#I love that scene because it kinda shows Beauty genuinely reacts to anything slightly silly like that
transpanda-1 · 1 year
Actually we go by panda online because we got stuck in that rice bowl from Bobobo that turns you into one, hope this helps
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Save Me, Hold Me
[Conner RK900 x Reader]
Summary: You were assigned a mission that was never meant to go smoothly. Maybe you were lucky that one day.
Warnings: swearing
Author's note: DAY THREE of ‘Detroit Become Human‘ week! See, RK900 seems to be rather popular even if his screen time is barely 5 minutes. Well, I guess it depends how long you stare at him in the gallery.
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You stomped down the hall in the DPD office, not minding officers in your way as you pushed past them with a file in your hand. After reading it, you wanted to smack it on someone's head, preferably Gavin Reed's, but he was currently off on a case of his own. So much for some relief. Stopping in your tracks, you found what, or rather who, you were looking for for the past ten minutes. The android who was assigned to assist you in this matter, the updated model of Connor aka RK800 - but with a tag RK900 and an alternation of Connor’s name, Conner, was standing by Captain Fowler’s office and you were dumbfounded that you didn't see him earlier. Of course, in spite of anger you just assumed he appeared there while you were searching other places. “Android RK900? You were assigned to accompany me and possibly help me solve this case of disappearing androids,” announced you as firmly as you could. The android looked you head to toe, probably processing whether you were actually worth his time or should he just go solve the case on his own. He decided to give you a chance as working with detective Reed proved to be worthwhile sometimes. “I have already done some research on said case, discovering similarities with other cases regarding disappearing androids that occurred in past,” he announced, slightly towering over you. His hands were folded behind his back and his cold eyes were constantly analyzing you. “Great,” you said, a small smile appearing on your lips.”I---” “I recommend we go investigate the last place where an android’s disappearance has occurred for there will be the hottest clues,” he beat you to speak. “No shit, Sherlock,” you mumbled, tilted that the android was faster.
The two of you arrived at the crime scene not even an hour later with Conner driving you there in your not-automatic car. You insisted on driving yourself but Conner mentioned a 57% probability of a car accident. There was your confidence in driving. Out the window! Maybe that was what made you so  eager for this to be over. “Keep in mind,” the android held your upper arm in a tight squeeze before you could barge in the old house. “There still might be someone inside thus we should proceed with utmost care.” “I am aware.” “The probability of you getting yourself hurt raised to 63%.” “Shut up,” you pulled your arm away from his hold and stood by the window, getting a small peek inside. It was dim and you admitted to yourself that you had just a little trouble seeing what's inside. And even so, you could figure that you were staring into a living room. You could make pieces of furniture that lay there. In the corner of the badly lit room, though, you saw a small glint of what you recognized as a gun and before you could react, a strong arm wrapped itself around you and pulled you aside just before a bullet could shatter the window and cut your face. You found yourself against the broad chest of your partner who had an emotionless expression as shards of glass shattered on the ground where you were a second ago. His grip on you tightened for a second. “See? What did I just tell you,” he whispered to you. You blinked a few times, mumbling a quiet ‘Thanks,’ but without a reply. “We have to act quickly now,” he murmured, pushing you away and breaking the window some more before jumping through, rather elegantly. You were not as gracious, almost falling over.
Once inside, you realised your possible target had changed position. He was long gone from the corner and Conner only assumed the android was hurt by blue blood splatters on the floor. You pulled out your own gun, making sure it's loaded as you whispered to Conner that you were going to check the other rooms. He gave you a silent agreement, inspecting the room for possible clues - and he surely found some.
It'd been a few minutes since you left Conner do his Android business and you spent that time wandering through the not-so abandoned house. You noticed that the kitchen was used not even 24 hours ago, judging by the wetness in the sink and some dirty dishes laying around the counter. But that kinda opposed to Conner’s idea that there was only an android inside. This could mean, potentially, that there was a human being, too. You opened the door of the bathroom, feeling the fresh smell of washed laundry. There definitely was a living being, then. “Conner,” you called over your shoulder. “Did you find anything?” “The android isn't alone, there are clues that point that there might be a human mixed in this.” “Quite an easy observation, but good job,” the android nodded. Yes, because you needed his approval. “Alright, genius,” you hummed impatiently. “What's your plan?” “Obviously, we find them and arrest them. If they show resistance, we shall kill them.” You swallowed quietly, not liking the idea of having to kill the subjects in case they chose to disobey. “They must be upstairs then, this floor seems to be clear,” he stated with his cold gaze upon you. “Ok,” you hummed, slowly making your way there. You felt Conner’s eyes follow you, his footsteps soundless behind you.
You walked up the stairs with your gun ready, not taking any chances since you still remembered how Conner saved you from getting shot earlier. Now, that really wouldn't add to your beauty. As you ascended the last few steps, you felt your heart beat rise. There was something about this case. You just gave a short thought to what you found out downstairs: there were two hostiles. A human and an android. They'd been there for quite some time as the file about the case said. You saw the proof of that downstairs. The android tried to shoot you and the human being used the kitchen and bathroom not so long ago. You gave Conner a silent signal to go left while you explored the room to your right. Conner seemed to process something but he didn't say anything except for his LED blinking a short yellow. You didn't pay any attention to that.
The room you just entered seemed to be a bedroom. You first noticed the undone bed and decided to walk closer to inspect. You squinted slightly, reaching down to touch the sheets and pillows. Warm. You immediately dropped to your knees, almost lying on your face to see under the bed. Definitely they hid--- Empty. You gulped and helped yourself up. Maybe it was a silly idea to think they'd hide under the bed. What an obvious spot. Looking around again, you chose to check the wardrobe next. You felt the floor creak under your feet, making you feel exposed. Soon, you could reach for the wardrobe to open it- and you totally would if you didn't hear your companion give a small call.
Immediately did you follow his voice, bursting in the room his voice came from. Your gun was aimed at the two ‘villains’. Conner’s gun was already aiming when you arrived. In front of you, two stood in each other's arms, embraced. You felt a pull on the strings to your heart. Were they in love of some kind? Now you saw it was a woman with a male android. “In the name of Detroit Police, I am asking you to surrender peacefully or we'll be forced to fire!” Conner said coldly. “Don’t shoot-” pleaded the woman, looking from Conner to you. “Please-” “You fired first,” said Conner, giving the android a cold glare. “We- we were scared for our lives-” whimpered the woman. “We meant no harm,” the android mumbled. You felt a slight pain in your heart, seeing the two. They seemed genuinely scared, hugging each other tighter. Holding each other tightly. Maybe they- A loud bang was followed by your startled yelp. Conner fired into the ceiling. “You will go with us now!” he said, emotionless. As much as you should had expected it, you were slightly taken back to see the runaway android pull out his gun from seemingly nowhere, pointing it at you. “Let us go! We- we don’t want to hurt anyone!” the android said. “Conner-” “Then we’ll have to kill you,” said your companion, ready to pull the trigger. The woman in the android’s embrace sobbed quietly, she pressed herself closer to her android companion, her eyes shut closed. The android looked at her sadly but kept his gun aimed at you. His arm was wrapped tightly around her and finally he looked back at you and Conner.
“Please...” One word seemed to be enough for you.
“Conner- stop,” you commanded, earning a look from your partner. “We-- we can’t...” you started, trying to form proper words as to why this was wrong. “It’s our mission-” “They just want to live!” you cried, dropping your gun to the ground. “I can’t-” you reached to Conner and lowered his gun, too, holding his wrist firmly. “This is wrong,” you whispered. You could see the male android lower his gun a little, too, still on guard. “Detective, we have orders-” “Yeah, well-- fuck the orders. I can’t ruin their lives-- they-- they love each other,” you tried to hold your composure. You saw Conner’s LED blink a quick yellow before it returned to its cold blue. Your grip on Conner’s wrist tightened and even if he couldn’t actually feel pain, he felt the pressure. He glanced at the two refugees before knitting his brows together in thought. He had his orders. You two were supposed to find and arrest the android and those who were helping him. “Conner, we’re leaving,” you stated, continuing before he could protect. “We’ll say, in our report, that the house was abandoned, clear?” “(Y/L/n)-” “Clear?” “Yes.” You sighed in relief, finally letting go of his hand. You looked over at the duo who was watching you carefully. They heard what you just said and you could see the relief on the woman’s face. Of course, you thought. She just wanted to be happy with her beloved one. Your decision saved them. You literally spared their lives. “Goodbye,” you said to the two with a smile as you turned on your heels and, grabbing Conner’s wrist once again, you marched out.
You heard them call a soft ‘thank you’ as you were walking down the stairs.
The whole ride back to the station was silent. You didn’t let Conner drive, claiming you didn’t care about some probability of car accident. His eyes didn’t move away from you for the whole ride. You wanted to say it made you feel uncomfortable, but you could also tell he was… confused. Confused by your actions. Why did you decide as you did? You had orders, just like him. “I think...” you hummed as you parked your car, turning off the engine and leaning back in your seat. “They deserve to live… to love… to make memories together,” you said, looking at Conner. “It doesn’t matter, does it? We were supposed to bring them back.” “Maybe… but what we did was right. Like when you saved me when you held me when the android fired,” you smiled. “Your mission wasn’t to protect me but you did anyways… you decided to.” “Don’t be a fool. I only did that so we could continue in our mission.”
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