#I mean I support people havign fun w taylor’s music but yeah would taylor swift ever a write a song called r*tard girl? no she would not
dykesynthezoid · 5 months
Can you imagine explaining to the “oh Courtney Love is that crazy hysterical lady who totally killed her husband” and “yeah I heard Hole totally got all their songs from Billy/Kurt/whatever man I’m claiming wrote them this week” people that Hole has a song called “R*tard Girl” that Love penned as an expression of the constant bullying and abuse she endured as an autistic child. Like what if you saw this woman as a human being who, whatever her well-documented history of messy/problematic behavior, does have a vibrant internal world and has endured immense suffering and also has shown more unflinching, unapologetic artistic courage than many artists ever do in their entire lives. Like what if you thought about that. What if you possessed enough independent thought in your body to consider that. Lmao
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