#I mean - maybe there is a reason - and Geralt hasn't said - maybe he does just miss him
bardicious · 3 years
Notable Witcher Season 2 writing I willingly discard completely from my canon of the show:
Geralt's instant parenting skills
Roach being alive for 33 years.
Eskel's death (though personally I like that it might have been a doppler or something similar and he comes back after the season ends)
The unreasonable amount of Witchers still living. And their fighting skills (that are subpar and henchmen like). My canon has only ever had Coen, Lambert, Eskel, Vesemir, Geralt, and whoever else is still alive (if they become relevant in Season 3, if not than I don't care - they don't exist either)
The other Witchers' armor that can't compare to Geralt's or Vesemir's.
Toxic Masculinity in the Witcher keep! BLEH! (Or I turn it into Toxic Witcher...inity? Cause they've had a hard life and hate outsiders now or something. Idk)
Rience finding the Witcher keep somehow???
Jaskier's fumble while sandpipering
Geralt's whole ass personality, really. (As in, take out all the toxic masculinity, the apparent uncaring of his friend and past lover, his only emotion being "protect ciri")
Anything Rience does past Jaskier's torture scene (cause I really don't get how he got to be anywhere in that story, also let him use more magic! I get it, he likes fire! But I need more, wtf)
Emhyr's whole ass face.
Any too ridiculous comic relief bit with Jaskier (they went way too much into it at several inappropriate times - which they've done in Season 1 and I've happily ignored in those instances too + though Im not saying I can't see Jaskier making jokes to lighten up tense moods - thats something I happily accept in his character and is in my keep list)
Yennefer and Ciri making it all the way back to Cintra... (feels like it makes light of Ciri's journey outside of there).
Triss' sudden wig, and Ciri's.
Lots of costuming choices this season.
Triss' attraction to Geralt and their whole thing... felt awkward honestly.
Alternatively Witcher Season 2 writing I will be keeping for angst purposes, things I like despite everything, and things I love.
Jaskier accepting Geralt's apology and Geralt not giving him a better one (thats really just on par with their relationship)
Geralt and Jaskier's entire rocky relationship
Jaskier's drinking problem before and after Rience (clearly started either after Geralt abandoned him or possibly another result of how the war and the persecution of the Elves has hit him hard)
Jaskier's destroyed lute (I miss you, I love you, but aaaangst)
Jaskier's sense of humor at the wrong place and the wrong time. What can I say, the man hides his tension and fear well.
Yennefer's everything. She's perfect. I love her.
Ciri, my love. You're doing wonderful.
Jaskier is fantastic too accept for how they did him dirty.
Lambert, Coen, Eskel's Netflix looks (yall are all lovely, and we don't need no game!canon versions).
Deathless Mother/Baba Yaga - I GUESS - she's the main villain of this Season so I have to keep her, but I wish she weren't so anti climatic. (She needs rewriting)
Every Witcher has their own personal medallion (I think it's really neat)
Jaskier and Yennefer bbfs. <3
Rience, my beloved.
One more, just for good luck, Witcher headcanons I add in to make myself happy and angsty:
Jaskier's torture burns are not healed up and he hasn't showed anyone the marks.
Jaskier's general ptsd after Rience tortures him.
Rience mildly (or a lot?) obsessed/attracted with Jaskier. (Why, yes, Jaskier, he is a big fan)
Rience finding Geralt, Yen, and Ciri by mistake and then attacking them.
Eskel is alive, and he's got a goat, he just hasn't made it back to the keep yet.
There are more Witcher schools (just in case there aren't in the Netflix version)
All the Witchers, including Geralt have scars on their faces.
Geralt starts showing facial hair.
Jaskier isn't human, but he doesn't know about it.
Stregabor is dead (I hate him - I hate Vilgefortz and Emhyr too but unfortunately they're too important to sacrifice to the canon gods)
Triss gets a change of heart, and makes up with Ciri. (no book/game canon Triss here, I know she's awful)
A year and a half passed - since Jaskier saw Geralt last. (I don't know how much time really past, but it needs to be more for me cause this all happening at once is too much)
The Deathless Mother is the reason Yen lost her powers.
The Deathless Mother's grip on Yen being so powerful Yen doesn't realize herself, how little in control she was. She believes it was her decision to sacrifice Ciri, and on some level it was, but she would never have done so if her mind was all hers.
Ciri and Yen bond for more time before Yen ultimately tries to sacrifice her. It's her budding love of the child that fights the Deathless Mother's grip in the end, but not quick enough to stop completely from her goal. Geralt still stops her. They still fight and don't quite make up for the finale.
Lastly (only one point), things I know f*ck all what to do with:
Jaskier's purpose for being in Kaer Morhen (WHY DOES GERALT GET HIM OUT OF JAIL???? NO REALLY? WHY?) I haven't the faintest how to place Jaskier there in a way it makes sense. Because the way Geralt's been acting, there's no real reason for him to have gone to jail break Jaskier (who was in trouble, but when he got there, Geralt didn't seem to care anyway, sooooo....)
This list is not at all concise enough. I have more thoughts and rewrites, mentally speaking. But Imma leave it at this.
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Geralt left on an adventure and hasn't been back in months. Jaskier is worried, to say the least. You've been dating him for a while now and always thought that he was rather close with the Witcher, but it is only now that you realize that his heart does not lie with you. Angst
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Jaskier x Reader x GeraltWord Count: 921Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine  a/n: Hey ba-non-arama, I hope you enjoy what I’ve written. I’m not a Geraskier shipper though I can get down with an OT3 so that’s the spin I did for this one. There is still Angst, and some unresolved stuff at the end of it, so I hope it still hits the mark in some areas. Thanks!
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You weren’t sure who was more anxious about Geralt’s disappearance, you or Jaskier. Jaskier was more vocal about it, though you knew for all he talked and worried there was even more that he wasn’t saying. You could see it in the dulling of his usually sparkling blue eyes and the almost constant furrow of his brow, only smoothing in his sleep and even then usually interrupted by nightmares where more than once you’d heard him speak Geralt’s name. You were afraid too but you didn’t want to add to Jaskier’s troubles so you wrote about it in secret, sometimes reaching out to Yennefer to see if she’d heard anything. For all that he insisted he didn’t feel or need others, Geralt had a coterie of individuals who cared deeply for him. He’d been missing for months and you began to lose hope that he would ever return. Jaskier, however, refused to even consider it.
“He’s been through more than you could possibly imagine and come out the other side,” he insisted as you sat together in front of the hearth one evening. You worried your lip between your teeth and tried to figure out how to proceed, or even if you should.
“Jaskier… you know that I love you. And I trust you,” you began. You felt him stiffen beside you but it only convinced you that you should keep going, force out the words now that you’d gotten this far, “And you know I love Geralt. But I have wondered at times… if your love for Geralt was more akin for how you felt for me.”
Jaskier stared at the flames before you, unmoving other than the slow rise and fall of his chest. When he finally looked at you, sorrow-filled blue eyes glossy with unshed tears, you knew the truth.
“Oh,” you breathed, looking back down at your hands. He took one of them in his own as he turned towards you, gazing at you imploringly.
“Y/N, please understand this doesn’t mean that anything I feel for you is untrue or different. I still love you, am in love with you, terribly so. But… yes. My heart also belongs to Geralt. And I haven’t said anything because it felt there was never reason to speak of it. He has Yennefer, we are friends, I am content with that,” he said. You shook your head.
“No,” you argued, giving him a sad smile, “No, that can’t be true. Not really. Look at how this has affected you. Can you truly tell me that you could spend the rest of our lives together without feeling that something is missing for you, without him?”
“I don’t feel I am lacking anything, Y/N, I need you to know that. Just because I hold love for Geralt in my heart doesn’t mean that you aren’t enough for me or that I need him to be happy,” he insisted.  You knew you shouldn’t feel as nervous as you were, not after Jaskier had admitted how he felt, but you still shook slightly and your voice cracked as you spoke again.
“What if… What if I wanted him too?”
You forced your eyes to his and though he looked taken aback he didn’t look hurt or betrayed as you’d feared.
“You mean… you and Geralt…”
“Nothing has happened,” you said hurriedly, “I have been loyal to you. But there have been… feelings developing for him for some time now. And… I wasn’t sure… I didn’t think it right to say anything. Because I love you with everything I have and I didn’t think it was possible to love two people at the same time, not in the same way… And it’s not in the same way, really. The same intensity but two very different kinds of love. I think maybe you don’t ever get the same love twice, but apparently you can get more than one at a time. Or at least feel it.”
You fell into silence staring at the fire, hands clutched around each other’s tight, as you considered the confessions of love you’d made for the man you feared you’d never see again.
“We have to find him,” you said suddenly, a rigid determination to your voice.
“Are you sure? If he’s been held up, whatever it is he’s facing is… very powerful,” Jaskier countered, though you could hear the eager excitement in his voice.
“We have to know. We have to bring him back, regardless,” you said, not able to summon the horrible fear you held about Geralt’s condition.
“We can ask Yennefer to join us,” Jaskier suggested, “Gather supplies and do some research.”
“He told me what he was hunting,” you offered, “That gives us a lead.”
“We’re going to find him, Y/N,” Jaskier said, a glimmer of hope in his eyes for the first time in months, “We’re going to find him and bring him home.”
“And then?” you asked.
“And then,” Jaskier replied, “We tell him the truth. And we let him decide.”
“What if he wants one of us but not the other?” you asked, thinking of how you sometimes saw the witcher smile at Jaskier, tenderly even through his exasperation, patiently even as he sighed and groused. Jaskier squeezed your hand a little tighter.
“Then he’d be a fool. And we will cross that bridge when we come to it. If we come to it,” he said. You nodded in agreement and took a deep breath.
“Alright,” you said, “Let’s go find the witcher we love.”
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