#I like my like 3 dogblr mutuals who are actually decent dog owners!
I think this summer, in addition to building a new catio, I’m gonna try to get the cats out hiking more. This is just a big vent/ramble under the cut.
The last couple years we haven’t been out as much. A part of it is just mental health making it hard to Do Stuff, but also I’m apprehensive about going hiking on my own with the cats. I’m not really concerned about coyotes or bears or elk, but the prevalence of off leash dogs on trails still makes me afraid for my and the cats’ safety. I can do everything right and responsible with my cats and still have someone’s dog chase or attack us— both have happened before and will again if we go out. It’s just frustrating that other people’s irresponsibility and selfishness keeps me from enjoying time outside with my pet. I can only control myself- I can’t control someone’s “””friendly””” dog that is “good” off leash and *only* chases people for 15ft before going back to its owner. It’s not barking and chasing for 50 ft, so it’s fine right?
All that being said, I think I might try to do what I can to better prepare myself and my cats for encounters like that and actually get out again. I can tell Dave misses hiking and being outside, and my mental health has gotten worse staying indoors all the time.
Cat wise I’m gonna try to train the cats’ recall better this spring, and maybe invest in some shorter leashes to keep them closer by on walks. I was also considering getting a hard-shelled cat backpack and seeing if they’d like cycling. Dogs can’t kill them if we’re on a bike…
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