#I like to occasionally include the pronunciation for Miadhachain because for YEARS I sounded it out like it was an English word
thegoddesswater · 9 months
Hello, there! Just stopping by to hear a little about your WIP! What, in your opinion, makes your WIP unique? What makes your WIP stand out?
Hello! Thanks for the ask!
Not counting the fanfictions I decided to dust off a while ago, I've got two main WIPs: Miadhachain Legacy (ML), and the Talentless/Wild Card duology.
Miadhachain (pronounced: MEE-otch-in) Legacy takes place in a slightly sci-fi, political dystopia with Zaria Miadhachain and Adair Rios as our MCs. - Zaria is a former heiress who lost her birthrights and freedoms when her father turned her into a political pawn as a teenager. Years on she's not afraid of getting her hands dirty and is prepared to do anything to get back what she lost. - Adair was never meant to be anyone important, just a poor kid from the slums snapped up by the poverty-military pipeline. After a "training accident" leaves him wounded, he's considered a prime candidate to become the military's first cyborg: young, generally unassuming, and - most importantly - expendable.
Honestly, I don't know that there's a lot really unique about ML anymore, other than the fact that no one is going to execute this story the same way I will. A lot of ML sounds inspired by 2020, but this thing has been hanging around in my brain since the late 2000s. My personal "standout" for ML is the characters, but I can say that about any of my stories.
Talentless/Wild Card is LGBTQ+ fantasy. The Royal family of Prylea has been cursed and only a select few know. In a last-ditch effort to break the curse, a knight of the realm is sent to locate a mage powerful enough to free them from the curse. The MCs here are: Robward "Maggie" Blackwill - the previously mentioned cursebreaking mage, and James Gallagher - the knight tasked with finding them.
Unique things about Talentless/Wild Card is that I once had a document I was using to keep track of my rules of the universe and almost every single character demonstrates some kind of minor exception to those rules - not in a "Chosen One" kind of way, but just in a 'reality is messier than the textbooks will ever tell you' way. Again, I think that the characters are what really shine in the story, but one distinct stand out element has to be Sleepshine. Because instead of a noble equine steed, James gets a Tortoise the size of a crossover SUV.
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