#I love that smug look on Basta's face
c4p7ch4 · 2 years
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bluezey · 3 years
Number Two
Ian has been the victim of bullies before, but he's never experienced the kind of bullying Ercole dishes out.
In a crossover of sorts where Ian and Barley from Onward can visit Luca, Alberto and others from Luca
It was another summer weekend where Ian and Barley visited Portorosso. They started easy by hanging with Luca, Alberto and Giulia at the gelato shop after lunch. Then Ian practiced some spells by performing such stunts as making Luca levitate, using a disguise spell to make Alberto appear to be a sea monster on land, and using a water spell to make the fountain perform some pretty neat displays. They also played some soccer with some town kids, and Ian got to play a few games of scopa, even won his first game.
It was dinnertime, but due to the Marcovaldo household being so small, they ate dinner in turns. Ian ate some trenette el pesto with Giulia and Massimo, while Barley, Luca and Alberto set up a tent under the tree in the yard for Ian and Barley to sleep in. (The elves were too big for the treehouse). After Ian finished his meal, he volunteered to help take out a bag of trash while Giulia got ready for bed and Barley, Luca and Alberto ate their dinner.
Ian stepped outside of the stone wall perimeter of the Marcovaldo yard, the wooden walkway lit by a single street lamp, and the sound of small waves from the sea just feet away. Just as Ian finished putting the lid on the garbage can, he felt something grab at his red flannel shirt and slam him against the stone wall. The force was enough to knock the wind out of him and leave him dazed for a moment. As he opened his chocolate brown eyes, he saw Ercole staring him down with a smirk. They were both nose to nose, and Ercole's fists were gripping Ian's shirt tight.
"Well well, if it isn't the blue number two," Ercole said, in a voice that sounded smug, as if he had the upper hand and was enjoying it. "And no magic harpoon in sight."
Ian was still, glaring back at Ercole. "What do you want?"
"I want you out of my town," Ercole stated. "Returning to my rightful place as number one was difficult enough with Spewlia and those sea monsters. It is impossible with Portorosso loving you, your magic and that ciccio brother of yours."
Ian pushed through the soreness in his back to stand up and glare Ercole down. "That isn't going to happen."
Ercole let go of Ian's shirt, but only stepped back a few inches. "Maybe I need to make myself perfectly clear. This is my town, number one." Ercole quickly balled up his fist and slammed it in Ian's stomach. He watched as Ian hunched over, gasping for breath as he gripped his abdomen with both arms. "And number two... I don't want you elfi in it."
Ian staggered back as he felt another hard punch to his face. He tried to keep his balance, knowing this is gonna end badly if he fell down. He's had experience with bullies at home in New Mushroomton. But Ercole here clearly wasn't gonna torture Ian with sophomoric tactics such as wet willies or arm burns.
Ercole smugly watched the slender elf struggle. "Heh. Not such a big shot without your harpoon, eh?" Ercole grabbed Ian by one of his long pointed ears and pulled, hard.
Ian yelled in pain as he was hoisted up by his ear. Ercole then grabbed Ian by his arm and rammed him head first into the stone wall. The elf dropped hard, falling weakly onto his side, seeing both stars and blurriness from getting his head smashed into a rock wall. Ian then gripped his stomach harder as he felt a swift harsh kick to his lower abdomen.
"Please... stop," Ian gasped.
"That's right, elfo," Ercole mused triumphantly as he pressed his foot against Ian's sore side. "Keep begging."
Out if nowhere, Ercole felt a hard punch to his jaw that sent him staggering off of Ian and off of the pier. Ercole fell into the lukewarm sea before calling out in shock, "Aiuto! I can't swim!"
"Good!" Barley snapped, before jumping into the shallow water and slamming another punch into Ercole's face.
Ian's mind was still in a daze as he felt two or three familiar strangers help him up. "Are you okay?" Luca asked in shock and concern.
"I dunno," Ian replied in pain.
"Basta, elfo! Get off me!" Ercole finally wriggled free of Barley's strong grasp and fled straight for dry land and further into town. "Wait til the polizia hear this! You'll never be allowed in Portorosso again!"
"Yeah, keep running, you cowardous unicorn!" Barley shouted back in his most intimidating warrior voice.
"Basta, Ercole! Andare via!" Giulia shouted along with Barley while the bug elf climbed out of the sea.
Barley raced over to his brother and carefully picked him up, carrying him inside the Marcovaldo house. Massimo saw the injured elf in Barley's arms as Barley laid him in Massimo's bed in the kitchen.
"How bad is he?" Massimo asked.
"Pretty beaten up," Barley replied. "Thankfully, nothing a healing spell and some aspirin won't fix."
"Who did this?" Massimo asked.
"Ercole," Giulia scowled.
Massimo thought for a moment, before grabbing his hat and heading for the door. "You regazzi stay here, I'm gonna speak to the polizia."
Ian rolled over and groaned to Massimo, "That's where Ercole says he's going."
"Good. Then they'll have both sides of this story." And with that, Massimo left the house.
Alberto rolled his eyes. "Idioto Ercole. If I wasn't with Luca helping Ian, I'd be right with you beating the-"
"Hey hey hey, I get it," Barley told Alberto. "But heroes don't go looking for trouble, they stop it."
Alberto pouted, but eventually looked up and nodded in agreement to Barley.
Ian was cleaned up a bit, as he got a couple cuts and bruises, but mostly a sore back, stomach and head. Giulia even dug out some ice from the freezer for Ian's head. Ian accepted the ice wrapped in an old rag, despite the ice smelling like fish. Once the swelling went down, and Ian felt like he could walk without being dizzy, Barley helped Ian to the tent so they could get some rest for the night. Despite the tent being barely big enough for two teenage elves, Luca and Alberto squeezed their way inside so they had extra protection.
Ian settled into his sleeping bag, then looked up at Barley, who was trying to squeeze into his. "Thanks for sticking up for me, Barley."
Barley gave his brother a proud grin. "Anytime."
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
narcos méxico: jealousy hc
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my first request, kinda nervous but i hope i delivered anon 💕
Warnings: NSFW!
Tags: @fandomnerd16​ , @visintaes​ , @sheeshgivemeabreak​
ok wow is this bitch long, i didnt realize that,  i got carried away lmao,,,  just a friendly heads up :))) and also, I went with them being your ex in both scenarios!
miguel angel would be the obsessive ex, holy shit, he would have eyes everywhere on you,,,
he would get to know your schedule at a day to day basis-
like he would have azul out here keeping him updated about your whereabouts, like what you’ve been doing, who you’ve been seen talking to, weekly, like clockwork,,
but i can lowkey see azul not telling miguel a single fucking hint that you may have been seen talking to some guy-
like azul just wants to have miguel focus on the business in front of them not worrying about you because miguel was the one to drive you out of the relationship,, its his own fault for letting you go, now its on him to gain you back on his own,
wow ok, so i can see this happening when miguel throws a fancy gathering with all those governments and high powered people,, where he would invite you to come celebrate his success in who knows what,,, but he just needs to make sure you come,, he wants to try and rekindle what you had, porque te extraña-
he’ll be nervous like that time before his birthday party in s2 where he was pacing back and forth, anxious to know if pacho was going to show up, yeah that would be him right now,,, asking azul every minute if he for sure knows if youre going to show up otherwise why even throw the party if youre not coming-
i cant- miguel probably wouldnt even go down where the party is,
he’s holing himself up somewhere until azul comes and tells him that you finally showed up-
this man would be so desperate to see you that he doesnt even let azul finish his sentence before he’s already bolting down to look for you,
and as soon as he sees you walking in he would act like all cool all of a sudden, shaking hands with people along the way, smile shining brighter than ever, but damn does that smile not last long once he glances back to you where he sees that you brought a date-
Im dying just imagining the dark look he would have when he sees your date lean in to kiss your cheek, leading you to sit down-
just the way he’ll watch you like a hawk throughout the night, clenching his jaw with the biggest scowl on his face
gripping his drink so hard it looks like he’ll break it any second as he curses under his breath, when he sees your date kiss your hand from across the table-
shaking his head as he starts to get up when you look away,,, like he’s officially done sitting around all night because your his mujer y de nadie mas
just the way he’ll walk up to your table so confidently, acting like this dude doesnt even exist and ask for you to accompany him for an issue he needs your input with,
not sparing one glance to your date before he has his hand wrapped around your arm, dragging you to this empty hallway-
i- the way he’ll trap you against the wall when you protest against his hold as he grabs your jaw tightly so he can look at you directly, both of your faces nearly touching-
“basta, ya,, que traes con ese cabron eh, mija?”
and you’re not about to take his shit just because he got jealous the very second he saw you with someone else after he was the one to push you away-
“Que chingados te importa miguel, tu fuiste el que ya no quiso nada conmigo”
“es que no entiendes, verdad?, me arde verte con otro cabron”-
i-the way he cant help but cut you off when he sees you open your mouth again, ready to shoot another comment at him, just to roughly kiss you, shutting you up,,-
its one of those kisses that have you both almost suffocating each other,, all the built up anger mixing in with both of your love for one another that your both too stubborn to admit,,
fuck, ok the way you dont feel his hand sneak in between your thighs until he unexpectedly already has one of his fingers inside of you-
your muffled whine swallowed by his desperate kisses to keep you quiet as you grip his arm to keep you somewhat stable on your legs-
“Ese pendejo no te puede hacer sentir bien como yo puedo mija.”
just, the way your hips involuntarily begin to move against his hand, biting your lip so hard your almost drawing blood from them as he forces you to keep looking at him, pumping his fingers into you repeatedly, adding his thumb to play with your stimulated clit-
“Imagínate, si ese cabron te ve así, de como nunca serás de el”
wow,ok,  he wont stop until he has your knees buckling, pulling him into you to silence your moans when he makes you cum, i-
him kissing your forehead, telling you he’s taking you home to remind you who you belong to as he leads your wobbling form out, MAKING SURE TO GIVE YOUR DATE A SMUG ASS SMILE WHEN HE LEAVES WITH YOU- lmao i cant
god, him making you look into the mirror as he fucks you as he roams his hands all over your body, telling you that you’ll always belong to him, as your hands grip his hair- ok
celoso miguel would have you on the verge of tears as he pounds you into the bed-
just making you into a blubbering mess, not giving you a single chance to breathe before he’s already thrusting deeply into you again,,
reminding you again and again that no one other than him can have you like this-
making you scream who you belong to all fucking night until he knows you’ll be sore everywhere in the morning- i, wow
alright, so i can see amado being the ex that would act like you were just a fun pastime for him when in reality he’s depressed porque te perdio-
I’m imagining this happening very shortly after you two are broken up, because ustedes todavía son pajaritos enamorados
Amado’s stupid ass probably just said something like “your safety is the most important thing to me, that’s why I’m breaking up with you, to keep you safe” type of beat-
but i just know he would be the mf to be like, i need to forget about the love of my life by fucking with other viejas, just trying his best to forget everything about you,,
but you would probably catch wind of this some way,,, and that he’s out here being a mujeriego and acting like nothing ever happened between you two was real so your just like ‘alright, if that’s how its going to be, two can play at this game’-
im H o l l e r in g, i can imagine this scenario where he would take some vieja to a club, maybe a club he used to go with you all the time-the audacity-
he would be out here smiling, buying drinks left and right, all laid back, like a cocky mf,,, hiding his insecurities because he’s egoistic like that, trying but failing to “enjoy” his date because its just not you
thats when just out of curiosity, he would look around the club, entertaining himself,, scanning everyone there and would automatically fucking spot you within seconds,,, except youre not alone :)) your dancing with some guy,-
and that one simple thing, that youre dancing with someone else, someone that’s not him, touching you like that, has him pissed,
like all of a sudden his only focus would be all on you,, as he’s clenching his jaw and bouncing his leg impatiently,, watching you and your date dance,, as he curses under his breath at the scene unfolding before him-
can you imagine tho, if you both lock eyes- con una mirada he’s telling you “are you fucking serious?”
wow, the way he’ll bring his clenched fist to his lips, wanting nothing more than to knock the shit out of the bum of your date, as he stares daggers into him,,-
he would wait until he can corner you alone tho,  not wanting to start any drama-
he would get up so fucking quick when he sees you start to walk over to the bar, esta desesperado el cabron,, not wasting time to grab your arm and drag you somewhere, away from everyones eyes-
youre already angrily trying to pull away from his hold before he grasps both of your arms and holds them in between your bodies, stopping you from pulling away as he pulls your body into his,,
both of your fiery gazes looking into each other-
“Me quieres decir quién es ese hijo de la chingada para ir a matarlo ahorita?”
WOw, the way you test him with a simple look, not answering his question because you know exactly what buttons to push to get him even more irritated than he already is-
just, the way the both of you hold your stares, challenging the other to move first, with the only noise being the loud thumping of the music in the background-
he’ll pull your body even more closer to his, your lips almost, almost touching-
“no seas asi, mi reina, por favor,  déjame enseñarte lo que él no puede darte” im not ok omg
he literally feels his heart soar when he sees you slowly nod your head-
ugh, just,, the bottled up emotions would pour out as soon as he gets you home-
it has you both tearing each others clothes off, with those messy kisses where neither of you want to pull back from, as he carries you and drops you on the bed,,
wow, the way he would groan, when he sees you naked on his bed,throbbing for you because he finally has you where you belong,,
god, is this man going to have you manhandle you all night until your begging him to stop-
just, pushing your body down and holding you there when your trying to squirm away from him, orgasm after orgasm,,,
chuckling down at you, telling you your going to take it-
like , its going to be the type of sex that has you almost ripping the whole fucking bedframe off from the overstimulation he’s giving you,
wont stop making you say that your his, forcing you to never look away from him, when he tells you i love you, over and over again-
or the way he’ll pull your head back onto the pillow when you try to bite down on his shoulder when he hits that one spot inside of you repeatedly, just, scolding you that he doesnt want you to hold back on your moans-
the CHOKING KINK, you already know it was coming,, it makes him rock hard when he wraps his hand around your throat while he’s making you scream his name,,,
the bruising grip he’ll have on your hip as he feels your nails leave streaks of red on his back as he’s buried so deep into you-
“Dime, que ese hijo de su rechingada madre nunca compara conmigo, mi amor”
rubbing your pulsating clit just to see the way you roll your eyes back, and dig your nails into his bicep- whispering the most dirtiest things into your ear-
fuck, ok but the way you both look down where you connect, moaning into each other as you watch as his cock disappear inside of you- im not sorry
just- turning you into a shaking and whimpering mess until all you can say and remember is his name by the time he’s done with you-
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mydriases · 4 years
Boyfriend headcanons for Epel and Lilia
Anon asked: Hello! Welcome to the fandom! I look forward to your future writing. Can I get some boyfriend headcanon for Epel and Lilia? Thank you!
Thanks, I've kept the format of my first post so I hope it's what you expected!
A small digression to thank you all for the +100 followers! I don't understand how so many people would want to read what I write lol Thank you to everyone who commented or sent messages of encouragement, it touches me deeply.
Epel Felmier
Like loads of people, when you first saw Epel, you thought he was just another pretty boy.
It was at the welcome party for Pomefiore’s new students that you changed your mind.
You heard him fuming over the fact that he wanted to be a Savanaclaw, saw him get reprimanded for his table manners and noticed the way he really seemed out of place, all of this convinced you that he wasn't just another narcissist.
You made a point to become his friend, not out of pity but out of admiration. He was a person with many hidden talents who was able to put up with an environment he despised.
It is true that you were also looking for a type of personality different from the one who invaded Pomefiore like ivy.
One evening, while you were reading in the living room, the incessant chatter of your classmates forced you to leave the room. At least that's what you would've done if you hadn't seen Epel trapped by three other people.
They were talking together about how Epel was a model of elegance and that some people should follow his example. Their discussion was one-sided, judging by the expression of embarrassment that covered Epel's face like a veil.
You made it your duty to get him out of this situation.
You approached the small group, interrupted them and then took your sweetest voice to apologize to these gentlemen because you had to work on a project with Epel.
Of course, they didn’t express any objection and let the two of you go away after a final praise.
Epel showered you with thanks and even asked you if there was any way he could repay you.
« I mean… I wasn’t lying when I said I had a project to work on. »
You don’t feel any shame for asking him that, since as a result the ice broke between you and him.
None of you was close with the other students of your dorm so you spent most of your free time together.
Step by step you discovered Epel’s inner fire, and it was hot pun intended
In spite of his shyness, he could be quite responsive and outspoken when the situation was too much.
He began to open up and talked to you about his insecurities. Specifically, about his own body.
You understood that what was for Pomefiore an asset, was for Savanaclaw a drawback. All the praise was nothing when his own body was telling him he hadn't the capacities.
But some things can't change, so he focused on his magical abilities more than anything else.
It was hard for you to find the right words, but you assumed that sometimes you just need someone to listen to you. You took his hand.
Nothing was really the same after that, from this point there was an unspoken intimacy you two shared.
You held hands and hugged easily. Epel became something more than a friend, he felt closer and soon there was no more words needed for you to understand him. In fact, it felt natural to know.
One evening, while some festivities were taking place in the dormitory, you two apologized and went for a walk in the gardens.
You were chatting on a bench enjoying the coolness of the night. Until a comfortable silence settled between the two of you, and Epel turned to you.
Out of the blue he decided that kissing you was a good idea. yes it fricking was
If you ignore the fact that he withdrew as quickly as he moved forward or the fact that you were so shocked that you almost lost the ability to think properly, it all went pretty well.
The new physical intimacy that came with that kiss was unknown to anyone because of how discreet you were in your pda
He starded to give your little presents more often : carved apple, homemade food and even bouquets if that’s what you like (doesn’t know how to romance but he's not gonna admit defeat let me tell you).
He'd take you flying on his broomstick, he isn’t allowed? Who cares ! For once he can break the rules.
He would use you as an excuse to get away from Pomefiore student, « sorry but my love is waiting » he would said in a polite but slightly smug way
You'd discuss ways to make Pomefiore's uniforms more cool and what should change in the dorm. It would happen most of the time after Vil made a comment that Epel didn’t like.
Kisses in the library between the bookshelves, kisses in the garden, kisses everywhere when no one is around.
The kisses with Epel are such a soft thing, his hair would tickle your face and his hands would slide slowly up to your elbows to cup them.
When the kiss would end, you'd stand a few inches apart and notice the beauty of his eyelashes as his breath would caress your face.
Lilia Vanrouge
It was a hard thing not to notice the strange character that was Lilia Vanrouge.
He could hear your discussions from across the hall, spoke in an archaic way and appeared before you without you seeing him coming.
Actually, that's how you first met him. You were looking for a book in the library and he appeared in your field of vision, the wanted book in his hands.
He introduced himself, asked if you were looking for this book in particular and disapeared after giving it. He literally disapeared. You blinked once and paf ! You were alone.
You understood that what happened wasn’t a dream when he actually called you by your name in potions and asked you to be his partner.
In the first place, you were quite astonished. From what the rumors said Lilia was old, like so-old-I-should-be-dead years old, which means that he is knowleadgeable. Although you surely were not the last in your class, you still didn’t reach his level.
Your regular partner was absent, so you had no reason to say no.
It was difficult to know if he was good or bad at potions because he could propose an ideal solution and then he would assume that « perphaps if we add that  the result would be better » (spoilers, it didn’t work but at least the final result didn’t change too much)
Since, he continued to appear unexpectedly next to you, only to disappear the minute you looked away. It was entertaining so you didn’t mind.
 « Good evening. I was wondering...is the answer to question number 15 « the heart of a legendary beast »? 
Yes, it is…Hey Lilia, as you can see I’m on cleaning duty and it would be nice if you could h-
Thank you very much, it is always a pleasure to discuss with you » and he disapeared the basta-
You would soon start to have tea together, it kind of happened naturally. He asked you once and the invitations never stopped.
At least that's what you would have wished for.
You didn’t get any explanations, from one day to the next he stopped talking to you. There was no more funny stories over tea, no more surprise appearances, not even a glance at you.
Three weeks, three weeks of being ignored. Who can blame you if you were mad at him ?
His absence made you realize many things, the first being how much he had become an essential part of your daily life. It was strange not to talk to him anymore, there was a kind of mourning inside you when you were seeing him, as if he was the ghost of a loved one.
Then, you got a letter from one of your roommates. Because apparently, Mr. Vanrouge didn't have the guts to give it in person.
You've never read such a letter from Lilia before. It was short, to the point and didn't even have a cheap joke as usual. It was for the better, you couldn't bear it if he had acted like nothing happened.
He didn't look up at you when you came to sit in front of him. You waited for him to make the first move.
« Look, I think you're aware that my appearance doesn't match my real age. This kind of advantage is not without a price, I have loved and suffered a lot because no matter what I do ,the end remains the same. Even today, in my darkest moments, I wonder if love is worth if, in the end, I find myself carrying such pain. Some of my loved ones have told me that when they find themselves on the brink of the grave, no matter how much pain our relationship has brought them, they will have no regrets. And it is to honour the memory of those people whose voices I have forgotten that I come to talk to you. What we have between us at the moment may just be a passing infatuation, but I know too well where it's going to lead us. That’s why before we go too far, I need to see your point of view on love. For me, love isn't easy, it's not constant happiness that solves all your problems. It's a complex thing that can pull you down as well as up… I’ve been a bit dramatic on the edges but you need to understand that even if loads of relationships don’t last till the end of a life, ours is bound to be harder. »
You were puzzled. This Lilia was different from the one you learned to know, he was dead serious and his saddened look made you feel a little bit ashamed that you didn’t think about how he felt.
« As you said, loads of relationships don’t last till the end and it’s fine. We don’t need to rush things and we don’t need to think about our future for now. It sounds reckless but to answer what you said : yes, it is worth it. »
You never thought you'd start your relationship with Lilia this way but, oh well here you go.
Everything was the same as before but better. He still appeared where you least expected it but now he hugged you from behind which almost gave you a heart attack multiple times.
Lilia loves passionately. He gives without expecting anything in return and has no reserve with his feelings. He is candid, not hesitating to say what is wrong as well as what is right.
It’s hard to be bored with him. He has always an idea to entertain you or something to tell.
He's quite reserved when it comes to kissing, it's a little dated but for him it's more decent to do it within four walls.
But once in private, that's a different story.
His lips would run through yours, he would take the lead and hold you close to him, it's impossible not to be out of breath after his kisses.
There's a melancholy running through you that you can't explain when he embraces you. It makes you feel small in the face of Lilia's longevity. You can almost feel the dust of those former loves on your fingertips, and one day you’ll be one of them. And Lilia will remember you, because there are some things you can’t forget entirely.
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bjbwriting-blog · 7 years
Basta! Pasta.
It is hard at first glance to fully ascertain what it is that these people are queuing for.
They all appear to have the time, at 12.30 on a weekday, to stand, in single file and the sort of silence only normally reserved for a doctor’s waiting room, and slowly shuffle forward towards something that must be worth the trouble.
A quick scan of the queue reveals some stereotypes writ large in technicolour.
You have your communal-garden hipster, long hair with an artful slick of pomade, likely made by an artisanal friend who has rekindled the dying technique of making hair products from traditional rabbit skin glue combined with the semen of a buffalo and the tears of a woodpecker, or something similar. There is no hint of this in the beard, which grows wild and free. The clothing has been chosen for its symbolism rather than its fit, it appears that he is trying to symbolise a librarian from 90’s Bromley on a work trial as a lumberjack.
In front of this hirsute queuer is a young lady, who also appears to want to partake in the new ritual of the midday shuffle. This one, at a glance, could work as a personal trainer or the founder of a tech unicorn. The legs are clad in a material designed to stretch and hold in a manner that defies logic. How something quite clearly so soft and malleable can also have the holding and defining properties of kevlar, is beyond me. Perhaps that is her company, maybe she sells this stuff, if so, well done to her, as a glance up and down the queue and out into the surrounding muddle of bustling commuters and ambling tourists, one at odds with the other, amongst these tribes one can count immediately at least forty young people sporting a version of this lycra-cum-kevlar composite. And it is easy to see the appeal, buttocks and calves that unsheathed from this new material might bear the stretch marks of a sag, or the pockmarks of cellulite, are rendered taught and without movement by the elastic armour. And as we drag our gaze up from the clearly defined buttocks and calves of this young lady, the confusion hits, as the lower half which points to a personal trainer or gym bunny is contradicted by the top half that says tech tycoon or consultant. A riot of cashmere and leather intertwine to create a garment that looks softer than a llama’s belly and as durable as a fresh hewn hide.
They aren’t together the hipster and our half-trainer-half-tech-CEO, and neither is the young academic in NHS style glasses and leather briefcase, neither is the young lady, a food writer, a fact she announces loudly and often through her headset-cum-telephone
‘I mean, sorry, I’m here to write up the Pici for our next issue, and yet they make me wait. Well, you know how this works don’t you, for every minute that they make me wait, I will grant them one less sentence about the quality of the pasta, and one more about the draft coming in through the perennially-ajar door, or the proximity of my table to the restroom, or indeed the fact that they don’t take bookings at all, which was cute in 2006…’
In front of the food writer, which is probably the cause of some great consternation, to her, we find a father, adorned with at least three kids strapped to him via papoose and carabiner. This chap might well be our favourite. A pioneer and stay-at-home-dad-liberal, he wears his feminism smugly. Rather than eschew the exciting new pasta place as described by the last food writer to have braved the queue, he is going to attach his children to him, like a sherpa, and join the queue, be part of the thriving food scene, the pulsating heart of this great city he loves so dearly.
Once inside, he will unclip each child from his person and release them into the restaurant to explore and express themselves, whilst he quietly goes about having a transcendental moment with the beef short-rib pappardelle or the with the smoked eel tagliatelle which transports him back to the small Ligurian trattoria where he and his currently-hard-at-work-wife, shared a mind-bending plate of pasta on their last trip before they had kids.
This is what he will tell the bored waitress from Romania, whom he has wrongly assumed is from Italy and is desperate to hear every thought he has ever had on the life and times of a small Italian agrarian community imagined, rather than experienced, by he and his wife on said last trip.
So it is as we survey this queue.
We know now, that it is a new pasta place, and we know that one ‘simply must order the Pici’. We ignore the fact that one can make a passable carbonara or pasta alla norma at home, and assume that by the strength of the queue at 12.30, there is genuinely a perfect plate of pasta beyond the clipboard at the head of the queue.
So we join the queue.
And having joined, we wonder what people will be thinking of us as we stand there. Her in her long blue wool coat, looking perhaps like a fashion blogger or photographer, rather than the primary school teacher that she is, and me in my simple blue work jacket and well worn boots, looking nearer to the hipster or his arty cousin, than the airline pilot that I am.
We get our first glimpse in through the window. It is just steaming up at the edges, which hints at a warmth within, not shared with the London Bridge pavement on a bitter November day, and we can peer into the open kitchen where guys and girls toss pans and drain pasta with tattooed arms, and rustle through red chillies and herbs with a knife that looks more like the sort in that Netflix documentary about sushi chefs that the old heavy stainless steel knives that used to be issued at the beginning of a long term of home economy.
As we peer through the steamy glass, fast filling so as to obscure our view, we can see plates of pasta being delivered to the owners of the smug faces sat with their snouts up to the window, looking like pigs awaiting their feed at the trough.
They are sat too close to one another. An arrangement designed presumably by accountant rather than restaurateur, but they look deliriously happy.
We’ll wait it out we think. How long can it possibly take?
It’s only a plate of pasta.
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dubredofanfics · 7 years
Six Years
Part 10 - Relationship Goals
The cabinet meeting was about to start in an hour, Leni and Digong stayed at his office for a while.
"Uy," Leni uttered happily as she entered his office. "Happy anniversary!" She cheered and hugged him tightly, he didn't respond very much.
The smile on her lips turned into a frown. "Nakalimutan mo na noh?" She asked. "One year na kaya since pumirma tayo ng agreement and naging tayo." She reminded him. "Kinalimutan mo na, saakin lang yata big deal yung anniversary." She followed, he just smiled as he watched her speak.
"How can I forget? One of the best days of my life." He uttered. "Hmmm?" She doubted him for a second until he strode to his desk and took the bouquet of Ecuadorian roses he hid from her.
"Happy anniversary." He kissed the back of her hand and handed the bouquet to her. Her heart skipped a bit, she thought he totally forgot about it.
"Grabe..." She felt speechless for a while. "Naalala mo ba yung nagpledge tayo nung sa HUDCC?" She asked and smiled at him. "Oo, bakit?" He replied.
"Kindly raise your right hand." She mimicked the way he said it before, "Taas mo kamay mo, dali." She stipulated.
"I, Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo..." She just began but she was already blushing, he just watched her speak next to his eyes — a great view, indeed.
"Pledge and promise to love Rodrigo Roa Duterte..." She paused for a moment as she choked on a squeal. "Sige, go. I'm listening." He stated. "Okay..." she repeated and tried to speak it seriously.
"I, Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo pledge and promise to love Rodrigo Roa Duterte through thick and thin, ups and downs, rain or shine, every season of the year, through sickness and in health... 'Til death do us part." She pledged and blushed with her own cheesiness. He chuckled softly as the view of the love of his life pledging her love for him was the best music to his ears and the best view in to his eyes.
He took her hand and gazed into her eyes.
"I, Rodrigo Roa Duterte..." He kneeled in front of her, she wanted to gush out loud. "...pledge and promise to love Maria Leonor Robredo and only Maria Leonor Robredo through thick and thin, ups and downs, rain or shine, every season of the year, through sickness and in health... 'Til death do us part." He professed and kissed the back of her hand.
Leni tried her best to contain herself. "Kinikilig ako! Ano ba." She gushed. Suddenly, Martin entered the room to call them down for the meeting.
"Ay, sorry. Nagmomoment pala kayo." He held back. Digong stood up, they smiled at Martin. His arm went around Leni, "Tatawagin ko lang sana kayo kase magstart na yung meeting in twenty minutes." Martin informed.
"Sige, sunod kami." Digong replied, Leni just smiled and enjoyed being surrounded by his arm.
Martin left them afterwards. Leni giggled and looked up to Digong. "I love you." He professed and hugged her. She rested her chin on her shoulder blade and reciprocated his embrace.
She followed it by some playful kiss on his cheeks, he giggled along with her cuddles. "Magkakadiabetes na yata ako sa'yo. Susme." He jested, she smiled and gazed at him whilst his hands rested on her lower back pressing her closer to him.
"Patay na patay ka talaga sakin noh?" He smirked, "Aba? Ang taas ng confidence ng senior citizen na 'to ha?" She playfully slapped him. "Sus, kunwari ka pa." He retorted and kissed her, she didn't move and submitted into his kiss.
He looked at her cockily. "Gustong gusto."
"Ang yabang nitong panget na 'to." She cuddled transitioning their hugs into some playful exchange of kisses. It thrilled her, she pulled him closer, he kissed her harder, they couldn't stop giggling amidst their deepening kiss.
They moved as their lips brushed along each other, he cornered her on his office desk, she giggled as her posterior hit the table. "Sinong patay na patay ngayon?" She bragged.
"Nangigigil ako sa'yo." He expressed and placed a quick kiss on her cheek eagerly. She placed her hands along his nape and trailed a kiss from his lips, to his cheek, down to his jaws and neck.
The warmth of his skin brushing along on her lips made her feel so hazy, she barely noticed how her kisses on his neck deepened. He sniffed the sweet scent of her hair along with the baby scent of her skin while his hands cupped the arc of her hips. He pushed her further making her sit on top of the table as he stood between her legs.
"Uy, baka di ako makapagpigil." He informed her. "Ba't ka magpipigil?" She haltered kissing and looked at him teasingly. "Gaga 'to. May cabinet meeting pa." He reminded, her eyes grew, she almost forgot about it. "Oo nga pala!" She exclaimed and went down the table, she doesn't want to make the people wait.
"Sinasabi ko na nga mabibitin ako eh." She chuckled, "May meeting eh. Hindi pwede, bayan muna bago sarili." She followed and grabbed his hand leading him towards the door.
"Pano naman kung ikaw yung bayan ko? Ikaw nga yung mundo ko e." He joked, she looked at him with a playful disgust on her face. "Corny mo ha." She retorted and leaned for one last kiss before they go out of the room.
Digong and Leni entered the meeting room, they were late for around ten minutes. He immediately took over the phone to apologize, the members just chuckled, their tardiness wasn't much of a big deal to them.
The meeting resumed, Leni noticed how some members randomly suppressed their giggles as they looked at Digong until the discussion ended.
"That would be our agenda for today, I apologize again at na-late ang simula natin. I assure it won't happen again." He stated for his closing remarks. Leni approached Digong to as why were some of the cabinet giggling but he was clueless as well, he hardly even noticed. Martin walked towards them to inform them that he'll be leaving already.
"Mauna na ako, Digong, Leni." He stated. "Ang aga mo yata aalis?" Digong asked. "Eh si misis, naghihintay sa bahay tsaka medyo late na kase tayo nakapagsimula kanina." He replied.
"Kapag nga naman may misis..." Digong sighed, Leni glared at him. "...Masaya." Digong continued, Leni smiled threateningly at him.
"Sorry for the tardiness." He apologized to him. "Sus, naintindihan namin. Kung kami rin nasa sitwasyon mo, magpapa-late rin talaga kami." He looked at Leni with a hint of smirk. The two felt a bit lost.
Sueño, Yasay, Dominguez and Gina approached them to say their goodbyes as well but it eventually turned into a quick group conversation.
"Sorry at na-late kami kanina, may inasikaso lang kami." Digong told them, "No problem!" Yasay replied. "Alam naman naming inasikaso ka ni Leni ng maigi." Sueño, Dominguez and Yasay looked at each other discreetly. Gina couldn't stop giggling as she was getting the humor.
Leni and Digong felt out of place. Gina and Leni's eyes met, Gina touched her neck and used her lips to point at Digong. It took Leni a while before she was able to understand Gina's non verbal message.
Leni's eyes widened as she saw the hickey on Digong's jaw, she immediately covered it with her hands. The four cracked up as they saw how Leni finally got their humor. "Bakit?" Digong asked her.
"Grabe, bakit di niyo sinabi." Leni found it ridiculous but humiliating at the same time. "Bakit?" Digong asked again as he couldn't comprehend.
"Pano? Basta mauna na kami. Enjoy niyo na yung nabitin niyong moment kanina." Martin stated. "Oo nga, sabay na kami." Sueño agreed. "Mauna na kami. Digong. Leni." Gina and Yasay followed leaving Leni and Digong behind.
As they went off their sight, Leni dragged Digong to the side. "Anong meron?" He asked. "May kiss mark ka sa leeg!" She sounded so alarmed, he touched his neck as if he could see it.
"Nakakahiya." She uttered. "Halata ba?" He asked hoping he could see it. "Grabe, kaya pala sila tumatawa kanina. Nakakahiya." She reiterated. "Sus, wag mo isipin yon. Halata ba? May salamin ka ba diyan?" He asked.
"Eh di alam pala nila kanina na... Grabe." She felt so embarrassed. "Sus; wag mo isipin yon. Kilala mo naman yung mga yon, di ka iisipan ng masama non." He tried to comfort her.
She looked at him and gently rubbed his kiss mark with her finger. "Okay narin. At least may mark na yung teritoryo ko, di na pwede agawin ng iba." She smirked. "Kahit naman walang marka, di naman ako maaagaw sayo." He smiled.
Bolet was comfortably sitting on the couch, Leni sat beside him and rested her weight towards him. "Kakapagod," she sighed. "Work? Magpahinga ka rin kase minsan." He replied and held her close wrapping his arm around her.
She rested her legs on the top of the table. The view of her smooth skin enticed him.
"Pagod ka ba talaga?" He asked, she looked at him with a question on his face. He placed a kiss on her lips leading into a thorough exchange.
He went down on her cheeks and on her neck, kissing her gently as the scent of her skin travelled into his senses.
"Gawa tayo bata," he jested-teased, she cupped his face. "Baliw ka, gawa ng bata ka diyan." She retorted playfully, she just don't see herself having kids with him anymore despite that she's really fond of children. I'm too old for that.
"Bakit?" He chuckled. "Marinig ko palang yung bata, naiisip ko na yung sakit. Ang hirap kaya manganak!" She laughed, he found her so precious. "Ay ano ba dapat? Let's have some fun?" He smirked.
She pursed her lips and looked at him in the eye. "Mas okay yan." She flashed a smug leading into an ablaze evening for the couple.
Digong brought Leni with him for his — yet again — state visit in China. He made sure that the local media of the Philippines would know that it was his choice to bring her in so that people won't be forming theories and bash her again.
It wasn't a very common case for the president and VP to be both present for a state visit so Leni just stood behind him most of the time.
"Ba't ka ba laging nasa likod ko? Dito ka sa tabi ko." He noticed and grabbed her hand. "Ano ka ba, ikaw lang naman ang presidente dito." She replied feeling a bit anxious. "Oh? Vice president ka naman. May president parin." He replied with a snarky smile.
In a few moments, President Xi Jinping of China approached and welcomed them warmly.
"Welcome Mr. Duterte, welcome." He greeted. "Thank you." Digong bowed his head slightly as he responded. He developed a good rapport with the president of China already due to his frequent visits and negotiations; making the state visit warmer than the past ones.
"By the way, this is my vice president, Leni Robredo." Digong introduced her in a sudden, Leni was astonished for a moment but eventually shook hands with the president. "Oh! You're his vice." President Jinping recalled Digong talking about her. "Nice to meet you, Leni. Xi Jinping." He introduced himself.
"Ay, nice to meet you too Mr. President." She bowed her head in respect as she shook hands with him. "Also my girl." Digong bragged humorously making Jinping chuckle, Leni's eyes grew a little in surprise.
"Uy," she whispered to him. "Really?" He asked for a confirmation, Digong raised his shoulders cockily. "Ah, very beautiful, very beautiful." Jinping made a fist bump with Digong.
Leni didn't know how to react but it was hell of flattering for her as Digong introduced her as his girl to another president.
"He's a good man to you?" Jinping teased making Leni's cheeks turn pink. "Yes. Yes." She replied shyly.
"Ah, good man!" Jinping praised Digong. "Anyway, let's head inside." He invited them into the palace for more comfort.
"Grabe ka," Leni whispered to Digong. "Bakit?" He chuckled. "Sinabi mo pa talaga na girl mo ako." She stated blushing. "Proud ako eh." He held her in the waist with his one arm.
"Uy," she tapped him lightly. "Wala naman nang media dito. Okay lang." He assured, she smiled at him as her nostrils flared.
"Bakit?" He asked again. "Ikaw kase, pinakilala mo pa akong girlfriend sa president. Baka kung ano isipin non." She worried. "Sus, he's aware. What's wrong kung pinakilala man kita sakanya, pakilala pa kita sa lahat ng president ng mundo eh." He dared. "Ewan ko sa'yo." She retorted.
"Hey," he called the attention of one of the Chinese president's security. "Yes, sir?" He replied. "This is my girlfriend." He bragged and pointed at Leni.
"Huy, parang ano 'to." She tapped his shoulder. The security chuckled.
"Sorry, he's just very fond of making jokes." She informed the guard. "It's okay, it's okay." He replied respectfully.
"Ikaw para kang ano, kung wala lang ibang tao sasampalin na talaga kita." She scolded him trying to conceal her blushing.
"Proud lang naman ako sa'yo." He defended and faked a frown, she found him so adorable. "Di mo man naappreciate pagiging proud boyfriend ko sa'yo." He added and pouted his lips.
She chuckled. "Aba nagdrama?"
"Nakakalungkot lang." He continued pulling it off.
"Grabe 'to. Wala ba talagang media dito?" She asked for assurance. "Wala." He replied with a sad face.
She leaned to him and kissed him quickly. "Yan. Wag ka na magtampo ha!" She stipulated. He smiled, "Isa pa nga, isa pa." He requested.
"Ay nako, abusado." She retorted and slapped his face lightly.
After the discussions and meeting, the Chinese children representing youth for China arrived at the palace to deliver some warm greetings for the president. They were composed of children ranging five to twelve years old, some of them were really very young.
"This is for you Mr. Duterte. From the poeple of China." A five year old boy, Yong, stated as he handed him a token of gift.
"Very cute boy." Leni uttered beside Digong. As the gift giving and welcoming from the children ended, Leni couldn't help but express her affection and feels to Digong.
"Ang cute nung mga bata. Gustong gusto ka talaga nila noh?" She pointed out. "Oo, nakakatuwa nga." He agreed. "Sana kapag nagka-anak tayo ganyan din ka-cute noh? Grabe." She expressed in intoxication, she barely noticed that what she said was kind of something.
It echoed in his ears, he looked at her with a soft smile. "Tayo?" He asked, it took her a while before it sank to her what his question meant.
"Mmm." She tried to suppress her smile. "Oo." She admitted shyly. "Kapag magkaanak tayo sigurado yan magaganda and gwapo. Mas cute pa diyan. Ang ganda ng nanay nila e." He complimented her indirectly.
She blushed, "At ang cute ng tatay nila." She replied and rested her chin on his shoulder blade, following it by some repeating soft kiss on his cheek.
He looked at her. As their eyes met, their world seemed to stop. Leni earned butterflies in her stomach and it amuses her how until now, despite her relationship with him for over two years, he still manage to give her such feelings.
To be continued...
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