#I know where babyme is at
gender-isafuck · 5 months
"i feel very little sympathy for the palestinians simply because i have no way of knowing what is actually happening to them and i honestly dont need to." - yeah imagine if people had this same energy about anti-semitism you freak. idk how you're good basically saying "i don't care about people who aren't me. i have no empathy for these people because it doesn't affect me :0)" sounds about right for you and you cruel, babym*rdering people. may you never find a moment's peace, rest, salvation.
you just love taking my words out of context huh
literally where have i ever said whatever suffering palestinians are going through is good? my worst crime here is wording it badly. i struggle to sympathize not exactly because i dont know what they're actually going through but because sympathy for them has been weaponized against my people to excuse literal attempted genocide and calls for ethnic cleansing in the truest forms of those words
i think any form of war and suffering is horrible and i have no doubt that the idf is causing absolute devastation to the citizens of gaza. i however cannot think of any suggestions to improve their methods MOSTLY BECAUSE I HAVE LITERALLY NO WAY OF KNOWING WHAT THEY ARE
yalls sources are all on par with al jazeera in terms of reliability (or just are al jazeera) and anything the idf says is sanitized.
whatever the answer is i dont have it. my sympathy for gazans or lack thereof has exactly 0 bearing on the world. you can push your evangelical christian level expectations of moral purity on someone who cares
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Having a Baby with Sonny
For the Anon who requested : Headcanons for having a baby with Mike or Sonny
I went with Sonny !!! I hope you like it! 
Okay but imagine you guys finding out you’re pregnant
You missed your period, is it stress? Maybe, you decide to take a test, and you tell Sonny
He’s so excited, he keeps saying he “knows your pregnant” he just knows
So you take the test, and wait in the bathroom together for the results
Sonny cries, tears of joy, you feel fear, excitement, and joy coursing through your body
He’s so so so overprotective during your pregnancy
Doesn’t want you to do ANYTHING without his help 
Grocery shopping? He’s got to come. Doctors appointments? He never misses one. Late night cravings? Sonny goes to the bodega for chips and ice cream. Dishes? No, you can’t do them, you shouldn’t be on your feet
If it wasn’t so cute it might have been annoying, but it was so cute, so it was fine
The bigger you get the more he seems to be in constant panic
He wants to make sure you and his baby are always perfectly safe
He starts to HATE going to work, and he texts you as often as he can manage, just to check in 
When it passes your due date and you still haven’t popped he’s practically a wreck
Every little movement you make, he’s there, making sure you’re okay
He calls the doctor three times a day to make sure it was okay that you still haven’t gone into labor, they know him by his first name 
Finally you go into labor, and Sonny has a PLAN
He knows where you hospital bag is and has it in an instant
He wants to call an ambulance, you remind him that labor takes time, you’ll make it to the hospital if he drives
It is the safest Sonny Carisi has ever driven in his life- he has precious cargo
He doesn’t leave you side once during the hours of labor it takes
He holds you hand
Feeds you ice chips
Brushes your sweaty hair from your face
And makes sure to never stop whispering sweet words of affirmation to you the entire time 
Labor is tough but it was easier with Sonny by your side
Finally, you give birth
Sonny weeps as he cuts the umbilical cord, unable to stop himself
It’s the happiest he’s ever been 
After you baby is cleaned up and checked, and returned to you, he can’t stop looking at you and his new bundle of joy
He crawls into bed with you, an arm around you as he lets the little infant hold his hand
He keeps kissing your forehead over and over, watching with wide eyes as his babym, your baby grasps his finger with their tiny little hands 
He’s so in love and that baby had him wrapped around it’s finger the second the pregnancy test said positive
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justeduardo · 5 years
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"Always the same No matter what we do it's always the same. This one goes to the little guy with all his hopes and dreams Before the days of cryptic texts wondering what they all mean Long before the self doubt draped him like a robe From that fancy hotel he used to run from home When the fantasy seemed better than the sad reality That no matter what was said it was never meant to be Young boy always lived like the days would be endless Didnt have to deal with the thoughts of being friendless Despair does a number on ones self Every second another chance to think twice Third base something I only ever got to in kickball Four years spent alone in the quad thinking of songs that never lived Add that all up and you'll end up where you needed to be Trying to navigate this small ship out to uncharted seas Forging a new path that felt like the old one Running a race that can't ever be won Looking for answers but not knowing the questions Saying you're fine when you're facing depression To that young boy let this be a lesson Writing will always help when you are stressing." #Mine #MeMyselfAndI #Throwback #Writing #Feeling #BabyMe #TookTooLong #InsideOfMeAreFeelings #ImADonut #Cathartic #ItsGoingToBeOkay https://www.instagram.com/justeduardo21/p/ByWgrZkH_PA/?igshid=1i0gsblyerftv
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Complicated episode yesterday ... With a mug of hot chocolate and a few toasts placed next to my computer, I started my day of work at 07:00, or maybe a bit earlier, I don't remember. I worked on a lot of things. There's so much to do. Sometimes I don't even know where to start. I was working so well. Then, around 2 p.m., I got a call ... I ignored it because I didn't want to stop what I was doing. I tried to concentrate and continued, nonstop. But around 3 p.m., again, this call ... I ignored it again and increased the volume of the music in my ears to put myself in a bubble ... Error. What a mistake! Again this call ... and again ... incessantly. What to do? Continue to pretend it doesn't exist? No, impossible... I gave in. I answered this call. I'm not talking about a phone call. I'm talking about a call in my mind. I see them. I can hear them. And as long as I don't write, it goes on and on and they call me. I don't really know how to explain it: in my mind, there are these images and these people who become characters once laid down on paper. I hear them talking. I see them doing things that I transcribe in writing. There is a magic side of it because I see them evolving, growing. But they tire me... really. Yesterday until 9 p.m. ... I couldn't stop and I felt bad. Itchy eyes ... too much screen. Exhaustion... 14 hours of non-stop work ... And this monumental desire to cry ... hypersensitivity ... I stopped but they didn't. They kept showing me things and, as long as I don't write, it's always the same thing ... in a loop. It tires me, but that's how it is ... they live in my head and I can't do anything about it. #story #me #hypersensibility #creativity #life #iamwhatiam #babyme #theytalktome #mind #head https://www.instagram.com/p/B7p6vU_KUtz/?igshid=1mzxmu3ozs3r1
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