#I loaf him so much
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Bro is sorry that he’s french
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minnieokok · 25 days
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☆~☆silly little guy☆~☆
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aqg-arts · 1 year
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Him found a crymstal, plms no takey >:(
Day 4 of Tennotober: Crystal
I was a day late and again, no reference for Limbo, but ya know what? He's cute and that's ok. I mean, you can still tell it's him, but yeah lol.
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omaano · 5 months
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Echo with his tooka best buddy (and an extra) for @phantasm-echo 's DTIYS 🩵💙❤️
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xbraveheartx · 11 months
I'm suddenly thinking about Romeo and how he was specifically made into the King of Puppets. He was a fitting subject to channel and regulate Ergo, and the first (mostly) successful test run for what Geppetto wanted to accomplish. But I'm suddenly thinking... why specifically Romeo? How did Geppetto choose Carlo's best friend out of everyone he could have potentially chosen?
Unless he knew what type of person Romeo was...?
As in... He needed someone who would be fitting for the role of King-- a leader who could play the role needed to further his means. Because Geppetto could have chosen any old schmuck from the street, but he specifically got a hold of Romeo, the boy who grew up with his son in the Monad Charity House. Whether you want to believe what the loading screens says (and we all know by now how much you can really trust those-- looking at you, Rose Estate Cover Up Scheme) on Romeo specifically striking a deal with him, or if it was something else entirely... the fact remains that he specifically reached out to use Romeo, of all people.
So what does that say about Romeo, as a character? He must have a great leader-type. "My puppets and I are battling against death itself"-- so proper, places himself on the battlefield alongside the others... and "My puppets"... he personally took them in as his own upon waking. He didn't ask for the throne, he woke up and suddenly was placed in this role... but he filled it as necessary and he lead HIS puppets to help the people.
I think we can say he's brave, friendly and hopeful, if the flashback upon first meeting Carlo says anything, plus, his repeated attempts at getting P to remember him and join him in the fight against the disease. We can tell he's a great leader, and has a good sense of humor (the amused little chuckle you hear in his message to P saying "You're still an unstoppable fellow"), absolutely the sentimental type...
I just have a lot of emotions about him suddenly. Romeo was... so good.
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I was just messing around but now i ironically like it but i was making this strawpage for a DIFFERENT blog and now it's like. OKAY WELL. EITHER I THROW ONE TOGETHER FOR THIS BLOG TOO OR I CHANGE IT.
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mybrainproblems · 1 year
Stop making Wilson lame and boring challenge.
Let that man be horrible.
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pallases · 7 months
love how hugo’s like courfeyrac is just like tholomyes if tholomyes didn’t FUCKING SUCK
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I made a cinnamon roll loaf today and I’m so mad bc why didn’t the recipe???? include????? cinnamon???? in the fucking????? loaf?????!!????!?!?!?!
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baishouqijia · 11 months
ooc. just a lil life update cause i despawned despite having 3 weeks free. i still have my job, and will probably return next week. i know i didn't write anything that i wanted to but i actually really needed the break. it's the longest i've had off work in the past 5 years so i spent the entire time decompressing and just loafing. it was great, genuinely.
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infinitemonkeytheory · 9 months
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Arctic found a sunny patch
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roimp · 2 years
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pomellon · 1 year
Totally did not open two teeny comm slots just to buy the Dead Space plushy, nope, nah, not me > . >;
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This is my potato, Ozzy.
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fates-theysband · 2 years
4, 7, and 10 for Fate~
thank you!!!
Does your F/O prefer sunny days or rainy days? What about you? Do your preferences match? How do you both handle these days? What do you do together on either of these days?
it might be the game's art style but it always looks like cosmopolis is perpetually overcast so idk if it ever really gets sunny there so i think he doesn't really see the sun a lot but he finds it to be a pleasant change from the usual weather. i am not a huge fan of bright sunny days (i LOVE rainy days!!) but i feel like we make it work--sharing an umbrella on rainy days, walking close together on sunny days (he's taller than me so if we're angled right I can effectively use him for shade lol). If we can spare the time we'll go out together on a sunny day but on rainy days we usually stay in.
What’s the ideal date night for you and your F/O? Describe and share what it would be like.
houghhhh what a cute thing to think about...i think they're a fan of the classic sort of "dinner at a nice restaurant, seeing a movie together, and then heading to the park and watching the stars" date structure and im like. swooning just thinking about it. i just thought about them showing up before the date with a single rose and being super gentlemanly the whole time and if you'll excuse me i have to go lie down before i short-circuit
What’s your favorite physical feature of your F/O? What about your favorite aspect of their personality?
ouhhhhhhh where do i BEGIN with either of these...like there's so many good options for the physical feature like i feel like the wrinkles are an essential part of his look but he also has a cute nose and nice hands and if we take the body pillow design as canon he also has really nice legs and OKAY WOW IM ABOUT TO SHORT-CIRCUIT AGAIN
and then as for personality...i do love the small hints of like, his sense of humor and his more lighthearted side, like his bad puns and how cute and affectionate he is toward his cat, and i do feel like underneath it all he IS a lot kinder than he initially seems, like every time he praises the player character it really does sound so genuine. and i WILL die on the hill that he was looking for ANY OTHER WAY to get out of his job, he did not jump straight to ending the world! if the player asks him if there's another way to deal with the cycle of life and death he even says that he's looked for options that aren't the Office!! and it is so so so easy to talk him into the takeover ending. he barely puts up a fight. i think it's pretty clear he is happy the player outsmarted him and showed him another way.
just. hrgghrhhghrh i understand that there's plenty of points in the game where he is a total asshole but i think people who think that's where his personality stops either didn't bother to get more than one ending or are taking almost comically bad-faith readings of everything that isn't his Total Asshole moments. i have altogether too many emotions about that old being.
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horrorshowcliche · 6 months
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a candlekin cleric of death for a mini campaign im gonna be in soon!!!
because hes goopy, he cant fully support limbs or a proper structure. so, to supplement, he uses a combo of natural body temp and heat metal to maintain a metal exoskeleton that keeps him in place. similar to the jewlery/gear that people with hypermobile joints use to prevent disslocation! her name is carnuba ester, or ester for short :]
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