans with ease, pulling them and his boxers down enough to pull out his cock. He's propped himself up by his elbows to watch you.
You giggle and it makes Eddie nervous, "What? What's wrong?"
"Even your dick is pretty, Eddie. What the fuck."
He snorts, "I've never heard of having a pretty dick before, but thanks. But, um, can you lend a guy a hand?"
"Oh, you're getting more than a hand, Munson."
You wrap your hand around his length and you hear Eddie let out a shaky breath. You look up at him with a smirk, "Now, don't let go too soon. Lemme work for it at least."
"I'll try."
You lean in and lick a stripe up the underside of his shaft. Eddie immediately falls onto his back again and lets out a loud moan, "Fucking shit," he mumbles and covers his mouth.
"Now don't get quiet on me, pretty boy. No one's around, lemme here how good my mouth makes you feel," you lower your mouth onto his tip and give a teasing suck.
"God fucking-you're not making this easy for me, sweetheart."
You smirk as you take more of him in, slowly bobbing your head up and down his length, your hand stroking him at the base.
You take as much of him as you can in your mouth before letting off with a gasp. You take him in your mouth again, head moving up and down faster this time.
"Fuck. Yes! Like that, baby! Just like that!" A hand goes to the back of your head and you let Eddie set the pace for you. You watch him through your lashes. His eyes tightly shut, teeth biting onto his lip. He hits the back of your throat and he moans loudly, "Shiiiit," you pull off him.
"You gonna cum for me, Pretty Boy? Hm? You wanna shoot your load down my throat?"
"Fuck, yes. Please. 'M so fucking close, baby."
"Give it to me, Eddie. Lemme have it," you mumble, taking him into your mouth again. Your mouth and hands working in tandem for his release. He's lightly thrusting into your mouth when suddenly feel him cumming down your throat. You keep your head still as he cums.
"Fucking shit!"
He lets out a long gasp and falls limp against the blanket. You giggle as you sit up, swallowing his load. He lifts his head to look at you and sees you smirking down at him.
"I've never cum so hard before."
You snort, tucking him back into his pants and moving to lay beside him, "I'm taking that as a compliment."
"Oh, it's definitely a compliment, baby. Shit, that was-it was-you're so-"
You place a hand over his mouth and say, "You're welcome."
You cuddle up to him, pull second blanket over the two of you. You both lay in silence staring up at the stars.
"Is-Was that a one time thing?"
You turn your head to him, "It doesn't have to be. Honestly, I really like you, Eddie. Just sucks that I'm only here for a few more weeks and then I'm heading back home."
He wraps an arm around and pulls you closer, "Guess we'll just enjoy it while we can. Deal?"
You nod, "Deal."
"That being said...can I eat you out?"
You snort, "Of course. But maybe in the van where it's comfier and warmer."
"Yeah. It's cold as fuck and I think my ass is numb."
You two immediately get up and collect the blankets, tossing them into the back where you settle and Eddie's immediately pulling your pants off.
Your time in Hawkins won't be long, but you're for damn sure it'll be the best time you've ever had because of a pretty boy named Eddie Munson.
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sweetstarart · 3 months
40 Wallace Wells Headcanons!!!
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He loves the band gorillaz! His current favorite songs are Dare, Dirty Harry, Rock The House and 5/4
He used to animate and draw in college but he hasn't really picked it up since then
He and Scott don't have much closet space, so they put some of their clothes in a kitchen cabinet. Scott is very scared Ramona will open it one day
When he eats burger He takes the pickles off and saves them for last. He does the same thing with shrimp pasta and also likes it most when there are 5 shrimp left over to eat. Scott thinks this is weird.
He's quite a powerful psychic, but since he's a beginner he has no idea how to utilize his powers. In the future, Old Wallace becomes one of the most powerful psychics in Toronto
Old Wallace's hair turned grey after what him and Mobile simply refer to as a "Psychic Mishap". This same mishap lead to him also needing very strong prescription glasses
He has 5 favorite colors, Green, Pink, Black, Teal and Red. If you ask which is his favorite, he'll usually cycle through 3 of those options before telling you he doesn't have a favorite
He scratches his knuckles when he gets nervous
He keeps his hands behind his back while doing this so people are less likely to notice
Sometimes he taps his fingers instead
Starting book 2, He's been taking French classes. He likes to say dumb things in French around the house that don't apply to whatever they're talking about, Scott is none the wiser
He likes turtles!
Although Wallace sometimes kicks Scott in his sleep, he can actually be fairly affectionate sometimes if he's feeling happy or lonely. Sometimes he hugs Scott in his sleep
Strangely enough, he doesn't do this to mobile until a few years into their relationship
Wallace used to have braces and acne in high-school. It is one of the very few things he's insecure about
He constantly forgets Young Neil's name and swears its either Francis or Dennis
Him and Other Scott have known eachother since they were kids but only became friends in high-school, when Wallace would stay over at his house from time to time
According to Scott and Other Scott, seeing Wallace win a drinking game is one of the most horrifying things they've ever seen
His record is 19 beers in 5 seconds
Oftentimes He wears a variety of Bracelets on his arm. His sweater usually obscures this, but they can be heard clanking together when he runs. When asked why he does this, he says he's "Matching with a friend"
His birthday is July 4th
He ran away from home during high-school, leading to him crashing at his friend's houses until he finally got an apartment
He frequently stayed with Scott, Other Scott and Roxy (until they stopped being friends towards the end of high-school)
Like the anime said, he let Scott crash at his place and he never left. At first, he figured since Scott let him stay over a week once, it only seemed fair to do the same. Soon a week turned into a month,but he couldn't bring himself to simply tell him to leave
He's somewhat of a pushover, but is too prideful to admit it (or embarrassed... who knows!)
He has tons of pride merch that he saves specifically for the month of May. Not June, because he "likes to stand out" (It's actually because when he started doing this, he got the month wrong)
He won a Ball point pen from a high-school drinking game. He calls it his most "prized possession" and he keeps it in a jewelry box alongside his bracelets
Scott is listed as "The first guy you should call if I ever get drunk and pass out bc he knows good and well he owes me a favor" on a list his frequent bartender asked him to make (Her name is Leni btw)
He and Gideon (the cat) would actually get along pretty well if they ever met
He and Gideon (the man) would not get along very well. But Wallace would find him extremely attractive in secret
He finds most of Ramona's exes attractive with the exceptions being Roxy and Kyle katayanagi
He passed his driving test while completely drunk. He woke up the next day and had no clue how to drive and couldn't even remember doing it until he found the license in the kitchen sink
He's had tons of flings, but never had an actual boyfriend until he met Mobile
He is so gay, that he litterally pukes rainbows
He thinks Stephen is hot. His only reason for not pursuing him is the fact that Scott made him promise to never make out with his friends
His favorite food is shrimp Alfredo
The reason Wallace makes bacon so often is because he bought it in bulk once as a dare from one of his friends. No clue what kind of bacon it was, but it expired a year from that day and the bottom shelf of his fridge was packed full of it for months
He always loses at rock paper scissors
He knows how to play piano
He has Hayfever
And... that's it! Except not really, I actually have way more!
But thats all I'm posting for now...
Thanks for reading!
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fianne-0123 · 5 months
hq headcanons <3 karasuno
Hinata genuinely cannot hate anyone; Not because he's incapable of doing so, but because he constantly sees and wishes for the best for everyone he comes across. (Even those that have wronged him.) (tears up) (BUT HE HATES PEOPLE JUST in very small degrees)
Kageyama is socially constipated, canon, but to the point where he kind of doesn't get jokes. Not because of the fact that he's socially constipated, but also because he's dumdum
Tsukishima makes homemade dino nuggets. I cant elaborate on this other than : he hates overly processed food and if he could make everything homemade, he would.
Kiyoko loves loves LOVES Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Miss Saigon, and basically? musical classics.
Yamaguchi loves burgers, fries, onion rings, wings, ranch, you name it. caww caww
Tsukishima & Yamaguchi had a nerdy thing in middle school where they would have full-blown conversations via chem symbols. AS IN: Yama: Tennessine Uranium Potassium^2 Iodine Iodine Sulfur Sulfur + T + Uranium Phosphorus Iodine Dysprosium - Y. Tsukki: stop talking shit about me damn.
UHH Yachi listens to baby metal!!
Asahi loves sweet and sour fish. He looks like he would.
Sugawara would eat salmon roe for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if his mum let him. This man also regularly eats grocery sushi and doesn't heat up his 7/11 onigiri.
Daichi in the Police force had tons of officers squealing over him, he peaked in adulthood.
Tanaka swears that if he weren't bald he wouldn't have managed to be with someone like Kiyoko and Kiyoko thinks that if Tanaka had hair, he'd look like even more of a mobster than he already does.
Nishinoya loveslovesLOVES! pokemon. He loves Pikachu but thinks he'll get no chicks if he shows it off so he discreetly (not really lol) shows off the fact that he likes Pikachu to his friends.
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@seemoreseymoursbay day 3! OC day
So in the episode 'Bad Tina' Zeke mentions that his dads girlfriend just had a baby, assuming that the dads gf he talks about in early seasons is Cheryl his step mom and that the father of that baby is Zekes dad we can also assume that Zeke has a very young half sibling. And I did go ahead and assume all those things so this is Zekes baby sister Cherish (Cherry for short).
Used the prompt wonder wharf
Im gonna talk some more about her under the cut bc im sure that will devolve into infodumping zeke lore/headcanons and i dont want anyone to get stuck scrolling past a wall of text
Interestingly she's the only oc i have that's part of a different piece of media rather than one of my own projects.
She's a spunky little toddler for sure she's always got tons of energy, she's extremely confident and fearless constantly running off when she sees something that excites her or to ask strangers questions. She has a big sweet tooth but also loves spicy foods, off the top of my head I don't think its been discussed in canon where Zeke is from originally but recently I've been thinking of him and his bio mom as being from louisiana (projection on my part my mom is from louisiana and bc I like Zeke as a chef and the food there is soo good) I love the idea that his mom taught him to cook the local dishes and that he makes them for Cherry. She dresses in a chaotic mix of her own love of bright, clashing rainbow colors and dingey hand-me-downs from Zekes childhood and from their other cousins. I definitely think Zeke has adhd and Cherry does as well.
I tend to draw her/think of her around age 2 1/2- 3 (so when zeke is 16ish) but in canon time she'd still be a newborn. I love the idea of Zeke with a young sibling he's portrayed in the show as being super caring, protective of and loyal to the people be cares about, and good with younger kids all of which read as big brother qualities to me and he's also mentioned wanting siblings hes closer too. (He mentioned having a 44 year old brother in Presto Tina-o but also has said his bio mom was pregnant with him at her prom which is probably just a continuity error with his throway lines but taken at face value makes his dad out to be a gross old creep which is my personal headcanon idk if there's anyone out there who are big fans of Zeke's dad and step mom but my headcanons do not paint them in a nice light so beware of that)
Based on pretty much everything Zeke has ever said about his family I get the impression that the adults in his life are pretty neglectful and irresponsible and definitely not super present (he rarely ever speaks about his dad I hc him having a job that keeps him away from the family most of the time probably something like trucking and Zeke has mentioned Cheryl being an alcoholic I also hc her as much younger than the dad maybe she's a bartender? I definitely see her having a nightlife kind of job also for reference picture her as a redhead with blue eyes and a lot of tattoos that's where cherry gets her eyes and freckles)
I believe with Cherry a lot of parenting responsibilities would be placed on Zeke and while i think he has qualities that are really well suited to that the parentification of an older sibling is not ok and would negatively impact him, I like the idea of him applying for a job at Bob's Burgers bc he needs a more stable way to provide financially than doing odd jobs around town and not only getting a job but also getting a support system and adults who care about him and his sister and their wellbeing. I think Bob would take Zeke under his wing and help him make himself and his education a priority (the belchers helping out with Cherry when they can so he can focus more on school and extra curriculars) and help him get into a culinary school after graduation. Linda would fall completely in love with her (we know how much she loves babies) and basically treat Cherry like she's her own grandbaby. They all babysit her when needed but Louise is her favorite babysitter and maybe person also she really looks up to Louise and likes to imitate her fashion style and the way she speaks, Louise would pretend that this annoys her but not so secretly finds it adorable.
Anyways clearly i could go on and on but ill just cut myself off there hope y'all like her!
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lupeloto · 1 year
Mickey & the Gallaghers 
hi, here are some little details that I like to headcanon about Mickey’s relationship with each of the Gallaghers:)
Mickey and Fiona
(this one may be a little far fetched, but they’re besties in my mind so shhhh)
So Fiona loves those trashy reality TV shows but can never get any of her family, besides Mickey, to watch them with her. They are fully invested and watch together almost every week when a new episode drops. They’ll sit on the couch and yell at the TV, bickering over whose side they’re taking in that episode’s big fight. Ian rolls his eyes, asking them why they waste their time on that bullshit, but quietly smile to himself as the two smack each other’s arms in an eruption of laughter every 5 minutes.
Mickey and Lip
Mickey is lowkey interested in Lip’s bikes and will ask him a ton of questions about it when they go over to his house for weekly family dinners. They’ll hang out in the garage for a bit while everyone else is inside. They’ll go riding together when Lip has an extra bike around that he is fixing up. Although Ian refrains from saying anything about it, it warms his heart to see his two favorite people like that.
They also both love Terminator, so they’ll watch it together and geek the fuck out over it. Every time after they watch it, they’ll both be quoting shit from the movie in the Arnold Schwarzenegger accent, which drives Ian crazy.
Mickey and Debbie
Mickey was always Debbie’s favorite of Ian’s partners. These two bicker amongst themselves all the time. Mickey will say some smartass shit he knows will get Debbie going and snicker on as she gets on her soapbox. However, they are literally best friends. They have the same sense of humor and when they ban together, it annoys the shit out of Ian, and they both love to annoy the shit out of Ian. 
She’ll help him cover up the occasional hickeys that Ian gives him. She has a ton of makeup and lots of experience in the area... Debbie will give him shit for having a hickey at his age and he’ll give her shit for being so well-versed in the world of covering up hickeys.
Mickey and Carl
Mickey and Carl are typical bros™️. They play all the same video games and smack talk the entire time. Carl will go over to Mickey and Ian’s place whenever they get some new version of a video game, so he and Mickey can play together. Things get heated and Ian has to tell them to shut the fuck up. 
They’ll get dinner (typically burger and fries) and Ian watches on in slight disgust as they both scarf down the food, have shotgun race, and then a burping contest. They are disgusting in the same way, and for some reason that warms Ian’s heart.
Mickey and Liam
Mickey will pick Liam up from school sometimes, they’ll typically get ice cream because Liam is the only one he knows who will still eat ice cream with him in the middle of the day in the dead of winter in Chicago. Liam struggles with math sometimes, and quickly discovers that Mickey is actually pretty good with numbers. All those drug runs/deals he dealt with when he was younger actually paid off in that department, making him pretty decent at math. Liam will ask him for help with his homework, and while Mickey will rephrase every question in terms of “okay of you have 3.25 pounds of meth and...” 
The other Gallaghers will look on, slightly in horror as Mickey goes on, but soon realize that he actually is making sense and helping Liam? They were surprised but didn’t ask questions. It became a regular thing when Liam was struggling in math class, he and Mickey would go get ice cream and work on his math homework.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 6 months
sbg sleepover hcs because I’m silly
Aiden brings a butt ton of junk food. Tyler balances it out with the healthy crap so they don’t get diabetes.
With a LOT of bargaining, and I mean a lot, they come up with hairstyles for Ashlyn. It’s only rarely she gives in, but it makes the sleepover worth while.
sleeps at Aidens house the most just cause it’s huge, and huge means lots of hiding spaces, and it also means getting lost easily (Taylor)
they have like scheduled calendars for each movie night on who gets to choose. It goes in some kind of order depending on who went first last time.
Aiden and Taylor choose the horror or drama movies, Tyler goes for comedy, believe it or not. Logan goes for any genre of sci - fi or fantasy (he also loves doctor who) , ben likes to put on musicals ( bless him) , and ash doesn’t have a preferred taste, but she really likes disaster movies ( and comedies with Tyler sometimes. Taylor also loves kids movies like trolls, MLP, uhhh idk any 😭)
aiden also puts on the weirdest things he could find. Put on human centipede once, got banned from picking movies for the next 4 nights
dinner ? They just order pizza or burgers. If they’re feeling adventurous, they make something together ( 60/40 chance of succeeding )
Probably do contests and play random board games. Aiden has a ton of them because he would play in his sad little room against himself when he was feeling energetic. ( help )
Tyler forgets his crap sometimes, so he just borrows from the others like a loser
They tell spooky stories at like 11pm just so when the clock hits twelve they drop down and become paranoid about everything
despite not speaking, Ben tells the best scary stories and it’s hilarious cause he’ll go out of his way and plant some fake audios around the house ( or ARE they ? 😦 )
ashlyn would keep her braids in no matter what, even if they keep getting stepped or rolled on or pulled or -
sleeping ? They plan on staying up after 12 ofc, but when they do fall asleep it’s kinda a mess . Ben sleep like he’s about to be dropped into his grave, at least so he’s able to react quick enough to whatever might be bad in the area . Logan sleeps like a caterpillar in its chrysalis stage , unless with the group , then he kinda just lays on his side if he’s comfy . Tyler likes sleeping on his stomach cause he’s afraid something might punch a hole through it again, so just in case . . Taylor hugs things in her sleep. Don’t matter who, just be her stuffed animal for a while and she’ll let you go and roll on her side. Aiden has a similar issue. But he only does this cause he never really had anything to actually cuddle up on besides his pillow so. . he’ll hug on to whoever is closest ( Ash or Ben ) . They don’t mind it , I mean Ash gets trapped but she’ll deal with it later. If no one is around or close enough, he’ll just curl up into a little ball like he did when he was younger ( habit ).
Pancakes in the morning let’s gooo !!!!!!! Most of them collectively use a bunch of whipped cream . I mean , who doesn’t ? Lame - o’s. Aiden likes to see how many pancakes he can stack on top on eachother before it falls
No pancakes ? Cereal it is . Ash likes Frosted Flakes cause of the texture, and how they don’t crunch as loud when you chew em. Plus, they’re tasty. Taylor got them captain crunch and lucky charms. Tyler likes Honey Nut Cheerios cause he’s basic , but can’t resist honeycombs . . Cause he’s still basic . ( They slap tho idc what y’all say 🫠 ) Logan prefers fruity pebbles ( me fr ) or cinnamon taste crunch . Ben doesn’t eat too much cereal, but he likes rice Krispys cause their soft on his throat. Aiden likes whatever, he’s probably gonna add random crap in it anyway lol
that last part wasn’t really a sleepover headcanon but uhms ignore that 😅😅😅😿
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bruciemilf · 2 years
ACTUALLY, you guys WILL listen to my Bruce & Officer Martinez brain rot because they have Peak " grumpy sunshine " and " asshole sunshine" dynamic and I'm not letting it go
Here's the thing about Jim Gordon; He has patience; He has tact. But he's also a petty shit, and God almighty, he WARNED Batman to stop his solo crime busting for extra dangerous cases
So yes; He gestures to Martinez, sugar cream on his moustache, files overfilling his arms. He tries to wave. They fall everywhere. ''This is your divine punishment "
"... Did you really just refer to Martinez as a punishment?"
" Honestly, I'm just happy to be included!"
Martinez is still SUPER sketchy about Batman, but of course he freaks out in the Batmobile; Yes, it's from the back-seat, but it still MATTERS, - " You know, my aunt is actually a mechanic, and-"
And that's the second thing Bruce writes about him in his profile journal; First thing being 'Talks too much.' Second is Family man.
But he actually listens to everything because it's comforting to know Gotham allows some love to survive.
And Bruce REFERENCES all stories. When they investigate different sources he's like " This is a professional dismemberment. We should ask your brother's opinion"
" My brother?" " I'd ask mine, but I don't have one." " No asshole I mean - you know my brother's a surgeon? You listen to me?" " I always listen."
" you listen to this shit??? Unironically?? THIS is REAL music" and then-
And also a ton of Nicki Minaj. " PULL UP IN THE MONSTER AUTOMOBILE GANGSTA-"
Bruce almost rearranges his whole skeleton right there; Martinez eventually figures out that it's Bruce's special interest so he apologises, " I'm sorry I called you out on your terrible taste. We can listen to that Bridge song or whatever"
*shaking with rage* " It's. Not. Called. That."
Literally give me Martinez whining Bruce's ear off until they reach a drive through, and Bruce is just standing there like a STATUE
Martinez leveled up to front seats and is rubbing his hands together like a greedy gremlin, but Bruce does Not move. " Welcome to Bat Burger can I take your order? Hello?" And Bruce is just. Petrified
" Can I had- have, can I - um,"
" what was that?"
" ... Burger"
He pins Martinez face to headboard and makes him SWEAR he won't tell anyone about it but Martinez is too busy laughing his ass off
Martinez always talking about Bruce, - He gave my sister a job as a security guard after she got out of prison. Murdering her rapist, you know how it is
"... I don't, actually." " Well yeah, you grew up in the good part of town, probably" "There's no good part. Only good coincidences."
"... Oh yeah, you're DEFINETLY rich."
Martinez and Selina strangers to enemies, 500k words, slow burn.
Martinez is a dog boy and she's a cat girl. It was expected. She kicks his seat in the Batmobile and he readjusts his chair as LOW as possible just to annoy her
" Crazy cat lady KNOWS something. "
" Don't call her that."
" I don't have to, her smell does it for me, - wait. Are you... Are you HOT for her? SERIOUSLY?"
And so what if Bruce's fast feels hot under his cowl? " Now's not really the time for a jealous scene."
" Oh I'M not jealous, bro. She's in your pants, I'm your emergency contact and organ donor. We aren't even in the same highway."
" ...When did you do that?"
" We don't have time to talk about all that-"
Martinez super casually mentioning he knows Bruce's identity. " Thanks for your help, Mr. Wayne"
" How... How did you?"
" BRO. I'd know that jawline in death."
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cookiesuga55 · 3 months
A Helping Hand (Seokjin)
Fat feeder Seokjin publishes a feedism cookbook.
They're all his own recipes. "Lovingly made and self-tested!" He pats his belly proudly. "Every recipe is delicious and specially designed to fatten." Seokjin beams. "Whether it's for you or a loved one, you'll swell with success!!"
Over the years of gaining himself and helping countless feedees, Jin has carefully crafted all of his recipes, modifying them specifically for gaining. He imparts his years of knowledge and experience for eager gainers, for singles and couples alike.
His feedees have always seen instant results, and now he wants to share his feeding methods. Jin has always been enamored with how each person gains fat differently, and he's become skilled through the years of altering his cooking depending on what type of chub his feedee (or himself) wants to encourage.
Jin's cook book is curated with the most successful recipes for different kinds of growth. He has the book broken up into recipes organized by what type of fat the reader wants to gain. Instead of "breakfast, mains, sides, desserts", his book is organized by the results the reader wants, with chapter headings like: "Soft Squish; Face and Double chin; Belly; Firm Fat; Love Handles; Arms and Chest; Bottom Heavy; Curves and Rolls; and 'Great for Beginners!'"
It's incredibly obvious how much his book is a labor of love, backed with impressive experience. Jin has tons of notes written in the pages explaining how each recipe settles into different types of fat depending on the ingredients, and lists of what to eat and when if someone wants a whole-body balanced gain rather than focusing on growing one area.
Jin writes in his book things like, "this dessert is great for a plump, jiggly lower belly." And on another "this burger will help thicken up anyone who is lusting after firm fat. Pairs excellent with fizzy beer. Great for gas!"
Aside from the indulgent recipes and nuggets of knowledge, the photos in the book are to die for. Jin spent months perfecting them so each page makes the reader's mouth water and motivates them to try cooking it themselves. Everything looks so decadent and delicious. Even Jin thinks that his book is irresistible.
The portions are strategically just the right size to leave a feedee comfortably full. Jin doesn't want them hurting. His recipes work because of how calorie-heavy they are. Everything is carefully sized to slowly grow a feedee's stomach and appetite. To make their belly push out warm and rich after their meal so they're satisfied and full of the most fattening cooking they've ever had, but not so heavy as to be in pain.
People can get results that they want by following different recipes. Creamy desserts for rich belly fat and curves. Hearty, greasy savory food for thick guts and fat hips. Pastries and pies for bottom heavy babies. Salty snacks for helping out a doubled chin. And whole feast to share on holidays when feedees get together.
Jin usually accompanies each recipe with instructions for after eating too. They never stop at "enjoy!" They are filled with tips and tricks that Jin has found most effective in his years of feeding.
"You'll want to lay down and nap after this one, so best to have it at night. Did you know that you get fatter if you fall asleep on a full tummy!"
"Eat this one slowly. It's tempting to chow down, but it's incredibly rich. This should be halved (and shared 😏)."
"These sugary pancakes are designed to stuff you with calories but then leave you hungry in just an hour. Pair with a hearty, greasy burger so your tummy doesn't get rumbly."
"Eat this one as quickly as possible so you can fit seconds in before it expands in your stomach. Have a friend on hand for belly rubs. You'll need it for this one."
Jin includes 'weekly meal plan' examples with specifically designed diets for small gainers, ones for big gainers, and one for the incredibly motivated piggies. He's perfected each one. Jin balances out the recipes so they don't feel ill, but steadily fill out and fatten up.
Jin doesn't just stop at print copies. He's launching the first ever cook book specifically designed to help people thicken up rather than lose weight, and he spares no expense. He wants his book to be encouraging and become a safe space for anyone trying to gain. He even designs a website linked in his cookbook where people can post their experience. He creates an online community where people can say which recipes they love and how effective they are. They update their progress and can even send in questions to Jin, who always replies with encouragement and teasing. He develops a whole collection of piglets who happily post when they're fattening up and how much they love Jin's cooking.
Every morning, Jin sits down with a cup of coffee and reads through the new posts on his website. He beams at how he's helping so many people get comfortable and fat. Jin comments on as many posts as he can, praising them and leaving tips for how to best plump up. There's so much demand for new recipes as Jin's piggies graze through his cook book and steadily fatten, that Jin starts a streamed cooking show where each month, one of his lucky fans is invited to join him.
Jin always introduces the guest feedee like they're his personal feedee. Beforehand he learns about them (they have to fill out a long quiz he made so he can get to know them, and they can all consent to the stream), and then he can host his cooking show like this excited little chubby is his own personal favorite pet that he gets to spoil and pamper for a whole evening.
He whips up a brand-new personalized recipe each month and explains how this meal will help the feedee get the results they're craving. His audience comes to the cooking show for the new recipes of course, but they stay the entire stream to watch the lucky feedee get stuffed with their own, specially-designed fattening meal by Jin.
After dessert, Jin always makes sure that his feedee is treated like royalty. He rubs their belly while they're full and sated on the couch, and tells the audience how many calories are in the feedee's belly right now. How many pounds they can expect to gain in the next few days. He does some math while patting their plump gut and making sure that his cooking is settling in comfortably.
Jin spoils his viewers so well. They keep coming back to the streams in hope that they'll be the lucky one randomly picked for the next month's cooking and stuffing episode. While the food is the main event, everyone drools as their favorite round feeder grows bigger with each season.
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thefoolishone666 · 1 month
Kickin also once said
What is this? I have more? That is right @hiwelcometothemonstersancturary I have had way too much fun with the first, I have decided to drop kick the chicken through much more. Is this a good idea, no. Let's begin!
* Stand back, I know how to do the Wenis!
* Bubba, in reference to doing drunk Mario Party: The main thing is, I LOATHE alcohol, so I would hate every second.
Kickin: Just drink hot sauce. That is the next best thing for it.
* When did I become predictable!?
* (Building a boat on stream) Oh no, Mom is here. I am doing normal adult things, I swear. (Trying to hide the boat behind back)
* I am just saying, it was written in the stars that I would lose my leg. I would have liked to be told that Picky needed some emergency rations on that instead of it just happening, but at that point I am looking a gift horse in the mouth.
* (Watching Dogday play a rhythm game)...Catnap, I think Dogday is broken, he has not blinked once in the past minute.
* (Playing Blades in the Dark) Picky: Did you kill this person!?
Kickin:...Evidence wise no...but as a friend I can tell you that he insulted my hat.
* (Grabing Picky and lightly shaking) ARE YOU STRAWBERRY!?
* Anything that is pure white, is just as equally evil!
(30 seconds later)
...I just remembered Crafty exists...
* We did it! We killed an innocent man!
* (Camera is upside down and he has yet to notice) The fact that Bubba is just grinning while standing in the door has me nervous.
* Hoppy, I know you are mad at me, but letting yourself be juggle combo'ed is a great way to relieve stress.
* Não tenho boca e ainda assim devo gritar, or in English, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
* Picky: Should we do a cooking show intro or...
Kickin, instantly looking at camera: Boys, girls, and everyone in between, welcome to our new cooking show, "WAIT, WE CAN EAT EVERYDAY NOW!?" I am your pirate co host, Kickin, and this is Picky, currently still going through some character development.
* The best way to hide a body is to eat it...but this person is not a chicken, pig, or lamb, and we don't have a lamb in the gang, at least yet.
* The best way to not die is to eat, at least in my opinion...I am not looking at chat cause I know they are already asking if I ate anything yet.
* Poppy: Bubba sent you something from college!
Kickin: Yay! I love that elephant...Oh, Poppy, since you are here, you mind helping me?
Poppy: Sure. What is it?
Kickin: I need you to be a murderer.
* God...if you can hear me...you still owe me 5 bucks.
* Sometimes, life gives you a free drop kick in the groin.
* I will use the scientific method. (Closes eye and starts hits random buttons)
* Only three rules on this ship, remember to eat, remember to sleep, and if someone is neglecting to do 1 or 2, put them in a sleeper hold to force them to eat and/or sleep.
* What are friends but people you eat in a huge panic when food is low?
* In the name of the Father, Catnap, and my other Father. Amen.
* Hello it is I, the hatcher that is Billy.
* I AM THE CHICKEN SANDWICH KING! I am not a cow, so I can't be the burger King.
* I am made of tons of chicken, I can even name them. Nuggets. (Returns to game)
* I want to vote Theo. I have no proof he is the killer, I just want to do it for the bit. And pity revenge.
* Who says I can't be fabulous while firing myself out of a canon?!
* (Refering to how long till he called Angel parent on purpose) Who here wants to take bets on how long until I had an emotional breakdown?
* No joke, there have been days where I sign off the stream, get myself something to drink, and the entire farm will just hear, "SHOOT I NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO PICKY!" or whoever cause I don't pay attention to what leaves my face hole sometimes.
* Guys, sorry to interrupt the party, but I MAY have gotten stabbed and need some help.
* I would to dedicate the unnecessary slaughter of all the underworld's monsters to Dad, cause I am trying to regain what good is in my soul for committing to this...
* If I wear two eyepatches I become a super pirate!
* (Playing A pokemon soul link) Kickin: I got bad and shit news.
Bubba:...What is the bad news?
Kickin: I may have gotten a pokemon killed.
Bubba:...Which one?
Kickin: You know how happy you are when you got your favorite polemon in this...?
* (Singing) I gave my love a chicken...that had no face...
* Bobby is going to come in here one day without me noticing while I am playing Mortal Kombat and just clap when I get brutality, I already feel it.
* Cole, I like you, but why must you be lightening?
* What is Gender, but another thing we don't understand here.
* (Refering to the stack of golden apples he has) But I may need them later...(Eating rotten flesh)
* (Drawing on white board trying to figure out story of game) Then if this connected to this, and this to that...I just wrote a bunch of scribbles.
* You can't make me eat, shut up dad. (Realizes Angel is there) That wasn't towards you, I swear!
* My favorite weapons for stealth are a dagger, a pistol, and 55 pounds of TNT I always keep on hand.
* (Playing Something Wicked from Ultrakill) Why must Playtime help with this game!?
* But hate doesn't taste as good as my leg though!
* Today on, "Playtime ruined my life, now it ticks me off in the smallest of ways," fnaf lore.
* So P3 has Dogday, P4 has Bobby, and P5 has Catnap...I am not bitter I am not in persona yet. You have no proof.
* (Refering to Phoenix Wright) WHERE WERE YOU WHEN WE WERE IN COURT!?
* A man with a knife is just a surgeon with a 100% mortality fate.
* If I get my mind trapped in the VR, make sure to tell dad.
* I already know what you are thinking and you are correct, I did make the dive bell horribly wrong and I am totally fine. (As he tosses a rock in a random direction in rage)
* Kickin: I am just sitting here scared as all hell, meanwhile these two are sitting back like, "Yes, nothing new here."
Catnap: Welcome to your new home in Silent Hills! You get used to your neighbors.
Kickin: It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day with our neighbors.
Crafty and Kickin: Won't you be my, won't you be my...
Kickin: Won't you be, my murderer?
* I think we can all agree Cathulu is out of all of our leagues.
* O que você vai fazer!? Me esfaquear!?
* I will be fine-FODA-ME, ISSO É UM TELEFONE!...(Covers face)...I got scared by a phone...
* Have a good night everyone, I am going to become dinner!
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buckybarnesb-tch · 1 year
The Art Nerd-Modern!HS Klaus M. Pt 2
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Part 1
Warning:Smut Ahead-Daddy Kink, Loss of Virginity
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She trashed the bloody paper towels and he quickly grabbed his bag from his locker before leading her out to the parking lot where his car was. His mother had gotten it for him for his 16th birthday as she had for all of his siblings and while it wasn't much it got him out of the house. 'What time will your parents kick me out?' He considered that, never having needed to know before but Elijah and Finn had plenty of girls stay over.
'They shouldn't. Elijah and Finn have had girls stay over tons of times,mom doesn't really care as long as we...never mind.' His face caught fire once again and she just grinned at him.
'As long as her sons use protection?' He nodded, pulling out of the school parking lot. 'No need to worry about that, I'm on the pill.' Klaus instantly tried to think of anything he possibly could to stop his cock which was instantly hardening. 'You know I'm teasing you, right?'
'Yep-Yes-Yeah...what do you want to eat?' His voice cracked as he asked her this and she smiled.
'Well, how about I stay the night? It's Friday, we can grab some snacks and soda, and have a movie night. It's been a while since I have been able to just hang out with someone without the pressure of James. Feel free to say 'no' of course, I don't just want to invite myself and-'
'No!' She looked startled by this and he instantly realized his mistake. 'I mean 'Yes'! Yes I would love for you to stay...it honestly sounds like fun.' They stopped at a grocery store and grabbed soda and a ton of snacks before going back to Klaus', deciding to just order some dinner.
'Wow. This place is really cool.' Y/n commented as she got inside and he immediately ushered her down the stairs to avoid his family. 'Woah!' She instantly began looking at all of the canvases and framed sketches that were hung everywhere. 'Klaus! You're even better than I thought, holy shit!' She was looking at a painting of the pond they have out back, he had done it while the flowers on the lily pads were blooming and it looked perfect. He wanted her to keep looking and complimenting his work but she was getting dangerously close to one he definitely didn't want her to see.
'Thank you, let's pick some movies to watch, hmm? We can decide what we want for dinner.' He was ushering her to the other side of the room where the couch was but she just smiled, continuing to look, seeing a canvas on the easel and moving around it to look. 'No! Please don't-'
'Woah.' He sighed, sitting on his bed and knowing his chance to even be her friend was over, she was going to find him painting her to be so creepy she would probably call the cops.
'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-'
'Is this how you see me?' He was immediately confused. 'You make me look so beautiful.' She was shocked and he couldn't figure out why.
'You are beautiful...how else would I paint you?' Her cheeks were red as she walked back over to him, kissing his cheek before continuing over to the couch.
'How about some burgers? Cheese burgers sound great!' He grinned, practically vibrating with joy as he jumped up and moved to sit beside her on the couch, turning on the TV. Her lips were so soft, he could only imagine what they feel like wrapped around his-NO! Stop! If he didn't stop his thoughts he would end up jerking off in the bathroom all night.
'Burgers sound good to me. Movies?' They both spent a little while getting a good selection, deciding each other needs to watch certain movies they've neglected, Y/n forcing Klaus to watch The Breakfast Club and Klaus deciding Y/n needed to watch Sleepy Hollow. They watched hers first and when they got to Klaus' pick she ordered dinner, Klaus running up to get the door and paying for dinner, which he insisted he would pay for completely despite her arguing, only to run into Rebekah.
'You didn't offer to get me anything? Jerk! Why do you have so much food?' She wondered and he rolled his eyes.
'Y/n is here, we're gonna watch movies and hang out for the night. I'll get you something next time, I promise.' With that he shut the door behind him and walked back down the stairs, grabbing 2 sodas that he had put into his mini fridge before she started the movie.
Klaus found that he genuinely enjoyed her company and even if he never had a shot with her, he wanted to continue to be her friend and he thought she felt the same. That may be ruined however, if his mother coming down the steps has anything to say about it.
'Niklaus. Why did Rebekah have to tell me you had a girl over?' He went wide eyed and so did Y/n's.
'I'm sorry, I didn't even think to tell you...mom, this is Y/n. We were going to have a movie night.' He begged with his eyes as much as he could for her to leave and not embarrass him but the Gods were not on his side.
'Hello Mrs. Mikaelson, I'm Y/n. I'm sorry, I thought you knew I was here. It's a pleasure to meet you.' She jumped up and shook his mothers hand politely and he knew his mother loved her instantly, both Elijah's girlfriend Katherine and Finn's girlfriend Sage having absolutely no manners.
'Hello dear. It's nice to meet you too, Niklaus doesn't have friends over so he's never had to ask. I'll let it slide this once. Of course you're welcome here though. If you need anything you just let me know. Niklaus?' She gestured him over and stood at the bottom of the stairs. 'You'll tell me from now on-'
'I promise, just please go? She's just a friend mom, I swear.' She didn't look like she believed him. 'She's so far out of my league it's not funny.'
'But you like her?'
'I-mom, please just go?' She nodded, handing him something quickly.
'Just in case. You two have fun now, it was lovely to meet you Y/n!'
'It was a pleasure to meet you too, ma'am.' As his mother left he looked down and saw she had handed him a box of condoms and he jumped to hide them in his dresser. 'I like your mom. It's nice that she's aware and accepting enough to give you a box of condoms.' Klaus slammed the drawer shut, looking at her quickly. 'That's what it was, right?' She was looking at him expectantly and he didn't want to lie about it.
'Yes, she raised Elijah and Finn, and she's currently raising Kol, it's necessary unfortunately.' She just nodded as if she completely understood and he was grateful as he sat back down, getting under the blanket that was covering them.
'Do you really think I'm that special?' She asked suddenly and he didn't know how to respond. 'I mean, to tell your mother you think you're out of my league sounds insane to me. You're like, the smartest guy I've ever met, and you're incredibly talented on top of that! What league do you think you're out of because compared to you, I'm very boring.'
'You're kidding.' She shook her head. 'You're gorgeous!' She shrugged at that.
'At best I'm an 8, though I believe I'm average.'
'You're kind to everyone around you no matter who it is-'
'That's basic human decency and I'm sorry you haven't been shown it before.' He didn't like that she was talking down all her good qualities.
'You smell like what I think heaven must smell like-'
'I'll tell you the soap I use along with my perfume.'
'Would you stop that?! You-you make my heart stop every single time you look at me Y/n, I-'
'Nik. That's a very serious medical condition, I'm going to need you to see a cardiologist as soon as possible.' She was pissing him off and she knew it and before he knew it he was grabbing her and pulling her close, pressing his lips to hers hard. Her lips were just as soft as he imagined they would be as he molded his lips to hers, holding her face in his hands before he realized what he was doing, pulling back quickly.
'Oh god! I'm sorry! Y/n, I'm so-' he was cut off by her moving to kiss him again and he just relaxed into it now until she pushed forward and climbed into his lap, now straddling him and allowing him to feel the heat of her crotch right against his cock. 'Y/n! Stop!' She pulled away, shocked that he had yelled at her. 'You're upset about James, I'm sorry but I don't want to hurt you by-'
'James is infuriating! He's stupid and boorish and a bully! I was going to dump him next month after Valentine's Day...say what you want, a girl doesn't want to be alone for that but screw him!' He was confused and not quite sure what to do.
'You said you wanted to stay over because it would be nice to not have you be expected to do anything-'
'You expect nothing. You're so sweet Nik, I love that about you...I'm actually attracted to smart guys but most smart guys don't want dumb girls so I settled for James. It was nice for a while I guess but I'm relieved it's over...look, if you don't want this we can just watch movies, we don't have to-' he pulled her back to him and kissed her again, groaning into her mouth as she ground down against his crotch. His hands were on her hips which he was squeezing tightly, his thumbs teasing her skin just under her shirt but never pushing farther, not until she grabbed his hands and placed them on her chest, moaning as he squeezed his hands as he's dreamt of 500 times by now. At that moment she pulled back, lifting her shirt over her head and allowing Klaus to see her red bra hiding her breasts from him and he wanted to rip it off desperately. 'Go ahead.'
His head snapped up and he saw her smiling at him, his cock was throbbing at this point and he was desperate to cum but he pushed the feeling away as hard as he could, reaching up and finding the latch on the bra, fumbling for just a moment before pulling it down her arms and revealing her chest to him. 'Holy shit!' She pulled him back in to kiss her again and he rolled her nipples between his fingers, though she seemed to have other plans. She pulled back from the kiss and guided his head down towards her chest where he happily accepted her nipple into his mouth, hand caressing the other one as he sucked on her tit roughly, eventually switching and loving her little moans. She squealed as he pulled at the bud between his teeth gently, all the while she was pulling at his hair. As she pulled particularly hard his hips flew up, thrusting against her and he gasped, arm wrapping around her waist tightly and holding her to him as he did it again.
'Fuck! God Nik!' She reached out, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it aside, his chest now pressing to her breasts as she connected their lips again, his hips grinding against hers.
'Is that good for you, love?' He asked, ensuring he wasn't just doing something that wasn't bringing her any sort of pleasure. He may not be an expert at this but he did want to make her feel good enough that she would want to do it again. As soon as he had said it she moaned like a whore, and since he hadn't just thrust against her he assumed it was the nickname she had said she loves. 'You liked that? What is it that gets you off, hmm? Angel? Princess? Babygirl?' Her fingers tightening in his hair as she choked on a groan. 'There we are. Are you Daddy's little Babygirl?'
'Yes! Yes Daddy!' His cock twitched in his pants and he was half convinced for a moment that he had cum all over himself. She was now grinding down onto him and the heat of her pussy even through all of their clothes, was driving him crazy.
'Such a good girl!' Y/n moaned, head falling into his neck and biting onto his shoulder as she continued grinding on him. 'Can Daddy take these off? Is that okay.' She nodded, whining as he flipped them over so she was laying out on the couch, unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them down her legs, followed by his own. Klaus lifted her legs and spread them enough that he could get between them, pulling the blanket up over them so that she wouldn't feel cold. 'So sweet, making those sounds for me, aren't you? Daddy's sweet little Princess.'
'You feel so good Daddy! Please?'
'Please what Babygirl?' She whimpered, lifting her hips to grind against his but he pulled back, denying her any friction as the sounds he was causing her to make gave him a level of confidence he had never experienced. 'Tell me what you want pretty girl.'
'Daddy! Fuck me Daddy! Please?!' Nik growled, pulling her panties down her legs and throwing them god knows where, before yanking off his own boxer briefs. 'Holy fuck!' He froze, not knowing what he had done wrong but when he looked to her face he just saw her staring down at his cock.
'What? What's wrong?' He asked, instantly insecure but she just stared. 'Y/n!'
'I've never actually seen a cock as thick as yours! Fuck! I am definitely sucking your cock later.' He thought he could cum untouched if she kept talking. The idea that he was in any way better than the guy that had abused him for years, as well as that you wanted more than just this one time fuck could've made him howl with joy but he held it in, instead lining himself up with your entrance and feeling your wet pussy pressed against his cock for the first time, making his eyes roll back as he tried as hard as he could not to cum. Klaus pushed his way into you, seeing discomfort on your face and stopping.
'Are you alright gorgeous, I can-'
'Don't you dare stop!' His eyes widened but he did as she said, continuing to push forward until he was completely filling her where he froze. 'It's okay...move-'
'Give me a second, I...I've never done this, it's-' his face was red as possible in his embarrassment but she took his cheeks in her hands and forced him to look up.
'It's okay Nik, that's all you had to say. Take your time, we'll go slow.' He groaned just as she moved her hand and fixed his glasses that were askew on his face at this point. Something about her doing that turned him on even more, just being accepted by her in every way and not even caring that he had no experience at all.
'God, you're fucking perfect.' He breathed, pulling his hips back before pushing back into her body, his cock feeling like it was in the most delicious vice grip that's ever existed.
'I'm not-' he cut her off, hand around her throat and gently applying pressure.
'Don't. I say you're perfect Babygirl, so you're perfect...got it?' She nodded quickly, whining as he thrust up into her hard this time.
'Yes Daddy.'
'Oh Fuck!' He thrust up again now holding onto your thighs that wrapped around his waist, continuing to do that and not really going fast, just creating a good rhythm that didn't make him want to cum embarrassingly fast. 'So tight, such a good girl squeezing Daddy so good, you know that? My good girl.'
She whimpered. Whimpered for him. 'Stretch me out so good Daddy! Your cock feels so good! Fuck!'
'Yeah? You like Daddy's cock stretching this cute little pussy? So god damn soft and sweet for me...'
'Yes Daddy! You feel perfect! My Daddy loves knowing his cock is the best I've had, don't you?' His hands grip on your thighs tightened and you could feel the bruises forming as he lifted you up and sat back on his knees, supporting both your weight on him now as he thrust up into you. 'Holy Shit! My Daddy's strong too! Fuck! Gonna cum Daddy! Gonna cum!'
'Cum all over my cock, Babygirl. Let Daddy feel you squeezing me so tight.' He continued his pace until he felt her squeeze down hard on his cock the same time her grip got infinitely tighter. 'Oh shit! Oh shit, fuck!' She was squeezing him like a pulse, over and over again, tight but gentle and soft and perfect. It was unlike anything he could have imagined no matter how many times he jerked off, he couldn't have stopped himself if he tried. Thrusting as deeply into her as he could he filled her up as much as possible, holding her body to him so tightly and refusing to let her go, eventually collapsing with her on his chest and pulling the blanket up over the both of them. Once he had finally calmed down enough he felt her nuzzling into his neck and kissing him there.
'You have a cute little freckle here.' He could hear how sleepy she was and he pet her hair, allowing her to begin to drift off before suddenly remembering something important, turning his head to look at the dresser. 'I'm on the pill, remember? It's okay.' He relaxed as she told him that, holding her to him and lifting her against him making her groan.
'Calm down Princess, bed time.' He pulled out of her and laid her body down in his bed, cleaning her off quickly and tracing his fingers over the bruises on her thighs.
'Feels nice Daddy.'
'Good, I'm glad...Daddy always wants you covered in my marks.' He teased, cleaning himself off and sliding a pair of boxers onto them both before crawling into the bed, not passing up the chance to be able to feel her breasts pressed against his skin all night. 'Sleep Y/n, my precious girl. Daddy's here.' He wrapped them up tightly and drifted off with his dream girl exactly where he always wanted her.
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Part 3
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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