#I like being able to share joy and excitement with yall and make this blog feel like home to me and deancas and to y’all 💙💚
babygirlwolverine · 2 years
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quillvine · 2 years
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I posted 246 times in 2022
53 posts created (22%)
193 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#quill is not in the house (queued) - 45 posts
#quill fic recs - 41 posts
#quill writes - 14 posts
#goncharov - 11 posts
#we love blue in this house - 10 posts
#we love brandy in this house - 5 posts
#timezone reblog - 4 posts
#eurovision - 4 posts
#we love tali in this house - 3 posts
#we love qvo in this house - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#the owner of possibly the most beatiful hands in cinema history. you like walking down hallways and talking
My Top Posts in 2022:
Thank you so so so much for 600!!!
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Today I just hit 600 followers and let me just say I am so grateful for every single one of you.
The facts that I hit 600 is mind-boggling. I hit 500 of February of last year, it hasn’t even been and a whole year since I hit my last milestone and now I’ve hit another one??!? I cannot comprehend that, you guys are literally the best.
I also basically went on an unplanned, unannounced hiatus. Before posting “Can You Feel My Love?” the last thing I wrote and posted was for my 2020 Halloween celebration and those were basically little blurbs. 
“Falling For You” was my last actual fic and it went up in September of 2020 it’s been more than a year since I wrote something of substance. The gap in activity was due to some big life events that happened to me in late 2020 and 2021 and I was so so scared that I had hit my peak as a writer all the way back then before all of my life stuff happened. 
I was sacred to get back into writing because I put so much pressure on myself to make my gap in content to justifiable and worth it. I felt that if I didn’t come back with 10K word fic that was just so beautiful and wonderful that my break wouldn’t have been ‘okay’ in the eyes of all of you guys.
But as I posted again you all proved me wrong. The response to “Can You Feel My Love?” has been so positive and it’s done a lot to soothe my writing anxiety. Quite frankly, after seeing your responses I feel a little silly for feeling the way I felt at all.
What I’m trying to say, if my long long ramblings are too much for you to comprehend, is thank you. I basically sat on my ass and cried and posted zero fics for more than a year and you guys still showed me so much love in the form of like, reblogs, asks, and being amazing friends.
I am so grateful for every single one of you and I have no idea how I will ever be able to repay you for all the love and joy every single one of you have brought to my life.
xoxo, quill
3 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
not me remembering the 7 (8 if u count the bonus) angsty hotch storyline that i planed wayyyy back in july 
4 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
tell me something good. i’ve a had a rough day today
5 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
8 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
my lover is the sea
aaron hotchner x reader
a/n: so this is the first of what will (hopefully) be many installments of call of the ocean. i already have a second part knocking around in the ole google doc and i’m really excited to share everything with yall! please let me know if you spot any errors because full disclaimer this fic was started more than a year ago and has been very slowly pieced together with little bits of tape
masterlist | call of the ocean master list (coming soon)
It is the peak of summer when you first meet him. The sun feels impossibly hot for this time of year and it makes for an incredibly miserable trip to the market.
You normally wouldn’t even go into town when the sun is blazing its fury on the earth, but you have it on good authority that the cargo ship that just docked has a little something special for you.
When you get to the town center it is already filled with rowdy sailors elated to be on dry land, making the already crowded market even more cramped and your thin patience even thinner. But, if you weren’t jostled and elbowed to high hell and if the sun hadn’t made your skin sickly hot, you would be rather endeared by their eagerness.
Even though your days at sea are long behind you, you remember what it felt like a hot meal at a tavern for the first time in ages. You remember what it was like to have salt in your hair and what it was like to see deep blue everywhere you looked.
The thought of the ocean tugs at a familiar feeling in your chest, one that you should have buried down a long time ago.
You were never good at letting things go.
Shaking off your thoughts you finally start to push your way through the crowd and to your destination, a little stall right in the center of the market, yet tucked away protected by the hustle and bustle of the crowd.
A cheerful call catches your attention, it’s the stall’s owner, one Miss. Penelope Garcia. She motions you over with a wave of her hand, excitement clear on her face.
“Come, come! It came and just as you requested, and it looks beautiful,” her voice cuts through the crowd loud and clear and you push even harder through the crowded market to make your way to her.
It seems that Penelope’s excitement is too great for her to simply stand still and wait for you to make your way to her market stall and she meets you halfway moving through the crowd with an “excuse me, excuse me! Coming though, please sir move, I have to- ”
Her words are cut off with an ecstatic squeal when she finally reaches you and immediately takes your hand to pull you through the throngs of people. Navigating the crowd with the same ease as she did before she deposits you, safe and sound, in front of her market stall.
“Oh my darling it is so nice to see you again!”
“It’s nice to see you too Penny,” you tell her as she reaches for a little paper wrapped package.
“Here it is, all nice and snug just as you requested,” she says pushing your package to you, “I hope you don’t mind, I had a little peak. I just couldn’t help myself.”
You give her a warm smile and assure Penelope that it’s okay, her curiosity will always be her downfall.
Your fingers shake slightly as you move to unwrap the package. Whether it’s out of excitement or fear you don’t know, but the drumming in your chest only intensifies when you finally tear through the paper wrapping to reveal a thick book, worn with age.
The Morrowson’s Compendium of Earthly Creatures, the beautiful leather bound cover reads. Flipping through its worn pages you see that it’s inside is littered with colorful illustrations.
“Thank you Penny,” the words come out breathless, your voice soft with awe, “it’s exactly what I was looking for.”
She gives you a blindingly cheerful grin, “anything for you my lovely.”
The two of you say your goodbyes and you begin to make your way through the market to your next destination. As excited as you are to go home and turn through the gilded pages of your new book you still have some shopping to do.
Your mind is always on the book though, thoughts never drifting away from its worn cover and colorful illustrations as you look over vegetables for blemishes and examine cuts of meat.
Lost in your thoughts you end up running into a fair amount of people which in turn causes many angry exclamations to be thrown your way. You just mutter your apologies and scurry past them, desperate to finish up and go home.
As you finish up at the bakery and start to finally head back home you run into yet another person.
Only this time you’re not able to get away with a halfhearted mumbled apology. Your things spill to the ground, rolling every which way and you have to scurry to pick them up lest they get snatched up by an unsavory passerby.
It isn’t until you have brushed all the dirt off your clothes that you think to even check to make sure you have all your things. Your first instinct is to reach for the book that should be tucked snugly away into your basket-
See the full post
22 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
looking at her is kind of bittersweet. i wish i spent more time on here you know?
I still stand by My lover is the sea though, like read it pls if you haven't yet. I'm very very proud of her
1 note · View note
tchallasbabymama · 3 years
Troubled Waters Chapter Four
Hey, yall! Here’s the next chapter of Nia and T’Challa’s journey. I’m super proud of this one (I’m proud of all my work, but still.) With the help of @wordsfromthelivingghost being a bomb ass beta reader, I think this is some of my best work yet. And I’m only gonna get better!
Check out my masterlist to read my other stories (and catch up on this one if you’re new here.) I love when y’all talk to me and share my work so others can discover it, so hit those comment and reblog buttons. Also, be sure to let me know if you want to be tagged in anything. Enjoy!😘
Word count: 8,894
CW: A little blood and cutting but NOT for self-harm reasons. If it bothers you, skip the second half of the scene at Kokou’s temple.
Nia pressed her cheek to the window, careful not to smudge the thin line of white clay painted down the center of her face. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth hung slightly open as she watched Wakanda zoom by from hundreds of feet in the air. She had always loved seeing what the world looked like from above, but it had been years since she last got to enjoy the view. When she was young, Amare would carry her in his arms as he flew high above the ground to give her a taste of what she so desperately wanted: to feel the wind beneath her nonexistent wings.
T’Challa half-watched Nia from his seat off to the side of the cabin as he flipped through news articles on his kimoyo beads. As they flew over a statue of Bast in her full panther form, he could tell the bright blue light radiating from the tunnel beneath the goddess intrigued her. Her head tilted slightly to the left, and he turned off his beads right as she turned around with a question on her lips.
“That’s Mt. Bashenga,” T’Challa answered prematurely as he stood and made his way over to the window, looking out at his kingdom as Okoye steered the Royal Talon over the Mining province.
“Why’s it glowing?”
“Ohhh.” Nia thought back to the human history books she read as a child that told their story of the founding of Wakanda. Obviously, they had censored the part about aziza, but she still found their revisionist history fascinating. “That’s where the meteorite landed, right?”
T’Challa nodded, impressed by her knowledge.
“Ubaba always said vibranium was ‘the humans’ magic’,” she whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
T’Challa was mildly shocked. He had never considered it that way, but he supposed it was sort of otherworldly what they were able to do with the substance. In comparison to other humans, anyway.
Okoye kept her focus on flying the ship, but T’Challa couldn’t help but spot the slight glow that emanated from Nia’s skin while she ogled the scenery. The king reflected on the description of aziza he had read the day before and remembered that it mentioned their luminous skin. He had noticed that even when she was standoffish towards him, she seemed to radiate light from the inside out, but seeing her literally light up in excitement brought him joy.
When Birnin Zana came into view, Nia’s eyes curiously trailed along the tributaries that moseyed through the metropolis and she was reminded of the magic realm’s big city, Birnin Umlingo. She smiled fondly at how similar they were despite the fact that Birnin Zana was so much bigger. It was nestled between rolling hills and sharp cliffsides, and she was pleasantly surprised to see all the lush greenery dispersed throughout the city. There were small parks everywhere and most of the roofs were topped with well-kept gardens. The skyscrapers and apartment buildings stretched to the sky like the trees that lined the streets, but Nia was almost blinded when the sun bounced off of an impressive structure in the middle of the city. Two almost conical, shining towers spiraled up from an ancient foundation that swirled around the base like the flowing tributary that surrounded most of it like a moat. The towers were connected by a long bridge about a third of the way up and despite her amazement, Nia couldn’t help but wonder why they had to build two towers instead of just one.
“Bast, is that the palace?” She pointed up ahead.
T’Challa smirked proudly. He never tired of seeing the dual vibranium spires that towered over even the tallest skyscrapers throughout the city.
“It is,” he said proudly.
“It’s so big,” she whispered, then turned to look at him. “Does it ever feel empty?”
He furrowed his brows, making a little crease appear between them that Nia found endearing. “How do you mean?”
“Well, it’s just you and your family that live there, right?”
The king nodded.
“Then why do you need so much space? And why two instead of just one? It seems so unnecessary.”
Okoye bit the inside of her lip to keep from snickering at Nia’s sincere inquiries. She wasn’t too keen on Nia and wasn’t quite sure why she was there, but she had worked for T’Challa long enough to know he didn’t like people questioning him.
“I don’t- it’s not just...look.” He pointed back out the window to distract her, and Nia whipped her head around to watch their descent to the landing pad in front of the palace.
The three of them exited the Talon, but instead of entering T’Challa’s gratuitously large home, they made a left and walked through the palace gates and into the bustling streets of Birnin Zana. Nia had been to the big city before when she was young, but it seemed like it had exploded over the last couple of decades. It had always been a busy hub of commerce for the Merchant tribe, but business owners from the other tribes had moved there in droves over the past few years to get a piece of the pie.
The three of them passed through the financial district with ease. Nia kept her neck craned to look up at the tall banks, corporate offices, and massive parking garages filled with hovercars. In the distance, she saw an arena and she wondered what took place there. Did they have many concerts? Sporting events? She made a mental note to ask about that later and continued to take in her surroundings. The maglev trains zooming by high above the street caught her attention, and her eyes widened. She had never been on a train before.
They eventually made it to Three Step Town, the cultural hub of the city and Nia looked on in awe at the various businesses that surrounded them. Once again, she was reminded of Birnin Umlingo as she looked around at the diversity that surrounded her. Most of the older folks were dressed in the traditional clothing of their tribes, but the younger Wakandans seemed to prefer a more modern look. They really were a spectacle. Some people had brightly colored manes and shining vibranium tattoos that decorated their skin, and the sight had Nia’s wheels turning. She had never really experimented much with her look, but they were giving her the inspiration to try something different.
Just as Nia began to ponder what body modification would look good on her, she felt someone grab her and yank her to the side of the street. She began to protest right as a streetcar full of people rolled by. Nia turned to thank her savior, smiling sheepishly when she realized it was Okoye.
“Watch where you’re going,” the general warned harshly and let go of Nia’s arm. The two of them joined T’Challa as he spoke to a snaggletoothed young boy who had proudly shown him the Black Panther action figure that he carried everywhere. The boy’s parents thanked the king for being so polite before they said goodbye and went on their way. Nia’s heart warmed a little at seeing T’Challa be so kind to them. He could have easily ignored the family or had Okoye intervene, but he seemed to enjoy interacting with his people. As the three of them continued on their journey, a small smile pushed up the corners of Nia’s mouth knowing he wasn’t as arrogant as she assumed.
Nia was almost overwhelmed by the many shops they passed by. She could buy anything she wanted: jewelry, instruments, furniture, hats. It seemed like they had everything. However, she came to a halt when they walked by a store with colorful, hand-woven baskets hanging out front. The old lady that ran the shop noticed Nia staring and came forward to help her pick one out, but paused when she saw that the king was standing beside her. She saluted him fondly and turned to face his companion.
“Excuse me, how much for this one?” Nia asked the shopkeep as her fingers ran over the intricate patterns along the sides of a mid-sized sweetgrass basket.
“For you it is free,” the older woman said through a bright smile that crinkled her eyes. Before Nia could protest, she had already taken it down and pushed it into her arms.
“Are you sure? I can pay-”
“Just tell people where you got it,” the woman winked before going back inside to help a customer that was ready to check out.
Nia couldn’t believe how kind the woman had been to give her the gift, but her amazement was cut short by T’Challa leaning in close and ruining the moment.
“Just one of the perks of traveling with the king,” he teased.
Nia rolled her eyes and stepped away from him, continuing down the street with her basket swinging in the crook of her elbow. She had been so caught up in her surroundings that she hadn’t noticed the stares from passersby and began to get a little self-conscious. A few people even snapped a picture or two of the king and his elusive friend, some of which would surely end up on gossip blogs by the end of the day.
Her nervousness was short-lived and quickly got replaced with longing when they turned the corner and walked right through the food district. Not only did the colorful produce stands call to her, but the smells of curries and grilled meats continuously pulled her attention from left to right. However, when a deliciously sweet aroma tickled her nose, she stopped dead in the middle of the road.
“Where is that coming from?” Nia sniffed the air and veered off the main street as she followed the scent to a man that was serving up deep-fried sweet plantain on a stick, drizzled with chocolate. T’Challa kept a close eye on Nia but stayed back and let her wander up to the dessert cart alone. He watched as she engaged the man in conversation and saw her come alive when she tasted the sample he provided her. A small smile crept up the king’s face, but his amusement was cut short by Okoye clearing her throat next to him.
“My king,” she started, and he turned slightly in her direction, nodding for her to continue as he kept his eyes on Nia. “If I may...what exactly is her purpose here with us?”
“Nia is a devotee of Bast, and I believe she may be helpful in our attempts to understand what has happened to her,” he stated matter-of-factly.
Okoye sensed his unwillingness to go further into detail and grew quiet again as Nia damn near skipped back over to them with her hands full.
“Here you go,” Nia sang as she held out two of the desserts for them to take. “He saw I was with the king and gave me three for free!”
Neither of them was hungry, but they just couldn’t say no to her big, childlike eyes.
“Thank you,” T’Challa waved to the man behind the counter and took a bite of the dessert, eyes rolling back in ecstasy. “Mmm”
“See? It’s amazing,” Nia said with a mouth full of plantain. Even Okoye had to agree.
The three of them ate their midmorning snack as they strolled through the streets, eventually making their way to a much quieter section on the outskirts of the busy city center. Just as Nia finished licking the last bit of chocolate from the wooden stick, she came face to face with an ancient-looking stone building that didn’t quite fit the vibe of the modern neighborhood. Her eyes zeroed in on the large statue at the entrance. It was a being with the body of a man and the head of an ibis holding a scroll in one hand and a staff in the other.
“Welcome to the flagship branch of the Wakandan Public Library,” T’Challa said proudly.
While Nia loved a good library, she was a little confused about why they were there. “I thought we were going to a temple.”
T’Challa wiggled his eyebrows as he stepped past her, climbing the steps with Okoye in tow, “This is the temple.”
Nia’s curiosity got the best of her, and she followed behind the king and his general. They threw their sticks away in the trash cans outside of the doors that swished open as they approached. Nia hadn’t expected the building to have such modern technologies based on the look of it, but she surmised the library would have a few more surprises up its sleeves.
“Kumkani wam!”
All three of their heads turned towards the woman behind the large marble desk as she scrambled to salute the king, dropping the small stack of books from her arms. T’Challa quickly rounded the desk and smiled at her as he crouched down to pick the books off of the floor. Before she could stoop down to help him, he had already placed them neatly on the desk.
“T-thank you, my king,” the woman stammered and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Never in her life had she imagined she would be so close to royalty, much less her biggest crush. “What can I do for you?”
“Well…” he started, trailing off to get her name.
“Fatima, sir.”
“What a beautiful name,” he flirted innocently and leaned on the cool marble as Nia and Okoye both fought their eyes from rolling to the ceiling. Okoye was used to his flirtatious manner making women swoon at his feet, but it still irked her to no end. They had a job to do, and he was wasting time. Nia, however, felt the tiniest tinge of something deep in her gut as she watched him make eyes at the beautiful librarian. She waved it off as annoyance since she still wasn’t the king’s biggest fan. Adding “womanizer” to her list of reasons not to like him certainly tipped the scales further away from him, balancing out his actions from earlier.
Fatima giggled as she struggled to make eye contact with the handsome king, “Thank you, your highness.”
“Please, call me T’Challa,” he implored, resting his hand over his heart and flashing his irresistible smile.
“Oh, no. I couldn’t do that-”
“I insist.”
Okoye cleared her throat, and T’Challa’s eyes reluctantly shot in her direction.
“Anyway, Fatima, we were wondering if Abdu is in today,” T’Challa continued as he straightened up and stood to his full height, making Fatima swoon even more in his presence. Her eyes wandered down to his chest, but she snapped out of it and attempted to look him in the eye. Her knees nearly buckled under the intensity of his gaze, but she stood firm.
“Y-yes, he is, my ki-”
T’Challa reprimanded her with a simple raise of his right eyebrow, and she quickly corrected herself.
“I mean, T’Challa,” Fatima giggled once more. “I’ll go get him for you.”
“Thank you, Fatima,” he smiled down at her, watching as she walked away with a pep in her step and her hips twitching just a little more than usual.
Fatima disappeared behind a green velvet curtain, and when they were sure she was out of earshot, Nia and Okoye both turned to look at the king. They wore matching expressions of disapproval, but, for some reason, it stung to see on Nia’s face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked her.
“Must you flirt with every woman you see?” Okoye butted in, clearly exasperated by his antics.
Nia’s eyebrows jumped as a teasing smirk settled on her lips. “Oh, so this is a common occurrence?”
“You wouldn’t believe how many-”
“General,” T’Challa warned, and Okoye stopped talking.
Nia tried to contain a laugh, but it came out more like a snort than she intended. Just as T’Challa opened his mouth to make fun of her, Fatima appeared from behind the curtain with a heavy-set man with tortoiseshell glasses just a few steps behind her.
“T’Challa, my boy! Oh, excuse me, my king.” The man bowed sarcastically and crossed his arms in a salute. T’Challa waved him off with a smile and a click of his tongue, and the two men embraced each other. Nia had noticed T’Challa wasn’t really one to demand formalities, but the man’s familiarity with the king intrigued her.
“Abdu, how have you been?”
It had been several months since T’Challa last visited the library. Abdu had worked and worshipped there for decades and had watched the king grow into the man before him. Some of T’Challa’s fondest childhood memories consisted of him spending hours curled up in the stacks, flipping through whatever book caught his eye that day. Abdu would bring him story after story for him to get lost in, and the older man never tired of T’Challa’s curiosity. No matter how many questions he threw at him.
“Getting old, but I can’t complain,” the much shorter man said as they pulled apart. He looked around T’Challa and noticed his company. “Okoye, a pleasure to see you as always.”
“You as well, Abdu,” she smiled.
“And who might this lovely creature be?” Abdu asked as his gaze fell on Nia. She bristled at his choice of words but said nothing. Even as a child, she had always been sensitive to the word “creature” and felt it offensive to refer to non-humans as such. She knew he had no idea about her bloodline, though, and since he meant no harm she simply ignored the terminology.
“Nia Olu, sir,” she introduced herself with a nod of her head, and he returned the gesture.
“Ah, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. And what is it that you do, Nia Olu?”
“I am a healer and a devotee of Bast.”
“A devotee, huh? Well, I think we will get along nicely,” he smiled warmly at her before turning back to the king. “What can I do for you all today?”
“Well, actually, Nia is a big part of why we’re here,” T’Challa began. “It seems Bast has gone missing. Neither of us has been able to contact her as of late.”
“Are you a priestess?” Abdu asked Nia, confused as to why a simple devotee would be partnered with the king for such a task. Okoye felt vindicated by his questioning but stayed quiet.
“No, sir.”
“Then, I must say, I’m a little confused on how you would have a direct connection to her-”
“She is highly favored in the goddess’ eyes,” T’Challa cut in, hoping his vague answer would be enough to dissuade Abdu from asking too many questions. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to hide anything from a priest of the god of wisdom, but he also knew he couldn’t give away Nia’s full identity. “We were wondering if maybe you could see if Thoth knows where she is or why she isn’t answering.”
Abdu could tell there was something else to the story, but decided not to press the subject. He figured that if the king felt it was important enough to keep from him, then he had to trust his judgment.
The priest nodded and motioned for the three of them to follow him. T’Challa winked at Fatima before falling in step with Abdu, and once again, Nia’s and Okoye’s eyes struggled to remain straight ahead as they followed behind the two men.
Nia couldn’t help but stare in awe at the rows and rows of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves they passed as they walked through the centuries-old library. She imagined herself spending hours combing through the texts and soaking up whatever knowledge held, just like she did with the many books Amare provided her with as a child. Her daydreaming was cut short when they passed through the children’s section, and she noticed a display of picture books, one of which caught her eye. There, on the cover, was a colorful illustration of an aziza sitting in a tree, watching over a group of children as they played in the grass below him.
Before she knew it, Nia had grabbed the book and started flipping through the pages, scanning the words and pictures for any sign of historical truth. She found none, but her hope didn’t die out. Maybe, just maybe the library held onto more of the past than the Wakandans realized. She knew magical creatures were relegated to folktales, but she began to wonder how many of those tales were historically accurate, if any. She hadn’t noticed that the others had stopped and were watching her tear through the book like it held the secrets to the universe.
“You like that one? It’s a fairly new release. Very popular with the children,” Abdu said, but his words fell on deaf ears.
“Nia?” the king called out to her.
She jumped and dropped the book, but T’Challa caught it before it could hit the ground.
“Yeah? Sorry, I just…” Nia trailed off, unsure of what to say. All three of them looked at her curiously, but when T’Challa’s eyes graced the cover, he understood why she had been called to it. “Are there many stories like this?”
“Of aziza?” Abdu asked for clarification, and Nia nodded. “Sure! Kids love fantastical creatures. You know, some of them even swear up and down that they’ve seen them in real life.”
T’Challa and Nia shared a quick glance as he set the book back where she found it. Of course, Okoye caught their quick exchange.
“Such wild imaginations,” Nia murmured, and the group continued on their trek. She was quiet for a moment as she tried to figure out the best way to word her next question when she decided to just go for it. “Abdu, is there any mention of, um, species that are no longer around in any of these books?”
T’Challa looked at her knowingly out of the corner of his eye. He knew what she was getting at, and he was curious about Abdu’s answer. After seeing Nia’s book the day before, his mind had begun to wonder about ancient Wakandan texts. She had told him that they coexisted long ago, so there had to be some evidence hidden deep in the bowels of the library. If there was proof anywhere, it was here.
“Of course!” Abdu said excitedly and pointed to the far left wall. “Species naturally go extinct all the time. If that interests you, check out our history section over there.”
Nia and T’Challa both cataloged that information for later and started mentally planning their next visits.
The deeper they traveled into the vast library, a tingling grew in Nia’s stomach. There was great power there, and she could feel it. The tingling intensified as they arrived at a large door with an image of Thoth that had been hand-carved by artisans long ago.
“We’ll take it from here, Okoye,” T’Challa ordered, and the general nodded before standing at attention with her back to the door. Then, his eyes fell to Nia. “Ready?”
“I think…”
“That’ll serve you well here,” Abdu joked as he pushed open the heavy door.
Nia wasn’t quite sure what she was expecting to see, but a winding staircase certainly wasn’t on her list of possibilities. The three of them quietly descended the steps, and all that could be heard was the sounds of their sandals connecting with the stone as they went. After what seemed like forever, Abdu came to a halt at another large door and turned to face his visitors.
“You must enter with pure intentions and a cool head, or he will not answer. Understood?”
Nia and T’Challa answered in unison.
“Yes, sir.”
“Of course.”
“Good,” Abdu smiled at them and reached for the handle, pushing it open and revealing what looked to be a private study. The lamps along the stone walls lit up when they entered, and Nia was once again amazed at how the ancient seemed to flawlessly combine with the modern. As she looked around, she noticed that instead of books, there were scrolls stacked neatly on the shelves. A high-backed chair sat behind a large wooden desk with several scrolls strewn about it, and in the center of the room, there was a stone lectern that looked like it had been there since the dawn of time. Colorful pillows surrounded it on the floor, and next to it stood another statue of Thoth. This time, his hands were out and he was holding a staff that resembled the one from the statue out front, except this one was made of gold. This one was real, and it made the hairs on the back of Nia’s neck stand at attention.
Abdu made his way over to the closest shelf and grabbed a scroll from the top of the stack. He then crossed the room again and stood behind the lectern. When he unrolled the scroll, Nia and T’Challa were both surprised to find that it was blank. They watched with bated breath as he produced a shiny gold pen from his pocket and removed the staff from the statue’s arms.
“You two, come sit down,” Abdu said to them, pointing to the floor pillows.
They obeyed his order, and each grabbed a pillow. T’Challa sat cross-legged while Nia carefully placed her new basket on the floor and tucked her feet under her. They waited patiently while Abdu mumbled a prayer under his breath. Despite T’Challa’s enhanced hearing, he could barely make out what Abdu was saying, but the more he spoke, the colder the room became. The priest continued his prayers for several minutes until the staff began to glow with blinding orange light and his mouth snapped shut tight. A soft breeze blew through the room as his eyes glowed the same color as the staff, and the pen in his left hand started to frantically scribble words onto the formerly blank scroll. His hand moved faster than humanly possible, and Nia recognized what was happening as a possession. She bowed her head in the god’s presence and nudged T’Challa in his side to do the same. He followed suit, but neither of their eyes left Abdu, too curious to look away.
It seemed like forever had come and gone as the two sat in silence, watching in awe while Abdu filled the scroll as he channeled Thoth. The only sound that filled the air was the fast-moving pen on the papyrus and a faint humming from the staff, but suddenly, it all stopped. The staff’s light waned, and Abdu blinked his eyes back to their normal shade of hazel. He carefully placed the staff back in the statue’s hands and read over the words he had been given from his god. A frown appeared on the priest’s face, and Nia made eye contact with T’Challa. Neither one felt good news was coming.
“Well,” Abdu broke the tense silence, “to sum it up, it seems Thoth hasn’t seen or heard from Bast in several weeks. He says that’s very unlike her, as I’m sure you know, T’Challa.”
The king nodded. “Is there anything else? Did he say where she might be?”
“Oh, he said plenty, but not about your question. He can be quite long-winded at times,” Abdu murmured as he scanned the text once more to make sure he wasn’t missing anything. He then looked down at his two visitors with an apology in his eyes. “I wish I could’ve been of more help.”
T’Challa stood from his seated position and reached a hand out to Nia. She swatted it away and stood on her own, straightening out her long, flowing skirt before sending Abdu a warm smile. “Thank you for trying.”
“It was a pleasure, my dear.”
“So,” Nia turned to the king, “where to next?”
The smile never left Okoye’s face as she landed the Talon in an open field and proudly led them to their next destination. They had traveled to Okoye’s hometown in the Mining province, and she nodded at her former neighbors as they waved to get her attention. It wasn’t often that she could return to Birnin Djata, but since she was on duty, she had to remain professional.
The town was much smaller than Birnin Zana, and the walk to the temple was much shorter this time around. A few moderately-sized dwellings lined the road to the temple, and Nia could see the town square in the distance. They passed groups of miners boarding and exiting the trains that took them to and from work, and Nia couldn’t help but wonder what all that vibranium looked like up close.
When they arrived at the temple, Nia was pleasantly surprised that this one actually looked like a place of worship. The wall that surrounded it looked as old as time, but the vibranium door in the center had to be no more than a hundred years old. A strange sound echoed from inside, and although Nia thought she recognized it, she was confused on why it was coming from a temple of all places.
“Is something wrong? What’s going on in there?” she asked with concern, making Okoye’s smile expand and her eyes light up.
Nia’s confusion grew, and she turned to T’Challa for clarification.
“Kokou is the god of war. Fighters often train here, and many of his followers go on to become great warriors. Including Okoye,” he explained.
“Ohhh, ok.”
Okoye led them up the temple’s steps, and Nia’s attention was drawn to the rows of fire that lined the walkway. As the party of three got closer to the doors, they slowly parted to grant them access. Loud shouts and grunts came from the right, and Okoye led them down the hallway, directly towards the noise.
Nia watched excitedly as the warriors-in-training sparred with one another. Fists connected with flesh, spears sliced through the air, and fighters seemed to glide across the padded floor. She recognized some of the fighting styles and thought back to her younger days when Amare took it upon himself to teach her some of the combat skills he had to learn for his days as a secret operative. Even though she was a healer, Nia sure was scrappy and could hold her own. It had been a while, though, and she was sure she had forgotten her training over the years.
A bell rang on the other side of the training room, and all of the fighting ceased. Okoye bowed her head in deference as a tall, muscular older woman in red emerged from an observation room and smiled softly in her direction.
“My king,” the woman saluted T’Challa, making all of the fighters whip their heads around and salute him as well. The woman crossed the floor as her trainees stood at attention, and grabbed Okoye’s hands in hers. “Okoye, my dear, it has been too long.”
“Priestess Yaa, how good to see you.”
“And my king, welcome to the Temple of Kokou.”
“Thank you, priestess.”
“What brings you here?” she asked before shooting a sly glance at Okoye. “You never come visit anymore, so I know it must be important.”
“My apologies for keeping her from you,” T’Challa interjected.
“None needed. I knew when Okoye became general that she would have little time for us anymore,” Yaa waved him off and smiled proudly at Okoye before her eyes fell to Nia. “And who is this?”
“Nia Olu,” she respectfully bowed her head.
“And you are a fighter too, no?”
“Um, not exactly. My father taught me how to fight when I was young, but I am a healer and a devotee of Bast.”
This was the first T’Challa had heard of her knowledge of combat, and he wondered what else he didn’t know about her.
“I’m sure it’s still in there somewhere. You have a warrior’s spirit.”
Nia was surprised by the priestess’ comment but thanked her nonetheless.
“Priestess Yaa, we have a problem that you might be able to help us solve,” the king stated.
Yaa nodded and called to her class, “Keep sparring. I’ll be back.”
The room came alive again, and Nia couldn’t help but watch the dozens of bodies moving about with powerful grace as they fought.
Yaa gestured for them to follow her, and she led them around a corner to get away from all the noise. “How can I help you, my king?”
“Bast is missing, and we would like to ask Kokou if he knows where she is,” he cut straight to the point, and Yaa appreciated his brevity.
She gestured again, and the four of them relocated to the other side of the temple. They entered a large, empty room with nothing except a wall of ancient weapons and a huge, raging fire pit in the center.
“This eternal flame was gifted to us by Kokou many millennia ago as a way of contacting him,” Yaa narrated. “In order for him to answer, you will each have to give a sacrifice.”
“I didn’t bring anything to-”
“Blood, dear. You sacrifice blood. He is the god of war, after all,” Yaa chuckled as she glided over to the wall of weapons. Her fingers danced along the flat side of the blade of a vibranium dagger with a red and gold hilt before wrapping her hand firmly around the grip and removing it from its position. Yaa tested the weight of it in her hand as she rejoined the group. Without warning, she sliced her palm open and allowed her blood to drip into the flame. The priestess noticed the look of horror on Nia’s face and attempted to quell her fears. “Don’t worry; you’ll only need a drop or two.”
Okoye was first to step up, pressing the dagger’s tip into her hand and drawing a small amount of blood. She handed the dagger to T’Challa as she made a fist and let her blood droplets fall into the fire pit. The king did the same before passing the dagger to Nia. She looked at it apprehensively, but T’Challa continued to hold it out for her to take.
“Go on, dear,” Yaa urged. “We will heal you up after.”
Nia and T’Challa locked eyes as they were both reminded of the night they became reacquainted with one another. T’Challa’s wound would quickly heal on its own, but she wouldn’t be able to use her powers to heal herself in Yaa’s and Okoye’s presence. She took a deep breath and tried to ignore the feeling of her palm stinging with the memory of alcohol pads. T’Challa knew where her mind had wandered to and took her formerly injured hand in his as he ran his thumb over her palm.
“It won’t be as bad as last time,” he whispered so only Nia could hear him. “Just a little cut, ok?”
Nia’s mouth dried up, and her eyes traveled to Okoye and Yaa. The priestess seemed intrigued by his tenderness towards her, but the irritation on Okoye’s face was clear as day. Nia remembered that he was a serial charmer and removed her hand from his. She reached for the dagger and quickly pricked her finger, squeezing a couple of droplets into the flame.
Yaa set the dagger aside to be cleaned and watched as the flames grew in intensity. All four of them stepped back when the fire surged towards the sky and took the vague shape of a man.
“Kokou,” Yaa fell to her knees, and the others followed her lead. “Thank you for answering our call.”
“Where is the fight?” his voice boomed around the expansive room as what looked to be his head swiveled from side to side taking in the four who summoned him. He had no eyes, but Nia felt his gaze land on her and linger for a moment too long.
“There is no fight this time, but we have an inquiry,” Yaa said as she stood.
“Very well,” Kokou’s voice rang out again, and the flames whipped in T’Challa’s direction. “What is so important that the king requires my assistance? Have you not a god of your own?”
T’Challa looked to Yaa for reassurance as he began to stand, and she nodded for him to continue. “Yes, I do, but she is missing.”
“Missing?! What do you mean missing?”
“She has not spoken to me in weeks, and Thoth has not seen or heard from her either.”
Kokou turned back to Nia. “And you have not heard from her?”
“No, sir,” Nia stood tall as she answered him.
“I am surprised she has not spoken to you of all...people,” he said with a mischievous lilt in his voice. Nia stilled as she realized that he knew what she was. She slyly made eye contact with T’Challa, and though his expression was unreadable, she knew he had to have heard it, too.
“You know, blood can tell you a lot about a person...or being,” Kokou began to pace around the large fire pit. “Who they are, what their lineage is...you, Nia, are very special. But I am sure you know that already, don’t you?”
Nia ignored the confused stares from Yaa and Okoye and stared straight into where she assumed Kokou’s eyes to be. “Yes, sir.”
“Patience, your highness,” the god chastised T’Challa, “I was getting to it. I just had to take a little detour first since you brought me such an interesting young lady. Now, to answer your question: sorry to disappoint, but no. I do not know where Bast is. I wish I did, though; she is an excellent sparring partner.”
Nia and T’Challa both deflated a little bit. They had hoped for a better answer than that.
“Thank you, Kokou,” T’Challa spoke with his head bowed to the god. The others did the same, and just as quickly as he had appeared, Kokou was gone.
“Third time’s the charm,” T’Challa mumbled as he held the intricate iron gate open. Nia and Okoye walked through, and the general was blown away by the beauty before them. The botanical gardens sat on a protected stretch of land on the border between the Mining and River provinces, but people from all over the country traveled there to witness its splendor.
Nia, however, was no stranger to the gardens. She made sure to visit a few times a year just to sit and commune with the diverse group of plants, but she never knew it doubled as a place of worship. She liked that the gardens were never full of people, and depending on how deep she veered off the main walkways, she could avoid the public altogether. Except for the delightful presence of one of the attendants, Nia always managed to find solitude and serenity among the plants of the botanical gardens.
“Has this always been Mujaji’s temple?” she asked as the three of them followed the long, winding path that led to the greenhouses in the back of the gardens.
“As far as I’m aware. Why?”
“It’s just that I’ve been here before, and I never knew. I always felt like there was...something here, but I just assumed I was feeling the energy from all of the plants.”
“You can do that?” Okoye asked, and she caught another shared glance between Nia and the king. They had been doing that all day, and she was growing tired of it.
Nia opened her mouth to try to fix her slip-up, but she was saved when a young woman about her age emerged from behind a mango tree and recognized her colorful headwrap.
Nia ran over to her, and the women embraced. A smile crept up T’Challa’s cheeks at seeing Nia’s faint glow again, but, unfortunately, it seemed that Okoye might have seen it as well. The king ignored her pointed stares and continued to watch Nia and the woman from afar.
“What are you doing here? It’s been months since I saw you last!” Sukutai playfully scolded her before leaning in like she had a secret to tell. “You have to see the new fire lily blooms; I know they’re your favorite.”
“They are,” Nia chuckled, “but I’m here on business today.”
Nia gestured behind her, and Sukutai’s eyes widened in shock as she finally noticed T’Challa and Okoye standing in the distance.
“My apologies, my king,” she quickly saluted him, but he waved her off.
“None needed. Any friend of Nia’s is a friend of mine.”
Sukutai’s eyebrows almost reached her hairline as she turned back to Nia. “I know we don’t know each other very well, but how come you never told me you knew the king?”
“He’s new,” Nia shrugged nonchalantly.
Sukutai shook her head fondly at her friend as T’Challa and Okoye came to stand next to her.
“What brings you to my humble garden, your highness?”
“I would say this is anything but humble, priestess,” he chuckled. This time it was Nia’s turn to be surprised.
“Yeah, I don’t like to advertise it,” Sukutai shrugged.
“Well, I guess we both have our secrets,” Nia teased, making her friend giggle.
“I guess we do.”
“Sukutai, we are here because we need to speak with Mujaji. Bast is missing and-”
“You need to see if he knows where she is.”
“Yes,” T’Challa nodded.
“Right this way,” Sukutai said as she stuck her elbow out for Nia. She wrapped her arm around it, and the two of them took off, chatting about the flora they passed on the way.
Sukutai led them to the back of the botanical gardens towards the greenhouses. There were several smaller ones scattered around that were about the size of Nia’s home, but the very last greenhouse was huge. It stood about two stories tall and expanded across an acre of land.
“How did I miss this?” Nia wondered aloud.
“You weren’t looking for it,” Sukutai winked. “Too distracted by the pretty flowers, as usual.”
“You should really pay more attention to your surroundings, Nia,” T’Challa teased, and she narrowed her eyes at him. Despite the fact that she was still very hesitant to trust Nia, Okoye had to stifle a chuckle at her attitude. It was refreshing for her to see a woman that seemed to be immune to his charms.
The four of them entered the greenhouse, and Nia was amazed at what she saw. Instead of beautiful flowers and lush trees and bushes, there were rows and rows of crops.
“I knew you had some fruit trees, but I didn’t know you grew other foods here, too,” she said with her mouth wide open.
“We have to. Who do you think taught us how to work the land?”
Nia nodded as she soaked up Sukutai’s words. It had never occurred to her that the humans had to learn agriculture from somewhere...or someone. She wondered if aziza had learned from him, too, and if so, why hadn’t she heard about it? Were their history books incomplete, too? Nia’s train of thought was cut short as they arrived at the center of the greenhouse. There was a large patch of soil surrounded by an old stone wall no more than two feet tall. A small plaque near the opening caught the visitors’ eyes, and they crowded around to read it.
“The first garden?” Nia gasped, and her eyes traveled to the rich soil.
Sukutai smiled proudly, “That’s right. This is where Wakandans first learned how to grow sorghum. Mujaji’s magic still inhabits the land, and he allows us to speak to him through it.”
“How does it work?” T’Challa asked, equally in awe of the plot of land that allowed his people to prosper. Yes, they had vibranium, but what use would that be without the ability to feed themselves? Had they remained hunter-gatherers, they never would have gotten to where they are today.
“I’ll show you,” Sukutai said as she untied her shoes. “Nia, would you like to help?”
“Yes, you, silly. You have the heart and hands of a gardener.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“First thing’s first, shoes off,” Sukutai instructed, and Nia slid out of her sandals. “Now, you see those jars full of seeds over there?”
Sukutai gestured behind them, and they all turned around to follow her line of vision.
“Yes,” Nia’s voice shook as she spoke.
“Don’t worry about what each one is. Just go pick whichever one calls to you.”
Nia nodded and padded her way over to the table covered in glass jars. She felt the power radiating from each one, but she felt compelled to pick up a small jar full of green coffee beans. Her hand instinctively reached out to touch it, but she pulled back and looked to the priestess for permission.
“Go ahead, take one,” Sukutai urged, and Nia carefully screwed the top off. She reached in and grabbed one of the beans, and walked back over to Sukutai.
“Ok, how does this work?”
“We start with a yes or no question. Let’s try ‘Do you know where Bast is?’ and go from there, ok?”
“Follow me.”
Sukutai stepped onto the sacred land, and Nia did the same. The ground seemed to vibrate, and Nia’s face lit up. The slight glow returned to her skin, and this time Okoye was sure in what her eyes beheld. She quickly turned towards T’Challa, who looked at her out of the corner of his eye but kept quiet. He shifted his weight away from her nervously and continued to watch Nia and Sukutai work.
“You feel it too, huh?” Sukutai asked with a sly smile on her face.
“It feels...it feels like my feet are buzzing.”
Sukutai’s head cocked to the side, and her eyes narrowed as she tried to understand exactly what was happening. Nia obviously wasn’t a priestess of Mujaji, yet his magic spoke to her in some way. That wasn’t normal, and neither was the faint highlight that appeared on her skin.
“Yeah, it does,” she agreed and shook the suspicions out of her head. She knelt to the ground, and Nia followed suit. “Hold the seed in your hands, close to your face- yes, just like that. Now, close your eyes and let it feel your energy. When you are ready, speak to it. Ask your question.”
Nia shut her eyes and focused on the feeling of the seed in her hands. She pictured it growing big and strong, and after a few moments, her mouth was filled with the taste of coffee. It was ready. She brought it closer to her lips and whispered, “Do you know where Bast is?”
When she peeled her eyes open, she saw a huge grin on Sukutai’s face.
“You’re a natural.”
“Thanks,” Nia giggled. “What now?”
“Now you plant it.”
“Wherever you choose.”
Nia studied the ground around her and turned a little to the left. She held the seed in her left hand as she made a small mound in the dirt with her right. She gave the seed one last glance before pushing it into the soil.
“No water?” she asked.
Sukutai shook her head with a mischievous smile, “No need.”
“Ok...so now we wait?”
“It won’t take long. Usually about-” Sukutai’s eyes widened. “Look!”
Four sets of eyes trained on the tiny green sprout that pushed up from the ground.
“It’s never happened that fast before.”
The sprout turned into a seedling, and the seedling matured right before their eyes. Just as hope began to fill the air, it left, and the coffee plant shriveled up. The leaves turned brown, then a murky black before decomposing entirely. Everyone’s shoulders slumped in defeat, and silence descended upon the group. Without even asking, they all knew it was a resounding “no.”
The silence was thick on the ride back to Nia’s. Okoye flew the Talon with a million questions running through her mind, all of which seemed to come back to Nia. Who is she? What is she?
Nia left her position by the window, no longer interested in the ground below, and met T’Challa by his sand table. She watched for a moment as the molecules dispersed and recollected themselves in the shapes of the temples they just visited and the gods they just contacted. He chewed on his lip as he tried to put the pieces together, but there just wasn’t enough information.
“T’Challa?” Nia spoke softly to keep Okoye from hearing.
“Hm?” he grunted without looking up.
“What if the problem isn't in this realm?”
The king tore his eyes away from the table, and the sand fell flat.
“You are suggesting we go to the magic realm?”
“Again with the ‘we,’” she sighed. “No, I’m suggesting I go to the magic realm.”
He stared at her blankly for a moment before calling out to Okoye, “General?”
“Yes, my king?”
“You will travel back to the palace alone-”
“No-” Nia tried to stop him.
“I will be staying with Nia a little while longer. I will call when I need you.”
“Yes, my king.”
Nia dragged her hand down her face, then immediately looked down and noticed the clay that had transferred to her palm. She pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned in frustration, both at the king and at her careless mistake.
“T’Challa, I just said-”
“I know what you said,” he snipped, “but this is my kingdom, and I need to know what’s going on.”
“I’m going with you, and that’s final.” He turned away and joined Okoye in the cockpit.
Nia sat off to the side and pouted the rest of the way home. When they arrived, Okoye reluctantly left the king behind and flew off to the palace.
“She could’ve just stayed outside, you know,” Nia fussed as they entered her home. “Now she definitely knows something is up.”
He rolled his eyes, “She knew something was up the moment you started glowing.”
Nia froze and mentally kicked herself for not using the glamor spell her ubaba had taught her. She was in such a rush that morning that it completely slipped her mind. The smug look on T’Challa’s face made her want to slap him, so she stormed down the hall to her bathroom to fix her facepaint. As soon as she finished, Nia heard the king make a strange noise and looked out to see what he had done. A laugh erupted from her belly as she watched the king stand on the couch to get away from Sego. He glared at her, but his eyes promptly fell back on the python that was too close for comfort.
“Call off your snake!”
“Python,” she giggled. “Sego, stop messing with him, please.”
Sego turned her way, and Nia could see the playful look in his eyes. He thoroughly enjoyed messing with the king. T’Challa climbed down from the couch and let out a calming breath as Sego slithered away to the kitchen.
“So the mighty Black Panther is scared of pythons, huh?” she mocked him as she leaned against the doorframe.
“Not scared...I just don’t like them.”
“Mhm. If it makes you feel any better, he’s not fully a python. He’s a shifter.”
“Meaning sometimes he’s in his human form, sometimes he’s in his python form.”
T’Challa thought about it for a moment. “Actually, that does make me feel better. Thanks.”
Nia smirked and rolled her eyes.
“So,” T’Challa cleared his throat, “what now?”
“First, we go see my ubaba, then the queen.”
“Ok...how do we, you know, get there?”
“It’s easy,” she bragged as she walked over to him. “Give me your hand, and I’ll show you.”
Nia reached out to him, and when their hands connected, an image of the two of them sharing a feverish kiss popped into her mind. She gasped and pulled back as though she had touched a hot stove.
“What is it?!”
“N-nothing, I just,” she had to think of something quick. “My headwrap. I take it off when I go to the magic realm...to, uh, let my ears breathe, you know?”
“Um, ok.”
Nia hurried from the room and left T’Challa standing there, confused about what just happened. He knew she was lying despite the fact that her excuse had some semblance of truth to it. Thanks to the heart-shaped herb, T’Challa could hear her heartbeat, and something had caused her heart to almost beat out of her chest. His suspicions didn’t last for long, though, because when she came back from her room, his jaw dropped. Of course, he had noticed her beauty the first time, well the second time, he laid eyes on her, but as she came down the hallway fluffing her coils out into an afro that framed her face like an obsidian halo, he felt a knot form in his chest.
“Ready?” she asked, obviously over whatever had been bothering her.
“Yeah,” T’Challa cleared his throat. He was suddenly parched. “Ready.”
“Ok.” She grabbed his hands again, but this time there was no vision. Nia sighed in relief and looked him dead in his eyes as the atmosphere around them began to thicken. “Be cool. Don’t embarrass me.”
Next Chapter
Taglist: @maddeningmayhem, @theblulife, @motheroffae, @love-mesome-me, @toni9, @bribrisback, @dersha89, @impremenior, @ljstraightnochaser, @love--life--passion, @yourstrulybrii
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Toko! I was thinking of creating an ask the character blog for IDV or Genshin Impact and wanted a few tips on how to start off. Anything you can share?
ey yo my dude!! thank you so much for this question, now im lowkey tempted (again) to make a genshin ask blog sjadhlkshgkahshglsaj anyway my 1.5 cents is under the cut, yall know how much i talk here HAHAHAHAH
uhhhhhh so i guess we start with picking a character u really Vibe with tm? I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE COMMON SENSE BUT LIKE ive been considering making a genshin ask blog for a while now but i never really got to it cos i couldnt really decide on a character (plus the fact that their outfits are. so intricate. is also a hmm since i try to follow details to a t) (at first i wanted to do zhongli, but i feel like to be able to muse him well u need to know the lore super super well, which i dont n im too lazy to research on that aha. n u know how much i respect characterizations, especially for such a complex character like him. i also considered xiangling for a period of time mostly for guoba but also like i have 2+1 blogs here n having one more might not be a very good idea aha) (as for aesop he was my Hyperfixation Character tm also cos i looked at his kit n went Yep i could work with this. probably)
so assuming ur not a dumbass like me n u kinda know who u wanna pick, id actually say to snoop around here for other ask blogs n kinda get a feel of the... scene? is that the word? or like u know, other blogs that u can potentially vibe with. ive run a couple of ask blogs before this current one (both that have died for different reasons) n from my experience interacting with other blogs (if theyre okay with it, i think most should be) is pretty fun. it also kinda helps get ur blog around to other ppl on other blogs so they can go Oh whats this cool shit n check u out, n its also a reason why we kinda reblog promo posts for other blogs (also cos we’re always excited when someone new comes on, its really the more the merrier. we see all :eyes:). interacting with other blogs is also an option when ur inbox is looking real roomy too
another reason why i havent exactly done a genshin blog is that idk i cant actually seem to find genshin ask blogs around (i have seen rp blogs, or those that answer asks with mostly text instead of art, but thats. not my thing since i hate my own writing aha) (i did find one aether blog some time ago, but for some reason i hardly see them around anymore??? idk man i might be wrong). its not like im trying super hard to find them ask blogs, so im sure they exist out there (hopefully?? im not sure but im being optimistic). i mean theres nothing wrong with just starting an ask blog without others around, but for me i do find a difference when i interact with other ask blogs n when i dont, n i prefer when theres others to have fun with (unfortunately i couldnt find any ask blogs to interact with in my previous fandom. i tried, but the blogs i approached seemed to go inactive shortly afterwards...) plus u get to meet friends that way too :D (i made a lot of friends via idv askblogs n its really been a joy vibing with others)
as for the idv scene. gestures around me. unfortunately there are a lot of ask blogs that arent that active anymore, but theres still some of us who are alive n kicking empty inboxes, n im sure everyone would love to see a new face around. winks at u. also there seems to be a lot more blogs popping up lately, which is really heartening to see.
then u kinda just. make ur blog? n a starting introduction post so ppl can reblog it n spread the word XD n yay u have a blog i guess??? XD
i gotta say tho. dont expect ur blog to take off immediately (especially for smaller fandoms like idv, tvbh i didnt think my blog would even get half this far when i started cos of how non existent idv tumblr seemed to be) n ur inbox will probably be looking pretty empty a lot of the time (or at least filled with some that u havent quite thought of how to reply to yet aha) (but also like empty inboxes happen pretty often, im sure most of us here have experienced this problem)
in the case of the first ask blog i ever started, it never really took off at all. ngl it was kind of demoralizing n depressing but to be fair i had picked one of the more obscure characters in the series, so obscure that many ppl in the fandom would have never heard of this character before. if u wanted to know, i took a character that only appeared in the 2nd musical of the series, who also made a very brief cameo in the manga to acknowledge his existence within that universe. thats how obscure my character was, but i went with him purely because he was my favourite character. i will say though i did enjoy it while it lasted n i learnt a lot from the experience, n i think thats whats important really.
i guess this kinda leads on (not really but let me digress) to the whole uhhhh thing where if u choose a more popular character, u get more attention. which is fine i guess? if u really vibe with the character, i mean theyre popular for a reason. n choosing a more popular fandom (like genshin) would objectively also get u more viewers n numbers. but like honestly i believe that ask blogs are meant for u to have fun with, n like trying to get popular gets tiring pretty fast (this shouldnt be like a main goal, but u know sometimes u subconsciously also want that gucci follower count n bomb ass notes or something. i used to be guilty of this until i realized it isnt worth it) especially if ur not enjoying yourself in the process. (case in point: my previous fandom was considerably larger n my blog got about 700 followers within a year or so, but it got very tiring n stressful to maintain after my interest in it died, n no one was really interacting with the blog even though i tried which kinda made it even more depressing despite the so called success n popularity of the blog)
anyway on a less serious note, theres a lot of fun stuff u can do with the ask blog, like some ask blogs have really fancy tags that i really like n try to do but also like not really HAHAHAHA. i kinda just channel what i want to see in an ask blog into my own ask blogs (good art is one, i try very hard for it to be good :,DD another is characterization, n others is just extra miscellaneous arts n stuffs like au ideas or memes. these are also somethings u could work on during ask box downtimes perhaps)
uhhh another side thing is like a posting schedule i guess? like ppl would be more likely to interact (i think) if ur blog is relatively active, n this is usually determined by the last post u made (i think XD). but like generally for blog maintenence id say try to kinda find a frequency that ur comfortable with?? cos i know my once a day posting is kinda insane if i wasnt so hyperfixated on all of this n fight the urge to dump all ur replies when u finish them XD (though ive seen some blogs do that n they do it pretty frequently so its pretty nice to know once u see their post u can spend some time going through the latest batch of posts XD) the queue function is pretty useful here even though i truthfully have never really used it, i kinda just post from my drafts really but it also helps to space out ur content to seem somewhat active especially when u dont have the time to be working on replies sometimes. i hope u know what im trying to say here aha
ANYWAY that was like my 1.5 cents cos i dont even think its worth 2 cents HAHAHAHAH these are just my thoughts from running all my blogs up till now, some that are still running n the others that have just died a natural death. i wouldnt actually delete them (theyre still around actually XD) cos theyre kinda like archives n i can look back at what i did last time. cos ngl i made some high quality stuff back then, n i dont even know how i managed to do that aldhflhdsgk. also ppl do look at archive blogs every now n then for the content thats there yknow
BUT YES anyway if u do decide to join the idv ask blogs hmu, ill be sure to give u a lil shoutout here. winks
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Pale Yellow, Prologue (Group Fic) - Candy Cane
A/N: i know i havent shut up abt this for the last forever on my side blog but its just bc ive been so excited lol this is a post-apocalypse/doomsday au & lesbian au wherein after the world ends, people still find each other. without @chaoticnachokitten id be totally lost bc this really needed a beta and some extra confidence thrown in and im so lucky u were there to help me out <3 thank youuuuuu!!! this is very focused on the cast of AS2 bc it sparks joy so bada bing bada boom here we are. u can follow my side blog @sillylittlecandycane where i post wip updates and get wayyy too invested in these aus!! this is the kind of fic that im still fleshing out, so if u have any suggestions for thing i may have missed id love to hear it! anyways sorry for the long a/n hope yall enjoy <3 Summary: Nearly seven years after the apocalypse, Alaska has been a part of a few different groups. None have been like this one, and she wouldn’t give it up for anything. Little does she know that change is on the horizon. 
It’s been years since Alaska could look at her friends and not immediately see them as just walking corpses. All of them are on a time limit, they’re only delaying the inevitable. No one can fix this. No one can change what has happened to their lives. Sometimes she doesn’t see the point in continuing forward. And sometimes she sees those small smiles Detox and Roxy share, sometimes she hears how carefree Tatianna will laugh at a joke, sometimes she catches her friends holding hands just because, and she knows they have to try. Even destroyed, their world still holds love and hope. Otherwise, no one would be around.
The gun in her hand is heavy and slick with sweat, her whole body is sore from walking in heels for way too many miles. Apparently the price of looking hot during the end of the world is pain, who would’ve thought?
Alaska looks over her shoulder at Katya and Phi Phi, the Russian is clearly lost in thought, while Phi Phi has her weapon poised to aim, even though she looks almost bored. Alaska almost feels bad for asking them to come with her, but there’s no way she would’ve been able to go out alone.
The whole group understands the importance of checking out supply houses, even if it looks like a longshot. Even if all they find is expired food packets and half-used emergency kits, it’s better than nothing. Sometimes they get really lucky and find crates upon crates of supplies. Weapons, ammo, medical products, food, even bottled water… It’s not often, but it happens.
Alaska breathes a sigh of relief when she sees the emergency clinic come up in her field of view. Soon they’d be home, and Alaska could kiss her girlfriends and put her feet up. She hates being away for so many hours, no matter how necessary it is.
“Let’s go,” Alaska says quickly, speeding up her pace, barely checking to see if her friends are following her lead.
The hot, spring’s day asphalt clacks beneath her heels, the sun beats down on her bare shoulders, and she breathes in the heavy, humid air. There’s a storm on the horizon for sure, she’ll have to ask Ginger to check the weather for the next week.
The cozy, two story emergency clinic that is both the best place in the world and an eternal prison looms before her. It’s the only safe place she’s been able to find and make work, but it represents how trapped they all are.
At least they’re not alone. At least they have each other. That’s what Alaska tells herself as she opens the heavy metal doors. Once upon a time they were glass, but glass doors aren’t great for defense, no matter how nice they look on the outside.
She steps into what was a trashed waiting room when she first found this place and is now a well-managed front room. The receptionists desk is where they keep all their communications equipment, and is also where she sees Ginger, the one who runs the equipment.
“You’re back,” Ginger says, a wide smile on her face that Katya can’t help returning, “Almost thought you’d be gone for good.”
“We weren’t gone that long,” Alaska frowns, letting the door close only when Katya and Phi Phi come through it.
“We were out there almost all day,” Phi Phi says, “Left at dawn, and now it’s almost sunset.”
Alaska sets her weapon down on the counter, “I guess I just lost track of time.”
She looks up to see Detox round the corner, and could almost cry with how happy she is to see her.
“Thought I heard you guys come back,” Detox smiles.
There’s a worry and fear in her eyes that Alaska wishes only a kiss could fix. There’s no way it would, but she can try. The two hug tightly, and Alaska kisses her for a long moment. It’s so good to be with her again, even with the missing presence of their third.
“I couldn’t stay away for too long,” Alaska teases her when they pull apart, “Where’s Roxy?”
“Training,” Detox sighs, “I was barely able to get her away for lunch.”
Alaska understands the need to always be prepared, it was drilled into her once this whole mess started. She still wishes they would all take better care of themselves though.
She looks over to see Katya talking closely with Ginger, and figures she’s probably just relaying what all happened. There’s a ‘ding!’ sound from the computer, and Ginger leans over to take a look. Alaska’s breath catches in her throat when she sees Ginger’s expression.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, almost scared of the answer.
“It’s… It’s Alyssa’s sister,” Ginger says, completely shocked, “Her group- They’ve got an extreme injury.”
“How extreme?” Katya asks, trying to look at the computer scene.
“Gunshot wound to the torso at the least,” Ginger says with a frown, “They want to bring her here.”
“Can we even help with that?” Detox grimaces.
“Coco saved me, didn’t she?” Alaska says, biting her lip nervously.
“Do we have room? Supplies? It’s been a while since then, Alaska-”
“Who else would be able to help? There’s no hospitals, no working clinics or doctor’s offices,” Alaska reminds her, on the way to making up her mind.
“We don’t even know this person, all we know is that Alyssa’s sister knows them,” Phi Phi points out.
“Alyssa’s sister knows them well enough to want to reach out to us,” Alaska corrects her, “During a fucking apocalypse.”
Katya turns and stares Alaska in the eyes, “So you want to help.”
It’s a statement, and not one that’s wrong either.
Alaska takes a deep breath, then turns to Phi Phi, “Tell Coco she’s going to have a patient,”
Even though she looks skeptical, Phi Phi ducks out of the room, and Alaska is left with three of her teammates staring at her with open mouths.
“Well? Get to work, we have company coming,” Alaska drawls, leaving no room for argument.
It’s a longshot, but they owe a lot to Alyssa, and Alaska wouldn’t be where she is today without the kindness of strangers. If she doesn’t ‘pay it forward’ now, she may never get the chance, and she thinks she would regret that for the rest of her life.
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dulceackles · 3 years
Life update
Hello. I mean I doubt anyone is interested but since i was away for a little while I thought about writing little bit what’s up and how i’ve been. 
My mental health has been really bad again. Two weeks ago I dont think there was a night I didn’t cry and now this week everything has been kind of messy and stressful. But I was sick for few days and had few days off. I’ve just been really lonely and I don’t really know what to do about that and also my anxiety has been fairly bad too. I’m trying to find a way to balance my life now and maybe idk kinda start new. I’ve been taking little distance to my friends or they have been to me, I don’t know but anyways. In a way i’m scared of soon being left completely alone but also, I dont really think my and my friend’s relationship is healthy and I feel like they cause me more mental health problems than joy. So I don’t know, I’m hoping a new chapter in my life would start somehow. 
I don’t really have any reason I’ve been ia here. It’s mainly just due anxiety and fear that someone is secretly stalking my blog or knows who I am and is making fun of me behind my back. (Which I know is dump). But also, what has been bothering me lately is that I feel like nothing I enjoy in life is actually not mine or actually in my life. I don’t know if someone understands what I mean but like I love Måneskin but at the end of the day, It’s just a band doing music and it has nothing to do with me and if I didn’t have internet access, it’d be completely erased from my life. But I don’t have friend (I mean good/close ones), good relationships with my family, partner, a place in uni, anything that I’d get joy out of that would actually physically be in my life. 
That to be said, i think leaving tumblr hasn’t been a good choice either. I feel like a part of community here and I feel like being able to share my creations (even tho i know my writing isnt the best and my gifs are crispy) really helps with feeling like i have something in my life. 
About the fics, I’m sorry i’ve been ignoring my inbox and request and not finishing the works i’ve promised to write but i’v just felt unmotivated and it’s really hard even trying to write anything decent when feeling like that. I appreciate every request so much but sometimes I found if hard to relate to what yall ask me to write or hard time filling the plot line so I just skip them or leave them for later. I never want to make anyone feel ignored so just don’t think that I’ve ignored your request or whatever you’ve sent on my inbox. 
So yeah, that’s where we at. I really really really wish i get into uni next year. Even though I got a job and they offered that I could maybe continue work there longer than first planned (which i’m excited about), I still feel like im stuck in my life. Or maybe it just is the fact that im secretly hoping uni would magically fix my life like maybe I’d meet new people there who with I’d have fun and who with I’d not feel lonely but who knows.  
also dyed my hair really dark violet kinda red, it looks nice but don’t know if I’ll keep it yet. 
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Hey, I just saw your latest post about personal questions. When you mentioned ”real friends, ” I was thinking about mine. Sometimes, I'm really frustrated about my own feelings and allowing my ”friends” to be there for me. Sorry if this was long, but my question is: What makes a ”real friend?” If so, are you happy with the friends you have now?
fck dude, i know what you mean :( I hope you will be able to sort any emotions or problems or literally whatever you’re dealing with, concerning your friends!! 
also so im not sure which question it was where i talked about real friends, maybe you were talking about #55?? :0 
okay anyways, here’s my opinion on what a real friend is!
for me personally, a real friend is someone who is there for you, you know? someone who you have no hesitation or doubt to express your emotions and feelings. someone who you are able to share both your joy and your sadness with. If you were to suddenly meet your favorite celeb or go to a really fun event or somethn, who would you tell? likewise, if you were experiencing trouble at home, or in a relationship, or whatever, who would you feel comfortable telling? 
for me, someone who is just so kind to me. someone who is actually genuinely excited to talk with me, and who doesn’t see me as a bore or a nuisance to talk with. ahhh, this is so hard to explain sksksk,, 
and like, idk man, sometimes, i’ll stay on the phone for like, hours, with a friend. but like, we’re not talking or anything, it’s more like they understand how much being in the presence of someone else, comforts me, and they stay on the phone, even if we dont have anything to talk about. because they know how much i love even just their presence. does this even make sense sksksk??  im weird lol 
so, am i happy with the friends i have now?? 
ooof, im gonna go with a phat no on that one. in my real life, i just haven’t reached that point of trust with someone. even with my current friends right now,, i enjoy their friendship with me so so much,,,, but i also, like i said before, dont feel like i can go to them for anything really. i still dont feel like they genuinely look forward to talking  or interacting with me. however,,,,,,, man, i cant even express this enough. my online friends that ive made since ive started this blog,, have been like, amazing. 
i can be myself around these people. and maybe its because im able to hide behind the shield of not actually seeing them? or being able to hide my face?? who knows?? but i do know that my online friends are some of the most nicest people ive ever met and truly, i feel like theyre more important to me than my irl friends. and ive never even seen them before!! :0 even in these past couple of days, ive talked on the phone with some of them for the first time,, and ahhh it was just so amazing,, fck i love yall sm. 
okay im fcking writing a whole essay for this question, but its late and im kinda just rambling at this point oops,, anyways,, if you feel comfortable coming off anon, you can totally sliiide in my dms and we can talk more if you want :D if not, thats all good and ill just leave this here :)
i hope everything works out with your friends and your emotions and all that very very soon. i know what it’s like to be you bb,, you got this!
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a-shmeeb-abroad · 6 years
On the Complete and Utter Overhaul of My Life and the Transformation of This Blog
Good Morning everyone, long time no see. Just checking in to see how yall are doing and was wondering if I could possibly tempt you with another blog post. Lots of things have happened and I am eager to share them with you, so as my first major post from my new apartment in Tokyo (we’ll get to that in a second), I wanted to give you a not-so-short update on life. As the title suggests, my life has gone through a thorough overhaul in the past year and so-many-months and things are completely unrecognizable. Why don’t we pick up where we left off for the sake of time?
In my last post I mentioned I had taken up a position on KAJET as the communications coordinator. In total, I served 2 years in the position. During that time, not only was I moderator of the Facebook and Email account, I also dipped my toes into web design and completely overhauled the website. As if that wasn’t enough responsibility, that summer I decided on a whim to run for National AJET’s position of Block 11 Representative, and my successful bid essentially threw me into the national spotlight as the representative of the 4 southernmost prefectures in Japan, which I served as for one year alongside 11 other amazing Reps doing the role of C.C. times two on a much…larger scale. The year of 2017 gave me invaluable experience in coordinating large-scale events, planning, organization, and networking and I truly believe that everything fell into place because of my sudden drive to do the – what I thought was – impossible. The shy and self-conscious girl I once was blossomed into a confident leader who beamed at the idea of meeting new people from all over the world, and I cannot put into words how proud I am of myself.
In addition, many areas of my life saw a boost in academics. Most notably, I started more serious after-school tutoring with my students for an English exam called EIKEN, and thanks to their incredible drive and perseverance, we had a going rate of about 90% of them passing each round. These kids had become like little brothers and sisters to me so seeing them facing their fears of speaking another language and absolutely blowing the exam out of the water brought me so much joy, and I am endlessly proud of how much effort they made to improvement.
After the exams quieted down for the summer, my friend and I (kind of on a whim, honestly) decided to enroll in a Japanese language school in the Shin-Okubo neighborhood of Tokyo in order to study seriously for the JLPT. For those who don’t know much about it, Shin-Okubo is the Korean area of Tokyo, so study sessions after class were spent lounging in cafes blasting the summer’s hottest K-Pop songs or chowing down on fried chicken and melted cheese takkgalbi in crowded, smoky lunch spots. I’d grown up in the suburbs, spent 4 years hopping about a sizeable college town, and then settled into the quaint countryside of southern Japan, not once stopping for but a moment in a large city. But somehow through the unbearable heat, the full-to-the-brim trains, and impenetrable crowds of slow walkers and umbrella-toting old ladies, I found myself growing deeply fond of a city I was never too keen on.
As we know, however, all good things must come to an end. As summer began to wind down, my friend and I finished our month of school with resounding praise from teachers certain we would pass our exams, and my year-long relationship came to a close as we agreed it was time for him to focus more seriously on studying for his medical school exams. Though it was with a heavy heart that I left Tokyo and returned home, I persevered and continued my roles in the community while cramming those last few months for our exam. Thankfully this came with a happy ending as both my friend an I achieved a solid “PASS” on the N2 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, the second highest level test takers can achieve. With this certificate in tow, I began my job hunt.
Yes, that is correct. I began job hunting.
But didn’t I love my job and want to continue teaching long term?
Yes, I did. Let me explain.
In November, participants on the JET Program are given their contract to re-sign for the following year and, depending on the school or board of education, usually have until January to turn in their acceptance or declination. Schools usually hire for up to 3 years, and then in the case of exemplary behavior (or honestly sometimes just bare minimum effort, if we are being so honest) we can stay up to 5 years at the same school and then finish the program. I received a letter telling me that my school wished to recontract me for a 4th year and I was very pleased, but I also felt a deep knot in my stomach as I accepted the paper. You see, while I was in Tokyo, I had done a lot of thinking about what I was looking for in my life and my future from many different angles, and with my two…well, 3 leadership roles, as I was also serving as the block leader for Kanoya and the surrounding areas at that time as well, the taste of real responsibility and challenge was exhilarating to me. Constantly having things to do with multiple levels and scopes of responsibility was something I had never experienced, and I HAD to have more. I just had to. At the age of 24, I realized it was time to search for a more long-term career with upward mobility. I wanted something that allowed me to climb some sort of ladder. In one of the hardest decisions I had to make since coming to Japan, I declined the request to recontract and made the decision to leave Kanoya, the place that had become my second home.
To make a long story short, I threw myself into job hunting for 4 months. I applied to almost 30 jobs and attended scores of interviews while working and holding my 3 volunteer positions. In the end, after weeks of stress, tears, and almost zero down time, I received and accepted a job offer for a career in the international events and conference industry at a company headquartered smack dab in the center of Tokyo.
I don’t know how many of you readers have moved across the country before, let alone in a foreign country, but let me tell you, it is no joke. I could write an entire separate blog post on the trials and tribulations of finding an apartment meeting all my requirements and budget that would also rent to a foreigner, or having to pay almost $2000 in deposits and key money (basically a ‘thanks for letting me rent from you’ gift to the landlord which has been in practice since the post-war era), but all I can say is that I’ve never been so happy to be completely finished with something in my entire 25 years of life. I settled down in a 200 square foot flat in the Suginami ward of Tokyo about 3 weeks ago. I can see both Mt. Fuji and Tokyo Skytree from my house. It is minimal chic and very clean. It’s loud sometimes, but there is a sweet pair of pigeons that perches below my window and I can walk to Dominos Pizza. All in all, it works for me.
Work has been going very well. The company language is, as expected, Japanese. Most of my work consists of translating important documents or proofreading, and my first big project was constructing a now-30-page operations manual entirely in Japanese for The Asia-Pacific WFSBP Conference in Kobe as well as working the IWA World Water Conference in Tokyo for a week. As we work with extremely confidential information, I can’t be more detailed than that, and of course the learning curve is steep, but please rest assured that I am doing extremely well for what I have been given and I thoroughly enjoy the work I am doing so far. Finding out that, despite the horror stories of 18+ hour workdays and unpaid overtime of the Japanese workforce, I receive overtime pay, I am literally not allowed to stay in the building past 8 pm, and I may actually have some sort of work-life balance while working here. This entire situation was one of the greatest gifts I could have ever received and I truly do not know how I got so lucky.
And with that, it looks like you’re about caught up on what’s been happening with me. I’ve not yet hit the two month mark here, so things don’t really feel as permanent as they should be. The sadness of leaving my coworkers, students, and friends still lies deep within with me, but their unwavering kindness and generosity up until the last moments of my time at Kanoya Senior High School keeps me moving forward as I do my best to make them proud. It still feels like I’ll be going back any day now, but the busyness that my life has taken on since coming here has kept me occupied enough that I don’t dwell on that fact. There are a lot of other exciting things in the works for me right now, and I hope someday ill be able to update you on them (top secret until then, though), but until then, I’ll leave you with this. Feel free to contact me any time with questions or requests to visit (not spring, though, as I am booked solid already) and I will do my best to respond as quickly as I can. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading and supporting me through this crazy journey across the world. Who knows what life will have in store for me next?
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