#I love getting poor condition ponies in my lots bc it means I get a cleanup challenge AND I get to customize them!!!
I wish ppl would more properly label bait ponies/lots. I search for bait ponies and they all look in fine condition??? Like NO I want SHITTY PONIES. I WANT THE WORLDS MOST FUCKED UP LITTLE HORSE. PLEASE BRO. I’m not gonna customize a perfectly fine pony unless it’s exceedingly expensive 😭
I wanna buy poor condition ponies for cheap, what do ppl do with their bad condition ponies? Throw them away??? I hope not 😭😭😭 clearly they’re not selling them?
Also, I have a poor condition g1 a nuzzle and she’s so special to me. She was dirt cheap, all her hair is cut, dents and scratches all over her, pindots, dark marker spots, writing on her, faded symbol AND MORE and I decided not to restore her aside from a good washing. She was so much character, she’s been through so many adventures I could only speculate on. She’s so fucked up and I love her.
I am willing to buy poor condition ponies as long at the price is fair!
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