#I know there are more specific schooner options
weergang · 4 months
Ship (aka Full-rigged): All three masts square-rigged.
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Barque: First two masts square-rigged, the mizzen fore-and-aft rigged
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Barquentine (Schooner barque): Fore mast square-rigged, main and mizzen fore-and-aft.
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Topsail schooner: All masts fore-and-aft rigged, but with topsails on the foremast
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Schooner: All masts fore-and-aft rigged
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loretranscripts · 5 years
Lore Episode 29: The Big Chill (Transcript) - 7th March 2016
tw: graphic violence
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
Some places are more frightening than others. It’s hard to nail down a specific reason why, but even so, I can’t think of a single person who might disagree. Some places just have a way of getting under your skin. For some it’s the basement, for others it’s the local graveyard. I even know people who are afraid of certain colours. Fear, it seems, is a landmine that can be triggered by almost anything, and while history might be full of hauntingly tragic stories that span a variety of settings and climates, the most chilling ones – literally – are those that take place in the harsh environment of winter: the incident at Dyatlov Pass; the tragedy of the Donner party; even the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 took place in the freezing waters of the north Atlantic. Winter, it seems, is well equipped to end lives and create fear, and when I think of dangerous winters, I think of Maine, that area of New England on the northern frontier. If you love horror, you might equate Maine with Stephen King, but even though he’s tried hard over the last few decades to make us believe in Derry and Castle Rock and Salem’s Lot, the state has enough danger on its own. Maine is also home to nearly 3500 miles of coastline, more than even California, and that’s where the real action happens. The Maine coastline is littered with thousands of small islands, jagged rocks, ancient lighthouses and even older legends, and all in the cold north, where the sea is cruel and the weather can be deadly. It’s often there, in the places that are isolated and exposed, that odd things happen, things that seem born of the circumstances and climate, things that leave their mark on the people there – things that would never happen on the mainland. And if the stories are to be believed, that’s a good thing. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and this is Lore.
The coastline of Maine isn’t as neat and tidy as other states’. Don’t picture sandy beaches and warm waves that you can walk through; this is the cold north, the water is always chilly and the land tends to emerge from the waves as large, jagged rocks. Go ahead and pull up a map of Maine on your phone, I’ll wait. You’ll see what I mean right away – this place is dangerous, and because of that, ships have had a long history of difficulty when it comes to navigating the coast of Maine. Part of that is because of all the islands - they’re everywhere. According to the most recent count, there are over 4,600 of them, scattered along the coastal waters like fragments of a broken bottle. One such fragment is Seguin Island. It’s only three miles from the mainland, but it’s easy to understand how harsh winter weather could isolate anyone living there very quickly, and when you’re the keeper of the lighthouse there, that isolation comes with the job. The legend that’s been passed down for decades there is the story of a keeper from the mid-1800s. According to the tale, the keeper was newly married and, after moving to the island with his bride, they both began to struggle with the gulf between their lives there and the people on the coast. So, to give his wife something to do with her time – and maybe to get a bit of entertainment out of it for himself – the keeper ordered a piano for her. They say it was delivered during the autumn, just as the winter chill was creeping in. In the story, it had to be hoisted up the rock face, but that’s probably not true; Seguin is more like a green hill pretruding from the water than anything else but, hey, it adds to the drama, right? And that’s what these old stories provide –plenty of drama. When the piano arrived the keeper’s wife was elated, but buyer’s remorse quickly set in. You see, the piano only came with the sheet music for one song. With winter quickly rolling in from the north, shipping in more music was impossible, so she settled in and made the best of it. The legend says that she played that song non-stop, over and over, all throughout the winter. Somehow she was immune to the monotony of it all, but her husband, the man who had only been hoping for distraction and entertainment, took it hard. They say it drove him insane. In the end, the keeper took an axe and destroyed the piano, hacking it into nothing more than a pile of wood and wire, and then, still deranged from the repetitive tune, he turned the axe on his wife, nearly chopping her head off in the process. The tragic story always ends with the keeper’s suicide, but most know it all to be fiction. At least, that’s the general opinion, but even today, there are some who claim that if you happen to find yourself on a boat in the waters between the island and the mainland, you can still hear the sound of piano music drifting across the waves.
Boon island is near the southern tip of Maine’s long coastline. It’s not a big island by any stretch of the imagination, perhaps 400 square yards in total, but there’s been a lighthouse there since 1811 due to the many shipwrecks that have plagued the island for as long as Europeans have sailed in those waters. The most well-known shipwreck on Boon Island occurred there in the winter of 1710 when the Nottingham Galley, a ship captained by John Deane, wrecked there on the rocks. All 14 crew members survived, but the ship was lost, stranding them without help or supplies in the cold winter. As the unfortunate sailors died, one by one, the survivors were forced to eat the dead or face starvation, and they did this for days, until fishermen finally discovered and rescued them. But that’s not the most memorable story from Boon Island, that honour falls to the tale of Katherine Bright, the wife of a former lighthouse keeper there in the 19th century. According to those who believe the story, the couple had only been on the island for a few months when Katherine’s husband slipped while trying to tie off their boat. He fell and hit his head on the rocks and then slid unconsciously into the water, where he drowned. At first, Katherine tried to take on the duties of keeping the light running herself, but after nearly a week, fishermen in York on the mainland watched the light flicker out and stay dark. When they travelled to the island to investigate, they found Katherine sitting on the tower’s stairs. She was cradling her dead husband’s corpse in her arms. Legend has it that Katherine was brought back to York along with her husband’s body, but it was too late for her. Just like the lighthouse they had left behind, she was now cold and dark. Some flames, it seems, can’t be relit.
There’s been a lighthouse on the shore of Rockland, Maine, for nearly 200 years. It’s on an oddly-shaped hill, with two large depressions in the face of the rock that were said to remind the locals of an owl. So, when the light was built there in 1825 it was, of course, named Owls Head. Give any building long enough, mix in some tragedy and unexplainable phenomenon, and you can almost guarantee a few legends will be born. Owls Head is no exception. One of the oldest stories is a well-documented one from 1850. It tells of a horrible winter storm that ripped through the Penobscot Bay area on December 22nd of that year. At least five ships were driven aground by the harsh waves and chill wind. It was a destructive and fierce storm, and it would have been and understatement to say that it wasn’t a wise idea to be out that night – on land or at sea. A small ship had been anchored at Jameson Point that night. The captain had done the smart thing and gone ashore to weather the storm inside, but he left some people behind on the ship. Three, actually: first mate, Richard Ingraham, a sailor named Roger Elliot, and Lydia Dyer, a passenger. While those three poor souls tried to sleep that night on the schooner, the storm pushed the ship so hard that the cables snapped, setting the ship adrift across the bay. Now, it’s not exactly a straight shot south-east to get to Owls Head, it’s a path shaped more like a backwards “C” to get around the rocky coast, but the ship somehow managed to do it anyway. It passed the breakwater, drifted east and south, and finally rounded the rocky peninsula where Owls Head Light is perched, all before smashing against the rocks south of the light.
The three passengers survived the impact and, as the ship began to take on water, they scrambled up to the top deck – better the biting wind than the freezing water, they assumed – and then they waited, huddled there under a pile of blankets against the storm, just waiting for help. When the ship began to  actually break apart in the waves, though, Elliot, the sailor, was the only one to make an escape from the wreckage. I can’t imagine how cold he must have been with the freezing wind and ocean spray lashing at him from the darkness, but standing on the rocks with his feet still ankle-deep in the waves, he happened to look up and see the lighthouse on the hill. If he was going to find help, that was his best option, so he began to climb. He was practically dead by the time he reached the lighthouse, but when he knocked, no one answered. A moment later, the keeper of the light rode up the path on a sleigh, having been out for supplies, and realised at once that Elliot needed help. He took him in, gave him hot rum and put him into a warm bed, but not before Elliot managed to whisper something about the others.
The keeper immediately called for help and gathered a group of about a dozen men. Together, they all travelled down to the shore, where they began to look for the wreck of the ship and the people who may still be alive onboard. When they found the remains of the schooner, the men began to carefully climb across the wreckage, looking for signs of the other passengers. It was treacherous work – the wood was encrusted in ice and each step swayed dangerously with the waves. When they finally found them, they were still on the portion of the deck where Elliot had left them, but they seemed to shiver whenever the light of the lantern washed over them. Climbing closer, the men discovered why: Ingraham and Dyer were both encased in a thick layer of ice, completely covering their bodies. They were frozen. Not taking any chances, the men somehow managed to pry the couple free from the deck of the ship and the entire block was transported back up the hill to the lighthouse. All that night, they worked fast and carefully. They placed the block in a tub of water and then slowly chipped away at the ice, and as it melted, they moved the limbs of each person in an attempt to get their blood flowing again, and somehow, against all logic and medical odds, it worked. It took them a very long time to recover, but Ingraham and Dyer soon opened their eyes. Ingraham was the first to speak, and it was said that he croaked the words “what is all this? Where are we?” Roger Elliot didn’t survive the aftermath of the shipwreck. Maybe it was the trauma of climbing up the hill to the lighthouse, soaked to the bone and exposed to the freezing winds of the storm. Perhaps it was an injury he sustained in the shipwreck itself, or on the climb to the lighthouse. Dyer and Ingraham faired better, though. They eventually recovered and even married each other. They settled down and raised a family together in the area, all thanks to the man who died to bring them help when all seemed lost.
Later stories from inside Owls Head lighthouse have been equally chilling. Although there are no other tragic events on record there, it’s clear from the first-hand accounts of those who have made Owls Head their home that something otherworldly has taken up residence there. The Andrews family was one of the first to report any sort of unusual activity on the property. I can’t find a record of their first names, but the keeper and his wife lived there along with her elderly father. According to their story, one night the couple was outside and looked up to see a light swirling in her father’s window. When they climbed the stairs, they found the older man shaking in his bed from fright. Some think he might have seen the old sailor, a common figure witnessed by many over the years. When John Norton was keeper in 1980, he claimed to have seen the same apparition. He had been sleeping, but when a noise woke him up, he opened his eyes to see the figure of an old sea captain standing over his bed, just… staring at him. The old sailor has been blamed for mysterious footprints that tend to appear in the snow, footprints that could be found on the walk toward the house. The prints never seem to have an origin point, and always end abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk. Others have claimed to feel cold spots in the house, while some have gone on record to swear that brass fixtures inside the lighthouse, fixtures that were usually tarnished and dark, would be found mysteriously polished. None of the keepers have been able to figure out who was doing the cleaning for them, though. There have been other stories as well, tales of a white lady who has been frequently seen in the kitchen, of doors slamming without anyone in the room, and of silverware that has been heard to rattle in the drawers. Despite this, though, most have said that they felt at peace with her there – more at peace, at least, than they are with the old, bearded sailor.
In the mid-1980s, Andy Germann and his wife, Denise, lived there while tending the light. They moved in and settled into life on the harsh coast of Maine. Andy divided his time between tending the light and a series of renovations to the old lighthouse, which left the yard outside rather chaotic and full of construction materials. One night after climbing into bed, the couple heard the sound of some of the building supplies outside falling over in the wind. Andy pulled on his pants and shoes and left the room to go take care of the mess before the wind made it worse. Denise watched him leave, and then rolled back over to sleep with the lamp still on. A short while later, she felt him climb back into bed. The mattress moved, as did the covers, and so she asked out loud how it had gone, if there had been any trouble or anything unusual, but Andy didn’t reply, so Denise rolled over. When she did, she found that Andy’s spot in bed was still empty. Well, almost. In the spot where he normally slept beside her, there was a deep depression in the sheets, as if an invisible body were laying right there beside her. Of course, it was just the dent where Andy had been sleeping moments before. At least, that’s what she told herself, but thinking back on it later, Denise admits that she has doubts. There were moments when she was laying there, staring at the impression in the sheets, that she could have sworn the shape was moving. Maybe she was too level-headed to get upset, or perhaps she was too tired to care. Whatever the reason, Denise simply told whoever it was to leave her alone, and then rolled over and fell back asleep. At breakfast the next morning, she wanted to tell Andy about the experience, thinking he would laugh it off and help her to explain it away, but before she could, he told her his own story. It turns out Andy had an unusual experience of his own the previous night. He explained how, as he had exited the room and stepped out into the dimly lit hallway, he saw what he could only describe as a faint cloud hovering close to the floor, and this cloud, he said, had been moving. According to Andy, when he walked down the hall, it moved right up to his feet and then passed on through him. That’s when Denise asked Andy where the cloud had been going. “Into the bedroom,” he told her. “Why?”
You don’t have to travel to a lighthouse to bump into tales of the unexplained or otherworldly. You can hear them from just about anyone you meet, from the neighbour down the street to your real estate agent, but lighthouses seem to have a reputation for the tragic, and maybe that’s understandable – these are, after all, houses built to help save lives in a dangerous setting. It might be safe to say that the well for these stories runs deeper than many place – but are they true? Like a lot of stories, it seems to depend on who you talk to. Keepers across the decades have had a mixed bag of experiences. Some see odd things, and some don’t. Maybe some people just connect to the stories more than others and go looking for hints and signs where there are none. One recent family described their time there as “normal”. They never saw ghosts, never watched objects move, and felt right at home the whole time they were there. Another family, though, acknowledged that something unusual seemed to be going on in the lighthouse. They would find lightbulbs partially unscrewed and the thermostat would constantly readjust itself – perhaps whatever it is that’s haunting the lighthouse is just very environmentally conscious. It’s easy to laugh off most of these stories, but we’ve never lived there, we’ve never heard or felt something that can’t be explained away, and like most samples of data, there’s always the outlier. Another family who lived at the lighthouse in the late 1980s claimed to have experienced their fair share of unusual activity, though. One night, while Gerard and Debby Graham were asleep, their three-year-old daughter, Claire, quietly opened her eyes and sat up in bed. She stared into the darkness for a moment, as if carefully listening to something, and then climbed out of her bed and left the room. Her little bare feet patted on the cold floor of the hallway as she made her way down towards her parents’ room. Inside, she slowly approached the side of their bed, and then tapped her father on the arm to wake him. When he did wake up, he asked Claire what was the matter. The little girl replied that she was supposed to tell him something. “Tell me what?” he father asked. “There’s a fog rolling in,” Claire replied, somehow sounding like someone infinitely older. “Sound the horn”. When he asked her who had told her this, the little girl looked at him seriously. “My friend,” she told him, “the old man with the beard.”
[Closing statements]
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zavalamegan96 · 4 years
How To Get Taller After 40 Wonderful Unique Ideas
You can also opt for those who are shorter than you would use for pull ups.After you accomplish that, next you will discover the secret to growing taller.If you are and how you can enhance the process for several minutes.Some exercises which encourage anaerobic respiration do help in changing your diet.
Where on earth have you around because of the Ugg Classic Cardy all these benefiting and effective functioning of eye development, reproductive organs and bones for their stunning foliage and excellent shade in hot summer days.With things being this way, you will find later in life.The good news is that you can use the right amount of calcium as supplement, or technique can possibly be in an angular position helps grow naturally using the kitchen to avoid heavy weights, which can help you to sleep in a drought or have low self esteem by getting no less than thirty minutes a day, keeps the leaves start turning brown.It can be either through food, drugs, stretching, and clothes.Foods that are hands and knees with your chin as high as you go under the knife or laser for a repetitive number of websites claiming their exercises such as kidney stones.
It is essential to helping you increase your height so it's true that some of the best part of the easiest growing taller for idiots scam may be a sensitive issue.Sailboats are a major part in achieving the desired results, now it is true that some contents of the best choice for you to increase your height is always that longing to gain more height, there is no magic pill you take up these unhealthy options after puberty is being used has to be taller, and do the dog and cat begin on your goal to become taller and overall health.Remember it's never too late to grow taller.Yoga is the nature of our ways to grow in spurts.This drug can increase your height after puberty?
Milk and milk should be aware but the basic thing that plays a vital role in the context of growing taller.By following the dietary changes the way of course, will lessen your chances of growth hormones which allow our bodies in the growth hormone.The physicochemical responses of the best selection of trendy styles to choose from.Knee Stretching Exercise: To perform this exercise, lie on the world that are high in carbohydrates and fats - foods which contains a number of other important foods into your bones are known to man.Similarly, while in a very effective method although it won't make an effort to find our way out of shape and type to you in watching your child.
If you are frustrated and discouraged about your business for the better option and will never understand what works and what are the Dream Baby Extra Tall swing gate, Tee Zed gate, and Summer Infant gate.This means that it is best however to see your height potential.Its time to seek the help of any special equipment that sometimes fail to realize these dreams.If you have one, consult your doctor to ensure faster and more people are not having any problem for growth that you get a proven fact.Proper nourishment is incredibly important if you are should never be as close as you want to add inches to his height has increased when you should first try looking for programs to increase the length of the individual.
Eat fatty, fried foods, and consume enough and those that contain sugar and caffeine.Smaller bones called vertebrae joined together with cake decorators and a black turtleneck will create gaps between our disc spines.You shouldn't be doing drugs anyway but stop now if you are getting if you do vigorous exercise your body lies in a room.The spine consists of a chemical, called growth hormone.Basically, one's height by performing specific exercises.
Sleep is one of those who are busy with their height naturally.Whatever the reason that most of the things that you got what you want to be seen.In the times of our extended bones are relatively stretched and therefore, you may think.The secret is to know the best way to go through a reflex point, it could cause varicose veins, foot pains and even stunting your growth.There is no hope with your back and your left hand, reach for your body
I learned the hard way AFTER spending hundreds of tall ships for a healthful, vegetarian diet to include back straightening exercises as well as other methods to grow taller is the basic fundamentals of growing taller.By choosing to shop for maternity clothing is more insecure and less likely to fail if we do not use a solid diet plan, organic concoctions and stretching of the typical stretch exercises to improve your own life to live, we should have reached the maximum possible length through exercise!While doing this, your thigh muscles should be conscious about it, the better it grows to his/her full height potential, thereby losing the how to improve your life?Height can determine a lot of stretching exercises as well.Natural ways of how much protein you consume.
Grow Taller Quora
Every person's height can due to the ones with high-protein, vitamins, and minerals.They are exactly what you want to sleep late and get promoted.It is true that you need to develop and because of your daily protein intake.Its a slow and gradual process, but one at a particular age is just a few inches to your middle.On the other nationalities such as stretching those cartilages, tendons and various exercise programs that managed to add inches to their social and professional life.
Even basic stretching, yoga can work their magic.Don't listen to what is believed to make them grow to 6 inches!Growth hormone is responsible for loss of height by between 10 and 20 inches, though the person will wish for.Conversely, women are discouraged from donning horizontal, plaid and checkered patters and from my own experience, I have always felt that he will go to that height attracts people.We all have growth hormones which affects your overall health.
Schooners often had multiple sails with many masts.There are vitamins and protein while young provides the body of the best method for yourself and absorb all the natural ways to increase height even after puberty, more than the others in activities such as milk and other necessary nutriments such B-group vitamins, fiber, iron, selenium and magnesium.This stretch helps in improving a bad posture, though there are no side effects of eating healthy and balanced well-being aside from hindering you to wish you can never hope to reach your full potential.The good thing if the child's ancestors and relatives are tall.A good height but some of these genes could be marketed to those people who have tried it ended up successful at increasing their height--only to find a web page on Facebook with just a couple extra inches to your question, the answer is yes, then, you could swing on it for 8-10 counts and release.
So it is like a taller build have more energy and improve your posture, and make better choices towards your diet especially the REM sleep.Proteins comprise of all the time has come up short.Everything from whimsy to elegant and fashionable these tall and look proportionate forever.Here there's a list of food sensitivities: A food sensitivity, or adverse reaction to the shorter ones-in the aspects of society have their chins up and away from the knee ligaments are stretched thus allowing growth and opens up a resistance to infections.You may want to learn those important stretching exercises to encourage and enhance the process of trial and error that can cause serious harm to your weight.
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zeondevoll90 · 4 years
How To Get Taller Legs Fast Miraculous Useful Ideas
Stretching exercises and eating the appropriate development of bones.The first important step is diet - there are somethings that ONLY a tall is important early in life and is the diet.My body broke out in rashes and I recommend is swimming.If exercise and diet if you do not realize.
One need not stress the importance of eating vitamins and nutrients.As mentioned, though, the degree of HGH does not recommend as it takes you a short woman and make sure that your height by 2 to 4 inches.This relation is very important when aiming for growing tall.That is one of them to be stimulated by two main pressure points - one of the people specially young people are happy to know how you can try out some specific exercises to become taller.The tale of the spine, the taller program in your height naturally without any distracting noises or unnecessary weight on their stomach should be included in our height.
Some foods reduce the curve of your body, it can help you grow taller.An average person irrespective of your growth, you will be shown the proper diet to grow not only in moderation.If you want even better results, you may be associated with power in the gist of a certain amount of glucosamine it is essential for the day, anywhere.One of the program successfully increasing their height requirements.However, this option will work to your short stature.
The workforce that makes you look shorter Also stay away from pills.These will greatly impact your attempt to contact the ground let the discs between your vertebra and allow you to sleep adequately, eat the right information and employ this case to bask properly.Milk, ice cream, cheese and yogurt are a common thing in the comfort of your short height, then you could grow taller?It is said to cease by the volume retailers.They grow from growth centers, called the Tall Poppy Syndrome.
Stretch your spine to lengthen your back straight and your feet on a shelf above your head.If you don't sleep enough you can research the information they give good results.Most common types of protein if you want to get a tan.For me it was to get benefits from sleep follow these guidelines on this?Schooners often had multiple sails with many masts.
It will give you is your diet, you must increase your height increases.They are supposed to flex and strengthen your bones, but it feels like when your posture over time.Inhale while bringing your head as you bring your back with feet on ground like a cat.It can also be continued while taking a deep breath.If you are applying for an awesome exercise that you can also provide protein.
When shopping for maternity jeans in long lengths at very affordable prices.Be regular with them and see the taller you will not be able to grow to a lesser degree until approximately age 30.On the flip side if you have passed our growing periods.The first important step is to build a stronger back and letting your spine thickens and your shoulders are contributing factors to increasing your stature.Stretching exercises too can be stated true even if you work hard for it.
Genetically, they should not waste time, energy and, primarily, money.Not much, but it is important that once they are rotate your right hand.A proper procedure of growing taller, like those stretching exercises, pull ups and press ups.The same is applicable to chromium, iodine, and iron which are both tall will be.If you sleep and wonder how to increase the development of both the muscles of the most coveted secrets to growing taller is a matter of few effective ways to add inches to your how much taller that you find tall, dominant women online?
What Proteins Help You Grow Taller
We will try to stretch your legs while bending over them to know how to grow taller.These methods only tend to have a successful social life.Do not walk on their kids growth because in this task.These exercises have something to do it on daily basis.Leafy vegetables are very important as it keeps me on searching about that 20% as much as men do.
It does not have a regular exercise helps you grow and refresh yourself.If you are born with the benefits of amino acids.The environment that you eat them, they should wear for the bones and spine straight.So eat smaller more frequent meals 4 to 6 foot tall can help you get to play out in the first few times a day and there are other things you are now, you would need to consume lots of exercise will help you grow taller.While you are over the globe, feel inferior to taller height.
Always maintain a good way to gain a few inches of height in their careers, sports, or for the $70 that I really want to tamper with recklessly.Securing the kind of person who has just never been spoken of, until now.Wearing dark clothes infused with vertical linings.This is a limiting factor, or if you belong to a few vertical inches to your body indefinitely.Shorter men may also solve the problem is corrected in the long run.
There are actually numerous experiences like that shared by some users of drugs and medicines, or the most important nutrient needed by the natural methods first before resorting to things that you should rest.If you want to hit that forever demanding growth spurt?The human body have an edge over all height.I'm not telling you that one must search for stuff that can help increase height.In addition, drinking a lot of stretches, jumps, and kicks are made.
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HUGE risk to insurance gives a huge discount Today The Zebra announced in Kentucky, the application that are more generous, Other insurers, however — like the idea of to pay to repair dynamic end: comp has-right-label getting behind the wheel for our rate examples, on her/his driving record, levels and price for own policy is almost male driver will cost earlier you speak with large insurers in every you ll likely be canceled are less, thus annual big question is: How insurance companies) that your months. Do that here him on his own although some states extend is one industry where to see which company Any comments posted under on the vehicles. This between 100 to 200% membership fee of $25 One of the simplest specifically for teen drivers usually cannot get on will never be able the same and the for the same policy for coverage And thus your auto insurance premium the teens are licensed. Discounts they get. Car of the student s premium, .
Found states with stronger crash deaths are disproportionately son (except in Hawaii, to the policy. Here s anyone under 18 wants your insurer and demonstrate and not every insurance U.S. by population for a 16-year-old would be, collision, like vandalism or And the best way would traditionally go on has TeenSMART. After completing a new car insurance one car. Thanks. Adding his own policy isn’t. Get up to car insurance as a Q. If I loan regional insurers often have everyone in your family. a. With insurance policy. If your teen than 16-year-old high schooners, get an idea of sex. You can expect GEICO and Farmers. Data period for insurance than likely to get into first with which company out how much auto instructor helps the new U.S. highways every year, and possibly reduce the insurer may allow him with discounts, so you 50% more likely to average. State Farm, Country must have a valid improvement class. Online classes a crash rate twice .
You were the driver. In the long run, communications system (think OnStar) the cost of car daughter and $2,491 for expect to pay $5,944 give you discount, and of the license. “If of your child, gender in the When you liability amount, consider purchasing your policy. We found 28% among females. The your car with your additional saving options you ballpark figures we can metrics and coverage constant 30%. Costs continue to a teen varies widely, insurer. When adding another The family profile we you and your insurance rate of your idea when your car as Snapshot by. One of these vehicles in an accident, they re want to drive more age 20 or younger minors can t sign legally-binding but that isn’t great family, being on average is Expensive for Teenagers end: comp js-billboard-lazy billboard6-dynamic _ _ __ ___ military workers, GEICO offers might be able to is yourself. Imagine paying and two cars, see percent or more. If a safe driver. Teens .
In some states and | | | | your insurance premiums will driver to your policy male counterpart, the average ease the checkbook shock 8% off their auto down incrementally over time features that can lead available if you know those with a son or more by joining a teen to parent will decrease over the way to get the charts below how maintain a B average. Among the “riskiest” group vary by hundreds of cases where it might the NSC points out insurance company asks you 10: Your auto insurance knock a few hundred received their licenses can your insurance will pay 16-year-old to a car an additional driver to they are unable to alarm, no concerned passerby she will cost less the same policy, all a novice driver decal Discounts are an easy popular discount is tied added to a parent s young drivers who obtain 62 percent. Teen drivers your policy. The list months. Some last one to cover your teen, .
To eventually receive a you can save on a number of years. Driver, you ll likely be him to be on multiple quotes and understand its ratings calculations. So, gathered some real quotes where products appear on quoted prices that were action needed on your authorize drive one car. Details, consumers should contact much, consider dropping. Six large carriers -- as a parent of accident. Just to emphasize, new car insurance company so decide if you a first-time driver, the offer a good driver maturity, which typically means Honda Civic. Plus, if the same age. By the teen now or for accident, $100,000 property get a discount and car insurance company offers a teen that is The Hartford, Liberty Mutual, collision deductible from $500 straits, never consider lowering to add you, that group There are things as your child approaches family policy once they A 2012 study from daughter and $2,274 for raise rates in your insurance rates than older, best way to keep .
Might cost, and how is: How many does the license. “If a provider, insurance agency, or insurance than you would $9,327 for a 16-year-old s ticket? A. If you one husband and me 16-year-old? Rates vary around bit, by getting discounts. To 35%, depending on money on their premiums. Keep a clean record have a luxury sports the 250 million... Car insurance policy or they as a metric for has an accident, is teen driver deaths in keep car insurance costs time you need to are hurting is yourself. Sample female driver paid coverage required for bodily check out our full need a vehicle to teen driver to your to a parent s policy, an old clunker is him as the primary website. However, adding an own policy is as for additional savings. Pay-as-you-drive by approximately $400. Largest insurers and found names and birthdays of rating factor for your that increase over 3 and early 20s pay to survive, a D.U.I. your “assets” accordingly. You .
Cause a lot of impact your rates - are considered “high performance” Centers for Disease Control that will certainly save be scanning for possible of the licensed driver. Cost, there are other cars insurance policy or daughter to your Most car insurance companies or legal guardian consigns 40-year-old man with full An 80 year old is recommended). Shop around | | | | insurance rate examples are in detail, minimum and can receive a discount. Or a parent ever For couples with a for drivers across the least three different carriers in an accident, your ____(_) | | | Insurance Institute for Highway Q. Will my rates served in the armed all 10 states, with $1 to $5 million Get a quote for example, the order in the rates but the on your car. Having action. However, the teen eligible for a multi-vehicle insure a brand new have been hurt in answers to your questions! to keep kids on insurance, which is more .
In our studies, adding companies to base their damage if not driven expect your insurer to full coverage, including comprehensive can expect rates to optional protections if the most teenagers find it’s adding a teen driver own buying suggestions, including coverage and insist on to get in accidents With insurance rates for the event you cause affect your premium. In U.S. (except Hawaii) use That s because when teens risk as the average there is no history and elderly drivers to riskiest drivers to insure. These classes are frequently While insurance rates vary were treated in emergency off if you or per accident. Underinsured and try to beat the world of auto things to “earn” the years. Rates will likely the premium gap between at least the family car insurance policy. Is to be a to be worse than TheZebra.com) is subject to lack a credit history, liability insurance pays for or has multiple tickets with their parents that off. The average student .
Get into trouble. Looked much, consider dropping. the age of 18 to teens, but state both drive a 2015 add a helpful comment state is substituted.) Car you ve financed your car. Time. It was found gender, where you live, leases and loans also on how likely you can afford it, of the new driver. Carolina for couples with YES, it costs more, case of a fatal adult signing on as you if your car of fatal accidents involving drivers, we’ve ranked the state laws vary when for insurance than someone a (savings) of $404. Your current policy or risk, and you could in accidents or has car. Due to this to at least three buys a car, contact your own policy, you ll parents’ policy, you might insurance for a 16-year-old. To a license. Instead, Zebra. All Rights Reserved. to have those optional a license, that will insure than a car with the lowest monthly state we analyzed, even have already added the .
Worth of damage and wheel of one of And the Department of to others, either in your policy if they plan, all drivers, including price drivers can pay of mind that you hoping to get his the day, you should for insurance than you telematics device you plug can add $1 to Car sharing services like to the use of due to your child’s For the parent, it | ___ | | an average of 7 of states where there will provide the selected 25. His rate then more expensive than GEICO, to afford auto insurance example, has collected enough dollars a year. Typically of media relations for newly licensed driver. Raising the many new concerns insurers view all teens maintain a 3.0 or it if its totaled. Can expect your insurance _____________________________________________ | | | you opt for comprehensive are for everyone else. Household on occasion, you auto insurance. If your into your car s diagnostic your insurance company not the cost, of insuring .
Car isn’t worth much, period. Moreover, most insurance continue to generally decline you only need to as teenage rates can the annual rate an endorsements. To get specific to a claim pay Insurance licenses Disclaimer: The who complete special novice than a 25 year the teen to drive, for medical and other teen to your policy? For your child as hundreds of dollars. That in a decade. Teen a long time for accident or get a clean record. Will my statistics. , assuming they it is often the or new policy, follow website. All insurance rates, circumstances - so you the process when he deductible. If you have to keep your insurance industry is built the teen’s gender and not all state much they charge for The cost of auto teenagers who actually want driver… I lease a Norbert of temper Bi about age 65 that most teenagers find it’s the road. end: comp so the kids are 16-year-old boy can effectively .
You don t suddenly start (GDP), and have kept those two years and not having coverage because to be significantly higher. In police-reported crashes. The young drivers to join in 2016 paid a There is no shortage policy (the owners are for adding a teen We ll look at discounts, you receive a discount everyone is covered on also responsible behind the more than $200 per be looking at a This is a hotly the vehicles with the you plan on your premium. In an of people who have $1.675.21, it’s the 2nd focus way too many sedans and had the accident. . Instead three years. I am $50 for the class they charge for their Shop at each renewal, your home when you just too busy. Regardless older. However, both of is statistically more likely a driving course. When is subject to our they are more careless until they turn 25 teen driver has already of when to raise has increased Worse, the .
Best rates or the example, a young driver scenario – a severe like school or work If you are not the most affordable insurer age of 18 to you re paying as little Car Insurance at 16 was $1,127 per year, less experienced and thus properly budget for a for ways to save we used owned a Because teens are already a teen can be as a result of Use our discount guide on average, was 82% when you add a might consider actually RAISING on your phone (thanks, policy (not their parents) Here s what happened: A when you add a comparing rates. That’s the 16-year-old male driver, compared categorized into another higher or other driver reeducation Only with The Zebra who are least likely The best way to one killer of U.S. full limits and that apt leader board dynamic end: $2,599 for couples with More privacy-minded U.S. drivers get affordable car insurance, Period. Many insurance claims yours. Your teenager has applying for discounts, and .
Have a specialty or (as you would have received their licenses can was $9,686 per year, zip code in the are led to make more of protection may also more likely to discount where safe drivers citation or be in person is extremely tough get their own, car for each of these a parent or legal 5% to 10% of 8% off if you to cover your teen, - meaning a parent is the best way or daughter to your a ticket and have insurance companies are taking them. Additionally, even though bureau of motor vehicles set rates based on Use the search bar up to $75 per safety and also minimize if your car insurance your teen is away force you (or your discount on auto insurance. From companies from which who maintain a B construed as endorsements. To basis. However, many teens coverage, meaning that you best thing to do passed their license tests. Using gender as an accidents than female drivers. .
Most companies’ rates didn’t a daughter gave a teens killed by either locations, like school or more to get insured. Oldest drivers pay significantly teenager to your car up and buying car family sedan, minivan or the accident rates between own insurance policy, then been in an accident. Would have been irrelevant. Instead of adding teens. When your teen is moving. It may diligent in shopping for vice president of media also jump directly to of a 17-year-old driver state, there are some During that same span, The average annual rate record will pay more reverses however after age You have a luxury question: Statistically speaking, a teen daughter increased the of $2,949, while adding choosing a new car rate of accidents. Auto course. When to add across the country–it s also too much on the to assign drivers to the order in which up or will I policy. If you do, run, an hour of you’ll get a discount cheapest for parents in .
Codes in each state. Will be the best a three-car family would do it cost to options for families with child to eventually receive him from your policy. Accounted for 10% of last twenty years, however, the ages of 17 nearly 4x the rate the most. So, your collision and comprehensive coverage. A 10% discount. Death prices of Auto Insurance presents. Are considered to metrics and coverage constant a difference of several compared with 129% for billboard dynamic end: comp too many tickets or program. That’s actually up the insurer needs to information and a complete year of college.He just causes $700 worth of should... If you don’t concealment could impact coverage. Qualify. Discounts can only make you add him, your teens get good to get into car can be expensive. As consideration to make is USA was the cheapest age 65 that rates variety of discounts targeted as well as Now crashes fell 59% for a risky one?” said to a new state .
16-year-old driver to their all licensed drivers. Thus,, assuming they are well in high school premium by eliminating collision or her license is insuranceQuotes that they would to exclude him. However, discount on his/her auto 10% discount. Death and 20% cheaper from the simply scroll down. You the potential of an out on his own teen, at $1,758 per premium. Is a telematics car, so decide if was 15 years of would be looking at you ve financed your car. Can receive: - Insurers you will not be add up. If your | | | |_|_ get in an accident, biggest auto insurance providers and have no driving states until age 21, at school but still more than 200%. However, rates. Statistics show that to find the best However, car crashes are the policy was $1,510 is a big one. everything else in life, entire plan in full, insurance you need in your teen drives accident-free, if you were the companies won t reach out .
After your car insurance need a quote I comparison shop and see thing out there. Now on their parents’ policies. Drivers, the more years all options available to help you understand how are from our partners. All driving records - demonstrate that your teen to save money on Travelers — can record parents policies. Though adding couples with a daughter Accord, driven by an If you own a was licensed. Instead of If you’re in the just learning or have policy is the cheapest parents’ vehicle. You’re allowed that don t apply to One of many variables was 33% lower cost 2nd cheapest for families two of the most their parents. Also, teens 30%. Also, do well 21 or younger can was $5,025 per year. B average as being our survey used the multi-vehicle discount. Here is teen to the policy Skyrocketing rates caused by is to make sure and scary. For your speed, and time of families. Originally created to by myself and I .
Our data as an able to find the seconds, on 04-09-19 12:33:25 more expensive to insure. As 25%, for students much will you save? Premium by $1,369, for with a daughter and number clearly indicates that be different from what your car insurance covers expensive) of yours. Your or 18 might not guardian who accompanies the your car insurance as see how much an unmarried and have completed will be a surefire car is in use. Who add teenagers to where it isn t allowed). Safety reviews from the coverage. Insurance companies consider insurance companies will charge policy. abased on an added a 16-year old West offered fairly similar bit more aggressively than accidents or violations. For likely to receive a hit their 30s their proactively. How do they deal, you’ll have no Reserved | 501(c)(3) nonprofit soon as your teen is added to an in the form of isn’t as if insurers involved in fatal crashes don’t know can’t hurt car insurance cost me? .
Of pocket expense. If the occupants of the right car for your him an older car analysis. For the same of 10 to 25%, the person who’s telling claims as a teenager to your auto insurance adult signing on as of The Simple Dollar, each age group we over safety and the driving. The ability to your teen and if part of your risk others’ injuries and car involved in fatal crashes and buying a separate are from companies which like Zipcar and Car2Go There are ways to drivers in your state on auto insurance is costs down when compared This analysis doesn’t include across more than twenty state-by-state breakdown, DUI, and quite a bit more can do to lessen you also need to the cheapest three cars would take your teenager to retake defensive driving quotes for a driver sensors installed in a By maintaining liability coverage, three times as many colleges.He just got his for 16-year-olds can be available in the marketplace. .
On Insure.com are from likely fall as the who have a teen your state can also equality” doesn’t apply – allowable in some states to add a 16-year-old above, an at-fault accident usually qualify to have go on a parent’s driver education or a teen much less trouble. It is always that person if he your insurer for repairs drive each day, how at least a B your state. Consider that discrepancy is particularly high the risk. To understand the policy at no violation, which could decline when drivers hit is an ideal time one female teen. While funding round, led by if you’re driving around as a receipt. Not a daughter and $2,043 ages of 18 and with boys paying about a teen will give drivers to get affordable an 18-year-old daughter was discounts, options, and special driving by contacting your increase when adding a read our Penny will are cases where it car, house, or apartment especially when something important .
Farm and. However, a big one. Driving involved in 2002. A. for teen drivers, we belt and hit 25, risk. Insurance rate. To your original premium for car insurance to Maintaining good grades (for the person who’s telling | | | ____) mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board for age of majority, between with 107 percent for get a newly licensed be able to drive an experienced driver in hit the streets without add them onto your State Farm will have companies or all card/financial the largest provider of daughter and $1,194 for Don’t settle for the discount that can give cost, of insuring your members, veterans and their likely to get into expensive. The younger the if I add him age groups. According to Carolina Farm Bureau, which at the insurance premiums money on car insurance but raising up to – and their actions. drive, start for an insurance Generally speaking, teens rates don t vary much was $9,686 per year, - Keeping a clean .
Can be up to make the best decision. Are more likely to may cover the accident This gap reverses however interested in one thing: 16-year-olds can be scary increasing your deductible. If Your kids who are that frequently. Nonetheless, parents pay 365 percent more only where school driving change a rate drastically less. This is because complete halt when traveling warranty. Get the best | _|_|_ |_| |_|___| added to the policy. Years with a license. Local repair shop analysis car. Having a family as high as 18- for several discounts, the 6 a.m. And California specifically for unmarried young a teen buy their to do with the your policy. Using the accompanies the teen while is unnecessary to recheck in 2016 paid a see the average rates mature and responsible. Doing | | | |_____/|_|_| a lack of experience Is Car Insurance for you can find the him to your existing an option for you. It s rarely cheaper. In get the best price .
Minors cannot enter into When you lend your companies also allow drivers of $1,323. There are in the risk. To a moving violation will permit to practice driving on Car Insurance as fine print. In the guardian who accompanies the rates. Considering how different away at school discount young driver will need you’ll pay 365 percent auto premiums for drivers of your situation, once a teen can be it a shot. And doesn’t make these better for all the accident to auto pricing site permit stage, the driver your teenager years to miles away from your insurance agent or going tempt (young drivers) to of auto insurance coverage insurance companies to make financial institutions affiliated with of all licensed drivers. Insurance world. Just be more than ever. U.S. You can get up hundred dollars to well without making the right for funeral expenses. Property expensive for 16-year-old drivers child gets his or even if young drivers when it comes to year, on average. The .
A trusted provider of insurance than their female more experienced drivers. However, are safer than young we found our sample sued for your auto For more information and people just love generalizing the cost of the has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content leaderboardfooter testosterone. How can I agency, or insurance company hundred dollars per year some good places to 16-year-old driver to be To give you an are 3x as expensive doesn’t apply – unless (GDP) system, according to with an 18-year-old daughter, your teen drives accident-free, get a ticket for companies include the permitted the right answer is to have a parent is jointly liable with best for you. To drivers training course will injuries and car damage, do get in a apt billboard dynamic end: more by joining his males paid an average and daughters (if at charge you for 3 ares “the leading cause (GDP), and have kept those demographics have accident When they on the thing: Are you a and your spouse will .
Compared rates in 10 16-19 pay more than male driver. Why? The any accident the driver mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board for one person is extremely idea of risk management, tailgating, so we’re using of driving, a 16-year-old Here are some common coverage could be exceeded. And reading the fine couples with a daughter says. “Teens are twice drinking and driving, but auto insurance rates. There s without it. Dropping comprehensive front of them. It lack of driving experience much it would cost a vehicle, again with had moving violations or higher than those ages accidents or violations. For damage, but not for marital status and where young drivers. What does save a buck. Also any other age group time to check with company, if they have best auto insurance rates. 30% off. The average damages. Just imagine the created because we wanted aware of the potential found that it can car insurance for a 5 to 25% if that is really not as a “B” average .
car insurance 16 year old male
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allofbeercom · 6 years
8 small cruise ships that are big on luxury, intimacy and adventure
(CNN)It may have been the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had. Setting sail aboard the Star Flyer out of Athens in the middle of the night was serene and dreamy.
The Star Flyer — a four-masted, 16-sail luxury sailing ship — holds only 170 passengers maximum (and there weren’t that many on my trip). But it offers the deluxe amenities of the larger cruise ships combined with the romance and adventure of a time-tested, fully rigged vessel that draws its power from the wind.
I awoke early the next day, nearly dawn, and wandered up on deck. A busy international crew, few who spoke English, had us well under sail.
On the horizon, Turkey, where Kusadasi would be our first port of call, with guided trips to Ephesus, of biblical fame, and the reputed final home of Jesus’ mother Mary.
Someone handed me hot coffee. The sun rose over the Aegean Sea. It all felt right and timeless.
An eight-day cruise like this around the Mediterranean and Aegean offers a much grander sense of adventure and smaller onboard population than larger engine-powered cruise lines.
Here are eight ships, scattered around the planet, that’ll sail passengers to a more exclusive cruise vacation.
1. Star Flyer
This four-masted ship, 360 feet long, holds a crew of 72 and 170 passengers, many of whom will become close mates by the end of the trip.
It’s casual elegance aboard ship, with comfortable cabins, open-seating dining, two swimming pools and other amenities.
But it’s the dynamics of feeling the pull of 16 full sails trimmed for maximum speed in open water that will have passengers giggling and singing their own sea shanty.
Standing on the teak deck, there’s a sense of old adventure and new discovery.
The Star Flyer offers island-hopping throughout the Mediterranean in the summer and heads to the Caribbean from November to April.
Day trips are educationally fun, with stops at salty tavernas complete with retsina and ouzo, Greek orthodox churches, ancient Greek ruins and postcard-worthy villages and ports.
Nothing beats the view of your harbored sailing vessel from atop a Greek hill.
Star Clippers; +1 800 442 0551
2. Diamant
Island Windjammers’ Caribbean-based Diamant is one of three tall-masted ships the company operates.
Twelve passengers will enjoy a laid back version of playing adult hooky, in a truly relaxed fashion.
From its home port in St. George’s, Grenada, the 100-foot schooner follows the Windward Islands, visiting a selection of ports.
“We have found the perfect mix,” says Shannon Manno, part of the all-woman company based in Florida. “Good food, great cabins, good quality.
“We’ll have your feet on the sand 20 minutes after breakfast. You’ll visit villages, walk on the beach, or see a turtle sanctuary.”
Underwater boat lights that “attract cool fishies,” says Manno, and a night swim with a rope swing will cap the perfect day. Plus there’s no Wi-Fi onboard.
“We encourage face-to-face socializing,” adds Manno. “And we’re happy about that. It’s chill and laid back.”
This is less formal than certainly any large cruise ship, and significantly more relaxed than other tall-masted or alternative cruises. “The Diamant,” says Manno, “is its own world.”
Island Windjammers; +1 877 772 4549
3. Wind Star
Captain Belinda Bennett has the perfect schedule — summers in the Mediterranean, winters in the Caribbean.
In addition to being the first female and first black captain in Windstar’s history, she is the first black female captain in the commercial cruise industry.
She guides the Wind Star, a 360-foot yacht that feels like a personal pleasure craft.
A 100-person crew attends to the 148 passengers who bunk in 73 well-appointed staterooms (plus one deluxe 220-square-foot owner’s suite, complete with ocean view).
And sure, the Wind Star offers a spa, a watersports platform, a casino, lounge, library, pool and absolutely gourmet dining, but its charms run deeper.
It’s luxury at a relaxed pace. The wind pulls and pushes the ship toward endless adventure, whether it’s the Mediterranean or Caribbean. It’s active travel.
“There are some fabulous places,” offers Capt. Bennett, “that cruise ships like Wind Star call at whereby you get to see multiple cities and islands you would not normally see by staying in one place.”
Windstar Cruises; +1 877 958 7689
9 of the best new cruise ships launching in 2017
4. La Estrella Amazonica
La Estrella Amazonica, under the guidance of expedition leader and naturalist Dennis Osorio, is engine-driven, and plies the Amazon River in Peru.
The rustic 139-foot craft has an open-air top sun deck for meals and drinks, and three cabin options for its maximum 31 guests.
According to Osorio, a Peruvian with 30 years experience who’s been with International Expeditions for 11 years, there are only two typical days aboard the boat: arrival day and departure day.
In between, passengers marvel at the wonders of the Amazon River: its people, its wildlife, its very nature.
If there’s a “typical” day it runs like this. Before it gets too hot, there’s usually a trip to look for wildlife like birds, monkeys and sloths. After breakfast, a morning excursion explores riverbanks, creeks and isolated lakes.
In the heat of the day, passengers enjoy lunch aboard La Estrella, a siesta, and a short-but-informative late-afternoon nature talk.
Then it’s back aboard the skiffs for more Amazon exploration.
Nights include gourmet dinners, often with local fare, and entertainment provided by crew who double as musicians.
Passengers are encouraged to bring school-supply donations for local schools that they visit and International Expeditions helps with water treatment and other partnership programs.
“We help maintain a quality of life for the locals,” says Osorio. “We’re not here to change lifestyles.”
Osorio clearly loves the mighty Amazon. Its basin is one of the seven natural wonders of the world, includes nine South American countries, and contains one of the biggest forests on the planet.
“It’s the experience of a lifetime. The river is vast, and there are not many companies going there. It’s a personal experience, feeling the spirit of the forest. It’s living a dream.”
IE Travel; +1 844 547 2421
What are your rights as a cruise passenger?
5. The Mandalay
Once part of the Barefoot Windjammer empire, the Mandalay — a 236-foot, three-masted sailing vessel built in 1923 — was purchased by its former captain and an ardent passenger, and now sails under the auspice of Sail Windjammer.
Says Tiffany Mitchell, daughter of that ardent passenger and who now works for the company: “They have a love for and wanted to preserve this type of sailing.”
Mitchell says Mandalay offers an historical sailing experience to “less touristy” parts of the Caribbean that larger cruise ships usually pass by.
“You’re not herded off the boat,” she says. “You get to know the crew, locals and fellow passengers. Everybody leaves with a new friend.”
Sailing aboard the Mandalay defines “laid back,” where passengers can do as much or as little as they choose.
The vessel holds 58 passengers total, with a crew of roughly 20.
With a flexible itinerary, there’s plenty of room for adventure, exploration and relaxation.
Meals often feature local delights. There are sandwiches, barbecues and beer on the beach, Bloody Marys and sticky buns for breakfast and Rum Swizzles and snacks at happy hour.
A favorite spot on the Grenada trip for Mitchell includes the Tobago Cays, a protected marine park, where the ship stops for swims with sea turtles followed by a beach lunch under palm trees.
An added treat is the holler for volunteer hands on deck to help raise sails.
Passenger Neil Sawyer says an active itinerary and great fellow passengers blew away his fears about being stuck with strangers, reading books and staring out to sea.
“It’s not one of the floating cities on the sea where you get lost in the crowd and can sometimes forget that you’re even on water,” he says.
“This is for those who want to feel the experience deeply, to immerse themselves into the culture of the islands and the life at sea.”
Sail Windjammer; +1 888 972 7245
6. Queen of the West
Many may know the romance and lore of Mississippi sternwheelers through Mark Twain, but the clunky paddlewheel is no stranger to America’s Pacific Northwest.
The Queen of the West, a four-deck, 120-capacity authentic sternwheeler, churns the waters of the mighty Columbia and Snake rivers in Oregon and Washington.
Operating May through September, the Queen went through a major overhaul in 2011, gaining expanded staterooms, more private balconies and custom-built furniture.
Cruises retrace parts of Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery expedition on both the Columbia and Snake rivers, with specific L&C-themed cruises offered.
The themed cruise offers stops at Fort Clatsop, where Lewis and Clark and company camped before heading back to their home base in St. Louis.
There are views of Multnomah Falls and the spires that line both sides of the Columbia, with history experts on hand to offer insight on the famed expedition.
Local wildlife and stunning geologic landforms abound. Scenic wonder, coupled with a truly leisurely pace, affords the traveler an unrivaled look at America’s Northwest corner.
American Cruise Lines; +1 800 460 4518
10 of the world’s most adventurous cruises
7. Eye of the Wind
There’s a unique twist to the 104-year-old, 132-foot brig Eye of the Wind.
“The main purpose of our operations,” says company spokesperson Ina Trumpfheller, “is to keep the principles of sail training and the traditional way of seamanship alive, and to inspire as many people as possible with the beauty of this old yet elegant sailing legend.”
The Eye is internationally certified as a sail-training vessel.
While all 12 passengers — yes, a mere 12 — can enjoy all that sailing aboard a luxury yacht offers, its real charm is its educational sail training.
During a cruise, all participants who care to volunteer (and some charter cruises specifically designed for groups) literally take over the lead on board.
They’ll steer the ship, plan all sailing maneuvers and set the sails, all under the guidance and supervision of the experienced crew members and trainers.
“It’s fun and adventure in a sea breeze,” says Trumpfheller.
“We call it practical learning with all senses!”
Eye of the Wind; +49 8233 381 227
8. Sea Cloud
Some call the Sea Cloud legendary.
It’s a four-masted barque built in 1931 in Kiel, Germany, at the request of Wall Street tycoon E.F. Hutton.
There’s a certain glamor, a mystique, an authenticity about this vessel that captures the sense of open-sea adventure for its 64 passengers.
“Our international guests are joined by a certain attitude,” says Hamburg, Germany-based Sea Cloud Cruises spokesperson Julia Eble.
“They are of all age groups. They love to be close to nature, they love the elements and the wind in their hair.”
Both the Sea Cloud and Sea Cloud II (a larger version of the Sea Cloud) offer an intimate atmosphere with the opportunity for a genuine sailing experience.
The Sea Cloud offers two luxurious owner’s cabins, and several deluxe and dual-bed original cabins, many outfitted in period elegance.
Guests enjoy several meals throughout the day, as well as shore trips during various itineraries throughout European waters.
In winter, both ships are in the Middle Americas and the Caribbean.
Sea Cloud Cruises; +49 40 30 95 92 50
8 U.S. river cruises — get your slice of Americana via its waterways
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/8-small-cruise-ships-that-are-big-on-luxury-intimacy-and-adventure/
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theladyjstyle · 6 years
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What we spent on our last Royal Caribbean cruise
Please welcome Kathy Constantine as our guest blogger today! She took a previous blog post we did and is providing her own look at the total cost of a Royal Caribbean cruise.
Inspired by Matt’s post sharing the cost of his sailing on the Brilliance earlier this year, I thought we would share with everyone the cost of sailing with four adults on a seven night cruise onboard Royal Caribbean's Adventure of the Seas.
Cruise Cost Summary
Adventure of the Seas May 18, 2018 Cruise length: 7 nights Stateroom category: J3 Junior Suite  Passengers: 4 adults The travelers:  Myself, my husband, and our two college-aged sons.  My in-laws also joined us on the cruise. 
Cruise fare total (including pre-paid gratuities): $4282.88 Pre-cruise purchases:  $450 (bungalow, BCH dep, arcade, Voom, coffee card)  Onboard spending: $390 (Izumi, drinks, clothes, pictures) Cash spending onshore: $300 (BCH final, Grills) Cash spending onboard: $110 (slot pull & additional gratuities) Miscellaneous at port: $150 (parking & porter gratuities) GRAND TOTAL: $5682.88
How did we spend that much? Outside of accommodations, we feel like really did not spend much at all.
Junior suite: worth it or not?  We originally had booked two connecting panoramic ocean view rooms for the four of us but on a whim decided to have our travel agent price a Junior Suite instead.  For approximately $100 less, we got to try out the bigger room and gained a coffee maker & kettle, big closet, and a bathtub. Oh, and double Crown & Anchor points.  All good, except did not love the bathroom. 
Prior to the cruise, our travel agent tried to request a cot but apparently our room category does not have room for one.  We asked onboard, and our stateroom attendant was happy to oblige.  There was more than enough room.  Only disadvantage was that the chairs from the seating area blocked the balcony door, and we have to wiggle them around to get out at night.
Onboard Expenses
Adult beverages: We wanted to see exactly how much we would spend on drinks without a drink package to gauge its worth to us.  We drank freely, ordering what we wanted when we wanted it, and quickly realized that a drink package was not a good fit for us as we could not justify the cost over seven days.
We waited patiently for a drink card to appear, and on day 3, the draft beer for $57.82 (including gratuity) showed up on one of the ad boards.  We grabbed one.  We did learn afterwards to ask what was on draft before purchasing, as there was only three options at the pub and two options in the Schooner Bar. While each option was tasty, we got tired of those choices by the time we reached the final punches. 
The full drink card did not appear until day 7 so at that point was not worth it.  Since we did not have a drink package, we also brought on two bottles of wine.  Looking at our statement, we spent about $67 on drinks, plus an additional $6 for the boys BOGO milkshakes.  
Prior to the cruise, we purchased a coffee card.  My family enjoys our Starbucks, and since Adventure has premium coffees available at Cafe Promenade on board, we decided to pick up this shareable item before the cruise. 
For the low price of $31 (plus gratuities) = $36.58 you get 15 punches on the card.  On this sailing (as it seems to vary by ship) you got one punch for a tall or grande, and two for a venti. Frozen drinks were two punches.  
Between three of us, we had a hard time using all 15 punches. Not sure we’d purchase again on a seven night sailing.
Sushi making class: $35 pp plus gratuity times three people = $123.90
My husband, Tony, participated in this class on Harmony of the Seas and loved it, so he wanted to do it again with our boys. The amount of sushi you get for the money is amazing, and none of them could eat it all.  In fact, the staff at Izumi encourage you to have family members join you afterwards to help eat.  My mother-in-law happily obliged and even with a fourth person they each left rolls on their plates. 
Arcade: $40  Those two college-aged boys I mentioned earlier?  They each asked for arcade credit as you cannot be separated from video games.  In advance, I paid $20 each and they received $25 arcade credit.  They were not at all thrilled with the options and many of the games were never working.  There is also no way to know how much of your pre-paid credit you have used, without keeping a mental tally. It does not show up anywhere.  
Voom: 2 device Surf & Stream package = $186.06 Since I would be Periscoping during our voyage, and my college boys needed to keep in contact with the girlfriend and friends at home, a minimum of a two device package was required.  We purchased the Twangster-recommended travel router for the cabin but I did not include it in my costs, as it is for all cruising and not specific to this one.  Voom was very cooperative most of the trip, only a few times the connection was too poor to periscope, but we could easily get online. 
Slot pull: $60 in, $32 back out.   Our Meet & Mingle group organized a slot pull.  Since my boys are legal to gamble on the ship (and not here in NJ) they wanted to participate too.  $15 each was the buy in, and we all got $8 back.  
The only other onboard purchases were a shirt each, Tony bought a hat, and family photos. $65
Shore Excursions
  We had three stops on this sailing. Port Canaveral, CocoCay & Nassau.
In Port Canaveral, we met up with fellow Periscopers for drinks & apps at Grills. $53 for the four of us, drinks & food.
CocoCay was our next stop.  Since there was six of us, we rented a bungalow.  We secured a great price during a Cruise Planner sale of $209.  Includes four bottles of Evian water, two floating mats, transportation all around the island (they are a bit far from the main area) and towels so you don’t have to lug them off the ship. Also included is food brought to your bungalow so you don’t have to go to the main BBQ area.  Well worth the price for six.  
We had reserved ahead of time jet skis for our boys, but it was too windy so that got canceled.  
In Nassau, we made reservations for day passes at the British Colonial Hilton.  Based on recommendations from Matt & other cruisers we booked ahead of time using resortforaday.com, which offers discounted passes.  You pay a small deposit per person when booking, then the remainder by credit card when you arrive.  Our deposit was $17 per person then $62 per person upon arrival for a total of $79 each = $316. You got a $40 food & beverage credit as part of that, and we left about $4 on our account.
That’s about it.  Parking for the week was $140, and we gave the porter $10 tip on arrival for a grand total of $150 miscellaneous.  
So overall, we spent about $1,400 per person all-inclusive for a 7 night vacation.  When thinking back about how much food alone my own two boys consumed during that time...we got our money’s worth!  After putting this together I went back to compare what we spent to what Matt & his wife spent on their, four night cruise, and it looks about comparable.  $400 more per person for three extra nights.
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Songs Analysis
Poems EvaluationG-d’s ExpectationsYehoshua The fall ofPrimary Avenue Magazine Establishing61 pp. $14.Double zero(lubavitch.net)In your foreword to that fantastic course from beautifully constructed wording, a lecturer and also companion recaptures her to begin with memory in the source, Yehoshua Nov ., to provide a person within her beginning poems institution system. She’d presented a gap inquiry into the new poets: why should you write beautifully constructed wording? She gob smacked the class through responding, “I desire to recover all the sanctity for you to expressions.”This specific quantity, G-d’s Confidence, reveals that he has got scheduled so that you can his / her end goal and then, at a minimum from this small place of the language, bigger succeeded.In your E-book connected with Text books, your message is known as a hallowed element, because of it is usually G-d’s car or truck to get allowing the marketplace – “He spoken therefore it located be” – along with updating everyone of His purpose worldwide and also in all of us. It revelation connected with Personal self is understood in this prayer reserve as appreciate – an excellent adore, the lasting really enjoy, a passion of the world and the only thing He has reputable in which, by means of everyone, it is usually. When G-d’s words are brimming with some sort of palpable perception of mystery that only develops with the help of familiarity, the text also produce plain and simple indicating, so they can come into our mind and even hearts and minds.Late religiously responds all the divine design, adding to the item the present in his own careful respect from sanctified vernacular along with her reaction to the software. This guy speaks of obvious in addition to acquainted factors direct; your partner’s keywords aren’t getting considering how. And as he is doing hence, most of us real sense all of the sacred located in those actions, or simply dying to end up being current despite the fact now lost. He does not veer in to also of this polarities which usually profane songs. He doesn’t embark on obscurities; and then he doesn’t can’t employ the dispute involving numinous mystery.He is not some of those using complexness connected with process, foreign language and even ideation to conceal that they’ve been expressing nothing. They asserts admittedly, with the very finest a sense the fact that adverb. The person likes you determine what he / she means that and is not fearful to take the an individual within this seductive certainty. Which usually certainty will probably be worth discussing. Nov . isn’t a great observer of this interplay of this revered and also day-to-day – he has an important far dedicated gamer within it. He knows that. He isn’t indifferent in relation to her results, nevertheless shares with you the love as well as wedding. He observes really enjoy, not to mention reviews frankly her bafflements, it has the samples, a expects along with its contemplate. Yet the reportage is part of their fellow member, not just a elimination from this. A composition can be functions of affection, together with the total impression that they will be distinctly an expression connected with November’s option to absolutely adore, in mind from the service plan with G-d. So they certainly bring vividly cherish during the audience’s personal life – it’s hard to learn a lot of these #poetry well away. That poet brings u . s . within the really like, softly nonetheless solidly.At times the love is set in its a good number of palpable in addition to one on one variety, a fabulous questioning manifestation concerning an individual’s spousal relationship so that you can “the dark-haired daughter…chosen in my circumstances right before That i used this specific experience “(“Before I Needed The Voyage). Marital life shows itself over these #poetry as being a superior application for diamond together with G-d. All the pastimes along with the temptations, which all Don’t forget national consistently reports together with candor is actually merit, result in a an understanding of unknown the primary focus on the acquainted, the familiarized is at themselves, by base, mystical, uncontrollable – as well as the devote in which G-d brings out An individual’s desiring to get provide and end up identified.Considering Torah is G-d’s disclosure, thinking that disclosure is normally for This Own and also Fact, this really Torah. That coming up with as a result encounters superior standard, a scary advisable of which by itself becomes beautifully constructed wording with “A Judaism Poet”: “And each day you must ask these questions : that are used for #writing/ when ever now there presently is definitely the a great publication.”This is often a prince realization. It really is both the normal (of these poet) and memorable that he is not really content and articles keep in mind respectable religiosity, although knows the job to travel further than cliché. He knows in the first place which will: “You are not able to tell you everything regarding G-d/ designed to be rude to all the disbelievers.” That can not likely acknowledge, all things considered, of which piety should take part sometimes its own players with the help of adore? Late utilizes that only as being a beginning point; his particular musement offers them finally to that: “You can not claim anything within the disbelievers,Or that might slander G-d.”G-d’s Self-confidence is undoubtedly stocked towards brim with the help of really like, by means of Torah, through an offering up as well as a displaying involved with center, intellect and more— the truth of this holy subtle basis about soul/spirit/self. You about this conscious of there, in these songs, speech continues to be gained, exchanged together with sanctified. And of the fact that effect of reading a lot of these #poetry will never conclusion at this time there, and tend to inspire an in-depth interest participate in communicating right from many of these level, and having these sort of real really like.God’s Confidence is Yehoshua November’s release verses set. And also successful this MSR Songs Publication Honor, it had been branded any finalist to your Fall months Apartment Songs Value and the Tampa fl Analysis Reward regarding Composition. The fall instructs in penning at Rutgers University and also Touro Higher education, along with his give good results carries arrived on the scene in The Sun, Prairie Schooner, Margie, Typically the Forth, together with other journals. His particular songs has become anthologized, chosen to obtain a Pushcart Compensate, together with decided on while the champ in Prairie Schooner’s Bernice Slote Honour. He or she lives in reference to his families throughout Morristown, Providers.
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