#rory williams also deserves so much love
camellcat · 1 year
what happened. what happened. I could not get myself to get into martha OR donna but OHH lookie here folks AMY AMELIA POND comes on screen and it takes me 10 MINUTES to fall in love. WHAT! how. weird. sus. suspicious. how did u do that miss
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etherealspacejelly · 11 months
i feel like infodumping so here is my opinion of every new who companion!!
Rose Tyler
shes the og, shes That Girl, she is the moment! (lol, get it?) Rose was one of the best companions fr. her love story with the doctor is so beautiful and so tragic and honestly, he Needed her. ninerose >>> tenrose i said what i said. 9/10
Jack Harkness
very fun character! they kinda ruined him in torchwood a little bit. some of the earliest explicit queer rep in mainstream media i ever saw, if not the first! i loved his dynamic with rose and nine. 8/10
Mickey Smith
my sweet boy, my babygirl. he deserved so much better fr. dont get me wrong, i love Rose, but the way she treated Mickey was so mean. also the doctor hated his ass for no reason other than he was competition for Rose's affection. plastic Mickey was iconic. 8/10
Martha Jones
ICON!!! QUEEN!!!! i Love Martha soooo much. she was the only companion to Get Out and i love that for her, she deserved it. she slayed fr. however i do kinda hate that most of her character was simping for ten like. girl. stand up. 9/10
Donna Noble
Oh My God, incredible. cant wait to get her back!!!! the adipose scene through the windows???? hilarious, i can quote every word!!! she gave the doctor a run for his money and i love that for her. she was exactly what he needed after Rose and Martha, just A Mate. 10/10
Amy Pond
my favourite companion!!! eleven was My Doctor tho so thats probably why. every episode of season 5 is a banger. i love that she and Rory and River became a family to the doctor. love her. little Amelia is so cute and grown up Amy is a total badass. fish custard/10 10/10
Rory Williams
my beloved <3 hes so boyfriend fr. raised my standards as a kid. he waited 2000 years for her ;-; 10/10
River Song
hello sweetie :)
i love that her story was told backwards, very interesting narrative choice! knowing that she was always doomed to the library was so tragic. learning all of her secrets over each series was very fun and satisfying!! 10/10
Clara Oswald
hmm. not one of my favourite companions. she's ok i guess? the impossible girl thing was kinda cool but i dont really like her as a character. 5/10
Bill Potts
YESSSS! i love lesbiabs. lessbiens. women. her ending was super sad tho :(
she was cool and fun and gay 9/10
Yasmin Khan
hrm. boring. didnt have much of a personality, not really her fault the writing was just so shit. she had potential!! thasmin 4 lyfe! 4/10
Ryan Sinclair
yea. no. dont like how they made his dyspraxia a fun quirky thing that he just. magically got over somehow??? its a literal disability. my brother has it. it could have been so interesting to see how that manifested over the course of his travels with the doctor but its almost like they just. forgot about it?? also he was boring as hell. 2/10
Graham O'Brien
i literally didnt even remember his surname, i had to look it up. he was just kinda. there. a little more interesting than Ryan i guess?? but. still. 2/10
Concluding remarks
looking forward to Donna coming back and meeting the new companions!!! i hope the writing is better in this season :/ chibbers was Not It. anyway. thanks for reading my silly little ramble!! special interest go brrrr
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benoitblanc · 1 year
right back at you !! top 5 swear words and alsO top 5 tv show ships 🩷
top 5 swears:
"fuck" is my favorite word just in general. i say "fuck" much more than i should. it's so versatile. i move back to uni next week and one of the things i'm looking forward to most is having my "fuck" privileges back (i'm currently staying with family, lol)
gotta love a good "bugger"
"shit." can't beat the classics
i don't really use "twat" but it's really satisfying phonetically
when used right "hell" is sometimes even more effective than "fuck." "what the hell" indicates greater alarm to me than "what the fuck"
top 5 tv ships:
that's a hard one. i have never made fox mulder slash dana scully from the x-files my entire personality. what is this em ess arr thing you speak of
kaz brekker and inej ghafa from shadow and bone... i can't think about them for too long or i go insane
isn't it wild how amy pond and rory williams from doctor who invented love???
and this is a revolving spot but right now it's dani clayton and jamie taylor from bly manor. deserved SO much better but also that was kind of how the story needed to end
ask my top 5 anything!!!
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benwvatt · 2 years
my 2022 writing year in review!
 Thank you so much to @feeisamarshmallow for the tag!
1. Number of stories posted to Ao3: 32 separate stories! I was very fortunate to have a productive, joyful writing year, and I also started writing shorter stories rather than longer ones this year.
2. Word count this year: 74,396
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Gilmore Girls, Grey’s Anatomy, Heartstopper, Murdoch Mysteries, Severance, Supergirl, The Fault in Our Stars, The Martian, Virgin River
4. Pairings: Aang/Katara, Sokka/Zuko, Jake Peralta/Amy Santiago, Rory Gilmore/Logan Huntzberger, Charlie Spring/Nick Nelson, William Murdoch/Julia Ogden, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Hazel Grace Lancaster/Augustus Waters, and Beth Johanssen/Chris Beck.
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: i’ve been around the globe, found a diamond wrapped in gold (but it doesn’t shine like you) which is my Supercorp friendship bracelet story! I just finished it and I was so happy to be able to give it a satisfying, cute ending.
Bookmarks: same thing as above! this was a really popular story :)
Comment threads: to know you like the back of my hand, which is my collection of a dozen one-shots I wrote for Supercorp.
Word count: same thing as above! this fic was my longest this year, at 9,100 words total.
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): I’m going to go with memories painted in much brighter ink, the Heartstopper fic I wrote about Nick and Charlie dealing with their negative relationships with Harry, who decides to apologize to them both for being a bully and a bad friend. That fic is also tied with please remind me to forget you for the story I’m most proud of (this one is my Murdoch Mysteries story about William and Julia reconciling after she marries the wrong guy.)
They were both really interesting missing-moments stories that included letters (I’m a big fan of epistolary communication! letters are so intimate and personal!) and I don’t think most other writers would have published something like this. It felt exciting and special to focus on these parts of canon and expand them, exploring the characters’ curiosity and heartbreak at the same time.
7.  Work I’m least proud of (and why): Definitely i strung you a halo of stars, which is a collection of 4 stories I wrote for Supercorptober. I was really anxious and stressed when I wrote these stories, and I felt like I kind of had to “keep up” because it’s a fandom holiday and we had daily challenges. The writing became more about maximizing word count rather than enjoying writing, which is why I only did Supercorptober for about 5 days before quitting. I was just too busy and uninterested in the end.
8.  Share or describe a favorite review you received: Oh, I have so many! @nostradamus0 is kind enough to leave screaming reviews on many things I write (thank you for that, friend) and I also got a lot of really lovely reviews on Supercorp stories I wrote about parental trauma or forgetting your native language or struggling with anxiety.
 I really like to write hurt/comfort and fluff combined, and it was so nice to see that my stories were able to comfort other readers who were also dealing with stress and hurt.
Aaaaand I got so many lovely reviews on the fics I wrote for Kataang or Heartstopper. I love being able to write things that entertain and make people happy. I’m quite good with banter (it’s my main thing and the easiest thing for me to write) and I insert it wherever possible. 
9.  A time when writing was really, really hard: Supercorptober! I was pushing myself to do a monthly challenge when I had schoolwork and other stuff to deal with, and it just didn’t work out for me. I’m glad I quit so early. Quitting is good and quitters deserve hugs and chocolate. If you can’t sustain something, taking a step back and interrogating why is a good idea.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Helly R from Severance. She is amazing. I would die for her. I wrote about her in my reputation precedes me, a ficlet about her character growth, and I can’t say anything more without spoilers. Severance is the best tv show I’ve ever seen. I don’t usually like thrillers/horror but Severance is light on both and it’s just so GOOD at exploring the ways that capitalism will devour you from the inside out.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
this is a scene from (whoever said I would find someone new) must’ve never met you, a Supercorp fic set at a southern bar where Supercorp have broken up in the beginning and they get back together by the end.
I really loved writing Lena’s experience at this bar, The Great Beyond, and creating OCs who are all friendly and loving. I’m also just ... weirdly excited to write the OCs falling in love with each other because they are all gay? And I love a good queer southern love story.
Fuck. She should’ve just turned into bed early instead of driving out here to the bar, The Great Beyond, to say hey and good evenin’ to the regulars. Tim probably groaned when he saw her. Marcie in the corner cheered gently when she walked in. Lena always dances with her when it’s eleven and they don’t wanna go home yet. And then there’s Lucas, about to get his first tattoo, and Connor who keeps his guitar in the backseat. Just in case he figures out the bridge of the song he’s been writing since last year, y’know. He and Tim came up with the chorus together.
Connor won’t tell you he plays but he can sing you a story, rock you to sleep, take you on an old-timer’s tour of dreamland. Lena’s been before. She’s seen the milestones and skipped them across the pond. The road on the way there’s a little rocky, but it’s nothing she can’t handle.
Ashley sits front and center, welcoming the warm glow of orange light. Steph tilts back in her chair and offers once again to braid Ashley’s hair, or perhaps Lena’s. Steph had been laid off from the beauty salon last month. No luck since.
Lena said yes once, on a Saturday when she found an old receipt from the time she and Kara went and got ice cream at Braum’s, and Steph wiped her tears away with a ratty napkin before twisting Lena’s hair into a Celtic knot.
“No, I’m Irish,” Lena blurted, “and I dunno if I’m a Celt-”
Steph laughed. “Who’ll ever know ‘cept for you?”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: I started writing for different fandoms instead of being strict with myself about “the core fandoms” that I had to stick to! I wrote shorter stories (like, 1500 words or less) because I liked it and I didn’t have time to do a big multichap fic. I branched out. I had fun while writing. I wrote meta for Grey’s Anatomy and Virgin River. I quit writing for The Resident because that show took a SERIOUS downturn in quality recently, and I don’t ever want to watch it again (if you know, you know.)
This was a good year and I had so much fun writing shorter stories, and different stories for various tiny fandoms.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: I want to get better at not defining success through the number of hits/words/comments/etc. a story has. Stories are allowed to exist just as they are. Less popular stories aren’t “bad” or “not worth my time.”
I also hope to finish up some of my unfinished multichap stories, and mayyyybe write more for B99 (I only wrote 1 B99 story this year, and it was meta rather than fiction, which is a big change from previous years when I wrote a lot of peraltiago fic.) AND I want to keep writing whatever I want, even if that means writing for new fandoms that I’ve never tried before.
I like writing things out of love I’m not a good visual artist; I’m not good with textiles or gifs or drawing, and I often wish that I could translate the images in my head to art on a page. But fic is one of the ways that I like to give back to fandom, collaborate with fandom, meet people in fandom. I love that I can have a fleeting idea and publish a story about it in the next 12 hours.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@nostradamus0. It’s not even a question. He is lovely, and lets me scream at him about Kataang even though he’s never seen ATLA, and I can send him excerpts of my stories anytime.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: EVERYTHING from real life shows up in my writing.
must’ve never met you was inspired by neotraditional country music of the 2010s/2020s (it’s great! it’s making a comeback!!!)
many of my supercorp fics are inspired by my cats and my narwhal painting (technically, it’s a poster of whales, but there’s a narwhal in there) and my desperate desire to have a lamp shaped like a jellyfish.
I constantly write scenes where people bake because I get frantic if I don’t bake for several days. Oh, and I also constantly write scenes where people daydream and write letters/letters and cherish the softness of their homes because I’m a gentle person.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Uh, overusing italics is a really bad idea because it ruins the flow of your sentences. Getting a good flow often involves reading your work in your head so you can imagine the ups and downs of the words.
Writing takes time and you’re allowed to be frustrated that you’re not “better.” Give yourself time and space. Write as often or as rarely as you want.
Write down fic titles and AU ideas in a list in Google Docs because you may want them later. Don’t be afraid to be silly or gloomy or whatever; this is your blank page! Your words are the ink!!!!
Reading other people’s work, whether a published book or a fic or stuff like poetry, is a great way to get better at writing. Offering to be someone else’s beta reader, such as on AO3, is often a great way to make friends and learn more about writing. Oh, and try not to judge your writing too harshly. You still have so many good things waiting for you.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: hmmmmmm I do have 2 peraltiago AUs (the you’ve got mail AU and the Jake-is-undercover AU) that I want to finish sometime in the future.
I also have several ATLA stories that are random memory-tangle-ideas (the Aang-Spiderman AU, the Katara is undercover as both a Kyoshi Warrior and the Painted Lady AU, the Kataang Mulan AU, the Zukka turtleduck petting zoo AU, the Zuko-emotional-support-dragon story) that I hope to write eventually! Or, at least, they will stay good dreams.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read:
@nostradamus0, @chocomd, @flameohotwife, @dearestpartnerofgreatness
and anyone else who wants to participate! If you see this, you are free to do this tag if you like! <3
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
just so you all know, i love rose tyler every day. my love stops literally at the christmas invasion because then after cassandra the flanderization begins. if tenth doctor and tentoo has to perish so be it.
jack. girl find rex matheson already i dunno what you waiting on. *plays the star spangled banner jill scott edition* mekhi phifer come back and get ur fellow immortal man. he's starting to look like a wet cat again.
i love donna noble every full week, my love dont stop and now it wont. if tentoo has to die via aneurysm (because his mind refuse to let him speed up the tardis growth because once he does he'll do what the dr did and leave his kid and wife behind until the one time he does return, they too are left for dead buried in a rubble of his own negligence) for her to live, sorrows prayers. sorrows. prayers.
i love dr. martha jones every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. if tenth doctor has to be beaten so bad by 8 9 12 13 14 15 and master!doctor? let it be so.
i love amy but girl get a therapist. rory get a therapist.
i love river song aka melody williams as much as donna. like girl you got an adoptive granddaughter that looks like jodie foster cosplaying you, if thats not memorable and romantic idk why the dr be fumbling that bag so badly. u can do better.
i love clara oswald but girl c'mon. you got too comfy as the goddess kali - even though you were nowhere near being her in any form to begin with - one time and suddenly you're the ghost you predicted. if the time council has to be humbled again? court is adjourned babes.
the moment aka the interface. baby girl thats actually a planetary bomb turned literal god, im sorry you keep being mistaken for rose tyler by everybody else but the doctor. you deserve better, something 13 and i agrees on according to the novelisation of your appearence. you are better. without you, 9 wouldnt have fell for rose in the first place.
bill potts i love until the stars stay in the universe. if she has to make fun of the dr even as part space sentient oil known as the pilot, fly on space cowboy.
nardole. you do good. odd you wearing gallifreyan citizen wear from the great time war in twice upon a time and no one said anything about it but... you do good.
yasmin khan i love just as much as martha and donna combined. bbc studios might not but i do.
empress rose. i love you more than rose tyler and rose tyler knows it thats why she was a cameo. i hope you get a spin off with 8 9 12 13 master doctor 14 15 and the moment because you deserve it more. i love you. i hope you never stop roasting and almost killing ten everytime he keeps trying to compare the ordinary shop girl fashioned into a soldier turned into a married housewife slash companion to the incomparable and incompatible freedom fighter turned general then empress that is you. im so sorry they trying to downgrade you because you're better than the alternate self he gave away twice. it heavily implied empress rose is more jenny's mum than rose tentoo tyler is and i feel like that should be addressed.... by beating tens arse..... and jenny hugs.
i love rose temple noble so much and i just got her. if bbc studio has to crumble under the strike i really want them to experience so it shall be.
ruby sunday. you are the first companion to have actually have their actress grow up, watch, and know of doctor who with a doctor whose actor also watches doctor who. you are a rare gem inbetween the sands of obliviousness and the sea of hyperawareness. if 14 has to die via tripping and bumping his head on a brick, rip to that tight fit he got on. what a truly mournful loss
i hate the writers that write you for it is their faults of inconsistency that makes me want better for you than the so call fans of your existence. you were set up with a belief system of your own making and then is written to betray that for a eldrich being that contradicts its own existence that could never say i love you and mean those words unless your blades are six inch deep into their hearts for a bullet is too kind and also too slow.
thry all reside and co exist.
anyway. i hope yasmin finney is traveling with them because they never said she was just an anniversary companion and we get to see ruby sunday and rose temple noble date each other.
yes its to make up tens mistake in separating the poc companions: cult survivor cleopatra hunsicker, clone descendant and bi cindy wu, and mexican-american time sensitive transhuman gabby gonzalez aka the best team tardis is when none of them are attracted to the doctor and vice versa. at least gabby met the moment.
and yes its to share this monstrosity i made due to lack of sleep from being awake 27 hours and 30 minutes:
Tumblr media
i passed out right after this. and now im sharing this monstrosity to yall.
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floralbfs · 4 years
tfw u hated a character for so long bc they cheated on their (amazing gorgeous beautiful (in personality) great loving) fiance with a historical figure but then u remember that their fiance never existed bc they were erased from the universe♥
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constant-eggs · 3 years
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about William on Supergirl from fellow Supercorp shippers, so I wanna talk a bit about Kara and Lena’s love interests and how they are viewed, and also about racism in the show and fandom. This has probably been done to death but I’m new to the fandom — I binge watched the show over the winter and just started using Tumblr in a real way about a month ago. So anyway, back to the men:
There’s the major three: James, Mon-El, and William. Jack is cool too — he should’ve had more than two episodes which is part of the issue I’m going to get to, but he never got to be a major player.
So let’s talk about James. Now, I liked him a lot, particularly in season 1. Of the three main love interests for Kara, he was the only one who (season 1) writers took time to establish as a character separate from her. He had hopes and a backstory (of course), and his own idealism that usually uplifted and sometimes contradicted with Kara’s. He was honest, and vulnerable, and when he made a mistake (like calling Superman against Kara’s wishes) he grew from them. Because he respected Kara, and himself. Now the chemistry between Kara and James for me felt good — it wasn’t earth shattering — but it was typical in what I’d come to expect from a heterosexual pairing. And I would argue that had the writers not done a complete 180 on Kara’s feelings for James in S2 and had let them keep growing together as characters, that the chemistry and relationship could have been really good. But they didn’t because as the writers themselves said, they’re ‘in the drama business.’ So having a healthy, supportive partner for Kara wasn’t their priority, James was sidelined, and then they never figured out what to do with his character from that moment on. Also, I do think that race played a part in the writers’ decision to change direction with their relationship, and it’s...disheartening.
Now real briefly on James with Lena: it reminded me a lot of Laurel 1 and Oliver — when they talked about each other to other people— I believed that there was love, but when they were together, I didn’t see any real spark. Even their drama wasn’t particularly interesting — so I won’t even get into it. But it’s been long enough in this post for me to get to the point of it: the fault of the deterioration of James as a character lies with the writers. They chose to sideline him, have his values constantly shift, and have his character development stagnate post S1. He could’ve had interesting stories as Guardian, could’ve worked more closely with Kara when he replaced Cat Grant, or any number of things. But his potential was squandered. And if they were so dead set on having a male love interest for Kara, he was their best option of the three.
Mon-El and Kara had chemistry. To me, it was very much sibling chemistry in nature, which is kind of funny considering that in the comics he was a pseudo brother to Superman. To be clear I’m talking about Kara and Mon-El and not Chris and Melissa who are married, because they aren’t their characters. That’s how I think he should have stayed — as an antagonistic, shallow brother type who slooowly became decent through character growth and not specifically to become Kara’s love interest. But the handful of times Mon-El did the right thing — rebelling against his parents, trying to be a hero etc. it was because he liked Kara. How boring is that? As a love interest he was subpar — and he continued to be a liar. I don’t hate him like some fans do — and I’m well aware that he was a shallow partner who owned other people on his planet, and a habitual liar. I also see that this show is fantastical in nature where I am rooting for Lena after nearly mind-enslaving the entire population just last season. And also in a universe where a primary hero — Oliver Queen, was a serial killer (as are Laurel 2, Sara Lance, and Mick Rory to name a few). So that isn’t the main reason why I don’t like Mon-El for Kara. I just feel as early Kara felt: She deserves so much better than him.
What is there even to say about William? He’s essentially the audience in character form — the chorus in an Ancient Greek play telling us how we should feel about whatever action he’s being sidelined from. If they wanted him to be endgame, he should’ve been introduced bare minimum a season earlier to give him a fair shot. He needs to be better integrated in the fold, and at this point there isn’t a lot of time to do that well.
I’m making this post though because I don’t agree with some of what I’m seeing in fandom. Yes, I too dislike Mon-El as a love interest for Kara, but I’m not going to yuck someone else’s yum. Same goes for William and James. If you see something romantic, that’s okay. If you’re a multi shipper, that’s okay too. I was into other Arrowverse shows when Karamel and Supercorp animosity was at its highest and saw some of what went on and now I see some people uniting over their mutual dislike for William. But his underdevelopment as a character is once again entirely on the writers and execs. Not Staz Nair. And @motorcyclegirlfriends has a much more nuanced post about how race plays into characters being empathized within fandom and the screen time they are allotted by writers and directors. https://motorcyclegirlfriends.tumblr.com/post/649196192472924160/what-a-lot-of-the-nice-fellow-fans-dont-harass
We shouldn’t be tearing down actors of color or characters of color out of frustration over (potentially/hopefully) queer (white) characters. We should instead be asking for them to have more well rounded stories, just as we ask for better LGBT rep — the two aren’t separate. If Supercorp doesn’t become canon it won’t be because of the subpar heterosexual romances they were given. It will be because the writers see the love story they’ve created, inadvertently or otherwise (even doubling down on it in S5) but chose to ignore it. I really hope that isn’t the case. Us fans deserve more complex, messy slowburn romances, and Supercorp could be up there with She-Ra as one of the best ever portrayed. Here’s to hoping.
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fandom end of year asks
1, 2, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 27, 29
1. favourite fandom you joined this year
Definitely Chicago Fire although I did not expect it to break my heart so soon
2. favourite fic of the year
There can't be just one okay because there are too many talented writers out there so here are a few that I loved so much:
Ons shots:
you remind me of home by @alittlextrathatway - Christmas fluff in the best possible way. It's so comforting to read and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy (and if I haven't said it enough, I love fluff)
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand by @farfarawaygirl - In the notes, Emma mentioned that she got inspiration from the painting Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Frederic William Burton and you sort of get a visualization for this paragraph: "Because this moment exists outside of time and space, she leans her head against his shoulder and breathes in. Matt laces the fingers from his right hand with her left. It’s nice. Matt’s hand is calloused and warm against hers, Sylvie likes it so much. Too much."
And it's just an incredible read.
Sprucing up Chicago by @katie-049 - a completely perfect AU where absolutely no angst exists. if you're a Brettsey fan, you probably read this already but if you haven't yet, highly, highly recommend.
Hopelessly Devoted to You by @sylvies-chen - again, if you're a Brettsey fan, you probably already read this but if you haven't, you really should. I love the premise of soulmates being able to hear each other's music and the pace of it is just right, enough to get you to want more of it in the next chapter. Also, what I love the most about the writing is how great Abby is at describing things - anything from the emotions of the characters down to the color of the snow on the pavement. It makes if very visual, if that makes sense.
The Unexpected by @emdeedot45 - I love this so much. I love the concept, I love how it's written, it's just great. It's a season 7 AU but the characters are still very much in character (for lack of a better word).
Heavy is the Head by mags_writes (Ao3) - I love this because it feels like an alternate season 10. There's some romance, some mystery, a lot of intrigue.
I Forget Where We Were (The Rookie) by @farfarawaygirl - ooh, the angst - it hurts so good and Rosalind is just so evil, it's kind of amazing to read. I still have to read chapter 3 but nobody writes angst like Emma does!!
The Places You Don't Walk Away From (Gilmore Girls) by starsholiday (Ao3) - technically, this is a re-read but it's one of a handful of Gilmore Girls fan fiction I've read before and I looked for it after I binged 7 seasons + the Netflix special again this year. It's a Rory/Jess one and so, so well written and reads like episodes of the show - the quick wit, the banter, everything!
8. favourite author of the year
Again, there can't only be one so a few of my favorites:
@alittlextrathatway @farfarawaygirl @emdeedot45 @katie-049 @sylvies-chen
10. favourite blog of the year
@fighterkimburgess - I love reading all their takes!
14. best fixit you read this year
I Choose You by @emdeedot45 because we all need a dose of post 10x05 fluff
15. favourite headcanon of the year
Probably anything related to domestic Brettsey or the recent Get Lucy Laid project has been fun to read because come on, your girl deserves it!
16. best BTS (behind the scenes) moment of the year
Honestly, anything season 9 Chicago Fire related because it sent the fandom in a tailspin every time a BTS photo would come out, lol. I would low-key lurk on Twitter just to scroll through any BTS pics.
I swear, we were all clowns.
17. WIP you hope gets updated next year
I don't want to put pressure on anyone! Honestly, writing is not easy.
18. fandom you plan to join next year
Not yet sure. I'm on season 5 of Chicago PD now so probably by early next year, I'll be up to speed on all the One Chicago shows.
20. favourite character of the year
Dude, I cannot limit myself to one.
Sylvie Brett and Matt Casey (Chicago Fire), Lucy Chen (The Rookie), Kim Burgess (Chicago PD) and maybe everyone from Ted Lasso because that show is amazing.
21. favourite ship of the year
Brett and Casey for sure! They have me in a choke hold and I wouldn't have it any other way.
27. best fandom moment of the year
When all the Brettsey fans exploded with joy during 9x16. I mean, we waited three years for that!!!
29. fandom “first” you accomplished this year
I started writing fanfic! Something I never thought I could do.
Send me some asks!
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singledarkshade · 3 years
Reunited Family
Summary: It's been a year since Amy, Rory and Jonas became a family. The Doctor appears suddenly with news that will change everything for them forever. Sequel to Foster Parents, Settling In And New Grandpa, Big Sister, Meeting The Doctor and Surprise Family. Author’s Note: This is the final main story in the series, I have had a good bit of this written for a long time. Although I may add a few mini fics set during the series at some point.
 Walking out the clothes shop, Amy frowned confused to find the Doctor standing waiting for her.
“What’s wrong?” she demanded.
The Doctor smiled, “Hello to you too, Pond.”
Shaking her head, Amy hugged him tightly. It was almost a year since they’d seen him, after they’d had to tell him there was no more travelling now that they had Jonas.
“Don’t get me wrong, Doctor,” Amy said, “I am so happy to see you but showing up like this, something’s going on.”
He nodded, “Come inside and I’ll explain.”
Entering the TARDIS, Amy smiled happy to be back inside the ship which hummed slightly hello. Placing her bags down just to one side, Amy headed to the console where the Doctor was waiting for her looking serious.
“Okay, Raggedy Man,” she stated, “What’s going on?”
The Doctor rested his hands on her shoulders, “I found Rip Hunter.”
Astonishment filled her and all Amy could say was, “What?”
“I found Rip Hunter,” the Doctor repeated, “Jonas’ father. I…” he trailed off, “I wanted to talk to you first.”
Amy nodded understanding, she loved Jonas, but Rory had created a deep bond with the little boy, and she knew losing him would be heart breaking, even if it was giving him back to his own father.
But Amy also knew that Jonas deserved to have his father back.
“Okay,” she said softly, “Then we go get him now.”
The Doctor frowned in confusion, “You’re not going to tell Rory first.”
“No,” Amy shook her head, “I don’t want him to have time to think about it. This will be easier on him.”
Nodding the Doctor hit the lever and the TARDIS entered the time stream.
Rip sat exhausted.
Using the Time Core against Mallus had pulled him into what was basically a prison just attached to the time stream. His courier was completely dead and there was nothing he could do to fix it. He would see the Waverider pass him every so often but had no way to contact Gideon. There was also no way to measure how long he’d been here. He wasn’t hungry or thirsty even after he struggled to escape. All he felt was exhaustion. Rip feared that soon he would just slip into unconsciousness and die here alone.
It felt like he was back before he’d been found by the Time Masters. The unwanted child who was nothing but dirt on people’s shoes.
A strange noise began to fill the small bubble he was in, a wheezing noise that sounded like nothing he’d ever heard before growing louder by the second. He had no weapons and there was nothing within the prison but that didn’t mean Rip would go down without a fight. Ready to protect himself, Rip watched in bemusement when a blue police box appeared before him.
The door opened and Rip jumped, staring at the man who looked out. Floppy brown hair, tweed jacket and a bow tie, the man let out a cry of excitement.
“Amy,” he called behind him, “You are not going to believe this.”
Stepping out the door, the man stepped to one side and a red headed woman appeared staring at him.
“This is bizarre,” the woman breathed, before giving him a smile, “Rip Hunter, I presume.”
Confused Rip nodded, “Yes.”
“I’m Amy Williams,” she introduced herself, “And this is the Doctor.”
Rip looked at her, his eyes drawn over her shoulder where he could see a room that should not exist within the tiny box.
“Time Lord,” Rip breathed in realisation.
Amy indicated the strange man she’d introduced as the Doctor with her thumb, “That’s him.”
“I have to admit,” Rip returned his attention to Amy, “I am a little confused why you’re here, not that I don’t appreciate what I hope is a rescue.”
Amy smiled, “How about we get out of here and I’ll explain.”
Rip let out a sigh, “That is a wonderful idea.”
 The small kitchen was not what Rip was expecting after seeing the control room. It reminded him of the kitchen in his mother’s house, warm and comforting. The Doctor was sitting quietly while Amy made them tea.
“We stopped allowing him to make the tea after he decided to try flavours,” Amy explained as she handed Rip a mug.
“Some weren’t bad,” the Doctor protested, taking his mug from her.
“Rory was sick after trying one,” Amy reminded him, taking a seat at the table with them.
The Doctor grumbled but said nothing else, drinking his tea.
“Who is Rory?” Rip asked.
Amy smiled, “My husband. And that’s a good way to ease into what I have to tell you.”
Rip frowned confused but stayed silent waiting.
“This is my husband, Rory,” Amy pulled up a photograph on her phone and turned it to show him,
Rip stared at his doppelganger, “Okay.”
“You’re distantly related,” the Doctor spoke up, “Space time multiplicity.”
“Anyway,” Amy continued, “Rory is a nurse and just over a year ago, Rory was at work in the hospital, and he found a little boy who thought Rory was his father.”
Rip’s mouth went dry, and he tried not to feel any hope waiting for Amy to continue.
“Jonas is safe,” she pulled up another photograph and passed her phone to Rip, “He’s healthy and will be so happy to see you.”
Staring at the photograph of his long-lost son, Rip’s eyes filled with tears his hand covering his mouth.
“It’s okay,” Amy reached out and gently squeezed his arm, “We believed you were dead and, although Jonas took it hard, he’s coping. He will be so happy to have you back.”
Rip managed to swallow the lump in his throat and whispered, “I have no way to thank you.”
Amy smiled, “You don’t have to. We got to have the most amazing little boy as part of our lives.”
The Doctor stood suddenly, “And we should head back to the house. Allow you to see your son.”
 Rory checked the time to see how long before Amy would be home from her Saturday afternoon shopping trip.
“Jonas,” he called, “Do you want to help me make a cake for your grandma’s visit tomorrow?”
The little boy nodded, he enjoyed baking with Rory. It was something he used to do with his dad and Rory wanted the little boy to continue to associate it with good memories. Rory’s own grandmother had taught him how to bake and Amy, who had a major sweet tooth, always asked him to make her the chocolate cake his gran taught him. Plus, during his time guarding the Pandorica, he’d studied with the best chefs picking up what he could.
They pulled together all the ingredients and soon Jonas was mixing the chocolate batter, with not too much covering him. After pouring it into the cake tin, Rory slid it into the oven and smiled at the little boy.
“I think we did great work,” Rory told him.
Jonas nodded, “Amy will be happy.”
Rory chuckled and quickly cleaned Jonas up so he could go back to his toys. The sound of the TARDIS arriving stunned him and he automatically pulled Jonas close protectively. The blue box landed in the back garden and Rory frowned confused when Amy walked out of it. With Jonas holding onto him, they walked to meet her.
“This is the best way to do this,” Amy murmured when she kissed him hello before crouching down to Jonas. The little boy gave her a hug and Amy kissed the top of his head, “Jonas, I have a big surprise for you.”
She rested her hand on his shoulder and faced him towards the TARDIS. The door opened and Rory stared in amazement.
 Rip bounced nervously as Amy left the ship to speak first with her husband, his eyes on the monitor showing his baby boy standing there whole and healthy. Slightly taller than when Rip had last seen him, but still his little boy.
“Jonas,” Amy’s voice came, “I have a big surprise for you.”
On his cue, Rip froze until the Doctor placed a hand on his back to propel him forward. The moment he stepped into the garden, Jonas’ joyful voice filled the air.
A second later Rip had his son in his arms, holding onto him tightly as tears streamed along his face.
“I thought you were gone,” Jonas whispered, “I missed you, Daddy.”
Rip grimaced, “I am sorry, little man, I am so sorry, and I will never leave you again. I promise.”
Jonas cuddled into his shoulder, and Rip gently rubbed his back. Looking up he saw Amy standing with her husband, his doppelganger, who was wiping his eyes.
“Hey,” Rip murmured, pulling back from his son, “Why don’t you introduce me to your new friends?”
Jonas grinned, squirming to be put down he grabbed Rip’s hand, “This is Amy and Rory. Rory found me in the hospital and is related to us.”
Offering his free hand to the other man, Rip said, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
“You too,” Rory smiled as he shook Rip’s hand.
“Jonas,” Amy spoke up, “Why don’t you show your dad your room?”
His son grinned and began to pull him towards the house. Rip gave the couple and their friend a quick nod as he was dragged away. The house was nice and tidy, it was clearly a family home. As Jonas led him upstairs, Rip looked at each picture hanging on the way up. One of Amy and Rory on their wedding day, the rest were of Jonas.
When they entered the room, Rip smiled as Jonas bounced about showing all the completed robotic kits, the books and other things around the room that were his.
“And this,” Jonas picked up a toy dog, “I called her Gideon.”
Rip smiled, “She’d like that you thought of her.”
“She did,” Jonas nodded, “She’ll be really happy you’re here.”
Jonas grinned, “I let her know Amy and Rory were looking after me. She sent them a communicator.”
Relief filled Rip that he could easily let Gideon know he was alive and with his son once more. Looking at his little boy, Rip sighed, “I am so sorry, Jonas that I wasn’t there when you needed me, but I promise from now on, I will always be here.”
Jonas threw his arms around Rip who smiled at being able to hold his baby boy once more.
A knock on the door made Rip look up to see Amy standing there.
“Jonas,” she smiled, “Why don’t you help Rory make dinner, let your dad have a shower and freshen up?”
When Jonas looked over at him, Rip nodded and pressed a kiss to his son’s forehead, “I won’t be long.”
Jonas hesitated for a moment before he bounced away. Rip took a shaky breath looking round when Amy sat on the bed beside him.
“You look a bit overwhelmed,” she said softly.
Rip felt tears prick his eyes, “I never thought I’d ever see him again. I thought he was dead. I held his body and died inside. But he’s here…”
Amy rubbed his back comfortingly as he trailed off, “Have a shower, I’ve left you some clothes out. You and Rory appear to be the same size,” she smiled, “Once you’re dressed come downstairs and have dinner.”
“We can sort everything else out later,” Amy continued, “For now, just be with your son.”
 Jonas sat at the table looking at the door nervously, waiting for his dad to appear once more. Rory frowned at how worried the little boy looked but was pulled away when he heard what the man at his side was saying.
“We’re not having fish fingers and custard for dinner,” Rory turned to the Doctor, “I’ve made proper food.”
“Well, that’s boring,” the Doctor dropped into the seat beside Jonas with a pout.
Jonas laughed, telling him, “Rory makes nice food.”
“I know,” the Doctor said, “But not my favourite.”
Amy appeared at the door and Jonas looked round her.
“Your dad will be down once he’s had his shower,” Amy soothed, gently squeezing his shoulder.
“Okay,” Jonas said before whispering, “He will, won’t he?”
Rory moved to his side, “Of course he will,” he assured, “Jonas, your dad is so happy to be back with you.”
“He has missed you so much,” Amy added, “He’s just having a shower and changing clothes before dinner.”
Jonas smiled as they hugged him tightly.
 Rip closed his eyes as he let the water batter down on him, he had no idea how long he’d been trapped in the time prison and was relieved to be free finally. Seeing Jonas, alive and thriving was the most incredible thing. Rip knew he could never repay the couple who had taken Jonas in for all they had done for his baby boy.
After a few minutes he washed himself and his hair, drying before putting on the jeans and t-shirt Amy had left out for him. Taking a quick breath, he headed down the stairs hearing the chatter and laughter coming from the dining room.
He nervously opened the door, unable to stop his smile as Jonas came running over to him.
“Hey,” Rip hugged the little boy, “I’m here.”
Jonas beamed up at him, “Rory made dinner. He is the one who can cook, Amy doesn’t cook much. But she does make good toast.”
Rip laughed, as did the others in the room at the little boy’s announcement.
“At least I make good toast,” Amy elbowed her husband who was smirking at her.
“Grab a seat,” Rory told them, “Dinner is ready.”
Dinner was nice. As promised Rory could cook and while they ate Jonas told Rip all about his school. Rory and Amy every so often reminded the little boy of things to tell Rip and a strange jealousy settled in Rip’s chest. He did his best to ignore it, it wasn’t their fault he hadn’t been there for his son and forced himself to focus on his little boy, not his idiocy.
“Daddy,” Jonas bounced suddenly, “Grandma is coming tomorrow, she’ll be happy to see you.”
“Grandma?” Rip asked, he tried to remember from the load of information he’d been given if that was Rory or Amy’s mother.
Jonas nodded, “Grandma Mary comes to visit.”
“Your mother,” Rory clarified, picking up on Rip’s confusion.
“Mother?” Rip breathed, before noting, “Why do I feel there is a story behind that?”
Amy chuckled, “Because you’re right but we’ll tell that one later.”
Finishing eating, Rory and Amy cleared the plates while the Doctor chatted with Jonas. Rip watching how comfortable his son was in this place with these people. It had always saddened them that he and Miranda couldn’t give Jonas an extended family.
“Where’s Daddy going to sleep?” Jonas suddenly asked.
Rip winced, he hadn’t thought about that himself but before he could say anything Amy replied.
“Well, he can sleep on the couch if he wants,” Amy smiled at him, “Or if he doesn’t mind sharing then your bed should be big enough for both of you tonight.”
“With me,” Jonas said instantly before Rip could say a word. At his son’s hopeful look, Rip nodded. He was more than happy to have his son close to him all night long.
“Don’t worry,” Rory said as he placed a bowl with ice cream down, “It was the spare room before it was Jonas’ room. We never changed the bed so it should be comfortable for a few nights.”
 Amy and Rory watched the TARDIS disappear. The Doctor had hugged them both before bouncing away as though they saw each other every day.
“I’m sorry I didn’t warn you,” Amy said as Rory wrapped his arm around her, “But when the Doctor told me he’d found Rip, I knew we had to rescue him then and there.”
Rory sighed, “I’m glad you did. I’m just worried where Rip is going to take Jonas to live now.”
“Me too,” Amy leaned against him as they reached the living room and sat together, “But I think that might not be a snap decision. He seems a little shell-shocked.”
Rory nodded, “Considering everything, that’s to be expected. I think we just have to do our best to help him and not borrow trouble.”
Amy kissed him, “Tea?”
“Good idea.”
 Jonas had changed into his pyjamas and bounced into his room now he’d brushed his teeth. Rip smiled as he watched his son, Amy and Rory had stepped back so Rip could put his son to bed. When he made it home being included in Jonas’ bedtime routine was one thing he looked forward to. Picking the book up from the bedside table that Rory was reading with Jonas, Rip smiled to see that it was Treasure Island, one of his favourite books. He’d read it during his first few months in the Refuge and had hoped to share it with his son. Miranda knew this and never read it with Jonas in the hopes one day Rip would be able to.
“You like living here, don’t you?” Rip said as Jonas climbed onto the bed beside him.
Jonas nodded.
Rip smiled, “That’s good.”
“Are you going to call Gideon and tell her you’re here?” Jonas asked.
“Not tonight,” Rip told him, “I’ll let her know tomorrow.”
Jonas chewed his lip and Rip began to worry, “What’s wrong?”
Wide eyes looked up at him, “Where are we going to live now, Daddy?”
Rip gently stroked his son’s hair and kissed his forehead, “I’m not sure yet but don’t worry about it. Because wherever we live you will always be able to see your new family. I promise.”
Jonas nodded.
“Okay,” Rip smiled, “Let’s see where you and Rory are up to.”
 Rip watched Jonas sleep, the little boy snuggling into his pillow as he hugged his toy dog close. It was the most amazing thing to see his son alive, safe and happy. The couple who had taken his son in were wonderful, and Rip knew he couldn’t just pull Jonas away from them. He was settled here, and it wouldn’t be fair on Jonas to make him move again.
Finally he shook himself and, after pressing a kiss to his son’s hair, left the room. He could hear Amy and Rory talking in the living room, Rip needed to talk to them tonight.
“May I join you?” Rip said, opening the door seeing them on couch drinking tea.
“Sure,” Amy smiled, “Do you want some tea?”
Rip shook his head, even he had his limit, “No, thank you.”
“I take it Jonas is finally asleep,” Rory noted with an amused smile, “How many chapters did you read?”
“Three,” Rip replied, “He was fighting sleep for a good part of it, so the last two will probably need repeated.”
The couple chuckled.
“I want to thank you both again,” Rip said, taking a seat across from them “There is nothing I can do that can repay you for how you not only took Jonas in, but you have cared for him like he is your own.”
Rory caught Amy’s hand before saying softly, “We lost a child. It was a good fit.”
“I have one more thing to ask of you,” Rip continued, “And that is your assistance in finding a place for us to live as close to here as possible.”
They stared at him, and Amy breathed, “Seriously?”
“I can’t take Jonas away from you,” Rip told them, “His life has already been uprooted and he loves you both so much. I won’t let him lose the new family he found here with you. Unfortunately for you it means putting up with me as well now.”
They chuckled all jumping when the door burst open, and Jonas ran in fear covering his face.
“Daddy,” he cried running to Rip, who pulled him up onto his lap, “I thought you were gone again.”
Rip hugged him, “I’m just talking with Amy and Rory.” Jonas buried his face against his shoulder and Rip rubbed the little boy’s back turning to the couple, “I think I will retire for the night with Jonas.”
Managing to stand with Jonas in his arms, Rip nodded to Amy and Rory who said goodnight before he carried his son who was clinging to him upstairs.
 Rip woke feeling rested properly for the first time in a long time. He could feel Jonas attached to him and opening his eyes smiled to see the sweet face of his son. Rip never thought he would feel peace like this ever again. Only Miranda was missing.
Sliding out of bed, Rip could hear someone moving outside the room then heading downstairs.
“Daddy?” Jonas sleepy voice made him turn to see his son looking up at him blearily.
“It’s okay,” Rip soothed, “I’m just going to be downstairs.”
Jonas slid out of the bed with his toy dog in his hand, Rip watched him wander out of the room but rather than go downstairs he headed into the other bedroom. Rip watched Jonas climb in beside Amy, who smiled hugging him before they both closed their eyes.
Shaking his head in slight bemusement, Rip dressed quickly and walked downstairs finding Rory in the kitchen.
“Morning,” his ‘twin’ smiled, “Kettle is boiled, help yourself to whatever you want. Is Jonas still asleep?”
“He climbed in beside Amy,” Rip said as he made himself a mug of tea.
Rory nodded, “That’s normal for the weekend. I’m usually up first even when I’m not working. They both like to sleep in.”
Rip smiled softly as he took a seat at the table across from the other man, “So did Miranda,” he quickly moved on to ask, “I’ve been wondering, how did you contact my mother?”
“We didn’t,” Rory grimaced slightly, “Some of your friends appeared one day demanding we let Jonas go with them because you would want him to live with people you knew.”
“You refused.”
Rory nodded, “I had no idea who they were and told them I would only let a relative Jonas knew take him. So, they brought your mother,” he grimaced, “Your friends are not very subtle.”
“Subtlety has never been one of their qualities,” Rip nodded before asking, “What happened?”
“Mary dismissed them and came in for a chat,” Rory smiled in memory, “And she decided it was best that Jonas stay here with us, but she would be visiting. Which she has and we always look forward to seeing her. My dad gets along well with her, and they plan their next adventure with Jonas after each day out.”
Rip smiled, “I haven’t seen her in a long time,” before noting, “My life is not very linear.”
“Time travel really does mess with your sense of normality,” Rory agreed, “The fact Jonas understood that meant we didn’t have to hide anything from him about our lives.”
Rip frowned confused, “Like?”
“You remember I said we lost our daughter?” Rory asked softly.
Rip nodded.
“Well, it turns out we grew up with her,” Rory continued, “And she is now older than we are.”
“Long story?”
Rip chuckled before he sighed, “I need to contact Gideon, Jonas said you have a communicator.”
“Yes, that was a shock,” Rory chuckled before explaining, “He built the original one from bits of his robotic kits and using some of the crystals we got at the science centre. I nearly had a heart attack finding him talking to this strange woman. Thankfully, after she explained who she was, Gideon sent us a proper one. She has been an amazing help, letting us know things you and Miranda would do with Jonas so we kept things consistent, and she helped us choose his school.”
Rip smiled, “Gideon has always been special. She kept me in one piece for many years and she loved Jonas from the moment he was born. Even though she insists as an AI that isn’t possible.”
“The communicator is on the top shelf of the bookshelf in the living room,” Rory told him.
 Rip found the communicator and placing it on the coffee table he took a seat. Taking a deep breath, Rip hit the button and waited.
Gideon’s human form appeared before him, and she stalled from whatever she was going to say.
“Captain?” she whispered.
“Hello, Gideon,” Rip smiled, “I have missed you.”
She studied him for a moment, “You are safe once more and you are calling me from…”
Rip nodded when she trailed off, “I’m with Jonas.”
“Mr and Mrs Williams have been wonderful to him,” Gideon assured, “I did my best to assist them.”
“I know,” Rip whispered, “They told me.”
“I will come for you, Captain,” Gideon said, “If you order me to.”
Rip shook his head, “I won’t order you to do anything, Gideon, I would only ask, and that is something I can’t ask of you.”
“I would love to come back to you, but Jonas needs me,” Rip whispered, “And I need to be with him.”
“He always loved being on the Waverider,” Gideon reminded him.
Rip smiled sadly, “He does and so do I, but I can’t take him away from here. He has school and friends,” he shrugged, “I can’t take him from Mr and Mrs Williams. He loves them and I won’t tear him from another home.”
Gideon nodded softly, “You are doing the right thing, Rip and I am very proud of you.”
“Once I find a house, I’ll ensure it is accessible to you,” Rip promised.
“I look forward to that, Rip,” Gideon told him.
Hearing noise above him Rip sighed, “I have to go, Jonas is up, and my mother is visiting today.”
“I have missed you, Captain Hunter,” Gideon said softly.
“I missed you too,” Rip smiled.
 Mary smiled to herself as she walked up to the blue door looking forward to spending the day with her grandson and the couple who had taken him in. She had come to know Amy and Rory quite well in the months since they met, putting them in the same category as her son and daughter-in-law.
“Hello, Mary,” Amy smiled in greeting when she opened the door before Mary could even knock.
Mary hugged the redhead, “It’s wonderful to see you, dear.”
“Grandma!!!!!!” Jonas came speeding towards her catching her in a hug, “We have a surprise for you.”
Surprised Mary laughed, “You do?”
Jonas nodded and grabbed her hand, “Come on.”
Glancing at Amy who shrugged, Mary allowed her grandson to pull her through the house to the living room. Entering the room, she stalled to see the man standing there.
“Michael?” she breathed, glancing to one side where Rory was watching just to check.
“Hello Mother,” he smiled slightly.
Walking to him, Mary opened her arms and he hugged her tightly, “Oh my boy, you’re safe.”
“I’m sorry,” Michael whispered.
Letting him go, Mary took his face in her hands, “You’ve only ever done what you thought was right, my dear one. I’m just happy to have you back safely.”
“Are we still going to the zoo?” Jonas asked, “I want to show Daddy the lion we adopted and the penguin that dances.”
Amy laughed, “I think if your dad and grandma agree then we will.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Michael crouched down to hug his son.
Mary smiled at the sight before clapping her hands together, “If we’re heading to the zoo, we should get going.”
“Come on, Jonas,��� Rory said, “Let’s get everything together to go.”
Amy and Rory left the room with Jonas, Mary took her son’s hand who smiled at her.
“Thank you for letting him stay here,” Rip breathed, “I know Sara wanted you to agree to him being moved.
“The moment I met Amy and Rory,” Mary replied, “I knew Jonas belonged here with them if he couldn’t be with you. They have been wonderful to him.”
Her son nodded, “Now I have to find a place to live close to them, so he doesn’t lose another family.”
Mary squeezed his arm, proud of him for accepting the couple as part of Jonas’ life.
“Well,” she said, “I suggest you leave that to one side for just now and we enjoy our day at the zoo.”
Michael nodded.
When Amy, Rory and Jonas arrived back ready to leave, Michael took his son’s hand while talking with the couple about how they would explain the relationship if they met anyone they knew.
Watching her son with his own and the couple who had taken Jonas in, Mary smiled knowing that Michael had a new family, whether he liked it or not.
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fictionadventurer · 4 years
I'm in a Doctor Who mood right now, so how do you feel about Martha Jones for the ask meme?
How I feel about this character
One of my faves! She’s so smart and brave and level-headed. She got put through such terrible adventures and did such amazing things. An excellent companion who deserves much, much more appreciation than she gets.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Mickey. That doctor from the Series 3 finale. And maybe a teeny tiny bit the Doctor (but only because I think the Doctor needs to appreciate her more and I think she’s a more deserving target for his affection than Rose was).
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Martha and Donna! Two amazing ladies who work well together and can call the Doctor out on his nonsense. (Also, I think she and Rory Williams would be excellent friends and I’d love to see them go on adventures together).
My unpopular opinion about this character
She’s a seven-million-times better character than Rose was.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish her story hadn’t ended with her becoming a generic alien fighter. She’s a doctor! Let her help people! There are much more interesting things she could do with her medical background after her experience as the Doctor’s companion.
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speakergame · 4 years
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um... holy shit? I went to bed at 90 followers, thinking I should plan something special for when I made it to 100 and 40 new people snuck in while I was sleeping! welcome and thank you all so much for the support 💙💙
as a special treat, then, I’ve been compiling a few songs that give a little bit of insight into the characters (and their romances). Their playlists are still very much a work in progress, but I do have a song or two for each of them and I picked my favorites to share :) also one song for the Seer because our sister deserves love too. Under the cut:
The Seer - California King - Larkin Poe
Kana - Turn The Page - Metallica ; (romance) Crashed - Daughtry
Sebastian - Until the Levee - Joy Williams ; (romance) Even If It Hurts - Sam Tinnesz
Liam/Lily - One More Light - Linkin Park ; (romance) Clarity - Zedd
Azalea - Courage - P!nk ; (romance) Yours If You Want It - Rascal Flatts
Rory - Demons - Icon For Hire ; (romance) Dark Angel - Essence
Enjoy :) I’m trying to walk the line between giving y’all insights to the characters and not spoiling the fun of getting to know them
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eohwyyn · 4 years
mitali!!! congrats on 500- that's amazing and you deserve them all and more! for the celebration- 💌 + 🦋 please! my creation tag is "arwen makes stuff" and you know my taste in books already, but i'll offer seven deaths of evelyn hardcastle yet again- mystery + sci-fi? what's not to like?
arwen!! thank you so much! 
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ngl narrowing this down was honestly SO FUCKING HARD for me bc we share such similar taste in books. Like as i was scrolling through goodreads to answer this, ever other book i’d tell myself “arwen needs to read that stat, it was so good!” 
anyway if you ever want to talk books feel free to come scream in my inbox haha 
ok you asked for mystery + sci-fi so here we go: 
1) The Rook by Daniel O’Malley (& it’s sequel, Stiletto) - hmm i’d describe this one as a mix between the xfiles and xmen. Our protagonist is a female agent who works for a hidden govt agency that protects the planet from supernatural enemies (v who-ish, now that i think about it). She has powers too, and the writing is super dry and funny
2) Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway - this one is less mystery and leans more into sci-fi, but i think you’ll really like it! Features a clockmaker who is actually the son of a notorious thief, a badass lesbian female spy (can you tell I have a Type?? I blame peggy carter lol) and a bisexual female inventor, and they’re all  racing to save the world and shut down a machine that could lead to the end of the world
3) Slade House by David Mitchell - every 9 years, passersby find themselves invited to slade house and are then never seen again. I won’t give away too much, but the story’s really gripping! 
 join my 500 followers celebration!
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Ten Favorite Ships from the four main Arrowverse Shows:
Rules: For this list Crossover Pairings were excluded if one partner is confined to their own show. However if the character changes show later he or she is on the list. This is my blog, this is my list, it is in no way objective, everyone is entiled to their own opinion, so please don’t reblog or answer just to tell me how much you disagree with me. You can’t quantify love, well except with stupid lists like this, just because a ship is not on this list does not mean I don’t like it - except when it does - so…. yeah, here we go
  10 besten Ships „Arrow“:
 10. Merlance (Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance)
 I always liked the unlikely story of Tommy Merlyn actually conquering Laurel Lances heart.
 9. Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 8.      GreenAtom (Oliver Queen/Ray Palmer)
 A very underapprecaited Ship that I love dearly. Ray und Oliver together have so much potential.
 7. SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance)
 Quentin needs love, and while Donna is not the first person you would think of when you would think of a potential partner for him, she is the best fit for the role. She challenges him and makes his day brighter. And he treats her well.
 6.      Olivarry (Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 As unlucky as Olivers Love Live is, maybe that’s the case because the actual love of his live happens to be a man which he is not willing to admit to himself.
 5.      Raylicity (Ray Palmer/Felicity Smoak)
 Cute and entertraining those two are actually a much better fit than Oliver and Felcitiy, maybe only a little bit too simelar as Oliver has pointed out.
 4.      Nysara (Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance)
 We love Sara and we love Nyssa, why shouldn’t we love them together?
 3.      Throy (Thea Queen/Roy Harper)
 This is the one ship that everyone agreed on was to be endgame.
 2.      Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen)
 This was supposed to be endgame, and the fact that it wasn’t is frankly just an insult to anyone who knows anything about Green Arrow in the comics.
 1.      Cannarow (Sara Lance/Oliver Queen)
 So here it is my Arrow OTP.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „The Flash“:
 10    Elongsue (Ralp Dibnyh/Sue) Dearborn
 This was supposed to be an epic love story with endgame potential.
 9.      Eobarry (Eobard Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Fanboy Eobard might have come to hate Barry, but a part of him never stopped loving the scarlet speedster as we all know.
 8.      Elongflash (Ralph Dibny/Barry Allen)
 I frankly never understood why people did not ship them more and there are so little fanfics about those two, I mean it’s a classic love story really.
 7.      Allenbert (Barry Allen/Julian Albert)
 For a long time I thought that that would be the reveal about Julians problem with Barry. Appearantly so did the actors.
 6.      Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton)
 They are cute and sexy together, have a mature realtionship that presents new obstacles the navigate around together, and it’s an eternal shame that their planned Season 5 sub-plot was cut short
 5.      Coldflash (Leoanrd Snart/Barry Allen)
 Leonard flirts with everything that moves, but Barry has a special place in his heart.
 4. Westhawne (Iris West/Eddie Thawne)
 And he was ready to fight destiny itself. For Iris. And she did love him. A lot.
 3.      Thallen (Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Barry und Eddie were crushing hard on each other, there is no denying that.
 2.      Westallen (Iris West/Barry Allen)
 Westallen ist destiny in every timeline, in every universe, it’s a as simple as that.
 1.      Westhallen (Iris West/Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 This is how you solve a love triangle, that does not need to be one, when all three parties have certain feelings for all the other members of the triangle.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „Supergirl“:
 10.  Lanvers (Alex Danvers/Maxwell Lord)
 Yes, I know Alex is lesbian, but this ship ist just too yummy.
 8.      Killiam (Kara Danvers/William Dey)
 Frozen burn realtionship that deserves to pick up speed. Kara deserves a love life, please!
  9.      Karolsen (Kara Danvers/James Olsen)
 Back in Season 1 of Supergirl I actually shipped this.  I loved Kara and genuinly wanted her to get the guy of her dreams. I mean she got heart eyes, ever time James walked in the room, but she also was adult enough to stettle for „just friends“.
 7.      Dolsen (Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen)
 Kelly is a much better fit for Alex than Maggie ever was, because she is less selfcentered and much more willing to compromise and they are more simelar. And in the end all the obstacles those two faced they were willing to overcome together.
 6.      Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 5.Brainia (Brainiac-5/Nia Nal)
 Brainy and Nia and their relationship were the only genuine good things about the first half of Season 4.
 4.Winniac-5 (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5)
 I am one out of two persons in the world who ships this, but I ship it hard.
 3.      Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane)
 Clois has been done very compelling by many other actors before, but the Arrowverse-Version still managed to get their own spin on it and to come across super sweet.
 2.      Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers)
 Ah, Sanvers, they took the world in storm and didn’t we love them.
 1.      Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El)
 Their chemistry jumped from the screen right into our hearts.
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Die 10 besten Ships „Legends of Tomorrow“:
 10.  Saramaya (Sara Lance/Amaya Jiwe)
 I really don’t know why everyone is going on about Kendra and Sara, when they could be going on about this ship were there is actual tension and actual chemistry there.
 11.  Coldray (Leo SnartX/Ray Terrill)
 Those two are just two cute and sadly were wiped out of existence by Crisis, but I still love them.
 8.      Atomsteelwavevixen (Ray Palmer/Nate Heywood/Mick Roey/Amaya Jiwe)
 I prefere Steelatom and Vixenwave as bros, but as a foursome those four rock the libido and the Waverider.
 7.      Captains3 (Sara Lance/Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart)
 Given that Sara and Rip, Sara and Leonard und Leonard and Rip would not last together, my solution to this would be to get together as a threesome.
 6.      Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green)
 We love Gary, and Gary loves John, and John does actually love Gary.
 5.Avalance (Ava Sharpe/Sara Lance)
 At this point Avalance is cleary planned to be endgame and rightly so.
 4.Hellcanary (John Constantine/Sara Lance)
 Two broken souls, two players who played which each other and found solace in each others arms – two bi-sexual icons together
 3.Vixensteel (Amaya Jiwe/Nate Heywood)
  I loved the star crossed romance between Nate and Amaya, and the fact that they defied history and was heart broken when they gave up after all.
 2.      Timecanary (Rip Hunter/Sara Lance)
 Out of all her many suitors Rip is the one I would want to see her ending up with.
 1.      Atomwave (Ray Palmer/Mick Rory)
 This is my Legends-OTP and I am still not over the fact that Ray is out of the show and so is this ship!
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benoitblanc · 4 years
for the fandom questions, doctor who 😊
Favorite character: queen donna noble!!!
Least Favorite character: i don’t know i love all of them so much. i guess danny pink but i don’t really know if he counts as a main or not
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): amy and rory, river and the doctor, vastra and jenny, the doctor and the master, & bill and heather
Character I find most attractive: the thirteenth doctor
Character I would marry: rory williams
Character I would be best friends with: i’d love to be friends with bill. she just seems like so much fun
a random thought: missy should come back even for like one episode. missy and dhawan!master playing off each other would be the funniest thing in the world and wlw thoschei would be GOOD SHIT
An unpopular opinion: i never really shipped doctor/companion ships. the best doctor/companion duos are the ones without romance anyway- 10 and donna, 11 and amy (and rory), and 12 and bill 
My Canon OTP: amy and rory!!!
My Non-canon OTP: i guess the doctor and the master? how canon are they?
Most Badass Character: river song 1000000% 
Most Epic Villain: the master! but also the weeping angels freak me the fuck out
Pairing I am not a fan of: there isn’t anything in who i’m really violently against but again i just never really got on board with doctor/companion ships
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): donna deserved SO SO SO much better okay
Favorite Friendship: the tenth doctor and donna noble are my favorite fictional friendship from anything ever. i brotp them harder than i romantically ship most things
Character I most identify with: clara oswald
Character I wish I could be: amy pond i feel like has a pretty awesome life. she’s married to rory. she travels in the tardis. she’s super sassy. 10/10
send me a fandom/ship/character!!!
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archiegoodwin · 4 years
yay, tagging game! this got to me from @leafenclaw​ 💋
Rules: List your 10 favourite female characters, one per fandom, then tag 10 people.
1. jamie moriarty (elementary) - i am not ashamed of being this transparent - just her character has all these intricacies and he has the poise and grace but the murder attitude but also stays in the shadows?? like she has the range and the power and i am still not over natalie not being able to come back at first and then rob doherty copping out; also, she totally deserved to have her own spinoff show 2. ola serafin (ultraviolet) - my girl who came back home and just wants to solve crimes and go on a hot date with her detective man [still haven’t seen s2 and we are not talking about the spoilers that i know, i am still not emotionally ready] 3. milady de winter (the musketeers) - my revenge queen who is tired of having to be a killer and a thief to survive, and is so heartbroken over her husband who still cant believe she still loves despite all he did to her 4. dot williams (miss fisher’s murder mysteries) - ok, time for a controversial opinion? while i love phryne and jack, if i have to choose 1 character, then it’s dorothy. she grew so much and gained confidence in herself and that she doesn’t have to change to be like phryne to be happy and she’s so pure i just want her to be so so happy 5. kate littlejohn (for the people) - i am really sad this show was cancelled because kate was such a cool character, he heart was in the right place and she just wanted to her job really well 6. susan pevensie (narnia) - look, i might just have 1 younger sibling but this is eldest sisters solidarity 7. pepper potts (ironman) - MY BOSS GIRL aesthetic & also goals, like seriously i want to be like pepper, smart and capable and on top of things!! 8. amy pots (doctor who) - because she’s the girl who waited and she got her adventures and sacrificed everything for rory...i want to a have a love for whom i would sacrifice my adventures because i couldn’t leave him in the past on his own 9. amy santiago (brooklyn nine nine) - i just vibe with her the most 10. angela montenegro (bones) - i just want her confidence!! she was a great programmer and an artist and she cared so much, i miss bones often and i related to angela so much
tagging next: @ablooms​, @perceptivehands​, @specialagentawkward​, @tajomna​, @volchitza​, @willparry​, @wildlingprincess​
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singledarkshade · 4 years
Magical Mix Up
Chapter Three (Chapter Two can be found here) Gideon sat in the small lounge within Star Labs, the smoothie Dr Snow had made to ensure she was getting the required nutrients for her new form sitting on the table by her side. Waking up in Star Labs, it had been good to have Mr Ramon and Mr Allen by her side. They were, in a way, her fathers so she was comforted by their presence. Only her Captain would have been more welcome at her side, but he was gone, and Gideon had not been able to find any trace of him. No matter how hard she tried.
“Hey,” Cisco appeared, carrying two plates, “I brought some cake. Caitlin said you’re allowed a slice as long as you finish the sludge you’re drinking.”
With a slight smile, Gideon said, “Thank you.”
He placed one of the plates at her side before taking a seat across from her, “How are you doing?”
Shrugging Gideon replied, “I feel a little odd. It is strange having a body when I am so used to controlling the Waverider. I miss her but for the moment being away is better while I get used to my new form.”
“That makes sense,” Cisco said, breaking off a bit of cake and eating it, “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want to.”
Gideon sighed, “Thank you. I should however ask about the Legends and where they are.”
“They’re still in Star City,” Cisco told her, “Without you they can’t go anywhere except by those watch things.”
“The Time Couriers,” Gideon corrected, “They are practical. However, it is not a good idea to have the Waverider sitting around for too long.”
Cisco nodded, “What do you suggest?”
“I believe with your assistance I can provide the Waverider with a new AI that will allow them to travel through time without me,” Gideon said.
“Something temporary until you’re ready to go back?” Cisco asked.
Gideon didn’t reply instead said, “The information from the time vault will be helpful and I would suggest having the Time Sphere brought here just in case.”
“In case what?”
“Having met the Legends,” Gideon noted, “You should be aware that things do not always go as they are supposed to.”
Cisco chuckled, “Finish your cake then we’ll get to work but,” he held up his finger, “If you feel tired or need to rest, tell me instantly.”
“Of course, Mr Ramon.”
 John checked his list making sure he had all the ingredients required to do the spell to return Rip’s memories.
Although they argued constantly whenever they met up, John and Rip were actually very close friends. A friendship forged over many misadventures where they’d gotten in and out of a lot of trouble. He’d met Rip’s family and had been known as Uncle John by Jonas. It was an honour that he’d never expected, and he’d loved that little boy like his own.
Then Rip had appeared at the Mill House one day, looking like death warmed up, barely managing to say the words that Miranda and Jonas were dead before losing it.
John did the only thing he could which was listen to Rip talk, telling all he’d done trying to save the people that Rip lived for. He woke the next morning to find Rip was gone, along with a good bit of his whiskey and didn’t hear from Rip for several years. Until a phone call where Rip told him about Mallus, the danger to the universe and then asked him to work with the Legends.
It was strange seeing Rip with this new personality, Rory, but John could understand where it came from and why it was a comforting thing for him to be helping people in this new guise. His friend had seen so much death and had felt so much grief, he deserved something good in his life, but John also knew that Rip would never want to forget Miranda and Jonas.
Assured he had everything required, John packed the supplies in the rucksack, along with the books he needed. He couldn’t use the Time Courier too close to the Mill House, the one time he had he’d ended up far from where he intended to be and had to call Gideon to rescue him when the thing fritzed out on him. Which she was exceedingly smug about.
 “John,” Sara called seeing him walk up the ramp, “Did you get everything you need?”
Nodding he patted the bag, “All right here. Any progress?”
Sara shook her head, “He’s just ignoring me now and reading. On the plus side, Cisco sent some instructions to get us up and running without Gideon. Jax and Zari are going to work on that this afternoon, hopefully we’ll be back in business by tonight.”
“Good to know,” John replied, “Any word on how Gideon is?”
Sara shook her head, “Cisco just said she’s resting when I asked but that she did give some input into the new AI.”
“That’s something at least,” John mused.
Shrugging Sara asked, “I will be in the parlour if you need me. Let me know the moment it’s done.”
“You’ll probably hear him swearing at me to let him out,” John chuckled before he started towards the brig.
Stepping through the doors, John saw Rip glance up from his book briefly before ignoring him.
“You don’t have to talk to me,” John said as he started pulling out the things for the spell, “It’s not unusual. We did three days in a cave once, and I think we exchanged all of six words with one another. Most of those was swearing by both of us.”
Rip continued to ignore John, and the only movement was him turning the page until John was about to start his spell.
“What are you doing?” Rip demanded sharply.
“I know you’ve never really been one who likes magic over tech,” John placated him, “However this is the safest way we can get your memories back since Gideon can’t help at the moment.”
Rip moved suddenly so they were face to face, “Listen to me. I am not the person you think I am but if you are trying to release hidden memories then I am warning you not to. I have things in my memory that are buried for a reason.”
John frowned, the conviction in the other man’s voice chilling him. Touching the communicator panel on the wall, John called up to the parlour.
“It’s just the camouflage talking,” Sara replied, when he explained what the man in the cell had told him, “Ignore whatever he says to stop you, bring his memories back.”
John grimaced when Sara closed the link, turning back to the man in the cell he shrugged.
“I know some of what you’ll remember is horrible,” John said softly, “But you’ll have the good memories back too. And I know you’d never want to forget those.”
Rip stared at him, “I’m begging you. Don’t do this.”
Turning away John began his spell.
 Rory was beginning to panic slightly. If Constantine could release the block that held back the two thousand years, then that would release the darker side of Rory that he kept securely tucked away. The side that he had learned to control because of the walls erected and strengthened by the TARDIS. Rory had never been fully human with these memories and worried what he would do if he remembered them all. Assuming they didn’t send him insane first.
The Doctor always said that there was power in words, especially if the person saying those words believed. And the man standing outside the glass believed.
Fire burned from Constantine’s hands before bright light filled the room, making Rory turn away and close his eyes. As the light faded Rory felt faint for a few moments but thankfully it only lasted a few seconds.
At the call from outside the glass Rory looked up at the other man with a dark glare, “No.”
 Jax scanned the information Cisco had sent them before looking up at Sara and nodded, “It makes sense.”
“Good,” Sara smiled, “If you can get us fixed then we’ll be able to get back to work.” She turned as the door to the bridge opened and John stalked on, “From the look on your face, I’m guessing it didn’t work.”
John shook his head, “But as I said, I have a few ideas. The next one should release Rip’s memories, but I can’t do anything for a few hours. Give the original spell some time to dissipate.”
Sara nodded, “Okay. I should get him something to eat and see if maybe your spell loosened something.”
Grimacing John replied, “Good luck with that. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
While John walked away, Sara checked to see Jax and Zari were working on the information Cisco had sent them. She shook her head amused as she listened to them ‘discuss’ what they were doing and some things Jax didn’t agree with instructions that Cisco had given them.
Heading to the dining room, Sara fabricated a meal for Rip with a cup of tea, it was surprising that he hadn’t complained about, he never fabricated tea always making it fresh. Reaching the brig, Sara frowned to see Rip was sitting with his head in his hands.
“Rip?” she called worriedly.
An annoyed sigh came from the man before he stated sharply, “I have told you multiple times that is not my name.”
Taken back by the snarl in his voice, Sara slid the tray through the small slot, “I brought you some lunch.”
She jumped when he snatched it from the floor and hurled it at the glass where she stood.
“Let me out,” he glared at her.
Sara watched his chest heave with deep breaths, his eyes dark with rage.
“I know this is difficult,” she said calmly, “But it’s to make sure you’re safe until we get you back.”
Dragging a hand through his hair, Rip forced out, “Whatever you’re planning to do I am telling you don’t. My memories have not been altered but there are things in my head that cannot be released. You don’t know what’s in here.”
“I know you don’t remember,” Sara replied softly, “But I have my own demons that I’ve managed to suppress.”
Rip shook his head, “You don’t understand. I’m asking you to listen to me. I am not Rip Hunter, I am Rory Williams and if you try to release my memories…” he sighed, “You will regret it.”
“I know you’re scared,” Sara told him kindly, “But trust me, once you’re you again everything will be fine.”
Leaving him once more, Sara winced as she heard a thud of one of the books being thrown at her, bouncing off the glass.
 Rory dropped onto the bench, pushing his hands through his hair trying to get his mind to settle after whatever Constantine had done. The wall holding back his memories from the Centurion were weaker than they’d been in a long time, which meant his temper was shorter than it had ever been.
“Slow breaths, Rory,” he remembered the Doctor’s voice after the first time the memories took control, “Whenever you feel the Centurion’s darker impulses coming forward, you need to slow your breathing and find a mantra. Something to focus on that will keep them down.”
“Amy, Melody, Home,” Rory said slowly before repeating, “Amy, Melody, Home. Amy, Melody, Home.”
He continued his mantra over and over, managing to force the wall in place again. Feeling the rage settle back for the moment, Rory was relieved it was holding but knew that if Constantine managed to knock them down again with his ‘magic’ then Rory might not be able to rebuild them.
As much as he wanted out of here, he didn’t want to hurt anyone.
But Rory knew he would.
 “I’m telling you that this is a waste of time,” Jax was gesturing to Zari when Sara stepped into the engine room, “I know the ship. He doesn’t.”
“But Cisco has an AI in the time vault,” Zari reminded him.
“And I’ve been working on Gideon for years,” Jax shot back at him, “I know how to do these connections.”
Zari shrugged, “If you’re sure then we’ll do it that way.”
“Everything okay?” Sara asked now they’d finished arguing.
Zari gave her a grin, “We’re almost finished. Cisco’s instructions are good, but we know the ship better than he does so some are a bit pointless.”
Chuckling Sara asked, “Does that mean we’re almost ready for a test?”
Jax appeared from beneath the section he had been working on, “Yep, we’re ready. Zari, you go with Sara and monitor the output from the bridge. The new AI should appear on the central console. Sara, if you take the pilot’s seat and keep an eye on the engine output.”
“Okay,” Sara nodded.
With Zari at her side, Sara headed up to the bridge and slid into the Captain’s chair while Zari took up position at the console where Gideon’s hologram used to hover.
“We’re ready,” Zari called down to Jax.
“Okay,” Jax’s voice came over the comms, “Let’s do this. Initiating the programme, Zari tell me how it’s going.”
Sara glanced back at the woman standing staring intently at the screen.
“Everything is loading up,” Zari said, “It’s initiating just as predicted.”
“Great,” Jax said, “I’ll…”
“Wait,” Zari cried, “Something is wrong. Sara?”
Sara turned back to the screen in front of her and her eyes widened in horror, “The engines are firing. Jax, shut it down.”
“I can’t,” Jax called back, “It’s…”
His voice cut off as the ship tilted to one side and suddenly shot into the air, Zari let out a cry grabbing onto the console as Sara managed to pull the restraint over her while trying to control the Waverider but there was nothing she could do.
Panic filled her as they were shot into the time stream being tossed around for several minutes before being thrown out again. Sara tried to stop their uncontrolled descent but had no control over the ship at all.
“Everyone hold on,” she screamed over the ship’s comm system, “We’re going to crash!!!”
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