#I mean I can make a separate inception h/c fics if you wanted bc theres also a lot of those. by nature of the uhm. film.
Wait so, any inception fic recs?
Omg like ever??? Okay these aren't like. Deep cuts or anything these all have like 50k+ hits but these are my top 5
1. having let go forever the fallacy of ever being alone by gyzym
Start from like part 1 but as we covered yesterday I love happy endings so I love this one particularly the most. That scene in the kitchen where Eames is cooking dinner I literally just play it in my head allllll the time.
2. I've Got Nothing To Do Today But Smile (The Only Living Boy in New York) by gyzym
THEEE coffee shop AU of all time. If you need cheering up today read that. I also just recc everything gyzym has ever written just as a rule. Like every single thing. I endorse them all.
3. The Material Life of the Californian Suburb by eleveninches
This one is sooo charming and every single character is written with such vibrance like there are descriptions in here that I literally to this day can recall so well.
4. I Seem to Be a Verb by Aja
NOTTING HILL AU!!!!! Notting Hill AU. Come on. The best Notting Hill AU out there I love all the little cameos in this like Kate Winslet u will always be famous as a side character in the Inception Notting Hill AU fanfic.
5. Skybird by windsweptfic
Okay this is maybe a cheat because it's kind of a White Collar fic but also I just LOVE IT. Found family is maybe my favourite trope and this plays on that SOOOOO WELL.
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