#I literally can’t see Emmett without thinking hes Rob
bonafidehero · 3 years
Celebrity doppelgängers that I can’t unsee once I notice them:
Discount Jon Snow — Actual Jon Snow
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Idiot Michael Kinsella — Actual Michael Kinsella
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Dumbass Jimmy Kinsella — Actual Jimmy Kinsella
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A continued rant of Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Part 2
I think Tumblr didn’t like how long the post got, so I had to split it up. 😒 Here is the link to Part 1, and here the link to the beginning of my rant about this movie.
Anyway, moving on to the final showdown and the Volturi rolling up with their Victorian goth metal band.
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One thing I will say is that I like that Carlisle and Aro aren't yelling at each other. The filmmakers utilized the fact that they have super hearing and therefore wouldn't have to speak loudly to understand each other from across the field, like wow, they've realized they're making a vampire movie. The only time Carlisle talks loudly is when he wants to get the attention of all the Volturi's witnesses.
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Now, I admit that I liked the way they used Bella's shield in the movie, but there is one thing from the book I wish they would have kept in and emphasized.
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And that is the fact that when Bella shields one of the wolves, all the other wolves from the same pack get the same protection through their mental bond. I thought that was a really cool feature and I wish they would have added it to the movie, because it meant she would have had to shield only a maximum of two wolves and the rest would be covered, too. BUMMER.
Then there is one bit I actually love a lot (I know, I'm finding more and more things I actually like, SHOCKING), and that is when Bella walks forward with Renesmee and Jacob to introduce her to Aro, but then looks back with a silent plea for Emmett to join them and him immediately doing it without another word.
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For me that really visualizes Emmett's role within the family when it comes to protecting it and I really liked that.
Then of course we have Aro commenting on Bella being a vampire and I die every time at the look of disgust she gives him.
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I hope no one gave Aro any kind of ice after that burn.
Then there's the laugh. You know. THE laugh. That bit of iconic artistry Michael Sheen decided to bless us with in this moment. Honestly, this is the best thing in the entire movie, you can't change my mind.
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Moving on to Aro realizing that the Cullens are right and Renesmee DID grow since Irina last saw her.  Now, Irina may have been a snitch and paid for her mistake with her life, but damn me if she doesn't look amazing in this scene, like, look at her.
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And then we come to one of the most annoying things about this whole sequence. Alice and Jasper finally arrive at the scene, and for some fucking reason they decide to cross this huge-ass field in human speed??? Like what the fuck??
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Walk faster, stars dammit!
And then we of course have the scene that shocked literally everyone. You know, THE scene.
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Like wow. That head with the upturned eyes is just *snorts* kind of funny, actually?  I know it's this super dramatic moment but Carlisle's head??? Just looks??? So done??? And it makes me laugh??? I’m so bad, I know.  😂
Which of course triggers this huge attack scene. One question, though, my supernatural peeps.
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Why are you all clustering together like that??? Why aren't you spreading out so the enemy can't, oh I don't know, SURROUND you or some shit??? What kind of battle tactic is this??? Prince Caspian and King Peter would deeply disapprove.
Now, I'm not gonna go through all of the deaths that are about to occur in what we later know to be just a vision, but there are some moments I want to address. And one death in particular.
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No. Hell to the fuck no. NO. How dare you??? I know this is war (kind of), but you do NOT get to touch Seth (or Leah for that matter). Fuck you. I'm so glad it didn't actually happen, because FUCK YOU.
Moving on to Resident Vampire Good Boy Benjamin snapping and splitting the earth.
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Good for you, king.
Not entirely sure, though, that there would be lava this close to the surface unless you're close to a volcano??? Any geologist buds out there, is this realistic??? It seems really weird to me.
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Another thing we were robbed off is of course the fighting practice scene that we know exists thanks to a still of Kristen Stewart, so we never got to see Bedward practicing this thing.
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Pity, I would have loved to see all their failed attempts while practicing this. Of course we were robbed of ALL the deleted scenes and I'm still bitter about it.
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More slow walking, like, speed it up, for fuck's sake, you guys have superspeed for a reason.
And then of course this bit of Bella asking Nahuel how old he is.
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And Nahuel immediately answering the amount of years he's been alive.
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And Bella being like "Fucking finally, ONE person capable of giving a straight answer, you see this, Edward, he's not giving me fucking cryptic answers like you did, bitch"
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Battle over, everyone's happy, yada-yada-yada, and now we're at the aftermath. Now let me tell you one thing. THIS
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This is the most Bella Bella has looked since becoming a vampire. The awkward hairdo, the short-sleeves-over-long-sleeves, it's all a throwback to her human fashion and while I didn't like it at first, I appreciate it a lot more now.
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And then, of course, there's the vision that shouldn't exist
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Ugh. Just ugh. No.
Part 3.
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You guys can see those sunrays, right, I'm not just imagining them???  So why in the fucking hell are Bella
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and Edward
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Just to give you a comparison to another scene where the sun is behind them but the sparkling still happens, let me remind you guys of this opening scene from Eclipse. See how Edward's skin is sparkling here???
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And here???
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So why aren't they sparkling anywhere here????
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That is SO obviously direct sunlight on their skin, so what??? The fuck??? 8 years and I'm still mad.
Finally, I made it! Thank you to @diamondkissle​ and @edwardssparklyskin​ for encouraging me to keep going. Despite the technical difficulties it I had fun working on it. I hope you enjoyed it. ♥
Happy Holidays, everyone! ♥♥♥
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