#I love my blorbos!! the gijinkas just have my autistic ass in a chokehold
sammydem0n64 · 2 years
here's a fun question i've thought of recently! since you would like lilyheart to become an actual animated show one day (i think?? /lh) how long do you think you'd make the episodes?? would they be short, like 15 minutes along, kind of similar to how SU did them? or would they be a full 30 minutes?? how do you think you'd pace them?? would a couple episodes be filled with a lot of lore and then a filler fun episode (to show minor plots??) or perhaps everyone's plots would gradually all meet up in the same place?? just interesting questions to think about,, 🤔🤔
I was JUST thinking about Lilyheart man!! How'd you know!! But this IS a neat question!
I haven't really thought about the lengths, but honestly I'd think the episodes would be close to 30 minutes! Maybe not exactly that, probably around the shorter 20 minutes side (like 24-25) but it'd give room for the plot to breath and such
Pacing for individual episodes would be dependant on the plot, since a "The Adults and Karson Kids find some fucked up creature" and "Berry kills a man" are different narratives that often intersect, but obviously wouldn't have the same pacing. As for the overall story, the pacing is a tad slower for major plot beats. Like the introduction to the supernatural elements happens fast (Frost would be introduced in the first episode, and quickly the kids run into supernatural stuff thanks to him) but things like meeting Dracula, Smiley, etc etc happen later and of course their stories overarch
In terms of pacing, I will say that the Karson Killer reveal sorta happens early on? But it's still a twist, bc in the narrative, Berry is actually introduced early on! But he's not presented as an antagonist, more like a comic relief character for Frost to bond with. Of course later on we learn his true colors but it still takes eons for the main cast to figure out his motivations.
As for fillar episodes, yeah there'd be some! There's this whole spring break arc where it's just different groups of the main cast doing stuff! Locke takes Blue, DJ, Diamond, Gem, Dashi and Parker back to Maryland to look for Maryland cryptids, Loxy and Fiona go to stay with their uncle Apollo and crazy shit happens there, Ricky is sent away by his dad and meets Chastin due to. things, and Frost stays behind with the secondary cast (Charles, Miles, Tia, etc) to discover some things. The filler is fun and does have some minor plot and world building stuff, mostly to break up the dread of the main plot fghjk
I WOULD say that everyone's plots do end up intersecting at some point of course, that's just how the narrative works. The Karson Killers are accidentally thrown into the supernatural stuff, the supernaturals have to deal with the killers and their mayhem against their kind, Parker realizes his sister is working with the man who planned to make him a killer, etc etc fghjkl
I really need to get an exact timeline of the major events in order by like, the month. Since Lilyheart takes place over the school year, they have nine months for all of this chaos and I gotta figure out when certain stuff happens specifically, but yeah! Thanks for this question this was super neat
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