#I lost access to this blog and a few fic drafts including love bugs
astrophileous · 1 year
Hello everyone! 👋
Hi. It's me. Ya girl. Zara.
Honestly thooo, idk if there are still ppl on this blog, since I've been gone for MONTHS. But for those of you who are still here, HEY! HELLO! HOW ARE YOU DOING???
Okkkk so to catch you up with what's been going on with me......
I think the last time y'all saw me was when I posted something abt needing to take a break from posting after a troll sent me a hate ask regarding my Derek story, Love Bugs. That was in April if I'm not mistaken. And after that, I was actually fully intent on coming back and posting again, until something happened.
My phone got stolen.
I lost my phone, and thus, I lost access to many accounts I had, but mostly my fandom accounts. You see, this tumblr, along with some other accounts I have on many platforms, are registered to my ancient email that I've had forever. When my phone got stolen, I lost access to that email and consequently every account connected to it. I tried very hard to remember the credentials for that email, but I set the account up when I was in middle school and couldn't remember 😭 and because my younger self was such a genius, I decided to set different passwords for my various accounts, and I couldn't remember what the password was for this blog so I ended up losing access completely :)))
So yeah, after a few days, I kinda just gave up trying (I'm so sorry). I thought abt making a new tumblr, but then I got caught up in working on my thesis that it just slipped from my mind. And that's exactly what I've been doing. Working on my thesis, which I'm still working on now as well. But during those times, I still tried to find time to continue writing some fics in case I ever got access to this account again.
And two days ago, that's what finally happened!! I finally found the correct password for this blog, and since then I've just been sitting here wondering what I have to say to explain my absence. At last I just decided to tell you everything. I'm not sure anyone cares enough to hang around this long after that long ass break, but if you do, then thank you! ❤️ Idk what else I could offer, but I hope this explanation is enough.
Soooo what's my plan after this, you might ask?? Well, I'm certainly gonna start on picking up where I left off with Love Bugs, hopefully finish the series sooner rather than later. Keep in mind tho, I also lost all of the drafts for that fic when my phone got stolen, so I've been in the process of rewriting everything and it might take a while. I hope you understand xx
Aside from that, I also have prepared a couple of fics for both Derek and Spencer, and I will start posting them soon in the meantime! I hope you guys would love them <3
Welp. I guess that's all I wanted to say. Sorry for this long ass post. Sorry for the long ass absence. And thank you for sticking around.
You guys rock 🔥
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