#I love making charts for things that aren’t even canon I just made them tf up bc I am sick in the mind
pinata-candy · 11 months
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Blows my little lore kazoo <33 Here’s my star hc family tree and silly star forms of everyone! Plus the original chart from 2019 when I first had this stupid idea for them all to be related which has since just. Dominated my personal star lore. It was supposed to be a fun au idea and then it got out of control the drama was just too much fun <33 More details under the cut about everyone!
- So first I gotta talk about dark stars real quick, in my lore they are a species of star and not just one guy
- Darkstars can not have parents, they are created from the shadow of millennium stars
- essentially what happens is when a millennium star is born, a Darkstar is created in its shadow to help maintain balance between light and dark forces of the universe. They are as pure light magic and as pure dark magic as any stars can possibly get.
- The Darkstar who begins the whole family tree IS the dark star from Bowsers inside story, his real name is Aludra. The Millennium star who he was created with is Prankstar, his real name is Capella
-THEY ARE NOT RELATED. I just wanna say that hear the deal with dark and millennium stars is less like a ‘these beings are twins’ thing and more like a ‘you are cosmically tied to this being by the strings of fate’ deal
-Without getting into Aludra and Capella’s complicated lore and more into the messed up lore of the history of dark and millennium stars, TLDR: Aludra was the star’s leader and Capella was his jester. They were in a secret relationship while Aludra was married to another star (the marriage had been arranged by the council)
- Aludra and his wife have 3 biological kids: Boomer (yes, the boss from mario rpg), Eldstar, and Smithy
- side note: star children are not made through. Yknow. They are made through a magic wishing ritual it is very easy and you don’t even have to see the other parent for it to happen. Also Eldstar and Smithy, those are not their birth names, they are titles earned later on, lots of higher stars have them
-Aludra also raises the next darkstar born, her name is Umbriel and Capella raises her corresponding millennium star, his name is Vesper. They are largely unimportant rn but just. That’s who they are
-Aludra is sealed away, his children fight for the throne, the Eldstar wins
-He then gets married to Mamar and has his four sons: Skolar, Kalmar, Muskular, and Klevar (again, I promise those are titles not their birth names)
-Lady Misstar wanted in on the high life and so started pretty much dating all of his sons at once, girl wanted the benefits of dating what are essentially star princes, good for her
-Fuck around and find out though, she has Twink pretty much on accident
-Star law says that stars are not allowed to have children with one another unless they’re married (a law made by Aludra to try and stop the overpopulation problem). but Klevar does not want to marry her
- so she does what any gaslight gatekeep girlboss would do, she lies to the stupidest of the children and says it’s his and she marries Muskular instead.
- he’s just happy to have a kid, he knows that ain’t his boy but he’s happy :]
-Twink is sent down to Starborn valley for his younger years just like any other star, no special treatment for him
-BACK TO THE SMITHY SIDE OF THINGS and oh this is where it gets complicated and ridiculous truly
- after his brother takes the throne, Smithy goes to him and has the idea of making vessels for stars, big metal bodies to keep everyone safe as stars are vulnerable little things. I mean just look at them
-Eldstar approves and they make the factory
- at first the factory is filled with volunteer stars who want to help but as progress is slow, they leave, Smithy is spiraling into madness
- well the factory needs workers, Eldstar starts letting his brother use children to work there
- Smithy has hundreds of kids with hundreds of other stars, he also takes orphaned stars to work the factory. Most die.
-They also serve as the star’s army, conquering more land and defending the haven
-He also forces his brother Boomer and his son to help him. Boomer’s son, Punchinello, would eventually flee the factory and hide on earth, settling in there
- Geno is one of his kids, he’s part of the latest and last group of kids. He’s towards the middle of the group
-Geno also flees the factory after realizing his father is out of his mind. He flees in one of his father’s wooden prototypes and dumps it on earth before hiding in space
-The Eldstar eventually finally realizes this has gone too far and tells Smithy to shut down the factory program, which Smithy retaliates by destroying the star road
-SMRPG happens. Smithy and his kids go to jail, they were bad
-at this point in personal lore/lore with my buddy, they are out of jail and the kids are all living together and patching things up
-there is also another darkstar, that’s Nebula, poor Yarid has been raising the damned thing
-also Yarid’s boyfriend. Yeah, we made him up sort of on accident. We had a list of canon characters. And we were gonna give him a boyfriend from those. Then we made Misha on accident and their interactions were nice so he got the role instead. Twas an fun surprise
-I think that’s mostly everything other than talking about Estelle, Castor, and Constella
-but essentially they were told by the higher stars. Oh hey, do you want a kid? We’ll let you have one without getting married, just for you because you are so special but don’t tell anyone they’ll get jealous :)) and then took their kids and put them in the factory
- also yes, all five of the axems were born at the same time, it was a terrible surprise. Their father had a meltdown. And they really did just name them each a color
-Also Trickstar is not on the star chart bc his title is a lie he is a comet not a star
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