#I love how Ceban just woke up and Alistair is just like ´have you met my beautiful son? UwU´
hes-a-rat-whisperer · 11 months
It wasn’t long until Ceb had woken up, the freckled brunette being far more timid than his lovely partner.
“Your highness, can we please see you?” Mattie asked while taking Ceb’s hand. Her answer would be a coincidental excited squeal as the two were suddenly rushed by a tiny raven haired blur, accompanied by several more of the large rodent creatures that were cuddling Matilda and Ceb.
Alistair was just about to answer the sweet lady´s question as that little surprise occured.
well, since the brunette had already woken up, there was little need for this telepathic form of communication.
a strong gust of wind rushed through the leaves, sweeping them up and making them dance as it spun around in a circular formation. and, after a flash of bright, magical light, the faery king stood before them.
"I must apologize.." he began. "there is still someone I neglected to introduce to you both.." he reached for the small, raven haired child that rushed by, holding him secure in his arms like a precious treasure. "Ceban, Matilda, this is Felonious." he spoke in a pride filled tone.
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