#I mean I hate that for Blake bc of what that means for her emotional/mental state :(
averagemrfox · 1 year
Beacon Blake fully believing she’s a coward while allowing herself to become possessed by the nightmare grimm just to save Weiss. Girl pls
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lyrakanefanatic · 1 year
I just realised that literally everybody in the inheritance games series is traumatized in some way ☹️☹️
nash: had to watch his mother neglect him and then continue giving away his brothers while he couldn’t do anything about it
jameson: his mother neglected him, he was manipulated by his grandfather to make him think that he was nothing, and the whole Emily situation
grayson: neglected by his mother, had to carry the weight of the heir apparent, was forced to be perfect and not show any emotion, the whole Emily situation and just so much more
Xander: again, his mom neglected him, and he was lied to about his father from Tobias
Avery: her mother died when she was 15, she was nearly killed like 3 times, she had to carry the weight of being the heiress, was used as a target by Tobias, and a lot more
Libby: was in a mentally and physically abusive situation, was stressed out a lot when Avery was written in the will but didn’t wanna worry her, was constantly at the blame of all her relationships, and gets used because she’s “too nice”
Max: was disowned by her parents and not even allowed to talk to her own brother, had no one to talk to about it because Avery was written in the will so she was completely alone, and didn’t want to burden Avery with all the stress she had because she was already in the will and everything, and since Avery was maxs only friend she had no one else to talk to about it. (I kind of repeated some stuff but whatever u know what I mean 🙄)
Rebecca: Was living in her sisters shadow, never really felt like she had her mothers love, was constantly overlooked by her mother, was never allowed to date the one person she loved because she was afraid Emily would find out, and was blamed for Emily death by her mother (🙁)
Thea: Her best friend died, was forced to fake date a guy because she thought Emily would disapprove of her real relationship, and all her concerns about the Hawthorne family were overlooked as she was forced to spend time with them when they were the only ones with her best friend the night she died (ik Grayson and Jameson didnt kill Emily, but she literally told everybody how much she hated the hawthornes bc of “what they did” and was completely overlooked)
Eve: Okay I know everybody hates eve, but you can’t say she wasn’t traumatized. She was forced to have ugly haircuts and was forgotten just because she looked like the guy her mom had an affair with. Her existence ruined her family as her mom and dad fell apart because of the affair that her mom had, and she was ignored by her entire family but the second that Avery gets written in the will, THEN her half siblings decide that they want to contact her. She was used, just like Avery. Yes, she was a bad person, but she was alone her whole life and so when Vincent Blake was introduced, ofc she wanted to work for him, he was the only one who had ever shown her praise or even acknowledged her her whole life, and since she didn’t have any attention as a kid, of course she wants it now. She wanted to constantly be the best and do as he says because he didn’t want to let him down like she let down her family (just for existing, by the way.) so she did all these horrible things because she was afraid if she messed up, every ounce of attention she had gotten from Vincent would have been wiped away, and she would be alone again. Eve is actually a very layered character, but I feel like people dismiss that bc she hurt Grayson. And yeah what she did to him was horrible but nobody tries to see both sides bc people fangirl for him too much 🙄 (not hating, I do the same thing 🤭)
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robiness · 5 years
some waffling about rwby7 themes (spoilers)
im just rambling here a lot bc im too lazy/sad to get sources to put together another theory. this stuff might matter, might not, who knows these days
themes i discuss: trust/love, truth, time
1.  trust + love, duh
“trust love” is the most obvious theme, with it being the opening song and all - presumably trying to tell us that things will turn around once the characters get their shit together
all our groups have lost trust in each other, and are playing into salem’s hands right? but it’s not really like there was ever complete trust between the groups
i mean, literally the only arguable instance of complete trust is shown by clover to ironwood (as much as i hate it) 
everyone else just vaguely tolerated each other & worked together while they had common goals (ties in with “not friends” “just a job” mentality)
“i do believe in you, but not only you” oscar be slamming more than neo’s face out here
****”i wanted to trust you” sigh
2. in line with that, truth comes up as well
robyn hill’s semblance is quite interesting for a vigilante character, so im assuming it has a literary purpose for something other than ... two? scenes, only one of which she actually uses it 
robyn saying she wont stop until she gets “the whole truth”
team rwby withholding info (ruby from ironwood abt salem, bumblebee from ironwood abt telling robyn, weiss from anyone else abt the winter maiden (?), yang presumably from everyone abt the spring maiden)
ironwood withholding info from solitas until the tower was ready
oscar expresses discomfort about hiding stuff from ironwood
(so does yang but honestly she’s been kinda quiet this volume so idk)
the characters and the fandom have been fighting about who’s wrong here etc, but i think we’re focusing too much on the word “lying” (if someone HAS directly lied this volume, pls correct me) (oh wait ironwood said amity was ready) (well anyway that was around the time things were blowing up so ignoring that)
which interestingly connects to robyn’s line about “the whole truth”. the problem isn’t lies, it’s that nobody has complete information
lack of info made robyn hill suspect ironwood of selfishness, and so started her vigilantism 
lack of info caused jacques schnee to get the council on his side
lack of info also caused the qrow vs clover vs robyn conflict
we know how much lacking the info about watts + tyrian messed a LOT of stuff
+++ all the hiding i already mentioned above
and the solution now doesn’t lie (heh) with what they’re hiding from each other anymore, since by this time shit’s hitting all the fans and truth bombs are dropping left and right between them
right now, there’s probably something none of them know that will shift the tide
the opening again matches this idea with the line below - all the characters are blindsided somehow. they don’t have all the cards (stretch clover symbolism? dont care, blake n yang killed vine zeki anyway) so to speak
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3. and most interesting to me, a lot of talk about needing time in this volume 
off the top of my head, variations of “we just need a little more time” is said by Ironwood during a meeting, Winter to Weiss, Yang/Blake to Robyn, Nora to Mantle 
“the timeline has changed” is said by cinder and ironwood both, on separate occasions
***suddenly i remembered penny’s line about preparing for “six possible outcomes”, and that’s a time travel trope if i’ve ever seen one
speaking of fair game - the whole problem with them last episode was that the possibility of any real relationship is abruptly cut off (again, “i wanted to trust you”, meaning it could have eventually happened but time was against them)
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the opening song sets the concept of time up as something that will heal shattered hope, but there hasn’t been a point like that yet other than the qrow/clover cliffhanger
i mean unless it’s some lame “time will heal all wounds” schtick, but i doubt that lol
(im sure this has been extensively discussed by the oscar time travel semblance theory enthusiasts already but HEY hope y’all got something new)
idk hope or something lmao
other than that, literally none, i have nothing, and i’ve had nothing since qrow branwen shed his first tear so iT BETTER BE HOPE 
pls pls pls do share your thoughts if you took away something from this! i too need answers
im so tired of this game of emotions
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blookmallow · 4 years
and now we return to outlast 2, where- 
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(i have... a LOT im trying to process about this whole section sorry for upcoming text walls. really nasty #blood / #gore in here as well though) (i didnt realize i was This far behind on liveblogs lmao i drafted this. a while ago and didnt get back to it until now) 
so i fell off the bridge (shock. horror. who could have predicted this) and right into the scalled village
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what.............happened to you 
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so it turns out “the scalled” are... some kind of leper colony banned from the town and left to fester and rot out here alone 
most of them are just lying around suffering and dying, i dont know what the fuck happened to them, there’s some mention of like. wildly untreated syphilis/potentially other stds they’re being told is their curse for the sins they’ve committed but does.... syphilis do that to you. it might actually be leprosy i dont know i dont want to research this. all i can think about is when i watched jesus christ superstar in high school and the leper colony song where they’re all crowding around jesus all trying to touch him REALLY freaked me out for a while
i mean its like. probably a combination of disease left horrifically untreated and massively infected given the absolutely appalling conditions these people are living in (everything’s run down and full of blood and shit and who knows what else), starvation, who knows what they’re even finding to eat out here so that’s probably causing even more disease but still jesus christ
at first it just made me really sad, sure these people came from temple gate too so they were. fucked up cultists to begin with but a lot of this is like... result of longterm emotional and mental abuse and manipulation, some of these people might not have started out as depraved evil murderers, and like. nobody deserves to live like this. except knoth lmao throw him down here, but
so i thought maybe it would turn out that you realize they’re human too, they’re just in a fucking LOT of pain and maybe you can’t do anything to help them (i dont think there’s any hope for anyone down here at this point) but maybe they’d turn out to be on my side and do something to help me fight back against the leader who abandoned them, “the most absolutely fucked up looking people are actually the most human” kind of thing but uh. that is not how things went. at all, 
ill get into How Fucking Bad this got in a second lmao but like
most of them dont really do anything to you other than bleed on you and beg you for help, some people lash out but thats like, understandable given the horrifying state they’re in, but
as it turns out, being the “scalled messiah” is a VERY bad thing, they went from occasionally lashing out at me to outright tracking me down to murder me to death which, like, honestly kind of disappointing
bc one of the things i liked the most about the first outlast was how many of the prisoners were clearly just victims too, some of them (lookin at you, naked twin guys,) were just evil and murderous but some of them were just very very mentally unwell (exacerbated by horrible living conditions and the fact that the people who were supposed to be protecting them and helping them recover were actively, intentionally working to make their symptoms worse) and couldn’t really be blamed for acting violently toward you, but
then sometimes there’s people who warn you about dangers ahead, people sitting in corners hiding and scared and wont hurt you unless you give them a reason to think you might be a threat, people just trying to stay alive, people who need help 
but that’s. not the case here, and there’s definitely a particular kind of horror in “absolutely no one in this hell town can be trusted, nobody will help me, everyone here wants to hurt me and every time i think ive made any kind of progress it gets so much worse” (except that ONe guy who tried to protect me. im still sad about him) but. i dont know i feel like there’s a missed opportunity here. im not sure if im supposed to feel like the scalled deserve to be like this because of the kind of people they were before, but i dont. i feel like the “what the fucking shit HAPPENED to these people” horror is heightened by the realization that they’re people, and just kinda using them as attack zombies is. missing something, somehow. i dont know, i cant figure out how to word what i want to say here 
i mean its absolutely fucking horrifying, i was scared out of my mind going through all this, and i still gotta give props to a video game experience that left me legitimately feeling like i needed to go take a shower and crawl under a blanket for a while 
i guess ultimately with outlast im coming here to be scared shitless more than anything else and boy did they ever fucking deliver
ok im gonna stop bc i will keep talking in circles about this forever if i dont, moving on
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im guessing theres some kind of... inbreeding birth defect situation going on here but i cant even process what im looking at 
that and its hard to look at them at all considering the only times i see them im getting murdered to death. my panicked screenshots hoping to get a better look later did not help 
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how the fuck has my dude not thrown up like 90 times already. im glad he hasnt bc im bad emetophobia but outlast 1 did it so im honestly surprised that hasnt happened unless ive just forgotten it in the blur of nightmares im going through here 
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i gotta say im impressed with how FAR they GO with this one, i have no idea how much game i have left but considering this isnt even the ending i am HORRIFIED to see what the fuck is gonna happen next 
i mean outlast 1 has you getting your fucking fingers sliced off and whistleblower has. That Scene (even though like. it stops before waylon actually gets cut its REALLY CLOSE)  
this whole time i kept thinking something would happen and they’d get interrupted, I’d escape somehow, they aren’t really going to have the player character get literally fucking crucified from your own perspective,
but then the nails go in 
and you’ve got one hand literally nailed to a cross
and then they start the other one 
but they lift it up 
and you’re hanging there 
and for a second i legitimately thought it was gonna end there for him, i thought he was actually just going to die there and the game would continue with lynn or something (which, to be fair, would be a pretty cool twist, but i dont WANT blake to just die here like this) 
but against all odds HE SOMEHOW DIDNT FUCKING DIE, and managed to find the strength to rIP HIS HANDS OUT OF THE NAILS AND FALL DOWN
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i cannot fucking IMAGINE what that would feel like. i dont want to imagine it but i sure the fuck am now 
i dont know if its possible to like. die from bleeding out in this scene if you dont find the bandages fast enough but it sure felt like i was going to 
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fucking hell i can practically feel it in my real hands i HATE THIS i HATe it
god. fuck. im gonna be thinking about this scene for the rest of my life i didnt think anything would ever be worse than the finger slicing scene in outlast 1 but this. i think this wins
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w OA h
i still have no IDEA whats going on with these flashbacks either, clearly his classmate hung herself and he feels subconsciously responsible for it because he didn’t do anything to stop her (though it doesn’t sound like he Could have done anything, and. they were kids), there’s definitely some buried trauma he never dealt with thats resurfacing now but
i still dont think its just a manifestation of trauma, because like. the recordings are still coming out as fucked up static, if he was just having really intense hallucinations there wouldn’t be any record on the camera, it would just be him filming nothing and talking to himself through a panic attack, it wouldn’t be getting consistently corrupted ONLY during the flashbacks so what the fuck is happening 
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i m losing it its the cola machines from the first game i diD NOT EXPECT THESE TO BE HERE 
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what the fuck is christian salad 
you didn’t think i would see this, outlast devs, you thought you could hide this on the menu board and i wouldnt notice. i did notice and i demand answers
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The 100 Ask Game
Thanks for tagging me, @mamabearsdontthink - this looks like FUN!
1. What Station on the Ark would you be from?
I have a pretty green thumb with houseplants and outside flowers and some fruits/veggies. I could realistically be in Farm Station, I think, though Factory might be a fit too. 
2. What would you get arrested for on the Ark?
Political protest, for sure. Possibly with regard to the hierarchical aspects of their society and/or the representation of the people in the lowest stations. 
3. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground?
No, not at all if I was aware that people on the Ark needed to know we were alive in order for them to also be saved.  
4. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..)
Probably a rabbit or an owl, based on what I like and have jewelry about
5. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be?
Jacapo Sinclair, no question
6. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they?
Raven, Diyoza, Abby, Luna & Murphy - yeah that’s gonna be wild and I might die but it sure would be fun beforehand
7. What Grounder Clan would you belong to you?
I’m from the area of the Boat People and could see myself as a member of Floukru although I might miss land and gardening
8. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!)
Jenn = let’s go with Jynn
9. Thoughts on Finn? Some people hate him, and others love him, so I’m curious
Disliked him fully upon first viewing but after rewatch I think he had some merit. He was not loyal to Raven but I don’t think he did it on purpose
10. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does?
Nope, I would be a holdout. I don’t give in to peer pressure, I’m a skeptic and I’ve lived a long time without ever smoking a cigarette or doing drugs, plus I like organics and refuse to invite Alexa or Siri into my home. Yeah, don’t trust The Man, man! LOL
11. What character do you relate to most?
Oh, Raven, easily. We are not the same, but I get the way she made herself strong by focusing on what she was good at and burying the hurt, and her constant desire to keep the painful emotions bottled up. She’s outwardly confident but inwardly worried, and she tells herself all the time “I’ve got this” even when she’s freaked out. 
12. What character do you like the least?
Dr. Tsing, that horrible horrible horrible so-called “doctor”
13. Describe your delinquent outfit. (Would you wear something like Murphy’s jacket with the spikey red shoulder patch or have a trademark like Jasper’s goggles? Be creative, yet practical)
I don’t like to be dirty and I hate being cold, so I’m in dark colors and probably bundled up compared to others. My favorite color is blue though, and if I am from Floukru, maybe I have a dark blue jacket or a shirt with blue patches on it. I would also always carry an extra pair of socks in case my feet got cold. 
14. Favorite type of mutant animal?
There’s not many to choose from
15. What would your job be on the Ark?
I could see myself working a bit undercover like Nigel, getting covert things for people or making deals, although my regular job might be for Farm Station
16. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked?
yeah, I could do that
17. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, but she was still alive then who would have made the best commander?
I’d pick Indra. She was kind of blood thirsty in the beginning and turned away Lincoln from Trikru, but she proved open to other suggestions, she learned to trust Kane and she even avoided killing Pike although she wanted revenge because she realized they needed him to complete the mission they were on. So later Indra, not early Indra. Otherwise probably Luna. 
18. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty?
Hmmmm.... I get overly affectionate when drunk, so if that’s any indication, I should probably stay away from those nuts
19. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? A more John Murphy approach or Bellamy Blake approach?
Consequences with compassion - hopefully the Bellamy Blake version
20. Who should have been the Chancellor, if anyone?
Jacapo Sinclair, mostly because he wouldn’t have wanted the job. The best leaders are the ones who are least likely to want power
21. Would you have been on Pike’s side like Bellamy or on Kane’s side? Or Clarke in Polis?
Kane’s side
22. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod) What is the one thing you would snatch while there?
Ingredients for food like cake and other desserts. Yum!
23. What would your Grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint?
I have a rune compass tattoo at the base of my neck. I might have more tattoos if I was a Grounder, but not obvious ones - maybe inner wrist, maybe something on my ankle or behind my ear. They would likely be symbols of things or types of characters that would provide protection or inspiration of a life goal. No war paint, I don’t think, though that could change if the cause were just. For hairstyle - I wear my hair down about 98% of the time, so maybe there would be some small braids but I doubt my hair would ever be fully pulled back. 
24. Favorite quote?
You know, it’s not well known, but Murphy tells Ontari that “It’s better to lie your way out of a problem than kill” and that always sticks with me. Plus anything Sinclair ever says to Raven (oh my heart)
25. If all of the characters were in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning?
Luna, because I think she could outlive everyone either by fighting until the death OR by stomping off by herself and outlasting everyone out of sheer willpower
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non canon ship? NOT INCLUDING CL OR BC OR BE
Least: I have never been onboard the mem0ri train
Favorite canon: Murphy & Raven and their whole dynamic
Favorite non-canon: Murven but now there’s sex
27. A song that should be included in the next season? If there had to be another guest star like Shawn Mendes on the show, who would you want to make a cameo?
"What’s Good” by Fenne Lily or “Bill Murray” by Phantogram for songs in the show. For a guest star, I could really get behind Pink being someone who lives on the new planet and is kinda crazy and all about being a strong female leader. She could do something wild or she could do some haunting ballad that would make us all have feelings and I could so see this now
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time?
Is this a trick question? I mean, there was wine in that lighthouse bunker, and I already said what happens when I get drunk. 
29. You’re an extra that gets killed off. How do you die?
I wanna go like Sinclair, barrette dad or David Miller - protecting someone I love. It would probably be Raven, honestly. 
30. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of?
31. A character you’d bang?
Damn, this is a revealing quiz. I’d totally bang Diyoza but this question probably needs it’s own list
32. Would you stay in the Bunker? Go up to Space? Or live on your own in Eden?
I’d probably prefer the Eden environment, but ultimately I’d go to space even if it scared me and felt claustrophobic because I would need peer relationships
33. In the Bunker, would you follow Octavia? What would you do to pass the time underground?
yeah, I’d go along but mentally I might be preparing my eventual escape - creating a fantasy world to escape from the reality of it all
probably read and learn some kind of martial arts
34. What crime would you commit in the Bunker that lands you in the fighting pits?
I don’t like to recite pledges or make oaths I don’t intend to keep
35. Up in Space, who would you bond with first? Who would be the most difficult for you to get along with?
I’d get along with Raven right away, and not just because I love her but because we do have some things in common and I could put up with her snark. Tougher would be Em0ri if she was being mean to Murphy like in S5
36. How long do you think you would last on Earth by yourself?
I think I could go awhile if I had berries, leaves and water as choices. If I had to eat bugs though, I’d probably find a way to kill myself quickly. I’d eventually get lonely, which would be a problem, but if I could find books I’d last a hell of a lot longer too. 
37. When the Eligius ship lands what do you do?
Watch for a while, for sure. See if I could find a way to lure them away from my area for good. 
38. Favorite Eligius character? Least favorite?
Diyoza is my favorite for sure
least favorite - McCreary but in a I love to hate him way
39. Would you Spacewalk?
No. I love roller coasters but I wouldn’t bungee jump either
40. Would you prefer to eat Windshield Bugs, Space Algae, or Bunker Meat?
Algae if I had to pick, otherwise my life would totally be in danger because I’d be so repulsed
41. Would you start a war for the last spot of green on earth? What would your solution be to avoid it?
I’m up for diplomacy and would keep trying til all options were gone before I’d head to war. Maybe inter-marriages, or skill trading/trainings
42. Would you rather dig out flesh-eating worms or stick thumb drives into bullet holes?
Thumb drives into bullet holes since at least I wouldn’t get infected by that
43. Are you willing to poison your sister for the Traitor Who You Love? What would you do to stop Octavia?
Yeah, if I thought the biggest chance would be that it knocked her out rather than kill her, and that having her out of the way would mean peace
44. Would you go to sleep in cryo or stay awake like Marper?
Sleep along with my faves
45. Who are you waking up first to explore the new planet?
Not too different from the show, maybe, although I would have sent Indra down to explore with that team since she’s an experienced leader and fighter, but if we wanna go a bit fantasy like for a moment, then I’d wake up Raven & Murphy and “accidentally” lock them in a closet together for as long as it would take. 
Consider yourself tagged if you wanna participate, and I’d love to read your own choices! 
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