#I mean for my list of companions it still EASILY goes ROSE...... and then Amy... and then (Jack) everyone else
camellcat · 1 year
what happened. what happened. I could not get myself to get into martha OR donna but OHH lookie here folks AMY AMELIA POND comes on screen and it takes me 10 MINUTES to fall in love. WHAT! how. weird. sus. suspicious. how did u do that miss
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dielittlehero · 8 years
PLS ignore
I wish i could use some of my photos, but I had some problems with my mac and 2016 claimed my 40GB photos library. I’m mad as hell.
Anyway, without further preamble, thanks @n3rd-p0w3r for tagging me. Love ya, kid.
· Relationship status?: Single.
· Lipstick or chapstick?: I use more lipstick these days, mostly because I lose the lip balms constantly. 
· Last song listened to?: Hmm, I think it was “Life’s Too Short” of the deleted Frozen soundtrack. I read something about the sequel and I started investigating how the first movie was made and I think I like this movie again, I hate the fandom, but I like the movie.
· Favourite colour(s)?: Blue. But a light blue. I also like red a lot. Ironically, my room is green. 
· Last movie I watched?: I watched Frozen with my brother and my cousin when I babysat them a few days ago.
· Top three shows?: UGH, I am not someone who likes TV shows that much, I always forget to keep up with them. 
Doctor Who, even though it is shit 90% of the time, it has managed to keep my attention for 9 series. 
Black Mirror is my current obsession
Clara Oswald. I love Clara Oswald with all my heart and I can’t believe that the fandom has such a complicated history with her. By that I mean that I do believe it, I hate fandoms. Basically, her whole character arc is a subversion, even in series 7, when people said that she had no personality, she was a subversion. She was meant to be both similar enough to be close to the other companions, but she did have a personality of her own, even if it was in the background because The Doctor (and the audience) was too engrossed by her supposed mystery to pay attention to her. Actually, all those things that she exhibits in s8 more prominently are anchored in s7. In s8 you see her grown from the recent uni grad that she was in s7 to a mature, controlled woman. It is a mask, as always, and her flaws and assets are still one and the same. After the end of s8, though, she has learnt so much, she can lie both to save her life and to control others, she is smart and quick witted, she is a leader and a control freak, and she has to keep her masks. S9 is a direct result of that, with her lying and cheating and that wanderlust she had at the very beginning becoming recklessness, which all combined lead her into a suicidal attitude. Man, I love Clara Oswald.
Cosette Fauchelevent. I can’t believe that after all these years I can still spell her last name. ANYWAY LET ME SPEAK ABOUT THIS LITTLE SHIT. In the musical, Cosette barely appears and when she does, it is only to sing with Marius about their love and be cute, IN THE BOOK SHE IS ALWAYS MOCKING MARIUS. Marius is a loser no matter what I love you too Marius but Cosette is literally one of the most motherfucking badass characters in the book. I mean, she is literally the embodiment of what Les Amis are fighting for, she is the destitute that rose because someone was kind to her, because everyone can rise, and also everyone can fall--that’s Éponine’s story btw. Also, I cry every time when I read about Valjean trying to hug her as a child and her thinking that he was going to hit her. 
Barbara Gordon. Aka Batgirl aka Oracle aka Batgirl again. First of all, comics are not my thing and I’ll admit that I’ve read only a small quantity of them and that I find Batman incredibly boring. But, boy, I love the Batfam. Babs story has changed a lot, because that’s apparently something that comic writers do a lot, so obviously I’m gonna kind of ignore some continuities, but basically Barbara is the daughter of James Gordon aka the Commissioner aka the cop that helps Batman and she wants to be a cop but her father won’t let her so she makes a homemade Batman costume to a Fancy dress party to make her father mad, but some C list villain tries to kidnap Bruce Wayne and she saves him and since nobody knew who she was she becomes Batgirl, eventually earning the seal of approval of Batman himself. She operates mostly alone, though she is friends with Robin/Dick. In some continuities she is older than him, in the current one, they are the same age. Anyway, she was doing it because it was fun, but it is Gotham and it fucks people up, so after Bruce and Dick fight and Dick leaves to be with the Teen Titans, Babs quits being Batgirl to take care of her father. The Joker shows up one day at their place and he shoots her, leaving her paralysed, and takes pictures of her bleeding out, naked, to torture her father. She becomes Oracle, though, a hacker that specialises in fucking villains plans and is a leader to like 3 superhero teams. In the current continuity she is cured and goes back to becoming Batgirl again and everything else is really controversial to get into but that’s why i like it. 
· Top three ships?: 
Whouffle. Any Doctor and any Clara, I’m in for it. Especial shout out for souffez because it’s been forgotten by the fandom for quite a while now. Also, I love that this was a ship that  was a) kinda love at first sight from the Doctor’s point of view and b) something that grew with friendship from Clara’s point of view and c) something that was both so good that its dissolution was both foretold and feared, but it was a prophecy so it obviously was self fulfilling. Also, I really like that it can be read as either a romance or a friendship even though everyone says it is a romance
Dick and Babs. Friends to Lovers is my favourite romantic trope, well that and when the characters flaws that have nothing to do with a relationship fuck the relationship and hoop boy these two are fucked up. I mean, they worked with Bruce Wayne, they needed to be fucked up. I actually really dislike the current continuity version of their relationship but I still think that it can be saved, like extremely easily saved. Fuck you, Didio.
Jane Eyre and Rochester. Okay, but this book took me by surprise because I thought that it was gonna be one of those creepy romances in which the main dude does a lot of fucked up things and nobody calls him out BUT THIS BOOK DOES THAT AND PUNISHES HIM. Jane takes none of his shit until he learns and even then, she too has to change. I love Jane Eyre.
yo do this if you want @/anyone
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