#Witcher Season 2
underpreparedbard · 9 months
Respond to this with a pick-up line Jaskier would use on the Kaer Morons
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winters-mistress · 7 months
Soft, gentle wolves.
Geralt wakes up when he feels the warm body that used to be laying across his chest and abdomen suddenly shoot up. He gunts at the horrible chamge from warm softness to cold breeze, and opens his eyes slowly, looking up at the girl who's sitting next to him.
She shakes visibly, somehow managing not to jostle Coën, who's laying across her lap, and Lamb, who's head is upon her shin.
Her breathing comes in hard and fast, and she shivers despite the warmth of the group of witchers around her. Her hands tighten around each other, and he smells the difference between sweat and tears.
"Shh, Ciri." Geralt murmurs, reaching up to pull her back down to him. She shivers still, grasping tightly around his waist. Eskel is behind him, and the man wraps his arm around them both, even in sleep. "Shh, now. You're safe. Here with us." He mutters, pulling her face into the follow of his chest and neck, where she had burrowed when the nightmares were horrid on the road.
Her body stops shaking, and the tears stop flowing. He purrs, low enough not to take his brothers and father around them and above them. All the inhabitants of the Keep have made camp here for three days, for it was too cold for even the witchers to navigate normally. And a big priority was keeping the fragile human girl warm and fed, and in this moment, comforted above all else. They must look a sight, a couple dozen mutated monster hunters piled on top of each other like the sleeping pups Vesemir always called them. Marek, Kaspian, Everard, Gwain, Nikolai and Kolbi are somewhere in the pile, he can hear them rumble happily in their sleep, even as Lamb reaches over Aiden to smack at them for being too loud.
The vibrations and low note soothe his girl quickly, and she settles back into his arms and chest, closing her eyes, gripping his hand and settling back to rest once more.
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I’d like to think I’m a mentally stable person, but then I realize I cry over fictional characters on a regular basis after creating thousands of fake scenarios in my own little head…
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scochetheboat · 2 years
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Figuring out how to draw Ciri :’B
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merthurmagic · 2 years
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Jaskier with a ponytail because I needed it <3
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araglas1989 · 1 year
Rewatching the last Episode of Session 2 before watching 3. I still don't understand how ciri manages to kill those witchers in their sleep... They are fucking witchers, they should have heard her approach them even in their sleep. Though maybe they slept deeper because they feel save in kaer morhen. Still...
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tastytaboo · 2 years
Geralt shows up in s2 in Jaskier’s cell looking like the worlds most kicked cat and tells Jaskier that he “needs his help” and then they proceed to show Jaskier babbling about Yennefer while he strips half naked in a lake. So the help Geralt was looking for was
A strip show to make him feel better (the least likely option)
Whatever information Jaskier had on Yennefer from their very brief encounter (most likely)
Or he figured that Jaskier has a latent sense for where people are and where to find them because he has always found Geralt these last two decades even when Geralt didn’t want to be found (my personal favorite hc)
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sayumichu · 2 years
"𝑰'𝒎 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈. 𝑰'𝒎 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔. 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒏."
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nezmar13 · 1 year
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In anticipation of Season 3 of the Witcher with Henry, here is little throwback to Geralt's training scene in season 2
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taiscerayne2426 · 2 years
So. We've hit season 2 episode 2 of the Witcher and my partner, who played the games religiously, is hurt and fucking PISSED at Eskel's death. He's been ranting for a solid 30 minutes, with no signs of slowing down
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underpreparedbard · 11 months
Genuinely wanna make some witcher fandom friends but I’m too damn awkward to dm people
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redeyessharplies · 1 year
I'm rewatching the Witcher season 2 and I feel like they really missed an opportunity when they were trying to get through to Ciri to utilise Jaskier.
One of my favourite fanon things is that Jaskier would go and visit Ciri when she was younger on her birthday in the winter and would sing to her a song he wrote for her.
It would have been amazing if, when they are trying to get through to Ciri, Jaskier just started to softly sing to her, adding a background music that amplifies Geralts and the other Witchers voices. It would give him an added level of relevance in the scene and would have been a really lovely way to work his unique skill set into the scene
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winters-mistress · 6 months
Alone No Longer
Gods, Ciri is exhausted. Cold too, so cold that she can no longer feel her legs underneath Vereena's pretty dress. They've been spread wide astride Roach's saddle for hours, catching gust after gust of freezing cold wind, her hair decorated with snowflakes.
Where is she? All the forest looks the same, dark with glowing white trees with glowing white ground, the stars shining bright as she snowstorm ravages on and on.
Where's Geralt? He told her that people bound by destiny would always find each other, he promised her that he'd come to her after she left with his horse. What was in that house? A beeza? A brooksha? Whatever it was was dangerous enough to make his face to chalky white and his eyes black depths because of that potion, and surely that's a bad thing? It has to be, he'd killed things to feed her and never did that. Is that little vial just for monsters? She can't tell, all the girl can tell is that she's lost, cold, exhausted and really sad.
She's greatful that the horse didn't buck her off or hasn't bolted with one of the great roars of wind. Roach could be just as temperamental as her master, she's seen her headbutt him in the face for no reason, and in the next breath lick a long stripe of slobber from chin to hairline. It was very gross, but rather amusing.
"I'm sorry, girl." Ciri moved her leg to run her foot across the cold horse flesh. Her hands are frozen tight to the stirrups, she didn't think she could move them if she tried. "I don't know where to go, what to do?"
What the fuck did Geralt expect her to do? Roach is outside the gate, if anybody other than me leaves this place, ride for your life. Okay, that happened, Vereena was blasted out of the manor, she rode like hell down the hills and streams. But what now? Go somewhere? Go back? Wait for him standing in place? Or keep riding his poor, cold horse in circles until he managed to find them? How could he find them? Surely Roach's tracks were filled with snow now, so what did he want her to do?
Ciri wished now more than ever that he wasn't so grumpy and grouchy and so uncoval, she would really have appreciated another step to that plan of his. Because if he had, she wouldn't be here, cold, tired, lost, riding around in circles just wishing he was here.
Was it Geralt that she wanted? Or Calanthe? Mousack, Eist? Maybe even Dara or Adam. Just somebody to be there, so she didn't have to keep looking over her shoulder as she horse danced in the snow beneath her, waiting for a hunter or a monster or a feather hared Knight who haunted her dreams and made her scream.
"Come on, Geralt." she whispers, wiping the snow from her lips, urging Roach on. The horse continues slowly, she ducks her head down, shivering at the feeling of the snow against the back of her neck. It's cold and wet and she desperately wishes to wake up in Nivelen's lovely bathtub or comfy bed and none of this would have ever happened.
Finally, the girl reaches a hollowed out alcove of a clifface. How far has she ridden? What time is it, will Geralt come?
She can't get off the horse without help. It was only because Nivelen has stored a box near where Geralt situated his mare that Ciri could climb on, but now? No box, no tree stump, no grumpy witcher? She's stuck up here, so once she steers the horse so her side presses against the dry wall, and a pathetic rooftop covers Roach at least, Ciri leans down and rests her face in the damp, knotted mane.
"I'll tell him to brush you whenever he comes back. You deserve as much, don't you, girl? Stuck with me in the eye of the storm." she murmurs. Gods, what kind of crazy person talks to horses? Has her few hours of solitude been the thing that sends her around the twist?
Her face is numb from the cold, and she wishes that either her cloak or Geralt's was there with her. Give her some sort of protection against the elements, because now that she has to be awake the rest of the night, or until the witcher finds her, the last thing she'll do is fall asleep and possibly get her protectors beloved mare stollen or killed.
"Come back, Geralt." she whispers, tears being the only thing that burns her right now. Could Vereena have killed him? Could she have lost another so quickly after her family?
Her eyes want to close, and she fights hard to keep them open. She can do this, maybe he's got a tracker device somewhere, maybe he's been following her this entire time, maybe he's part dog and has caught her scent and is running to them.
She giggles, delirious. Geralt, a dog? She must be loosing it.
She wishes this happened after a full night's sleep, that Vereena didn't start trouble until dawn, half a night sleep after so much exhaustion isn't sufficient. Its hardly good for one's wits to be so tired.
"Geralt." she whispers his name, not sure why. Roach twists her head, winnying. Ciri rubs her leg against the horse again, hoping she won't bolt. Just a moment of rest, that's all she needs. Just a moment-
Thr girl wakes with a start, feeling her damp dress stick to her back, and her back pop loudly with how quickly she sits up. Her body tenses and she gasps, but soon sags in the saddle as she finally sees the white haired witcher trudging towards her.
It's light out now, an hour or so after dawn, the sky has a reddish hue. He is a stark contrast against the white of the snow, all black with his hood pulled up, hiding his hair. But his eyes are as bright as ever, and she exhales with relief.
"Thank the gods." she mutters, shaking the snow from her hair. She's not cold anymore, numb now. It's better than shivering, she thinks, and now Geralt can do his witchering stuff and build her a fire to relive her.
Geralt grumbles as he reaches her, he spares a moment to rub at Roach's neck before he stops at Ciri's feet.
"I didn't think you'd go that far." he grumbles, reaching up to grab her. His hands almost connect around her waist, and she's pulled down from the saddle, groaning as she begins to feel her limbs again.
"She wouldn't stop. And you didn't tell me how far to go." Ciri's knees buckle as soon as he puts her on her feet, so he helps her sit instead.
"Gods, you're like ice." He grunts, touching a large hand to her cheek. She closes her eyes, feeling his warmth. How is he so warm? Another witcher trick?
"What happened?" she questions, only now realising that he's got blood on his face. Vereena's blood, Nivillen's?
"Found the bruza, she was feeding on Nivillen." He winces as he says the name. "Tried to get her off, she blasted me away. And we fought for a bit, she tried to bite me. He stabbed her, I ended it. And he told me things that-" he trails off. "-things that changed my opinion of him. We're not going back there." He trails. Ciri doesn't remember hearing him speak so much. He looks at her, scanning and looking for something she's not quite sure of. "I'll get you to a cave somewhere secure-" he decides. "-hunt you down a couple of birds, build a fire to warm you two up." He probably speaks more to himself than her, listing things he needs to accomplish to give himself something else to think about.
"Okay." she whispers, swallowing back another noise as he helps her up. He looks at her again for a moment, unclasping his cloak and sliding it over her shoulders. It's warm, and she sighs with the relief.
"Come on-" but he doesn't let her speak as he picks her up and plops her back onto Roach. He swings up behind her, reaching over to grab the reins. Roach huffs, but begins to walk obediently. "-try and rest, girl. I'll get you to safety."
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littlestsnicket · 2 years
“What did you do to her?”
“You know damn well what I did to her, bard.”
“No, it’s not that. She trusts you too much not to understand, maybe even sympathize.”
Yennefer doesn’t know what Jaskier means until it slots together in a stomach dropping epiphany.
“I let her believe Geralt was being tortured by Nilfgaard.”
“Oh, Yennefer. She will never forget that, nor should she. But in time, I think, she will understand better.”
“I don’t want her to understand better!”
“Some mother you’d be if you did.”
“I’m not—“
“Hmm,” Jaskier cuts her off with a wry smile.
[also on ao3 with author's notes longer than the fic, as one often does with drabbles]
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scochetheboat · 2 years
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Sometimes you gotta have fun like a kid 
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ladynearthelake · 2 years
Rewatching season 2, and I remain steadfastly in love with Jaskier’s stupid hat.
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