#I know traditional art is disliked anyway but I hate the forced digitalization so this is my fuck you to Digital art programmes
cryptidnest · 4 months
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My fanart doesn't seem to be liked, so I'm just going to dump it in here, and see myself out!
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matchupsblog · 1 year
Hello lovely! I was wondering if I could maybe hopefully get a Dirty Dancing, Star Wars and Game of thrones matchup? I’m 20 and use she/her pronouns. I’m bi so any gender is fine. For personality I’m creative, introverted, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends/when I’m comfortable I can be quite talkative and humorous. However, I definitely treasure my alone time the most. Im a very big homebody and can be very hermit introvert sometimes. As for bad traits, I am sometimes the worst pessimist when it comes to myself. I’ll be fine motivating others but then when it comes to me I live by the “be ready for the worst and you wont be disappointed” As for hobbies escaping to new worlds while reading books/comics, watching movies, and playing rpg video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi, though I do love a good classic from time to time. Apart from that, I love working out. My interests on the other hand are art focused. I’m currently in art school working with mostly digital mediums, though I sometimes work with traditional. I love my practice and everything including, game, web and interaction design, video art and visual effects, 3D modeling and character design, and digital illustration. Sometimes I whip out graphite and ink.
A list of random likes: coffee, chai tea, dark chocolate, rock/blues/jazz/80s pop/soundtrack music, statement jewelry and accessories, cafe art shows, arcades, comic book stores, purple, thai/Indian/Chinese food, roller blading to classic rock, quality alone time.
A random list of dislikes: people i am unfamiliar (I have trust issues oops) with and have to make small talk with, the biting cold, rain, non fiction, staying too close to reality and not being allowed to daydream/imagine/roam freely in my thoughts, physical touch, overly crowded areas. I think that’s it thank you!
Hi! Sorry this took so long but here it is now.
For Dirty Dancing, I ship you with...
Johnny Castle
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Johnny would love your creativity and encourage you to pursuit your interests, regardless of financial and other issues.
You had known eachother since childhood. One of your favourite memories was sitting on some wall with Penny near where you all lived and pretending to bet on whether Billy or Johnny would win some fight they were having for some stupid reason you could not remember.
You had grown up together, never being apart for long. Penny had a vague memory of Billy making a joke when you were all in your early teenage years. He had claimed that you and Johnny had a magnetic force pulling you together, and that it was virtually impossible to sepparate you.
All four of you had started working at the hotel at the same time. Johnny and Penny being the first to get jobs, then they later managed to reccomend you and Billy for vacant jobs in the staff. Apart from the pay and shitty treatment from the more fortunate staff, the four of you working together almost felt like a dream that you never wanted to wake up from. You took a job working as an art teacher, running painting, drawing and many other types of classes over the weeks at the hotel.
When you found out that Penny was pregnant, you tried to be optimistic for her, but you couldn't help but be afraid. Afraid of what might happen if Max found out, of all of you losing your jobs and therefore everything. Johnny could tell. It was difficult to lie to him anyway but as Billy also joked about, you both knew eachother too well.
A part of him supposedly knowing you too well was that he knew you were extremely pessimistic about yourself, and he hated that. He wanted you to really know how he felt about you, and know how amazing you truly are.
Since it was definitely one of the bigger rooms that staff had, you shared a room at the hotel. There was a lot of empty space in the room, so the two of you converted one of the corners into a kind of art studio for you to use in your free time.
That was how the two of you often spent your free time. He loved to watch you work- your focus and dedication was inspiring to him.
When it came to romantic gestures, you both knew that you never had much money, and when you did it wouldn't last long. It was the small things that you really appreciated. Whether that was you buying him a new vinyl, him getting you a new book, or any other small gestures.
Some of the best moments of his life were the two of you, sat in your room listening to music. Whether you were deep in a conversation about pretty much anything or in complete silence, the two of you couldn't have been happier. He enjoyed your company just as much as you did his.
For Star Wars, I match you with...
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You grew up together on Naboo, which meant that you had known eachother well from a young age.
That also meant you could feel comfortable around her from a young age.Wh
The two of you share a lot of private time. Padme loves to see you being open and feeling as if you can really be yourself. Padme almost felt the same, given her political position, she needed to hide who she really was from the public. You could both be honest and yourselves when you were alone.
When Padme would leave Naboo or have to stay elsewhere for her work, she would practically count down the hours before she could return home to you. Even if it was only a few days, you would miss eachother a lot.
Padme would try to stay positive and optimistic when you found it difficult. Even if you tried to hide it, pretending to feel happy and confident around others, she would try to help you feel more confident in yourself, whether that be small gestures or larger ones.
Whilst your interests may have differed (Padme dedicating her life to politics and you dedicating yours to arts), Padme took an interest in your work. She loved your art and how unique it is.
Another thing that you both loved was reading together. Both of you would enjoy reading fiction together, often using it to escape the world that you lived in.
When you read together, there would be a comfortable silence until it was broken every now and then by one of you commenting on the book you were reading.
Given that she was forced into politics at a young age, Padme was more experienced in creating formal relationships and found romantic gestures more difficult that you would.
Often, Padme would gift you with new art supplies.
She would be fully aware of your boundaries when it came to the relationship between the two of you and your relationship with other people, especially people that you do not know well.
Since you would be uncomfortable around people you are unfamilliar with, she would do what she could to keep you out of her work. Whenever she attended dinner meetings or other events that might involve your attendence, she would try to keep them short and fast, so that you would not be uncomfortable.
For Game of Thrones, I match you with...
Jamie Lannister
(I've only seen the first four series and avoid spoilers at all costs so sorry if he turns out of be an asshole in later series but he seems like a relatively decent person at the minute)
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You had met in Lannisport years before he moved to Kingslanding.
When he moved to Kingslanding, you had already been together for quite some time so you moved with him.You
Whilst you had been with him, you had been able to be more open and confident in pursuing your interests. He loved that you felt this way and wanted nothing more than for you to be able to follow your dreams and be able to do what you are really passionate about.
When you were home together, Jamie would love to sit down with a drink of wine as you worked on your art.
As it would just about anyone, his title 'Kingslayer' would scare you. Make you feel anxious in battle. No matter how good he was at fighting, it seemed that this name was almost like a target on his back. He tried to convince you that he could protect himself, though you always worried that his title was like a challange and one day someone would be able to say that they had murdered the kingslayer.
When you moved to Kinglanding, you would spend most of your time together since neither of you really knew many other people. This didn't change as you began to get used to your new home, though you valued your alone time and he respected this, giving you space when you wanted it.
He would be aware of your discomfort around unfamilliar people and try to make sure you were rarely, if ever put in a position that could make you feel uncomfortable or anxious.
When Jamie realised that he wanted to marry you, he took you to one of the gardens in kingslanding. You spend almost an hour walking around the gardens together, talking about anything that came up.
When you reached a spot with one of the most beautiful views for miles, he seemed slightly panicked, which was not something you had seen in him before. He was fidgeting, stuttering a little and you were almost concerned.
He didn't seem to know what to say, though afterwards you were certain he would have tried to rehearse it in the mirror or in his head hundreds of times before doing it.
When he did manage to build up the confidence to get down on one knee, all he could do was ask that nessecary question.
"Will you marry me?"
Hope this is okay for you!
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