#I lowkey love answering questions like this tho.😊
Wondering if you could talk a little about how you came up with your character names? I struggle with this sometimes in my own writing and a lot of yours feel very thoughtful and deliberate and evoke specific images in my mind so I’m curious to see if your reasons match what I see. (In particular Spirit, Birdie, Amberlynn, and Keiko) although the first time I read “Birdie” a saw “Bridie” and now I can’t stop thinking of her as Irish, lol.
Oh, absolutely! There's honestly a bit of a story behind it.
I didn't come up with all of the names. A while back, a few friends of mine and I were planning to make a book together, and we each came up with a character based off of us. So, originally, there were only 5 OCs.
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First, the names made by me and my friends:
Spirit was my character. Quite literally, I gave her that name because I wanted her to have a spirited soul. One main thing about Spirit is that failure is not an option for her, ever. She's independent, badass, and determined in nearly everything she does.
Birdie was my best friend's character (hence why Spirit and Birdie are BFFs). My friend is a very nature-loving person and is obsessed with birds, and Birdie was a name she was absolutely obsessed with at the time, so that's that.
Amberlynn was made by a friend of mine who loves all things witch-related. I doubt there was any reasoning behind the name other than the fact that it sounded whimsical and pretty.
Jordan also doesn't have much of a meaning. My friend who made up Jordan went through about 20 different names before she just picked this one. But it completely suits the girl, so that's perfect.
Isaac was, originally, the only boy in the group. Because of that (and the fact that the friend who made him is indecisive as hell), we just started voting on random boy names for him. 😅
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Then the OCs I made myself:
Keiko's name quite literally means: happy child. That's literally all the explanation I have. Keiko is just a sweetheart who deserves all the happiness in the damn world.
Oliver was a character that my friends and I debated on adding to the book. We just felt that the name was cute and would suit his sweet personality. But we just found his name on a website called 'Baby Boy Names'😭
Eliana just popped into my head. Literally, I was staring at my ceiling at 3am just trying to fall asleep and a little purple-haired girl just popped up in my mind and said, "Hey, I'm Eliana. Want some coffee?" (It's safe to say that I didn't sleep that night🥲)
Atticus got his name from the 'Baby Boy Names' website as well. {*sighs as everyone points and laughs*}
Felix only got his name because I discovered Stray Kids and fell in love with that deep-voiced adorable auzzie. (I only copied his name though. My Felix isn't Korean, a singer, Australian, or taller than 5'4")
Aiden was just a name I felt was cute. That's all the reasoning I have for him.
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 11 months
hello mei 😊 how are you today? i want to start this ask off by saying how surprised i was when you first followed me! pleasantly though of course :) ive made efforts to make my account as private as possible out of shyness but im so happy you followed me because you are such a pleasure to have on the dash 😊
i love how you keep your main f/o a secret… i admire it so much..! i have a secret f/o myself but she is by no means a main f/o and i dont post about her that much really!
ANYWAY. i have a few questions if youd be comfortable answering :) i know the nature of having a secret f/o can make answering questions hard… but i will try my best to ask questions you can answer vaguely while hopefully not giving anything away about him :)
first… when did you realise you loved him? and… do you have a story attached to your ship? if so, did it take long for the two of you to fall in love? or was it relatively fast?
OH MY GOSH HI!!!! YOU !!!!! i'm so sorry this is so late i think my inbox is eating th asks or something idfk BUT!!!
you are too sweet what the heck!!!!! /pos :'DDD omg yes apologies if my following was startling initially but i'll be so honest gorillaz is my fav band so i was soosososo excited to see a murdoc self shipper!!!! i know the lore pretty decently if u ever want to gush or discuss or anything, and i love seeing your posts as well!! hes v lucky to have u ;3
and thank you for the kind words AAAH sometimes i feel so invalid for keeping things secret so that really means a lot!! i'd be more than happy to answer though, those are such thoughtful questions im smiling ADHASUFDHD
cutting this up bc i rambled quite a bit im afraid...
anywayssss i actually saw my f/o for the first time on my damn TIKTOK FOR YOU PAGE which is. so goofy but i was like omg who is that :0 nd i eventually got into his source bc of him, so i guess i just liked him from the start as silly as that sounds :'3
as far as a story, i havent really thought of one but there is kind of an au that i play around w sometimes!! i like to headcanon that we wer both like. lowkey pining after first meet but both too oblivious to realize it LMFSKDJF . so i guess a mix of both lolz :)
ANYWAYSSS sorry that was insanely long but i would love to hear about ur selfship lore as well, if youre comfortable!! ur relationship seems so devoted n genuine , im curious to hear more abt how it happened (no pressure tho ofc!!) thanks again this was so sweet!!!<3
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moonbeam-writing · 3 years
Hi! I saw your requests open, i hope you dont mind😊 I realised that kakegurui tag on tumblr is kinda going quiet (really hoping for a new season for kakegurui tho). Anyway, I was wondering if I could have a oneshot for Yumeko with an oblivious reader that doesn't tolerate Midari, which yumeko ADORES abt the reader, which they became close friends and then to lovers over time. Like yumeko would try to ignore Midari and then would redirect the question to the reader instead lowkey flirting and the reader just cant catch a hint until yumeko does something and the reader is like "Oh...you like me to?? Cool cool cool cool cool. I kinds love you already tho." add your own twist to it if you want. Goodluck!!❤
— Oblivious
๑ Requested by a lovely Anon! ♡
๑ Characters: Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)
๑ Contains: Midari pestering the Reader, fluff, the Reader being absolutely and adorably oblivious, She/Her pronouns for the Reader
๑ Quick Note: I am so sorry this took so long! I am so grateful you requested and trusted me with writing something for you, however! Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy!
(Y/N) rolled her eyes in blatant disinterest, not even looking at Midari, who had cornered her against a locker. Instead of even pretending to listen, (Y/N)'s eyes focused just above Midari's left shoulder to where she could see Yumeko's warm, brown eyes looking over with mild intrigue. (Y/N) had a feeling that maybe it wasn’t even intrigue in Yumeko’s eyes, as opposed to slight relief that she wasn’t having to deal with Midari. (Y/N) wouldn't be too sure.
“Please gamble with me, (Y/N)!” Midari begged, moving to hold (Y/N)'s chin in her hand, a vibrant shade of pink dusting her face. The only reaction (Y/N) gave was trying to move away from Midari, pulling her chin from the Beautification President’s fingers.
"No." (Y/N) stood her ground. "Being in debt or gravely injuring someone doesn't really sound like my kinda thing."
Midari began to pout, letting an annoyed groan slip out. (Y/N) didn't care though. She was too busy looking over Midari's shoulder, wondering if Yumeko was still watching. (Y/N)'s eyes met a pair of warm and intriguing brown eyes and got her answer, feeling the tips of her ears heat at the eye contact. With the dead silence of the hallway, (Y/N) could hear the heels of Yumeko's uniform shoes click against the ground.
Holy shit, Yumeko was coming over.
"Midari." Yumeko's soft, purring voice interrupted Midari's grumbling dead in its tracks. Midari looked to the girl that was now beside her, adoration and excitement shining in her visible eye, pink dusting her cheeks. "Leave her alone. I'm sure you have better things to do, being on the Student Council and all."
Before Midari could even answer, Yumeko grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist, gently dragging her away. (Y/N) didn't even spare an instinctive glance behind her shoulder to see Midari's reaction – she didn't want to risk anything. That said, (Y/N) wasn't sure there was anything for her to miss; Midari was probably as starstruck as (Y/N) was. Much like (Y/N), Midari Ikishima also had thoughts and feelings towards Yumeko, however, (Y/N) was sure she didn't want to know what those thoughts were. Midari had never been shameless in the years that (Y/N) has known her.
"She's rather irritating, isn't she?" Yumeko asked, looking at (Y/N), slowing down to walk beside her and sliding her hand from (Y/N)'s wrist to her hand. Yumeko was still holding onto her and (Y/N) was sure she felt her heart stop.
"Yeah." (Y/N) let out a bashful chuckle. "Thank you, by the way. For saving me."
Yumeko giggled, giving (Y/N)'s hand a squeeze. "It's just the right thing to do." She replied. "Saving a pretty girl." Even though Yumeko winked at her, the implication flew right over (Y/N)'s head, though she still blushed, at least aware of the compliment.
"Thank you." (Y/N) mumbled with a smile and warm cheeks.
"Of course." She smirked, using her free hand to poke (Y/N)'s closest cheek.
The two continued to walk in silence through the halls, (Y/N) being so elated by her current situation that where Yumeko could be taking her hadn't even registered. (Y/N) was completely at the wild girl's mercy and would willingly follow her blindly.
"You're brave, you know." Yumeko stated out of blue, slowing you both to a stand still. "I haven't seen many stand up to Midari like that without shaking." She began to laugh. "You're something else." (Y/N) only hoped that it was a good kind of 'something else'. The girl opened her mouth to thank Yumeko again, but didn't get the chance. The gambler began speaking again.
"And for such a smart girl, you're awfully oblivious." Yumeko leaned towards (Y/N), twirling some of her hair. "It's probably a good thing you stay away from gambling."
(Y/N) felt as though she were drowning in her confusion. Everything felt as though it was going at warp speed, even though she knew better. The corridor they were in was empty and Yumeko was moving at a normal speed. (Y/N)'s flustered brain was working on overdrive and she way struggling to keep up. "Wha-"
Yumeko let out a small burst of giggles. "I like you, (Y/N)."
"I-I like you, too."
Yumeko sighed and looked into (Y/N)'s eyes. She could tell that (Y/N) thought she meant something platonic. "As in romantically, (Y/N)."
Here eyes widened. "Oh! Yeah! Yeah, I totally knew that, haha... I like you too."
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ariesjupiter · 3 years
Hi❤ then I will send my groom persona chart here and u can answer later when u r free😊 take ur time it's alright. I m jux happy u will help me with this😊 I hope everything is going well for u tho. U can dm me if u wanna talk abt it or jux anything it's fine. Blessings✨
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Hi! Thanks for checking in 💕 I hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions you might have.
Cancer sun in 9th house: Your future spouse’s overall personality will be gentle, caring, nurturing, protective, sensitive and generous. Since their sun is in the 9th, they’ll have a love of learning and will probably like to teach you. For example the combination of Cancer & the 9th house means they may love to talk and teach you about their family & cultural background. Perhaps they’d teach you how to make family recipes.
Virgo moon in the 11th house: As in a birth chart, the moon represents emotions, inner self, moods, and comfort. This could mean you’ll marry someone w/ a Virgo moon. They’re meticulous, hard working, and they could express their emotions in a way that’s practical and analytical. Moon in the 11th means they could treat their loved ones like close friends, since the 11th house is associated with friendship. Since it’s Virgo moon in the 11th house, they’ll love helping you out and giving you advice. Virgo is ruled by mercury, the planet of communication, and the 11th house is associated with technology so they may text or call you often when you’re not around. They may experience emotional fulfillment through community service work and talking about their hopes and dreams with you (11th house). Virgo moons are often good writers. They may leave you notes. Possibility of being slow to open up, and could be rather reserved with their emotions.
Leo Mercury in the 10th house: Their communication style could be loud, bold, warm, inviting, dramatic, and commanding. They could be someone who (lowkey) likes being in the spotlight and sharing stories with large groups of people. Since mercury is in the 10th, they may enjoy talking to you about their career. They have a sense of pride regarding their work and how they speak.
Cancer Venus in the 9th: The way they love is through comforting you. They have a good intuition on whether you want to spend time together or whether you need alone time. Since venus is in the 9th, they’ll want to travel with you. This is the chart ruler since there’s a libra rising in this chart (ruled by venus) so this means the energy and characteristics of this placement are emphasized. Since venus is in the 9th perhaps they’re a teacher, professor, author, or something to do with travel. they could be of a different race, culture, or religion. Maybe they’ll teach you about a language they speak. They’ll love to talk about the meaning of life with you and have playful debates. Cancer venus is very loving and romantic and they’ll express this nature by exploring and traveling with you as well as teaching you or philosophizing with you (9th house). They’ll love to stay in & hang out with you at home (cancer) but they’ll also often enjoy going out and doing new things together (9th house). Venus in the 9th house typically doesn’t like routines and needs new and exciting things to happen often. Upbeat personality, someone everyone gravitates towards.
Aquarius Mars in the 4th: Mars is the planet of action, ambition, drive, passion, desire, and sex. As a fixed air sign, Aquarius is determined, thoughtful, and social. They’ll always be coming up with new ideas. They’re non-judgmental and accepting of others. They can be eccentric themselves. Enjoys surprises. They go after their goals intellectually and they’re motivated in the spur of the moment. Passionate about equality and humanitarianism. Aquarius is independent and and usually not the sentimental type. These traits are shown through the 4th house of family and roots. I’m reading a lot into this but they might have had a tough childhood and there may have been fights often in their home. They learned how to be independent and be their own person at a young age.
Cancer Jupiter in the 10th: Jupiter is the planet of luck, growth, expansion, and good fortune. With Cancer Jupiter in the 10th, your FS will be sensitive to your needs. They attract opportunities when they’re being their sympathetic and nurturing selves. Since Jupiter rules expansion and it’s in Cancer, they might come from a big family and/or if you choose to have a family, you might have many kids with them. Jupiter being in the 10th means that they’re known for these Cancerian qualities. They’re someone who seems to always be lucky, especially in their career. Your future spouse will be respected, hard working, and talented in whatever they do.
Gemini Saturn in the 8th: saturn represents fears and limitations. Gemini saturn indicates that they’re intelligent, witty & clever. They may be very careful with their words. They’re probably someone who is very focused and could be an expert on a certain topic. With Saturn in the 8th, it may take them some time to be vulnerable and intimate with their partner. With saturn in the 8th house there could also be some financial hardships. They could be afraid of change. On the positive side, they’re patient and hard working and they have the capacity to be very perceptive and passionate.
Libra Ascendant: the rising sign is the ‘mask’ worn in public, this could be your first impression of them. It also contributes to their physical appearance as well as how they appear to others. As a Libra rising, they could enjoy socializing, they may be peaceful and avoid confrontations. They could be flirty and romantic. A lover of beauty. Someone who enjoys going to art museums and watching aesthetic films. Appearance wise they have a soft, beautiful presence. They’re polite and want everyone to get along. Pleasant, sweet, positive, attentive, and charming. Libras especially love to mirror people they like, though it’s usually subconscious.
Aries 7th house/Descendant: The 7th house is important bc it’s the house of partnerships and marriage. You could meet your FS somewhere active, doing something that involves high energy and competition. It could be a place that you went to by yourself, since Aries is associated with independence. As Aries is the first sign in the zodiac, perhaps it could be a place you’re going to for the first time. Aries is definitely a sign that experiences love at first sight often.
Cancer Midheaven: The Midheaven/10th house represents your public persona & reputation, career, success, and legacy. Your future spouse could be known for being caring, creative, understanding, and compassionate. Someone is nurturing. This indicates they could possibly be a social worker, therapist, teacher, chef, or nurse. They could also be very artistically inclined. Their career has to be emotionally fulfilling. Legacy for providing comfort and being soft-spoken.
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
waiittt omg being called old—- thats lowkey so mean 😭 were they joking at least??
and ooohh!! duly noted. i personally feel like early 2010s were everyone’s (or at least a lot of my friends’) fave era of music in general so that’s why i asked, it’s interesting to see it goes the same for some long time kpop listeners :0 what group that disbanded did you like the most? (sorry for all the questions im just curious whehshw)
barely two more weeks left until summer!! and that’s really interesting with the warmth and the weather, i’ve always seen winter as my source of productivity LOL but maybe that’s just bc when it gets warm out i get lazy—- but we don’t talk about that 😭
i hope your weekend was good !! also, 22, 25, & 15 for the kpop ask game? :3
hahaha it's okay, it was a joke dw!! and to be fair, when i was their age, even 18 seemed old to me so 🥲
omg so many disbanded but my main ones i still high key cry abt are the wonder girls (tho technically they debuted in 2007 and disbanded 2017), 2ne1, sistar, history 💔 the wonder girls were the first kpop group i listened to ever so they hold an incredibly special place in my heart!! (and there's no such thing as asking too many questions! i love answering them 😊)
you're SO close!!! ahhhh good luck to you in the last two weeks, i believe in you! it's funny bc i know a lot of ppl who like winter more and while i do enjoy cold weather too, i also feel less motivated bc i just wanna cuddle in my bed and lay there forever 😭 so i'm the opposite of you affskdkglsj
okay now for the kpop ask game — thx for asking these :)
15. What is the most underrated/under-appreciated group you stan?
idk if this applies now that they’ve ended kingdom, but sf9!! an incredibly talented group of ppl, so silly, and their discography is *chefs kiss* fun fact: i stanned sf9 before i stanned svt LOL
22. Is there an idol you’d like to hug? If so, who?
anyone with big arms but mostly seungcheol, mingyu, probably dk too…rowoon from sf9…um yeah and also like dahyun from twice i just love her sm
25. If you could hang out with any of your biases, who would you pick and why?
i would LOVE to spend a day playing volleyball and listening to the wonder girls w boo seungkwan. we’re both ENFPs too, like i swear he’s just the coffee-addicted, boy version of me
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