#I love pretty little liars rn so that’s where my quotes are gonna be coming from apparently
cm-in-20 · 2 years
Derek Morgan: *doing something dangerous*
Penelope Garcia: "part of me thinks this is really self destructive behaviour but most of me just thinks it’s really hot.”
21 notes · View notes
writingithink · 4 years
The Full Pub Experience Pairing: Ten x Rose Rated: T Wordcount: 3,834 Summary: The Doctor suffers through another honeymoon interruption for Earth wedding related things. Notes: FINALLY, this is my fic for Day 7 of @timepetalsweek ! And it's a free day. So you would think that it wouldn't be so late, but everything in my WIP folder rn promises to be long.
This fic would definitely make more sense if you've read the ones that came before it. That being said, I still think that if you know they accidentally got bonded that's also probably enough to jump in.
Super special thanks to @hey-there-juliet for betaing!! <3
All mistakes are mine.
I own nothing.
READ IT ON AO3 -> copy/paste link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25590310
With a sigh, the Doctor kicked his feet up onto the armrest and sunk into the sofa. Finishing up their honeymoon was starting to seem like a nigh impossible task. Who would have thought that trying to do seven romantic trips in a row would prove so difficult?
Sure, they’d had to sort out the Isolus when he took them to the Olympics, but after that things had gone on without a hitch. And yes, they had taken a day to do wedding planning things with Jackie midway, but then they’d gotten right back to it. Now, though, it was starting to get irritating.
His attempt to take Rose to a winter village on Sirius Colony VI had failed - they landed three years late and ended up having to stop a coup. Then he tried to take her to see the Rings of Akhaten but something went wrong with the TARDIS and they were flung out of the vortex, landing on an asteroid being used as an illegal zoo of endangered species. He’d almost been turned into an exhibit!
Once they finally made it back to the TARDIS, before he could come up with a new honeymoon destination Rose got a text from her mate Shareen. Now here they were, back at Jackie’s flat, for more wedding planning type things (he wasn’t sure on the details, just that this time he wasn’t ‘needed’).
(Not that he’d even been needed last time).
“Oh, cheer up,” his wife urged, leaning over the back of the sofa and running a hand through his hair. “How bored would you have gotten if we didn’t have a few adventures?”
The Doctor did not dignify that with a response, but did lean into her touch.
“Y’know, we could still try to get to that cabin again. We don’t know for sure if we actually missed the reservation,” she suggested.
“I suppose,” he huffed, trying to resist moving away from his foul mood. Maybe he wanted to sulk.
“Oh, come off it. Why don’t you find something to watch on the telly? Or play in the kitchen? Mum’s out, so I’m sure you could work on the perfect piece of toast.”
It was annoying, how she seemed to know just what to say. (It actually wasn’t, he was a terrible liar).
“C’mere,” the Doctor muttered before pulling her down further and giving her a kiss.
A kiss that quickly turned into a snog, him hauling her the rest of the way over the couch to sprawl on top of him. Just as he moved his hand under her shirt and up her back, there was a loud rapping on the door.
“Ugh,” he sighed, dropping back down onto the sofa as Rose quickly stood up, trying to fix her hair and clothing. For a Time Lord, he really did have an atrocious sense of timing sometimes.
We can pick up where we left off later, y’know, she telepathically reminded him.
He wondered if he could just nip into the TARDIS and move forward just a little, early evening, when ‘later’ was likely to be ‘soon’. This got him a quick zap through the bond before Rose opened the door.
Then there were hugs and squealing and he didn’t think he’d ever heard his bondmate’s voice get quite so high pitched. But the worst part was that her barriers had shot up, so all he could get from their connection was her general state. The Doctor did find himself pleased, however, when the squealing became about Rose’s ring - he had made it himself, after all. The gemstones and metal weren’t of Earth origin, but looked similar enough to the untrained eye. The center stone was quite diamond-like, surrounded by two gems that could be mistaken for morganite. He’d used an old, broken TARDIS part to create the band, which Jackie had criticized as looking too copper-like, but they had both ignored her. The Gallifreyan metal had unique properties, meaning he was able to biotune it to Rose’s finger. It would always fit perfectly, and only she could take it off.
Most importantly, Rose loved it.
“And hullo, Doctor.”
He looked up to see Shareen peering at him from the other end of the couch, and she really didn’t have to say his name as if it was a joke.
“Hello.” He hoped his smile was cheery, that’s what he was going for.
“’S it fine if I call you, what was it- oh, John?” she asked.
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
“Well, I don’t get why you go around havin’ everyone call you ‘Doctor’. I get that John Smith is a boring name, but really.”
A glance at Rose revealed her trying, and mostly failing, to not laugh. Not even her barriers could keep him from feeling how amused she was.
“Anyway, how are you?” he drawled, trying to remember what his wife had last told him about her best mate (on Earth, that is).
“‘M fine. Aren’t you headin’ out?”
His brows furrowed and he opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to figure out what kind of segue that was supposed to be.
“Heading out?” the Doctor ended up repeating.
“Yeah. To like, I dunno, hang out with mates down the pub or somethin’?”
“Hang out wi- ? Down th- ? Why would I do that?” he sputtered.
“Well we’re gonna plan out Rose’s hen night! No blokes allowed! ‘Specially not the groom.”
“Oh, that’s not fair, he can stay,” his wife came to his defense before he could say anything else idiotic.
“Nope.” Shareen crossed her arms. “I hardly ever get to see ya anymore, and this is a girls thing. You two could do with some time spent apart.”
And as much as he didn’t want to, the Doctor worried that maybe Rose’s friend was right. They did spend pretty much all of their time together, even before they accidentally bonded. Sure, sometimes they would split up for a little while if they were on a safe planet, but that hadn’t really happened since they started their honeymoon.
So he found himself standing up and saying, “Fine, fine, I can get out of your hair.”
“Are you sure?” his bondmate frowned, walking up to him and needlessly adjusting his tie.
“Yeah, yeah … I’ll, erm, be back this evening.”
“But what are you gonna do?” You don’t actually have mates to go down the pub with, she laughed in his head.
“I- I can definitely ‘go down to  the pub with my mates’,” he informed her, not really helping his own point by doing air quotes. “I’ll- I’ll ring Sarah Jane! I’m sure she’d love a trip to the pub.”
Actually, he wasn’t sure at all that she’d love that. But that wasn’t really the point.
“Sarah Jane ? He’s off to spend time with another woman?” Shareen asked Rose, though honestly she did it so loudly and right in front of him, she might as well have just asked him.
“The Doctor’s allowed,” Rose huffed, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. “He ain’t Tommy.”
Shareen winced. “Tommy’s changed, though. Whole new man, really.”
“What?! Don’t tell me you’re still hangin’ round with him!”
This seemed like the perfect time to leave, so the Doctor silently (and quickly!) exited the flat, telling his wife goodbye over the bond before putting his own barriers up. He had, after all, overheard many of Rose’s phone calls with Shareen and was aware of who this ‘Tommy’ was. Now that he realized her best mate had pretty much been accusing him of cheating on his bondmate, his thoughts were less than flattering.
Eventually he found himself standing outside the flats, a bit at a loss. He put his hands on his hips and looked around, surveying the area. Was he really going to ring Sarah Jane and go to the pub?
It was just- it was so … humany.
There had to be something more interesting for him to do.
The sun was shining, a few children were playing with sidewalk chalk, people were walking about. Everything was calm. Not a lick of danger in sight.
With a sigh, the Doctor walked over to the nearest phone booth, lifted the receiver and sonicked it. After a moment it started ringing. And ringing. And ringing.
He was just about to hang up when she answered.
“Hello, Sarah Jane!”
“Yes! How are you?”
“What’s going on?” she asked, not answering his - very polite, not rude at all, very much knowing how phone calls are supposed to go, ta - question.
“Oh, erm, I don’t kno-”
“How in danger are we?”
Oh, oh.
“No danger! None at all. Why does there have to be danger?”
He could actually go for a spot of danger, but it would probably get taken the wrong way if he told her that now.
“So this is a social call?” Her obvious skepticism was offensive.
“It is! What’s wrong with a social call?”
“I mean, nothing. I just didn’t think that was something that you did.”
“Well, it is.” Now, at least. Apparently. “I was wondering if you’d fancy going to the pub?” The words felt very wrong on his tongue.
“Where are Rose and Mickey?” she asked him, once again ignoring a question.
The Doctor scowled before sighing. “Mickey moved universes. Rose is busy. I’ve been kicked out of her mum’s flat, which I didn’t want to be at in the first place, really. So it’s all worked out for the best, don’t you think? It was suggested that I go down to the pub, and isn’t it  interesting that which pub isn’t specified? So really, if you want to go, any pub you like. Though I do know which pub they meant, because they always talk about the same one. It’s the one down the street. Rose dragged me there once for New Years. It’s … fine, I guess. I mean, they’re all pretty interchangeable, if you ask me. A bunch of humans drinking, watching the match, maybe playing a spot of darts. Or billiards! We could play billiards! If you’d like, I could turn off my alcohol-inhibiting enzymes. I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten drunk on Earth alcohol before. If I have, I don’t remember. Or we don’t have to drink at all. We could, I don’t know, have lunch? I know they have chips, or most pubs have chips? Well, the pub Rose goes to has chips, which is probably why Rose goes there. So what do you say?”
“I- blimey. Yes, I can go to the pub. I’m sure the one you’re near is fine, just give me the address.”
So he did, and shortly after she rang off. He wasn’t sure how long it would take for Sarah Jane to get there, but since he obviously had nothing better to do, the Doctor headed over to the pub. Since it was midday, there weren’t too many people around - definitely not as packed as it was for New Years. So he ordered a pint, realized that he hated beer, spat it back into the glass and then ordered a banana daiquiri. The bartender didn’t seem very impressed with him, so once he had his cocktail the Doctor slunk away to a booth to wait for Sarah Jane. 
By the time he noticed her walking into the pub, he was on his second drink and debating the merits of trying out jalapeño poppers.
“Sarah Jane! Hi! Over here!” he called, waving his arms in a wide arc to make sure that she noticed him - she did. “Have you ever had jalapeño poppers?”
With a disbelieving laugh she walked over, taking off her jacket and sitting down her bag before sliding across from him. “Can’t say I’ve ever tried them. Suppose we could give it a go.” She got comfortable in her seat, looked around them, then focused on him. It felt almost as if he was being analyzed. Then the tension broke, she shook her head and let out a small laugh. “This is so strange.”
“Strange? Why’s it strange?” he asked, even though he agreed with her. The thing is, he knew why he felt it was strange, but she was human. This was something humans did - hang out with mates at the pub.
“Well, I mean, you’re you. I didn’t think this was something you did.”
Ah, same reason, then.
Before he could respond to that, a waitress appeared to take Sarah Jane’s order. They got the jalapeño poppers, but also each an order of chips in case those turned out to be rubbish. She also ordered a pint (but why? They were not good) so the Doctor preemptively ordered another cocktail so that he could avoid having to be subtly mocked by the bartender again.
“How many of those have you had?” Sarah Jane asked once the waitress was out of sight.
“This one is my second.”
“And did you turn off your, what did you say on the phone again? This you talks so quickly sometimes and the connection was so poor, I was having a hard time keeping up.”
“Ah, yeah, was calling on an old payphone. But yes, alcohol-inhibiting enzymes. I have them. Turned them off. It’s starting to get a little tingly. Reminds me of Rose laughing.”
“You knooooow. Or you probably don’t, actually. I wonder if the daiquiris are affecting me more than I’d thought. It’s like … oh, I don’t know. English is a rubbish language for describing telepathy. Cancel your beer and get two banana daiquiris and that will be like if someone is laughing in your head. The nice kind of laughing. Not the you-just-did-something-stupid kind of laughing.”
“I think I’ll pass, but good to know,” she laughed. “Wait. What happened that had you and Rose connected telepathically? I thought you usually avoided that kind of thing. And as far as questions go, you said Mickey moved universes? I think we have a lot of catching up to do since I last saw you. Not to mention everything before then. It sounds like you’ve been busy.”
She wasn’t wrong. So first he told her about the parallel world, and the Cybermen, and Mickey deciding to stay there. Then he told her about Rose, and a very edited story of how they accidentally ended up bonded. Married. Same thing, really.
“I know,” he agreed, finishing off his third drink and wondering if he should order a fourth.
Sarah Jane opened her mouth to say something, but then their food arrived. She ended up finding the jalapeño poppers surprisingly good, while he felt that they didn’t go as well with banana as chips did (he ordered the fourth drink - might as well get the full Earth drinking experience, right?).
“Am I going to end up having to carry you back to the TARDIS?” Sarah Jane asked him.
“Nooooo. If anything, you’d have to carry me back to Jackie’s flat. That’s where Rose is. Unless you rang her and told her to meet you at the TARDIS. Or you could ring her and have her carry me back to the TARDIS. I’d rather not have her mum see me drunk. I’ve never actually been drunk in this body before. Don’t know what it’ll be like. I pretended to be drunk once. To fool some robots. Rose didn’t think it was funny.”
She chuckled, shaking her head a bit. “I just can’t believe you’re married.”
“Why’s that? I’ve been married before this. I don’t know how many of them actually count, but I’m over 900 years old, I’ve been around.”
“Yeah, I’m getting that.” Sarah Jane rolled her eyes. “When were you married before?”
“Well, I was definitely married on Gallifrey. Arranged union of houses. Very proper. Loomed some children and everything. I, er, wasn’t a very good husband. But I’ve also never been a very good Time Lord. It’s complicated,” he sighed, leaned back, picked up a chip and fidgeted with it.
“Considering you were exiled when we met, I think I believe you. What about these other times?”
“Oh, I’m not sure they really count. One of them happened in an anti-matter universe, pretty sure it was fictional. I did actually marry a human once. For world saving reasons. It ended up going decently well, actually, but it didn’t really last. And now that Rose and I are bonded, I feel like … I don’t know, I think I was wrong about how deep our connection really was,” he admitted.
“What’s an anti-matter universe?!”
Before he could answer, his cocktail arrived. Thank Rassilon, because he could definitely use another drink if this is what they were going to be talking about.
“Sooooo what’s new with you?” he asked after taking a long sip.
“Oh, I don’t think so. We’re not done talking about you and the fact that you’ve just gotten married.”
“Not according to Jackie,” the Doctor rolled his eyes. “She’s having us do an Earth wedding. Ancient Gallifreyan bonding isn’t good enough for her. To be fair, I haven’t actually researched it properly yet. Maybe once I can explain it better, Rose’s mum will- ahhhh what am I saying. The day I’m able to reason with Jackie Tyler will probably herald an apocalypse.”
She laughed, which was good. Things were much more tense with Sarah Jane now than they were back when they traveled together. And, of course, that was his fault. But it was nice, spending time with her again. Even if it was in a boring old pub.
“And what does Rose think of all of this?”
“Ohh, she’s got mixed feelings. Sometimes she’s excited about planning the wedding, sometimes she wants to cancel. Apparently I’m not much help, but really I-”
“Not about that, about you two being married,” she corrected.
“Oh! We’re both very, very happy about that.”
“Good. I’m not going to lie, it does seem a bit fast. Then again, I don’t know how long it’s actually been for you.”
“Mmm … maybe about, I don’t know, how long has it been for you since you last saw us?”
“It’s only been about 2 months.”
“Nearly a year, then,” he quickly calculated.
“Rose wanted to catch up her real age to the age she’s supposed to be on Earth. Don’t tell Jackie.” His eyes widened at the potential slap that would get him.
“I’m sure if I ever meet her it won’t come up,” Sarah Jane laughed.
“What do you mean ‘if you ever meet her’? Aren’t you coming to the wedding?”
“Oh. Well, I didn’t want to assume-”
“Of course you’re invited! Not only are you one of my oldest friends, you’re one of my best friends!” the Doctor exclaimed.
“Don’t know how I feel about oldest friend.”
“Please, I’m much older than you are,” he rolled his eyes and leaned back, propping his feet on the table, idly playing with his newest little umbrella. He had quite the collection accumulating.
“Yes, but you seem to be regenerating younger.”
The Doctor winced a bit and tugged his ear.
“What?” she asked, after finishing her drink.
“I may have picked this regeneration on purpose, a bit.”
“Oh? I didn’t know it worked like that.” Sarah Jane raised her eyebrows.
“Takes a lot of effort. Usually I don’t care which body I get, but …”
“Had a reason for looking young?” she teased.
“881 year age gap,” he frowned.
“Obviously can’t be much of an issue, considering what you told me about the bond you two have now.”
He downed the rest of his drink.
“Be right back!” the Doctor announced, standing up. “I’m going to see about getting a pitcher of these. Provided they put a lot of umbrellas in. I’m using them to keep count.”
“Keep count of what?”
“I want to see how many it takes to get me drunk. Even without the enzymes, I still have a superior biology. And Earth alcohol is famously tame.”
“Are you, really?”
“I’m getting the full pub experience! What do you say to billiards when I get back?”
“Doctor, how long are you planning on staying here?”
“I told her I’d be back in the evening. And I mean, we don’t have to stay here. We could go someplace else, if you’d like. But, as I said, as far as I know and for certain in this body, I’ve never been drunk in a pub. Plus, it’s not like I’m planning on having a stag night, and you and I are both here right now, and you’re my only friend on Earth aside from Rose, so maybe this would count, right? I mean, from what I’ve seen on films, getting drunk in a pub is pretty much what a stag night is … well, there’s also ones with strippers, but that’s all a bit too human for me. Not that there’s anything wrong with it! I’m just sayi-”
“Doctor!” Sarah Jane interrupted him with a laugh. “I swear, the gob on you this go around! Of course this can be your stag night. There’s a sentence I never thought I’d say.”
“Yeah, but who needs predictable, eh?”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
The Doctor put on his best grin as he went to see a man about a pitcher.
Hours - and many daiquiris - later, he felt a surge of amusement across the bond before Rose’s barriers dropped. He turned around, and there she was.
“Rose!” he bounded over, quick to wrap her in a hug, lifting his wife off her feet in the process.
“Hi there,” she smiled up at him when he put her down before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. “Not that I’m not glad you’re here! I’m very, very glad you’re here.”
She laughed, and the feel of it combined with the alcohol was indescribable. “Shareen and I were drinkin’ wine and laughing at bad telly when I got a call from Sarah Jane.”
“Oh? What was it about?”
“She said I should get down here quick or I’d miss a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
“Really?! What’s that?” Also, why wouldn’t Sarah Jane tell him about it? She’d just agreed to be his groom-party-best-person, whatever it was, and it was his stag night!
“Doctor, you were about to perform, remember?” When had Sarah Jane come up behind him like that?
“Oh, right!” he bounced on his toes a little. “Karaoke! I’m about to go up!”
“You were right, this is gonna be amazing!” Shareen laughed, pulling out her phone.
“I’ve already queued up the song, I didn’t know you’d be coming, but we can sign up for a duet!” the Doctor said, getting even more excited.
“I’ll think about it,” Rose giggled. “Think you’re a few drinks ahead of me for karaoke.”
“It’s funny that you say ‘a few’,” Sarah Jane laughed.
And he was about to ask her why, but then his name got called. He’d have to ask her later.
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
Dark Blue Kiss the Series: Ep. 6 Review
Okay I took a nap after reviewing Until We Meet Again and now MY BODY IS READY SO LETS GO BOIS
Section 1/4
Mork and Sun have such a weird dynamic but I cannot wait for them to end up together
I feel so bad for my boy :((((((((( im big sad like Pete did not deserve that he’s just trying to show that he can get somewhere without his dad’s connections …
My boy has stage fright aw I hope his even goes well
I get the feeling that Mork just isn’t into Sun or that he just doesn’t see anything romantic happening which gives it all a weird vibe but idk we’ll see
I just want to know where Sun is getting this gas money thoooo
Ugh watching sun and more eat is making me hungry y’all
He better not waste this food
oh shit omfg 
There’s always unnecessary CONFLICT OMFG
When the guy pointed it looked like he pulled out a gun and I FREAKED
Section 2/4
Poor Rain he’s struggling so hard
I can’t tell if this girl is interested in Rain or not but at least she’s being a friend 
Their friends are really starting to suspect them lmao
For college students, they eat out a lot lmao 
he’s the biggest liar of ALL TIME
Okay Pete doesn’t have to be that rude but THIS GUY IS ANNOYING AF 
omfg them competing tho has me dead
I love when Pete just subtle shows that they’re dating
I highkey want Pete to Beat Non’s annoying ass
Bro Non really wants his ass beat
this is why I hate rich privileged kids
Bro obviously Pete doesn’t like this kid and his friends always side with Non, like I know with my friends will back me up 
That’s a bumpy ass road lmao
Okay like I get that he comes from a rough background but I know hella people with shit backgrounds that aren’t annoying like Non lmao 
LMAO “You won’t be practicing the speech you’ll be practicing something else” 
Lol they’re so cute wish we would see them KISS SINCE IT’S CALLED DARK BLUE KISS :????
oooooohhhhhh back to work and sun
ope the classic gotta share a bed ;)
Section 3/4
That’s a dope bed no lie
Mork’s just in a towel ;0
“That’s why I couldn’t bare it” Oh teaaaaaa
Sun’s looks kind of remind me of Chen from exo mixed with someone else lol but don’t quote me lmao
he said stay put then told him to move around lolol
Mork has got quite the tan lol
I need all these mfs skin care routine 
I really like Mork’s face
already sharing clothes I see I see
lmao Mork is highkey offended that Sun didn’t put gel on his chest lol
oh where’s my boy Mork
wait where tf did he get that guitar????
He has a BEAUTIFUL voice ugh
Damn he just called him weak lmao
Y'all like I know this is where they kiss but like I’m sososososoososopos scared that Mork won’t kiss him back and then it’s gonna be awkward as hell
“Do I still need to answer that” this man I swear
Now Mork’s conflicted damn I knew this shit would happen :( I can never trust these hoes
back to kao and Pete :)
I love how Pete’s dad is invested and interested :)))))
“I have some here, you wanna see” BRUH
This is random but I love how the Thai langauge says “Thank you” it sounds like they are saying “hop�� and idk I think it sounds nice lol
The bear’s little shirt haha I love it 
Pete is so cute when he isn’t being cold 
Section 4/4
Damn Mork looks so comfortable sleeping and he looks good too :))
how much y'all wanna bet it’s not all they had in that store
“I was drunk last night” that’s so common to say and it makes me sad :(
Since Mork is in denial rn I wonder how he’ll end up opening up to the idea
idk how much that is in dollars but it sounds like a lot lol
That’s a super dope way of making coffee
We love product placement lmao
“you might catch some pokemon” this man just doesn’t want to stop spending time with him lol
That scenery is so PRETTY
oooohhh they’re like on a little date :))))
damn that part of Thailand is really pretty
oh shit who tf are these guys and what do they want
I already know these guys will not take them seriously with those couple shirts lol
Bruh he spilled food on you by accident damn chill smh some people 
I used to do karate and I know fighting in those Jeans was not fun lmao
and we’re back to Pete and kaolin
omfg Imma beat Non’s ass and I haven’t seen his face yet but I know it’s him
(not for real but like his character lmao)
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humanitys-shortest · 6 years
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✨Simself Tag!!✨
I was tagged by the lovely @shyysims to do the Simself Tag, so here we go with the 125 bloody questions! (I commend whoever came up with all of them, because that’s a lot of brain power that I do not possess.) But! I’m so excited to do this, so thank you so much shyysims!! (●´ω`●)
I will tag @calsea-ger, @alienshootlove, @wolfy-drawsstuff, @hallucinosims and @stories4sims - of course, you don’t have too! Only if you wanna & have the spare time. :D
Rules: You have to make a simself and include whatever you wish (like traits or anything about you) Then answer the following questions!! (✿◠‿◠)
And heeeree weee go~
Traits: creative, coffee lover(I liked the icon bcuz I love warm drinks but I actually hate coffee dont sue me), geek, music lover, a photo album, geek, loner, hearts(cuz I’m full of love duh) and bookworm!
I also included my aspiration - to become a photographer. 
What is your full name? Charlotte
What is your nickname? Char, Lottie, and Petey!
Birthday? February 22nd
What is your favorite book series? ..Twilight..
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yep!
Who is your favorite author? I wish I could say J.K Rolling but I’ll go with Stephenie Meyer cuz Twilight fueld my younger teenage years.
What is your favorite radio station? Heaven knows
What is your favorite flavor of anything? Wellllll s’kinda confusing! I love chocolate flavoured ice-cream but I can’t have chocolate flavoured crisps, can I? I’m just gonna go with chocolate. 🍫
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? awesomeeee possssummmm
What is your current favorite song? Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine
What is your favorite word? coolio
What was the last song you listened to? Lisztomania by Phoenix 
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Gotham!!
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Amazing Spider-Man
Do you play video games? Yessiree
What is your biggest fear? Moths & heights
What is your best quality, in your opinion? my storytelling? I’m pretty proud of the ideas I come up with, if that means anything. xD
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? S’always overthinking everything.
Do you like cats or dogs better? kitty
What is your favorite season? Autumn & Winter - can’t chooseeee!!
Are you in a relationship? Yep :)
What is something you miss from your childhood? I relate with @shyysims’ last answer - friends, lmao.
Who is your best friend? My Amber
What is your eye color? Dark brown
What is your hair color? Dark brown
Who is someone you love? My boyf and my bestfriend
Who is someone you trust? The above :)
Who is someone you think about often? Jack Napier
Are you currently excited about/for something? AVENGERS INFINITY WAR TRAILER POSSIBLY DROPPING TOMORROW
What is your biggest obsession? rn, batjokes ofc!!
What was your favorite TV show as a child? Ed, Edd and Eddy & Rugratz. c:
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My s/o
Are you superstitious? kinda?
Do you have any unusual phobias? Not that I can think of? Ooh! I hate it when a single strand of hair lands on my skin or something. It freaks me out cuz it feels weird.
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind. I take the photos, I ain’t in them :P
What is your favorite hobby? Writing! Followed by gaming!!
What was the last book you read? Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (script)
What was the last movie you watched? Fantastic Beasts, The Crimes Of Grindelwald
What musical instruments do you play, if any? The triangle.
What is your favorite animal? Wolves! I also rlly rlly love deers and elephants.
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? mellie, freddie-luthor, wolfy, elijah & smolbeanjoker :)
What superpower do you wish you had? The power of SELF DAMN CONFIDENCE
When and where do you feel most at peace? Anywhere my s/o is.
What makes you smile? Jack Napier :)
What sports do you play, if any? I used to really love playing basketball and cricket. S’been ages.
What is your favorite drink? Any kind of hot chocolate. :)
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? October for my bestfriends birthday. :D
Are you afraid of heights? b o i 
What is your biggest pet peeve? Liars?
Have you ever been to a concert? Not with this anxiety I haven’t 
Are you vegan/vegetarian? No. but full respect to those who are :)
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was in primary school, a zoo-keeper... high-school, an author.
What fictional world would you like to live in? The fuckin Harry Potter world please.
What is something you worry about? Life
Are you scared of the dark? Not really
Do you like to sing? Yep! But can I? Nope.
Have you ever skipped school? Uhh yes
What is your favorite place on the planet? My bed
Where would you like to live? Anywhere near a forest/woodland. Honestly Arcadia Bay is my aesthetic.
Do you have any pets? One doggo, three kitto’s.
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? twittwoo
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets
Do you know how to drive? No :c
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? Nada
What is your favorite genre of music? The LIS Soundtrack is a genre of music, right?
Who is your hero? Peter Parker.
Do you read comic books? What do you think if my account is based on Batman hmmmm
What makes you the most angry? Liars
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book
What is your favorite subject in school? Media
Do you have any siblings? two sisters, two brothers
What was the last thing you bought? a selection box. for myself. no no m’actually sharing with @crycel ;)
How tall are you? 5′3
Can you cook? Toast? Yes.
What are three things that you love? My boyfriend, my bestfriend and Jack Napier
What are three things that you hate? liars, my lack of self confidence n’ belief, and widowmaker auto-lockers
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Female
What is your sexual orientation? pink yellow and blue baby
Where do you currently live? tea land
Who was the last person you texted? Ammmbaaah
When was the last time you cried? Last week?
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Depends on my mood! But recently it’s Shane
Do you like to take selfies? I do, because I really wanna try and bring my self confidence up. Buuuut most of the time it fails and I just feel worse about myself god dammit
What is your favorite app? tech not an app but ao3
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
What is your favorite foreign accent? Aussies!!
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Bristol. To see my bestfriend.
What is your favorite number? 7
Can you juggle? xD
Are you religious? no
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space 
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Absolutely not
Are you allergic to anything? Some sort of washing power lmao my skin doesn’t likey much
Can you curl your tongue? nuuu
Can you wiggle your ears? nuuuuuuuu
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? As soon as I realize I am
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? always try and see the good side of things
Are you a good liar? Mehhhh
What is your Hogwarts House? HUFFLEPOOF
Do you talk to yourself? not really?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert 
Do you keep a journal/diary? used too! Now I have scrapbooks, if thats any consolation 
Do you believe in second chances? Yes. But it’s got me into trouble, lmao
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Turn it in somewhere, whatever shop/place is closest if they’re trustworthy
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes and no
Are you ticklish? ...no
Have you ever been on a plane? Hell no
Do you have any piercings? all natural bby
What fictional character do you wish was real? Peter Parker. (but i’m the female version of him okay)
Do you have any tattoos? Not yet
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? HAH
Do you believe in karma? aye
Do you wear glasses or contacts? I think I need glasses tbf
Do you want children? no, my sim bbies are my children. and my cats.
Who is the smartest person you know? my bestfriend (sorry boyf)
What is your most embarrassing memory? we don’t go there
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? what’s sleep? at least, CONISTENT HOURS of sleep?
What color are most of you clothes? Black from my emo days, but now I’m really into yellows and soft colours
Do you like adventures? Yessss, as long as I’m with someone I feel safe with
Have you ever been on TV? I hope not
How old are you? 19
What is your favorite quote? “ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” or  “worrying means you suffer twice”
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Sweet
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clarenecessities · 7 years
hell of a day, folks. hell of a day. as some of you may recall it is extremely rare that i am genuinely angry--last time was about six months ago, and the time before that? four years. unfortunately it does have a tendency to make up for lost time bc i have been known to fly into a rage (none have been directed at other people since The Dark Times, which we’re not going to talk about today)
so basically: we’re doing locker room clean outs, right? like we go through and we cut all the locks that are still on lockers (we gave them upwards of a month’s notice to clear them out) and then bag the stuff up and label it in case they come back like “uh hey my locker is gone and also all my shit”.
yesterday went pretty smoothly, but lucie and emma weren’t there today so it was me, Charlie, Lani, Ali, John, and Briana. A brief breakdown:
Charlie is our staff facilitator, a position which was invented specifically for him because he is one of the most dedicated employees this facility has ever seen, and was passed over for a lead position when Ray (our boss) selected the two people who he had worked with the most--which were unfortunately just the people who had been kissing his ass the most, Adam (a condescending misogynist who hasn’t been in the building for upwards of a month) and Lani. Charlie actually does his job, which is saying a lot at the CRC tbqh. Charlie is my adopted son and I love him, damn it. As staff facilitator, he basically runs the ops staff (me) and does what needs doing. He also does every part of Adam’s job that hasn’t already been pawned off onto Lani.
Lani is one of our two leads. She is very, very young for a lead and socially reads somewhat like an anxious child who can read the vibe, but has no idea how to respond to it. She’s very friendly and loves to give compliments, but hates all negativity. It amplifies her awkward fidgeting by like a hundred. She’s John’s long-time girlfriend and has recently (since her promotion) become friends with Ali.
Ali is the worst.
John is very hard-working, genuine, and generally a positive person. The only fault I’ve noticed is he follows direction without consideration, so he can be pulled in several conflicting directions.
Briana is the younger sister of one of our former ops staff, and basically lives in the awkward zone Lani sometimes inhabits. She’s very young, a moderately hard worker, and desperate for approval but not recognition.
picture the scene... a humid, smelly locker room covered in discarded pieces of trash and waiting baskets. the morning begins with lock-cutting, which continues unimpeded for the better part of an hour and a half, until Lani has to go upstairs for a meeting.
chaos descends.
charlie and i had just finished cutting through a lock specifically designed to resist cutting, and subsequently had to cut off the latch of the locker because we twisted it so bad. (this locker had been locked for the entirety of my CRC employment, like... there was a card in there that expired in september of 2014.) we were trying to cut other locks but our arms were under a little too much strain, so charlie was like alright, i’m calling a break.
so we all rest for about fifteen minutes. charlie went somewhere else so the break room was me, ali, briana, and john. it was..... hell. ali was like “hey where did lani go” because she doesn’t actually listen when lani speaks, so i was like “she said she had a meeting.” Now, a little more background: Ali is being trained in admin functions. This is essentially a meaningless distinction in regards to hierarchy, and instead reflects pay scale. Emma is also being trained, and doing much better, and I’m going to start training next week. if they’re asking me to do it? it’s not about hierarchy. anyway. Ali started fucking power tripping. she was like “oh well is it an admin meeting” and i was like “no, charlie didn’t know about it” because charlie, as staff facilitator, must be present at admin meetings. ali has visibly decided that not only is staff facilitator a fake position that she won’t recognize, but that her actual fake position conveys real power, and says “yeah but if it’s admin then i should be up there“ like no, ali, you really fucking shouldn’t. you are living in an Assistant TO THE Regional Manager world, my dude! anyway she kept asking me fucking questions about it and eventually i was just like, “dude, if you were supposed to be there, lani would have told you” and she stopped.
oh i forgot to mention, during the lock cutting phase i asked her why she had the american flag on her cast and she was like “oh because i love america” and i was like “oh cool so you hate the flag? that’s what this is?” & charlie and i had to explain the flag code to her. not the part about not using it as a costume or whatever: The existence of the Flag Code. it’s also just like a really fuckin’ ugly cast, it’s more stars and bars than stars and stripes... she fucking voted for trump though so hey whatever’s racist enough for you i guess
at the end of the break, charlie comes into the breakroom and says, quote, “let’s get jiggy with it” and gestures to the locker rooms, so i like get up & we get back to work, right?
the others stayed. either they didn’t understand the pantomime, or they weren’t done talking about mediocre horror movies, which they’d been doing when i left.
so twenty minutes later, after our allotted fifteen minute break, they mosey back on into the locker room and begin bagging. charlie’s more irritated than i am at this point--i was mostly like, alright, whatever, at least i don’t have to listen to them circle jerk it for another twenty minutes. it took all three of them, working together, to bag one row of lockers, in additional twenty minutes. contextually: they had to empty a grand total of three lockers. the majority of the twenty minutes was spent either gaping at a jar with some spit in it, or by ali complaining that her leg was on fire. i should add that she’s in a cast because she broke some toes about a month ago, she’s got one of those little cart things that she’s wheeling around on rn--not a wheelchair, like a scooter with a high bench. anyway she physically couldn’t cut the locks and so had been sitting around the majority of the morning distracting the others, and was now spending the noon complaining for anyone within earshot, which was everyone.
charlie and i, meanwhile, had finished cutting all the locks, and were now onto the bagging process. we cleared four rows in addition to the six additional locks we cut while they were all working on their three bags.
i was mostly tuning them out and focusing on the content of the lockers, because charlie was getting the stuff out and i was writing it down
at the end of this twenty minute interval, they approached charlie and me and said ray had given us $20 dollars for lunch. ali suggested the greenery (our campus cafeteria), which is ludicrous for a number of reasons, foremost among them being that the greenery Sucks, and that it costs $10 per person and there were five of us. i suggested pizza but charlie was like ehhhhh bc we had pizza yesterday and normal humans don’t subscribe to my unholy eating regimen--but it was too late. they’d already seized on the idea. so at 12:26 (i checked my phone) they left.
a half hour later, as we were wheeling bags back to the lost and found, we saw them talking with lani in the hallway. they continued to talk until about 1:08, at which point state troopers were doing a patrol of our building as part of their wider sweep of campus, because i guess that’s where we’re fucking at right now
while they were gone, some serious shit happened, and i’m gonna copy and paste it from facebook bc it’s A Lot:
charlie and i were cleaning out the lockers and heard people throwing weights. we were like "uh, what the fuck" so charlie went up to check it out. he found 3 athletes working out and he was like "yo... we're closed." this guy is like "oh, the coaches let us in, you can go check with them" and charlie's like "uh yeah okay i'll go do that" and as he's walking away the guy calls him a bitch like you can't even say it to his fucking face? christ dude so charlie's not a fucking twelve year old & just keeps walking, he bumps into ray who apparently did let them in, lets him know the situation. five minutes later i am Incensed on my son's behalf and they're still throwing weights, so I go up there to ask them to stop, have some words if necessary, you know two of the guys are chill about it but this third one is like "uh, weights make a noise when you set them on the ground" like yeah thanks man I haven't worked in a gym for three years or anything i had no idea. i continue to tell him to set them down & not pick things up if he can't fucking lift them, he gets increasingly belligerent and brings up charlie "disrespecting" him and "coming at [him] like [he's] a liar". so I'M like "oh, you mean my supervisor, who you just called a bitch?" and he goes off about how he doesn't do anything to us, he's never done anything to us, like we shouldn't be wondering why he's in a locked building filled with dangerous equipment with no supervision, or asking him not to damage our fucking floors he kept turning away from me and putting his earbuds in to front like he doesn't give a shit about me but he just came off like a fucking coward. he also wouldn't say bitch to me? like he said charlie "was being a B-word" like jesus christ dude you aren't entitled to be here! it is specifically against the rules and i have no idea why they let you in, so if you insist on being here, how about not verbally abusing our staff facilitator and treating the ops staff--who is seconds away from peeling you like a god damned onion --like a five year old
i ended this in a full-on rage tbqh. like thank god i did eventually develop some impulse control or i might have murdered that guy in our weight room.
came back down and was just real, real fuckin’ mad, told charlie what happened, tried to channel fury into productivity (surprisingly effective, although my hands were shaking which may have affected legibility) and tried to talk myself out of breaking something.
oh also the guy explicitly told me “we’re enemies” like DAMN dude you have no idea what a can of worms you just cracked open. you wanna be enemies? ohhh i’ll be enemies. y’all can add this asshole to that murder suspect list from yesterday because it’s all downhill from here my guy
well. anyway. about 2:06 john is like “hey clare your pepsi’s in the breakroom” (i asked them to just bring me a pepsi wherever they were going) and i was like “cool i’ll be right there.” i still needed to calm down before being in a room with anyone even mildly irritating so i did a couple more lockers and waited for charlie to finish wheeling the bags out.
we step into the break room and ali’s like “did you remember to put the bags in the same place” with no preamble, like A. of fucking course we did, this isn’t rocket science, B. you never told us that in the first place, C. you have absolutely no authority over me, and charlie outranks you. like yes she’s one of those people who just everything they do is annoying? but this was like... an explicit show of dominance, because lani was in the break room, and ali wanted to show off to her. tashina had also turned up and was the only one who seemed to notice that charlie and i were both seething--charlie was like “okay well i’m going home” and she told him to relax (in a slightly awkward but well-meaning attempt at saying ‘hey i can see you’re upset but probably don’t wanna talk about, take it easy out there’ that charlie interpreted as ‘calm down lad’ until i was like no, she was trying)
so then ray (you may recall; our supervisor) shows up to grab a couple slices of pizza, asks how everything’s going, and ali was like “oh yeah we did half” and i was so fucking done at that point, i just stared at her and said “no”
like nope, “we” didn’t do shit, and charlie and i got about a third down without you.
we talked for a while about operations... i mentioned the athletes to ray and he actually has a plan for it, i guess we’re going to meet with the teams before the school year and be like “hey, ground rules” which i think is a pretty good idea because the basketball guys are almost all dicks
ray mentioned at one point that he was probably going to base summer hours on who was turning up for these cleanouts, and tashina made a point of mentioning that charlie and i had been working “especially hard” which i really appreciated, because the idea of having to work a shift with ali over like lucie or emma makes me want to Die
so about 2:50 they’re like “okay well the pizza’s been gone for a half hour, i guess we should work now” and i was like man, you know, charlie is gone and i’m still really fucking angry, so i don’t think i should be trapped in a small, hot space with y’all rn & i went home
as i was walking back i actually ran into charlie, he had been on his way back because he had calmed down some & wanted the hours, but he was like yeah shit if you’re not there there’s no way i can handle them
so we were talking about the Parade of Bullshit that comprised our work day and somehow it turned into me going back to his place (he lives in my apartment complex but like three buildings over) to see his guns. i can now officially say i’ve held a gun, & it was just as surreal and terrifying as i imagined! i’m never gonna be a gun person tbh but it cool to see the differences between his, he’s got a soviet issue rifle (complete with bayonet) & then a more modern one that looks like plastic but isn’t
we just hung out for a while, his dog lucky wouldn’t stop jumping on me, which was all in good fun but i like moved my hand wrong and hit his tooth so now my hand hurts :/ he showed me the Last Of Us which i’d never really seen outside of gifsets & i was actually pretty impressed with the graphics! the animation was good too, which i feel like you don’t see in games so much. we got through the prologue part & then i gave charlie a ride to physical therapy bc he had forgotten the bus schedule changes for summer, & i was going that way anyway to get some bubble tea
i get to the mall, guess who’s out of boba!! i was like no.................. my heart can’t take this, but then alyssa checked & was like “yeah the next batch will be ready in twenty minutes” so thank god. thank heckin’ god. i grabbed some lemonade and pretzel bitz from wetzel’s pretzels--that fucking vine with the Indiana Jones song has been fucking haunting me by the way--and chilled in my car because my phone had died at charlie’s place and i needed to charge it up. went and got my bubble tea, got some gas, picked up charlie & then took him on some errands ‘cause like fuck the bus, right? hatched some good pokemon
came back home, relaxed with toby and my bubble tea & forensic files. finally achieved Calm.
decided at about 10:30 that i wanted ice cream & i was like shit if anybody deserves ice cream it’s me rn so i went to mcdonald’s & got a cone & two apple pies for a grand total of 2-something dollars. how am i supposed to resist going back there every day is the real fuckin’ question man
anyway now i’m super tired and i’m going to bed so like....  yeah
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samanthasroberts · 5 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Confessions Of A Mid-20’s Drama Queen
Welcome back to another week where I sit through my own personal hell, aka , and try not to put myself into an alcohol-induced coma. And shoutout to all the keyboard warriors who love to type shit in the commentsyall take this show way too seriously.
We start with Mona and Emily discussing Charlotte, who apparently stood Mona up the night of the murder. What kind of loser gets stood up by another chick at a shitty diner?
Emily is like and Monas like, uh no? I feel like thats pretty much the only answer you can give at that point. Emily figures that Mona changed her mind in the trial so that Charlotte would be out of jail and Mona could get to her, which is like real far-fetched.
Mona is like and OKAY thats a line straight out of .
Chris Hanson: Did you know that this was a 13 year old girl? Mona: I, uh, just came to talk to her.
Monas like *what would you do if your son was at home, cryin all alone on the bedroom floor.* and Ems like Monas like, well even if I wanted to kill her, she fucking stood me up so yeah. Of course, this whole conversation is overheard by A.
Aria is like,lets tell the police it wasnt me at the diner! Arias really seen some shit lately. She got burnt and questioned by the police. All Hannas had done to her is getting shitty room service food with a cryptic note. Spencer is like,
Lucas is back. Goddammit. Anyways, he overhears Hanna talking to weird ass Jordan on the phone, and is like Hannas like, Where are you gonna seat him Han? No one wants to sit next to the virginal weird kid from high school. You cant just mix the band geeks with the Plastics, thats not how this works.
Besides, there is this scenario:
Priest: Speak now or forever hold your pe- Lucas: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hanna is like, . Wear those ties Lucas, you look like a second place winner at a science fair. He tells Hanna that hes thinking of buying some factory and giving Rosewood a second chance. LOL rookie mistake.
Ali and Snaggletooth are being sexually aggressive in some shit bed and breakfast somewhere in bumfuck nowhere, East Coast. The Ali from Season 3 would have been honeymooning in fucking Paris rn. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Speaking of falling, Ali trips on her skanky heel and takes a tumble down the stairs, effectively knocking herself out. OKAY, did I not set that up just perfectly?
Alis in the hospital with a concussion, and Snaggle is like, you need to stay in the hospital. Shes like and its like, because thats how injuries work dumbass. The manager of the shit hotel is like and its like duh you know that shit is tampered with.
Ali: I was really happy before I fell, maybe this is my karma Snaggle: Thats not how the Universe works
ARE YOU SURE? Because pretty sure its an established fact that what goes up, must come down. Also, Ali its not karma, you just clearly dont know how to put one foot in front of the other and walk like a normal fucking human.
Snaggle is like, its an accident and he would know all about those, since his face looks like it was a victim of a tragic lawn mower accident. Ali decides to text her friends a selfie of her in the hospital, because concussion photoshoots, so hot right now.
All the Liars are like . They have 3 days to give up the murderer, because A is a psycho. All the girls are shit talking Mona and Hanna comes to her defense, because Hanna is like, such a good friend.
Aria and Ezra are getting ready to go to a dinner with their boss and Ezras talking about how he doesnt like the book ending or some shit. Arias like and that shit is about to go from an Ernest Hemingway to a really quick with Ezras freaky self.
Hanna goes to visit Ali in the hospital and Ali tells her she is going back to Rosewood when she can gtfo of this hospital. Ali has flowers all over the room, because apparently people like her, wtf?, and Ali says that they are all from Snaggle.
Of course, Hanna is looking at all the flowers and sees a very creepy card that has pictures of a staircase, and all of them on it. Either Snaggle is one fucked up dude, or A is just like, really a dick. Honestly, probs both. Obvi, Hanna steals the card.
Emily facetimes Spencer a video of Mona and Sara Harveys body guard dude chatting it up. Weve all seen , Im expecting some bodyguard three-way action ASAP. Also, how did Emily even remember that body guard? I watch this show every fucking week and make it a point to write down every flaw they have, and even I didnt remember this. Wow, I need to get it together.
Also, them talking looks like any relationship I have ever had: Mona talking shit and the dude sitting there looking awkward. Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard when he leaves.
Back to Snaggle and Hans. Hanna is like, And Snaggle is like, Im sure you said the same thing about that B and B, you human chipmunk. Hes like and its like cough, cough, lesbianssssss.
Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard and act like idiots on crack and pretend to hit the bodyguards car. Hes like uhhhh no its fine, and Spencer somehow manages to get information on the papers he is holding. I have seen better body guarding by the fucking preteens in Project X. Seriously who is this dude?
Spencer learns that the documents our shit security guard has are blueprints to Radley, because of fucking course. Do they just hand out blueprints willy nilly in this town? God I hate myself every time I watch this stupid fucking show.
Aria is reading Ezras newest chapter and it flashes back to a conversation with Ezra and Nicole. Ezra is begging Nicole to come with him, but shes like
Anyways, Ezra goes to his typical EZRA MAD, EZRA SMASH mode and basically yells at her and leaves fucking pissed off. And yeah, thats the last time he saw his girlfriend. One girlfriend you took advantage of when she was a teenager, the other you let get kidnapped by terrorists. Let that soak in.
Hes like , and Arias like,
Emily follows the bodyguard to a fucking ice cream truck? Wtf? And hes just casually sitting there, licking a Drumstick, when Sara Harvey drives up and gets something from him. Wait a second, she cant text and grip shit because of her hands, but she can drive? The streets of Rosewood are not safe. Maybe she was the girl who tried to run over Emily at the diner. She wasnt really trying to run her over, she was just making a very sloppy three point turn.
Hanna shows Caleb the staircase card. Caleb is like why did you come to me? And Hanna is like They decide to call As bluff, because that plan has worked every time before.
Spencer is on the phone with Emily, when she is greeted by her boyfriend and his ex. What a time to be alive. They act super weird, and then Hanna makes up some bullshit story about how she killed Charlotte. She starts crying to Spencer and Spencer is like YOOOOO THIS IS HEAVY SHIT.
Then Hannas like PSYCH and tells Caleb Well thats the stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Caleb is like and its like NO WTF HANNA DOESNT KNOW JACK SHIT. LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL. NOTHING. SHE KNOWS NOTHING. Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Aria and Ezra are at dinner with the editor and shes like, l Arias like and Ezra is like NAH I GOT U FAM, Ill have it to you by next week. Ezras that dick in every college class who votes against the deadline extension. There is a special place in hell for you.
Hanna and Caleb are pleading their case to Emily and Emilys like And for once, I agree with her. Spencer backs up Caleb and Hanna and is like, *under her breath* . This sounds like every parental argument.
Emily/Dad: We cant support our daughter moving in with her boyfriend Spencer/Mom: We need to support her, because if we dont shell work against us. And I want grandbabies!
Hanna is like and grabs Calebs hand very lovingly. Spencers like and its all v awkward. Spencer does what I would 100% do in this situationmake snarky jealous comments and guzzle a shit ton of red wine. I am Spencer, we are all Spencer (without the bangs, obviously.)
Emily also suggests they visit Ye Old Lizard King Toby and let him know about this whole shindig. Again, this idea never works out.
The editor lady tells her that Liam isnt on the team anymore and Aria is like, uhhhh okay. So I guess that relationship is pretty much dead. Good talk.
Spencer flashes back to a night with Caleb in Europe, talking about art and his foster homes or some shit. Yawn. For once, Spencer actually looks good in a nice dress. You did okay PLL wardrobe, dont get too excited over your one time you didnt fail.
Its a pretty pointless flashback, except it shows major sexual tension between Spencer and Caleb in Europe, which is like right after they both broke up with their significant others. See, I told you it was pointless?
Caleb goes to drop Hanna off at Lucas place and he asks Caleb on a very awkward man date. Below are the actual quotes:
Lucas: Do you lunch? Caleb: Uh, yeah I lunch. Lucas: Lets lunch!
A whole portion of dialogue that could have been summed up to we should get lunch sometime. Fuck yourself, Freeform.
Lucas shows Hanna the factory he wants to build and is like Shes like If she even THINKS her shit is going to be better than Clothes Over Bros, shes straight trippin. Lucas is like Bitches love companies.
Okay my high school friends will barely buy me a beer, let alone give me a fucking factory.
Ali has a dream of some kind and sees her mom, dressed in a fugly green top and with some bushy ass hair. I know they have leave-in conditioner in heaven, you lazy bitch. She tells Ali that Snaggle will take care of her and that she loves her, yadda yadda. For a loving mother, she also looks like she lowkey wants to strangle the shit out of Ali.
Mona and Sara meet up, the two sketchiest bitches on the block. Sara looks like Miley Cyrus if she ate herself and took makeup inspiration from a raccoon. Seriously there is like 6 pounds of eyeliner on this bitch.
Mona is like and Sara is like Sara is like, . Oh stfu Sara. You look like a balloon shaped like Nick Carter and your only friend is a dude who eats ice cream on a street corner like a fucking poverty stricken 6-year-old.
Ezra and Aria are having tea like a bunch of pussies and Aria drops the A bomb on him. She goes from 0 to 100 real quick and is like I HAVE TO END THIS.
Back to Ali and Snaggle. Lucky us. Ali tells Snaggle to go to his conference in Chicago and that when he gets back theyll resume their daily programing of boning each other (what a fucking gross mental picture.)
Caleb and Hanna present their shit idea to the group, who all agreeits a shit idea. Caleb is like . Hes getting awfully close to Hanna and Spencer looks like she is about to cut a bitch.
Caleb: This isnt a cheer-ocracy Spencer: Youre being a real cheer-tator, Caleb!
The plan starts by Hanna sending a message to A saying leave my friends alone and then a Carly Rae Jepsen-esqe version of Call Me comes on, while the binary code of her text shows up on the screen. A gets the text of that dumbass admitting to murder. Its about to go down.
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Source: http://allofbeer.com/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/12/17/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/
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adambstingus · 5 years
Pretty Little Liars Recap: Confessions Of A Mid-20’s Drama Queen
Welcome back to another week where I sit through my own personal hell, aka , and try not to put myself into an alcohol-induced coma. And shoutout to all the keyboard warriors who love to type shit in the commentsyall take this show way too seriously.
We start with Mona and Emily discussing Charlotte, who apparently stood Mona up the night of the murder. What kind of loser gets stood up by another chick at a shitty diner?
Emily is like and Monas like, uh no? I feel like thats pretty much the only answer you can give at that point. Emily figures that Mona changed her mind in the trial so that Charlotte would be out of jail and Mona could get to her, which is like real far-fetched.
Mona is like and OKAY thats a line straight out of .
Chris Hanson: Did you know that this was a 13 year old girl? Mona: I, uh, just came to talk to her.
Monas like *what would you do if your son was at home, cryin all alone on the bedroom floor.* and Ems like Monas like, well even if I wanted to kill her, she fucking stood me up so yeah. Of course, this whole conversation is overheard by A.
Aria is like,lets tell the police it wasnt me at the diner! Arias really seen some shit lately. She got burnt and questioned by the police. All Hannas had done to her is getting shitty room service food with a cryptic note. Spencer is like,
Lucas is back. Goddammit. Anyways, he overhears Hanna talking to weird ass Jordan on the phone, and is like Hannas like, Where are you gonna seat him Han? No one wants to sit next to the virginal weird kid from high school. You cant just mix the band geeks with the Plastics, thats not how this works.
Besides, there is this scenario:
Priest: Speak now or forever hold your pe- Lucas: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hanna is like, . Wear those ties Lucas, you look like a second place winner at a science fair. He tells Hanna that hes thinking of buying some factory and giving Rosewood a second chance. LOL rookie mistake.
Ali and Snaggletooth are being sexually aggressive in some shit bed and breakfast somewhere in bumfuck nowhere, East Coast. The Ali from Season 3 would have been honeymooning in fucking Paris rn. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Speaking of falling, Ali trips on her skanky heel and takes a tumble down the stairs, effectively knocking herself out. OKAY, did I not set that up just perfectly?
Alis in the hospital with a concussion, and Snaggle is like, you need to stay in the hospital. Shes like and its like, because thats how injuries work dumbass. The manager of the shit hotel is like and its like duh you know that shit is tampered with.
Ali: I was really happy before I fell, maybe this is my karma Snaggle: Thats not how the Universe works
ARE YOU SURE? Because pretty sure its an established fact that what goes up, must come down. Also, Ali its not karma, you just clearly dont know how to put one foot in front of the other and walk like a normal fucking human.
Snaggle is like, its an accident and he would know all about those, since his face looks like it was a victim of a tragic lawn mower accident. Ali decides to text her friends a selfie of her in the hospital, because concussion photoshoots, so hot right now.
All the Liars are like . They have 3 days to give up the murderer, because A is a psycho. All the girls are shit talking Mona and Hanna comes to her defense, because Hanna is like, such a good friend.
Aria and Ezra are getting ready to go to a dinner with their boss and Ezras talking about how he doesnt like the book ending or some shit. Arias like and that shit is about to go from an Ernest Hemingway to a really quick with Ezras freaky self.
Hanna goes to visit Ali in the hospital and Ali tells her she is going back to Rosewood when she can gtfo of this hospital. Ali has flowers all over the room, because apparently people like her, wtf?, and Ali says that they are all from Snaggle.
Of course, Hanna is looking at all the flowers and sees a very creepy card that has pictures of a staircase, and all of them on it. Either Snaggle is one fucked up dude, or A is just like, really a dick. Honestly, probs both. Obvi, Hanna steals the card.
Emily facetimes Spencer a video of Mona and Sara Harveys body guard dude chatting it up. Weve all seen , Im expecting some bodyguard three-way action ASAP. Also, how did Emily even remember that body guard? I watch this show every fucking week and make it a point to write down every flaw they have, and even I didnt remember this. Wow, I need to get it together.
Also, them talking looks like any relationship I have ever had: Mona talking shit and the dude sitting there looking awkward. Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard when he leaves.
Back to Snaggle and Hans. Hanna is like, And Snaggle is like, Im sure you said the same thing about that B and B, you human chipmunk. Hes like and its like cough, cough, lesbianssssss.
Spencer and Emily follow the bodyguard and act like idiots on crack and pretend to hit the bodyguards car. Hes like uhhhh no its fine, and Spencer somehow manages to get information on the papers he is holding. I have seen better body guarding by the fucking preteens in Project X. Seriously who is this dude?
Spencer learns that the documents our shit security guard has are blueprints to Radley, because of fucking course. Do they just hand out blueprints willy nilly in this town? God I hate myself every time I watch this stupid fucking show.
Aria is reading Ezras newest chapter and it flashes back to a conversation with Ezra and Nicole. Ezra is begging Nicole to come with him, but shes like
Anyways, Ezra goes to his typical EZRA MAD, EZRA SMASH mode and basically yells at her and leaves fucking pissed off. And yeah, thats the last time he saw his girlfriend. One girlfriend you took advantage of when she was a teenager, the other you let get kidnapped by terrorists. Let that soak in.
Hes like , and Arias like,
Emily follows the bodyguard to a fucking ice cream truck? Wtf? And hes just casually sitting there, licking a Drumstick, when Sara Harvey drives up and gets something from him. Wait a second, she cant text and grip shit because of her hands, but she can drive? The streets of Rosewood are not safe. Maybe she was the girl who tried to run over Emily at the diner. She wasnt really trying to run her over, she was just making a very sloppy three point turn.
Hanna shows Caleb the staircase card. Caleb is like why did you come to me? And Hanna is like They decide to call As bluff, because that plan has worked every time before.
Spencer is on the phone with Emily, when she is greeted by her boyfriend and his ex. What a time to be alive. They act super weird, and then Hanna makes up some bullshit story about how she killed Charlotte. She starts crying to Spencer and Spencer is like YOOOOO THIS IS HEAVY SHIT.
Then Hannas like PSYCH and tells Caleb Well thats the stupidest shit Ive ever heard. Caleb is like and its like NO WTF HANNA DOESNT KNOW JACK SHIT. LITERALLY ANYTHING AT ALL. NOTHING. SHE KNOWS NOTHING. Why doesnt anyone understand this?
Aria and Ezra are at dinner with the editor and shes like, l Arias like and Ezra is like NAH I GOT U FAM, Ill have it to you by next week. Ezras that dick in every college class who votes against the deadline extension. There is a special place in hell for you.
Hanna and Caleb are pleading their case to Emily and Emilys like And for once, I agree with her. Spencer backs up Caleb and Hanna and is like, *under her breath* . This sounds like every parental argument.
Emily/Dad: We cant support our daughter moving in with her boyfriend Spencer/Mom: We need to support her, because if we dont shell work against us. And I want grandbabies!
Hanna is like and grabs Calebs hand very lovingly. Spencers like and its all v awkward. Spencer does what I would 100% do in this situationmake snarky jealous comments and guzzle a shit ton of red wine. I am Spencer, we are all Spencer (without the bangs, obviously.)
Emily also suggests they visit Ye Old Lizard King Toby and let him know about this whole shindig. Again, this idea never works out.
The editor lady tells her that Liam isnt on the team anymore and Aria is like, uhhhh okay. So I guess that relationship is pretty much dead. Good talk.
Spencer flashes back to a night with Caleb in Europe, talking about art and his foster homes or some shit. Yawn. For once, Spencer actually looks good in a nice dress. You did okay PLL wardrobe, dont get too excited over your one time you didnt fail.
Its a pretty pointless flashback, except it shows major sexual tension between Spencer and Caleb in Europe, which is like right after they both broke up with their significant others. See, I told you it was pointless?
Caleb goes to drop Hanna off at Lucas place and he asks Caleb on a very awkward man date. Below are the actual quotes:
Lucas: Do you lunch? Caleb: Uh, yeah I lunch. Lucas: Lets lunch!
A whole portion of dialogue that could have been summed up to we should get lunch sometime. Fuck yourself, Freeform.
Lucas shows Hanna the factory he wants to build and is like Shes like If she even THINKS her shit is going to be better than Clothes Over Bros, shes straight trippin. Lucas is like Bitches love companies.
Okay my high school friends will barely buy me a beer, let alone give me a fucking factory.
Ali has a dream of some kind and sees her mom, dressed in a fugly green top and with some bushy ass hair. I know they have leave-in conditioner in heaven, you lazy bitch. She tells Ali that Snaggle will take care of her and that she loves her, yadda yadda. For a loving mother, she also looks like she lowkey wants to strangle the shit out of Ali.
Mona and Sara meet up, the two sketchiest bitches on the block. Sara looks like Miley Cyrus if she ate herself and took makeup inspiration from a raccoon. Seriously there is like 6 pounds of eyeliner on this bitch.
Mona is like and Sara is like Sara is like, . Oh stfu Sara. You look like a balloon shaped like Nick Carter and your only friend is a dude who eats ice cream on a street corner like a fucking poverty stricken 6-year-old.
Ezra and Aria are having tea like a bunch of pussies and Aria drops the A bomb on him. She goes from 0 to 100 real quick and is like I HAVE TO END THIS.
Back to Ali and Snaggle. Lucky us. Ali tells Snaggle to go to his conference in Chicago and that when he gets back theyll resume their daily programing of boning each other (what a fucking gross mental picture.)
Caleb and Hanna present their shit idea to the group, who all agreeits a shit idea. Caleb is like . Hes getting awfully close to Hanna and Spencer looks like she is about to cut a bitch.
Caleb: This isnt a cheer-ocracy Spencer: Youre being a real cheer-tator, Caleb!
The plan starts by Hanna sending a message to A saying leave my friends alone and then a Carly Rae Jepsen-esqe version of Call Me comes on, while the binary code of her text shows up on the screen. A gets the text of that dumbass admitting to murder. Its about to go down.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2), a.prevBody{display: none;}
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/pretty-little-liars-recap-confessions-of-a-mid-20s-drama-queen/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/181188109727
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viralhottopics · 7 years
‘Are You The One?’ Recap: So Bad For Them But I’m Doing Fine
Well, its Wednesday night and Im a bottle of wine in. Its time to love myself like that Hailee girl told me to and turn on some . Because nothing is better for your self-confidence then to watch other people fail. Miserably.
Last year Sams mom got in touch with me and this year its Giannas brother. Who will be next to defend their loved ones on the recaps? Carolinas great aunt? Stay tuned!
Shocker, they all start binge drinking. Cant wait to see how much weight they all gain by the end of the season.
Little Mike is talking to Casandra about all the things he likes to do. These hobbies include taking long walks on the beach, gelling his hair and taking a daily measurement of his penis. His growth spurt is coming, okay?!
Casandra literally looks like a bobblehead and is like OKAY, OKAY, OKAY.
Little Mike: I LOVE LAMP
Mike wants to get to know Cas but also low-key hates her for having a family and being #blessed. He legit calls her a daddys girl to her face and shes not even phased. He starts talking about how his mom is broke and his dad is crazy and Im like, woah, did I change the channel accidentally to ? This shit is way too heavy for me rn.
If I could describe the house in three words that they all could understand it would be: Drunk. Horny. Stupid. In that order. Because they arent planning on getting a real job any time after this, they decide to throw an underwear party.
Ozzy is like Kathryn is very sexy, idk what it is about her that I like. He says as she grinds on him in her underwear. Hmmm, I wonder what it could be that makes you like her?
They start making out and he tells her that tomorrow is his birthday. So obviously she has to have sex with him because of THE IMPLICATION. (Name that reference and I will marry you.)
Tyler and Taylor are both like hey this underwear party is fucking gross and Im like FUCK YA TEAM NORMAL PEOPLE.
Tyler is like everyone is acting trashy and Im trying to better myself. Woah, ok. Profound. Tyler def got lost on the way to auditions and ended up on . Either that or hes a fucking narc.
Apparently nothing makes Tylers dick harder than belittling the people you live with and he starts making out with Taylor. Overall, v hot couple.
Then the camera pans out to literally everyone just hooking up. , brought to you by Trojan Condoms.
The game starts with everyone being blindfolded and the boys tied up, which is coincidentally also the first scene of .
The girls have to smell the guys and untie the one they want to take on a date. Because thats normal. The first three couples to finish go on a date.
The girls start sniffing and falling more than cokeheads at an EDM concert.
Kari has some big-ass eyes so every time she talks she looks fucking crazy. Actually, she kind of looks like me when Im high but Im pretending that Im not high so Im overly opening my eyes. Idk, just trying to create a visual.
Karis like “I STUDIED NEUROSCIENCE ONCE IN COLLEGE, PHEROMONES ARE REAL Yeah, no one said they werent#Science.
KARI: This one time, in my neuroscience class
Kari picks Joey the trashman, who I thought smells like shit but I guess not.
Hannah picks Tyler and is like wow, this blindfold makes it so hard to see. I totally respect blind people. Wow, Im sure blind people everywhere feel so fucking complimented. Like look mom, that girl on TV understands my daily struggle for 3 minutes!
They can still hear you being a dumbass, you know.
Alicia smells Andre because he, and I quote, smells like Fritios. This is like the cheapest advertisement Fritos has ever had. Also, Andre its time to get some new cologne.
Andre/Alicia, Joey/Kari and Hannah/Tyler all win and they are going to go windsurfing. Thrilling.
Gianna apologizes to Hayden for being a low-key bitch last week and hes already well settled into his home on friendzone island.
Michael walks by and Gianna is like hanging on Hayden. Michael is very over it and Gianna is like . Fuck, okay.
Kam and Eddie are flirting and being cute and idk I like them so they better not fuck this up for me.
MY MOM: I like the girl with the grey-ish, purple-ish hair ME: Literally their names are at the bottom of the screen.
Carolina is very upset that Joey the trashman is going on a date with KARI (her name will be in all caps now because her eyes just make me feel some type of way). Carolina starts crying and shes like if youre not my match what is my purpose?! In the distance you can hear me screaming ITS WEEK TWO YOU DUMB BITCH.
Andre is the only one who can windsurf and Hannahs like”oh Daddy.” In the words of our President-Elect, everyone else is a bunch of losers. Huge losers! Failing at wind surfing! All talk, no action!
KARI is being really nice to Joey and saying hes fun and shes excited to be there and hes like ACTUALLY Im into Carolina. Woah. Okay, I know KARI may kind of look like Crazy Eyes but she seems nice and shes actually being genuine. So in my drunken state rn I am very mad for her.
Joey has officially moved to my shit list. And I dont even mean that because hes a trashman. Where he quite literally has to pick up shit. Get it? Ill see myself out.
Andre and Alisha seem to be getting along but IDK, they kinda act like little children. They talk a big game about how they are really into each other but I just cant see it. And Im pretty much a fucking expert at this show.
And none for Tyler and Hannah, bye!
Andre and Alicia to the booth because the house isnt fully brain-dead. Everyone Is like “THEY ARE SO STRONG! THEYRE IN LOVE AFTER A WEEK.”
See, you say strong, I say fucking crazy.
And guess what, Im right motherfuckersNO MATCH.
Alicia starts crying and saying she doesnt want to be here. Damn, okay then fly tf outta here, what?
Hannah is like “HEY I KNOW YOUR HEART JUST BROKE, BUT IM GONNA GO AFTER ANDRE.” Its all about the subtle game. Hannah, could you like, chill your hoe ass down for a sec?
Hannah and Andre are talking and hes like I knew we werent a match and Im everyone at home is like wait you just told Alicia man, thats fucked up.
Andre and Hannah start making out because #drama.
Alicia starts flipping the fuck out and is like YOURE A LIAR AND A FLIRTER AND A MINGLER!!!
Whats a mingler? Just someone who mingles? I feel like thats real nondescript. Im going to need a full definition plz. DM me.
Andres like “THESE GIRLS ARE CATCHING FEELINGS!” Uh, its not just girls. Joeys over here acting like a baby back bitch.
Hoes, am I right?
The boys get to pick tonight and this ought to be a shit show because none of them strike me as scholars.
Oswaldo picks KARI. Random, dont care.
Ozzy picks Kathryn because he wants that birthday sex. Ozzys like she makes me feel like home. Uh, Ozzy thats because you are home. Youre a local, your house is like, down the street.
Jaylen picks Kam, fucking up the thing she had with Eddie.
Eddie picks Shannon, womp womp.
Derrick pity picks Alicia.
Hayden, who is sporting a pair of capris, picks Taylor. Obviously Taylor wants to be with Tyler so this is def a surprise. She actually says those exact words and Hayden has now purchased a summer home on friendzone island.
Tyler says something fucking stupid about how Hayden is doing him a favor? Idk his foot is so far up his mouth and Taylors like 3 seconds away from putting her foot in his ass. So much for team normal.
Andre picks Hannah. Alicia is like “IT IS WHAT IT IS” but also wants to murder Hannah.
Michael caves and picks Gianna. WTF.
Joey picks Carolina and they kiss because THEY ARE DUMB THATS WHY.
Mike picks Casandra because shes his uptown girl.
Tyler picks Tee and they both are like, “Welp. Fuck me right?”
Okay, so this is sketch. Not looking so hot for them rn.
Were waiting for beams and Im drinking, thinking no fucking way are they going to blackout. Its only week 2. But in the words of President-Elect: The polls were wrong! The experts were wrong! Sad!
They all lost half a million dollars. Im laughing but its a nervous laugh because now they all are going to be on suicide watch or something.
Everyone has to deal with the fact that the person they are with is not their match. No Mike/Cas, Ozzy/Kathryn, Gianna/Michael, Joey/Carolina or Hannah/Andre. WOW. Major blow. Im loving this.
A sad song starts playing and people start crying. Damn, this just got as depressing as Mikes family life.
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Read more: http://ift.tt/2j2Vyy9
from ‘Are You The One?’ Recap: So Bad For Them But I’m Doing Fine
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