#I know the lore inside and out. I have my own theories (Ted is wrong abt clones. it's multiverse time travel)
mosspapi · 5 months
In similar news, I just finished Ted Nivison's almost 2-hour all-Barbie-movies deep dive and my brain is entirely fried but not for the reasons you would expect. I think I need a drink.
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Sam, Interrupted: Part Two
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,708
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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In order to figure out how Ted really died—it definitely wasn’t suicide—you needed to go to the morgue and inspect the body. It was easy to get down there, and while you were there, you kept a look out while the brothers inspected the body. If you were correct, then there should be some kind of physical cause for his death besides the ligature marks on his neck. Dean took Ted’s lower half of the body to see if there was something noticeable that would explain what was going on. Sam began feeling his head until he felt wo puncture wounds behind Ted’s ears.
“Hey, I think I found something.”
“What is it?” you asked.
“Right here,” he said, grabbing a Q-tip from a table and sticking it into the hole. It came out of the other side which meant there wasn’t anything in his head—not even a brain. “This hole goes all the way through to his brain.”
“What does that mean?” Dean asked.
“Let's find out,” Sam grinned, eyeing a bone saw.
“If my theory is correct, there might not be a brain in there which means the monster we’re hunting eats it through the hole in the back of the ears that he puncture,” you observed.
Dean took a step back and let his brother cut into the man’s skull to see if your theory was correct or not. Dean didn’t want to see this so he exited the morgue and stood right outside while you joined Sam’s side to see what he was doing. Once he cut into the skull, he removed the top of it off. Instead of a brain inside, it was a small, hard, black rock like thing.
“Well, that’s not supposed to happen,” you commented.
“Guys,” Dean rushed back inside the morgue urgently.
“Look, his brain's been sucked dry,” you commented as Sam held up the item.
“That's fascinating. Somebody's coming,” he whispered.
Both you and the brothers rushed to put everything back where it was before the person entered the place. As soon as the last piece was placed, the door opened and the really happy nurse—her name badge only said Foreman—walked in.
“What are you three doing in here?” she asked.
Each of you looked at one another, unable to think of a good enough reason to be in here. Dean did the first thing he could think of and pulled down his pants, exposing everything to everyone.
“Pudding!” he yelled, raising his hands in the air.
Both you and Sam stared at him like he was crazy, but Nurse Foreman only smiled.
“Alright, come on, you three,” she chuckled.
Dean pulled his pants back up and heads for the door. He turned back to you two with a wink.
“Crazy works,” he whispered.
Shaking off that feeling, you followed Dean out the door, but not before you made strange eye contact with the nurse. It was like she knew who you were or something. Now that you knew what was happening, you needed to tell Martin about this since he might know more about it.
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“Are those original Gacy's?” Dean chuckled, looking at the wall covered in clown paintings.
“I painted those,” Martin frowned.
“Back on point, please,” Sam interrupted. “Um, so, whatever this thing is, it Slurpees your brain and sucks you dry.”
“Then it makes the deaths look like suicides. Any ideas?” you asked.
“Yeah, a bad one,” the ex-hunter sighed. He led you to one of his tables before bringing out his journal that he kept with him most days. He opened it up to a specific page and showed you the drawing he did.
“What is it?” you asked.
“Well, I bet you a chicken dinner it's what we're up against—a wraith. They crack open skulls and feed on brain juice.”
“You ever tangle with one before?”
“Never. Never wanted to, neither.”
“So, how do we kill it?” Dean asked.
“Silver. You so much as touch a wraith with the stuff, and the skin will crackle. Now, that's the good news. The bad news is they can pass as humans,” he motioned to everyone in the room. “It could be any Peter, Paul and Mary in the joint.”
“So how do we find it?” you wondered.
“A mirror. Lore says a wraith will show its true form in a mirror.”
“Okay, well, we just gotta spot check every patient and every staff member,” Dean shrugged.
“Okay. Yeah. But, I mean, what's it doing in a mental hospital?” Sam asked.
“Come on, it’s a perfect setting. Who’s going to believe a patient when they say they saw a. monster? It's the perfect hunting ground,” you explained.
“Okay, then we need to station ourselves near mirrors and just observe for the time being,” Sam said, taking the lead on this one.
By the end of it all, you were stationed near the entrance where people come and go, Dean was stationed next to the nurses’ station, and Sam and Martin were somewhere else that was out of sight. As you watched people through the mirror, you noticed Dean talking to someone even though there was no one there. It was strange to see this kind of behavior, especially when you thought you saw it when you two were playing checkers. It was really weird, and you didn’t know if you should go over there and talk to him about that or stick to your assignment.
As you watched everyone else, you noticed Dean stand up a bit straighter when Dr. Fuller approached him from the right side. His eyes went a bit wide as he passed by, and he made eye contact with you. He pointed to him, and you knew that you had the monster. Leaving your spot, you joined your boyfriend’s side.
“You think it’s Dr. Fuller?” you asked.
“I saw him through the mirror, Y/N. It’s him.”
“Who were you talking to earlier?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean who were you talking to? There wasn’t anyone by your side.”
“Dr. Cartwright. She’s assigned to my case. Come on, we need to go find Sam,” he urged, leaving your side.
“No, she isn’t,” you frowned, following him from behind.
There was no one here by that name so you wondered why he was saying these things. It didn’t take long to find and locate Sam and Martin, and it took even less for Sam to raid the nurses’ station to get four silver letter openers.
“Alright, I had to raid three nurses' stations to get these,” he handed them off. “They're only silver-plated, but they should work.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Wendy, the girl who kissed you before, march straight to the group.
“No, Wendy, not again—” She walked right past you and shoved Dean against the wall and kissed him.
It was a long kiss, but she pulled away eventually. Everyone was shocked at this, so Sam didn’t know what to do when she did the same exact thing to him.
“I want them now,” she said to you. “I like men now. They’re… larger.”
“Hm,” Dean shrugged at his brother when the woman walked away. “You’ve had worse.”
“Fuller is on call tonight, so we'll have to hit him after lights out,” Sam changed the subject. “All three of us.”
“What? No,” Martin shook his head.
“Martin, we gotta get past security, past the orderlies, and then cut the boss-man's throat, okay? It's gonna suck start to finish, but we could use the backup.”
“Oh, I can't. I can't,” he shakes his head and begins to walk away.
“We know what happened in Albuquerque,” you blurted out.
“You don't know the half of it,” he stops and turns. “God, I used to be just like you three. I used to think I was invincible, and then... well, I found out I'm not.”
“Martin, you're still a hunter.”
“No. I'm not. I'm useless. Why do you think I checked myself into the Hotel California? I'd give anything to help you three, I would. But, I-I can't. I'm sorry. I can't,” he sighed and walked away from the group.
“It’s just us three, so come on,” you said, leading the group to Fuller’s office which was empty.
After searching it, you noticed his car keys was still here which meant he was still in the building.
“He's still in the building. Sam takes the west wing, Dean the east, and I'll take the north.”
“Okay,” Sam nodded.
After exiting the office, you three took your separate ways. Since the entrance to the north wing was closer to the east than the west, you went with Dean.
“I have a weird feeling with this one,” you expressed.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I didn’t get any weird vibes from him when we met him. The only person whose given me the monster vibes is Nurse Foreman, the really happy nurse.”
“I know what I saw, Y/N. Dr. Fuller is the wraith.”
“I don’t think so,” you whispered.
Approaching the entrance to the north wing, you were about to separate when you heard Sam’s screams come from all the way across the hospital. Both you and Dean booked it out of there to get to Sam. When you did, you noticed him struggling with Dr. Fuller. The doctor was clearly terrified since Sam was much bigger than he was, but that wasn’t the most pressing thing. His arm was cut due to the silver letter opener, but he wasn’t in pain at all from it. Rushing over to Sam, you grabbed his arm when he raised it to stab the doctor.
“Sam! It’s not him!” you yelled. “Look at his arm. That cut's not burning!”
Sam, once he realized what he’s done, he dropped the blade on the ground. Looking behind you, Dean widened his eyes in realization that he was wrong about this. Dr. Fuller was clearly scared of what was going on, so he didn’t move from his spot even after Sam was off of him.
“It’s not him,” you repeated to yourself which meant the nurse was.
There was something really off about her.
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