#I love ben
pleather-breakfast · 5 months
"The bourbon burger is her go-to menu item! How can you not feel for that!?" Jeff must've sacrificed a few interns to an eldritch being for a cast this fucking funny
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moonahsrobin · 11 months
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inaluvrsworld · 2 months
i miss the descendants era
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Here’s the intro post that no one asked for! Hopefully I’ll figure out how to pin it to the top 😆 💕🎉🤝🎭👻🐸📝🌱🖤🎶
Edit: adding a break because this post is so long. I ramble fyi
Scroll to the bottom for one of my favorite Ben interview answers 💕
I am leading, yet again, with the fact that I am a child of the 80s friends, so please remember that. I won’t be posting any 18+ content, but it’s always good to know who you’re talking to online. My kids are on here and I want them any everyone to stay safe. That being said, always feel free to engage. Some days I’m chatty, somedays I’m a ghost
I’m a communications major, a writer, I work retail, and I volunteer. LGBTQ+ family. Pantheist. Leftist. My birthday is on Halloween. I have ridiculously shitty music taste. I love the rare times it rains here in AZ and would happily move somewhere where it rained all the time. I love space and good conversation and my kids more than anything. I live with bouts of depression and anxiety. I also picked up grief at a young age and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone
I have no creative links to share, but I do have a private portfolio, a music blog I abandoned, and an ao3 account that hasn’t been updated in yeeears
Fun stuff
This blog is 99% Ben Schwartz content. I love him. I respect the hell out of him. And he’s just so, so silly. I cherish the things that make me smile when it feels impossible. He’s also super cute?? The other 1% is the socialism that’s on the label. More on that later.
On Schwartz:
Favorite character: Anthony Scarapiducci (don’t ask me why, I still don’t know. So much of him is such a facade. Ben said Tony “wants to show that he's not just a piece of s*** and that what he's doing matters.” I’ll do a whole post on Tony someday ILHSM
Favorite movie: I am a huge Sonic fan (since the 90s!), so those movies are huge. Standing Up, Falling Down is way up there
What made me a fan: he’s always made me laugh, but sharing some videos with my kid had me falling down the IMDb rabbit hole. It’s hard to watch so much content in a row and not fall in love with the guy. I’m also a big fan of ridiculous stories with authentic characters. Give me a good work of fiction with the most believable people running around in it. Ben is so endearing that, no matter how over the top he is, I totally buy what he’s selling every single time. Plus I’m a big improv fan and that boy can sing, so whats not to love
I also randomly started tagging “any excuse for a Josh Bath gif” and have had a few people tell me they watched the Earliest Show because of that and I cannot explain how happy that made me
On Socialism:
Socialism is the framework of a government that takes care of its people. I could break off into facets of leftism and talk theory all day - but my stance is literally “take care of each other.” The phrase “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs” (popularized by Karl Marx) means a lot to me, as does the Spanish idiom “hoy por ti, mañana por mi” (today you, tomorrow me). I volunteer with a kindness organization (feel free to ask me which one). I have been working together among local folks to build and strengthen mutual aid hubs in our communities. I also do water distro and deliver other Heat relief supplies to unsheltered folks
This space will not be used to preach (but I am an ordained minister if you’re needing one 😆), nor will or be used much to educate. The socialist side of this page is more about being actively present in the world I believe in
I’m always up for meeting new comrades. Asks are open. Feel free to chat and also definitely tell me what your favorite favorite Schwartz moment is
And finally
I’ll leave you with this moment from Ben’s Mythical Kitchen Last Meal interview that I hope makes you smile
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rhoy-angel · 1 year
Ben, she's another one of my ocs
ben is a member of the forest friends family.
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She's gender fluid and has a witch girlfriend they are very much in love but someone new is entering her life as well what will she do when she finds that she is attracted to both!
she loves fashion.
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💞 for the oc of your choice
💞 : Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?
I'm going to go with Ben with this because a. He's been on my mind a lot and b. He actually might be the best one to answer this
Ben's a combination of the two. He hasn't really HAD sex outside of a couple of times with a one-night stand or two that Nico set him up with that lasted approximately 4.53 hours and that was pretty casual, but when he eventually gets into a relationship, sex is something that he views with a lot of emotional weight, especially the first time. He and his future husband won't really do it until a couple months into their relationship and it's something that they both view with a lot of emotional weight because they've been together for a few months.
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lovableapocalypse · 1 year
queen charlotte has finally inspired me to write a benedict fic after always wanting to be prepared bitches
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silverdoe · 2 years
finally listening to the american psycho musical london cast recording and...this really was written by roberto aguirre-sacasa, huh
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mndvx · 4 months
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THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY — Final Season, August 8 2024
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hot-tea-gardenparty · 3 months
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I swear Benedict was in that threesome for 12+ hours for how many damn times they cut to it.
Drama intensifies ------ cut away to Benedict swallowing Tilly's tongue
Another dramatic moment ----- cut away to Benedict swapping spit with Paul
Like be for real Bridgerton editors and writers. We didn't need more of the threesome, we needed more Polin aftercare near the end of episode 8.
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mygaythoughtsblog · 4 months
Am I the only one who didn’t know they show bare cheeks on Australian Love Island? 👀
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cymk8 · 9 months
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my condolences mr. clive
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euphoriaface · 2 months
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his favorite show is on
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brotherconstant · 4 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2x02 | Do You Know What It Means to Be Loved by Death
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galactic-rhea · 3 months
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More silly Luke Skysilverfoxwalker doodles
in my mind, almost nothing of the sequels is canon, but Luke is still grumpy and somewhat depressed, his dad tries to help tho
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sweetpastillas · 1 year
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totally real umbrella academy merchandise
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