#I love you fanartists who add scars from the character deaths
blueper-saiyan · 5 months
silly fanart question for people who like drawing Vegeta with scars: do you have a consistent set that you're giving him or is it just whatever feels right in the moment? If it isn't random, do you have like, a backstory in your head on what they're from?
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misticfog · 3 months
For the ask game: 44, 46, 48, and 49 for Claus Mother 3?
44. Which season makes you think of this character?
I think summer. That's when I first played the game and when sunflowers grow, and it's so easy to think about Tazmily twins when you see sunflowers in your garden.
46. How much do bad interpretations of this character upset you?
This fandom has some of the worst mischaracterizations I've ever seen; you either learn to ignore them or smap and I'm not letting the fanbase destroy my favourite game for me. (It still sometimes gets me but I try to ignore it)
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
Canon: how Claus is the blue one and Lucas is the red; I love this little switcheroo of giving the more energetic, wild character of a duo such a calm and peaceful colour, while the more timid one has a vibrant red. It lets you know that there's more to them than meets the eye, like how Claus seems to get so depressed after Hinawa's death...
And his hair. I like that it doesn't mirror Lucas's like it seems to at first and how fanartists and cosplayers can never figure out what is going on, allowing interpretations to run wild.
Fanon: his time skip and post-canon designs! They're so varied when it comes to his cyborg/chimera parts! The various scars or animalistic traits, how sometimes they use vibrations of machinery as his heartbeat. I generally love fandoms and what they can do with the source material and how everyone sees the same thing in a different way
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
You know, it's hard to find a lot of personality in characters from games like this and most of it is up to interpretation but
He's so soft and caring. The game describes him as this rambunctious kid and that's how a lot of characters seem to think about him but he's also such a gentle soul. His introduction is him gushing over cute baby animals, in flashbacks he likes collecting flowers for his mum and making her happy. Based on what other characters say when he runs away we can assume he knew his plan would kill him, he's smart enough to snuck a nail file to free Flint and found Aeolias house, he's too smart to go alone after a drago with only a knife a tiny bit of psi unless he didn't care who would end up dying; at least his family wouldn't see that as a suicide, just a stupid accident, he's so hasty after all. There was also recently a post where someone pointed out that his ending dialogue sounds like he's trying to comfort Lucas
He's so smart and sweet, add that to 46 because I hate when people make him out to be a thoughtless jerk because he's the more outgoing sibling so he has to be mean
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